What can you write in VK interests? Create something original from this list! Make something unusual out of the standard

P Hello, girls! Help me please…. What to write in the interests of VKontakte for girls? Please advise! This is what your assistance is all about. I'll thank you later... Do not doubt!

Girls' advice sent:

  • Oksana (pseudonym – Ogonyok):

If only the words had meaning! Write, as long as it is beautifully written. It’s good if there are no errors...

  • Amalia (pseudonym – Professional Chess Player):

Arrange a scattering of short jokes on the page! The kind that would characterize you at certain moments in your life. I would do this too, but everyone doesn’t get around to it!

  • Olga (pseudonym – Northern Star):

What won't work as usual? You just need to list all the real interests that accompany you every day. I'll write an example:




Riding a motorcycle.




Playing guitar.

Various discos.


Visiting cinemas (theatres).


  • Alexandra (pseudonym – Daughter of Heaven):

On my VKontakte (page) everything starts with the word “love”:

I love to cook.

I love to eat.

I love to walk.

I like to talk with friends.

I love “climbing” in Photoshop.

I love watching TV series.

I love watching people.

I love taking part in competitions.

I love to sing all sorts of songs.

I love to take a bath.

I love receiving gifts and giving gifts.

I like to fully relax.

I love to win the hearts of young (and not so young) people.

I love to cry with laughter.

I love going on dates.

I love to love and be loved (the only one).

I like to disappear on holidays.

I like to work at interesting and not boring work.

  • Angelica (alias – Goddess of Great Love):

Girl, forgive me, of course, but you are very strange! Haven't you figured out what to write about your interests? Write what you love and that's it. And if your fantasy doesn’t work, don’t torture it! Write (list) everything on one line. You can have more than one, if you can! It’s up to you to decide for yourself (regarding the “sweeping” of the lines).

  • Jasmine (Flower Pollen):

Write directly that you cannot live without the Internet! And in modern world Now almost no one is interested in anything else. Sorry if I offended you.

  • Khayala (pseudonym – Eastern Beauty):

What to write? And whatever you want! No one will look closely at this! But it would be original to list interests alphabetically. I would do that, but I have absolutely no time for social networks.

  • Augustine (pseudonym – Abandoned by Fate):

Write your interests in some unusual language. My friend (also a neighbor) wrote in Japanese. And you can write in Hebrew! There are many languages. In Russian it’s banal. Come up with something!

  • Lyudmila (pseudonym – Look into My Eyes):

Look at what is written on my page and write the same on yours. Although…. No! I won't give you this link. Let me be more original than you!

  • Maria (pseudonym – I Live Alone Only by You):

Write something on VKontakte that will coincide with the information and writing style of your guy (if, of course, you have one). He will be pleased that you “copy” him. Self-esteem will definitely awaken in him!

  • Nadezhda (pseudonym – Doll of Magic and Powers):

Interests: People. House. Trees. Rocks. Tulya. Tables... List everything as long as possible. Do not stop! There is no need to think about it. Write in the “interests” column everything that comes to mind first! This will make your interests more interesting!

  • Lily (pseudonym – Singer):

Hm…. Do you need a sample, or am I misunderstanding something? Look through the pages of VKontakte, find something that interests you, and get a little idea about it. Add something of your own to someone else’s idea, and the result will be a very educational mixture! It will be able to interest many people and it will not leave you indifferent.

  • Nina (pseudonym – Tear of Happiness):

Oh, no need! Don't pretend! You know what to write there. You're just too lazy to think today! I will be silent, otherwise I will write something unnecessary.

  • Olga (pseudonym – Lunar Path):

Write “Internet” and “VKontakte” in capital letters. That's enough. Unless, of course, you live in the world of reality, but disappear into virtual worlds most of my time.

  • Ksenia (pseudonym – Stripe of Bright Light):

In the “Interests” column, you usually write about your own interests. What, did she discover America? Then I’m proud! You can write about strangers. For the “little red word”. If there is nothing to write about your own! Forgive me for being so rude, but sometimes people deserve to be rude.

  • Zhanna (pseudonym – Coffee Grounds):

It’s better to write about your hobbies in the form of tags, so that people (with the same interests as yours) can quickly get to your page if they want. And also write what you believe in, what groups you are in... This is in separate columns, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it.

  • Julia (pseudonym – Fairy of Compliments):

ABOUT! I can write endlessly about this. And a page is not enough for me. That’s why I started several of them, rather than sitting on just one. I advise you to do the same if you have something to write, but there are a lot of thoughts.

  • Ekaterina (pseudonym – Forest Riddle):

And so you start writing... “I am the one who dreams at night...”. Well, continue the same way, the same way beautiful language. That's not mine. I read it somewhere. But I couldn’t resist writing to you. I really liked it!

Online dating

IN recent years world wide web has received tremendous development. Today, almost every person uses the power of the Internet. Becoming more and more popular social media. They were originally conceived as a way of communication between former classmates and graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Today, social networks have become a good platform for forming interest groups, meeting people and organizing events. To be successful, you need to know what interests you have in Contact, what to write in your profile, what photos are best to post, how to behave, and so on.

Where to begin?

The first thing to do is register. Why on the blue-blue network? According to surveys, it is the most popular, especially among young people. Then you need to fill out your interests in Contact. Many people get lost at this stage or do not consider it important to indicate full information in the questionnaire. But it is precisely by this that people will look for you. After all, you can communicate not only with former classmates and fellow students, but also with other people. Including with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to know why interests are needed in Contact and what to write in them.


First of all, it is important to decide for what purpose you are creating the page. If you are looking for friends or a loved one, then not only write down information about yourself in detail, but also indicate your interests in “Contact”. What to write? Any of your hobbies. They will be the basis for acquaintance. If you,

for example, if you love horse riding, then look for a girl with a similar hobby. This will make it easier for you to find topics to talk about. Don't forget about such an important aspect as literacy. Today many people neglect this quality. But correctly written text is important not only for the exam. After all, it is on this basis that the first impression will be made. When communicating, you should not get carried away with slang and jargon words - this can be off-putting. Can be used cool interests in contact with". Any originality only attracts. Write about your hobbies with a bit of humor or in an original way. Feel free to use your imagination and be creative.

Few people know how to use interests in Contact in business and what to write in them. It doesn't require much. It is only important to fill out the form correctly. Please indicate your real details, what you do and what kind of partners you are looking for. If you

If you provide services or sell a product, describe its features in detail. Don't neglect spelling. After all, it is on the basis of your profile that people will form an opinion about your business. If you treat her with disdain, then what can you expect from others?


Social networks have become a part of our lives. They still allow us to maintain connections between graduates of higher and secondary specialized institutions, former classmates. But today they acquire new meanings. Thus, VKontakte has become one of the most popular platforms for dating the opposite sex. They are also looking for friends here. Many companies and stores, all kinds of businessmen actively promote their product or service through the VKontakte website. This is also a convenient service for getting quick feedback. So don't be afraid to sign up for the blue network. It's not that difficult.

Today, almost every person is registered on social networks. Your page - your face. You want to present yourself in such a way that others can understand your inner world, your interests and your personality. A very important component of the Internet image is the “activity” column in “Contact”.

Use your imagination

Of course, you can write the truth about yourself, but it happens that at this stage in life she is not of particular interest to others. For example: “I’m studying at school.” There are millions of such people, who is interested in such information? “Activities” in “Contact” must contain original information. This is not a resume for a job; no one requires you to be authentic and formal. So you can get a little creative here. The information you need to enter in this field depends on your gender, age, social status. Here are some examples of how the “activity” column in “Contact” can be filled in differently. What to write to a girl or guy?

"Activity" ideas for girls

If you are a romantic person, then you can write some cheerful poem. For example:

"I'm brave, I'm moving forward,

And not back, not to the side!

I'm brave, I'm moving forward

I'm walking through the city alone!

I'm brave, I'm moving forward

And I know for sure - I will get there!

I'm cold, I'm scared,

But I walk bravely!

And the rain pours like buckets,

And I'm walking all alone.

I’ll reach my dream, and that’s for sure,

I'm going forward. But only. Dot!!!"

If you are a bit of a bitch at heart and sometimes show your claws, then you can write something like:

  1. “I easily drive people crazy, completely silent, just looking into their eyes.”
  2. "I live! The heart in my chest beats only for those who can hear it beat. For the rest, I am heartless."
  3. “I play with guys the way I want.” There can be many options here, the main thing is not to be shy, because this is just the Internet.

"Activities" in "Contact". What to write to a guy?

Our advice here is to write more funny things. People around you, especially girls, love to laugh at a good joke. You can write something ironic about your activities, for example: “Inactivity”, “Intellectual”, “Member of a society of people who once touched their tongues to a frozen piece of iron”, “I am developing a plan to take over the Universe”, “My own business is bullshit trading and fooling around” . Or you can write something sincere and from the bottom of your heart, which will show you to others as an open and sincere person. For example: “I give people joy, help the weak, play sports, take everything from life!”

Jokes and quotes

Exists universal method fill out the “activities” in “Contact” truthfully and interestingly. What should you write to present in an original way what you actually do? You can, for example, like this: “I danced, I dance and I will dance,” “I’m banging on the keys without stopping.” You can add a little philosophy to your words: “I look at this mortal world with sadness” and so on. By the way, there is a great way out if you still have an empty “activity” in “Contact”. What to write in this field if nothing comes to mind? Can you quote someone from famous people. Faina Ranevskaya, Dale Carnegie, Ivan Urgant and many others have very bright and sparkling phrases. If you have a favorite actor or singer, you can fill this column with a quote from your favorite performer. You can write anything you want, because Contact users usually have a great sense of humor. Without a doubt, many will appreciate your joke in the “activity” column. It will be much worse if you write something boring and banal. Just use your imagination!

In our age rapid development electronic communication, and speaking in simple language, ways to communicate via the Internet, everything more people make extensive use of the unique opportunities provided. On the one hand, of course, nothing can replace personal communication, face to face, so to speak, but, on the other hand, if the interlocutor is located at a considerable geographical distance, then access through world wide web is the most convenient and fastest. Some communicate with friends, relatives in another city or even country, while others are looking for new friends and acquaintances based on similar interests.

To make it more convenient for users to search for each other and exchange information on the Internet, numerous platforms have been created - social networks, among which in Russia the social network Vkontakte occupies one of the leading places. The account interface is configured in such a way as to collect as much data as possible about the person who wishes to register or join any community, which, by the way, can be opened by anyone and on any topic. In principle, any user has the right to decide to what extent he should fill out interests in a contact. They don’t ask for anything particularly secret, just a standard survey to determine their main interests. It’s like meeting someone in a new team - others need to find common ground. But still, to the question “interests in contact, what should I write?” should be taken seriously and even creatively. In addition to the required fields, there is also a free form in which anyone can fill out interests in the contact about themselves, indicating the information they wish. Firstly, by doing this he will almost certainly find like-minded people in his If this is something exotic, like collecting lepidopterans of Central Africa, then it will be quite difficult to find colleagues in the immediate environment, but on the social network, thanks to its mass character (for VKontakte, for example - this is about 100-120 million users) there will always be people interested in this topic. And secondly, this is already a reason for acquaintance and communication.

Besides simple communication Networks also provide an excellent opportunity to promote your business. If a potential user has his own business, then it is definitely worth looking for clients among the other participants in the project. Therefore, when filling out interests in a contact, there should be no questions about what to write. You need to write about your product that is being offered. At the same time, it is desirable that this product be truly unique, then there will be many who want to buy it. For WEB masters Also, there are no questions about interests in contact, what to write, in this section your site or page is described in as much detail as possible, and if there is truly original content, and even containing new information that is not on other sites, then success and a powerful influx of traffic to this resource are guaranteed . This method is one of the most effective free promotion sites.

However, among users, sometimes, when filling out the interests column in a contact, what to write, there are very exotic directions. There is even a kind of competition on the forum for the coolest interests in contact. Well, for example, the topic is “dependence on independence” or “club of lovers in intimate places”, “drawing, fishing, sex” and many others.

Of course, there is a certain moderation for the creation of topics, but its only purpose is the compliance of the content of the resource with the Legislation Russian Federation, and as for the exotic, everyone has the right to choose whether to engage in these cool interests in contact or not, and can, if there is a need for self-expression, create something of their own.

Do you want all your comrades and loved ones to know what you are thinking about and what you are feeling? this moment? Share your emotions with your favorite friends - formulate your thoughts briefly in your status.

You can also choose the status that is relevant to you for Friend Around from the most popular and beloved by users.

Funny statuses

  • I’m used to always writing down my expenses. “Transport – 50 rubles. Newspaper – 30 rubles. I don’t remember where - 9730 rubles...
  • Removed from your friends list? Get ready, likes, we're leaving)))
  • My cat knows more keyboard shortcuts than I do!
  • Noticed: photos taken on an international passport turn out a hundred times happier than photos taken on a regular one)
  • The driver of a city minibus, who accidentally drove onto the race track, won the race, and even managed to pick up three passengers along the way.

Wise statuses

  • I don’t like to talk about life, I just live.
  • Everything is in our hands, so don't you dare put them down!
  • Do you want to know something about a person? Don't ask what others say about him. Ask what he thinks about others.
  • Never expect anything from anyone, just accept people as they are.
  • A smart girl watches her appearance and behavior, while a stupid girl watches her boyfriend!
  • It’s stupid to make long-term plans, live here and now!
  • Tired of everything and no desire to communicate? Find out how to delete a page from a friend around. If you wish, you can start a new one and start from a new sheet.

Statuses About love

  • Once an unspoken declaration of love can remain unspoken for the rest of your life.
  • Love gives everyone the strength to wake up, breathe easily and smile sweetly.
  • Look around and see that love is near.
  • In love, even a lot is always not enough.
  • Love can kill time, but only time can kill love.
  • It is impossible to hide love where it is and show it where it is not.

Statuses About family

  • It’s not 7 years now, but I’m still running and looking into my bag when mommy comes: what’s delicious?
  • My family is strange: my dad is chatting with his car, my mom is with flowers on the windowsill, my sister is with cats, I’m the only normal one - with a laptop and a mobile phone.
  • The husband was so tired from work that he paid off his marital debt in money.
  • Today there is complete harmony in our family: the child took “Vrednolin”, the mother took “Stervozol”, and the father took “Papazol”. Everyone is happy!
  • Everything is strict in our family! As dad said, so it will be mom’s way.
  • Mom, where did we come from in the world? God made us. And dad said that we are from monkeys. Mom: Dad talks about his relatives, and I talk about mine.
  • The highest paying job is that of a mother. They pay for it with love!
  • Do you also want to share your emotions with your friends without any restrictions? Download Friend Around on your phone and look for new people to talk to!

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