What to do if the phone screen does not light up. What to do if the screen on your smartphone or tablet does not work? (simple instructions)

If you came to this article, then you had to face a problem when the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears. This is the most common problem associated with laptop hardware, or, to be more precise, with hardware settings.

We thank the laptop repair service FIXIT.BY (Minsk, Belarus) for their help in preparing this material.

Below we will look at how to reset hardware settings. This method It helps when the hardware settings are lost, but it will not help if your laptop was flooded with water.

Resetting BIOS Settings

If the problem “the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears” appeared after the change BIOS settings, then you just need to reset and roll back to factory settings. This action is performed in several steps.

You can read more about the information “how to enter the BIOS on Windows 10” or “How to enter the BIOS on Windows 7” in our articles.

If these steps don't help, see the next step.

Reinstalling the RAM module

The image may also not be displayed due to incorrect installation memory module or problems with contacts (very often this method helps to get rid of the problem “the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears” after water or moisture gets on it, but before that, make sure that your laptop is completely dry and under no circumstances do any what to do if it is not dry).

To do this you need to remove the module random access memory, blow out the connectors.

— If you have one stick of RAM installed, and there are 2 slots available for it, just swap them.

Now let’s figure out how to remove RAM.

For changing push-button phones Touch devices have arrived. What has changed since this technology became firmly established in our lives? Almost everything that is in any way related to the functioning of the device. That is why a situation in which the sensor stops working requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in many cases a person has almost every chance of restoring his device. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There are quite a few reasons why the sensor on your phone does not work (what to do is described below). Considering the technology of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this control element is quite fragile and finicky. Its performance depends to the maximum on weather conditions, damage, and liquid ingress.

If happened software glitch or spontaneous failure of the system to work, problems with the operation of the sensor may occur. These shortcomings are, in principle, conditional and can be easily avoided. We can seriously say that a person is the most important factor in the performance of a mobile device. It is the actions of the owner that will determine how long the device will be in use and why the sensor on the phone does not work.

Common touch screen problems

Often, breakdowns occur due to mechanical damage. If the phone is dropped or deformed, the device will not function properly as a result. Due to impacts or other mechanical influences Various consequences may occur. As a rule, they can be ordinary chips on the cover at best, or a cracked display at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect the operation of the gadget in most cases, then the screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor stops working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. If the case part moves slightly away from the display and you can notice a gap, then you should immediately take the phone in for repair.

Sometimes a smartphone may stop working if liquid gets into it. Many people have absolutely no idea how water manages to get on the board, but this is a common problem.


If the sensor on your phone does not work, it is not clear what to do, then first you need to go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. This feature can often be found in the main settings. These steps can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the body is intact, and there are no signs of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a perfectly smooth surface, then it is likely that the touchscreen has simply turned off.

If the forecasts are not entirely optimistic, the sensor on the phone still does not work, what should I do? It is better to immediately start looking for a solution to your problem. In order to commit the following actions, you need to have certain skills.

Oxide Elimination

In order to eliminate the oxide, you need to use a special tool - a Phillips and flat-head screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card will also work. You should take alcohol, a toothbrush, an eraser and napkins. Before you disassemble your device, you need to watch a video that describes how to do it. To do this, just type your phone model into a search engine and look at reviews of it.

You need to be careful when separating parts of the housing. There is a risk that a person’s cable may fly off, wires may break, or any parts may break. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and arrange the screws according to the drawing. All accessible places where liquid can get into should be wiped with alcohol, then with an eraser and then blotted with a napkin.

In order to eliminate corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason why the phone’s sensor has failed. Where the connection of loops occurs, especially if we're talking about about the touch screen connector, it is necessary to treat it with alcohol and remove the deposits with an eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

If the screen peels off or shifts, then this is probably the problem. Often in such cases the phone’s sensor fails. To put the screen in place, you need to use a hairdryer. You can peel off the touchscreen from the display simply by heating it. The glue will dry, and then it will be easy to move the sensor to the desired location.

The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, installation must be done one at a time. Don't forget about screwing in the screws. It is also necessary to put protective housings back on the microcircuits.

Other methods: how to fix the problem

There are many other reasons why a sensor can fail, so a person’s actions will directly depend on the failure. Sometimes you can solve this problem yourself, remembering that the repair touch phones- an expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then you need to wipe the screen with liquid. You should also use a soft cloth. This is necessary if the question arises about what to do - the sensor on the phone does not work.

If the protective film was installed incorrectly and now the lower part of the sensor on the phone does not work, you need to replace it this coating, cleaning the screen from dirt. Dust and dirt often get trapped under the film. This is what makes working with the sensor difficult.

In other cases, the cause may be a failure software. This problem can be easily solved by resetting the settings or flashing the device. In the most urgent cases, you should contact the service center. We'll talk about this below.

If the sensor on your phone does not work for no obvious reason

If the sensor stops working for unknown reasons, then it is better to contact the service center and carry out full diagnostics phone. This is the only way to find out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without harm to yourself or additional money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, then you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, experts answer the question of why the sensor on the phone does not work quite quickly. This method is the most effective. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact the service center as soon as a breakdown occurs. If you are not confident in your abilities, you should not try to decide this problem on one's own.


To summarize, it is imperative to say that the phone should be treated with the utmost care. Replacing the sensor on your phone is quite a complicated process and also expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device with the most ideal operating conditions. There is no need to throw it away or treat it carelessly. Be sure to periodically wipe the screen and change protective film, only then can you really achieve excellent and long-lasting touch screen performance. If the gadget is under warranty, then replacing the sensor on the phone will be a free service.

Today, a person simply cannot imagine his life without a cell phone, because it is not just a means of communication, but a convenient, necessary and colorful toy. At the same time, we can say that a telephone can be vital, so its acquisition has become very popular and relevant. In addition, the phone to some extent emphasizes a certain status of the owner in the outside world.

Several reasons why the screen goes blank

All equipment, without exception, tends to break down, and so does communication equipment. It happens that the phone screen suddenly goes dark or stops functioning altogether. What could be the reason for this moment, and what actions should be taken in case of this problem?

The most obvious and logical reason why the phone screen may suddenly go dark is a dead battery, the person simply did not pay attention to low level battery charge, ignored it, and the communication device turned off, hence the screen went blank. In this situation it is necessary to take special device, which is designed for recharging, and connect the phone to a source of electricity through it.

How to fix the problem?

The next step is the ability to reboot your phone so that it can be rehabilitated and start making you happy again, but each phone has its own special reboot method. For example, if you have an iPhone, then a similar situation is quite relevant for it, you just need to press the power and Home buttons at the same time, holding them down for 10 seconds. As practice shows, this should work.

Sometimes it happens that the phone starts to freeze, after which the display goes blank. This situation is especially typical for a smartphone, which may have a weak processor built into it.

The most common problem that can cause a device's screen to go dark is a malfunction of the battery itself. It may simply stop working over time. If this is the reason, then it is urgently necessary to replace it with a new one.

Of course, if all of the above tips and recommendations did not help resolve the problem, then it is better not to repair the device yourself, but to contact specialists at a service center. Competent professionals will respond to your request with great pleasure and will do everything to make your favorite device make you happy again.

Urgent action must be taken. The main thing is not to start the problem. You can conduct the initial diagnosis yourself. To do this, you just need to call our consultant and together we will figure out what the problem is. But often it is not possible to determine a breakdown from a distance. So it's best to bring your own mobile phone to our service center and we will carry out a free diagnosis. And this is the key to successful repairs.

Why doesn't the screen on my phone work?

If Phone display doesn't work This usually happens for several reasons. First of all, inspect the display. Are there any cracks, scratches or smudges on it? If everything is ok here, then the reason is this:

Why doesn't the screen on my phone work?

1. in 40% of cases, The screen on the phone does not work if the screen itself is damaged. Operation can be resumed only after replacing the component. We have a huge warehouse of spare parts. You can purchase any part here and try to replace it yourself. But we do not recommend doing this, as this is a difficult task. Our craftsmen will do everything quickly and efficiently, after which they will issue a guarantee for the entire device;

2. In 30% the screen control chip is faulty. If it fails, then only replacing the component will help. You are unlikely to be able to do this on your own. Our masters have extensive experience and will always be happy to help you;

3. The phone fell and why the screen does not work? In 20% of cases screen suffers from mechanical damage. Due to impact display may move away from printed circuit board. Then you just need to insert the cable back. This is often done in the presence of the client and does not take much time.

4. in 10% of cases there may be other problems; they can only be identified after diagnosis.

More and more users prefer mobile devices touch screen. It is quite easy to operate. But it's not that difficult to disable it. Why doesn't my touch phone screen work? As a rule, it fails due to negative mechanical influences. If touch screen does not work, then in this case only replacement will help. We strongly advise against doing this at home. Since only qualified craftsmen can perform such complex work. Happens when stopped and half the screen does not work. Part of the touch screen is not working when sensitivity is lost in a certain area. In any case, if touch display does not work, You shouldn't fix it yourself.

It is not uncommon for situations when The screen backlight does not work. If The display backlight is gone, this means that the problem must be looked for in the backlight circuit. Usually, The phone screen does not light up, if moisture gets into the device. Also the reason that The phone screen goes dark and goes blank, It could be the display itself, in which case it will have to be replaced.

What to do, conclusion:

In any case, no matter what problem you encounter, contact our service center for help. We employ only highly qualified specialists who will cope with any problem quickly, efficiently and at an affordable price.

Example from life:

The young man accidentally dropped cellular telephone on the tile, after which it turned blue and did not react at all. In our service center They did diagnostics and found that the display control chip was damaged, it was replaced within 2 hours. After which they tested and provided the client with a guarantee for the entire device.

We have:

Diagnostics are carried out completely free of charge. In most cases, it is carried out in the presence of the client and using professional equipment.

The warranty is issued for the entire device for any repair, and not just for the replaced part.

After repair the device passes Free control quality.

Discounts are offered for repairs.

Only original spare parts are installed. We are suppliers of spare parts throughout Russia and because of this our prices are cheaper.

After the first repair, a VIP client card is issued for a discount from 10% to 40%.

Promotion! Until the end of the month, ultrasonic cleaning is free for any repair.

The best service conditions are only in our service!

Phone display repair. All repair products can be purchased on our website.

Let's consider a possible problem - on cell phone For some reason the display stopped showing. What could be causing this and how can I fix the problem?

First of all, a little theory.

What is a display

In the specific case of a mobile phone Display- This is a phone component designed to display graphic information.

The phone display consists of:
1. Glass with a layer of cells filled with liquid crystal is the main component of the display.
2. Backlight with several layers of diffusers.
3. Display housing - the plastic part in which the components are installed.

Display breakdowns

We distinguish two types of display failures:
1. The picture is not displayed on the screen.
2. There is a picture, but it’s hard to see - the backlight has disappeared.

In most cases, it is the picture that is not visible, but the backlight remains. This display glows in white, blue or green - these are the most commonly used backlight colors. These breakdowns and methods for solving them will be discussed in the article.

The phone fell

As written above, in the production of displays for mobile devices glass is used. Very hard, but also very brittle material. If the glass breaks, the screen will stop showing. External signs of a broken display are a crack (cracks, “cobwebs”) or liquid crystal leakage. As a rule, leaks are black. In some phone models it may be bright red, yellow or orange. Sometimes in the form of a spectrum close to red. In some LG phones, cracks are not visible, but a “sun” appears in the center of the screen - this is also physical damage display.

If the display glass is broken, the display must be replaced.

A broken screen is statistically the most common breakdown of phones in general and the reason for display inoperability in particular.

Water got into the phone

If water or any other conductive liquid gets into your mobile phone, the display may stop working. The reason is the short circuit or “rotting” of the information tracks in the screen or motherboard phone.

The malfunction can be eliminated by mandatory cleaning of the phone. If necessary, replace non-working components and restore “rotten” tracks.

In some cases, the display shows a picture after water gets into it, but spots are visible in the background. This display can be replaced, or you can try to restore it yourself.

To restore, remove the diffuser (part of the backlight) from the screen, peel off its layers and wash it in pure alcohol. After drying, we put it back together and connect it. Ideally, you can restore the display completely. However, it is worth considering the risk of damaging the fragile glass, after which the display will not show anything at all.

After water gets in, the backlight may disappear. This often happens, for example, with Nokia phones. Especially with them budget models- 1110, 1110i, 1112, 1600, 2600, 6030, etc. The reason for this failure is the failure of the microcircuit LM3500. The chip is installed at the bottom of the phone, next to the charging connector and microphone. It is there, through the holes in the housing, that water statistically most often gets in. Recoverable by replacing the microcircuit LM3500.

Clamshell and slider

A clamshell and a slider are two phone form factors that also have a display cable among their components.

Plume- an elastic flexible element designed for electronic communications two or more moving parts of a mobile phone.

The cable is made of a special polymer and metal (copper-based), which have a high bending life. An original cable from the phone manufacturer can work for several years. Cables from alternative manufacturers, as a rule, last up to six months. Very cheap cables can last from a few bends to a week or a month.

If the phone (slider or clamshell) did not fall, and the display stopped showing “by itself,” then this is most likely due to wear on the cable. The loop can be restored by identifying and duplicating the broken wire, but this is a maximum of several dozen bends. The materials and technologies used in production cannot be replicated in artisanal conditions. So the cable needs to be changed.

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Author - Pavel Ukrainian

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