What to write to a girl when meeting her on VKontakte and other networks, examples of messages and correspondence. How to meet a girl on VK and other social networks. What dating groups are there on VK?

Generations replace each other, but the difficulties faced by young people do not change. If before guys didn’t know how to say “hello” to a young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start communicating online.

Thus, new technologies have not at all eased the problem of dating, but on the contrary, they have added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate touching poems to her to make a good impression?

Let us give specific examples of proper communication with representatives of the fairer sex on social networks.

Communication in real life is significantly different from dating on VKontakte. When meeting in person, a young man is able to impress a young lady with a worthy appearance and charm her with refined manners.

Conversation on social media networks depends, first of all, on the guy’s ability to interest a potential interlocutor with the information on his profile, the ability to communicate and look after beautifully (in the virtual world).

The first most important thing is to properly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. A prerequisite is to upload high-quality photographs, For example:

  1. A personal photo portrait made in high-quality resolution, with a minimum amount of Photoshop effects.
  2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, sightseeing in various places around the country and the planet.
  3. Pictures with different girls, so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young ladies are to you.

Don’t forget to join various VK groups and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation if you are in such ambiguous communities as, for example, “Pickup Truck Features,” “Pickup Truck for Macho,” or “We Divorce Girls for Sex.”

Before you start communicating on VK, quietly “scroll through” her page to get certain information that will make getting to know each other easier. This will help you avoid mistakes in your first message and find different common ground. On the site you can find out:

  • how often the potential interlocutor surfs the Internet and VKontakte;
  • in which communities it is registered;
  • how many online fans does she have;
  • supposed hobbies.

Before you meet a girl on the Internet and start full-fledged communication, offer her friendship on VK. This will give you the opportunity to study her profile better (you will see personal albums, contact information) and form a preliminary opinion on how to conduct the conversation.

You can start communication not only with a personal message, but also by leaving comments under girlish photos and posts on the wall. Pickup artists advise arousing women's interest with various provocative remarks, but without offensive hints.

So, your profile is completed, information has been added, it’s time for direct communication.

At this stage, a man is faced with a variety of questions: how to communicate correctly and correctly with a young lady, what to write to a girl so that she will respond. Let's talk about this in more detail.

To ensure constructive communication online, decide for yourself what the purpose of the upcoming acquaintance is: correspondence for “general development”, a pickup and subsequent sexual contact, a serious relationship.

So, how to properly meet people on the Internet?

  1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm towards the interlocutor. Make jokes more often, use emoticons in moderation in your messages, and do not burden the girl with sad stories at the beginning of your acquaintance.
  2. Write correctly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to when corresponding. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the Internet.
  3. Be polite. Don't forget to say hello. Greeting is a mandatory element of the message, as well as the absence of obscenities, swear words and vulgar words. Advice from pick-up artists: do not forget to call the young lady by name when communicating, since name is the most favorite word for every person.
  4. Intrigue your interlocutor. Followers of pickup recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from VKontakte for several days, stopping the conversation at the most interesting place.
  5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, during the communication process, surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems. Or inadvertently indicate in the message that you once danced.
  6. Be interested in the girl. Communicating with an unfamiliar girl is quite difficult, but pickup truck experts recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about your interlocutor is a good move.
  7. Communicate via SMS. Communication on VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, switch to SMS. A phone message allows you to send poems and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, there is no need to insist on switching to SMS.

How to start a correspondence?

Find a nice person to talk to on social media. networks and specifically VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately arise: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

The first rule of pickup is no platitudes! Forever get rid of the standard messages “Hello, how are you?”, “Let’s meet?”, “Hello, beautiful” from your mind.

Many guys start communicating with girls online using exactly similar phrases. But if the young lady is pretty, such messages on VK come to her regularly.

The first message should be short and concise. Pickup artists recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important questions that arise in every pretty girl’s head after the young lady reads your succinct “hello.”

Here are the following questions for dating and communicating on the Internet:

  1. Who are you? I mean, your name.
  2. For what purpose did you start communicating? Your tasks: just communicate, find out something from the girl, invite her on a date, etc.
  3. Why did you choose her from the numerous female company on VK? Perhaps you found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

The first messages and masculine greetings should interest the potential interlocutor, force her to start and continue communication.

Do you need to come up with a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

Don’t forget to say hello and include your own name in the greeting - you need to introduce yourself even if you have personal information on your page. You want your interlocutor to form a positive opinion about you, right? Moreover, in decent societies it is customary to voice your name when meeting someone.

If you don't know what excuse to give as a reason for communication, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, carry on a conversation and simply get to know a pretty young lady is already a sufficient excuse to send a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first sentences that you dream of having children with her and walking down the aisle next Sunday.

So, the first message should be original and creative. You need to avoid vulgarities and all sorts of sexual innuendos, so as not to end up on the blacklist of unreliable users. Even if you are a pick-up guy, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of the communication.

If your goal is in real life, you shouldn’t delay asking for a date and taking a phone number. Pickup experts recommend immediately pulling your interlocutor out of the network for a meeting, since you absolutely do not need to delay the communication.

The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? Don’t immediately dismiss her, try to practice communication and tackles with representatives of the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages the young lady will change her mind and go on a date with you.

If you really have serious intentions, and not just a pickup, then there is no specific time frame for meeting and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

Keep up the conversation, send poems and pictures to the cute young lady, in general, show yourself to be a good conversationalist. Then, when it opens, you can switch to communicating via SMS. And there it’s already close to the real meeting.

Getting to know a pretty young lady on VK is not so difficult, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous pitfalls.

It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relationships. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to girls. Perhaps an ordinary conversation online will be the beginning of a passionate romance and love!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

If you don't know how to meet a girl on the Internet, this advice is for you. In our busy time, full of activities and worries, an increasing number of people choose this method of dating. How to decide and interest her, what to talk about?

How to start a conversation

You need motivation to get acquainted. And go ahead!

  1. Decide what kind of girl you need, who you are looking for. And based on this, choose a place to meet. It is better if it is a resource where people with whom you have common interests communicate.
  2. Take a photo, because a photo is your business card. No naked torsos or neighbor's cars!
  3. Choose a few more photos of you working and fishing. No photos from drinking sessions!
  4. Did you find the one? It's time to send her a friend request.
  5. After you've chatted a little and left comments on her photos, it's time to meet. Invite her in real life as soon as possible!

This is the main thing that will lead you to success. So you got the answer to the question of how to meet a beautiful girl on social networks to start a new relationship.

A few more notes

You need to be a psychologist at heart and feel what is hidden behind a beautiful photograph. You are unlikely to be interested in a goddess in leopard print leggings for a serious relationship. Therefore, you need to tell only the truth about yourself. She will feel it and open up. There is no need to be afraid of your thoughts - you are who you are! You need to write in such a way that she definitely wants to answer. Get her hooked on something interesting.

But don't wait too long to get her phone number. Just from the conversation it’s clear what kind of person your new friend is. For example, you can tell if she smokes by her hoarse voice.

And it is clear that the first and even the second and third acquaintance can be unsuccessful. You still need to believe in yourself. Be optimistic! Be natural. It’s better to have interesting hobbies, read more, watch not action films, but something that might be interesting to her too. For example, arthouse. At the same time, her intellectual level can be checked. You are getting a girl for a serious relationship, not for one night, so the requirements for her are high, this is normal.

On a first date, it is important to look neat. Also watch your speech and how you eat. Nothing will escape the girl. She will be much more interested in you if you show that you have good manners and a wide range of interests.

What do you need for an interesting acquaintance on a social network and how to continue it?

How can you meet a girl on VKontakte? You just write to her, but it’s important that the beginning be intriguing. "Hi, how are you?" - who cares? She receives several such letters every day. Girls get tired of such banality and monotony. It is important to show that you do not just treat this acquaintance as one of many, but are aimed at building a serious relationship. Then you will attract her. She will want to give you her phone number and meet you. Let it be a park, a cafe or a cinema. Maybe you are interested in some kind of sport together? The same horse riding, for example. Amazing! Horseback riding is fine.

That's all we wanted to tell you about productive online dating for a serious relationship. And remember - life is improvisation!

Nowadays, young people are increasingly starting to meet girls on social networks, believing that this gives them a number of advantages. It cannot be said that dating on the Internet is undoubtedly better than dating in “real” life, but if everything is done correctly, then there are obvious advantages to it.

How to start a conversation with a girl on VKontakte

Original greeting in the first message

A greeting can be chosen without much difficulty, but an original one has a better chance of getting a response. The banal phrase “Hi, how are you?” most girls do not have any enthusiasm. An exception may be the case when you have a really interesting page, a lot of photos that can attract many Internet users without further ado. Otherwise, it is better to show resourcefulness. For example, you could write: “Hi! Finally I found you! Then you can clarify why this fact inspired you (compliment some aspect of her personality, appearance). You can also immediately show a serious attitude: “Hello! You are very interesting! Would you like to take a walk and get to know each other?” Of course, a rare girl will immediately agree to a meeting, but, for sure, it will be noted that you are not writing with the goal of simply “chatting on the Internet,” but have real intentions for a meeting.

What to talk about with a stranger you like

It will be best if you start a conversation about the girl herself. Show interest in her person, ask a few questions, give compliments, comment on some of her photos (not under the pictures themselves, but in personal messages, so that you can definitely count on a response).

What can you ask during correspondence to get to know her better?

Ask what she does - work, study or something else. Find out if she has any hobbies, what places in your city she likes, where she would like to visit (both in your city and in any other).

Questions that should not be asked in an SMS letter

You should not be actively interested in her personal life at the first stages of correspondence. Often information about the presence or absence of a lover can be found on the girl’s personal page. In any case, if the interlocutor answers you willingly and is clearly interested in dialogue, then you hardly need to worry. Be that as it may, the first meeting or refusal of it will clarify everything. Of course, you shouldn’t ask those questions that, in principle, are quite tactless, if people are not close - about the amount of wages, about the availability of property, and the like.

What interesting things to tell about yourself to impress her?

Tell us about your achievements - perhaps you have them in sports or career. It is possible that you are interested in some hobby - this may also interest her. If you don’t have any special hobbies, then it makes sense to find them! This way you will increase your chances of being an interesting conversationalist, and in general, a new step in self-development will never be superfluous.

What to write to make her feel good and make her smile

Most girls love compliments, and, of course, they help lift their mood. It is important that they are not trivial! She, of course, will be pleased to read that she has “beautiful eyes,” “a gorgeous figure,” and the like, but it’s better if you really pay attention to her features. Example: “You have such an unusual eye color, it looks like amber” (appropriate for light brown eyes).

Examples of messages when dating

Let's look at a few examples of messages at the initial stages of dating: “You have a very cool playlist, I “stole” several masterpieces from you,” “Add new photos more often, it’s nice to look at you!” etc.

How to interest a girl you like

Comment on her personal photos or like her

If a girl posts photos on her page on a social network, then it is obvious that she wants them to be noticed and appreciated. Regularly tag photos in which she is present. To avoid the impression that you like everything, mark neutral pictures selectively, but do not deprive them of attention to those where she is present. Also, some photos should be commented on - especially those that she puts on her profile picture. For example, in VK it is absolutely not necessary to leave verbal comments of the same type under a photo. Instead of words, you can easily attach some cute GIF that expresses your delight or a musical composition that hints at your train of thought.

Compliments about your favorite music on her page

Surely, any girl will be pleased if her musical tastes are appreciated. In general, any person likes it when his choice is considered interesting. If a girl pins a composition she likes “on the wall” (for you or herself), be sure to like the post, and you can add a suitable comment. If you see interesting songs on her playlist, then mention it.

Build a simple dialogue with questions so that she can answer easily

If you want your interlocutor to feel comfortable communicating with you, then structure the dialogue in such a way that it does not evoke ambiguous feelings in her. That is, forget about tactless questions. Perhaps you doubt whether this or that question is tactless - in this case, consult a more experienced friend or friend. Many girls don't like questions about weight, family problems or past relationships, and so on. Try to communicate with her on topics that are close to her - you can probably find out about her interests on her personal page (in the information about yourself or using posts on the “wall”).

How to complete the first communication-acquaintance so that there is a desire to communicate in the future

The main rule: do not delay the first communication, trying to find out everything possible about your interlocutor and “load” her with a lot of information about yourself. Let the girl have at least some space for thoughts and guesses about you. It is important to show that you are interested in her, but you should not write yourself down as a crazy admirer who almost has a wedge of light on a new acquaintance. These guys quickly end up in the friend zone. After talking a little with the girl and arousing reciprocal interest, write that, unfortunately, you need to leave the Internet, but you hope for further communication. It's better to mention that you're currently going for a workout, a bike ride, going to a water park with friends, or something like that. This way, the girl will get it in her mind that something interesting is going to happen to you now, and, probably, in this case, you yourself are quite an interesting person, and she won’t get bored with you.

If you notice that there is clearly mutual sympathy on the part of your interlocutor, then it would not be a bad idea to ask her for her phone number. If she does write it to you, be sure that she is considering the possibility of meeting you, and if you begin to delay this event, then her interest may fade. Also, do not be upset if the interlocutor does not give the number, arguing that she would like to first get to know you better through correspondence or something like that. For many girls this is really important.

How often should you write to her?

If she's online all the time

In this case, as in others, it is important not to be intrusive. If you are not one hundred percent sure that a girl is on VK solely for the sake of communicating with you, then you do not need to constantly write messages to her. Please note that she may not be online for the sake of dialogue at all - perhaps she is simply listening to music, reading information that interests her in a group. It's easy to check. Write a message and wait for a response. If there is no answer, then you should not write after: “Are you ignoring me?”, “Hey, why don’t you answer?”, “Aw!” etc. This can be very annoying! The exception is a question of primary importance that requires an answer within a few minutes, and at the same time you have no other way to contact the interlocutor. Note that such a case is quite rare or does not happen at all.

If you want to get a response to your message, then make sure that it has at least some content. Some guys can write in response to a joke: “Ha-ha!”, and wait for a response from the interlocutor. At the same time, many girls do not at all think that they need to respond to this. Subsequently, the guy may even be offended by such “inattention.” If you recognize yourself in such a scheme, then try to get rid of the habit of “artificially maintaining a dialogue.” You need to correspond with interest, and not play ping-pong with meaningless phrases, emoticons, etc. Many girls gradually get tired of such communication and try to avoid it.

If she hardly surfs the Internet

If a girl rarely uses VK or another social network, then, of course, even if you want, you will not have time to tire her with your messages. However, this feature of the girl reveals a certain trait of her character. Apparently, she has little interest in virtual communication or does not consider it something significant and serious. Then you shouldn’t expect much development in this direction. This suggests that you should transfer communication with your interlocutor to a different format - ask for a phone number or arrange a real meeting.

What to do if a girl doesn't respond to messages

First, try to determine why this might be happening. We propose to consider several possible options for such behavior.

1. She doesn't have time

Perhaps she needs VK exclusively for business communication, and she simply does not have time to communicate with friends and acquaintances. However, if so, then the girl will most likely tell you about it.

2. She is not interested in talking to you.

Alas, a similar option cannot be ruled out, and there may be many reasons for it. Maybe she was not very interested in you initially, and over time you were unable to change this situation. It is also possible that at first she considered you as a serious admirer and had some far-reaching plans, but for some reason you were unable to maintain her interest.

3. She is passionate about others

Many girls prefer not to waste time communicating with several young men at once, and focus their attention on one chosen one. If a girl is seriously passionate about another person, then most likely she will answer you quite rarely and in monosyllables, and perhaps she will not see the point in further communication at all. Of course, it may also be that she will soon lose interest in another object of sympathy and turn her attention to you. Girls are often very vulnerable when breaking up with young men, and often try to drown out their disappointment by communicating with another guy - it is quite possible that it will be you.

4. She's offended

Think about whether the reason for your interlocutor’s cooling could be that she is offended by something. Analyze your last correspondence with her. Were there any tactless jokes on your part, inappropriate questions, incorrect remarks, unnecessary information about another person? Perhaps, based on some direct or indirect signs, the girl concluded that you are interested in another person.

5. You are too intrusive

It is possible that the interlocutor is not delighted with the style of communication you set. Consider whether you are being too intrusive. This option is likely if your message is much larger, if the girl does not ask you any questions to support the dialogue, if she does not write first, does not read your messages for a long time (being on the Internet), and tries to give monosyllabic answers that do not imply further development of the dialogue .

Having determined the reason for the girl’s silence, act based on this information. If you understand that a girl is not interested in you, then showing resentment or an abundance of additional messages will not change the situation. You need to get her interested in other methods. Gradually stop writing to her (she will probably notice the missing fan), and do something really interesting. You can visit beautiful places or unusual establishments by posting a kind of photo report on VK, you can also find an exciting hobby and also demonstrate its fruits to your friends online. The main thing is that this is not a “one-time event.” Fill your news feed with interesting events and you will attract the attention of not only this girl, but many others as well. Please note that some girls, even with a high degree of interest, do not write to guys first, especially after a long pause in communication. After the described personal changes, write to the girl yourself, simply asking how she is doing. Based on her answers, you will understand whether she has become interested in you. If this does not happen, then it is better to pay attention to another person.

Also, in order not to get lost in senseless guesses, you can directly ask the girl why she doesn’t answer you. There is a high probability that she will give you a sincere answer to this question.

Many guys pay attention to the fact that some girls prefer not to start a dialogue, but only respond to their initiative. It is important to understand that this is not always a sign of low interest in the interlocutor. It just so happens that a significant number of girls are convinced that it is almost bad form to write to a young man first. What arguments do they use for this?

"Respectable girls don't chase boys." Often this is the attitude that many mothers instill in their daughters from childhood. Relying on their experience, which often corresponds to reality, young women explain to girls that young people often do not appreciate people who “go into their own hands” and “hang themselves on their necks.” Also, from a young age, girls hear the statement that “men by nature are hunters,” which means that they can only be truly attracted to something that still needs to be fought for. It is for this reason that some girls not only do not write to young people first, but also do not call them, do not initiate meetings, and the like. They are simply afraid, thus, of losing the interest of the chosen one. If this is really the case, then she will probably react quickly when your initiative is shown.

She doesn't like you. As sad as it may be, this option is quite possible. The girl didn’t see you as a potential boyfriend, and therefore simply sees no reason not only to initiate some kind of communication on her own, but sometimes she supports it rather sluggishly. It is possible that she initially indicated her attitude towards you, but you continue to be persistent, but it may also be that out of politeness or for some other reasons you do not clarify this point, believing that you will figure it out yourself.

She doesn't want to be in the crowd. The girl assumes that you already have enough pen pals without her, and it’s unlikely that she stands out as something special to you. Most girls want to feel “chosen” and do not agree to the role of “extras”. It is quite possible that she is mistaken, and you do not have an abundance of interlocutors, but this does not change the essence - she really believes that you already have someone to communicate with, and she does not plan to sit on the “spare bench”. It is possible that you yourself created the appearance of your popularity. This spurs some people, but there are also those who, on the contrary, are “slowed down” by this state of affairs.

Humiliation. Surely, many guys will find this strange and stupid, but some people actually believe that writing to a young man first is something akin to humiliation. It is difficult to say where such thoughts come from in the head of this or that person. Most often they are dictated by negative experiences previously experienced with another guy. Perhaps the girl often wrote to someone, showed obvious interest, and ended up being humiliated in some way. Girls who feel this way about taking initiative are rare, but they still happen.

Resentment. If before the girl still periodically initiated a dialogue with you, but gradually this faded away, then there is a high probability that she is simply offended by you for something. Surely, you can guess for yourself what could be the reason for the offense - to do this, read the latest correspondence or ask the question directly.

Considers herself obsessive. Perhaps, before, the girl often wrote to you first and gradually she began to get tired of this state of affairs. She felt that she was being too intrusive towards you and did not see enough interest on your part. Not wanting to look in an unattractive light anymore, she decided not to initiate communication anymore, and thus test your true attitude towards her.

You're not her type. She may like you as a person and as a friend, but she doesn’t want to give you extra hope for a possible relationship. Many girls have their own idea in their minds about what their ideal chosen one should be, and they try not to deviate from the intended “course”.

Be that as it may, at the initial stage, do not focus the girl’s attention on the fact that you do not like her lack of initiative. Until you become her boyfriend or potential boyfriend, you don't have much value to her, so such claims will most likely only push her away. Just let her know that you always look forward to messages from her, and you are pleased when she writes to you. Subsequently, if the relationship reaches a serious level, then, of course, it makes sense to raise this topic and find out the reasons for the lack of initiative.

Pickup phrases and topics for meeting a girl on the Internet

If you want to hook a girl by correspondence “at the start” of your communication, you can use some of the phrases below.

  • "I like you! And I like you, do you want to prove it?” - after that, bring the girl to a personal meeting.
  • “I can’t understand – are you really so beautiful or is it still photoshopped? Just kidding, you can’t create something like this with Photoshop” - after that you develop the topic, describing what impressed you about the girl.
  • “Finally, I found my muse! Whether you like it or not, you will be my inspiration,” such a passage will certainly be appreciated by the potential interlocutor.

The easiest way to make a girl know your name, become interested and even not mind meeting you (even in the distant future) is on VKontakte:

  • This is a famous social network, it is easy to use, especially in terms of determining common interests and searching for possible candidates for communication according to given parameters (from age to region of residence).
  • Always a convenient time and place of communication. Gives you the opportunity to take your time to think through your answers and build a conversation. Removes barriers and complexes at the initial stage. Sending a message is easier than saying something in person. And if the fish fails, it is much easier to survive than in real life.
  • AND “You don’t need to give a girl dinner”(no restaurant bills, no expenses for candy bouquets, no need to even buy a movie ticket).
  • A careful study of the profile will provide rich information about the person, his environment and interests, and favorite vacation spots.
  • In correspondence-dialogue, they usually answer more honestly than in real life.


How to meet a girl on VKontakte:

Gone are the days when letters were sent in envelopes, and the object of passion sometimes remained unattainable. Finding a girl you like nowadays is as easy as shelling pears on social networks. However, another problem arises: what to write to your sweetheart in the first message in order to interest him and continue communication in real life?

The main rule of a beginning pick-up artist is no platitudes! Forget the phrases “Hi, how are you?”, “Let’s get acquainted, beauty” and “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” Every second person begins online dating with a girl with these boring introductions. And if a representative of the fair sex is not deprived of external data, then she receives a lot of such messages from strangers, therefore, you are not original. Remember that girls rarely take the initiative in communication themselves. Therefore, you should take it into your own hands - choose an interesting topic for conversation, start with an interesting or unexpected question. And a sense of humor is an excellent assistant in winning hearts, especially on the Internet. However, you should not emphasize jokes with an excessive number of emoticons or parentheses. In general, at first you need to be careful with emoticons so as not to seem too frivolous. In addition, an abundance of non-verbal “garbage” may look like evidence of the paucity of your speech. If you don’t know what to write to a girl in the first message, start by studying her contact page. Look through the wall, interests, photos. Find a topic that you can “catch on to.” For example, a great way is to comment on her ava, especially if the girl is captured in some unusual place or unusual form. True, you shouldn’t ask “Where are you?” if a girl is posing in front of the Eiffel Tower. Experienced Internet seducers do not recommend writing messages longer than 100 characters. An excessively long message is a sign that you tried and strained too hard to compose something like that. There is a good old rule: the less a man tries to conquer a girl, the more chances he has to do it. Put the most meaning and emotion into the most concise form. Don't try to appear smarter than you really are. Write in simple, understandable language as if you were writing to a good friend, while avoiding slang and swear words. And of course, don’t forget about basic grammar rules. Don't be pushy. If the girl does not respond to the first message, it may make sense to write a second and even a third. But don’t insist on getting to know each other in a boring manner: “Hello! How are you?”, “Let’s get acquainted?”, “Why are you silent?”, “Well, answer something...” and so on. And even more so, you should not be rude to a girl if she left your calls for acquaintance unanswered. So, no luck today, try changing tactics next time or find another object to get acquainted with. Don't overdo it with compliments. Telling a girl how beautiful, divine and unearthly she is is by no means the best way to get to know each other. It is enough to say a compliment once per correspondence. Don't rush into the quarry. There is no need to force things and after the first introductory phrases ask the girl for her phone number or insist on a meeting. Most likely, your “lady of the heart” will refuse, because she doesn’t know you well, and what have you done to date you? Get her interested before asking her to continue dating in real life.

Remember, your VK page is the first thing a girl will pay attention to when meeting you, so before you start communicating, take care of your “appearance”. Fill out your profile as interestingly as possible, upload high-quality photos so that they would like to get to know you better.

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