What is better for selling on Facebook. free ways to sell products through a store

Every company needs standard contract. Firstly, because the law requires it. Secondly, because the presence of an adequate signed agreement protects against the client’s sudden desire “I don’t want to pay for the services provided and I won’t.” So it is better to write down in the document in advance a clause stating that the cost of the contract is such and such an amount. I learned how to do this, and in general how to draw up a service agreement, in practice, through difficult “scientific” experiments.

My partner Lisa and I are not lawyers at all, which created certain difficulties in the process of finding an answer to the question: how to draw up a service agreement? Developing a standard agreement for our company was not easy, and these difficulties were of the “hell knows what to write in this thing” category. We didn’t have any extra money to give to experienced lawyers, so we had to get out on our own. I will free you from this torment.

I must say, we dug quite a bit into legislative framework. From an interesting point it turned out that any contract must have:

  1. Preamble

    Header + name of the agreement + introduction on the topic “Our Firm LLC, represented by the general director, on the one hand, and Another Firm LLC, represented by someone there, have concluded this agreement on the following...”.

  2. Ambula

    It is also the subject of the contract. Actually, “the following.” We undertake to do something (good), the counterparty undertakes to pay for this joy, so the value of the contract is...

  3. Cost of work and payment procedure

    Exactly how much is the cost of the contract, how much the client agrees to pay and under what conditions.

  4. Rights and obligations of the parties

    What should both parties do to successfully complete the transaction? And what everyone has the right to! For example, the client is obliged to provide access to the site, and the contractor has the right to use data from the work results in his portfolio.

  5. Responsibility of the parties

    What will happen if the work is not completed on time or ends unsuccessfully... In the same place, the customer must promise us something pleasant, if the work ends unsuccessfully due to his fault or he is unable to fulfill the clause “The cost of the contract is ...” and pay us hard-earned money, well deserved money.

  6. Contract time

    Everything is clear here. Traditionally, contracts for permanent work are concluded for a year with the possibility of automatic extension, “if neither party has declared termination of the Agreement.”

  7. Details and signatures

    Even simpler: they should be.

  8. Applications and add-ons

As a rule, it is in the appendix that a specific list of works is given. It is important here that the text of the contract must contain a link to the application.

Having enriched ourselves with a theory on how to draw up a service agreement, we moved on to reconnaissance in force and turned to competitors for help. You can get a standard contract for almost any company without any problems. Many companies openly post templates on their websites; others can call and actively wish to conclude an agreement immediately. If necessary, you can contact friends with websites and corporate addresses for permission to use their corporate boxes.

We, however, easily obtained several useful agreements and began creative compilation. A couple more hours of uncreative torment, and the contract is ready!

Let’s proceed to the final stage - we catch a lawyer we know and for tea/coffee/buns we force him to master our masterpiece about online promotion. Lisa found a lawyer she knew. The contract was successfully read and happily sent to the first clients.

Facebook is a wonderful platform for heated political debates, reading current news, communicating with friends, liking cute photos and cats. In addition to all these activities, Facebook - good opportunity to sell your things. Sales here are slightly different from sales in Shaf and VKontakte. Today we’ll talk about how sales on Facebook work, how to find right places for sales and how to sell successfully.

Facebook groups - how it works

Unlike the ones used by brands and stores, there are groups for private sales advertisements. The main difference between groups and pages is that all participants can post to it. Initially, groups were invented for thematic communication based on their interests, but enterprising Facebook regulars quickly adapted this functionality to sell everything under the sun.

Interested people gather in groups, and with the right approach to business, selling off everything you need and earning a couple of thousand hryvnia will not be difficult.

Facebook functionality for sales announcements

The popularity of sales groups on Facebook is evidenced by the fact that already at the beginning of 2015, the social network began testing a separate type of posts for such groups. In the sales group, the standard “Publish” button was replaced by the “Sell” button. Additional fields have appeared in the publication: title (up to 100 characters), price, description and, of course, photographs. You won't be able to publish your ad without filling out the name and price. The title stands out in the publication in bold, and the price will be placed on a separate line

The advantages of publishing advertisements through such a form are not immediately obvious. The form disciplines sellers and makes life easier for potential buyers. It’s immediately clear what’s here. It has become easier to find your ads, edit them and remove them when the item is sold.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling on Facebook

Sales in FB groups have their own specifics, which have both positive and negative sides. Let's look at this specificity.


  • Familiar interface

You do not need to go through a separate registration, wait for confirmation letters, or delve into how the platform works. Posting ads and communicating with customers is not much different from writing statuses or communicating with friends.

  • Quick placement

There are many active sales groups, both local and all-Ukrainian. And they do not always consist of the same people. Thanks to the ease of publishing, you can immediately post your item to several relevant active groups.

  • Buyers don't have to look for you

The ad appears in the general news feed, you don’t have to wait until a potential buyer goes to a special website looking for a dress or sweater. You know how it happens with girls, it seems like you weren’t going to buy anything, but your eyes caught on a cute photo, and now you’re already negotiating a sale.

  • Lack of anonymity

When purchasing, you can go to the user’s profile and see what’s on their page. If the account is “not fake,” then buyers will clearly have more trust in it than in the seller hiding behind a nickname.

  • Quick Feedback

By looking at FB groups you can immediately understand what is selling well and what is not selling well. You can go to any active group and view the feed to understand how to create your ads.

If your item is beautiful and at the right price, within a couple of minutes you will have a line of people wanting to buy it. In groups you need to navigate and make a decision quickly, otherwise it will be very difficult to find an advertisement in an hour or two.

To avoid losing your listings, interested buyers will comment and like your listings, thereby increasing their visibility to others. And likes and comments from potential competitors stimulate faster decision-making, because a good thing can “fly away” right from under your nose.


  • Short ad lifespan

If no one is interested in your ad, it will give way to other, more popular ads. There is practically no chance that someone will find him in a day. You can update your ad by writing to it. new comment. The rules of most groups prohibit doing this too often.

  • Can't find anything suitable

On Facebook there is no way to filter ads by type of item and size, as you can do in Shafe. If a buyer misses your size 46 dress, it is unlikely that he will ever find it again. It's just luck that they'll see you necessary people at the time of publication.

  • Mysterious mechanism for displaying posts in the feed

But no one can guarantee you this either. Facebook, unlike VKontakte, will not automatically show all posts from the group to all participants, so there is no guarantee that you will be seen even by those who are online at the time of publication.

  • Buyers act impulsively

The advantage described in paragraph 5 may become a disadvantage. In an effort not to miss profitable proposition, buyers can quickly and thoughtlessly book things, and then abandon their intentions. This is not very pleasant and takes up extra time on useless communications.

  • Misunderstandings with the queue

Lots of unstructured comments, personal messages. If you put up a mega-interesting lot, it will be hard not to get confused about “who was behind whom.” And if you posted an ad in several groups, then it is generally unclear which buyer is from where. These things will have to be monitored closely.

  • Missing private messages

If you are not mutual friends with the buyer, your personal messages to each other may fall into the mysterious “Correspondence Requests” box, where novice users do not always think to look.

  • No reviews or blacklists

Unlike Shafa, you cannot leave reviews or check the reputation of the seller. You will not be able to accumulate positive “karma”, which will increase customer confidence in you.

How to find active sales groups

If you are planning to sell something on Facebook, there is no point in limiting yourself to just one group. The announcement can and should be posted in local groups, in large active groups for everything, to sales groups in your city and to thematic groups.

How to find such groups? You can use Facebook recommendations. In the side column, select the “Groups” tab and view “Recommended”, “Local Groups” and the groups your friends are members of. Or enter a query into the search bar - for example, “flea market Dnepropetrovsk”. Next, select the “More results by request” option, and on the page that opens, select the result type – “Groups”.

How to search and not lose ads

Despite the fact that Facebook is constantly improving something in its mechanisms, search in it does not work well. IN popular groups at large quantities Every day new listings are almost impossible to find. Moreover, the most frequently asked question in any group (and I have a good dozen of them in my subscriptions): “I can’t find my ads.” What to do?

Use #hashtags

Hashtags on Facebook are not very popular yet, but they still work. In the group rules, administrators usually give recommendations - which hashtags are mandatory and which are desirable. Using hashtags, you can search for current announcements from participants.

It makes sense to tag all your ads with some unique hashtag (for example, #anichkaprodaetplatie2016). If you have a lot of ads, it is better not to neglect this rule.

Use search

Each group header has a search bar that allows you to search for posts within the group's posts. Search works by individual words and by the names of the participants. It doesn't work perfectly either, but overall it works well. By at least ten latest announcements If you search for “dress” he will definitely show you.

Save posts

If you click the small triangular pointer on the right top corner any publication, you can find the “Save publication” option. Everything that you save in this way on Facebook can be found in a separate “Saved” tab of your profile (side column of the main page, “Favorites” section).

Use activity log

If you liked or commented on some interesting thing, but forgot where and did not save the link to specific post, you will find the activity log useful. You can find it in your profile settings. In the activity log you can view all your activities on Facebook - likes, comments, posts, videos watched. It’s convenient that content can be sorted by type – likes feed separately, comments separately, activities in groups separately.

How to sell on Facebook

For successful sales Facebook has its own rules. Most of them are common to any platform for selling things, but there are still a few features that are only relevant for Facebook.

Read the group rules

Each group has its own rules established by its creators and administrators. Be sure to read them carefully. In some groups you can place everything, in some only certain types of things - for example, only new women's clothing, only children's clothing, or only shoes. For non-compliance with the rules, your ad will be deleted, and you may be excluded from the group.

Over time, each group establishes its own unspoken traditions, which may not be directly stated in the rules, but which make sense to follow for successful sales. For example, in some groups it is customary to write “reservation” to express a specific intention to buy an item. Whoever wrote first is first in line.

Take beautiful photos

On Facebook, your ad will share the feed with cats, beautiful photos, links to interesting materials. To attract attention, it must be eye-catching and as clear as possible.

Remember that a photo will look beautiful in your feed if its width is greater than its height. And if there are several photos, then Facebook will collect the first four into a collage. The user will see the rest only if he starts scrolling through them in your ad.

Clear description

The first few lines of the description should contain maximum information useful to the future buyer. The system will hide everything that is not included in these lines. The rest will be seen only by those who are interested enough to expand your publication. Therefore, it is better to put all lyrical and romantic details there.

Otherwise, the rules for selling items are the same as everywhere else - clear descriptions, do not hide the presence of defects, respond politely and quickly to buyers, follow safety rules to protect yourself from scammers.

Active groups for the sale of women's clothing

Here are just a few popular groups where you can sell and buy women's clothing.

Among the Community members Executive.ru There is no consensus on the usefulness of social networks. Enthusiasts talk about “building communities” and creating a “loyal audience” that needs to be entertained and sold on the occasional buzz. Skeptics speak disparagingly about social media: they say that Twitter and Facebook are of no use. At first glance, it makes more sense to take the side of the skeptics, because to highlight in the sales volume those transactions that were carried out by “friends” trademark, It's hard enough. And there is no way to scrupulously calculate the effectiveness of social media as a selling tool - there is no actual “profit”.

But to the great delight of enthusiasts, tools have appeared that can help confirm the usefulness of social media for business. In fact, there is nothing simpler: just install and configure a web application for the “virtual” of your online store and prove the great “selling” power of social networks in the same way as three quite successful retailers from the USA have already done. But no one is stopping us from adopting overseas experience and somehow adapting cases to the harsh realities of Russian reality. Let's see what's interesting together dug up on the topic portal editors Mashable and is there anything in American success stories that will work in Russia with minimal modifications?

Case No. 1. BabyAndMeGifts.com Owner of an online store of goods for babies and young mothers Jacqueline Myers uses Facebook as additional showcase for your online store on own domain. Her social media page is managed using a web application BigCommerce– the same thing that an independent online store operates on. Is it worth talking about the convenience of such integration? An important plus - BigCommerce allows you to send potential buyers to a “big” online store on its website, and does it for free. The result is that approximately 50% of buyers come to BabyAndMeGifts.com from a Facebook page. Jacqueline is pleased that she has created a community on the social network. According to her, being represented on Facebook is very convenient - you are always in front of the client.

Case No. 2. Livescribe Let's be honest - we love it Livescribe, although we have almost forgotten how to write by hand. This is an innovative information recording and storage system that combines Computer techologies and a good old pen. Be that as it may, when releasing the next version of the gadget, Livescribe decided on a large-scale redesign community pages on Facebook. As in the case of BabyAndMeGifts.com, the user, having visited the brand’s page, is aware of all the new products at first glance, but is sent to the official Livescribe website for purchases. According to project marketing manager Brett Kaufmann, the Facebook page became an excellent support for the Twitter account - with its help, people learned about the company’s products more people. In terms of the ratio of investments and the return on them in the form of real sales, online shopping on Facebook is quite effective. Alternatively, he recommends keeping changes on the brand's standalone website in sync with content on the community page. Better - in automatic mode. It's more reliable. It’s a pity, but Mr. Kaufmann does not provide specific figures.

Case No. 3. Ettitude This Australian online store sells all sorts of environmentally friendly household goods like pastel linen made from bamboo fibers and other “premium” products for ecosexuals. Community Store on Facebook runs on the BigCommerce platform. Responding to a question from Mashable about how exactly having a Facebook community and storefront affects online store sales, Managing Director Phoebe Yu I was embarrassed to give specific numbers. Yes, people come from Facebook, but it’s not clear from the links whether they come from links from a community page or from clicks on product pictures. However, Phoebe Yu claims that opening a store on FB is great idea. But it only works when people are interested in you and when something is constantly happening on the store page. After all, you might get liked and shared, she says. The main thing is not to overuse mailings to your friend database - it really irritates users.

Present your product or services in in social networks large companies, classic online stores and private sellers (masters of handmade goods, resellers, organizers of joint purchases) can do so. Reputable companies, as a rule, limit themselves to creating a representative page on which company news, messages about promotions and sales are published, as well as public relations.

Online stores use Facebook to a greater extent as a means of redirecting a selected flow of customers to their storefront, and private sellers can make sales without a website, directly through personal messages on the social network. At the same time, three types of advertising are used to attract customers:

  1. Advertising posts in popular groups (urban, hobby, entertainment). This the best option how to sell products on Facebook self made, as well as advertising the brand, since the method allows you to reach a wide range of consumers. Such publications are always paid, but the price of placement depends on the level of group attendance. Advertising message can be veiled as news (jeans) or be direct.
  2. Ads in narrowly targeted groups. Communities dedicated to sales (flea markets). They can be general(for the sale of any legal product) or with certain restrictions (only new, children's clothing, shoes, used). Such sites are suitable for both stores and private advertisements, since they are aimed directly at the target audience (visitors who want to make a purchase). There are limits for each seller free ads and restrictions on the frequency of their publication. In addition, you can order a paid message. Such groups have special forms for creating advertisements, where you can specify the price, description and location of the product (seller).
  3. Teaser advertising. This advertisements, published by the social network itself and only for money (from $2 per day). They represent very effective tool for private sellers and online stores, since they are shown only to the selected target audience according to your personal settings.

How to design a fan page

A representative company page or seller profile on Facebook is business card entrepreneur. It must be fully formatted and contain information about the product and how to purchase it. The page consists of the following elements:

  • Name- this could be the name of the brand (company), your store. For masters of handmade goods, the brand is their own name, and organizers of joint purchases and resellers need to indicate the type of activity in the name so that the buyer understands that you are selling a certain product and it is easy for him to find you.
  • Avatar- this can be a store (company) logo or a photo of the seller. Profiles and pages with a believable photo of the seller are always more credible than random images.
  • Page cover- it is a presentation of your product or services. These could be product photographs (a collage of best works) or the process of your work.
  • Photo album- a portfolio of your works. In order for visitors to understand that this is your work, you need to install a copyright sign or your logo on each photo.
  • Shop- Very convenient function for those who want to know how to sell products online on Facebook. It can be set up to be sold via private messages or redirected to an online store. Here you can add photos, videos and descriptions of products, indicate their price and availability.
  • Offer- created when carrying out promotions and discounts, publishing promotional codes for customers. Creating an offer will also allow you to remind interested users who have saved your ad about the expiration date of the promotion.
  • Group- you can attach your own group to the fan page, where you can unite your clients, colleagues and publish viral advertising.

How to increase conversion and set up retargeting

Understanding how to sell on Facebook successfully requires proper planning. advertising campaign. yours main task is the provision high conversion- percentage of completed purchases (orders) of the total number of visitors. This can be done by narrowing the focus on potential clients and removing from possible options categories of users who are obviously not interested in your offer.

Retargeting (user sorting) is configured according to the following parameters:

  • Geographical position- if you offer a product only within your city, you do not need to pay for advertising displays to residents of other regions.
  • Age category and gender- it is necessary to establish who and at what age buys your product or services. For example, if you sell handmade bags, your customers will be mostly women between 25 and 35 years old.
  • Clients' interests- you can select users who are interested in your product or service. For example, if you sell nutritional supplements for athletes, you might target people interested in sports, diets, in a healthy way life.
  • Customer Behavior- this setting helps to find out about the client’s financial condition and his plans for the future. For example, if a person has recently moved from one city to another, he may be interested in building materials, furniture and everything that new residents need.
  • Life events. Upcoming anniversaries, birthdays and weddings are a good reason to show your ad to the friends of the hero of the occasion.

Filling the event feed and advertising posts for products

Your page (profile, group) should not be empty. To attract subscribers (friends, participants), it should be periodically updated with interesting information, current offers, and new products. Each such message (post) must have:

  • Image(photography, collage, art, video).
  • Description. Includes an attractive headline, body copy (e.g. important characteristics product), tags for quick search. The information is presented in such a way that a potential buyer would like to like, save or comment on the post. It should have a tempting offer and a call to action.

Updating your own feed and publishing ads are performed at least once a day so that your subscribers see activity and are aware of brand events, new arrivals and your ideas. But you shouldn’t do too many of them, because appearing too often in your feed can provoke your client to leave the group, unsubscribe, or even block you.

Use original content- professional photography of goods (especially important for handmade products), selling texts. Check for grammatical errors and the accuracy of the information presented in the feed. On Facebook, any mistake you make can be quickly replicated online, creating a negative reputation for you.

How to trade on Facebook via private messages

When placing orders on Facebook, interested buyers can write to you in the comments to ads or in private messages. In the comments, as a rule, the parameters (size, price, delivery options) are clarified and the product is reserved. Contact information is sent in private messages.

Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis and according to the rules of trading on social networks - you cannot transfer the order to the next one without the refusal of the previous buyer who booked the goods. This causes some difficulties, since many users sometimes make a reservation in order to consider the purchase option later. And those who are really ready to buy may ignore the advertisement, deciding that their turn will not reach them. This problem can be solved by limiting the booking time (for example, during the day), which should be indicated in the product description.

Orders must always be placed via personal message with confirmation by telephone. At the same time, it is very important to study the features of the site itself before selling through Facebook. So, sometimes personal messages can get lost and not reach the recipient. The fact is that to ensure user privacy, the system sends them to separate folder“Correspondence Requests”, which should be reviewed regularly. This security measure allows you to always “friend” your customer, and therefore gives you access to view their profile.

There is no single way to sell on Facebook effectively and without risks, since it all depends on the direction and product category you choose. On the other hand, keeping general rules strategy, you will not only recoup the funds invested in advertising, but will also be able to create reliable base regular customers.

Selling on Facebook works because of its social and viral nature, ensuring constant growth of the audience.

Selling on Facebook means getting more potential buyers and making your brand the subject of discussion among opinion leaders (stay “top of mind”). All you have to do is focus on engagement (clicks, likes, comments, shares) and post interesting products for sale. Typically, the easiest way to achieve sales is with more than 1,000 subscribers. The most successful brands on Facebook use Flash selling as their primary strategy.

To get enough subscribers, check out the previous issue:

Flash sale (literally “flash sale”) is the sale of goods at a special price, valid for a short time, or the sale of a limited number of goods.

Flash sales are also called “closed sales” - their closeness lies in the presence of a single place of sale. In our case, this is Facebook.

Flash sales work according to three main principles:

Tip: When posting a product using Chooos, upload a 600 x 315 main product photo. Facebook automatically crops vertical (long) photos, which may prevent buyers from seeing all the benefits of your product.

Sequence of actions

Before sale:

Tip: Before publishing the announcement, tell your friends about your plans. Ask if they are interested in this offer. If not, ask why and make it more attractive.

During sale:

  • Be online to be able to quickly answer customer questions.
  • Ask loyal customers and friends to add reviews about the product you are selling. When the comments to the post already have positive reviews, other loyal customers will follow suit.

After sale:

  • Comment that the product is sold out. This will create relevance and prepare your fans for upcoming sales.
  • Thank those who made purchases and briefly talk about upcoming sales.
  • Advice: Do not name the dates of future sales, it is better to ask your subscribers to like all your subsequent publications so that they will thus know about the start of sales.

Finally, an example of a flash sale announcement from

2024 gtavrl.ru.