What happens if you clear the temp folder. Deleting the temp folder in windows

So, friends, now you will find out where the Temp folder is. In fact, there can be up to five such directories on a computer or laptop. But the main work falls on those that are located in some area of ​​​​the operating system and according to the location of the user documentation. That is, these are the following paths:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp

Almost every PC user has a question: why is the Temp folder needed and what functions does it perform?

Here, take local drive C by default, since the operating system is installed on it as standard. You may have it installed on another drive. The same applies to the second point, where the directory is called “Username”: you need to write the name that you have.

If we have figured out the location of our folder, then what about its purpose? What is stored in the Temp folder? So, Temp contains temporary files from various processes on the computer. The simplest example is the installation of any software. That is, when installing an application, temporary files and documents are created on the system that are needed for proper installation. Or for some utilities to work: a set of temporary files is also created. Sometimes these documents accumulate and do not clear themselves. Therefore, users are advised to periodically clean this area to ensure the best operating system performance.

Many users are often interested in the following question: is it possible to delete a place like Temp completely? Of course, under no circumstances! This is a system path that is needed for the OS to work properly. And if you don’t want additional problems and adventures on your own head, then it’s better not to touch anything. For more serious questions, it is better to contact specialists.

How to clear temporary documents

So, from the above we have already understood that it cannot be deleted. Then how to free up the space that this directory occupies. So let's now discuss this question: how to clean the Temp folder?

  1. First, you should scan your system for malicious codes, that is, viruses. This is done because often a simple virus can be stored in this path and location after some programs have run. Therefore, we scan the computer or laptop with an anti-virus utility, clean and remove viruses (if there are any, of course) and reboot the device. Additionally, you can separately check the Temp directories for malware.
  2. Now go into it. You may find yourself with a large list of files that you do not understand. Select them all using the mouse or with the Shift key combination for faster selection.
  3. When all files are selected, press the combination of Shift and Delete buttons. This must be done at the same time. The system will clarify whether you really want to permanently delete these files, to which you respond positively.
  4. Wait until the documents and information disappear from your computer. This completes the cleaning of the Temp area.

Cleaning problems

It happens that deleting files from this folder is not always successful. That is, an error may occur when clearing and deleting some information. Don't worry right away that you have some problems with your computer. In fact, the system may be using these files at a given time. If you know which program is using documents, you can close it using the task manager from the registry and then try again to clean the Temp directory.

Let's sum it up

The Temp folder is located in one of these following paths:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp
  2. C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp

Its direct purpose is to store temporary files and documents when the user uses certain programs and utilities. In this regard, the location, called Temp, can take up a significant amount of space in the computer’s memory: sometimes this weight reaches several gigabytes! An occupied space can negatively affect the operation of a computer or laptop. Therefore, users are recommended to promptly empty this folder in order to free up memory from downloaded information.

Many people wonder: is it possible to delete the Temp directory? As mentioned above, this is not possible, since this is a system directory. You can only clean it by deleting the files located in it, but not the location itself. We hope that everything worked out for you without any problems, dear readers. Let us share in the comments who had what amount of information along this path and whether you were able to free up space.

The Windows 7 operating system has Windows Temp folders that contain temporary files of included programs or games. When you turn off a program or game correctly, temporary files are automatically erased. But if the lights suddenly go out, and you do not have an uninterruptible power supply, you reboot the computer with the reset button, or simply turn off the computer with the button, then the temporary files do not have time to be erased and remain in the folders until you delete them manually. Most temporary files are saved in two Temp folders. I will answer the question that interests everyone: is it possible to delete the Temp folder, but you cannot delete the Temp folder itself, otherwise you will not be able to install programs.

We clean the first folder. Temp folder Windows 7

To clean the Temp folder, you need to find this folder.

To contain temporary files you need a temp folder

Click “Start” - “Computer” - “Local Disk C” - “Windows” - “Temp”. In the “Temp” folder, select and delete everything. You can use the keyboard keys “Ctrl + A” to select files and folders, “Shift + Del” will clear the temp folder. If a message appears that a file cannot be deleted, click skip, it means that this file is currently running by some program and it will be deleted itself after the program is closed correctly. This is how Temp is cleaned in Windows 7.

Cleaning the second folder. appdata local temp

How to find the second appdata local temp folder. Usually they try to immediately find the local temp folder, but this is wrong, first Now that the hidden folders have been made visible, we begin to look for where the Temp folder is located. Click “Start” - “Computer” - “Local disk C” - “Users” or “Users” - “User name” (everyone has a different name, Kolya, Masha, Admin, etc.) - “AppData” - “Local” — “Temp.” Select all files and folders in the “Temp” folder and delete them. If you cannot remove some files from the Temp folder, then leave them.

The remaining Temp folders do not need to be cleaned. These Temp folders may not exist, but the system will create them when they are needed. You can check whether the Windows 7 Temp folder is created or not.

Where are the rest of the Temp folders?

“Start” - “Computer” - “Local Disk C” - “Users” or “Users” - “UpdatusUser” - “Temp”.
“Start” - “Computer” - “Local Disk C” - “Users” or “Users” - “General” or “All Users” - “Temp”.
“Start” - “Computer” - “Local Disk C” - “Users” or “Users” - “Default” - “Temp”.


This video shows how to find the Temp folder in Windows 7 and how to delete everything stored in the Temp folder.

Is it possible to delete the temp folder? I, too, once asked this question, I thought, why do I need it at all - is this a folder on the computer? Every week on the computer, disk space (C:) disappeared somewhere. And what do you think? The temp folder was to blame for everything. It became more and more, and there was less and less free memory.

Later I found out that this is just a temporary folder, and there are no important files for the computer in it, it can be deleted without harm to the system. I would even say it is necessary, there is not one temp folder on the computer, but several, and they all take up memory. Now I’ll tell you in detail and show you what this folder is used for in the system, and how to delete it correctly.

Why do you need a temp folder on your computer?

Programs are unpacked into the temp folder for further installation on the computer. Almost all programs are packed (compressed) to reduce their size; when you run the program installer, the files are unpacked for further installation. Simply put, it stores everything that is no longer needed, just garbage. This means you can safely delete the TEMP folder.

How to delete the temp folder correctly?

We delete not the folder itself, but its contents - this can be done manually, it is usually located in these places:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp
  2. C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
  3. C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  4. C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  5. C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp

Just one important note, if you are still using XP, then in this operating system there is no Users folder, there is no Document and Settings for it, but otherwise everything is absolutely the same.

In rare cases, programs themselves create such a folder, and we do not know its location, but Windows has built-in garbage removal tools, including cleaning the temp folder. I already had an article about complete garbage removal; using this method I deleted 20 gigabytes of junk, including all temp folders scattered throughout the computer.

In the article about extreme cleaning everything is already written about deleting the temp folder, but in short, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the properties of drive C (right button->Property)
  • Press the “Disk Cleanup” button (the system will think a little)
  • The “Delete” button will complete the matter

Video on how to move the temp folder

In addition to files that are a direct component of any program and the operating system itself, their operation also requires temporary files that contain operational information. These could be log files, browser sessions, Explorer thumbnails, autosaved documents, update files, or unpacked archives. But these files are not created randomly throughout the system disk; there is a strictly designated place for them.

The lifespan of such files is very short; they usually cease to be relevant immediately after closing a running program, terminating a user session, or rebooting the operating system. They are concentrated in a special folder called Temp, taking up valuable space on the system disk. However, Windows has no problem providing access to this folder in a variety of ways.

There are two types of temporary file folders. The first category belongs directly to the users on the computer, while the second category is used by the operating system itself. The files there may be identical, but most often they are different, because their purpose is still different.

Access to these locations may be subject to certain restrictions; you must have administrator rights.

Method 1: Find the system Temp folder in Explorer

Method 2: Find the user's Temp folder in Explorer

  1. The method is similar - in the same address field you need to insert the following:


    where instead of Username you need to use the name of the required user.

  2. After pressing the button "Enter" A folder with temporary files that are currently needed by a particular user will immediately open.

Method 3: Open the user's Temp folder using the Run tool

Cleaning up old temporary files will help significantly free up useful space on your system disk. Some files may be currently in use, so the system will not allow them to be deleted immediately. It is advisable not to clear files that are less than 24 hours old - this will eliminate the unnecessary load on the system as a result of their creation again.

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