What to do if the play market says connection error. Fixing the error “You must be signed in to a Google account”

Android users devices quite often encounter problems when opening the application Play Market. In some cases Play app Market may refuse to launch, citing “no connection.”

If the Play Market also does not work for you and a message appears about a missing connection, then this article should help you. Here we will talk about why the Play Market may not work and what to do in such a situation.

There are quite a few reasons why the Play Market may not work. But, in most cases, users encounter only a few of the most popular reasons for this problem, these are:

  • Lack of internet. If there is no Internet access, the Play Market will not work. Also, the Play Market may not work if your Internet speed is too low or your Internet connection is not stable. This sometimes happens when using a GPRS connection.
  • Problems with the hosts file. The hosts file is used to correlate the IP addresses of servers and their symbolic names. When installing some applications this file may be edited, which may cause your Play Market to stop working.
  • Invalid time and date. Another common problem is incorrect time settings. If your Android device says wrong time or date, then the Play Market will not work.
  • Application hangs. The Play Market application may simply freeze and refuse to work.
  • The Play Market service really doesn't work. This happens extremely rarely, but rule it out this option also not possible.

What to do if the Play Market does not work

If you are faced with the fact that the Play Market does not work for you, then first you need to check the availability of the Internet. Open your browser and try to load a website. You can also perform a speed test using Speed ​​apps Test. If there is no access to the Internet, then you need to solve this problem and then try to launch the Play Market.

If you have access to the Internet, then the next step is to reboot Android devices. This way you can exclude everything possible problems related to freezing of the Play Market itself or other applications. After rebooting, try logging into the Play Market again. It is likely that this time everything will work fine. If after the reboot nothing has changed, then we offer you 3 ways to solve this problem.

Method number 1. Correcting hosts file.

Enough common cause The Play Market error “no connection” occurs due to incorrect entries in the hosts file. If you have ROOT rights, then you can open hosts and fix it, this is done something like this:

  • Run file manager. For example, you can use Root Explorer or ES Explorer;
  • Go to the System folder, then to the ets folder;
  • Do backup copy hosts file by copying it to a memory card or any other user folder;
  • Click on the hosts file and hold it until the context menu opens;
  • IN context menu select “Edit”;
  • In the hosts file that opens, delete all lines except “ localhost”;
  • Save the changes and restart your Android device;

If the reason for the lack of connection in the Play Store was in the wrong hosts file, then after a reboot everything should work.

Method number 2. Correct the time and date.

Another common reason for a lack of connection in the Play Store is an incorrect date or time. In order to fix this problem you need to do the following:

If the reason for the lack of connection in the Play Market was the wrong date or time, then after these simple manipulations the connection should appear.

Method number 3. Clear the application cache.

Problems with the cache can also cause the Play Market to report a lack of connection. To fix this issue follow these steps:

If the reason for the lack of connection in the Play Market was in the cache, then after a reboot the Play Market should start working normally.

Many Android device users encounter a problem when PlayMarket does not work on Android, as through Mobile Internet, and via Wi-Fi. Because of this, they cannot download any normal application, and installing programs from third party sources, is known to threaten smartphone security. Usually, when the Play Market does not work on Android, it says “no connection”, “server error”, “an error has occurred” or “check the connection”. It’s worth noting right away that the Play Market may not work for many reasons. In this article we will look at all these reasons and methods to eliminate them.

Google Play Market does not open - If you notice that Google Play has stopped functioning on your smartphone, first try restarting the device. It's likely that your system is simply frozen. This happens quite often with all Android devices. It is worth saying that rebooting the device can fix bugs not only in the Play Market, but also in other applications that you have noticed are not working correctly. However, it may also be that after a restart the problem will not be solved. In this case, try another method to solve this problem.

  • Incompatible applications. In many cases, the Play Market refuses to launch due to applications that block the operation of the market, as a result, the Play Market does not work on Android and says an error has occurred or check the connection. The list of such programs is quite broad, but it is customary to include various applications for hacking games - for example, the famous Freedom. When downloading from sites about freedom applications, the instructions indicate that with this application enabled The play market may not work. It can be solved by disabling it in “Settings” - “Applications” (if you still can’t access the Play Store, reboot your phone or tablet). If you need to quickly install a gaming application and don’t have a lot of time to solve problems with the play market, then you can download games for Android on other sites.
  • Reset Google settings Play Market. In many cases, resetting the settings of this application helps to find a solution to the problem with the Play Market. To do this, follow the recommendations described in the instructions: - Open “ Settings» smartphone:
    — Go to the section “ Applications
    — On the list installed programs find Google Play Market
    - Then click on “clear cache” (if you use outdated version smartphone, you need to click on “ Erase data”)After you clear the application cache, it is strongly recommended to restart your smartphone. This action will allow the operating system to detect the changes you make much more quickly. If everything goes well, the Play Market will work and you will be able to download new programs and games. If he still refuses to work, read on.
  • Remove Google updates Play Market. Sometimes the Play Market on a phone or tablet does not work because developers release updates that are either not fully developed or are not compatible with your device. Try opening the settings menu of the Play Store application, as you did in the previous paragraph, and instead of clearing the cache, click on “ Uninstall updates”.This will return the application to its original state.
  • Reset the Services app settings Google Play". Often problems related to the functioning of Google Play are resolved by resetting the settings of this application. To reset all program settings, follow these steps: - In the main menu, find “ Settings»
    - Go to " Applications»
    - Find in the list " Google Play services»
    — In the application settings, click “ Clear data" or " Clear cacheErrors that have arisen in the application settings may result in the fact that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection.
  • Activate Download Manager. Sometimes the Play Market does not launch when the user disables the system application called “ Download Manager" In order to enable it, go to the “Applications” menu, find this program in the list (in the “ tab All") and click on " Turn on” or if there is no such button then just restart your smartphone and try using the Play Store.
  • Delete your Google account. Before following the recommendations of this paragraph, it is recommended to transfer all important data stored on the smartphone to some other storage medium. You can also synchronize data through your Google account. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu and find the item called “ Accounts" In the window that opens, select your “ Google“- account. Now click on the item that contains your email address. After this, you will be asked to select those types personal information that you are going to synchronize. Be sure to back up your personal information and telephone contacts located on the smartphone. If you want to synchronize everything installed applications, then click the button on"(or "Options"). Now you need to delete your account and restart your device.

    All applications and all bugs that could interfere with the normal operation of your device will be removed from your smartphone. Try going to Play Market. If it works fine, sync and restore all your data.

  • Set up the "hosts" file" If you actively use applications such as Freedom, this point will be especially relevant for you. Go to the application settings menu. In the list that opens, find Freedom and in its settings, click on the “Stop” button. After that, delete the application and restart your smartphone. Now check if Google Play has started working.
  • Reset Android settings. If you have tried all the above recommendations and in your case they all turned out to be useless, you will have to move on to more radical measures. Such measures mean resetting all device settings. It's worth saying that this action is very effective and in most cases allows you to eliminate all bugs on the device. To reset settings, go to the menu " Settings»
    phone or tablet, find the section “ Recovery and reset" or " Backup and reset". Then click on the “ Reset”.Before performing the steps described above, be sure to make sure that you have synchronized all your data that is stored in the device’s memory. There is no need to worry about the information on the flash card, since resetting Android settings won't have the slightest effect on her. After performing the reset, restart the gadget and look at the result.
  • Check your Internet connection. Sometimes the Play Market does not open due to the so-called external reasons. You can spend hours trying to delete accounts, perform factory resets, and do other similar actions, but none of them will bring any benefit. If this happens to you, then most likely the problem lies in more banal things. If you've tried all of the above and it doesn't help, check your Internet connection. Your provider is probably carrying out maintenance work or there has been some kind of failure in the wi-fi router. It also helps to turn off the Wi-Fi modem for more than 3 minutes, which leads to clearing the cache (temporary memory) of the router and subsequent new setting connections to the server. This may also be the reason that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection (or no connection).
  • Google account is disabled. The Play Market won't launch because you accidentally disabled your Google account. To enable it, you should open the settings and go to the “Accounts” section, where you should activate your Google account. After this, it is recommended to restart the device and check if the Play Market is working.
  • Check the date and time. If, when you try to launch the Play Market, you see a notification that the program cannot start due to problems with the Internet connection, then the causes of the problem may lie in the time and date settings of the device. To eliminate this reason, you need to go to the device settings and select the “ date and time" After this, put a tick next to the item that will talk about automatic settings time via the network. Due to the incorrect date, the Play Market may not work and says there is no connection or an error has occurred.
  • Sometimes a glitch occurs in the Google Play Market, due to which the user cannot log into his account, download the application or update it. What is the cause of the server error, and how to fix it; how to prevent? Let's try to understand the main problems and find their solution!

    Why there may be a problem with the Play Market

    Google Play Market is a voluminous application that integrates almost all programs installed on an Android device. The main function of the Market is timely update these programs. Thus, the user does not need to waste time visiting developer sites to get the “latest” version of their product. You just need to configure automatic update.

    Google Play Market application

    Of course, this level of integration requires an account to store data about installed applications. Since the Play Market belongs to Google, the account is linked to it, and accordingly, Google. And if any problems arise with it, then they are transferred to the “Market”, and therefore to the installed applications. Conversely, malfunctions in the Market can lead to errors in the entire account. However, don't panic right away. Perhaps in your case everything can be solved “in two clicks”.

    What could be the reasons for Google Play Market not working properly? Below is a list of the most common ones.

  • Error operating system;
  • Large amount of residual data, cache;
  • Error Play settings Market;
  • Disabling the "Download Manager";
  • Google account error;
  • Incompatible applications;
  • Incorrect date and time on the device.
  • This list lists problems in order of decreasing likelihood of occurrence. Before we jump straight into solutions, let's look at what types of errors may appear.

    Types of errors

    Play Market server error

    There may be several Play Market errors. Although each is technically different in nature, the reasons are usually similar for all. This article is intended to help solve only those errors that are listed below.

  • Error code 491/481. Applications are not downloaded and/or updated.
  • 919. The program is downloaded, but it cannot be launched.
  • 403/413/504. Applications are not installed or updated.
  • 923. Doesn't sync Google account, or the cache is full.
  • 921/. Applications are not downloaded.
  • 492. Cache problem.
  • 911/919. Applications are not downloaded.
  • //. Receiving information from the server is impossible.
  • Invalid batch file. There is a file or cache problem.
  • The occurrence of any of the presented errors is the result of failures of the Google account or the entire system. Some of them may appear when installing applications, others when updating them. Whenever they arise, a set of actions must be carried out to solve them. Cannot be selected specific way solutions to this or that error, since they all manifest themselves in different cases and for various reasons.

    So, if you receive a message about any of the presented errors, check out the solutions to solve them.

    How to fix server errors in the Play Store

    As already indicated, the root cause of a particular error is difficult, almost impossible, to identify. Therefore, to solve any problem you need to take several mutually exclusive steps. They are presented below in order of execution.

    Checking some parameters

    Before you begin the following steps, make sure that:

  • The date and time on the device are correct;
  • There is an Internet connection;
  • Google accounts included.
  • Despite the ridiculous banality, it is often the restoration of these simple factors that helps restore normal work Play Market. If everything is in order here, go to “Step 1”.

    As simple as it may sound, sometimes a simple reboot really helps. The fact is that when you turn off the device, part of the cache is automatically deleted. So, by rebooting your phone or tablet, you can get rid of erroneous files or data.

    To reboot, hold down the device unlock key. In the window that appears, select “Restart”. If you don’t have it, click “Turn off power”, and then turn on the device manually by holding down the same key.

    Reboot your device

    Reset settings and clear cache files

  • Go to the “Settings” of the device;
  • Find the “Program Manager” or “Applications” menu item;
  • In the list that appears, find Google Play Market;
  • Open it and press the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons in turn.
  • Erase residual data and clear the cache

    In most cases, these actions are quite sufficient. If they didn't help, move on to the next step.

    Uninstalling all Play Market updates

    Play Market updates can sometimes bring disruption to the system, especially if you have relatively new model devices. Removing them can help deal with the problem of errors. However, please note that in this case, the settings of the Play Market itself will be reset to their original settings.

    To remove updates, go to settings Google apps Play Market, as we did in “Step 2”. Now click the “Uninstall updates” button.

    Delete Play updates Market

    Clearing data from Google Play Services

    This application is responsible for correct work basic Play Market functions, such as updating or installing programs. Sometimes clearing the cache and contents of “Services...” helps to fix the mentioned errors. To carry out “Step 4”, find “ Google Services Play" in the list of programs installed on the device (as we did with the Play Market). Then click “Erase data” and “Clear cache” in sequence.

    Cleaning up Google Play Services

    Activating the Download Manager program

    The Download Manager application is responsible for the device’s hardware ability to download programs from the network and install them. Sometimes the “Manager...” functions may be disabled. To enable them, do the following:

  • Find the Download Manager application among the installed programs (as in steps 2 and 4).
  • Go into it and click on the “Enable” button.
  • Reboot your device (see “Step 1”).
  • If the “Download Manager” was indeed disabled, you must enable it, even if this did not help fix the errors. Otherwise, you will not be able to download programs at all.

    Enable the “Download Manager” functions

    Deleting your entire Google account

    Often errors occur due to problems synchronizing your Google account with the Play Market. To fix this problem, you will have to delete your account.

    Deleting your account without first synchronizing will result in the loss of personal data. To avoid this, you must use the data backup function.

    Backup is carried out as follows. Go to the “Settings” of the device and find the “Accounts” item. Then select your Google account by clicking on it.

    Find "Accounts" in "Settings"

    Click on your name mailbox to enter the synchronization (backup) menu.

    Click on your Google account name

    In the menu that opens, you will see several items and sliders next to them. When the slider is on, it means that backup the corresponding data will be executed. We recommend leaving all sliders turned on. Now press the Options hard key on your phone or tablet (usually touch button to the left of the Home button). In the window that appears, click “Synchronize”.

    Click "Sync"

    After synchronization is complete, you can delete your Google account with peace of mind. The delete button, as you probably noticed, is located in the same place as the “Synchronize” button.

    Reboot your device and sign in to your Google account again (just go to Play Market or Gmail). The device will prompt you to restore your account data from Google servers. Now all applications from the Play Market installed on your device are normalized and synchronized. But if this step did not help you, move on.

    Removing incompatible programs

    If you have previously installed any programs not from the Play Market, there is a high probability that they are harming your account. It is especially worth highlighting applications for working with the functions of the Market itself. For example, those used for free receipt paid bonuses from games.

    Job malicious applications breaks data synchronization across the entire device and can lead to serious problems. Often such programs are equated to viruses. Therefore, they must be removed immediately. If you did not install them yourself, we recommend using an antivirus, for example, “Dr. Web". Install it and scan and then clean the device.

    Install antivirus "Dr. Web"

    Reset Android OS settings

    This step is, of course, quite radical. Resetting the OS settings will result in loss of application data and will also restore the phone (tablet) to factory settings. However, quite often this method allows you to get rid of all potential problems. Perhaps even from those you didn’t even know existed. You can also do a factory reset if you don't want to go through the steps above.

    Eliminating errors through software intervention

    This method can be very effective, however, it requires minimal knowledge of the Android OS, as well as some IT skills.

    We do not recommend that you attempt the following unless you are confident in your abilities. Responsibility for implementing the proposed actions will remain with you, because, as a result, the device may completely break down.

    So, first, download a file manager for Android devices. A good example V in this case is "Root Explorer". After downloading, follow these steps:

  • Open the Root Explorer program.
  • Go to: /data/data/com.android.vending/.
  • Delete all data from the specified folder.
  • Without closing the program, go to “Options” -> “Permissions” and check the boxes exactly as shown in the screenshot.
  • Using "Root Explorer"

    Now you just need to restart your device and try to go to the Play Market.

    Correct Google work Play Market, in essence, means the normal operation of the entire operating system. Therefore, even if you do not need to download or install applications from the Market in the near future, but any of specified errors occurs, it needs to be corrected urgently. This will help nip potential problems in the bud, and therefore save both your personal data and the device itself.

    Today we will tell you how to log into your Google account in the Play Market. In fact, there is nothing complicated at all - all the actions are simple and banal. However, those users who have not previously used devices running Android control OS may be confused. That is why we volunteered to help you and will gladly deal with this problem together!

    How to log into your Google account in Play Market

    Well, let's not delay and immediately move on to the main instructions:
  • First of all, you must tap on the Google Play icon on the desktop or in the menu;
  • After the Market opens, the system will prompt you to add existing account or create a new one - in our case you need to click on the “Existing” button once;
  • Next, you must enter your email and password for it - carefully check the entered characters so as not to make a mistake and not repeat this procedure several times;

  • Then a waiting screen will appear - the speed of connecting to your Google account depends directly on the speed of the Internet connection supported by the operator and the device itself. In the worst case, it will take about one minute or you will have to repeat the connection procedure one or two extra times;

  • On the next screen, you can configure data backup and recovery in case something happens to your smartphone/tablet. Below you can subscribe to the newsletter from the Play Market: You will receive notifications about promotions, discounts, new games and applications. Here, decide for yourself whether you need such information in the mail or not. Now click on the arrow in the lower right corner to go further;

  • In the pop-up window, you must confirm your agreement to the terms of use of the application store by clicking the “Accept” button;

  • Ready! Now Google Play is working, which means that you can use it for its intended purpose: to buy games, applications, movies, and also to download all this stuff.

  • As promised, in this article we taught you how to deal with the problem of logging into your Google account when you turn on the Play Store. There's really nothing complicated here. Except for one fact: the location of some elements may differ depending on the version software, which is installed on your smartphone or tablet, as well as from the shell - everyone has major manufacturer mobile devices its own unique shell.

    Removing Google Play Services cache

    If this time nothing worked for you, then it makes sense to delete the cache Google Play Store, and then use the instructions above again. So let's get started:

    Now you can return to the previous instructions again, it will certainly help you log into your Google account in the Play Market.

    If the Play Market does not work on your phone or tablet, then the reason for this may be a number of errors, ranging from a crash to a conflict with other applications. To prevent Play Market from breaking, you have to look a large number of settings and try different ways troubleshooting.

    Bug fix

    If Google Play Market does not start on your tablet or phone, first restart the device. Restarting the system eliminates simple software glitches that prevent the Play Market from working.

    If rebooting does not help, and the Play Market on Android still does not open, check the availability and speed of the Internet. If you connect to the network via WiFi, there may be channel congestion, which causes the speed to drop significantly. The cause of the failure may also lie in a missing communication signal when using mobile traffic.If there is no connection, then Play Market It will take a long time to start and open.

    Another one possible reason Problems - incorrectly set date. To change date and time settings:

    1. Open settings.
    2. Go to the “System” section. Find the "Date and Time" submenu.
    3. Set the correct value.

    If these simple methods did not help eliminate the errors of the working Play Market, and it still writes that the launch is impossible, then you will have to use other methods.

    Working with built-in applications on Android

    If there are no problems with the date or Internet connection using WiFi or mobile traffic, and the Play Market does not start, then work with the temporary data of the built-in programs. You should start with the Play Market:

    1. Open the "Applications" section in settings, go to the "All" tab to display the built-in programs.
    2. Go to Play Market settings.
    3. Erase data and clear cache.

    Check if the app store is working. If not, go back to its settings and uninstall the updates. Check the program status again.

    If uninstalling updates and clearing the Play Store cache did not help, follow similar steps with other programs - Google Play Services and Google Services Framework.

    Also, make sure that the Download Manager application is enabled on your system. You can also find it on the “All” tab in the “Applications” section.

    Account deleting

    Removing and re-adding Google profile.

    1. Find the Accounts section in Settings.
    2. Open the sync options for the Google profile you are using.
    3. Call extra menu and select Sync to create an up-to-date backup.
    4. Call up the additional menu again and select “Delete”.

    After deleting the profile, reboot your device. The next time you start, go back to the settings and add your account again by entering your email and password.

    TO account one more thing applies important note: The Google Accounts app must be enabled in settings. You can check the status and, if necessary, launch the built-in program for working with profiles in the “Applications” section on the “All” tab.

    Troubleshooting application incompatibilities

    One of the reasons for blocking the Play Market is work third party applications. First of all we're talking about about the Freedom program, which allows you to make in-game purchases using a fictitious card. If the Play Market does not connect or is not updated after Freedom, then you need to clean the hosts file. The reason that the Play Market on Android does not work may be incorrect entries added by the Freedom program. To remove them you will need root rights.

    If after reboot the problem will go away, then you have correctly diagnosed why the Play Market application is not working.


    What to do if it doesn't work play store Market, and all of the above methods have been tried and found to be useless? In this situation, there is only one way out - deleting all information from the device.

    1. Back up your important data: contacts, messages, photos, videos, etc.
    2. Open settings, go to the “Backup and reset” submenu.
    3. Select Reset Settings. Click Reset Settings.
    4. Confirm the operation and wait for it to complete.

    Resetting settings completely clears internal memory, however the information on external storage remains untouched. Therefore, the same photos and videos can be saved by simply moving them to a memory card. Contacts can be synchronized with your Google account. Resetting settings is a drastic way to solve the problem, so you have to resort to it extremely rarely. Usually the answer to the question why the Play Market application does not work on Android is much faster and safer for personal data.

    Problems on Meizu smartphones

    If Google Play Market does not work for you Meizu phone, then the methods listed above do not need to be applied. Chinese developers(we are talking about official Meizu products) make Google Play Services available as an installer. This is done so that when you first start the device, Google service updates are immediately installed.


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