What do you need to run a channel on YouTube? Where to start creating a channel on YouTube? How can you ensure that your video is found by people who are interested in it? How to find an audience on YouTube

Many of the best creators on YouTube have built an audience of millions by being themselves in front of the camera. For a newbie vlogger, talking on camera may seem a little strange.

Everything is fine! We will advise you how to master the art of vlogging. Uncertainty will disappear without a trace. Also remember that only training and practice will achieve perfection.

Authenticity in behavior when addressing viewers via a webcam is often this detail that distinguishes the process of winning an audience from creating a community.

The audience consists of listeners. The society is formed by people who want to accompany you to every subsequent film. In fact, many of them perceive you as a friend.

Consider the words of Michelle Phan, makeup guru:

“It's a different type of relationship. Developers are not celebrities who are looked upon as idols. For viewers, they are, rather, friends, brothers and sisters” - Michelle Phan, 8 million subscribers (probably more).

Real relationships are formed on YouTube. This can be clearly seen during meetings where developers invite fans to meet them in person. Numbers and comments “suddenly” turn into real people.

Just sit in front of the camera and start a conversation. Sounds easy, right?

In practice, however, it is an activity that can cause many people great anxiety for the first time. In the end, the lens may seem quite scary, and you will feel like you are at a public performance... Try, however, to overcome this feeling and at least partially forget about the fear. The benefits will be huge!

Benefits of Vlogging

Perhaps you don't have much desire to stand in front of the camera and show yourself to the world. This is completely normal. However, this video format has quite a few advantages.

Here are some of them:

  1. Creating a More Loyal Fan Group: Vlogging on YouTube allows viewers to see who you really are. In this way, you will gather around you a group of more devoted fans who will always and everywhere be with you.
  2. Contact with similar people from all over the world: Revealing your true self to the audience will give you a better chance of meeting people from different parts of the world and communicating with people with whom you share common interests and similar type of sensitivity.
  3. Videos for a blog are usually easier to shoot: Vlog production is generally less complex than filming other types of films. Sometimes these are just hand-held materials consisting of one frame. This makes it much easier to produce more films.
  4. A channel that is easier to run: Streamlined production may mean it's easier for you to keep videos uploaded consistently. YouTube channel, and by the way, its content will be more consistent.

6 Ways to Conversate on a Vlog

Do not know, how to create a video blog?

Here are some popular varieties of this format:

note that they all have the nature of a conversation and are framed in an informal tone. The authors conduct them as if they are talking to their friends. Which of the following strategies is best suited for your YouTube channel?

  1. Personal topics: Most people associate the term “vlog” with someone’s personal life. And this is true because authors often record at home, exposing themselves to the audience, and sharing some personal thoughts. For the viewer, who feels like an observer of someone's life, it can be a fascinating experience.
  2. General topics: in this kind of recording you can address the audience directly and speak from yourself, but the topic of the video blog will no longer be your private life. This time you can choose something from a general topic - a product review, a lesson, a travel video, etc.
  3. Stories: history on webcam is also great way talk to the audience. Can you tell me what happened to you in Lately on the way to work, or tell a funny story about how Uncle Petya skateboarded for the first time. The story can be funny, sad or just interesting.
  4. Fictional character : Films can be based on fiction - then the actor plays a character. What does it look like? Instead of answering, just look at some of the most popular vlogs on YouTube: The Guild, Lizzie Bennet The Vampire Diaries (the series won an Emmy Award), and new ones, for example, Breaking Out. In any case, we are dealing with a fictional character who speaks to the camera. The audience probably knows they are dealing with actors, but that doesn't bother them.
  5. Complementary videos: What if you don't want vlogging to be your main YouTube channel? Then you can use the conversation format in videos that will complement the main materials. They can be completely separate segments or add-ons at the beginning or end of other videos. In the first case, for example, it could be a free greeting with the audience, and in the second it could be a call to action.
  6. Reply to comments: Being able to hear the filmmaker say their name is usually a great experience for the viewer. By responding to comments, especially on camera, you will show viewers that you are listening to them, trust their opinion and are ready to make contact. All this contributes to growth. If you don't feel like making a video blog in this format, then remember that even a simple answer in the comments will work in your favor.

Please pay attention to the way he speaks, clearly and calmly - as if speaking to his best friend.

Fictional character

First episode The Breaking Out series begins as a personal vlog before transitioning to a more traditional, scripted format.

Complementary films

Creators movie from the WongFuWeekends channel they took it, so to speak, “out of the box”, designing it in a free style.

They reminded viewers that behind the production of carefully crafted short films are ordinary people made of flesh and blood. In this way, they try to establish a closer relationship with the audience.

Replies to comments

Sandi from the CutePolish channel answers selected questions that fans ask her via social networks.

Notice that to encourage them to ask follow-up questions, she even puts a hashtag in the title.

Enough chatter, let's go! Now for the details: what should you consider when preparing for your first performance on camera? remember, that better effect You will achieve by being yourself and behaving naturally.

  1. Think: The most popular vloggers often choose a topic that they clearly display in the title and thumbnail, which they later talk about in their video. You have to define exactly what you want to say and then stick to it. List with control points will help you stick to the plan.
  2. Select a location: Location can say a lot about who you are and what you say on camera. Experiment with different rooms in your home or on a walk. This way you will provide yourself with an interesting background.
  3. Think about your appearance: Most viewers decide within the first five seconds whether they will continue to watch this video, so your appearance may be important. Do you want to look very neat and tidy? Or maybe you prefer a free, casual style?
  4. Remember the lighting: usually the most best result Provides full illumination, which allows you to achieve optimal color and sharpness. Soft lighting - such as the sun, translucent paper, curtains or diffused lamp light - is usually best when it comes to changing skin tone. General rule says that your eyes should shine.
  5. Compose your shot: The camera should be installed as close as possible so as not to cause discomfort. Remember that most of your viewers will be watching your video on a small screen. Think about the height of the tripod and your position in the frame. Some creators like their head to be exactly in the middle, while others prefer it to be shifted to one side or the other. And last but not least: don't forget to focus!
  6. Keep the microphone close: It's best if you get a clear, distortion-free recording from the very beginning. Good sound sometimes matters more than good picture. If the audience does not hear you, then your text will not reach them. Try to keep the microphone close to you or use an external directional microphone at the right distance.
  7. Determine the tone of speech: The tone in which you speak expresses your overall position and attitude, and also directly relates to your brand. How should the audience perceive you? As a person who is confident in himself? Simple? Crazy? Many developers are people full of energy and enthusiasm in their voices, but maybe you will become someone completely different. Experiment with the tone of your statements.
  8. Work on Freedom: Training makes the master. After reviewing your notes, make a list of things you need to improve. Your videos will probably get better and better over time, and you will feel more and more at ease. When you feel it's time to develop and move on to more high level, send a video to the channel, and fans will tell you what they think about it.
  9. Add energy: The best developers love to show enthusiasm and energy. You can also try this once you feel more confident in front of the camera. If your normal energy level registers as a 5 on the scale, try raising that number to an 8 or 9. Of course, if that's not in your nature, you may choose to show off your cold attitude. This works too.
  10. Start with the highlight: It's about showing at least a little of the best that the viewer will see at the very beginning of the film. This helps to grab the viewer's attention and helps prevent the viewing experience from being interrupted early on.
  11. Do the editing: The term “jump cut” may not mean anything to you, but, of course, it is in the films you have watched. This is an editing technique that involves removing two similar frames to remove all the "uh..." and "umm...". The resulting fragments are then combined. Whether you like it or not, this is effective method increasing the pace of the film and smoothing out the narrative. Remember, there are millions of other movies on YouTube that your viewers can watch, so try to make an exciting impression.
  12. Upload a video and get discovered: Remember that the title of the film must match its content. Try to keep the thumbnail, title, and description consistent with what you want to say. We call this “promise fulfillment.” It's about making sure the audience gets what they expect.

The main rule is to be yourself, talk about what you love and not overdo it with self-criticism. Unique and authentic vlogs attract attention!

The era of disbelief in digital is coming to an end, and the majority of those who want to digitize their business have already done so. Some are successful and show others “how it should be done,” while others are just trying out Internet marketing. Everyone understands that it is necessary to contact clients on the Internet, and if you belong to the second category, then you don’t have much time to build up, you need to immediately choose the most effective ways how to express yourself online. Would you rather not read this than watch a well-produced educational video? As they say in market research4 out of 5 millennials will choose video!

Indeed, interacting with your audience is YouTube already an established trend that is not slowing down. Have you also decided to create content on YouTube for marketing purposes? Use our recommendations to get started.

What will be interesting about your channel?

To educate or to entertain, that is the question. Do you want to be funny or useful? Choose what is more typical for your brand, the main thing is to be “on the crest of the wave” of news in your segment. Are you baking buns? Don’t forget, on the eve of Easter, to film a story about holiday baking and conduct an interactive session with viewers on best recipe in the comments, etc.

Define goals

If you see a goal, you have a basis for action. In fact, the goals of creating a YouTube channel coincide with the goals of digital marketing. These are all the same traffic to the site, sales, interaction with clients, building trust and demonstrating expertise. Which one is right for you? Or maybe all together?

Steps to achieving your YouTube goals:

1. Know the trends.

If you don't set trends, you need to follow them first to attract attention. Google itself will help with this. Can be used special service Google Trends and the “Trends” tab on YouTube, despite the fact that there is mainly either entertainment or current news, they still show the vector of interests of the general public like nowhere else better. One of the simple “guerrilla” methods is to see what your competitors are filming.

2. Identify and understand the target audience.

Make a portrait target audience Your marketer or Google search will help. The viewer’s characteristics can be as detailed as possible - from hair color to their favorite character in the TV series “Friends”, or basic, which will include data such as gender, age, demographics, Family status, occupation and income, hobbies and interests, etc.

The obvious benefits of understanding the portrait of the target audience is the ability to competently work out the main message to a potential client/customer, understand and identify the key factors that motivate a purchase or interaction.

3. Promote audience engagement.

The format of the content itself can be the reason for the activity of the audience. In this format, both the plot and the characters are interesting to the audience, and with a competent call to action, the desired result will be guaranteed. You can suggest following links or voting in the comments - this is popular and familiar. Show your imagination, surprise even the most sophisticated audience by involving them in a digital quest, and get maximum loyalty and improve your brand image. Good example The Samsung team demonstrates on their channel:

4. Conduct segment analysis.

We recommend evaluating a sample from several channels in order to highlight the average and maximum indicators for the segment in this moment. This will roughly help you understand the required level of resource expenditure and the return in the form of increased coverage or loyalty. It is difficult to calculate even the approximate level of sales from a channel in the early stages, since this will be influenced solely by the content itself and the format of interaction with the viewer. A tool for exploring other channels can be VidIQ or Socialblade plugins.

Pay attention to the following parameters:

  • number of publications;
  • video duration;
  • audience retention;
  • level of engagement with content;
  • subscriber growth.

5. Be savvy in matters of creating and promoting a brand channel.

Always at the beginning of new projects there are more complex and easier ways to achieve goals. They usually differ in the amount of the main resource invested - time. Gain knowledge and practical experience that will serve as a launch accelerator successful channel for a brand on the course from AIR Academy “YouTube for Business”:

If you have read this far, know that you can watch a video with the same information content It would have taken half the time. You can add the same links, recommendations and, most importantly, voice calls to action to instantly get a response. Video content, more than other types of content, involves and arouses interest in what is happening, and contributes to the emotional connection of the audience with the brand. Create a channel and realize your goals on YouTube!

Video lecture from our experts “How to create and promote a personal brand on YouTube”.

Alexey Tokovenko, trainer of Talent Management Team

It is no longer possible to imagine the Internet without YouTube. This video the service has great amount visits per day, and even an hour. Many people create their own YouTube channels and engage in blogging as a hobby and for money. After all, it’s no secret to anyone that when you shoot your videos and post them on the Internet.

If you also want to start making money on it, then we will tell you what you will need to do first. So where to start creating your YouTube channel? After all, desire alone is not enough; you need to create a channel.

How to create a channel on YouTube?

Before you create your own YouTube channel, you need to have a Google account. If you already have it, then feel free to click on the youtube tab and go to the site. Now, on the right top corner Click on the “Login” button. This is how you log in to YouTube.

After this, you need to click on your icon in the upper right corner and select the “creative workshop” button/tab. Next, select “create channel”.

Now you need to add your photo (), fill in your data and click on the “Continue” button.

You have created your own channel on YouTube, for which we congratulate you! Now you have the ability to add own videos and become a real blogger.

What to do next?

But of course this is not all, this is rather the beginning of the journey. Next important step What you will need to do is decide on the concept of your channel, the topic. It is important to understand what topic your channel will be on. A lot depends on this, including popularity and future income.

Next you need to do beautiful design channel - create a YouTube channel header, fill out information about the channel and start making cool videos and uploading them to your channel. Also optimize your videos so that people in search find them and watch them, but that’s in another article.

Now you know - creating a channel on YouTube is very simple.
We hope that our step-by-step and simple instructions helped you create your first channel on YouTube and charged you with positivity and activity for further work.

Hello to all aspiring YouTubers and video bloggers.

Vasily Blinov is in touch and today I am starting a new large section on the blog dedicated to the development of the channel and making money on YouTube.

We will analyze YouTube from A to Z on clear language, so that everyone can figure out where to start and how to act.

A little background

For 2 years I have been working remotely, studying and creating various sources of income via the Internet, which I talk about in this blog. YouTube used to not be a priority for me until I uploaded several videos to it and saw that they began to bring me passive income.

You filmed and uploaded a video to your channel, users watch it, and you simply make a profit from it for the rest of your life. But it’s not enough to just shoot and upload a video; for the channel to start making money, you need to know at least the basics of video editing, channel optimization and marketing.

The development of the channel can be compared to the development of a regular blog, which I have been doing for 2 years now. If you look at the steps, then this is choosing a niche, creating a content structure, design, setup, etc. Today I will break it all down so that you understand rough plan working on your channel.

A good friend of mine, whom we met on the island of Bali in Indonesia in the winter of 2015, will help me write this free YouTube tutorial. Now he works as a YouTube specialist mainly on the foreign Internet and promotes channels with millions of subscribers.

I think his experience will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who, as they say, have been living with YouTube for many years.

You can call these articles free training Internet profession “YouTube Channel Manager”. In remote work today, this is one of the most popular specialties.

Where do I start?

We will organize a small reality show “How to become a video blogger” with a full report in the form of educational content on this blog.

I won't start completely from scratch. As I said, I have a channel ( Video blog of Vasily Blinov), which currently has 35 videos uploaded, most of which are “gray”, that is, I downloaded other people’s videos and uploaded them to my channel, some with copyright violations. I plan to get rid of them soon and leave only my original content.

Over the entire existence of the channel, he has accumulated:

  1. 35 videos.
  2. 56,206 views.
  3. 684 subscribers.

I monetized it, so it’s difficult to calculate income. Recently, due to my inexperience, I connected, which shows ads when watching videos, and I want to say that this is complete nonsense. In this way, you can earn something only with millions of views.

In general, displaying such advertising, which many consider the only way to monetize, costs almost last place. Why? I will tell you about this in a separate article about how to make money on YouTube and monetize videos.

I’ll start with such a mess on my YouTube channel.

The biggest problem that stops

The most a big problem Starting to shoot a video on a channel is not about the technical ability to set everything up, but about the psychological one. Many people, including me, are afraid of the camera. It seems like you know everything what to say, but when you turn on the recording, an emptiness forms in your head.

I had approximately the same situation when I started writing this blog, only in terms of writing articles. It was not possible to write even 2 lines, but then, with daily actions, it began to get better and better. By at least, I think so.

Now I calmly write 3-4 articles a week and publish them. With video, I have no doubt it will be the same. The more you try, the more you will succeed. Thoughts will be formed correctly, speech will be structured, etc., maybe you will have to take some courses or trainings on this topic.

If anyone has the same problem, be sure to write a comment on this article.

Step-by-step YouTube channel development plan

Lack of a plan is the reason why 99% of newbies fail. There is no idea where to start, how and what to do correctly, etc. Like a ship at sea that does not know where to sail. As a result, you seem to be doing something, floating somewhere, but there are no results. Therefore, we will work on it.

The whole process can be roughly divided into 9 stages:

  1. Selection and analysis of the channel topic.
  2. Finding ways to monetize videos.
  3. Drawing up a content plan.
  4. Creating and setting up a channel.
  5. Decor.
  6. Video recording and editing.
  7. Track results.
  8. Promotion and advertising.

The main thing, I think, when fulfilling all these points is to find your style and develop your strategy. Of course, everything you do at first will be similar to someone else. But this is not scary, this is the law of nature, since childhood we copy everything we see and hear. He took it there, took it there, and eventually gave birth to something unique.

Let's now look at each stage separately and what it consists of.

Stage 1. Choosing a niche and analyzing the channel topic

  • Exploring channel themes.
  • Selecting several topics on which you will shoot a video.
  • Analysis of the topic you have chosen, whether it is interesting and relevant to YouTube viewers.
  • Determining your target audience.
  • Studying your competitors.
  • Drawing up an approximate structure of your niche.

Stage 2. Monetization

Some will say that you don’t need to think about making money at first, but I don’t think so. The success of any project depends on how much money it brings in. The more it brings, the more desire the authors have to make high-quality and useful content for your viewers.

  • Learn all the ways to make money on YouTube.
  • Finding something to monetize your niche with.
  • View ways to earn money from competitive channels.
  • Compiling a list of affiliate programs on your topic.

Stage 3. Content plan

  • Learn how to create a content plan.
  • Compiling a list of at least 100 ideas for videos.

Stage 4. Creating and setting up a channel

  • Creating a channel on YouTube.
  • Setting it up correctly.
  • Channel optimization.

Stage 5. Registration

  • Order a YouTube header design or design it yourself.
  • Learning the methods and secrets of designing video intros.
  • Order video design templates from designers or create them yourself.

Stage 6. Video recording and editing

This is generally a separate topic that requires constant development and improvement.

  • Learn to shoot live video.
  • Learn to make screencasts (video from the screen).
  • Learn how to do at least a simple editing of captured videos.
  • Selection and purchase of good equipment.
  • Learn to upload videos to the channel.
  • Study video optimization (collecting requests, creating catchy titles, tags, descriptions, etc.).

We definitely won’t be able to get by with two articles on this section.

Step 8: Track Results

  • Learn how to do monthly digitization.
  • Understand YouTube analytics.

Stage 9. Promotion and advertising

  • Explore free and paid methods promoting your YouTube channel.
  • Allocate a monthly budget for advertising.


Here, friends, is a rough work plan, which I will discuss in detail in separate articles on this blog. To make sure you don't miss anything, you can subscribe just below the article or at the top right of the side column.

I want to say, in order to check whether this is your business or not, you need to shoot and post at least 100 videos on the channel. Many guys will shoot 1-2 videos, see what doesn’t work, and give up on it. So, of course, nothing can be achieved. You need to try, try and try again.

I will continue to add to the list of points for each stage; at the moment, I think I haven’t been able to write down everything, what needs to be done and where to start.

The next article will be like, in which I will collect all possible questions and answers.

Thank you for your attention. Leave comments and ask questions of interest that need to be discussed as part of the section about YouTube.

Expert: Javid Aslanov. Manager Affiliate Program YouTube, Russia and Ukraine. YouTube team.

How to choose a topic for a video blog?

Choosing a topic for a vlog is the first and most important step for your future channel. There are several conditions here. First, be sure to choose a topic that you like. The excitement in your eyes and sincerity will immediately win over the audience. Secondly, you must be a professional in your field. Mistakes and uncertainty lead to mistrust of the audience - they will not come back to you again.

How can you ensure that your video is found by people who are interested in it? How to find an audience on YouTube?

There are a huge number of videos on YouTube and wide choose content, so ease of discovery is very important. Be sure to think through titles, descriptions, and tags for each video. The description is a valuable source of information about the content of the video for viewers and search engines. YouTube systems. Are you using keywords, so that they fully describe the essence of the video. And well-chosen title and tags help YouTube determine the category for the video and thereby increase its views.

Another way to gain subscribers is by collaborating with other channels. Find YouTube partner creators who film similar videos. Chat, recommend each other’s channels, shoot joint videos, create common topics and playlists. All this will help you gain a new audience for your channel.

And, of course, don’t forget to post videos regularly. Constantly look for new topics, explore your field and surprise your fans. It is also important to follow trends here search queries. When a holiday approaches, many people look for videos on this particular topic. For example, for the New Year, girls want to know what is the best makeup to do on a festive night, and on the May holidays they are looking for tips for active recreation. Consider how to incorporate these trends into your channel, and your videos will appear more often in search results and related videos.

What equipment is needed to make a beautiful video?

When shooting a video, you have to think through every detail. This includes the background, the absence of extraneous noise, and, of course, a good technique for shooting. Try to use high-quality equipment, not a phone. Therefore, get yourself in advance digital Full HD camera or camera with Full HD video and microphone.

Secrets of creating a successful video

What simple video processing programs can you recommend? What do you use yourself?

The viewer loves a high-quality picture, with well-edited transitions and effects. To do this, you need to master programs for photo and video processing. Fortunately, such programs are now a large number of both for professionals and amateurs of photography and videography. For photo processing we can recommend Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. For video processing and editing, we recommend using Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere and Corel Video Studio. These are just some examples of shooting software. It doesn’t matter which program you use, the main thing is that you understand it well and achieve the desired effect.

How to learn to work correctly in the frame? Share your secrets of creating a successful video.

Besides high-quality equipment and video processing programs, when creating a video you need to pay attention to a few more points. Firstly, pay close attention to how you behave on camera. When you make a video, tell it in a way that makes it interesting to listen to, and at the same time, don't overact it. The viewer immediately feels uncertainty, excitement and tension. You can write out support points in advance. But don’t try to memorize entire texts and retell them - it will be boring to listen to you. Also, never cut off the video. Be sure to create your own greeting and ending.

Make sure your video accompanies high quality sound without any interference. Your voice must not be silenced extraneous noise from open window or a working TV in the next room. If you decide to add music, remember that it must comply with copyright law. YouTube bloggers can use the YouTube Audio Library, where they can find more than 150,000 songs that can be used freely and legally.

What videos are currently missing on Russian YouTube?

On Russian YouTube There is still a lot of room for food bloggers, although in the West these are some of the most popular channels. For example, James Oliver's FoodTube channel has more than 1 million subscribers and 73 million views. There are not enough bloggers talking about science and travel, and there are few channels with educational content for children.

Polina Repik, the host of a popular beauty blog (more than 140 thousand subscribers and 22 million views), shared her secrets of success with us:

“To become a popular blogger, you need to find your audience. Your own audience is one that is interested in what you talk about, what you show, what you talk about. To do this, you just need to listen to yourself and find in yourself what others lack.

For a blog to become popular all you need to do is find unique theme. What could be more unique than you? We are extraordinary from our fingerprints to the tips of our hair: our thoughts, knowledge, skills are unique and this is what is worth sharing. I found the ability to make beautiful hairstyles and show them off on myself, explaining each action in detail. Listen to yourself - what do you want to tell the world?

No less important is how you present information, whether you provide high-quality and beautiful picture. All this is very important for the viewer. So don’t save time on preparing and processing the material. Sometimes just an idea is not enough. And, of course, you must love your subscribers and answer their questions, maintaining a dialogue.”

2024 gtavrl.ru.