What is cheaper MTS or megafon. Comparison of current tariffs

The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of the operators Megafon, MTS, Beeline.


Each country has its own cellular operators, and in Russia the most popular companies in this case are: “ MTS», « Megaphone" And " Beeline" According to statistics, these operators are the most in demand among Russians, and this can be seen literally in real life.

But subsequently the question arises, which of these companies can be considered the best, most in demand and preferred?

It is very difficult to answer this question, since each subscriber adheres to his own criteria when choosing a cellular operator. If you use " MTS», « Megaphone" And " Beeline” to compare with each other, then each can find its pros and cons.

In this article we will talk in detail about each popular mobile operator in Russia, describe its advantages and disadvantages, and you will have to draw your own conclusions.

Which mobile operator is the best in Russia?

Before moving on to the description " Megafon», « Beeline" And " MTS", it should be noted that this review does not contain any advertising of a particular mobile operator. Well-known facts are collected here, as well as the opinions and criticism of the majority of clients of these companies.

As already noted, choosing the best cellular communication is extremely difficult, since there is no operator who could be considered the best in all respects.

Competition plays a huge role here, when each company tries to achieve some advantages over its rivals, but periodically receives a worthy response. And if one company surpassed another in everything, it would force the latter out of the market, or would leave it far behind.

So, let's start describing the characteristics of the most popular Russian mobile operators.


« Megaphone» is one of the most famous cellular communication providers in Russia. The company was founded in 1993. Throughout its existence, “ Megaphone"managed to gather a fairly large number of clients throughout Russia - 73 million people, according to company statistics. What advantages and disadvantages does the company have?


  • The largest network coverage area in the Russian Federation. « Megaphone» provides cellular communications even to places where the total number of its potential clients is so small that it cannot recoup all the costs of installing such communications
  • Application of the latest technologies. « Megaphone» uses the latest technologies that can be developed at one time or another. For example, the very first operator to use mobile video communication was “ Megaphone»
  • Fast Internet. The use of advanced equipment has made it possible to connect fast Internet to “ Megafon»


  • Poor help service. This point can also be applied to other operators. To reach a “live” operator “ Megaphone", we have to wait quite a long time until the system connects us with him - we have to, for example, listen to background music for a long time. Many callers do not wait and hang up. By the way, help desk workers may be incompetent in the questions asked of them
  • Confusion of tariff plans. This problem also occurs with other cellular operators, but to a greater extent with “ Megafon" Each time the tariffs of this operator become more and more complex and confusing


If we already compare which mobile operator in Russia is better, then in this list of “contenders” we cannot ignore “ MTS" The company was created in the same way as " Megaphone" - in 1993

Today at " MTS» has the largest number of users among Russian mobile operators – 107 million people


  • Very high quality connection. « MTS» uses the most modern and very expensive equipment, thanks to which the mobile communications of this operator are of high quality and can work everywhere (indoors, outdoors, etc.)
  • Attractive GPRS tariff plans. « MTS» offers very favorable offers regarding Internet access and has a large roaming network. Clients « MTS» can comfortably use mobile Internet around the world


  • Smaller network coverage area compared to Beeline or Megafon
  • Expensive services. Certain tariff plans " MTS» are more expensive than the same tariffs from other Russian operators
  • Poor help service. It was already noted above that the work of the help desks of Russian mobile operators leaves much to be desired. " MTS", unfortunately, is on this list for almost the same reasons


« Beeline» is one of the most popular operators from the Russian “Big Three”. Date of creation - 1993. Today " Beeline» ranks third among Russian operators in terms of the number of subscribers – 60 million.


  • Many services and tariff plans. « Beeline» can satisfy many of the needs of its subscribers, thanks to the large number of capabilities it has
  • Large number of shares. The largest number of ongoing promotions (for example, tariffs at low prices for a certain time) belongs to “ Beeline»
  • Good operators. Support workers " Beeline“They do their work quite efficiently and professionally. But it’s difficult to get through to them, as well as to the operators “ Megafon" or " MTS»


  • Expensive roaming. Calls in roaming at " Beeline» are quite expensive
  • Problems with operation. Judging by customer reviews, " Beeline» There are often problems with the network. Sometimes it’s even impossible to check your account balance on your phone.
  • Poor connection outside the countryside. If " Megaphone"is ready to lay communications where it is not financially profitable, then " Beeline“In this case, it acts more economically. In many areas, for example, in the countryside, mobile communications " Beeline» may not work correctly

Hi all!

I rarely write reviews about telecom operators, but sometimes I really want to pour out my soul to someone and tell them what I have accumulated. That is why I want to tell you about my unsuccessful connection to the Beeline network. Maybe my review will be useful to at least someone and I will be glad if I saved someone from unnecessary negativity that can fall on your head if you connect to Beeline. Of course, I speak specifically for my situation and express MY opinion on this matter, but at the same time I admit the idea that someone liked this connection and there were no problems. In general, no cellular connection is absolutely ideal, but some are simply amazing in their arrogance, and it is precisely this attitude towards the client that I want to complain about in today’s review.

Why did I decide to try this connection?

Let me start by saying that I have a dual-SIM phone. One of the SIM cards is Tele 2, and I decided to buy the second SIM card from Beeline, since I was very attracted to one of the tariffs on this operator. At that moment it seemed to me that I was unlikely to return to the previous network, because the All Inclusive tariff was so tempting and cool. Yeah... exactly until you run into him. Now I regretted that the idea of ​​​​buying this SIM card and connecting an expensive tariff to it immediately came into my head. It was necessary to start with something simpler and only then, if you liked everything, install something cooler.

So, what do I expect from the connection: good conversations without network interruption and fast Internet.

Based on my requirements, I chose the Possible Everything tariff plan. Since I use the Internet every day and 5 GB for a month was never enough for me, I decided to take the option with unlimited Internet so that I could listen to music on VKontakte, look at photos and the like at any time. I have 3 social networks and I want to spend time on each for at least an hour a day. As for me, an hour of Internet use per day is a minuscule amount.

I always use the Internet only from my computer, so I only needed the Internet for social networks.

I don’t talk on the phone that often, but I get 3 calls a day, lasting about 5 minutes maximum.

The service package of my tariff includes 300 minutes, 300 SMS and unlimited Internet. For all this pleasure I paid 300 rubles (monthly subscription fee).

I also consider it necessary to clarify that before this I had always used the Tele 2 Internet and was happy with everything, but 5 gigs from that connection was not enough for me and I decided not to waste time on trifles and connect to Beeline’s unlimited service, because the price is not so exorbitant.

What did I get?

Internet epic

I bought myself a Beeline SIM card, consultants in one of the stores connected me to the required tariff. For some reason unknown to me, it took 40 minutes, or even more. I don’t understand why they work at such mega speed. There were only two visitors, me and another man, who was silent for a long time and waited for the 3, Karl, consultants who connected me to my tariff plan to be free. In the end, I survived to the bitter end (well, where else could I have gone), and that man said that he would not come to them again, since the speed of their service was simply unrealistic.

Well, in general, I’m used to the fact that in our communication stores they serve at the speed of light, so we can say that I didn’t pay much attention to this, but took it for granted, because in our city I rarely saw a different attitude towards clients.

Well, finally I got the tariff I’ve been dreaming about for so long!

I came home joyful with the hope that now I can calmly surf the Internet while lying in my crib. But no! The Internet simply refused to work on my phone. It took so long to load one VKontakte message, as if they had sent me a whole movie and told me to watch it from my phone. After my vain attempts to access the simplest sites like mail, the Internet completely disappeared and never appeared again

This didn’t suit me and the next day I went to a cell phone store, it wasn’t in vain that I paid money... As usual, there were no big queues there and I asked for help from one of the consultants and explained what didn’t suit me and asked why it was may be related.

The young man swapped the SIM cards (moved them from one slot to another), as you remember, I also have a SIM card on the phone 2. After that, he began to try to access the Internet.

Nothing changed. After that, he continued to twirl my phone in his hands for about 20 minutes (at times, of course, distracted by vital conversations with his work friends). After all his supposed attempts, he asked me how to access the Internet settings, I showed him and he did what I had already tried to do without his help. In the end, he got tired of it and said that my phone was too old and there was no Internet at all on this model! Bravo! At parting, he shouted in my back that only in their salon I have a unique opportunity to buy a cell phone from 3,900 rubles and this is my chance. In response to my explanation and arguments that everything works perfectly on SIM card 2 on the same phone, he again repeated only his previous phrase that there is no Internet on such phones anymore. By the way, I bought the phone for 9,000 rubles, it’s not some kind of push-button phone. Although, by the way, I have also come across push-button phone models that have an Internet function and it loads there very quickly.

After this wonderful visit to the consultants, I came home and changed my SIM cards back to the position they were before and hallelujah! The Internet began to quickly load everything I needed. I already decided that now Beeline will be my favorite cellular connection forever and ever and even harmful consultants will not separate us. But my dreams didn’t last long and I realized that I couldn’t get this connection almost anywhere (while the other SIM card always worked without failures). The phone loaded the Internet on Beeline more or less tolerably only when I was at home (although I already have the opportunity to surf the Internet from a computer). If I went outside, it became unrealistic to go online, I was stuck - the result was the same. And only at home the Internet began to load, and then every day it got slower and slower.

This is where my attempts to make friends with Beeline ended. No more Megaphone(who at one time withdrew money from my account just like that), I definitely won’t switch to Beeline. I've had enough experimentation.

I'd rather continue to use my Tele 2.

Communication during telephone calls

There were never any complaints here, although at times the connection still disappeared for no apparent reason. But the conversation never stopped.

Money was withdrawn from the tariff every day, and not so once a month I put it in and it was immediately withdrawn.

I also want to tell you about how Beeline “pleased” my loved one not so long ago.

It was just that day when at my work (that is, outside the house) the Internet refused to load, and I really wanted to watch a video on the Internet. And then, by misfortune, my brother and I went online from his phone (for the first time in 5 years, since the Internet is not needed there at all) and watched one single video lasting a minute. After that, a bunch of messages fell on that phone saying that “now we have connected you to a wonderful feature and you can spend 1.5 GB every day and you will be charged a subscription fee of 7 rubles/day.”

To say that we were shocked is to say nothing. A person doesn’t see any point in surfing the Internet at all, and so one day he decided to watch a short video, and he was already connected to functions (Huawei 1.5 GB) that he had absolutely no use for. But no! They didn’t even bother to clarify whether he needed it? They simply presented the fact that now money will be withdrawn every day. It would be okay if he were simply offered to use such a service, but to connect right away? This is already impudence!

After that, he and I went online to look for information about what combination of numbers needed to be dialed to turn off this tariff. We found how Huawei turns off at 1 GB, 3 GB, 5 GB and then in ascending order. Not a word about 1.5 GB anywhere! As a result, I had to go into my personal account and disable this unnecessary function myself, since I had no desire to go to the salon again.

No no and one more time no! Those who need the Internet on their phone at amazing speeds are unlikely to appreciate this connection.

For those who need a phone only for conversations, this network may be suitable, but on the condition that you will never access the Internet even for a minute, otherwise you will be connected to a bunch of functions unknown to the world, which then will not be so easy to disable.

I give Beeline 2 stars, and even then it’s a stretch. For me, this network turned out to be a failure and I will never return to it.

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Quick response:
Among the main advantages over Beeline's competitors, three main ones can be noted:

There are still disadvantages of Beeline:

The issue of choosing one or another telecom operator is increasingly worrying subscribers. Every year, cellular communication companies come up with new ways to lure potential customers - with the help of favorable tariffs, promotions, discount systems and other techniques. However, in essence, the main criteria by which one can judge an operator are the following:

  • quality of mobile communications;
  • Internet connection quality.

It is to use these basic services that people buy SIM cards, and first of all, the company must ensure they are at the proper level. No amount of conditions, even the most favorable ones, will save an organization if the quality of the services provided leaves much to be desired.

Comparison of call quality

At the moment, a real war has unfolded between supporters of two large mobile operators - Beeline and Megafon. Both companies have been on the market for a long time and have an impressive customer base. They are extremely popular in our country, which is why some rivalry for leadership has arisen.

To evaluate the performance of these companies, you need to take into account many factors - and this is quite difficult to do.

Advice: it is better to make an assessment based on the quality of mobile communications and the Internet.

So which operator is better? The time has come to finally understand this issue.

Cellular quality comparison

Megafon can rightfully be considered one of the main operators in the country. The organization began its activities back in 1993, and has been successfully promoting its services for 23 years. According to the company, today the client base numbers more than 70 million people - quite an impressive figure, because this is almost half of the country's population.

So how does this company compare favorably with Beeline? Among the main advantages over competitors, three main ones can be noted:

  1. Maximum coverage of the territory where services are provided. The company's coverage area allows you to use mobile communications even in the most remote places from civilization - it is for this reason that the organization has gained its popularity.
  2. High speed internet. This advantage builds on the previous one, because where there is a stable connection, the network connection will be at its best.
  3. Striving to implement modern technologies. Progress does not stand still, and in order to keep up with the times, Megafon is constantly looking for new technological solutions to improve the quality of customer service. New services become available (for example, popular mobile video calling), and equipment is updated.

However, the Megafon company has the following disadvantages, which are an unpleasant stain on the good image of the brand:

  • desire for bundling and complex tariff plans. Unfortunately, in recent years, the company's policy has assumed a more flexible approach to the pricing of its services. Attempts are being made to make payment more convenient for the subscriber, package offers are being introduced, but in reality, most clients still face the problem of choosing a tariff;
  • Inconvenient support service. Often, due to an insufficiently developed service system, it becomes impossible to reach the operator. As a result, many customer questions remain unresolved, which becomes the basis for negative reviews about the company.

Benefits of Beeline

Now it’s time to talk about another famous telecom operator - Beeline. It was formed simultaneously with the previous one and is no less popular. According to unconfirmed information from sources on the Internet, the number of subscribers of the company exceeds 60 million.

What are the pros and cons of Beeline? After a thorough analysis of the organization’s activities and incoming feedback from subscribers, we can confidently speak about the following advantages:

  • a large number of tariff plans. The company's client base has a wide selection of payment options for services of different themes. Each of the tariffs is extremely simple and easy to understand, and the prices are at a level favorable to the client;
  • customer focus in work. There are often special promotional offers and discounts;
  • high-quality support service. Quick response, problem solving in the shortest possible time and minimal waiting time take the company to a completely new level of service.

There are still disadvantages of Beeline:

  • less wide coverage area compared to Megafon. Outside the city limits, the signal strength begins to decline at a catastrophic rate. Picnic lovers will find it extremely inconvenient to use the services of this operator;
  • systematic disruption of network stability. Judging by reviews on the Internet, many customers complain about temporary unexplained interruptions in mobile communications, noise during conversations and similar inconveniences;
  • expensive calls from abroad. Beeline roaming can rightfully be considered the most expensive on the cellular market.

Now that all the main nuances of the operators’ work regarding calls have been identified, we can talk about another important component - the quality of the Internet.

Beeline clients

Comparison of work with the network

Both companies are providers. They have several ways to gain access to the global network:

  • Mobile Internet;
  • USB modem;
  • home Internet.

But since we are now talking specifically about comparing the services provided from SIM cards, only the first two options will be considered.

There is no need to describe for a long time the details of the quality of the mobile Internet - we can immediately say that this service from Beeline is somewhat better.

Important: this company provides more stable access. And although Megafon has a wider coverage area, the quality of Internet service here is noticeably lower.

When choosing an operator for mobile communications, many Russian residents are faced with a dilemma, and many ask the question: which is better - MTS or MegaFon. It is also worth noting that the Beeline operator is also quite popular in the Russian telecommunications services market. A mobile phone has become an integral part of the lives of many people, because thanks to this device you can keep in touch with business partners and relatives, as well as use the Internet to access various sites and programs.

Which connection is better: MTS or MegaFon

When choosing a card for your gadget, you should take into account what the device will be used for. Determining which connection is better: MTS or MegaFon, Beeline, is based on your own expectations from the chosen tariff, since they have quite different conditions. For tablets, it is better to choose operators that specifically provide Internet traffic, since regular tariffs from mobile communication leaders may not meet consumer needs. If a package is purchased for a phone, then you should start from the number of calls (international, regional, etc.), the number of SMS, as well as the traffic consumed.

All Russian operators (MegaFon, Beeline, etc.) offer their customers modems into which they can insert a company card and use prepaid traffic anywhere in the country with a good level of coverage. Many subscribers are interested in whether it is possible to use a MegaFon modem for an MTS card, and experts note that the device will not function (work is possible only after reflashing the modem).

MegaFon vs MTS - users' choice

Considering that there are many subscribers in the country, their choice falls on MTS, Beeline, and MegaFon. However, often the acquisition of a package of a particular operator occurs spontaneously, without studying the conditions. Only after a certain period of using the card does a person want to purchase a modem or connect additional functions to his number. Operator MegaFon versus MTS is healthy competition with many satisfied subscribers on both sides. Having created a special survey, experts highlighted the features of the three main operators in the Russian space: MegaFon, Beeline and MTS.

Megaphone. This operator has the following positive features:

  • many base stations providing good coverage even to the most remote corners of the country;
  • active implementation of advanced technologies in the operation of the mobile network;
  • adequate cost of services and related products (modems, applications, etc.).

Having posed the question on some forums: MTS or MegaFon (2017), many subscribers responded that it was the large coverage area that became the impetus for purchasing a MegaFon operator card.

Beeline. This popular operator has the following advantages:

  • a wide variety of tariffs and additional services (routers, modems, etc.);
  • Beeline is famous for its promotional programs for subscribers;
  • competent specialists of the Beeline support center.

MTS. This successful company stands out for the following features:

  • use of modern equipment to improve communication quality;
  • interesting tariff plans;
  • many related products (applications, modems, routers, etc.).

Users also noticed that some operators have a number of small disadvantages, which include: periodic problems in the contact center, unfavorable roaming conditions, as well as the considerable cost of modems, tariff plans and additional services.

The constantly growing demand for cellular communications and mobile Internet services in Russia is fully satisfied by 4 companies: MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2. The remaining operators (Yota, Tinkoff Mobile) occupy a tiny market share and are not even included in the ratings regularly compiled by Roskomnadzor. According to them, 2 leaders - Megafon and MTS - are neck and neck, periodically overtaking each other.

Ratings are based on more than 40 factors. Average users, when choosing which is better to connect - Megafon or MTS, rely primarily on the opinions of other subscribers, the cost of tariffs and their own feelings.

Choosing the best operator - MTS, or Beeline, or Megafon - can begin by determining their position in the Russian cellular communications market. The Megafon company was “born” in 1993 in St. Petersburg and at first covered only the North-West of the country.

In 2018, Megafon has 77 million subscribers in Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Tajikistan. In many ways, this is a pioneering operator. It is ahead of its competitors:

  • introduced tariffs in rubles at the federal level;
  • started communication via SMS;
  • started catching the subway;
  • introduced 3G standards in 2007, 4G, LTE in 2013 (mainly through the purchase of Yota), LTE+.

MTS also appeared in 1993, but in Moscow. In 2018, its network has 80 million subscribers in Russia, and together with Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Turkmenistan - 110 million people. The company initially grew in breadth not only geographically. She is the best:

  • by the number of service salons (5.7 thousand in 2018) and the size of the call center;
  • range of services (cellular communications, broadband access, home TV, telephone, business services, bank, etc.),
  • number of branded devices and online store catalogue, etc.

Reference! Both companies, together with Huawei and Nokia, are working on the 5G standard in 2018 and have already shown prototypes with data transfer rates of over 1 GB/sec.

These are not all the achievements of the operators, but in terms of experience and market presence they are approximately equal. In order to determine which connection is better when choosing a SIM card for your phone, you need to compare the tariffs and services of Megafon and MTS for communication and mobile Internet.

Choice by tariffs

Both operators offer customers a number of tariffs with a subscription fee, some non-prepaid and specific (for modems and calls abroad). At Megafon, the main line is “Turn on!” - these are 7 permanent TPs and 1–2 promotional ones only for new subscribers with the best conditions.

Megafon's peculiarity is completely different tariff conditions for the same line. In one TP, a package of minutes works in Russia, and a megabyte works at home, in another it’s the other way around. In the third, free minutes and traffic are spent throughout the country, but not on calls to landlines. Before connecting, it is better to find out all the nuances of the tariff.

MTS has a proprietary Smart line and several package tariffs outside the series. A special feature of new TPs is their customizability. “Tariffishche” with unlimited Internet costs 650–1550 rubles. depending on the number of minutes and SMS. In “My Smart” you can choose packages from 10 to 20 GB and from 200 to 600 minutes, pay 500–700 rubles for it. and change during use. All rates apply when traveling within the country.

Megafon's tariffs with subscription fee are cheaper and better than MTS's. They are not configurable, but there are a lot of them, and the unlimited traffic option can be disabled and added again. They always have unlimited limits within the network (unlike Tarifishch).

Important! Megafon's comprehensive tariffs are more profitable. It is better to buy SIM cards just for calls from MTS.

Selection by Internet services

When choosing the best operator among Megafon and MTS based on options for mobile Internet, you need to compare:

  • unlimited availability;
  • cost and variety of Internet services for smartphones and modems;
  • data transfer rate;
  • traffic consumption features.

High data transfer speeds and almost universal 4G coverage are Megafon’s “features”. The operator builds base stations even where its other competitors are not present. In 28 regions of the Russian Federation, data download speeds for Megafon subscribers reach 300 MB/sec. The best record was set in Moscow - 1 GB/sec. MTS limit is 112–178 MB/sec.

Data transfer speed depends on many factors. The maximum recorded values ​​are, rather, isolated cases. But Megafon’s average Internet speeds are also better - 9 MB/sec for loading pages and videos, 20 MB/sec for downloading versus 7-10 MB/sec for MTS.

Megafon has an option for unlimited Internet in your home region. It can be installed on tariffs "", "", "Smotri+" and "", but cannot be used in modems. At MTS, unlimited traffic is included only in the Tariffische tariff plan, and the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” service is specially provided for modems (there are no limits, but the speed is limited to this value).

Comparison of the cost of Internet options:

The greater the volume of traffic a subscriber needs, the better and more profitable MTS is for him. This operator has a more diverse range of services for extending access to the Network after the package is exhausted.

Important! It is worth considering the pricing features. Each session in Megafon is rounded up to 250 KB, in MTS - up to 100 KB. Under equal conditions, a Megafon subscriber's traffic will go faster than that of an MTS client.

Selection by contacts

The cheapest way to communicate is within the network. If friends and relatives use a certain operator, it would be better to choose the same one or connect a tariff with a package of minutes.

MTS offers a special set of services for families. The parent installs several applications on the child’s phone, through which he controls his location, balance, battery charge, and visits to Internet pages. User profiles are customized to provide the best level of security. You can share packages of minutes, messages and traffic with your loved ones.

Megafon offers similar services for geolocation (“Radar”), traffic and balance control. But MTS provides a comprehensive approach to the issue of the use of cellular communications by minors. For a family connection, this is the best choice.

Pros and cons of MTS

The best advantages of MTS include:

  • MTS is not only cellular communications, but also home Internet and television, and a bank. By connecting a SIM card and broadband access, you can significantly save on the subscription fee. And credit card holders may not pay for the phone at all.
  • Customizable packages of minutes and gigabytes within one tariff.
  • Inexpensive calls and SMS to TP without subscription fee.
  • The best range of Internet options, including unlimited ones.
  • Services for family connections.
  • Good level of stability of the cellular network and Internet connections (0.8 and 0.7% of failures, respectively, according to Roskomnadzor).

Disadvantages of MTS:

  1. The weak link of the operator, judging by customer reviews, is technical support. It is difficult to reach a consultant; the standard wait time during peak hours is more than 10 minutes.
  2. A large number of illegal write-offs. Several mini-services, initially free, have been added to each tariff and new SIM card. But many of them benefit the subscriber (for example, the “First Internet package” on Red Energy is activated automatically at 12 rubles per day if the client starts using traffic without any option. This way the number is protected from being charged for each megabyte at 9.9 rub.).
  3. The largest percentage of undelivered messages (2.4%).

Advantages and disadvantages of Megafon

The best advantages of Megafon:

  • It works where other operators are not present. In the capital and region, Megafon's 4G towers cover 40% of the territory.
  • High speed Internet connection.
  • Favorable package rates.
  • Unlimited Internet is a connected service for voice TPs.
  • Several tariff options for communication with CIS countries. Roaming with Megafon is cheaper than with MTS, with almost identical offers.
  • Minimal number of cellular network failures (0.7%).
  • Fast and efficient technical support (average waiting time for a specialist is from 0 to 2 minutes).

Disadvantages of Megafon:

  1. With the best speed, the operator shows the highest number of Internet connection failures - 3.7%.
  2. Expensive calls and SMS at simple rates. Internet on “Per Second” is paid at the base price, 9.9 rubles/MB. There are no “protective” options. If the subscriber’s smartphone decides to upgrade, the number’s balance may go into a deep minus.
  3. Internet sessions are rounded up to 250 KB.

Who will you choose in the end?

Megafon is chosen by young people whose main need is high-speed mobile Internet. The operator ranks first in the number of subscribers using traffic only (more than 40% of the market). In addition, Megafon is better suited for residents of areas where others have poor or no reception at all.

MTS is an operator that offers comprehensive solutions for its clients:

  • connection for communication and the Internet;
  • MTS-Bank is a full-fledged financial structure in which you can even get a mortgage;
  • home Internet, TV and telephony;
  • monitoring and security systems, cloud and IT solutions, electronic document management and cash registers, etc.

MTS allows the subscriber to create a system that is completely tied to one service provider, and ultimately save money. This operator is ideal for business clients. It is also better suited for those who just need a phone to make calls.

Switch between operators with your own number

If the subscriber made a mistake when choosing the best between Megafon and MTS, he can perform the MNP procedure - along with the number capacity (3 digits after the prefix +7) to another operator. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • the transfer is carried out by the owner of the phone or his representative with a power of attorney;
  • within the home region;
  • there are no debts on the number, it is not blocked;
  • 2 months have passed since the last transfer.

The MNP procedure in Megafon is free, you only need to pay for the selected tariff. At MTS, the service costs 100 rubles, but the client immediately receives a SIM card with a temporary number from the Tariffishe TP and a 30% discount on the subscription fee for the next six months.

When determining the best operator, it is recommended to test the SIM cards of each of them in real conditions at home, at work, where the subscriber often visits. And you can use both Megafon and MTS numbers at the same time: most modern smartphones and tablets allow this.

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