What you need to set up Skype. How to set up Skype on a laptop

Probably the most popular computer program today is Skype. Skype is a program designed for voice and video communication on the Internet. If you want to use Skype, then in this article we will tell you how to install it, register in it and configure it.

Skype job description

What is Skype for? Through the Skype program, you can communicate with other users of this program for free, while paying only for the Internet traffic consumed. Since most users in the CIS countries have unlimited Internet access at home, in principle, using Skype can be considered free. Skype has both voice and video communication capabilities.

With Skype, you can make calls to your friends and relatives, and also use it for your work needs: communicating with clients, partners, suppliers, etc. Skype also has a group communication feature, which means you can chat with several people together at the same time. Skype is the best way if you want to communicate with people who live in other cities and countries.

What you need for Skype

If you want to talk on Skype, then you need to have a computer or laptop. You can also communicate via Skype through a smartphone and tablet, but we will not dwell on this in detail. So, in order for you to use Skype, first of all you must have Internet access configured on your computer or laptop.

What internet speed is needed for Skype?

As for the speed of the Internet connection, a speed of 100 Kbps is quite sufficient for voice communication. For video communication on Skype, the required level depends on the resolution of the transmitted video.

First of all, Skype checks your Internet speed before the interlocutor, and based on this, determines the quality of voice and video transmission. If the Internet speed from you to the interlocutor is high, then the program will transmit sound and video of maximum quality, but if not, then the quality of communication will be reduced to that which allows the transmission of information. If your webcam shoots video in HD format, then to communicate via Skype you need a speed of 1.5 Mbit/sec. Please note that if you use group calls, the Internet speed should be higher.

Microphone and audio output device

To communicate on Skype, you will also need: a microphone and an audio output device. You can output sound either to existing speakers or by purchasing a special headset. As for the microphone, if you are using a laptop, many of their models have a built-in microphone. In addition, modern webcam models may also include a microphone, or you can solve this issue by purchasing a headset.

Let's summarize briefly. To communicate on Skype with the whole family, we recommend outputting the sound to regular speakers; as for the microphone, the best way to solve this issue is by purchasing a webcam with a microphone (if you are using a laptop, then there is probably already a microphone there). For individual use of Skype, we recommend purchasing a headset: headphones and a microphone, and if your computer or laptop has Bluetooth, we recommend purchasing an appropriate wireless headset.


As mentioned above, to communicate via Skype you need, the choice of which we talked about in one of our previous articles. When using a modern laptop model, it should have a built-in camera; if you are not satisfied with the quality of its video, then it is better to buy a separate camera. We recommend purchasing a camera that shoots video in HD format.

How to install Skype on your computer

After we have looked at what we need to use Skype at home, we move directly to the program itself, in particular to installation. Installing Skype on a computer is completely free, for some reason many users are worried about this issue. The main thing is to download the program from the official website. Let's look at how to properly install Skype on a computer or laptop.

First of all, we need to install Skype. To install it, you need to download the program installation file, which you can find on the official website: “skype.com/ru”. When you open the official Skype page on the Internet in your browser, you will see something similar to what is shown in the figure.

In the top menu, to the right of the Skype logo, select “Download”, after which you will be redirected to the download page. If you are using, the resource will offer to download the version of Skype for the Metro interface.

Despite the fact that they offer to install the Metro version of the program, we do not advise you to choose it, since it has problems in operation and is not particularly convenient. Therefore, below the download button, select “Windows Desktop”.

If you have a Macintosh or Linux operating system installed, then select the appropriate partition. If you have the Windows 7 operating system installed or you have chosen to download the version of Skype for desktop, then to download the program you will need to click on this green “Skype for Windows desktop” button.

After this, the installation file will begin downloading, please note that depending on your browser, it may ask where to save the installation file, by default this is the Downloads folder.

When the installation file has downloaded, run it from the browser or run it from a folder. Once launched, the installer will ask you to perform several actions.

Here you will need to select a language, check the box to allow Skype to start when you turn on your computer or laptop.

By clicking the "Advanced Settings" button, you can select the location where the installer will install Skype. We recommend leaving the default installation location and not changing it. After that, click the “I agree - next” button.

Next, the installer will ask your permission to install the “Click to Call” plugin. This plugin will be installed in the browser and highlights phone numbers posted on sites. By clicking on the number, you can immediately call it using Skype. Whether to install this plugin or not - decide for yourself, based on its need. Then click on the “Continue” button.

The next window, as always in Microsoft style, is to advertise your services, which by and large are not needed. In this window, the installer will ask you to make the Bing search engine your default search and make the MSN website the home page that will open when you launch your browser. We recommend clearing the checkboxes and not installing these services. Then click the “Continue” button.

Next, the Skype installation process begins. Once the installation is complete, the program itself will launch.

This completes the installation of Skype. Now the program asks you to log in to your account, or if you don’t have one, then register in the system.

How to register for Skype

After installing Skype, you need to register in the system. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that registration on Skype is free. So, how to register for Skype correctly? To register for Skype, there are 2 ways: separate registration and using a Microsoft or Facebook account for this.

If you want to quickly register on Skype and you have an account specified for this, then you can use it by clicking on the corresponding icon. Then in the program window you will need to enter the login and password for the selected account and perform the specified actions. But we recommend making a separate registration, for which you need to click on “Register”, after which the program will redirect you to the registration page in the browser.

In your browser you will see a registration form that you need to fill out, and we will help you with this. The first thing you will be asked to enter is your first name, last name, email address and confirmation.

You can enter your first and last name in either Cyrillic or Latin - no one will check it anyway. Then enter your email address and duplicate it in the appropriate field. We go below and there we need to enter our personal data.

If you want Skype users to be able to find you using your personal information, enter it. If you do not want to disclose your data, leave the fields empty, entering only the information that is required to be entered (these items are marked with an asterisk). After this we move on to the next block.

At the very beginning of this block, select from the list the option of how you intend to use Skype. Then the most difficult and interesting point awaits you: “Login to Skype.” In this field you must enter your desired Skype login. The login must be unique, that is, not occupied by anyone, and given that there are more than half a billion users on Skype, this will not be easy to do. By entering the selected login, the system will notify you whether it is busy or free. Then enter the password, which must consist exclusively of letters and numbers, the minimum number of characters is 6. Having finished with this block, move on to the next one.

Here the system will prompt you to subscribe to the Skype newsletter, in the form of SMS messages or by email. If you are not interested in the newsletter, remove the checkboxes from both items. Below you will see a picture with symbols, you need to enter these symbols in a special field - this is protection from robots.

Then you can read the terms of use of Skype and the declaration on the protection of personal information - click on the button “I agree - Next”. After this, registration will be completed. We recommend writing down your Skype login and password on a piece of paper or in a text document on your computer. Now let's return to the program.

When you already have your own username and password, enter them into the program window and click the “Login” button. After authorization, the main program window will open in front of you. You will have one contact added - Test Center, we will talk about it a little later. First we need to set up sound and video in Skype, and then we can start adding contacts.

How to set up Skype

Of course, you will have a question: how to configure the program, sound, microphone and camera. To configure Skype, select “Tools” in the top menu of the program and select “Settings” in the menu that appears.

While in the “General Settings” tab, you can make some changes. For example, we recommend unchecking the “Start Skype when Windows starts” option to avoid unnecessary loading of computer or laptop resources, that is, Skype will not start automatically when you turn on the computer, but you will launch it yourself if necessary. Well, make the settings based on your own preferences. Then go to the “Sound Settings” tab.

How to set up a microphone in Skype

In the “Sound Settings” tab at the very top there will be a “Microphone” setting block. Click on the microphone selection menu and from the suggested devices, select the microphone through which you will speak on Skype. Once you've selected a microphone, speak a few words into it and you'll see the volume bar start moving. Use the blue slider to adjust the microphone volume. We do not recommend using automatic tuning.

How to set up sound in Skype

To configure the sound in the “Sound Settings” tab, you need to go to the settings block: “Speakers”. In this menu, select the device to which you want to output sound, and then click on the green button to check the sound output to the device. Below you can adjust the audio output volume.

In the “Call” block, you can in the same way select the device that will receive a call when someone calls you.

How to set up a camera on Skype

To set up a webcam in Skype, go to the “Video Settings” tab.

The program will detect your camera if it is connected. By clicking on the “Webcam Settings” button you can adjust the picture quality. Below you can configure the video display.

Setting up the program

After that, go to the “Security” section, to the “Security Settings” tab.

We recommend setting the same settings as shown in the picture above. Then click on the “Save” button below.

After making the described settings, make a test call to the Skype center.

How to add a user to Skype

In order to add a contact, you need to click on the button with a plus sign, which is highlighted in the picture below.

In the field, enter the name or Skype login of the user you want to find. Below you will see a list of people the system will find. Click on the user you were looking for and add him to your contact list.

How to register on Skype video

Skype today is the most popular application for communicating with acquaintances and friends. You can communicate using a microphone with any person on the network, or if for some reason you do not have a microphone, you can communicate using messages in the program itself. Again, Skype must be installed for everyone who participates in communication.

This type of communication is free. If you need to call landlines or mobile phones in another country, this can be done cheaply compared to regular rates. You simply deposit money into your Skype account and you can safely call.

The first thing you need to do is download the Skype installer from the website. Download link . To do this, click the Download link at the top of the page.

Next, select the type of installation file for your computer and then click the “Skype for Windows Desktop” button. After this, the file will begin downloading to your computer. You select the folder in which you save the installation file and after the download is complete, run this file. This starts the installation of Skype on your computer.

After the installation begins, a User Account Control window may appear. Click “Yes” and continue the installation. And at the next stage, select the program language (1), define the option “Start Skype when the operating system loads” (2), and, if necessary, configure additional parameters (3) in which you can select the folder where to install the program (option 5, although I I don’t recommend changing it) and you can disable the creation of a shortcut on the desktop. After setting up these simple options, click “I agree - next” (4).

The next window is the option to install a plugin, with which you can click on the Skype icon directly from the browser and immediately make a call. Personally, I don’t use this option and consider unnecessary plugins and add-ons only an extra load on the system. So check or uncheck the box and click “Continue”.

The next step is the option to make Bing your default search engine and set MSN as your home page. Turn them off. I can tell you from experience that this is not an effective search engine. Click Continue.

This is the last step in the instructions “How to install Skype on your computer.” In a few seconds, Skype will be installed on your computer.

When it comes to such a popular and in-demand communication program, you don’t even have to torment yourself with the question of whether it offers free registration. Of course, there is, because it is very beneficial for developers that their product is used by as many users as possible.

Registration in the application is extremely simple and accessible even for inexperienced users. To complete the procedure, you need to go to the official website of the program - www.skype.com and select the “Join!” option located in the upper right corner of the window.

After this, you are redirected to a page where you need to provide contact information - last name, first name, e-mail address. There is an important nuance here - it is advisable to indicate your real data. Why, you ask? Everything is very simple - in principle, when registering, you can indicate any first and last name, only in this case, finding you on the Internet will be incredibly difficult, almost impossible. So, if you have nothing to hide and you are not wanted, feel free to provide your real information. An exception, perhaps, can be made for a mobile phone number.

Having reached the item “How do you plan to use Skype?”, indicate “Mainly for private conversations”, after which you can proceed to entering your username and password.

The login must be in English. Please note that if, after entering your login, the message “This Skype login cannot be used” suddenly appears, it means that a user with a similar nickname already exists and you will have to choose another one for yourself. As for the password, it can be anything, but the more complex, the better. The main thing is not to forget it after registration.

Finally, you need to pass an anti-spam check, proving to the system that you are a living person and not a robot. To do this, just enter the text from the presented picture in the specified field, then click the “I agree - Next” button.

If any of the fields are filled in incorrectly, a message will be displayed on the screen indicating this. Read it carefully and correct any inaccuracies. If everything is filled out correctly, you will automatically go to the next page offering you to buy something. Select the item “Thank you, no need for now” and click “Continue”.

At this point, registration is completed and you can proceed to downloading the application itself.

How to set up Skype on a computer

Well, we registered the program, downloaded it and installed it on our computer. Now it's time to configure it correctly and start using it.

All settings are made when you first enter the program. Skype itself offers you to connect and configure all the necessary equipment - microphone, headphones, speakers, camera. If you are missing anything from this list, no problem - just skip this point. To return to the settings at any time, click “Tools” and then “Settings” in the program interface. The settings window is quite simple, with an intuitive interface - for example, to check the sound, just click “Check Sound”. If the sound plays, then everything is fine. If it is missing, try choosing another device from those offered. If this does not help, make sure that the devices you have chosen are correctly connected and in working order.

The algorithm of actions when checking a microphone is no different from the above, and its readiness for work is signaled by a green stripe moving from left to right at the moment you say something.

As for the video camera, if connected correctly, it will display the image on the screen. Once you have verified that all the necessary components are working, click the “Continue” button.

If you wish, you can upload an avatar to the application by selecting your photo or any other image - to do this, click the “Continue” command and select one of the proposed actions - a photo from the camera or uploading a picture from your computer. If you want to skip this item, select the “Delay” command.

After all the initial settings have been completed, you can start working. Select the “Use Skype” option and proceed to its operation.

If suddenly a situation arises that you have added a new device to the system or want to slightly change the existing settings, do not worry, it is very easy and simple to do. You just need to select the “Tools” menu item, indicating the “Settings” option in it. This item is located at the top of the program window.

The menu that appears will give you full access to the program settings. You can describe for a long time how to use it correctly, what, why and what to click on, but this makes no sense - the window is designed in such a way that anyone, even the least trained user of the application, can understand it. The main thing is to be careful and show a little patience. So, for starters, it’s best to look at the “General Settings” item, checking the boxes in the order you need, then go to the “Sound Settings” window, and so on, until Skype is configured the way you need. After specifying all the necessary parameters, do not forget to select the “Save” option located in the lower right corner of the window.
Happy using.

Removing Skype from your computer is done in the same way as . But for clarity, I will demonstrate step-by-step actions.

The first thing you need to do is click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu.

In the “Control Panel” window, find the Programs menu and click “Uninstall a program”.

Find our Skype program and click 2 times. After this, a “User Account Control” window may appear in which you need to click the “Yes” button

For the last time we confirm that we really want to remove Skype and then the process will automatically remove it completely.

There are a huge number of programs that are widely popular among Internet users. One such program is Skype. In this article we want to tell you step by step, using pictures, how to install Skype on your computer.

Skype is a program with which you can communicate with other users of this program around the world via the Internet. Communication on Skype can be carried out in three modes: text, voice and video. If in voice mode you can communicate only by voice using a headset, then in video communication you can communicate by voice and see each other using a webcam.

What do you need to use Skype?

Before you begin installing Skype, you need to resolve several issues. Probably the very first issue that needs to be resolved is the Internet connection. For voice communication on Skype, an Internet tariff with a speed of 250 Kbps will be enough. If you plan to make video calls, then the optimal speed will be 500 Kbps, for cameras with HD resolution - 1.5 Mbps. At the same time, your Internet connection must be stable, since communication via Skype is streaming and any problems with it can negatively affect the quality of communication.

Along with the quality and speed of your Internet connection, you should pay attention to the choice of communication tools for Skype: headsets and webcams. As a headset, you can use special headphones with a microphone, or speakers and the built-in microphone of the webcam, if you plan to purchase one. For video calls, you will need the webcam itself, which we shared with you in previous articles. When everything is ready to work with Skype, let's start downloading it.

How to download Skype to your computer?

You can download and install Skype for free on your computer by downloading its installation file from the program’s official website.

To download Skype visit: Skype.com

When you open the main page of the official website of the program, you will see the following.

In order to download the Skype installation file, you need to click on the “Download” button, which is located at the top of the page, to the right of the site logo. After which you will be taken to the program download page.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are using the operating system, you will be prompted to download the version of Skype for the Metro interface, but the site, in turn, recommends downloading the version of Skype for the desktop. To do this, scroll down the page, where you will be offered the following options for downloading the program.

For the Windows operating system, in the Windows Desktop section, click on "Skype for Windows Desktop Details", for Mac in the Macintosh section - "Skype for Macintosh Details" and for the Linux operating system in the corresponding section - "Skype Details" for Linux". After this, you will be taken to the download section where you will need to confirm your choice. If you select the desktop version, you will be taken to a page like this.

Click on the "Skype for Windows Desktop" button. After which the installation file will begin downloading, which will be saved in the “Downloads” folder by default. Now let's move on to installing the program.

Installing Skype

Skype is quite easy to install. To install it, you need to run the installation file that was downloaded to your computer called “SkypeSetup.exe”.

Skype installation begins with the program language selection window. By default, the program will suggest you the program language based on the localization of your operating system. If the default language is not the one you need, you can select another one from the list. Once your language is selected, you can set Skype to start automatically when you start your computer. If you want to run the program yourself when you need it, then uncheck the corresponding box. Now you can click on the “I agree - next” button.

Next, the installer will prompt you to install the Click to Call plugin. This plugin is installed as a browser add-on and allows you to make calls from Skype by clicking on the phone number posted on the site. This is convenient if you need to contact tech. support or consultant on the site. If you do not plan to call anywhere, then we do not recommend installing this plugin. To install the plugin, check the box next to “Install the Click to Call plugin from Skype”; if you do not want to install the plugin, then uncheck the box. After making your selection, click on the “Continue” button.

At this point, you will need to choose, or rather refuse, integration of the Bing search engine and the MSN home page into the browser. These are Microsoft services that they actively promote, but these services are not interesting and not needed, and therefore, uncheck the boxes “Make Bing the default search engine” and “Make MSN the home page”, then click on the “Continue” button.

The installer will now install the program. The installation will take approximately 2-3 minutes. When the installation is complete, Skype will launch.

In order to launch the Skype program and start communicating, you need to register in the system by coming up with your unique login, which will be the so-called number in the Skype system.

How to register for Skype

To register in Skype, click on the “Register” button in the program window, or on the official website on the main page, click on the green circle with the inscription “Registration”. To register with Skype you will need to enter some data or do it using your account on the social network Facebook by clicking on the appropriate menu.

To register in the system yourself, you need to enter several data. In this case, those fields marked with an asterisk are required to be entered:

  • Surname;

  • E-mail address;

  • A country;

  • Language.

Then you will need to come up with a Skype Login - a name in the Skype system. Your name in the system must be unique, that is, not occupied by another user in the system, so it is possible that you will need some time to come up with a login. If the name you entered is already used by the user, the system will inform you about this and offer its options. After the login is selected, proceed to entering the password for the account. The password for Skype must be complex, that is, not include your date of birth, phone number, etc. The password combination must include Latin letters and numbers. The password length must be from 6 to 20 characters, while large and small letters are not considered the same, they are different.

Useful article on the topic: (step-by-step instructions).

At the end, you will need to indicate the method of communication for the system to inform you: SMS messages or email, and then enter the text that is shown in the picture (protection from robots). After entering all the necessary information, click on the “I agree - next” button.

How to launch and configure Skype

After registration, we return to the Skype window and enter the username and password there, then the system will prompt you again to set the program to automatically launch when the system boots. Having chosen automatic or manual download, click on the “Login” button. In order to launch Skype the next time, if you have not set the program to start automatically, an icon has been installed on the desktop; it will also be placed in the Start menu.

So, you are in Skype and now you need to configure it, it will take a couple of minutes. To configure Skype, you will need to select “Tools” in the top menu of the program, and then “Settings” and you will see the following window.

If you want, you can go through the settings and customize the program for yourself, but we will focus your attention on the communication settings. To do this, go to the “Sound Settings” tab.

After this, connect a headset or speakers with a webcam (if its microphone will be used). In the sound settings, next to each device type, select the device that will be used for this. In addition, you can immediately test your chosen device and set the volume level. Next, go to the “Video Settings” section.

If your webcam is connected and configured correctly, the image from the webcam will appear in this window. If necessary, you can click on the “Webcam Settings” button to configure it more precisely.

When all the settings have been made, click on the “Save” button.

In your contact list there will be a contact “Test Call Skype” - this is a robot assistant from Skype, with which you can check that voice devices are correctly configured to work in Skype. By calling the test center, the voice assistant will tell you everything you need to do.

To add a contact to Skype, in the left menu, click on the little man with a plus icon and in the field where the magnifying glass is located, enter the username or first and last name of the user you want to find. In order to add a found user, right-click on this contact and select “Add user” from the menu. To do this, you will need to send a request to the user to add you to their list. In this request, you can leave a standard phrase, or you can write something of your own.

In order to close the Skype program, and not minimize it, you need to right-click on the Skype icon in the system tray (lower right part of the screen) and select “Exit” in the menu that appears.

To use Skype, you need a laptop with Internet access, as well as a built-in microphone and webcam. If there is no webcam, it’s okay, they simply won’t see you, but you can hear and listen without problems.

The operating system can be almost any: Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac, Linux. Installation is also available on tablets on Android and iPad. The advantage of Skype is that you can use it as both a telephone and a videophone.

The minimum Internet traffic speed for normal operation of the program is: for telephone communication 56 Kb/s, for video communication 512 Kb/s.

At the end of this article there is a video that shows in detail how to set up and use Skype on a laptop.

How to register and install skype for free

First of all, you need to have a laptop with Internet access, preferably one with sufficient speed to use the program. In these cases, both landline (for example, fiber optic) and mobile Internet are suitable (check with your mobile operator for the availability of a service to access the World Wide Web).

To install Skype you need to go to the official website of the program www.skype.com and download the program distribution kit for free in Russian to your laptop. After you download the program, you need to install it. Next, you will be asked to log in using your existing username and enter a password. If there are none, go through a short registration. It is described step by step when you click on the “Register” button.

After completing the manipulations and entering your login and password (account activation), for convenience, you can check the box to automatically log into the program. After this, you will not need to constantly enter your username and password.

Setting up Skype on a laptop

The next step is to launch the program and configure it. First of all, when you log in, you will be asked to set up your headphones and microphone, as well as your webcam.

To avoid getting confused by technical terms, just do a sound check and leave the rest as default. If for some reason you have no sound or your voice is not heard, check that all your devices are connected. When the camcorder is turned on, the image will automatically be displayed on the screen.

The next step is to set an avatar, photograph or other drawing. When installing an avatar, you can also take a photo from an existing webcam or upload your image from a laptop, if you have one. After the initial setup, click “Use”.

Skype settings on a laptop are available at any time if you click the “Tools” section in the top panel of the program and then “Settings”. After this, you can change the settings at your discretion, but if everything works fine for you, you don’t have to return to this point.

After which you will see a window with settings, where there are several items, each of which is responsible for certain settings.

Sound settings

You can select a microphone from the list if, in addition to the built-in microphone in your laptop, you also have an additional one. You can also select speakers. Again, either built into the laptop or headphones, if you have them, and select the sound volume. Careful setup will allow you to talk comfortably on Skype and hear your interlocutor well.

In the “video settings” section, you can set brightness, contrast and other video parameters, as well as set an avatar if you do not want to show yourself to your interlocutor.

  1. In the "Security" section you can set up incoming calls and choose from whom to receive them and from whom not.
  2. Item "Alerts" relates more to the sound design of Skype, it configures sounds when entering and leaving, notifications about messages.
  3. In the item called “Calls”, you can forward calls to regular phones.
  4. “Chat and SMS” item is responsible for the design of correspondence; in it you can configure the visual design of the chat, as well as sending SMS to mobile phones.
  5. In "Advanced settings" you set available ports and automatic updates, and assign keyboard shortcuts for ease of use.

Separately, we can add that for calls from Skype to home and cell phones, you can make calls if your Skype account balance is positive. You can deposit money into your Skype account by clicking “Skype” in the top menu and selecting “Deposit money into your Skype account.” Next you will see a choice of amount and payment method. The most convenient payment method is a VISA card because... accessible to almost everyone.

In the "Contacts" menu there are all the people you have entered with whom you communicate. Contacts can be sorted into groups, and you can also show or not show active contacts. In the “View” tab you can customize the main contact window and sort them.

Summing up we can say that Skype is one of the most convenient, easy to learn, easy to install and configure programs for communicating with your family, friends and relatives. To conduct business conversations, you no longer have to travel to other cities; you just need to set up a conference call.

Detailed video on setting up Skype on a Windows laptop

Communication on the Internet has become commonplace. If previously everything was limited to text chats, now you can easily hear and even see your loved ones and friends at any distance. There are a large number of programs for this type of communication. Skype is considered the most popular application for voice communication. It gained its popularity due to its simple and intuitive interface, which even an inexperienced user can understand. But in order to quickly master the program, it is still worth reading the instructions for setting it up.

Skype settings are accessed through the main menu. Do the following:

Now let's move on to the actual settings.

Account and Profile

In the section called "Account and Profile" The following parameters are available:

Are common

On the tab "Are common" There are several important and interesting parameters for the user.


Tab "Appearance" contains settings for the color theme and contrast modes.

Sound and video

The most important Skype settings, audio input and output settings, as well as the camera, are concentrated on the tab "Sound and Video".


Tab "Calls" is responsible for additional options for making calls via Skype.

  1. Parameter "Caller ID" allows you to configure the phone number that is displayed when making calls to telephone networks or sending SMS.
  2. "Call Forwarding and Voicemail" allows you to set a phone number or enable voicemail to which incoming calls will be forwarded - both via IP telephony and from regular numbers.
  3. Switch "Show call window when Skype is running in the background" is responsible for displaying the window with the call on top of all other windows. This feature irritates many users, and you can get rid of it by disabling the slider.
  4. By default, Skype allows you to receive incoming calls from people who are not in your contact book. This may be unsafe, so it is better to disable this feature if it is not necessary - just activate the slider "Allow Skype calls only from contacts on this device".
  5. Paragraph "Call Subtitles" is responsible for configuring a feature specific to Skype. As the name of the option suggests, the messenger automatically generates subtitles during a call, and the specified parameters help you configure this feature.

    There are only two available parameters - the first switch allows you to enable or disable the generation of subtitles, and the second allows you to configure the display, in particular, disable the display of your remarks.
  6. Paragraph "Additionally" opens a category for some of Skype's advanced features.

    The first switch enables or disables automatic answering of incoming calls - for greater security, it is better to leave this option disabled.

    Parameter "Allow NDI" is aimed at streamers, and allows you to integrate broadcasts or calls via Skype into the video stream. It is better for the average user not to activate this feature.

    The next setting allows you to set your home country and use Skype for emergency calls (police, emergency services or ambulance). Feature available in limited regions.


Settings block "Messages" contains options for displaying text information in conversations via Skype.


Chapter "Notifications" contains parameters for receiving various notifications.


Contact settings allow you to configure privacy and block list.

Help and feedback

The name of the last settings item speaks for itself. It contains information about the application, the ability to contact the developers and check the status of the messenger servers.

That's all the main Skype settings that are worth mentioning. As you can see, most of the program's features are subject to fine tuning.

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