What to do if the program download fails. A file cannot be downloaded from the Internet: possible reasons

Are you trying to download an application from App Store, but the download process is constantly stuck? Or perhaps you have finished restoring from backup copy iCloud and it seems to be loading applications coming has been forever and will never end? Such errors when downloading applications periodically happen on both iPhone and iPad. However, there are several ways to solve them, and in this post I will tell you about them.

1. Check your network connection

Before you begin your search, check that your Internet connection is working. The easiest way to do this is to test it in other applications. For example, open any page in Safari or send a message in iMessage.

If the problem really is with the network connection, then as soon as it is restored, the application download will continue from the point where it left off. If other applications function normally, proceed to the second method.

2. Restart the download

Sometimes users accidentally click on the icon of an application that has not yet been downloaded and it stops. This is very easy to understand, since the status of the icon will indicate “Pause”. Just click on the icon again to start the download again. And even if the download was not paused, but simply frozen, such a restart can help and the download of the application will continue.

If tapping on the icon doesn't do anything, wait a while and then try again. If there is no result, move on to the next method.

3. Reboot your iOS device

Rebooting can help fix many errors, including application failure to load. Just press and hold the button at the same time Home and a button Power. As soon as the  logo appears, release both buttons, wait until your iPhone or iPad turns on and check for stuck downloads.

If the application continues to download, everything is fine; if not, return to the App Store and try downloading the application again. If it freezes again, move on to the next method.

4. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the application

Sometimes deleting an application that is not yet downloaded and starting the download again can help. If after rebooting the application was not cleared, try deleting it manually. To do this, tap and hold on the icon until they start swaying, click on the “cross” in the left top corner icons of the stuck application and confirm deletion.

If the application is deleted, try installing it again. If nothing happens and the icon still remains on the screen, proceed to the next step.

5. Download another app

I don't know why, but sometimes downloading another app from the App Store can help shake up stuck apps. Trying is not torture, so try downloading an app. It could be anything free application or one of the ones you purchased earlier. Wait a little to check the result, and if this does not help, move on to the next step.

6. Sign out of your iTunes account and restart your iOS device

If all else fails, try logging out of your account iTunes. This should stop any content downloads in progress on your iPhone or iPad. Additionally, it is advisable to restart your device before attempting to download the application again. Exit from iTunes account quite simple:

  • Open the App Store tab Selection.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button with your Apple ID.
  • From the pop-up menu, select Go out.

7. Sync your iOS device with iTunes

Even if you use it for Reserve copy iCloud, you can still sync your iPhone or iPad with iTunes. Sometimes syncing and transferring your purchases can help with the problem of stuck downloads. Simply connect your iOS device to your computer with iTunes and sync it as you normally would when transferring music or movies. Wait for the process to complete and check if they appear on your home page iPhone screen or iPad those applications that you could not download from the App Store.

8. Just wait

Sometimes stuck downloads can be caused by changes in the App Store servers. Perhaps you tried to download the application just at the moment when it was being updated. This happens very rarely, but nevertheless, it can happen. Return to the application after some time and check if it has loaded.

Have you encountered the problem of downloading applications from the App Store freezing? What solution did you use for this? Share your experience in the comments.

Despite the fact that the devices of the American company Apple are among the best in the world, users often have problems with software iPhone devices. Failure to load a program is one of those problems that prevents you from using the software's capabilities to the fullest. This flaw is a minor but annoying problem. However, there are several answers to the question of what to do if iPhone crash download the program. Actually, this is what this article will discuss. To begin with, let us, as always, turn to the origins of the problem and find out what we have been given in this unique task.

General provisions

The problem when a program fails to load on an iPhone is associated with an attempt to install one or another application from the official “iPhone” store called “App Store”. So what do we have? We are trying to start the process of downloading and then installing this or that program, but it is, as they say, stalled. To be fair, it should be noted that such errors are not uncommon not only for iPhones, but also for devices such as iPads.

There are several ways to resolve the download failure. iPhone programs 4S and on other devices. And we will talk about them further.

iPhone: Program loading failed. Checking the signal

Further searches may not be successful if there are problems connecting to the Internet. Before you start downloading the program, make sure that the connection is present and stable. In principle, identification complications may arise even if the signal is still present. That is, the router or access point does not allow the device to pass further easy connection, blocking access to packet data exchange. You can check the functionality of your Internet connection by using some other application that also requires data exchange. This could be a browser, for example. If this was the problem, then the error will stop appearing after the connection becomes stable. This will be the end of the decision. But what to do if the Internet is not the cause of the problem?

What to do if apps won't update on iPhone? Program loading failure and how to fix it

One more effective method is to restart the installation. Very efficient users do not attach much importance to manipulations when downloading programs. But in vain. This sometimes, as you can see, plays an important role. It may well happen that during the download (if you click on the program icon), the installation itself will stop. Therefore, further launch of the application will be impossible due to the fact that it has not been fully downloaded.

So, to solve the problem with this method, click on the program icon one more time. Thus, in theory we should restore the boot process. If this action does not occur, then help can only be obtained from the restart process. By the way, you can always find out if this is the problem. If yes, then the word “Pause” will appear. The tap can be repeated on the icon and after a short period of time. And although the method is effective, it nevertheless does not provide a one hundred percent guarantee of a way out of the current situation. This means you will have to try other options. For example, like this one.

Rebooting the device

If the problem lies in a one-time software glitch, then it won’t be difficult to solve it using a regular one or an iPad. To carry out this operation, you must simultaneously press a combination of two keys. This is power and exit main screen devices. When you see the corporate logo of the American company, you can release the buttons. When the reboot is complete, you can go to the App Store and check the status of the downloads and whether the problem has been resolved.

What to do if rebooting (along with the previous steps) did not help?

First of all, do not despair, because it is still too early to do this. May unexpectedly help full installation applications. If for some reason it has not been fully established, then the problem may lie precisely in the lack of certain vital important files. At the same time, such a factor may have an impact on blocking the further installation operation. By completely erasing the program, you will clear the registry, which will allow you to install the application as usual.

Sometimes, on some devices, when downloading files from pages from the site, the “Download Failed” error occurs. What to do?

1. Check your network connection.

Yes, yes, sometimes the problem is unstable connection to the Internet. Radical, but effective solution Problems - . Since most people's IP is not static and will change after a reboot, this may help. Your provider may have some connection problems.

2. Reboot your device.

3. Reinstall/update your browser or change it.

Sometimes the loading problem is due to an outdated or inappropriate browser, try reinstalling/updating it. If this doesn't help, try installing another one, for example: Google Chrome, Opera, etc.

4. There is not enough space in the device memory.

A fairly common problem is when the phone’s memory becomes clogged and it becomes impossible to download anything.

5. Problems with the bootloader on your device.

Sometimes the problem is due to errors or outdated version standard pre-installed bootloader. To solve the problem, try installing third party bootloader, For example, .

6. Outdated version of the device operating system.

The problem may be due to an outdated version of the OS, if it is possible to update. If not, try the options above.

If these methods do not help you and you cannot download the file from our website, write to us in support. Describe your problem and provide your device model, version and browser name. We will try to help if possible.

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Happy owners of miracle devices from Apple sometimes we encounter problems that do not allow us to fill iPhone useful programs and applications. Indeed, quite often the App Store does not download applications; during the downloading process, the download is stopped and everything ends in an unsuccessful waste of time. Not a very pleasant action that causes a lot of inconvenience for iPhone owners. A device without applications, programs and games is practically useless, so solving the problem of downloading from the App Store should be given enough attention, which is what this article will talk about.


So, if applications cannot be downloaded from the App Store, then the following steps should be taken:

In most cases, the application download session is interrupted due to an interruption in the Internet connection. The user may not notice this phenomenon immediately, because the break may take a fraction of a second, but in this case the download must be started anew. To fix the problem, you need to make sure you have a good Internet connection. To do this, you need to check the signal quality level and, if possible, download with a good or excellent Internet connection.

Restart download

The first reason why the App Store does not download applications is understandable, but sometimes after making sure the quality of the connection, the problem repeats. In this case, it is possible that the download interruption was caused by an accidental tap on the application icon. This accidental press causes the download to stop, and when restarted it may give an error. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to continue downloading from this point, so you will need to start downloading the file again.

Restarting the device

Even if at this stage Applications cannot be downloaded from the App Store, then you need to move on to more drastic methods. Often, downloading a file from the App Store is interrupted due to the device freezing. This is especially true when there are many running various applications, which leads to slowdown of the device and, accordingly, to its failures. Most best option to solve the problem - close it running programs and restart the phone.


Failure to download the application may be accompanied by failures of subsequent new attempts to download files. In this case, you need to delete the undownloaded file and start the download process again. Removal is quite simple:

  • The icon of the underloaded file is pressed until it fluctuates continuously.
  • After that, click on the cross, and the file is deleted automatically. You can start a new session of downloading files.

Conducting experimental activities

If the App Store does not download applications at this stage, then you should conduct an experiment.

  • First, try to download a different application file. If it downloads without problems, perhaps the reason lies in the file itself. It may be damaged or not loading on the site, so you should contact the site developers and report the problem.
  • Secondly, loading another file can shake up a frozen instance.

Working with a direct account

Freezing may be hidden in incorrect account launch. Re-launching the App Store in frequent cases can resolve the error. To do this, the following sequence of activities is performed:

  • Launching the settings iTunes Store, and then the App Store.
  • Click on your account and exit the program.

To be sure, you can reboot your device, then restart the application, enter your username and password, and start downloading. Sometimes restarting the session makes a big difference.

PC/Mac Help

After making sure that all the above reasons do not allow you to continue downloading files from the App Store, then you can try to download the file using a PC. To do this, use a cable to connect the iPhone to a computer, iPod or iPad. Then the PC application is launched on additional device and purchases are synchronized. Also, iTunes may download unsuccessful files, so we try all the options.


Oddly enough, the waiting method is the last thing left to try iPhone owners. Sometimes it even helps a lot. The fact is that sometimes Apple developers make technical changes on the site, so in fact the user cannot download the file. It is recommended to repeat attempts every two to three hours, and if this method is not successful, you should ask the question to the direct owners of the App Store. We are sure that the issue will be resolved in the near future, since ratings and user trust are not indifferent to Apple developers.

Applications are not updating in the App Store

Sometimes owners Apple devices meet with no less important issue when applications in the App Store are not updated. What needs to be done in such cases? The answers are as follows:

  1. iTunes Store Update. To do this, you need to synchronize your iPhone with your PC and press the following key sequence: Command+R. After this, you can find how the update will begin in forced mode.
  2. Clearing cache. If the process of updating applications in the App Store is not progressing, then you should try clearing the cache memory. The procedure is not complicated, so it will take no more than five minutes. Can be done automatic cleaning CACHE so you don't have to dig through every file. To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:
  • Log in to iTunes and select Settings.
  • Next is the “Add-ons” tab.
  • Now find the item “Clear cache” and click on it.

Having completed these operations, you can completely solve the problem of updating the App Store and iTunes.

Another easy and unusual way to fix the problem

When such a message appears on the screen, you must call Control Center(“Control Center”) and activate “Airplane Mode”. Next, click on the “Done” button so that the error window disappears. After waiting 10-15 seconds, turn off “Airplane mode”. After this simple procedure, the error message will no longer appear.

Knowing as much information as possible about the download and App update Store, you can completely freely download any you like useful files and enjoy the work of Apple's miracle device.

How did you manage to solve the problem? Share with us in the comments.


13 thoughts on “ What to do if the App Store won't download apps

  1. Sunrise

    Thank you very much, it helped, otherwise I was thinking about taking the phone to the service... :)

  2. Rubik

    The airplane mode method helped, thanks

  3. Tomas

    I bought the song in the App Store and then wanted to download it free program like to a friend, the App Store asks for a payment method (what should I do? And how can I return everything to its place? Tell me

  4. Oksanaa

    I bought a song in the App Store and then wanted to download a free program, when a friend of the App Store asks for a payment method (what should I do? And how can I return everything to its place? Tell me

  5. Mila

    For a long time I could not understand why old applications were not updated and new ones were not installed, thanks to your article I was able to fix the problem, I just needed to reboot! Thanks a lot!

  6. Ingush

    I tried everything except connecting to a computer. Nothing comes out and the computer does not see the iPhone. I’ve been having this problem for the second month now. I hadn’t thought about it at all; more precisely, I thought it was a temporary problem, but today I decided to download Skype onto my iPhone 5. I really needed to talk to my brother and I couldn’t download it. I clicked on the loading icon and a loading scale appeared and after a few seconds. the cloud icon with an arrow reappeared

Android stopped downloading files

You can purchase the most expensive and productive smartphone, but it is not immune to errors and problems. How to solve this problem quickly and without flashing the device? Let's try to figure this out.
How does the crash occur?

The problem occurs when you try to download a file from an Internet site through your browser. The download process slows down, the speed drops, and the download freezes. Sometimes the file does not want to be loaded entirely and does not want to open. Loading error, Loading failed, or the file downloads to 110, 120%, endless wait for loading. The problem is mainly observed in Google browser Chrome.

Solutions to problems with downloading files

Here are some tips to help you cope with this task.

  • Check your Internet connection. Perhaps there was a rupture. Reboot your router if necessary. Try reconnecting to the network again.
  • Try starting the file download process again.
  • Login to the site via alternative browser, not the one that is built into the system, start downloading the file. Perhaps another browser will download required file in normal mode.
  • Reboot your device. It is likely that there is some kind of malfunction in the device. It often happens that after a reboot, the process of downloading files from sites again occurs fully and adequately.
  • There is another reason that many people forget about. This is a lack of memory on the device. Many users do not clear the application cache at all. For this reason, the device’s memory gradually “fills up” to 100 percent! You should clear your cookies and cache, and perhaps delete some files that you don't need right now.

In order for the file to download and open, you need to download the UC browser; we guarantee the functionality of the applications if you downloaded them via UC.

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