What you need to conduct a webinar. How to organize a webinar: instructions, tips

The procedure for purchasing and putting into operation the acquired property requires the availability of accompanying documentation.

One of them is the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets. The preparation of this document is regulated by legislative acts.

General information

Numerous transactions involving durable property must be documented. In order to comply with legal requirements, a document of the established form (OS-1) is used.

The form is called “Act of Acceptance and Transfer of OS”. Exception - the document is not intended for re-registration of an already constructed construction project.

What it is

The certificate of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets is used for timely accounting registration of transactions related to the acquisition and subsequent accounting of property assets that must be in operation for more than a year.

The group of fixed assets includes:

  • working power equipment;
  • tool;
  • structures and buildings;
  • household equipment;
  • measuring instruments;
  • perennial plantings;
  • environmental management facilities;
  • control devices;
  • breeding draft cattle;
  • capital investments;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • household equipment;
  • land plots;
  • on-farm roads;
  • transport.

The completion of these operations is accompanied by the execution of the established documentation (RF Decree No. 7 of 01/21/03):

Purpose of the document

The form is used to carry out business transactions with expensive property between legal entities and individuals.

The purpose of using the document is to legally formalize the following actions:

  1. Classification into the category of fixed assets.
  2. Gratuitous transfer in favor of another person.
  3. Commissioning of equipment and premises manufactured independently.
  4. Purchasing on a special basis, with filling out the invoice.
  5. Making an exchange with another person.
  6. Exclusion from the list of fixed assets with subsequent transfer to another business entity.

Having such a document in hand, the former owner writes off the sold objects. The new owner formalizes the acceptance of the valuables and their further placement on.

Features of document preparation

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the concept of “primary accounting documents”. Such a concept is defined only current legislation in accounting ().

Documentation drawn up with filling in all mandatory data is accepted for operations (Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated 12/06/11).

Inaccurate and incomplete registration of details entails undesirable consequences.

The document contains information about the object that was previously indicated in the act. The signing of the deed gives grounds to consider the acquisition as the property of the buyer and to charge depreciation on it.

Sample filling

When the representative of the transferring organization puts his personal signature at the bottom of the third page, the chief accountant will make a note on the inventory card.

Thus, the property will be taken off the books. accounting. A representative of the host organization must personally sign the bottom right hand side of the last page document.

Be sure to indicate your full name, position and date. Correct filling The details are checked by the chief accountant of the receiving party.

The registration of the inventory card is confirmed. Then the responsible person puts a signature on the act. The last signature will be the approval of the head of the enterprise.

The formation of an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets is regulated by several regulations.

The document is mandatory for use by all business entities to carry out transactions with real estate and register material assets.

The movement of a fixed asset from one owner to another is accompanied by the execution of a transfer deed, according to which the former owner transfers the object to the new owner. For registration, a standard form for the transfer and acceptance certificate, form OS-1, can be used. This form is used to transfer one object that is not related to buildings or structures.

For the latter, a separate form of act is provided -. If the transfer of a group of homogeneous objects is being drawn up, then instead of several OS-1 acts, one OS-1b form should be drawn up.

You can download the form for the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, form OS-1, and a sample filling in this article below.

The act of acceptance and transfer usually acts as an annex to an agreement concluded between two parties and confirms the fact of fulfillment of the obligation to transfer the object to another person. This could be a contract of sale, gift, or exchange. Also, a transfer act is drawn up when an object is accepted for accounting after its creation or manufacture.

The transfer act is formed in at least two copies - for the transferring and receiving parties. If another party is involved in the transaction, for example, an investor, then one copy of the act is also prepared for him. In addition to the document is attached technical documentation for a fixed asset, a passport for it.

If an object requires installation, then before putting it into operation it must be accepted into the warehouse according to the equipment acceptance certificate OS-14, and then submitted for installation according to the OS-15 form. Once a fixed asset has been assembled, inspected and tested, it can be accepted for accounting as a fixed asset.

Sample filling OS-1

According to the transfer act, a new fixed asset or one that was in operation can be accepted. Filling out the OS-1 form in these cases will be slightly different. If the object was previously used, then information about the state of the fixed asset as of the date of acceptance and transfer must be given in the first section; this information is filled in by a representative of the transferring party. If the object is new, then the first section is not filled.

At the top of the act form you should indicate information about both participants in the transaction for the transfer of fixed assets. In the field for indicating state registration of rights to real estate, you must indicate information only on those objects that can be classified as real estate, in respect of which mandatory state registration of the new owner’s ownership of the object is provided. If equipment is transferred under the acceptance certificate, vehicles or other property not related to real estate, then the field is not filled in.

The second section of the OS-1 form is filled out only by the receiving party in its own copy; data about the object is shown here at the time of acceptance for accounting.

If the object was in use, then in the column to indicate the period beneficial use the remaining life should be taken into account taking into account the period during which it was in use (from the first section).

The third section shows the individual characteristics of the object, in particular, the content of precious metals in the composition of the fixed asset is indicated.

Upon acceptance and transfer of a fixed asset, a commission is assembled, which inspects and evaluates the object, establishes the degree of compliance of the characteristics necessary requirements. If defects are found in the condition of the object, they must be recorded in the OS-1 form.

On the last sheet of the transfer and acceptance certificate OS-1, the commission’s conclusion is written, and the appendix lists the technical documentation attached to the act. The document must be signed by representatives of both parties.

There is a space at the top of the OS-1 form for the approval visa. If a new object is purchased in a store, from a supplier, then only a representative of the receiving party is signed. If the transfer is not a new object, then the approving visa must be supplied by representatives of both parties.

The word “webinar” itself came into Russian from English. In the original, “webinar” is a merger of two English words “web” and “seminar”, which very accurately describes the essence of any webinar - a seminar on the Internet.

In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • Who needs webinars?
  • How to choose a webinar platform?
  • Preparation of the webinar
  • Advertising and promotion of the webinar
  • Conducting a webinar
  • Paid or free paid webinar
  • What to do after the webinar?

Webinars are online seminars that do not require the personal presence of listeners in the classroom. All you need is stable connection to the Internet. Webinars are not much different from lectures: the speaker prepares materials, slides and other visual aids; interacts with the audience, answering questions and helping them better understand information.

Who needs webinars?

First of all, webinars are a great tool for corporations. To remain at the forefront, large enterprises must constantly train employees, instilling in them new skills, improve the interaction of all departments, and present the products and services that the corporation introduces into the range. With the help of webinars, this can be done at the lowest cost and most effectively. Online training is especially relevant for enterprises whose employees work remotely or are geographically dispersed.

Webinars are indispensable in the work of trainers, authors of training courses, and coaches. They - the best remedy in order to gather the necessary audience, and in a format as close as possible to the format classical lecture, work through the material. And do this without spending effort and money on organizing meetings in conference rooms.

For those who are constantly improving their professionalism and mastering new horizons, a webinar is an opportunity to study without leaving home, receive concentrated information, quality material first-hand, regardless of geographic location, online. During the lecture, the student is provided with high-quality and prompt feedback, thanks to which the information is absorbed more actively and efficiently.

The format of training webinars involves: the use of visual materials, methodological manuals, often even completing and checking homework, exams with the issuance of appropriate certificates. This is not much different from academic education - except that you don’t have to go to lectures and go to sessions.

Webinar platform

To organize a webinar, you need to solve a number of problems. The first of these is the choice of platform. Main selection criteria:

  1. Convenience. Neither the speaker nor the audience should have any problems with the functionality of the resource. Simple and user-friendly interface, all the necessary capabilities and tools, clear options - this is the most important factors successful webinar. After all, during the lecture there will be no time to understand.
  2. Stability. The webinar platform must be stable and reliable. The webinar organizers are responsible for ensuring that no technical difficulties disturb listeners or presenters during the lecture.
  3. Scalability. You should decide in advance how many participants will be invited to the webinar and choose a platform based on these considerations.
  4. Price. Platforms offer different prices for your tariff sets. Organizers only need to know how many listeners will come to them and determine the set of options necessary for the work. The price of renting a virtual room and technical support during the event directly depends on the number of participants. The cost is also affected by additional options: recording conversion, multiple speakers and so on. If the webinar is in demand and more participants are expected, the organizer can always expand the room by purchasing the appropriate subscription.

Preparation of the webinar

Without careful preliminary preparation, it will not be possible to conduct a quality webinar. The preparation includes:

  • collection of materials on the topic;
  • writing content – ​​at least briefly;
  • development of slides and other aids.

But, of course, you should start with the event plan. If the webinar involves the participation of several speakers, it is necessary to invite the co-hosts in advance and be sure to coordinate actions. The role of co-hosts can be both experts in the stated topic and people without regalia or official titles who have experience in it and are ready to share it.

Webinar Advertising

To gather the required number of participants for the webinar, it is necessary to convey information about it to all potential listeners. There are many channels for disseminating information: email newsletters, social networks, advertising banners on the site, one-page pages, and so on. Personal invitations are also a way to expand the audience of a future webinar.

Conducting a webinar

The preparation stage also includes testing the platform. Presenters must thoroughly study the necessary options (for example, how to add users) and the capabilities of the resource, check the stability of operation, and upload the necessary content.

The webinar must be launched on time. Before attending the training, participants fulfilled all the requirements of the organizers and paid for the place (if we're talking about O paid courses), reserved time. They have the right to expect punctuality from the organizers and express dissatisfaction if the presenters are delayed or start earlier than planned. As a rule, dissatisfaction is expressed publicly online - in the format of reviews that are available to everyone. Negative reviews can cause irreparable damage to the reputation of speakers.

The next point that needs to be kept in focus is prompt feedback. The presenter is obliged to support it with the participants, monitoring the chat and answering questions. In order not to interrupt the presentation, sometimes the speaker offers to allocate a separate block for answers - at the end of the meeting.

There should be breaks during the lecture. The webinar format involves concentrated information provided in a relatively short period of time. But the capabilities of human perception are limited, and for high-quality assimilation of the material, the brain needs pauses.

By the way, the optimal duration of conferences is 1.5 – 2 hours. There is no point in delaying the webinar for 4-5 hours - it will not bring any additional effect, but will only tire all participants. Therefore, if the material involves a multi-hour lecture, it is better to break it into several.

It is also very important to provide a recording of the event. Platforms usually offer this service, but it increases the price of renting a room. In the Teachbase platform, recording a webinar is free, but is carried out by additional request. You can see an example of a recording below:

Paid or free?

Like any enterprise, information business works to make a profit. Paid webinars receive a more interested, but also more critical audience. People who spent money on a webinar want to receive quality content, and prompt feedback, and lack of technical problems during the conference. If the organizers do not provide them with all this, the listeners will be unhappy, and this, again, risks loss of reputation for the speaker. In addition, there is a possibility that the coverage will be low, which means that there is no talk of any income.

Free webinars receive a more loyal audience and, as a rule, a larger one. It makes sense to organize such events for the sake of advertising a paid webinar of participating experts, as part of industry web marathons, and also if the speaker does not yet have a reputation and the title of a pro. This does not mean that the seminar should have close to zero value for the participants. Don't underestimate the effect " word of mouth» — webinar participants who received useful information and new skills are likely to voice their positive opinion on the Internet, social networks and in personal contacts. And this is free advertising. If the seminar was watery, the opinions of the participants will also go online, where anyone can draw unpleasant conclusions from them regarding the professionalism of the speakers.

Free webinars have their downsides. The main one is money and time costs (purchase of a platform, preparation of a lecture and materials for it) without the ability to recoup the investment immediately. But the free format is work on the image, which always pays off with proper preparation for it.

As for corporate webinars for the purpose of training or conveying new information to members of the enterprise, most often they take place in free format, and the profit from them is expressed in further more efficient work employees. This is a case where everyone wins.

A curtain

After the end of the webinar, the final farewells and wishes, the interaction between the presenters and the audience does not end. Now the organizers' task is to obtain feedback and fulfillment of these obligations.

Once you receive a recording of the webinar, you should distribute it to your audience. To do this, you must first upload it to popular video hosting sites and provide the link to all participants. Sometimes an approach is practiced where recording is available for a fee for visitors to a free event.

It is also worth collecting feedback from listeners, which you can then use for PR purposes or to work on bugs. There are other models for further interaction with the audience of the completed webinar: information support, possible employment, personal consultations.

It is very important to fulfill all promises made to participants before the webinar. If bonuses in the form of some kind are promised additional information, books, manuals - they must be provided. If the bonus was possible employment, you need to become a representative of the participants to potential employers. The gift can also be a personal consultation with an expert, services - for example, an audit.

Bottom line

Organizing a webinar is a process that requires close attention to all details. Fortunately, the information business has existed for decades: the algorithm for developing effective video seminars has been sufficiently tested and webinar platforms offer everything necessary technical support. This means that those who have something to say to their audience do not need to reinvent the wheel, and it is better to focus on the benefits that they can bring to listeners.

Marketers are unanimous in their opinion that webinars are the most effective marketing tool for running a modern Internet business. It is known that webinars can be successfully used in almost any area of ​​information and traditional business for the purpose of building a team of partners, training employees, promoting a brand, products/services, etc.

In order for the webinar to give the desired result, you must first of all properly prepare for it. First, let's define what a webinar is.

A webinar is a seminar conducted exclusively through modern internet technologies in an interactive format. Both private webinar rooms and paid ones can be used to conduct webinars. professional platforms. The use of a particular tool depends primarily on the purposes of the webinar, the audience and the capabilities of the organizer.

The most budget are private webinar or chat rooms, Google tools+ for conducting webinars. But the free platforms include:

Paid platforms provide wider organizational and user functionality. The most famous webinar platforms are:

The cost of services for organizing and conducting webinars on paid platforms depends on the number of participants, the time of the online seminar, and also on how often the organizer plans to hold webinars.

Key benefits of webinars

Let's look at the main advantages of online seminars and why it is so important to use them when doing business?

  • low level of costs for organizing and conducting webinars compared to traditional seminars (there is no rental of premises and equipment, there is no need to hold a buffet or banquet);
  • accessibility and mobility (there is no need to travel to another city/country, there are no additional costs for visiting such events);
  • saving time and effort (1-2 days are enough to organize a webinar);
  • wider functionality for both the organizer and the audience (interactive communication, the ability to ask and answer questions in the workflow, absence of distractions, the ability to create a webinar recording for further presentation target audience);

So, let's look at the basic steps you need to take to organize a successful and effective webinar.

1. Preparing the target audience of the webinar

On at this stage It is worth deciding on the theme, date and time of the future event. The organizer needs to make sure that the target audience knows about the upcoming event. Prepare information about the content of the webinar, its organizers and speakers, and the main benefits that the audience will receive from participating in this event. If you plan to conduct a paid webinar, then it is worth informing about its cost, payment options and other technical issues.

2. Technical preparation for the event

Experts advise starting preparation for the webinar at least 2 weeks in advance. During this time, it is necessary to prepare materials for the online seminar, select a platform and create Accounts to enter, prepare and send out an invitation to this event, draw up a preliminary list of participants.

Depending on the number of participants, the organizer must send out reminders 7, 4 and 1 day before the event. The letter must contain information about the title and topic of the webinar, the date and time of the webinar, instructions on how to go to the webinar room, as well as its technical setup(sound, screen, microphone). Each email must include an active link to go to the webinar room.

3. Monitoring the effectiveness of the webinar

At this stage, the organizer determines an effective control system over the webinar. The evaluation criteria directly depend on the main goals of the event. So, if you are planning to hold a free webinar in order to attract attention to your paid webinar, then the result will be a preliminary list of participants for the paid product. If you conduct a webinar for the purpose of recruiting for your team, the result is the number of people willing to become your partners.

4. Testing

Before each webinar, experts recommend conducting special testing to check technical readiness for holding this type of event (checking the convenience and speed of entering the room, sound and video quality, ease of turning on the microphone and chat functionality, the ability to make a high-quality recording of the entire webinar, etc.).

5. Useful and valuable content

Particular attention should be paid to the usefulness and quality of the information that will be presented to the target audience at the webinar. The overall success of the entire event depends on this. It does not matter in what format the webinar will be held, and whether it is paid or free, the audience should receive only useful, valuable and high-quality information.

In addition, it is worth taking care of preparing handouts that can be useful to listeners both during the webinar and after it.

6. Prepared speaker

The webinar speaker must meet the basic requirements:

  • be sociable and self-confident (have clear diction and good style, have stable emotional preparation);
  • study the topic and text of your report well;
  • be able to interact with the audience (correctly answer questions, initiate discussion of the report)

Often, in addition to the main speaker, a second speaker or assistant may be involved to conduct a successful webinar. If an assistant is involved, his main task is to provide prompt answers to questions from the audience in the working chat of the webinar room. This is especially useful when the presenter is focused solely on presenting the operational information of the webinar, and the assistant provides interaction with the audience and troubleshoots various technical problems.

As you can see, organizing and conducting a successful and effective webinar will not be difficult, but this issue should be approached with special responsibility. A webinar is the most popular modern marketing tool for influencing the target audience.

Top 10: Webinar Services

Service for organizing webinars. Provides audio conferencing in Russia. Flash is required to view. Allows you to demonstrate Power Point, Word, Excel documents, broadcast your screen, and exchange messages in chat. Recording function available.

Online service for organizing video conferences. High quality video, connection of an unlimited number of participants, easy to learn user interface, the presence of wide functionality for organizing virtual meetings.

Full-featured web conferencing system with high speed image transmission. Supports audio conferencing via both VoIP and regular phone. Integrated with MS Office and some instant messengers. Requires installation of Webex player. Works for everyone popular smartphones iPhone, Android, Nokia, Blackberry

Online service for web conferences. Allows you to hold an unlimited number of meetings for a fixed monthly fee: send invitations, show a presentation and collaborate on documents and applications, record and play back the meeting. There is a built-in HD video connection for 6 people. Integration with MS Office.

Service for conducting webinars and web conferences. Allows you to organize events with up to 10,000 participants and broadcast simultaneously up to 10 presenters. It has all the functions necessary for conducting online meetings, including video broadcast of the presenter, text chat, screen sharing and presentations, conducting surveys, and recording. Does not require installation of additional programs.

Flash webinar service. Features: video, audio, chat, whiteboard, desktop display, webinar recording, presentation display (including PowerPoint).

International webinar service. Allows you to demonstrate PowerPoint and video presentations, or show your computer screen. There is a private chat, file storage, and conference recording.

Flash-based web and video conferencing service. Wide range of possibilities customization and branding. Allows you to conduct audio and video conferences with an unlimited number of active participants, carry out pre- and post-moderation, adjust the sound and quality of video broadcasts

Former Macromedia Breeze. The Flash-based system allows you to conduct online meetings, presentations using Power Point, and collaborate with desktop applications. Easily allows you to stream video files. Can be delivered as a web service that does not require software installation, or as a desktop client (AIR)

Corporate training service with the ability to conduct webinars. Allows you to create a course with training materials and tests and assign this course to the desired employees. Webinar features include the ability to share documents, share your desktop, chat, and draw on the screen. You can even participate in the webinar from your smartphone.

Service for conducting webinars with an extended spectrum additional services- from developing pages for capturing contacts and accepting payments, to attracting visitors to events

A free tool for screen-sharing with the ability to remotely control and transfer files. Desktop clients for Win, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. Available in more than 35 languages ​​(including Russian)

Cloud service for conducting webinars, online broadcasts and any types of online meetings on the Internet. Possibility to organize a Web Call Center

Service for online meetings, working groups, webinars, trainings, presentations. Allows you to collaborate with documents and exchange files, view your desktop, chat, record an event and then transfer the recording. Provides high-expansion image transmission and surround sound, allowing you to reach the audience, the projector and the large screen simultaneously. It is possible to use not only a webcam, but a professional camera.

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