What is A-GPS and what is the difference from regular GPS? What is GPRS on a phone and how to use it? What is the difference between GPS and GPRS.

Article about the principle of operation and concept GPRS systems and GPS, and their use in cellular communications/


Cellular telephone, this is a mini radio transmitting and receiving station that provides full radio communication without interference. A cell phone is a center of Internet technology that provides systematic access to the World Wide Web.

Mobile phone - mini - radio station

GPS technology used in mobile communications, is a georeferenced global object detection network using space satellites, carrying out digital transmission data.

Military object identification technologies used in the GPS system

The GPRS system is a technology that allows a cellular subscriber to exchange messages and calls with subscribers of other devices over this network, external networks and the Internet.

Using the GPRS system for civilian objects

Transceiver channel of the system

A cellular subscriber has its own channel, consisting of a modem in mobile device. The GPRS system has its own communication channel. Configuring both channels relative to each other makes it possible to exchange and transmit data.

Link mobile phone, modem

Data transfer takes place in the service mode of the telecom operator to which the subscriber belongs.

System capabilities

  • instant internet access
  • ability to connect gadgets to the Internet: smartphones, tablets, laptops
  • tariffs based on actual Internet access, namely, based on the volume of information sent or received

GPRS system capabilities

Connecting the system on a personal phone

Several ways:

  • connection in “default” mode from your phone operator
  • manual connection
  • connection via service mobile operator by phone
  • connection through the communication salon of this operator

Connection in the “default” mode from the operator does not require solving problems or any actions for the subscriber.
Manual connection, required for phones where manufacturers have not taken into account automatic setup systems. Connecting through the service of a cellular operator involves calling a specific number of this operator. Information about the phone number can be found on the operator’s website, contact a service center representative there, and receive a settings package from him in automatic mode, to your phone. If the procedure does not work, carry out manual setting system can be done at the prompting of a service center specialist.

Methods for connecting the GPRS system to a mobile phone

Phone numbers of operator service centers for connecting the system

  • MTS - call the number 0876 or any text message to the number 1234
  • Megafon - call a number 0500 or text message (digit 1 ) to the number 5049
  • Beeline - call by number 0880 , saving sent settings when using a password "1234"
  • Tele 2 - call the number 679

All operators except MegaFon provide the opportunity to order GPRS settings through Personal Area on the operator's website. To do this, fill in information about the phone model, operating system, and your number, in the order - online. A phone with several cards, a settings package is sent to each card. The last method GPRS connections, contact a communication salon for help.

Service - mobile operator center

Difference between GPS and GPRS

GPS system satellite communications to determine coordinates, location on the map, speed of movement, object. The owner and operating organization is the American Department of Defense. The system is available to ordinary subscribers if they have a navigation device or a mobile phone with a GPS receiving device.

GPRS is an internal GPS system, a transmitter that sends data to cellular subscribers, connecting them with gadgets to the Internet and other devices.

The difference is that GPS is for identifying an object, GPRS is a radio data transmission system when connected to the Internet.

Collaboration of two systems GPRS and GPS

GPS refers to military technologies, GPRS has nothing to do with the militaristic sense of identifying objects and the parameters of their location.

The meaning and principle of operation of individual systems is significantly different. However, their tandem provides huge opportunities civilian cellular subscriber.

Video: Setting up GPRS

Now many of us cannot imagine our lives without any devices that were born with the help of latest technologies. A striking example is all kinds of gadgets designed to calculate location. They can be anti-theft devices, portable navigators or even entire tracking systems. They all have a number of features and differ from each other in their set of functions.

But most important difference, which most often attracts attention potential buyer, is the accuracy of determining the location coordinates.

All devices of this type can be divided into three groups depending on the technology that is used in their operation - GPS, GPRS and GLONASS. Each type of device has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

For quite a long time, there have been disputes between fans of satellite systems. Some believe that Russian system GLONASS is the height of perfection, and others are confident that this moment There is no technology that can compete with GPS. Is it so?

To give the correct answer to this question, it is necessary to delve a little deeper into history. The technology for determining location using satellites is the Doppler effect, which is known to every person from a high school physics course. The bottom line is that the frequency of a satellite's signal depends on the distance at which it is located from the Earth.

Do not forget that the GLONASS system is much younger than GPS. This is confirmed by historical dates. At the time of the first launch navigation system There was an eight-year gap between GPS and GLONASS. However, our scientists and engineers have done a tremendous amount of work, so currently both systems are direct competitors. At the moment, the error in determining the location coordinates of Glonass is slightly greater than that of GPS. However, representatives of the domestic company promise that by 2020 they will be able to catch up and overtake GPS in many respects.

What is the difference between GPS and GLONASS?

Devices operating using GPS systems, are very picky about the presence of active satellites. To determine the coordinates as accurately as possible, the device must pick up signals from six to eleven. But for the Glonass navigator, it is enough to have six or seven active satellites to determine the location with the same error.

What is more accurate: GLONASS or GPS? Don’t forget about those devices that have both systems on board. Their performance is one of the best. Such “double” devices cost a little more than regular ones, so to increase efficiency it is best to purchase them.

What is the difference between GPS and GPRS? There is another technology that makes it possible to determine location. It is called GPRS. This abbreviation is well known to all users. mobile internet, because it was with its help that until recently access to the World Wide Web was achieved.

The main difference between these two systems is that GPS receives signals from satellites, and GPRS uses Internet access. That is why beacons that use only GPRS technology for detection often provide data with a large error. It is also worth noting that such tracking systems are imperfect, as they often end up in coverage areas.

For increased safety, use GPS. Its cost is not very different, but the level of efficiency is an order of magnitude higher. gprs technology has taken root very well in GLONASS GPS systems. That is, the device receives location data using three technologies at once, which significantly reduces the error.

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Let's start with the fact that GPS or Global Positioning System is a global positioning system. To put it quite simply, then this system is a virtual map with which the user can determine his location. It is worth noting that the above system has nothing to do with GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), since the latter is a so-called GSM add-on for packet data transmission for accessing the mobile Internet.

If we still return to GPS technology, then it is used not only by motorists, as many people think. The scope of use of the GPS system is much wider. For example, it is very popular among travelers, hunters, fishermen and other people who prefer an active pastime and who from time to time need information about their own location or the location of a particular location. In addition, if information on movement speed is needed vehicle and estimated time of arrival at your destination - GPS can become an indispensable tool.

Note that GPS receivers differ in the speed with which they can calculate coordinates from the moment they are turned on, as well as in the sensitivity and accuracy of positioning. All these parameters depend on the chipset that the GPS receiver is equipped with. There are chipsets for GPS devices from a number of manufacturers on the market, however, the most popular are the SiRfstarIII chipsets, produced by SiRf Technology. Receivers equipped with the SiRfstarIII chipset demonstrate a short so-called cold start time, when the navigation system has not been used for a long time, it lasts a couple of seconds. In addition, these chipsets make it possible to receive signals from 20 satellites at once. Moreover, GPS receivers with SiRfstarIII chipsets are considered the most sensitive and have highly accurate position determination capabilities.

What is the difference between GPS and A-GPS?

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that in technical specifications smartphones contains information about different modules. If in some we're talking about about the GPS module, then in others about A-GPS. So what is their difference? If the device is equipped with a regular GPS receiver, then during a cold start (read what this is - read above), the search may take longer because the navigator cannot quickly find the satellite, and this can last for more than one minute. The reason for the long search for a satellite by a GPS navigator is simple - the lack of information about the actual location of the satellite.

If the device has A-GPS technology, That necessary information V operational mode arrives using a GPRS, 3G or LTE (4G) network (traffic does not exceed 12 KB). At its core, A-GPS is a software add-on for a GPS receiver, with the help of which the satellite search time during a cold start can be significantly reduced. As already noted, acceleration is achieved mainly through alternative communication channels. By and large, for A-GPS technology to function, it requires a communication channel with remote server, from which the information necessary for the GPS receiver comes. If we return to mobile devices, then in their case it is an Internet connection via cellular or Wi-Fi.

Note that the A-GPS add-on has both advantages and disadvantages. If we start with the advantages, it is worth noting the very fast determination of coordinates immediately after switching on. In addition, the technology enhances reception sensitivity weak signal in so-called dead zones - tunnels, indoors, in valleys, etc. However, a significant disadvantage of A-GPS is the inability to work where there is no coverage cellular network. In addition, the use of A-GPS cannot be absolutely free, like, for example, GPS. This is due to the consumption of Internet traffic by the A-GPS add-on, which must be paid depending on the tariffs of a particular Internet provider.

And again, the topic of similar, and therefore confusing abbreviations and intricate abbreviations was in the center of our attention. Now you have to find out what is the difference between GPS and GPRS. Although the acronyms sound similar, they are actually completely different things.


GPSglobal system positioning. In more common language, virtual card with location function. The current position is determined with an accuracy of 6 meters using satellites rotating in low-Earth orbit.

GPRS– an add-on to GSM technology used for packet data transmission. In terms of the range of services provided mobile operators, – for access to the Internet.


The GPS system is used to determine location. It was originally used by the United States armed forces, but subsequently “migrated” from military applications to the category of publicly available technologies.

GPRS is used for data transmission and is not related to geopositioning technologies. That is, in the case of terms that are so similar in pronunciation, there is a complete difference in the principles of their action and scope of application.

You can often hear strange questions: “I have GPRS in such and such a phone, what should I do to see where I am on the map?” or “I have GPS on my phone, but I can’t set up Internet access.” Such cases are the cost of technical speech, replete with similar abbreviations.

GPRS and Internet access

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)- add-on to mobile (cellular) technology GSM communications, allowing packet data transfer. GPRS allows a mobile phone user to access the Internet and send email messages.

GPS - satellite location system

GPS (Global Positioning System), global positioning system - created by the US Department of Defense satellite system determining the location of objects. The operating principle is as follows: a device on the ground receiving a signal simultaneously from several satellites determines its exact location on the ground. GPS was originally developed as a purely military project.

In 2000, the United States lifted restrictions on the use of GPS for civilian purposes. Today the whole world uses this service provided by the USA absolutely free of charge. Today there are 28 satellites, of which 24 satellites are constantly in working order. Alternative systems are the Russian system GLONASS and European GALILEO.

GPS navigators with GPRS module

To receive information about traffic jams, the GPS navigator must have access to the Internet ( ). The most in a convenient way downloading information about traffic jams is access to the Internet viabuilt-in GRRS modulewith a SIM card from a mobile operator.

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