What to do if the speakers on your phone don't work well. Why does the sound disappear from the speaker and microphone?

April 03, 2017 10036 views 0 comments

Today, a fairly common problem that owners of mobile devices increasingly face is the unsatisfactory performance of the speakers. A bad sound signal, noise, or no sound at all is a signal about a service center. It will be very difficult to determine the cause of the breakdown on your own, let alone repair it.

What can cause the speaker to malfunction?

The causes of speaker malfunctions can be very diverse and quite unexpected. Therefore, you should not engage in amateur activities, but still turn to specialists. Most often, shortcomings are observed in the dynamics or in the microphone. By their design, these elements have hourly limitations in operation. The following may cause malfunctions:

Water (liquid) gets inside the phone, which leads to oxidation of contacts and also negatively affects the boards;

External, mechanical influence (impact, fall) - causes damage to contacts, including the speaker itself;

Contamination of specially designed loudspeaker holes (can only be corrected by cleaning with compressed air);

Violation of the device's audio connector (a clear indicator - the sound does not switch to headphones);

Defects in the operation of software or firmware;

The cable is malfunctioning (if you have a slider or clamshell phone).

Defects caused by improper speaker operation may be various types. These are problems with the loudspeaker itself and with individual internal parts (modules). You can find out the exact reason for such operation of the device using diagnostics, which is performed in specialized service centers.

Main types of repairs

Qualified specialists will be able to find out the cause of your mobile malfunction, and based on this they will select the most suitable and correct repair method. For example,

Refund auditory speaker will be relevant if you cannot hear the person with reverse side, which is not observed in him; or extraneous noise is noticed during a conversation; if the conversation is periodically interrupted (and if you move the phone from side to side, it appears again).

The loudspeaker speaker is replaced when there is no call incoming call(or there is, but with wheezing, noticeable distortion); does not work Speakerphone; music is playing, but very quietly (mainly caused by water).

Replacing the microphone. Carried out if there is no voice recorder recording; in case of interference and noise during a conversation. Most modern phones have two microphones (talk and noise-canceling), which work in harmony, but if one of them breaks down, the other does not stop functioning.

Repairing the headset jack (carried out when the phone is always in headphone mode; when one ear periodically stops working; uncontrolled speakerphone playback).

Replacing the audio control chip. This method is the most difficult, because you have to resolder the microcircuit onto motherboard. This failure is caused mechanical impact on mobile device or connecting low-quality accessories.

Defects caused by improper operation of the speaker can be of various types. These are problems with the loudspeaker itself and with individual internal parts (modules). You can find out the exact reason for such operation of the device using diagnostics, which is performed in specialized service centers. Only qualified specialists will be able to solve the problem by choosing the most correct and suitable option for repairing your gadget.

It may seem that the topic of this article does not deserve a detailed analysis. After all, what can you tell about a broken speaker or microphone? But in fact, this problem is not only relevant, such a breakdown is one of the most common reasons for contacting service center. And Chinese devices are especially susceptible to it, whose manufacturers often skimp on such small but very important details. Let's figure out what's what.


Microphone- a telephone element that converts the sound of a voice into an electrical signal. Often located at the bottom or front-bottom of the phone. From the outside it looks like a hole with a diameter of about 0.5 mm. Sometimes it can be covered with a mesh.

Noise canceling microphone - auxiliary element, the main function of which is to estimate the noise in environment for the purpose of subsequent adjustment of the sensitivity of the main microphone. The noise-canceling microphone can also pick up sound while recording video. Not used on all models. This microphone is located either in the rear-top part of the phone or on the upper end of the case.

Earpiece (or speaker) - a speaker that reproduces the voice of your interlocutor.

Polyphonic speaker (or buzzer) - a speaker used to play a ringtone, play the sound of audio and video files.

Do not you hear me- the most common reason for contacting a service center, characterizing any problems with sound (non-working microphone, speaker), or a melody that will not play.

You probably realized that the last term is trolling, but not without a grain of truth. Often, when a client turns to us for help, it is extremely difficult for him to explain what exactly happened to his phone. Don't believe me? Let's conduct an experiment. Select any of the sound related problems and try to explain to someone you know what is wrong with your phone. Most likely you won't succeed the first time. Many questions will follow, who can’t hear who. Does the sound disappear when you call or when they call you? When they call you, there is a melody, or there is none, etc. Therefore, it will be useful to understand the differences between breakdowns of components responsible for sound, what their causes are, and whether it is possible to fix them at home.

Microphone failure

With such malfunctions, the phone is not able to convert the sound of your voice into an electronic signal and, as a result, the interlocutor cannot hear you. To diagnose a microphone problem, you need to start the recorder and try to record any test sound. If you hear silence after playing the recording, there is a problem with the microphone. It should be noted that you should not use video recording for the test - the camera may use the noise reduction microphone, and not just the main microphone.

Why does the microphone stop working or work poorly:
1. Got into the microphone holeforeign object. As I already wrote, from the outside the microphone looks like a hole with a diameter of about 0.5 mm. If you have problems with sound and the interlocutor complains that you are either not heard at all, or are heard as if you are talking through a pillow, do not rush to panic. Perhaps a grain of sand or some other object has blocked the microphone passage. To check, it is enough to visually assess the cleanliness of the hole. To fix this problem, clean the microphone hole with a dry toothbrush. Under no circumstances use vodka, alcohol or any other solution, as they contain water and in addition to problems with the microphone, you may face consequences . Also, do not use needles, pins or toothpicks. With them you can pierce the microphone membrane or, if you are using a protected phone, pierce the semi-permeable membrane and deprive your phone of protection from moisture.

2. Noise reduction error. Above I talked about the noise canceling microphone and its functions. If your phone has such an element and during a conversation you accidentally cover it with your finger (or you have a habit of talking on the phone with it pressed to your shoulder), the phone thinks that you are in a very quiet room and significantly reduces the sensitivity of the main microphone. The interlocutor hears you either loudly or very quietly, depending on how tightly you close the additional microphone. You can fix the problem by changing the way you talk on the phone or programmatically by turning off the auxiliary microphone in the menu (unfortunately, not all models have this option).

3. Microphone aiming.This problem is inherent Chinese copies phones, but can also occur with branded devices. During a conversation, a high-frequency buzzing sound appears, reminiscent of the reaction of a radio receiver when someone talks on the phone near it. mobile phone. There may be several reasons for this problem. The first is the low quality of the microphone itself, which can only be solved by replacing the component. But you can try to correct the second reason at home. We are talking about software calibration of the microphone. For all phones on MTK processors, you can do it manually from engineering menu. I will tell you how this is done in one of the following articles.

4. Connected headset.One of probable causes If the microphone is not working, there may be a “stuck” headset connection sensor. Its immediate function is to switch sound from the phone to the headset when it is connected. In some cases this sensor does not return to initial position When the headphones are disconnected, the phone continues to think that they are connected, turning the sound into “emptiness”. In this case, the display shows an indication of the connected headset. The causes of such a malfunction may be moisture, mechanical damage to the headphone jack and hardware failure. The first two problems can only be fixed at a service center, and the last one can be removed by reconnection headsets. If after this the indication disappears and the phone works better, then you and your phone are lucky. By the way, if the headset sensor is stuck, not only the microphone does not work, but also speaker, since its sound is also transferred to the “virtual headset”.

5. Microphone hardware malfunction. This is the case when you simply cannot do without a service center. If anyone is interested in the reasons for such breakdowns, write in the comments - I’ll tell you in more detail.

Speaker breakdowns

Why does the earpiece stop working or work poorly:

1. “Stuck” speaker mesh. The problem is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the sound in the speaker, but not its complete absence. Sometimes the sound from the back of the phone seems louder than the front. No matter how clean a person is, physiological discharge from the ears in the form of earwax are still present. Over time, it accumulates on the mesh and, mixed with dust, prevents the passage of sound. It is difficult to clean the mesh on your own, since manufacturers usually make them multi-layered - it will not be possible to remove dirt with a simple brush. But there is a temporary solution. I wouldn’t like to voice it here, since in the wrong hands this advice can do more harm than help, but I’ll still take the risk - you need to pierce the speaker mesh with a pin in several places to a depth of no more than 0.5 mm!!! You just need to go through the fibers of the mesh and in no case damage the speaker that is located behind it. If the sound improves, you're lucky; if it disappears altogether, it means you overdid it with the depth. Let me remind you that this solution is temporary, and very soon you will either have to repeat the procedure or still contact the service center.

2. “Car mechanic’s disease”. Any speaker is a membrane, a magnet and a coil. If your work involves metal processing, for example, you use a grinder or a sharpener, then metal shavings settle on the speaker membrane, preventing it from moving freely. The speaker takes on a “metallic” sound, becomes quieter, or stops working altogether. You can fix the problem by disassembling the phone and collecting metal shavings using a more powerful magnet. Doing this at home is problematic, and an already damaged membrane does not always return its original properties. The ideal solution to the problem is to replace the speaker with a subsequent recommendation not to use the phone in places where there is an excess of small metal particles in the air.

3. Connected headset. As I wrote above, a stuck headset connection sensor can disable the speaker in tandem with a non-working microphone.

4. Departed contact. Most speakers are connected to the board using spring contacts. If the phone was dropped and a gap formed in the upper part of the case, it is possible that the speaker contacts came loose. If such a breakdown occurs during a conversation, you cannot hear the interlocutor, but when you press on the upper part of the case, the sound appears. The problem should be fixed at a service center, but you can simply wrap the phone with tape - depending on whether you are ready to sacrifice the aesthetics of the device.

5. Protective film. Incorrectly pasted protective film may block the speaker gap, thereby degrading its sound. I think I won’t have to tell you how to fix this problem.

6. Hardware failures. By analogy with the microphone, I propose to discuss this topic in the comments.

Polyphonic speaker failures

Buzzer breakdowns are in many ways similar to similar breakdowns of a conversational speaker. Parts can also fail due to metal shavings, and when dropped, their contacts move away from the board. Therefore, I will focus on failures that are unique to buzzers:

1. Mechanical damage to the inter-board cable. Many modern touch phones consist of two boards. One of them is the main one (maternal), and the second is auxiliary. The second board, as a rule, contains elements such as a microphone, buzzer, charging socket, and antenna. These boards are connected to each other using an inter-board cable. If it is damaged, the elements of the auxiliary board stop working. Such a breakdown is complex in nature and along with a non-working speaker you will receive a non-working charging socket and microphone.

2. Resonator defect- some of our clients complain not about the missing sound in the speaker, but about its poor quality. The fact is that to achieve high-quality and loud sound, it is not enough for the manufacturer to install good speaker. It is necessary to create a special resonator - a box, reflected from the walls of which, the sound increases its volume and improves the purity of the sound. For a resonator, the integrity of the walls is very important. If they are deformed or damaged, the sound quality deteriorates sharply. Such breakdowns most often appear after poor-quality speaker replacement.

That's probably all possible problems with sound, which I wanted to talk about in this article. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer them.

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

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A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

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Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

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If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

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Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
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Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

When a phone experiences speaker problems, it turns out to be one of the most annoying problems. The phone seems to be working, but I can’t use it for its intended purpose. You simply won't be able to use your device for conversations. For most people in this situation, a phone with a non-working speaker becomes simply unnecessary.

Speaking about this problem, first of all it is necessary to mention that in modern phone There are at least two speakers: one plays melodies, and from the other you hear the voice of your interlocutor during a dialogue. The first is a polyphonic, acoustic, music speaker or buzzer, the second is a speaker or auditory speaker.
Certain models may have up to 4 speakers at once, but their main purpose is to simply amplify sound and improve its sound quality.

When the speaker fails, the phone is of very little use. You won't be able to talk, won't hear the ringtone, won't be able to listen to music, etc.

Unfortunately, it is worth noting that the problem of speaker failure is very common today.

How to understand that there are problems with the speakers on your smartphone?

  • The volume of the interlocutor's voice changes all the time;
  • You hear extraneous noise while talking on the phone;
  • You can't hear your opponent at all;
  • While the melody is playing, its volume becomes quieter and does not increase;
  • You may also hear additional noise while music is playing;
  • There are no sounds at all when there is an incoming call.

Why does one speaker or another fail?

    One of the reasons may be software glitch, for example, incorrect update;

    Another popular reason is the penetration of liquid or condensation into the speaker through the perforations and mesh of the phone case;

    Often, due to clogged speaker holes, you also stop hearing sounds normally;

    Possibly due to mechanical damage the phone has lost contact with the speaker, or the speaker has simply failed as a result of the device being dropped;

    It often happens that similar problem occurs due to a closed headphone jack, in which case there will be no external sounds, and the interlocutor will be heard through the headphones.

    One of the serious troubles can be the failure of microcircuits on system board, responsible for sound, for example, an audio codec or mixer.

    The problem may be the easiest to solve if the volume level of the speakers is off. Be sure to check this indicator before taking any other active steps. Also try rebooting your device.

If you are convinced that the audio playback settings are correct, you have rebooted your smartphone, but the problem remains - the most the best option contact the service center.

Independent actions can only harm the phone if you do not have the skills of a service engineer. Diagnostics of phones in our service center is always free. IN as soon as possible We will determine the cause of the malfunction and, with your consent, eliminate it.

Tips that can be given for better work speakers

If you want the speakers in your phone to last as long as possible, you need to follow simple rules for their operation. The most important thing you need to know is that your phone speakers need to be protected as carefully as possible from dirt, dust and other contaminants. Of course, you must not allow water to get inside or cause mechanical damage. It is for these reasons that in most cases problems with phone speakers occur.

Service center employees encounter customers complaining that their phone speaker is not working. This article reveals the causes of the malfunction and the most effective options for eliminating them. The instructions are suitable for both Android and iOS devices.

If the sound on your phone doesn't work, what should you do? The source of the problem must be determined. Their list is given below.

  1. The audio settings are incorrect.
  2. Installed software, incompatible with the equipment.
  3. The user selected "quiet mode".
  4. Software conflict.
  5. Debris has entered the polyphonic or conversational speaker.
  6. The headphone jack is broken.
  7. Moisture got inside.
  8. There is a problem in the hardware of the device.

Regardless of the time when the problem makes itself felt - when making a call, playing music, you will have to carry out in-depth diagnostics.

Regulator failure

A polyphonic or conversational speaker in a phone will refuse to work fully if the owner first reduces the sound to a minimum and breaks the regulator. The solution to the problem is to repair the rocker. It is necessary to disassemble the housing and check the current state of the contacts. If they come loose, the technician solders them again or replaces the module with a new one. The buttons tend to jam and stop functioning fully; debris has probably gotten inside the mechanism. If a breakdown is detected again, the side adjustment rocker must be replaced.

Note! To make the sound work when the swing is not functioning, it is recommended to use the settings menu. Performance will be restored, but this solution to the problem should be considered as temporary.

Changing the volume in the settings menu

You can try to troubleshoot the problem yourself by restoring the system to factory settings. Just click on the “Settings” icon located in the menu, select the “Volume” option (the name varies depending on current version operating system). A list of available profiles should appear, with separate adjustments for the earpiece and stereo speakers. You can set up playback on headphones.

After checking the volume controls and settings, check to see if the speaker is functioning normally. Has anything changed? We continue checking.

Audio board malfunction

Inside the smartphone there is an audio card that amplifies certain frequencies. A breakdown can cause various consequences. Most often the volume will be zero. The sound quality ceases to please the smartphone owner - some frequencies disappear.

Discovering this on your own will be extremely problematic. It is best to find a service center where they will diagnose and perform repairs.

Mechanical damage

After a fall, both the train and sound card. Usually, a damaged connector is completely replaced because the cables suffered from breaks that cannot be repaired or the contacts are covered with small cracks.

The device is not protected from falling into water. First, let it dry for a while, then proceed with the repair.

Speaker malfunction

It is quite possible that the reason is a manufacturing defect. At valid warranty it needs to be repaired or replaced with a similar copy. The component usually breaks due to impact. If a foreign object gets inside and simultaneously destroys the protective mesh, it should be replaced completely.

Audio jack problems

One of the reasons may be the failure of the headphone contacts. The smartphone will think that they are connected to the device, so the signal will be sent to the damaged connector pins. You can try to restore your functionality at home. It's simple - clean the connector and try to turn on the music again. Debris buildup can also affect functionality.

Software level failures

Conflicts on the software side arise due to simultaneous use several applications for mobile phones designed to correct the playback of audio files. If there are really too many of them, you need to do several things: go into the settings, leave only one program responsible for sound, and delete all the others. Next, reboot the smartphone.


Problems can be of different nature. Simple breakdowns can be repaired yourself. If there are problems with the hardware, you will have to use the help of specialists. Using specialized equipment, the source of the problem is quickly checked. Next, it is carried out full recovery. To prevent a similar situation from occurring again, you should set optimal settings through the smartphone menu, use one profile from time to time and clean from dirt.


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