What to write to clients in a thank you note. Offer to create an account

A thank you page or, as it is also called, Thank You Page is the result of filling out a lead form on landing page, essentially - confirmation of the conversion of a visitor into a lead. A high-quality lead generation process cannot be built without simple message: “Thank you, we have accepted your information and are going to call you or send you a newsletter.”

Why do we need thank you pages?

Thank you pages serve several purposes, namely:

  • information and preparation for subsequent interaction (thank you, your application has been accepted, our manager will contact you as soon as possible, thank you for visiting my page, etc.)
  • increasing loyalty and strengthening awareness of your brand (lead warming with a personal message)
  • additional interactions (social networks, surveys, related offers, etc.)

What does a bad “thank you” page look like?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of sites either do not have a thank you page for a purchase, application or subscription, or this page evokes associations with Soviet food stalls: they say, pay and get out.

Here are two examples of such a “humane” attitude towards clients:

Pay attention to the white spots gaping with emptiness, as if hinting: “We got from you what we wanted, and we are no longer interested in you. After all, you are the same empty place" This is a perfect example of internet marketing from the 90s. This “thank you for purchasing” page says to the user: “OK, we’re done with you. Next!".

But is this what you want? It’s unlikely, because it is much more profitable to maintain a long and loyal relationship with a potential client, the creation of which begins here. Facilitate the interaction path for your call center, sales manager or segmented mailing list.

Customer retention starts with a Thank You Page

The thank you for order page is required after completing any type of online payment in online stores or services.

Most startups are uncomfortable with innovations in marketing: there are already a lot of problems. Therefore, the phrase “post-purchase marketing” can cause a mixture of confusion and misunderstanding. If you send transactional or follow-up emails to your customer base, offer customers a warranty, customer support, etc., then you are already doing post-purchase marketing. It's about about simple customer retention. Now it's time to expand the competency by changing the thank you pages.

How to do this? Let's start with a list of the most obvious things:

  • at a minimum, just say “thank you”;
  • tell people what to expect from further cooperation;
  • follow through on the promises made in the call to action;
  • adhere to the general brand style in design and texts;
  • give the user the company’s contact information (especially if you yourself asked for contact information from him).

1. Focus on strengthening your brand

Stylists, designers and decorators are perceived by many as trendsetters. Well-known scientists tend to spread news in the academic field. Simply put, each of us identifies himself with a certain model of behavior, profession, social group- and buys goods that emphasize belonging to it. If a brand reinforces customer identity, membership, and weight, help users with social media icons. Let people brag to their friends about the purchase they made.

The Greenpeace thank you page is an example of what not to do. It's a missed opportunity: donating to a world-renowned conservation foundation makes a person proud and respected by his friends. It was definitely worth adding social buttons here.

Now compare the page of Greenpeace and The Yogipreneur - the difference is noticeable to the naked eye.

2. Make the subscription process safe and simple

Are you generating a subscription base? Great, but there is some bad news. According to statistics, you lose from 20% to 40% of leads due to double opt-in subscriptions.

Let us recall that double opt-in is a format for a user to enter a certain subscription list or database only after clicking on a special link received in a letter. The first stage is, in fact, conversion on the landing page, and the second is confirmation of the desire to receive the newsletter in an email.

After subscribing, many users completely forget about you or get confused about the offers they receive. The thank you page will help you identify your offer and optimize the double opt-in process.

3. Add a poll

Why do marketers add surveys to their thank you page? To find out more about target audience, and about the reasons for interest in the offer. Plus, it's a great way to get feedback. Moreover, you can even increase customer loyalty in this way. A 2011 study by the Journal of Business Research found that a post-purchase survey leads to a more positive user experience, so it's worth including one on your thank-you page. An example is shown by Master of Malt: “How do you like what we do?”

Have you already noticed that Master of Malt is not limited to one question, adding clarifying points for new clients?

For comparison, take a look at the thank you page for Build-A-Basket, which is in the gift business:

If you collect a subscription base using offers on landing pages with an e-book, webinar, training video, etc., then provide users with a link to the content on the Thank You Page.

Remind users of what they wanted to receive. Thank them for their participation, and make the page at least graphically attractive.

5. Use visuals

Imagine: a client has just purchased a certain product/service. Most likely, he really wanted to get it and for a long time he scrolled through pictures of owning it in his imagination. Then why don't you show the buyer these pictures in reality? Take action! In the meantime, here’s an elegant example of a thank you page from Square:

Notice that instead of saying “Thank you” in the title, Square says “Congratulations!”, which emphasizes the importance of the customer's purchase.

6. Add a video (preferably a funny one)

A little surprise never hurts. An example is a thank you page from Wistia, a video hosting service with advanced lead generation functionality. Wistia use stylish and sometimes very funny videos. It's cool, interesting and cute. Keep it up.

Of course, using video is a bit of a trick, especially if the video includes a personal thank you from a recognizable person representing the company.

A lead or online transaction is only the beginning of business interaction to promote an offer and turn contact information into a deal, and a one-time buyer into a permanent one. Thank you pages are just a drop in your marketing ocean, but they influence the decisions of your target audience and ultimately complete the personalized sales picture.

In this material, we’ll talk about a topic that most often is not even touched upon.

Believe it or not, the thank you page for your purchase is one of those pages that users focus on. Just like on the letter that confirms the client’s order. Visitors delve into and read what is written in this letter and pay attention to whether the order was placed correctly.

Obviously, this is madness if you don’t take advantage of the user’s close attention to this page. How you can increase your earnings on the thank you page and from the order confirmation letter - read below.

Rest assured that every customer who makes a purchase understands the written information on the page. It is on the thank you page that communication with clients is interrupted for an unknown amount of time.

Without a doubt, you should not miss the chance to take advantage of the client’s interest in the thank you page and try to keep the user’s attention without letting him leave.

Very interesting, isn't it?

We will go through all the necessary stages of developing a thank you page from the very beginning to perfection. It is worth noting that this does not require a team of professionals. All steps can be completed without any difficulty or effort.

A thank you page that looks like this will bring both laughter and tears. All that remains is to close the website of this online store and forget about what you just saw. After all, the desire and motivation to view other products on the site was simply repulsed.

Let's try to supplement the basic level.

What has improved?

  • Individuality;
  • The client can see the entered data on the website;
  • The buyer receives unique number of his order, he will definitely need it if something happens.

But, as you can see, there is no benefit. We continue to add.

Convenient, isn't it?

On at this stage appear obvious advantages and bonuses. It is worth noting that there will be even more bonuses if you have your own blog.

Let's consider the advantages:

  • The likelihood that the buyer will purchase something else increases;
  • The buyer will look at the blog and get acquainted with the entire range of products;
  • Blog links to a product catalog also provide an opportunity to increase sales;
  • If it is possible to allow the user to see articles on the subject of the purchased product, then the likelihood of purchases increases several times.

Do you think that's all? But no, we can do even more.

So what can we see? On the thank you page, each user now has the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter. In addition, there are services that allow you to automate your mailing list.

The main advantages of the website subscription form:

  • Growth of online store subscribers;
  • If you place the subscription form on several pages, the number of subscribers will increase even more;
  • Mailings will have positive influence on sales.

We definitely see significant benefit from a thank you page for your purchase. Users not only pay attention to your blog, but also become your subscribers.

SocialNew potential clients may well turn out to be loyal, because they came based on recommendations from social networks.

Step 6: What else should I add to my “Thank you for purchasing” page?

A few options to help make your thank you page even better:

  • Tempting offers: “WOW price only today, buy right now.”
  • Offer a discount on additional services.
  • An offer to purchase another product at a 50% discount.
  • Other bonuses, promotions and offers for customers.

Rest assured there is great amount offers, many promotions, discounts and bonuses. Based on the assortment of goods in an online store, you can come up with various options that will interest your target audience.

All that remains is to summarize

Now let's compare. Obviously, the “Thank you for your purchase” page has changed beyond recognition.

Now we clearly see that the page at stage zero is a real “dummy”. But with a little effort, the thank you page was transformed beyond recognition, and it allows you to:

  • Increase sales in your online store.
  • Attract new, regular customers.
  • Attract new subscribers to the site.
  • Increase the desire of customers to travel through the online store website.
  • Make your online store even more eye-catching.

See for yourself, only the advantages!

When it comes to website optimization, most people focus on product pages and checkout pages. But marketers forget about the “Thank You Page” or “Thank You Page” on the website.

It is the thank you page that is displayed after the purchase is made. It is also visible to users who have agreed to leave their email address to subscribe to the newsletter.

If you do not pay attention to this page, you may lose a new client who may become a regular customer.

While your competitors forget about this opportunity, you can use following examples thank you pages for .

1. Link to the most popular content

For marketers who are obsessed with attracting as many new customers as possible, a “Thank You Page” with a link to your blog may seem like a very dubious decision.

But this page helps strengthen the relationship with the client. It builds trust and creates a foundation for the business in the long term.

You have to be incredibly short-sighted to think about maximizing profits and attracting new customers while neglecting existing ones.

On your Thank You Page you can link to the following pages:

  • the most popular blog posts (to confirm your expertise);
  • infographics;
  • educational (not promotional) explainer videos;
  • list of popular sections of the site;
  • free courses and e-books.

Check out an example of a Thank You Page from Social Media Examiner.

Once you opt-in, you'll receive a link to the upcoming marketing conference podcast.

In addition to the long-term bonuses, this tactic can bring immediate results. In Facebook Ads Manager, you can see statistics about the people who viewed your Thank You Page, as well as those who clicked on the link on that page.

Since these people are verified customers, they likely value your brand.

2. Encourage sharing intent on your thank you page.

In addition to allowing you to make a little money from a new client, your Thank You Page provides the perfect platform for referral marketing.

Check out this example from Hubspot:

RoboForm did a very good job.

This tactic works because internet marketers tend to be friends with fellow internet marketers. This also applies to golfers, athletes, fishing enthusiasts and any other niche.

People are happy to share with friends what they liked. And lucky for you, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know.

In addition, it is worth placing an offer to follow your accounts in in social networks. Again, marketing is an eternal attempt to bring together people of similar interests, so you should emphasize as much as possible Special offers, discounts and quality content).

You can achieve much more with referral marketing tactics than with traditional advertising.

3. Survey of new clients

Sales funnel optimization requires painstaking split testing and data analysis.

It is always worth going by numbers, in addition to the fact that paying attention to feedback from customers is also useful. Data analysis can show which ad performs better and which landing pages influence conversion. Feedback with the client provides more input data needed for statistics.

The manufacturer Harry's posted the following survey on their Thank You Page:

Every brand wants to build its own customer base of email subscribers.

Many people get into online marketing because they are natural introverts and want to make money without interacting with customers in person.

But if you don't understand your customers, it's the beginning of a disaster. Post-sale survey - great way Gain insight into your target audience without having to communicate with them face to face or over the phone.

Remember that shopping releases dopamine in the brain, so by researching customer feedback on your thank you page, you're likely to catch them when they're most receptive and open.

4. Discounts, promotions and special offers

It's a well-known fact that shoppers love to bargain - not just in terms of price, but also in terms of getting a better deal than their fellow consumers. This is not a self-centered approach at all, but most marketers know that buying is an emotional process, not a logical one.

Once a customer is mentally ready to make a purchase, it is time to take advantage of the psychological principles behind special offers.

“Fear of missing out” is a very strong motivating factor. An intense emotional reaction would be appropriate if your life was on the line, as it was a thousand years ago. But even today, the fear of missing out on benefits or profits causes us to have the same reaction.

In fact, the loss denial theory states that the pain of a loss is almost twice as severe psychologically as the pleasure of a gain.

The perceived value of a product increases if the customer believes that the product is running low; So, by highlighting an offer when the customer is already in a heightened emotional state, you are more likely to encourage them to make a purchase than if you decide to send an email with the same offer later.

see also

5. Build a foundation of reliability and trust

It is well known that the use of elements social proof on your landing page can improve conversions. After all, this is why video reviews, sales or discounts are always in close proximity to that bright orange “Buy Now” button on product pages.

This is completely normal, but you shouldn’t immediately refuse a client after the first order. Again, the long-term marketing game is about creating long-term customer relationships, not just acquiring new customers.

Leadcraft links users to a "Thank You" page when they land on the download page free guide for regular customers.

Video reviews are considered more reliable than text (which can be easily faked).

And 43% of people want more video content from marketers.

Every brand wants its followers to eventually become buying customers. A “Thank You” page with reviews is a great way to speed up this process.

By expressing gratitude to a person, you demonstrate respect and special attitude towards him. Hearing “thank you” addressed to us makes us happy and inspired.

When, how and why to thank subscribers in email newsletter, we will tell you in our article using examples of famous brands.

Thanks for subscribing

Greet new users with a thank you for subscribing. Let them know that you appreciate their interest in your company.

A good gesture of gratitude can be a discount coupon, which will also increase the chances of making a purchase.

Introduce your brand to a newcomer, tell them about the newsletter in detail: when the news digest comes out, when there are sales, etc. Or kindly invite him to choose topics on his own email settings mailings. That's exactly how a clothing and accessories store Neiman Marcus welcomes new subscribers.

Thank you for your purchase

When a customer purchases a product or orders a service, this is the best time to thank you for it. Such letters will in no way seem like ingratiation. Combine business with pleasure: thank you for your purchase in your order confirmation email.

Statistics on thank you email metrics confirm that it is read and clicked. According to the company Remarkety The letter “Thank you for your purchase” on average has an open rate of 42%, a click rate of 18%, and the number of repeat purchases from the letter reaches 10%. For clarity, here are statistics on average open rates and click-through rates in all industries: average open rate – 10%, click rate – 2%.

Ideas for a “Thank you for your purchase” letter:

  1. Pick up simple title

The subject line should immediately show the buyer what the email is about. The most effective options for headings are: “Thank you for your order,” “Order Confirmation.” You can by adding your username and company name: “Alina, thank you for your order in the store Golden slipper“So it’s immediately clear who the letter came from.

  1. Give a discount coupon

After the buyer has made a purchase, you should not wait idly until he wants to purchase something again. In your thank you letter, give a discount on your next purchase, just like a confectionery shop does. The Brilliant Bakers in the example below.

Statistics show that discount coupons can more than triple your conversion rate. Make sure the coupon email includes an expiration date. It may be 5-10 days. Do not set the period too long, because the user may postpone the purchase and forget about it.

  1. Recommend other goods

A letter of gratitude for the purchase may contain your friendly recommendations for other products. In sales, this tactic has long been known as cross-sell - cross-selling, when when buying a camera the seller offers a memory card, or when buying a laptop - a mouse.

  1. Ask to rate your purchase

Along with your gratitude for the purchase, show the subscriber that you care about his opinion. Invite him to rate the purchased product or write his review.

Thank you for being active on social networks

Email marketing is not the only communication channel through which your customers obtain information. There are also social networks. Company Brand Analytics regularly conducts research on social networks in Russia. Their data suggests that the audience of active authors numbers 37 million people. And these authors generated 588 million messages in a month.

Active authors create public content and thereby form public opinion and moods. They become authorities for many users in a particular area. It is important for every company to get loyal authors who could influence the opinions of users.

Don't forget to thank your followers for liking and sharing your business on social media. Here's How Natural Citrus Tea Supplements Company Does It True Citrus. They segment subscribers into three groups as their activity on social networks increases: True Fan, Super Sharer, Social VIP and distribute bonuses according to these statuses.

Thank you for attending the seminar or webinar

If a user attended your event, online or offline, this is another reason to send a letter of gratitude.

What might it contain?

  • Event results: about visitors and experts, about participants’ insights, etc.
  • Thanks to the sponsors.
  • Videos, photographs. They will remind everyone who was present of the solemn or cozy atmosphere. In addition, each of us likes to look for ourselves in photographs of such events. And those who were absent will see how good it was and next time they will definitely not miss it.
  • Useful materials. It could be eBook, useful checklists, videos, or podcasts of what you broadcast.

Give thanks just like that!

Say “thank you” to your subscribers more often, and there will always be a reason.

If you take the anniversary of the founding of the company, it would seem to be your holiday. But if you dig deeper, it's your customers who keep your brand alive. So the email “Thank you for being with us” will be appropriate.

Of course, thank you alone is not enough, as they say “...you can’t spread your bread,” so learn to supplement your gratitude, send your subscribers interesting personalized selections of products and don’t forget to pamper them with discounts and gifts.

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