What is more expensive: plasma or LCD? Which TV to buy for your home: choosing the best option

Some consumers are faced with a difficult choice and do not know which is better: LCD or LED TV. Each of these technologies has its own pros and cons, so the buyer himself has the right to choose which model to prefer.

LCD monitors are also called LCD; they consist of two plates with electrodes. Between them are liquid crystals, which, when exposed to electric current can transmit and change the image.

This technology itself does not emit any light; it requires additional illumination. In LCD devices, a fluorescent lamp is used for this, which has a cold cathode and consists of beam tubes located along the display. The color in such TV receivers is formed thanks to filters installed in front of each crystal.

The advantages of LCD TVs with LCD technology include:

  • affordable price;
  • prevalence in stores;
  • large selection of models;
  • long service life;
  • good brightness.

Among the disadvantages, the following points are highlighted:

  • wide panel;
  • insufficient depth of black color;
  • long response time;
  • high demands on TV signal quality.

Features of LED TVs

LED TVs are modern technology liquid crystal screens. Despite this, there are still significant differences between LCD and LED. Both models of devices have a matrix with liquid crystals that change their position under voltage. IN LED monitors Another type of backlight is used - LED. Diodes emitting light can be evenly located on the sides of the body, as well as on the back surface of the matrix.

The advantages of such devices include:

  • ultra-thin monitors of modern design;
  • less energy consumption;
  • high-quality color rendering;
  • improved contrast and brightness;
  • wide viewing angle;
  • environmental friendliness.

Among the disadvantages, the following parameters can be noted:

  • shorter service life compared to LCD (LEDs fail more often and faster);
  • high price;
  • limited model range.

The main disadvantage of LED TVs is their high price, which not everyone can afford. But every year the cost of this technology is falling and may soon become equal to LCD models. Therefore, you should not rush when buying, it is better to weigh all the pros and cons and pay attention not only to the monitor’s backlight, but also to other aspects. You can find out more from the article.

Which TV to choose

Comparing a regular LCD and an LED TV, we can conclude that the picture quality of the first type is much better. It must be remembered that the clarity, brightness and color rendition of the image also depend on the screen resolution, video processor, availability additional functions. Some LCD TVs are not inferior in quality to LED devices with Edge technology, in which diodes are located around the perimeter of the screen. Despite the significant advantage, LED models may still lose image details due to the complex operation of LEDs that do not display colors correctly.

The dimensions of LCD TVs are often significantly smaller than LED models, since LEDs are small in size, allowing the creation of displays with impressive diagonals. Therefore, when buying a TV receiver for a small room, you should think about choosing an LCD TV. In addition, it will cost several times less.

You've finally decided to part with your bulky TV and replace it with a brand new flat panel. Here you are faced with the question - LCD or plasma?

Today on the market there are many models made according to different technologies. Before going to the store, you should take a little time and understand the differences between these technologies and which one is right for you.

What is what?

Work principles regular TVs(CRT) is known to everyone who has not skipped physics classes. Inside cathode ray tube electrons drive photons from the phosphor. Why does each dot on the screen acquire its own color? As a result, an image is obtained from these points. The image is drawn line by line, and the lines are made up of pixels. The entire process is carried out at a speed of 25 frames per second.

All this gives us certain problems, such as:

  • the image flickers, which has negative influence on the eyes;
  • electromagnetic radiation, which also has a bad effect on our health;
  • Due to the large size of the tube, the TV takes up a lot of space.

Conventional TVs are inferior to flat panels and technical specifications: image contrast and brightness, viewing angle.

Now let's talk about the features of LCD TVs. Between the two panels there is a layer of liquid crystals. When there is an electric field voltage, where one or another pixel is located, the liquid crystal passes through a certain part luminous flux. At one voltage the dot glows red, at another – white, at a third – yellow.

Thanks to their flat surface, LCD TVs have more regular image geometry. Moreover, such a surface is more natural, unlike the screen of conventional TVs. The reproduced image on LCD TVs is clearer. But LCD TVs also have their drawbacks: a smaller viewing angle, it will be difficult to see from the side, and the contrast is a little lower. And so we summarize their features. LCD TVs have more high quality image, almost no noticeable flickering, no harmful radiation.

The operating principle of plasma panels is slightly different. Between two glasses placed next to each other there is a small space filled with gas. There is an electrical grid of wires running inside. A current passes through the wires, turning the gas into plasma, causing the fluorescent elements to glow. The image is reproduced from thousands of such elements having different colors.

How to choose?

The advantages of a plasma panel are obvious: nothing threatens the viewer’s health, the image does not flicker, there is more brightness and contrast, the viewing angle is about 160 degrees. The only disadvantage is high energy consumption.

Now regarding prices. If you choose big size screen, then plasma panels are cheaper, and if you choose relatively small ones, then liquid crystal panels are cheaper. The thing is that making a large liquid crystal matrix is ​​much more difficult, and therefore the cost is more expensive. Plasma panels with a diagonal larger than 42 inches are much cheaper per unit area.

  • Advantages plasma TVs: large surface, high contrast and depth of colors, good color saturation, more natural transmission of movements.
  • Disadvantages of plasma TVs: the panel may burn out due to high temperatures, pixelation is visible.
  • Advantages of LCD TVs: the screen does not burn out, the viewing angle is wider, low power consumption, and the service life is at least 2 times longer. After the resource expires, it is enough to change the light source (lamp), and not the entire screen.
  • Disadvantages of LCD TVs: the contrast of colors is suppressed by halftones, the problem of the “ghost frame” trail complicates the high-quality natural transmission of movement.

LED technology

This article would be incomplete without mentioning LCD panels with LED backlighting. The main difference of this technology is that the screen is not backlit fluorescent lamps, and LEDs. This principle backlighting partially eliminates the disadvantages of LCD panels associated with insufficient contrast and black depth compared to plasma screens. Why partially? Because the backlight is not produced by each individual pixel, but by a group (40?50 pixels). Those. at the border of black areas, the high depth and contrast of the dark color remains the same as with conventional backlighting. Due to LED backlighting, the viewing angle of liquid crystal panels also increases.

TV panels built according to LED technology least energy intensive. Today, LED screens with a diagonal of several meters are produced on its basis.

On this moment TVs with two LED types backlight:

  • along the edges of the screen,
  • backlight.

Backlit panels have best quality images in comparison with models equipped with side lighting due to the larger number of installed LEDs. However, edge-lit LED TVs have more slim body and therefore a more attractive design.

Additional information on the topic of choosing a TV can be obtained.

As you understand, this is a thematic article where we analyze the advantages and disadvantages modern TVs. This is a pressing question, and it is especially important if you decide to change your old TV and have no idea what to choose as a replacement. We have already figured out how plasma differs from LCD, and in this article we will talk about what is better: plasma or LED.

Characteristics of the plasma panel

The plasma panel is perhaps a memory of the past. Of course, the range includes plasma TVs, but black and white phones can also be found on the market.

First, plasma doesn't answer everyone's needs. modern characteristics, offering a dimmer picture. Yes, the viewing angles are excellent, but what is this plus worth? The plasma panel weighs more than LED TV, and the service life of such equipment is significantly shorter. Moreover, we must not forget that plasma loves electricity very much, reaching the level of a microwave oven in terms of energy consumption.

Today, plasma panels are used in stadiums, squares and large public stages. Perhaps this is the crowning place for such screens, where they have not yet lost their relevance. We approach the question of which is better: plasma or LED.

Characteristics of LED

If we conduct global discussions on television topics, then it is worth considering LED TVs. Most people today have made a choice in favor of this TV, but the question remains the same: “Why?”

So what are the benefits of LED?

  • The main illumination is carried out directly from the matrix, which is especially noticeable in comparison with “plasma”, where the picture is formed on a model of individual lamps.
  • The actual thickness of the LED TV panel is less, which adds aesthetic beauty to the contours of the room.
  • Energy consumption, as well as the weight of the structure, is significantly less for LED TVs.
  • At the moment, “plasma” wins in price, but in fact, the production of LED TVs is becoming cheaper, and this trend is visible in last years. In the next few years price policy will change dramatically.

By listening to different opinions about what is better: plasma or LED, we create problems for ourselves. Some people listen to the biased opinion of a store consultant, while others succumb to a misleading article in a daily publication. That is why we have once again drawn a clear line in this eternal issue.

In the debate “plasma, LCD, LED - which is better”, objective human opinion won. That is, you can choose your option based on your personal theory and your own truth. However, if we face the facts, LED TV is the clear winner in today's battle. This is a development that came at the right time to replace previous models television designs.

It is necessary to understand that there is no single and clear choice - plasma or LED. This is due to the needs of the buyer and the conditions in which a particular TV model will be viewed. Each technology released has a number of pros and cons. If we consider the concept of an LED TV, then in reality these are the same LCD TVs, but they use different way screen backlight.

Design FeaturesLED TVs

The operating principle of an LED display or TV is very simple. By placing a plane of liquid crystals in front of the backlight, you can design a kind of adjustable switch. The plane of polarization of crystals can change due to the influence of different electric currents, so it will either pass through completely or be delayed by the LED display, and light or dark areas will be visible on the screen.

Passing through or blinds with a huge amount pixels, the light hits the filter. Each pixel is complemented by three subpixels of green, red and blue. This classic 3-color combination allows you to get any colorful color on the screen.

Design features of plasma screen TVs

Each pixel in the plasma is a microlamp containing neon and xenon gases and a small amount of mercury. The passage of electric current through them causes them to glow, and different colors- red, green and blue. Each cone has a special supply that supplies a regulating voltage, the magnitude of which will determine the intensity of the glow of the cone of a given color.

Plasma or LED - your choice

Let's figure out what better LED or plasma. The LED TV has a very thin matrix and is easy to place on any surface due to its light weight. The pixel sizes are very small, and their placement density is extremely high, which gives very a high resolution images, which guarantees excellent clarity and HDTV compatibility. Models are capable of supporting Full HD. It is possible to convert 2D format to 3D. Modern models have user-friendly interface Smart Hub with the ability to connect to the Internet using the Internet@TV and Skype functions.

Improved color reproduction Wide Color Enhancer (Plus) and motion transmission of 800 Hz images. Using the Allshare+ feature, you can easily, hassle-free connect to any compatible digital device. Remote controller remote control universal thanks to Allshare+. Most consumers still prefer LED LCD Full HD TVs due to the lack of high-voltage backlight. Picture thanks to the back LED backlight very bright and high quality, naturally much smaller.

Contrast modern models, whether plasma or LED, is quite high, but this parameter for plasma TVs is still higher than for LED TVs. This results in amazing black depth (level) with amazing image volume. Plasma panels may strain the eyes only when viewed closely, but provide comfortable viewing of TV programs indoors large area, and high contrast is not related to the viewing angle of the screen. The plasma response time is negligible.

Again, the processor will help you solve the problem - plasma or LED. The 18-bit plasma processor produces trillions of colors. A huge supply of shades conveys the color of any object with maximum realism, even in low light, and the volume and depth of the image are completely preserved. The LED TV has a 10-bit processor that processes about a billion shades of colors.

To improve the clarity of the plasma, the Silhouette Editor function or the removal of false contours is provided. The Silhouette function determines the contours of an object and corrects the transitions from a dark image to a light image. As a result, a clear picture is produced without false appearances of contours. Real 100 Hz provides smooth and realistic picture motion transitions. A special Ultra Filter Bright 2 filter installed between the glass of the panel and the matrix refracts and neutralizes external light, but allows the image of the panel to pass through without hindrance. Now you don’t need to look for a suitable place for the plasma to avoid glare on the screen.

Plasma Vs LED TVs may seem identical, but as you can see from this very brief overview, this is absolutely not true. Therefore, preferring specific model, you are limited in the guarantee that it will not be outdated in a month. Choose quality!

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