What does ping mean? Why is the ping high?

What is ping, and why high ping in online games is bad, you can find out by reading the material below.

After the server processes this information, this information is transmitted back to the user’s computer, as well as other computers participating in the game.

After the returned data is decrypted by the player's computer, an immediate reaction from the character on the screen will occur.

That is, the gameplay responds to your command.

Ping is the time during which the command will go to the server, be processed, and return to all users, and the character will react.

The lower this indicator, the faster and smoother the gameplay. The higher this indicator, the more the game slows down.

To learn about measuring Internet speed yourself, read

When the user's ping is low, the game process runs normally. The game does not slow down, and black areas of the screen do not appear. The location loads steadily.

Why is the ping high? Causes and solutions to the problem


It is known that problems in games most often appear due to incompatibility of the game itself with the equipment.

However, in some cases, problems also develop due to high ping. You need to be able to distinguish them. In order to know what exactly needs to be corrected.

So, if the indicator is high, then the following lags are possible in games:

  • Occurs exclusively when playing network games(for single-player games this concept does not exist at all);
  • The image begins to twitch, does not change smoothly, but seems to switch frames;
  • The game responds to mouse commands with a noticeable delay.

A good indicator is that the character's response time to mouse actions is from 15 to 25 milliseconds.

At the same time, noticeable “braking” and lags appear only with a response time of 100 milliseconds or more.

In the range between these numbers, the gameplay may be difficult, it may go slower. However, the user may not notice this due to the lack of visible signs.

How to find out the Internet speed on your computer? Practice.

Learn how to correctly measure the speed of your Internet connection. What resources can you use to correctly check the Internet, what parameters should you look at, and how to determine whether the result in front of you is good.

Impact on the game

If in currently there is a high ping, this can have an extremely Negative influence on the gameplay itself.

Essentially, the higher the indicator, the more information exchange occurs with the game server. The longer it takes for game data to be transferred to the server and back.

That is, the whole process noticeably “slows down”.

Visually, a sign of this in the game is the character suddenly freezing or moving in short bursts and very quickly.

In addition, the character in such a situation reacts to commands with a delay. The screen image is not updated for a long time.

This is especially noticeable in games where the location is displayed as the character moves. He can sometimes go “into the void.”

But this state does not last long. After several such episodes, the user is thrown out of the game altogether.

This can happen right away, even before the player himself notices the game freezing.

This is done because even one such player has a negative impact on the overall performance of the resource.

Why is the ping high? Causes and solutions to the problem

Why is the ping high? Causes and solutions to the problem

What does it depend on?

What indicators affect ping? There are several main ones:

  • Internet speed affects the process indirectly. If the channel speed is not enough, then the game will slow down in any case. But ping can be high even at very high Internet speeds;
  • The provider influences ping to a much greater extent. It is he who ensures the quality and stability of communication, its uninterrupted operation. If communication fails, then packets are transmitted slowly or are completely lost;
  • The further the server is, the longer the information is transferred. The lowest ping can be in a game when the server is located in the same local network, as the user;
  • Channel congestion, like Internet speed, has an indirect effect. The time for transmitting and returning information increases significantly when, in addition to the process under discussion, many network programs. They load the channel and network and the transmission speed drops.

In rare cases, there may be hardware reasons for increased ping. They are often the hardest to eliminate.

High ping allows you to play, for example, turn-based strategies, since there is no need high speed response. However, the process can still be uncomfortable.

Ping, checking the quality of the Internet connection

Ping is the time it takes for your computer to respond to a request. In other words, this is the period of time during which a packet sent from your computer travels to another computer on the network and returns.

How to find out?

There are several ways to check this indicator. The simplest of them is checking directly from the gameplay.

Many developers have provided a corresponding item in the settings or options.

Therefore, it is worth looking for it there before turning off the game and moving on to more in complex ways.

If this option is missing, then do the following:

  • IN operating system Windows minimize the game;
  • While on the Desktop, press the Win and R buttons at the same time;
  • An input field will appear, type cmd in it;

Running the command line

  • Press Enter;
  • This will open a command prompt;
  • An easier way to do this is by going to command line via the Start menu;
  • On the command line, type /ping, a space, and the server address in the format www.servername.com ;
  • Instead of the server name, you can also enter its IP address;
  • As a result, the following window will open;
  • In the section Approximate round-trip time in ms the ping will be indicated (in the “Average” section);

Information window

A ping of around 215 milliseconds is quite low. It is enough for surfing websites, but it is not suitable for games. That is, in this case, for a comfortable process you need to lower this indicator.

Alternative way– use of online services to analyze connection quality. Their results may not be as accurate, but are acceptable.

In addition, this check is the fastest.

Online service for checking ping

The most popular and accurate is

What is ping in internet speed? This parameter indicates the delay of the signal from the user’s computer to some server. The value is shown in milliseconds (that's one thousandth of a second). The lower it is in a multiplayer game, the lower the delay on various actions executable in gaming software. Today we’ll take a closer look at how ping is measured, how normal it is, and how it relates to connection speed.

Ping is influenced by many factors: the stability and speed of the network connection, the range of the server with which data is exchanged, the type of connection, and the congestion of the Internet channel.

Due to high ping, the game has many control problems, which include the hero’s reaction to the user’s actions or unexpected teleportations of other players. An increase in value may occur due to unstable internet, long distance to the connection point, functioning of background software, which gives additional load. If the ping speed is low, then everything works fine, there is no need to change anything. If the latency is high, you definitely need to reduce it.

What is normal ping, and how to find it out? It's quite easy to do this:

  • You can use the command line provided in Windows. Open it;

  • enter the command “ping resource name or IP address” (type “ping gogle.ru”);

  • Information about the immediate delay will appear, as well as the number and % of lost packets.

What is ping in Internet speed: we use additional commands to check

You can diagnose signal delay using more complex commands:

  • ping -t allows you to run a continuous parameter check. This helps determine more accurate values ​​or check the stability of the connection over a long period of time;

  • tracert– used to trace to some resource or server. This will help you figure out at what stage you experience a sharp increase in latency or packet loss.

Other commands will most likely not be needed ordinary users computer, but to view them you can simply enter “ping” or “tracert” in the command line.

  • Deactivate all background applications or utilities that load the Internet;
  • If you are using a Wi-Fi router, you should connect your PC to the network via an Ethernet cable. At full use wireless connection, the signal becomes weaker;
  • Check that there are no kinks, breaks, or twists on the Ethernet cables;
  • Do not use drivers for network cards or routers that come with the operating system; they rarely function correctly. It is better to install software from the developer network card, Wi-Fi adapter or modem;
  • If you use mobile data transmission, you should ensure stable signal quality by installing a modem or 4G router near a window. It is important to choose high-quality USB cables;
  • Download the most new version browser for accessing the network;
  • Check regularly computer equipment for the presence of viruses and other malicious software.

If all of the above points do not help, you should contact technical support provider because it does not provide a high-quality Internet connection.

Reducing ping in games

Help with this procedure previous instructions, but there are other methods to reduce ping:

  • Many multiplayer games have a server select feature. There is no need to choose servers that are overloaded or located as far away from you as possible;
  • Use only official gaming software;
  • Eliminate third-party modifications and add-ons, they often seriously load the processor or Internet channel;
  • Sometimes increased ping occurs due to lack of power central processor, in this case it is necessary to reduce graphic options, which affect the CPU (the video card is not taken into account here);
  • In the OS antivirus settings, activate " Game Mode", this will stop downloading updates and other background work;
  • For the most dynamic PC games you should not use mobile transmission data. The quality of this connection is not enough for good gameplay, which can lead to a serious increase in performance. Many users are interested in whether ping depends on Internet speed? Of course it depends. So the speed should be maximum.

What is ping in internet speed? As you can see, the quality of the computer depends on this value. Try to check this indicator regularly and keep it constant.

Many people loving computer games, have heard about the so-called ping. But not everyone knows exactly what it is. Ping – response time laptop or PC for any of your actions. Accordingly, the smaller it is, the more responsive, faster and more comfortable the game will be. And problems with ping can come either directly from the game servers or from the hardware installed in the computer. In order to definitely solve the problem and reduce ping in games such as CS:GO, World of Tanks and others, you can use our recommendations. We will analyze the most effective ways improve your computer's response.

What does ping in games depend on?

In fact, there are many nuances that affect the game's response time. Let's talk about the most common of them:

  • Internet speed. No comments are needed here - the faster your Internet transmits and receives information, the more comfortable it will be for you to play;
  • Provider. The quality of the services provided by the provider plays a huge role. We won’t go into details, just know that your router and the wire in your apartment are not the only thing that allows you to access the Internet. And if it’s easy to find out that your speed is not enough, then find out if it’s enough high quality Communications are supplied by the provider, which is problematic. To do this, you can only ask other subscribers of this provider;
  • Server remoteness. Choose servers as close as possible for the most comfortable work. To see if this really matters, try playing on a server located in America, for example. Compared to players close to it, your ping will be much higher;
  • Internet channel load. We open a torrent, download three movies, two games and several albums of our favorite singer, and then go into the game to pass the time until the download is finished. And the ping at this time will be very high, because your Internet channel is already clogged with these downloads. Therefore, if the game reputation is important to you, stop the download, use the task manager to track all programs using the Internet, and close them to minimize the game’s response time.

How to check ping

In order to check ping, you do not need to download any programs. All you need to do is take a few simple and quick steps:

  • Let's look last line . The minimum, maximum and average values ​​are described. The average will be our ping. We just need to enter the address of our game or game server. Instead of the usual addresses, you can use IP, they are also suitable.

What should the Internet ping be for a comfortable game?

Naturally, the less response value, the better. But there must be a value after which it is no longer comfortable to play; what kind of ping is considered good? And it is there. In order not to notice various lags and slowdowns, ping should be no more than 100.

Of course, it all depends on the genre. Dynamic games that require reaction (shooters, racing), for example, will feel better with a ping of no more than 60, but for the rest the already mentioned hundred will be enough.

How to lower ping in online games

Eat great amount tricks to ensure minimal response. Some of them are carried out using programs, while others are carried out by standard means systems. We will not divide them according to this principle and will simply make a list of recommendations.

Changing equipment or provider

First of all you need check speed Internet. If it does not match what was stated by the provider, check the equipment. If you use a router, check the signal strength and move it closer to the computer. Remember, a wired connection is better than Wi-Fi. Therefore it makes sense to use wired internet– it’s more effective.

If it is a USB modem, make sure it is configured correctly and performs its functions to the maximum. If everything is fine in terms of equipment, you need to call the provider and report a problem with a speed lower than specified in the contract.

Changing the server

As already written above, the closer the server is geographically to you, the less time response Online Games. That's why change server to the one closest to you. High ping in in this case may occur due to a large number of routers between you. As a result, the signal speed increases. You can also find out the number of routers through the command line. To do this, enter Tracert and the server IP address.

Updating drivers

As we all know, the performance of the equipment depends on the driver version. In order for the ping to be minimal, you need check relevance video card drivers. In order to do this, you need:

  1. It is by this ID that you can find the most current driver in a search engine or, for example, on the website devid.info.

You can also use the manufacturer’s official website or special software that will monitor the relevance of your drivers. For example, Driver Booster.

Using console commands

There are several commands that allow you to optimize your Internet experience. First - cl_ updateratexx. It regulates the number of packets from the server to your device. The lower the value, the lower the ping. We insert numbers instead of xx. Recommended values from 10 to 15. Second - cl_ cmrate xx. It determines the number of packets from the computer to the server. And here for the minimum ping the figure is the opposite, there should be more. And the last one, rate xx, determines the transmission speed from the player to the server and back. Here you need set value your Internet connection in megabits.

Setting priorities in the task manager

Any program running on your computer has medium priority. That is, for a computer they are all equal and resources are allocated to almost everyone equally. But if you set our program to high, it will allocate more computer power. You can do this manually. To do this we open Task Manager, find our game in the list, click right click mouse and in the menu that opens we find the item “ A priority" You need to select “High” or “Above Average”.

You will have to do this manually every time. In order to somewhat automate the process, you can add it to the game folder filecmd, which assigns high priority to the game process each time it is launched with the text: start/ high*game file name*. In this case, you will need to launch not the game shortcut, but the created file.

Changing the registry

To reduce ping you can change TCP settings. Before changing the registry, make a backup so as not to lose important data.

Scan with antivirus or disable it

To make sure that the problem is not a virus, run a scan. The problem may also arise due to amount of resources, consumed by the antivirus, so if after scanning no viruses were found, try disabling the antivirus.

Freeing up the Internet channel

Make sure that no programs are hogging your Internet connection. Just in case, we advise you to close all applications that can use traffic: browser, torrent and others.

Expanding the network channel

For this we need open editor local group policy:

Disabling system updates

Windows can download updates and thus occupy the Internet channel. To avoid this, it is recommended to disable updates.

cFosSpeed ​​app

cFosSpeed ​​is a program for reducing ping in online games that analyzes network packets and divides them by priority. Thanks to this, the Internet speeds up.

In order for the program to work, just launch it, then right-click in the start menu and select “ Minimum ping».

Kill Ping

Kill Ping promises faster response online games thanks to intelligent packet exchange distribution technology of servers and routers. We won’t go into the technical part, but it works. You can easily figure out how to work with it and the instructions will be clear to everyone. There is one thing - you cannot download the program for free.


The FixPinger program is the simplest. It doesn’t even have its own window - you just install it in the game folder and during gaming, if you need to reduce the ping, press f1.

Leatrix Latency Fix

This script turns off the timer response time for packet processing. This way the ping is significantly reduced. Using Leatrix Latency Fix is ​​easy - all you need to do is install it.

Reducing ping on a 3G modem

In the case of 3G modems great importance It has signal strength. Some models have ports for antennas, but if they don't, it will be more difficult. Let's give some tips on strengthening the signal:

Hello friends! Today I’ll tell you how to reduce ping! Those people who play online games constantly ask how to check the ping and how to reduce it. In this article I will tell you in detail what ping is and how to reduce it.

Ping is the time it takes for information to be sent to the server and returned back. That is, I’m from Odessa and go to the Kiev site, this is the ping time until the information reaches Kyiv and returns back. Typically the ping time depends on your ISP than better speed Internet, the lower the ping will be. By the way, I recently wrote an article about, where I described all the tariffs and benefits. You can watch a video about this.

When you wander around the Internet, you don’t notice the difference between 20 ping and 150. But people who play online games can immediately pay attention to this. Because online games load the Internet a lot and its speed must be good, then the ping will be good. By the way, you can read here. This is all clear, let's see how to make the ping less.

How to reduce ping

In order to reduce ping we need to dig into the registry. To do this, go to Start > Run and enter the regedit command there, after which we will go to the registry, and then we will follow the branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile after double-clicking on NetworkThrottlingIndex there will be “a” ( hexadecimal system calculus), and we need to select ffffffff and click OK.

After which we restart the computer and we already know how to reduce the ping. I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the ping will decrease. But if you notice a slowdown in programs or your computer starts to slow down, then change everything. Or read the article

WITH concept of ping Every user who loves online games has encountered this problem. The concept itself has several interpretations, but regardless of this, high ping always indicates problems with Internet speed.

Therefore, many are interested in what causes high ping and how to lower it? Let's figure this out.

What is ping?

In its primary understanding, this term is found in almost all online games and is displayed on the screen in one form or another. It is easy to see that when the indicator becomes high, problems immediately begin with any commands - they are executed slowly, the game begins to slow down and may crash.

But not everyone can answer exactly what ping is. This metric actually shows the speed at which a command is sent from your computer to game server, after which the data is returned back. This is how the action is performed in the game when, for example, you want to take a shot or take a step.

The faster the signal travels from the computer to the server and back, the faster the game works and the lower the ping rate.

The second meaning of the term ping implies that there is special program in an operating system with which you can send data to any of the IP addresses and calculate how long it will take for them to return back. To perform this check, do the following:

  • Open the Windows Command Prompt, search for this function in Start or hold down the menu key and press R.
  • In the window that appears, enter the cmd command.
  • A black window will appear in front of you, where you need to enter ping + IP of the game server or the address of any site, then press Enter.
  • After execution, you will see the results of calculating the speed of your connection. This will allow you to understand how bad or good everything is with the connection, in addition, if you see that there is a certain number data packets that are lost, which means the speed leaves much to be desired.

There are also online services for measuring data transfer speed, but their results may be less accurate than what you will see directly when checking the system.

So, after you have found out the ping speed, you are wondering what this indicator depends on and how to increase it? Let's move on directly to solving this problem.

What affects ping and how to reduce it?

Here are the answers to this question:

  • First of all, it depends on the Internet service provider. If you are connected inexpensive Internet with low speed, then all you have to do is choose another tariff that will provide high data transfer speed.
  • There are cases when the problem lies directly in the work of the provider, perhaps you have high speed, but the quality of the transmission channel leaves much to be desired, or, conversely, the channel is good, but it lacks width (narrow channels make it difficult to transmit data packets), and this is immediately also affects the connection speed. What's the solution? You should contact your ISP, they may be able to change the settings somehow or provide you with tips to help lower your ping. If you have not received any response or desire to solve your problem, most likely you should change this provider and not pay money for low-quality Internet.

  • Features of the game server. Again, it may have a narrow or low-quality Internet access channel, which is why users experience lags. The second case is that the game server may be too far from you, and the distance and a large number of users on the way to you reduces the speed of transmission of data packets. In these situations, you should change the server and look for one that is closer to you.
  • Computer problems. The ping is affected by weak signal transmission from the network card to the game file, and to fix this, do the following:
  1. Check your system for viruses that may clog data transmission channels by downloading third-party files.
  2. Check that the drivers for your network card are up to date; they may be outdated, which is why the equipment does not work fast enough.
  3. Stop any other downloads or programs using the Internet while gaming.
  4. Check who, besides you, is using the network connection (this is especially true if there is a Wi-Fi router), because if at the time when you are playing, someone is simultaneously downloading a series via torrent, naturally, the ping will be high.
  5. In addition to checking your home network clients, make sure that no third party users are connecting to the Internet.

Utilities to reduce ping

There are a number of applications designed to optimize your connection, but they are not guaranteed to help you reduce your ping, but they are worth a try.

We suggest using the following programs:

  • Leatrix Latency Fix script - it can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer’s official website. The essence of the work is to reduce the processing time of data packets when they are exchanged between the computer and the server. Installation is quite simple. After it appears on your computer, reboot and check the result. Did not help? Try other utilities.

  • NetScream- popular program, which modifies the properties of the modem so that it works as efficiently as possible. It is worth noting that the application has been around for a long time and is easy to install and use even for beginners.

  • "Internet Accelerator" was created to increase connection speed by selecting optimal settings to connect to the network. The program independently tests your system and determines which parameters are best to use, after which all you need to do is install them and enjoy the increased Internet speed.

  • CfosSpeed ​​- a driver that speeds up work network connections and speeds up the Internet. It is worth noting that to get the first results you need to wait a few days while the program analyzes the system and adjusts the settings.

These tips and recommendations will help you understand what ping is, how it affects the speed of your Internet connection, and how to correct this situation. Please note that if all these tips did not help you, most likely you need to change your tariff or Internet service provider, or network equipment.

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