What is an ftp server address. What is an FTP server

FTP is a protocol for transferring data from a user’s computer to a server, from a website to HDD or between servers. It appeared long before HTTP. Users can authenticate and perform the desired actions anonymously, whether this feature is provided. Today, there are specialized programs for transferring data via FTP and programs for web development with a built-in data exchange function.

Why do you need FTP?

With it, you can copy files from your computer to the server and from the server to your computer. One of the benefits of using FTP is simultaneous download many documents. Some programs make it possible to edit files directly on the hosting. The standard client window is divided into two parts:

  • the first displays everything that is uploaded to the server;
  • in the second - everything that is on the computer.

In addition to these, auxiliary windows are used. The user selects the document that he wants to place on the hosting and transfers it. Before doing this, he must log in. Data is specified in the format: @resource name. Domain name.

Some web hosts provide access to the site through programs such as file managers. Some browsers already have a similar function built-in. There are also special components who know how to work with FTP.


FTP is a very old protocol. It predates HTTP and was not designed to be secure. That's why he has a lot of problems with defense. Here are the most basic ones:

  • spoof attacks;
  • interception of user data;
  • sniffing;
  • port capture.

When transmitted via FTP files are not encrypted. Accordingly, all commands, usernames and passwords can be intercepted by attackers. For this, secure versions are used, for example for FTP - this is FTPS.

Secure data transfer

There are the following methods for sending data that are protected from: hacker attacks: FTPS, SFTP, and FTP transfer via SSH. With FTPS you can protect your session. The FTP server receives the AUTH TLS command and then rejects connections that are not encrypted.

SFTP has a similar list of commands as FTP. It uses the SSH protocol, which encrypts all traffic. Commands and data are encoded in this way. Accordingly, all passwords and other information not intended for third parties are not transmitted in clear text.

Another way to transfer over the SSH protocol is to tunnel the session over an SSH connection.

Connection and data exchange

There are two possible types of work:

  • active;
  • passive.

They differ in the way the connection is established. Active method assumes that the program creates a TCP connection to the server and sends the required IP and port. Passive is needed when such connections are blocked firewall. Then the server returns the address and port, then the user uses the received data to connect.

IN FTP settings You can select the following transmission modes:

  • in-line;
  • block;
  • compressed.

When you select the first mode, data is sent as a continuous stream. Processing is performed over TCP. IN normal mode the data is segmented and, as a rule, sent in the following form: header block, number of bytes, data field. IN compressed method All data is compressed using the same algorithm and is transferred much faster due to the fact that the object weighs less.


To identify the user and subsequently assign rights to manage files, the username/password scheme is used. The name is sent with the USER command, and the password is sent with PASS.

The server accepts this data if it matches those specified in the database. Next, the client receives an invitation, after which the session begins. Sometimes the server supports the ability to log in without credentials. Typically provided limited access for such connections, some standard name is used, for example anonymous. But most often, for authorization you need to enter a valid email address, and in the future it is used to log in.

Difference from the http protocol

One of the striking features of FTP is multiple connections, in which the server receives commands and sends a response over one channel, and transmits data through others. Thanks to this, you can upload or download many files at the same time.

Reducing traffic costs and, accordingly, reducing the time for data exchange is carried out due to the binary transmission mode. The work begins after the client enters the session, and all further operations are carried out within its framework. This is one of distinctive features, after all HTTP protocol does not remember information about registered users - this function is performed by external methods.

Computer-client communication is carried out on port 21 by default and is used for management. A second data connection is opened on port twentieth or any other that is correctly configured.

How to work with files

There are FTP clients for working with the protocol, but working with them follows the same principle. All that is needed for transfer is to drag the document from the user’s computer to the server folder or do the same actions using command line.

  1. After the main window appears, you need to enter the host name, user name, password, and port in the appropriate fields.
  2. After successful authorization, a list of everything uploaded to the server appears.
  3. You should select the object that you want to upload to the server from a computer or from a server to a computer.
  4. Having marked the appropriate file, call context menu using RMB, select the desired action: download, add to task, edit, delete, rename, copy address, configure access rights. These features may vary depending on the program you are using.

There is a way to exchange between two servers directly without downloading to your computer. Two connections are requested different servers. On one of them, a file is selected for transfer and the IP address of the second server is indicated. For this, FXP is used - direct exchange protocol.

The main advantage of using this method is high speed downloads. It does not depend on bandwidth Internet connection of the user who wants to transfer the file. The time it takes depends on the connection speed between the remote FTP servers. As a rule, it is obviously larger than the user one.

It should be noted that this protocol has begun to be used by attackers to launch attacks on other servers. To prevent such actions, the IP address is now checked and if a discrepancy is found, it is blocked.

FTP connection via browser

For connection, as in use specialized programs, the user must have a login, password, and IP address. The connection itself occurs using the command line. To do this, you need to enter an address in the following format: ftp://login: server password@ip address. For example, ftp://myname: [email protected]. If the connection is successful, a list of all documents appears. Typically, site files are stored in the public_html or www folder, depending on the type of hosting.

To copy a document, simply drag and drop it. This method does not allow you to transfer documents from one server to another. It's easy to change read/write permissions in the browser. For this you need right click mouse to select a file that is already on the server. A settings window will appear. It should indicate the required permission.


This is one of the most popular FTP clients for Windows. Working with this program is quite easy. The main window is divided into five parts. Three of them display the file structure of the computer, and four show the server. The required fields indicate login, password, and port.

If planned frequent use any connection, login information is specified in the "Site Manager". In the settings, you can select identification, distribute login information into folders, and add a comment. To transfer the file, you need to select and drag it into the working window, where the file structure computer.

Total Commander

In order to upload and download a file using "Total Commander", you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the "Network" tab.
  2. Select the menu item "Connect to server".
  3. In the window that appears, click the "Add" button.
  4. Specify the connection name, server, account, password.
  5. Set the "Passive exchange mode" flag and click OK.
  6. After this, mark the selected connection and click the “Connect” button.

Command line

If the user does not want to use graphical interface, although this is quite convenient and allows you to perform some functions faster, it can use the command line:

  1. The connection is made using the Open command. The usage should look like this: open ftp.server.com port.
  2. The port parameter can be omitted if standard 21 is intended to be used.
  3. Instead of server.com, the address of the server on which the site is located is indicated.

To rename, use rename, to change the current directory, cd is used as standard, to exit you need to enter close, and to delete - delete or disconnect.

FTP ( File Transfer protocol)– protocol for transmitting data over a network between computers. Using special data, it is possible to connect to the server and work with the data on the disk.

If someone has a server or hosting on which they store files, or it is a simple site (consisting of many different files), then you can use the built-in file manager to work with them. For server solutions, e.g. Ubuntu Server There are slightly different programs and tools that allow you to work with files. Any server (or computer) has a drive on which files are stored. Whether it is a server without a file manager or a hosting that has one, you can access data through the data transfer protocol.

To connect via FTP, the user is given a login, password, and host (the computer to which you are going to connect). The host is usually an IP address. Typically, data via FTP (I'm talking about authorization data) is transferred unencrypted, which is why there are FTPS and SFTP protocols.

How to connect to FTP

To connect to the protocol, there are special tools - FTP clients. They have many settings, which I will talk about in this article. Here is a list of the most popular clients and tools that allow you to connect to the protocol.

  • FileZilla– supports any operating system. The most popular tool in existence.
  • WinSCP– software for Windows systems, you can connect via a secure connection.
  • Total Commander – although it is a file manager, it has an FTP connection function. But this is not the option that I would recommend, the next one is better. .
  • FreeCommander– a file manager that has all the tools for working with data and an FTP client function. Supports secure connection. .
  • Network drive Windows– FTP connection is made using a wire.

Connect to FTP using Windows Explorer

Usually, your login and password are sent to your email after registering with hosting or VPS server. I'll show you with an example.

Let's go to Windows Explorer to the This Computer directory. On Windows 10 there is an option at the top "Add network location". Click on it.

The Add Network Location Wizard opens. Click "Further".

The next section asks you to select a different network location. Click here too "Further".

Now you need to enter the correct data. The host you will connect to. Since we are creating an FTP connection, the address should be something like this:


The username is given to you in the letter. After entering one of these lines (with your data), click "Further".

You must give the new connection a name. You can call it whatever you want.

Now we have completed the creation of the network. You can leave a checkmark "Open this online location after clicking Finish", and of course, press this button.

A login window will immediately open, where the FTP server and user name are indicated. You must enter the password yourself. This entry option is not secure, but it is all that the conductor can do. After entering the data, click "Entrance".

Explorer opens with files on the server. Now you can fully work with data: upload or download data from the server and change it.

Setting up FileZilla for FTP connection

You can download the utility from the official website - http://filezilla.ru/
Or from here - https://filezilla-project.org/

The Russian-language resource has good documentation that describes working with the client.

Having installed the program, we proceed to the connection process.

"File" and select the option "Site Manager".

In the window that opens, enter:

  • Host (server/computer name);
  • Select the FTP or SFTP protocol;
  • Login type “Normal” or “Request password”;

Press the button "Connect" and wait.

The last status should be “List of directories extracted”, and a list of folders and files will appear in the window on the right. Files can be uploaded and downloaded from the server.

Connect to FTP via Total Commander

For those who use this file manager, I will show them how to connect to FTP. In the program on the control panel, click "Net" and select the option "Connect to FTP server".

In the window that opens, click the button "Add".

Let's enter the following data:

  • Connection name – call it by any name;
  • Server (port) – IP address or website;
  • If necessary, check the SSL/TLS checkbox (if the connection uses a secure protocol);
  • Account - username;
  • Password.

After entering these data, click OK.

A new connection should appear in the connection window. Having selected it, click "Connect".

How to set up an FTP connection in FreeCommander

Go to the utility and click on the tab "Tools". There we click on the option "New FTP connection".

A window opens where we enter:

  • Connection name – anything is possible;
  • Host address – IP address or website;
  • Username and password.

We click connect and rejoice.

Other programs work similarly. If you want me to talk about them, write about it in the comments.

What are FTPS and SFTP

In the article I mentioned protocols FTPS And SFTP. The first option is secured using SSL or TLS. The second option means that SSH, only extended.

The protected type of protocol differs from the usual one in that it is possible to carry out authorization (in other words, authentication) using SSH keys, that is, you do not need to enter a password. Although this method is secure from the point of view of gaining access (no one can crack the password), the issue of protecting the SSH key file itself arises. The protocol will also provide you with a faster connection.

Login via FTPS and SFTP is carried out using a standard login and password.

Passive mode in the FTP protocol

Connecting to the server uses a command and data connection. In the first case it is carried out by the client, and in the second by the server. Sometimes both connections must be established by the client, so the server uses passive mode. It is needed, for example, to connect a server to a home PC that does not have an external IP address, in short, operating on a local network.

Be sure to use passive mode if you connect on your home PC, otherwise you may not see folders and files.

, including, Why do you need FTP access, its protection options and the current rating of FTP clients .

By using FTP protocol files and folders of files are transferred on the Internet. That is, the user can upload data to the server without using a browser. FTP on hosting is intended for uploading sites directly to the hosting itself.

Review of popular FTP and SSH clients for transferring files (data).

Let's first figure out what you need to know in order to upload a website to the hosting provider's server. First of all, this is the login, access password, and FTP server address. All these the data is usually sent in a letter from the hoster after ordering the service you have chosen.

To transfer data, it is recommended to use FTP clients, which make the user’s work much easier. While connecting a PC to a server with using FTP Data transmission is carried out via a TCP port (numbered from 1024 to 65535). IN active mode The port number is specified by the user, in the passive case - by the hosting provider’s server. In most cases, hosters use passive mode.

How to secure FTP access? FTP hacks most often occur due to the fact that there are viruses on the computer of the user who uploads files via FTP. Such viruses steal logins and passwords and then gain access to your website. Therefore, if you use FTP upload be sure to take care of the absence of all kinds malware on PC, otherwise the consequences can be sad.

Good protection isusing SSH . The essence of this technology is as follows: SSH is essentially a key that the user and the server have. It allows you to encrypt information during transmission and decrypt it on the server. Therefore, while transferring data using these keys, it is impossible to hack and connect before the connection and your information is in complete safety. like some other hosters provide SSH access for their users.

There is another method to secure FTP access.Using the .ftpaccess file It is possible to block FTP access for any directory on the server with saved files. To create such a file, you need to do personal computer most regular file ftpaccess.txt, in it make a record of IP addresses that can access via FTP access. Then you need to rename it to .ftpaccess and upload it to a folder that will be blocked. That's all.

For comfortable work with FTP use specialFTP client programs. Among the most relevant and widely used areFilezilla, SmartFTP, Far Manager, Total Commander, AceFTP and others. More details .

How to connect to hosting via FTP using FileZilla.

Process creating FTP accounts on hosting depends on the pre-installed control panel, but regardless of whether it is cPanel, ISP manager or Parallels Plesk, the process is very similar and simple even for someone new to hosting management. You need to find the FTP accounts or FTP access section and manually create an FTP user there with given name and password.

How to create a new FTP account in Cpanel. .

To set up FTP connection , need to use following parameters: FTP server (host) – site domain name, technical address (if the domain is not directed to a hosting site) or server IP address, port – 21, user name – FTP login, password – FTP password.

We hope our tips will help you in working with FTP. If you have any additional questions, please contact our 24/7 technical support. We will be happy to help you!

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Evgeny Zhdanov

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - file transfer protocol. This is one of the protocols for transmitting information over the Internet. In fact, it is a generally accepted specification of the commands that programs use to do their work. Protocols are created in order to different programs on different types computers could communicate with each other. It's something like a universal language.

What FTP gives:

    Ability to transfer files over the Internet

    Ability to remotely manage computer files

    Ease of working with files

With help of this protocol You can download any files to your computer: MP3, ZIP archives, text and programs. To work with FTP you need special programs that provide this protocol. There are several types FTP programs, but the most popular and useful of them are:

    FTP clients

    FTP servers

FTP server is special program, launched on a computer and running on it in background. It turns an ordinary computer into an FTP server from which you can download or upload files. It monitors all requests coming from other computers (for example, from yours), processes them and provides a response. When installing an FTP server, a directory accessible to other client programs is specified. All files and directories have their own attributes that restrict access to them from remote computers. For example, you can make one file read-only, another executable only, a third write-only, a fourth completely open to other machines, and so on. It's the same with directories.

An FTP client is a special program that works with FTP servers. It is designed to submit requests to servers and receive information. In fact, it is designed the same way as a server, only it is controlled from local machine either automatically or by a person. You cannot manage the client via the network; there are servers for that. FTP clients can provide users with user-friendly interface, which is very similar to normal interface file managers. Among the good FTP clients I can mention Windows Commander. This program allows you to work with local files, with deleted files via FTP, completely replaces the usual explorer and can do many useful and pleasant things. Previously, such file managers were much simpler (Norton Commander, DOS Navigator, FAR Manager). Windows Commander will be very useful for creators of their own websites, as it allows you to upload website files to the host server as conveniently as possible. It has a special file synchronization feature that compares directories and identifies files that don't match. When synchronizing, this manager even indicates how the files match - binary or text. You can upload files using the binary and text methods. These methods differ only in the different accounting of carriage return characters. For example when loading CGI scripts and text files (including HTML) must be used text method, and when downloading applications, MP3 and others binary files you need to use the binary method.

Other type FTP clients- these are programs like Go! Zilla, ReGet and others. They are called download managers. They allow users to conveniently download files from WEB servers. The peculiarity of these programs is that they can integrate with the browser and automatically intercept files that you download from pages. FTP downloaders allow YOU to resume downloading if the connection is lost, they usually have a beautiful interface and convenient control. They can download on a schedule. For example, you click “download” on website pages, then you tell the program - Download later. In this case, the program records all files selected for downloading and displays them in its window. You can tell it which files to download and at what time, and it will download them automatically. Acting automatically, the program can call the provider via modem, connect to the server, download the necessary files, and even disconnect and turn off the computer. This is convenient if you have unlimited night access. You can surf the Internet one night and select files, and sleep the second night by setting a program like Go!Zilla to download them automatically.

In general, FTP is great. Therefore, always and everywhere use this protocol. Upload your pages via FTP, and not through WEB forms.

What is an FTP server?

Each of us, wandering on the Internet, downloads various files from web pages. And sometimes we come across the fact that the file we need is located on an unbrowsed website, and in order to download it, we need to visit the FTP server. And many people don’t know what it is.

FTP server, This regular computer, which is connected to the Internet, where publicly accessible files are contained. And in order to copy these files to your computer, you need a special data transfer protocol - FTP. Using an FTP client program (for example, FTPExplorer, CuteFTP Pro, FileZilla and others) or from an Internet browser, entering the address of the server you need after ftp://, a connection is made to this server.

You can also connect to an FTP server using file managers. This feature is very convenient in free file manager FreeCommander. You can connect to the FTP server we need in standard and anonymous mode.

To gain access to the FTP server, just enter your login and password; if there is no password that gives access to the files, you must register. There is also an option that the server administrator placed the password and login at the login.

Except standard connection to an FTP server, it is possible to connect anonymously. For an anonymous connection, the login anonymous is often used, and the etiquette password is the address Email. Many FTP servers provide the ability anonymous login, for example, if you use Internet browser Explorer, then when you enter the FTP server address, you will connect anonymously to this resource.

But there are also closed FTP servers to which anonymous access is prohibited. These servers are typically dedicated to specific users and cannot be logged in via standard login. These can be servers of various companies and organizations, and access to them is allowed only to computers with a specific IP address.

Naturally, you should remember that no computer can provide great amount visitors. To do this, FTP servers have restrictions on a certain number of users who are connected at the same time. And if, when connecting, you received a message that the number of users has been exceeded, try again after a while.

There are several more reasons why it will not be possible to connect to the server, these are bad connection, and accordingly, if the server is disabled.

On the Internet you can often come across FTP mirror servers, let's look at what this means. A mirror is an FTP server located in different places that contains identical information. They were created for quick and convenient obtaining of information by users with different countries. Therefore, if when loading the desired file the computer brought you to a list of resources, which means you have the opportunity to select an FTP server that is geographically located as close as possible to you, which means it is more convenient and practical for copying to obtain the necessary data.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the FTP server great alternative information carriers. And if you need to transfer information between two computers, you can not use disks or flash cards, but it’s easier to place these files on open FTP server on the Internet and then download it to the desired local computer. This is also convenient if you are going on a trip and need to take it with you necessary information, simply upload it to an FTP server and upon arrival at the site, upload them from anywhere on the planet.

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