What is larger, megawatt or kilowatt? Energy in physics

When choosing a hair dryer, blender or vacuum cleaner in a store, you will notice that on its front panel there are always numbers with the Latin letter W. Moreover, according to sellers, the higher its value, the better and faster this electrical appliance will perform its direct functions. Is this statement true? Perhaps this is another publicity stunt? How does W stand for, and what is this value? Let's find out the answers to all these questions.


The above letter is a Latin abbreviation for the quantity familiar to everyone from physics lessons - watt. According to the International SI Standards, Watt (W) is a unit of measurement of power.

If we return to the issue with the characteristics of household electrical appliances, then the higher the number of watts in any of them, the more powerful it is.

For example, on the display case there are two blenders with the same price: one of them is from a popular company with 250 W (W), the other is from a lesser-known manufacturer, but with a power of 350 W (W).

These numbers mean that the second one will chop or beat food faster than the first one over the same period of time. Therefore, if the buyer is primarily interested in the speed of the process, it is worth choosing the second option. If speed does not play a key role, you can purchase the first one, as it is more reliable and, possibly, durable.

Who came up with the idea of ​​using watts?

Oddly enough it sounds today, but before the advent of watts, the unit of measurement of power almost throughout the world was horsepower (hp, in English - hb), less often foot-pound-force per second was used.

Watts were named after the man who invented and introduced this unit - Scottish engineer and inventor James Watt. Because of this this term in the abbreviation it is written with a capital letter W (W). The same rule applies to any SI unit named after a scientist.

The name, like the unit of measurement itself, was first officially considered in 1882 in Great Britain. After this, it took the watt a little less than a hundred years to be accepted throughout the world and become one of the International System of Units (SI) units (this happened in 1960).

Formulas for finding power

From physics lessons, many remember various problems in which it was necessary to calculate the current power. Both then and today the formula is used to find watts: N = A/t.

It was deciphered as follows: A is the amount of work divided by the time (t) during which it was completed. And if we also remember that work is measured in Joules, and time in seconds, it turns out that 1 W is 1 J/1 s.

The considered formula can be slightly modified. For this it is worth remembering the simplest scheme to find work: A = F x S. According to it, it turns out that work (A) is equal to the derivative of the force that performs it (F) by the path traveled by the object under the influence of a given force (S). Now, to find the power (watts), we combine the first formula with the second. It turns out: N = F x S /t.

Sub-unit watts

Having dealt with the question “Watts (W) - what is it?”, it is worth finding out what submultiples can be formed based on available data.

When making measuring instruments for medical purposes, as well as important laboratory research, it is necessary that they have incredible accuracy and sensitivity. After all, not just the result, but sometimes a person’s life depends on it. Such “sensitive” devices, as a rule, need little power - tens of times less than a watt. In order not to suffer with degrees and zeros, sub-unit watts are used to determine it: dW (deciwatts - 10 -1), sW (centiwatts - 10 -2), mW (milliwatts - 10 -3), µW (microwatts - 10 -6 ), nW (nanowatts -10 -9) and several smaller ones, up to 10 -24 - iW (ioctowatts).

With most of the above submultiples a common person does not occur in everyday life. As a rule, only research scientists work with them. Also, these values ​​appear in various theoretical calculations.

Watts, kilowatts and megawatts

Having dealt with submultiples, it is worth considering multiple units of watts. These are exactly what every person encounters quite often when heating water in an electric kettle, charging mobile phone or performing other daily “rituals.”

In total, today scientists have identified about a dozen such units, but only two of them are widely known - kilowatts (kW - kW) and megawatts (MW, MW - in in this case The capital letter “m” is used so as not to confuse this unit with milliwatts (mW).

One kilowatt is equal to a thousand watts (10 3 W), and one megawatt is equal to a million watts (10 6 W).

As in the case of fractional units, among the multiples there are special ones that are used only in narrow-profile enterprises. Thus, power plants sometimes use GW (gigawatts - 10 9) and TW (terawatts - 10 12).

In addition to those mentioned above, petawatts (PW - 10 15), exawatts (EW - 10 18), zettawatts (ZW - 10 21) and iotawatts (IW - 10 24) are distinguished. Like especially small submultiples, large multiples are used mainly in theoretical calculations.

Watt and watt-hour: what is the difference?

If on electrical appliances power is indicated by the letter W (W), then when looking at a regular household electricity meter you can see a slightly different abbreviation: kW⋅h (kWh). It stands for "kilowatt-hour".

In addition to them, watt-hours (Wh - W⋅h) are also distinguished. It is worth noting that according to international and domestic standards, such units in abbreviated form are always written only with a dot, and in the full version - with a dash.

Watt hours and kilowatt hours are different units from W and kW. The difference is that with their help it is not the power of transmitted electricity that is measured, but the electricity itself. That is, kilowatt-hours show exactly how much of it was produced (transmitted or used) per unit of time (in this case, one hour).

Length and distance converter Mass converter Bulk and food volume converter Area converter Volume and units converter in culinary recipes Temperature converter Pressure converter, mechanical stress, Young's Modulus Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Plane Angle Thermal Efficiency and Converter fuel efficiency Number converter to various systems notation Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Exchange rates Dimensions women's clothing and shoes Sizes of men's clothing and shoes Converter angular velocity and rotation speed Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion converter (by mass) Energy density and specific heat of combustion converter of fuel (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient of thermal expansion converter Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Thermal Radiation Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flow Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration Converter in Solution Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Converter kinematic viscosity Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Vapor permeability and vapor transfer rate converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level (SPL) converter Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Brightness converter Luminous intensity converter Illuminance converter Resolution converter computer graphics Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Converter electric charge Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Converter electric current Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Electric field strength converter Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Converter electrical resistance Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), watts and other units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic converter induction Radiation. Ionizing radiation absorbed dose rate converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Imaging Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Molar Mass Calculation Periodic table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 megawatt-hour [MWh] = 1000 kilowatt-hour [kWh]

Initial value

Converted value

joule gigajoule megajoule kilojoule millijoule microjoule nanojoule attojoule megaelectronvolt kiloelectronvolt electron-volt erg gigawatt-hour megawatt-hour kilowatt-hour kilowatt-second watt-hour watt-second newton-meter horsepower-hour horsepower (metric)-hour international kilocalorie thermochemical kilocalorie international calorie thermochemical calorie large (food) cal. British term. unit (int., IT) British term. unit of term. mega BTU (int., IT) ton-hour (refrigeration capacity) ton of oil equivalent barrel of oil equivalent (US) gigaton megaton TNT kiloton TNT ton TNT dyne-centimeter gram-force-meter · gram-force-centimeter kilogram-force-centimeter kilogram -force-meter kilopond-meter pound-force-foot pound-force-inch ounce-force-inch foot-pound inch-pound inch-ounce pound-foot therm therm (EEC) therm (USA) energy Hartree equivalent gigatons of oil equivalent megatons oil equivalent to a kilobarrel of oil equivalent to a billion barrels of oil kilogram of trinitrotoluene Planck energy kilogram reciprocal meter hertz gigahertz terahertz kelvin atomic mass unit

More about energy

General information

Energy is a physical quantity of great importance in chemistry, physics, and biology. Without it, life on earth and movement are impossible. In physics, energy is a measure of the interaction of matter, as a result of which work is performed or the transition of one type of energy to another occurs. In the SI system, energy is measured in joules. One joule is equal to the energy expended when moving a body one meter with a force of one newton.

Energy in physics

Kinetic and potential energy

Kinetic energy of a body of mass m, moving at speed v equal to the work done by a force to give a body speed v. Work here is defined as a measure of the force that moves a body over a distance s. In other words, it is the energy of a moving body. If the body is at rest, then the energy of such a body is called potential energy. This is the energy required to maintain the body in this state.

For example, when a tennis ball hits a racket in flight, it stops for a moment. This happens because the forces of repulsion and gravity cause the ball to freeze in the air. At this moment the ball has potential energy, but no kinetic energy. When the ball bounces off the racket and flies away, it, on the contrary, acquires kinetic energy. A moving body has both potential and kinetic energy, and one type of energy is converted into another. If, for example, you throw a stone up, it will begin to slow down as it flies. As this slows down, kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. This transformation occurs until the supply of kinetic energy runs out. At this moment the stone will stop and the potential energy will reach its maximum value. After this, it will begin to fall down with acceleration, and the energy conversion will occur in the reverse order. The kinetic energy will reach its maximum when the stone collides with the Earth.

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in a closed system is conserved. The energy of the stone in the previous example changes from one form to another, and therefore, although the amount of potential and kinetic energy changes during the flight and fall, the total sum of these two energies remains constant.

Energy production

People have long learned to use energy to solve labor-intensive tasks with the help of technology. Potential and kinetic energy are used to do work, such as moving objects. For example, the energy of river water flow has long been used to produce flour in water mills. How more people uses technology, such as cars and computers, to Everyday life, the more energy demand increases. Today, most energy is generated from non-renewable sources. That is, energy is obtained from fuel extracted from the depths of the Earth, and it is quickly used, but not renewed with the same speed. Such fuels include, for example, coal, oil and uranium, which is used in nuclear power plants. IN last years Governments of many countries, as well as many international organizations, for example, the UN, consider it a priority to study the possibilities of obtaining renewable energy from inexhaustible sources using new technologies. Many Scientific research are aimed at obtaining such types of energy at the lowest cost. Currently, sources such as solar, wind and waves are used to generate renewable energy.

Energy for domestic and industrial use is usually converted into electricity using batteries and generators. The first power plants in history generated electricity by burning coal or using the energy of water in rivers. Later they learned to use oil, gas, sun and wind to generate energy. Some large enterprises maintain their power plants on site, but most of the energy is produced not where it will be used, but in the power plants. That's why the main task energy specialists - to convert the produced energy into a form that allows the energy to be easily delivered to the consumer. This is especially important when expensive or hazardous energy production technologies are used that require constant supervision by specialists, such as hydro and nuclear power. That is why electricity was chosen for domestic and industrial use, since it is easy to transmit with low losses to long distances along power lines.

Electricity is converted from mechanical, thermal and other types of energy. To do this, water, steam, heated gas or air drive turbines, which rotate generators, where mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. Steam is produced by heating water using heat produced by nuclear reactions or by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are extracted from the depths of the Earth. These are gas, oil, coal and other combustible materials formed underground. Since their quantity is limited, they are classified as non-renewable fuels. Renewable energy sources are solar, wind, biomass, ocean energy, and geothermal energy.

In remote areas where there are no power lines, or where economic or political problems regularly cause power outages, portable generators are used and solar panels. Generators running on fossil fuels are especially often used both in everyday life and in organizations where electricity is absolutely necessary, for example, in hospitals. Typically, generators operate on piston engines, in which fuel energy is converted into mechanical energy. Devices are also popular uninterruptible power supply With powerful batteries, which charge when electricity is supplied and release energy during outages.

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Power is expressed not only in watts, but also in derivative units: micro- and milliwatts, ah, megawatts. Designations " mW" and "MW" are not equivalent: the first means milliwatt, and the second means megawatt.


If the first letter in the designation "MW" is capitalized, the problem statement is to convert kilowatts to megawatts. One kilowatt is equal to one thousand watts, and one megawatt is equal to a million watts, which means one thousand kilowatts. Thus, to convert power expressed in kilowatts to megawatts, divide the desired value by a thousand, for example: 15 kW=(15/1000) MW=0.015 MW.

If in the designation " mW"The first letter is capitalized, the condition of the problem is to convert kilowatts to milliwatts. One milliwatt is one thousandth of a watt, so to convert power expressed in kilowatts to milliwatts, multiply the desired value by one million, for example:15 kW=(15*1000000) mW=15000000 mW.

Do not express power (and other physical quantities) in unsuitable units unless necessary. Unsuitable units are those that, when expressed in terms, result in numbers that are too small or too large. It is inconvenient to perform mathematical operations with such numbers.

If you still need to express a quantity in inappropriate units, use the exponential method of representing numbers. For example, the number 15000000 from the previous example can be expressed as 1.5*10^7. It is in this form that, in relation to the value of power or another quantity, it is convenient to carry out calculations using a scientific calculator, which, unlike a conventional one, is adapted to work with such a representation of numbers.

If you are solving a problem where at least part of the quantities (voltage, current, resistance, power, etc.) are expressed in non-system units, first convert all the data to the SI system (in particular, convert power to watts), then solve the problem, and only after that, convert the result into convenient units. If this is not done in advance, determining the order of the result and the units in which it is expressed becomes much more difficult.

In science and everyday life, units of measurement of physical quantities such as kilowatts, kilowatt-hours and hours are often used. Each of these units corresponds to a specific physical parameter. Power is measured in kilowatts, energy (work) is measured in kilowatt hours, and time is measured in hours. In practice, it is often necessary to convert one quantity into another, for example, power into energy. At the same time, it is also necessary to convert the corresponding units of measurement - kW to kWh. Such a conversion is quite possible if the time is known in advance or can be calculated.

You will need

  • calculator or computer


  • In order to convert kilowatts to kilowatt-hours (kW to kWh), clarify what exactly was measured in kilowatts. If the meter readings were measured in “kilowatts”, and at the time of payment you are asked to indicate kilowatt-hours, then simply correct kW to kW h. The name “kilowatt” (kW) is often used in everyday life as an abbreviation for kilowatt-hour.
  • Sometimes kW must be converted to kWh in order to estimate how much electricity an electrical appliance will “wind up” on the electric meter in certain time operation. To calculate how many kilowatt-hours of energy a device will use, multiply its power (in kW) by the operating time (in hours). If power or time are specified in other units of measurement, then before starting calculations, be sure to convert them to the above.
  • For example, if you want to know how much electricity will be used by a 100 W (watt) light bulb for half a day, first convert the watts into kilowatts (100 W = 0.1 kW), and the day into hours (0.5 days = 12 hours) . Now multiply the resulting power and time values. It turns out: 0.1 * 12 = 1.2 (kWh).
  • Using the method described above, you can estimate the energy consumption of the entire apartment during the month (for example, for planning family budget). Of course, you can simply add up the power of all electrical appliances and multiply this sum by the number of hours in a month (30 * 24 = 720). However, this will greatly overestimate your energy consumption. For more accurate calculations, it is necessary to take into account the actual average operating time of each electrical appliance during the month, then multiply this time by the power of this device, and then add up the energy consumption indicators of all devices. So, for example, if one 60 W light bulb hangs in the entrance and works around the clock, and the second, with a power of 100 W, illuminates the toilet and is used for about 1 hour a day, then in a month the meter will “wind up”: 0.06 * 24 * 30 + 0.1 * 1 * 30 = 43.2 + 3 = 46.2 ( kW h).

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Technical units

Code Unit name Symbol Code letter designation
national international national international
212 Watt W W VT WTT
214 Kilowatt kW kW KVT KWT
215 Megawatt;
thousand kilowatts
10 3 kW
222 Volt IN V IN VLT
223 Kilovolt kV kV HF KVT
227 Kilovolt-ampere kVA kV.A KV.A KVA
228 Megavolt-ampere (thousand kilovolt-ampere) M.V.A M.V.A MEGAV.A MVA
230 Kilovar kvar kVAR KVAR KVR
243 Watt hour Wh W.h VT.H WHR
245 Kilowatt hour kWh kW.h KW.H K.W.H.
246 Megawatt hour;
1000 kilowatt-hours
10 3 kWh
247 Gigawatt-hour (million kilowatt-hours) GWh GW.h GIGAVT.H G.W.H.
260 Ampere A A A AMP
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC) A.h A.h A.Ch AMH
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC) A.h A.h A.Ch AMH
264 Thousand amp hours 10 3 Ah 10 3 A.h THOUSAND A.H TAH
270 Pendant Cl C KL COU
271 Joule J J J JOU
273 Kilojoule kJ kJ KJ K.J.O.
274 Ohm Ohm OM O.H.M.
280 Degree Celsius hail

kW*hour - Kilowatt hour. Unit converter.

281 Fahrenheit hail F hail F CITY OF FARENG FAN
282 Candela cd CD KD C.D.L.
283 Lux OK lx OK LUX
284 Lumen lm lm LM LUM
288 Kelvin K K K KEL
289 Newton N N N NEW
290 Hertz Hz Hz GC HTZ
291 KHz kHz kHz KGC KHZ
292 Megahertz MHz MHz MEGAHz MHZ
294 Pascal Pa Pa PA PAL
296 Siemens Cm S SI SIE
297 Kilopascal kPa kPa KPA KPA
298 Megapascal MPa MPa MEGAPA MPA
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 Pa) atm atm ATM ATM
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 Pa) at at ATT ATT
302 Gigabecquerel GBk GBq GIGABK GBQ
303 Kilobecquerel kBq KBq KILOBK KBQ
304 Millicurie mCi mCi MKI MCU
305 Curie Ki Ci CI CUR
306 Gram of fissile isotopes g D/I g fissile isotopes G FISSIONING ISOTOPES GFI
307 Megabecquerel MBq MBq MEGABC MBQ
308 Millibar mb mbar MBAR MBR
309 Bar bar bar BAR BAR
310 Hectobar GB hbar GBAR H.B.A.
312 Kilobar kb kbar KBAR K.B.A.
314 Farad F F F FAR
316 Kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 kg/m3 KG/M3 KMQ
320 Mole mole mol MOL MOL
323 Becquerel Bk Bq BC BQL
324 Weber Wb Wb WB WEB
327 Knot (mph) bonds kn UZ KNT
328 Meter per second m/s m/s M/S MTS
330 Revolutions per second r/s r/s OB/S R.P.S.
331 Revolutions per minute rpm r/min RPM RPM
333 Kilometer per hour km/h km/h KM/H KMH
335 Meter per second squared m/s2 m/s2 M/S2 MSK
349 Pendant per kilogram C/kg C/kg CL/KG C.K.G.

All electricity consumers receive an invoice once a month to pay for the electricity they have consumed. Have you ever wondered what exactly we pay for? If you asked this question to passers-by, you would probably get the following answers:

"For electric current!" "For the light!" "For electricity!"

All of these answers are very inaccurate. Yes, of course, the only thing is that the power plant supplies apartments with a very necessary thing. Receiving it continuously, we turn on the light, TV, computer or iron.

How is this thing measured, without which it is difficult to imagine life? modern man? When buying cheese, for example, we know that we need to weigh it in order to pay the appropriate amount. If cheese costs, for example, 540 rubles per kilogram, then half a kilogram will cost 270 rubles.

How to convert kW to kWh

The unit of measurement in this case is kilogram. The unit of measurement electrical energy is considered to be a kilowatt-hour. The invoice always indicates how many kilowatt-hours we used, the cost of 1 kilowatt-hour and the total amount.

The meter shows kilowatt-hours, that is, the amount of energy consumed. A kilowatt is a unit of power equivalent to horsepower (one horsepower is equal to 0.736 kilowatts, or, conversely, 1 kilowatt is equal to 1.36 hp).

What is a kilowatt-hour?

Let's figure it out. When we turn on the lights light bulb, current passes through the filament of the light bulb. This is clear to everyone. If we open the tap, water will immediately flow out of it. This is also understandable, since the pumps constantly pump it. Residents of big cities know that sometimes it happens that on the top floors of tall buildings the water barely flows, even if the tap is opened all the way. The reason is low pressure, that is, the water pressure in water supply network insufficient.
In this case, there are some similarities between the supply of water and electricity. Our light bulb sometimes, and especially in the evening, glows with a weak reddish light. We can say that the “electrical pressure” is low. The concept of “electrical pressure” does not exist in technology. Instead of "electrical pressure" we will say electrical voltage in the electrical network.
The similarity between the phenomena occurring with water in the water supply network and electricity in the electrical network does not end there. A stream of water can be compared to another very important concept in electricity - current, or rather, current strength. The strength of the jet depends on the water pressure in the water supply. Likewise, current depends on voltage.

Let's return to the water analogy. A fully open tap creates certain (the best) conditions for water to flow out. Under these conditions, if they do not change, the strength of the water jet will depend only on the pressure in the water supply network. But we can reduce the flow by gradually turning on the tap. In this case, the pressure in the network would not change. What has changed? The conditions for the flow of water would change, that is, the size of the hole through which the water flowed. The hole has become smaller, which means that the obstacles in the path of water will increase, caused by the resistance to the water in the tap provided by the reduced hole.

Electric current along its path also experiences some resistance, depending on the size (cross-sectional plane) and length of the wire, as well as on the quality of the material from which the wire is made. It is clear that the longer the wire, the greater the resistance it creates, and, conversely, the larger the cross-sectional area, the less resistance. A comparison with the flow of water through long and short, wide and narrow pipes will clarify the situation for us. How can we imagine the influence of the type of material? We know that copper conducts electricity well, but iron is much worse. Let's mentally compare copper with a smooth pipeline, and iron with a rough one.

As you know from a physics course, the strength of electric current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. All physical quantities: voltage, current, resistance - have their own units of measurement. Voltage is measured in volts, current in amperes, resistance in ohms.

1 amp = 1 volt/1 ohm

Let's return to the water one last time. Let's make her do some work. Let a stream of water fall from a height h onto the turbine blades. The larger the stream of water (for example, water flows out of two pipes), the more work the turbine will do. What if water falls onto the turbine blades from a height twice the original height? The turbine will then do twice as much work. Conclusion - the operation of the turbine depends on the product of the drop height h of water and the amount of water q. What else is missing from our conclusion? Of course, time. The longer the water falls on the turbine blades, the more work the turbine will do. So, the work done by water is directly proportional to the height of the fall, the amount of water falling per second on the turbine blades, and time.

Let's compare electric current with a stream of water. The height of the fall of water h corresponds to the water pressure, therefore the voltage, measured in volts. The amount of water flowing in one second is nothing more than the current measured in amperes. Time is measured in seconds in both the first and second cases. The work done by current is equal to the product of voltage, current and time and is called a watt-second.

1 watt-second = 1 volt * 1 amp * 1 second

1000 watts = kilowatt, and 3600 seconds = 1 hour.

It follows that 36,000,000 watt-seconds = 1 kilowatt-hour (abbreviated 1 kW).
This is where the concept of kilowatt-hour is formed.

Source: http://fizmatbank.ru/

The material was prepared by the methodologists of the State Medical Center for Dog and Music: Ryzhikova O.A., Belyshev A.Yu., Dmitrishina E.V.

In order to find out how many kilograms of TNT are in a kilowatt-hour, you need to use a simple online calculator. Enter in the left field the number of kilowatt-hours you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the result of the calculation. If you need to convert kilowatt-hours or kilograms of TNT to other units of measurement, simply click on the appropriate link.

What is "kilowatt-hour"

A non-system unit of measurement of the amount of energy (produced or consumed) or work performed. The traditional scope of application of kWh is to measure household consumption or electricity generation in the national economy. A kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy that a 1-kilowatt device consumes or produces in 1 hour. 1 kW/h = 1000 W * 3600 s = 3.6 MJ.

IN physical sense The rate of change in power can be expressed in kilowatt-hours: by how many kilowatts will the consumed or generated power change in one hour. For example, a 100 W electric lamp operating 8 hours a day consumes 0.1 kW * 8 h/day x 30 days = 24 kW/h in 30 days.

What is a “kilogram of TNT”

A measure of energy release, expressed in terms of the amount of trinitrotoluene (TNT) that releases a specified amount of energy upon explosion. Depending on the conditions of the explosion, the specific energy of decomposition of trinitrotoluene ranges from 980 to 1,100 cal/g. This unit is used for comparison different types explosives and is 1,000 cal/g and 4,184 J/g.

Kilowatt hour

It is used to estimate the energy of a nuclear explosion, the detonation of chemical devices, the fall of cosmic bodies (asteroids, comets), volcanic eruptions, etc.

For example, the TNT equivalent of 1 kg of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 is equal to an explosion of approximately 20,000 tons of TNT. The explosion energy of a nuclear bomb over Hiroshima in 1945 ranges from 13-18 kt TNT. This coefficient indicates how many times stronger (weaker) the explosive is compared to TNT.

In order to find out how many megawatts are in a kilowatt, you need to use a simple online calculator. Enter in the left field the number of kilowatts you are interested in that you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the result of the calculation.

If you need to convert kilowatts or megawatts to other units of measurement, simply click on the appropriate link.

What is "kilowatt"

Kilowatt (abbreviated kW) is the decimal multiple of the derivative of a unit of power in International system units (SI) of watt, which is equal to 1000 watts. One kilowatt is defined as the power at which 1000 joules of work are done in 1 second. The name of the unit of measurement comes from the ancient Greek chilioi - thousand and the surname of the Scottish-Irish inventor of the steam engine, James Watt (Watt). This unit of measurement is typically used to express the power output of engines and the power of electric motors, tools, electrical equipment and heaters. In addition, the electromagnetic output power of radio and radio broadcasting is often expressed in kilowatts. television transmitters. A small electric heater with one heating element uses approximately 1 kW, while electric kettles range from 1 to 3 kW. One square meter The Earth's surface typically receives about 1 kW of sunlight.

What is "megawatt"

A megawatt (abbreviated MW) is a decimal multiple of the International System of Units (SI) power unit watt and is equal to one million (106) watts. Many processes and equipment produce or support energy conversion on this scale, including large electric motors, large warships such as aircraft carriers, cruisers and submarines, large server systems and data centers, and some research equipment such as , super colliders, pulses of very large lasers. A large residential building or office building can use several megawatts of electrical and thermal energy. On railways modern high-power electric locomotives have peak power outputs of 3 or 6 MW. The power of a typical wind turbine is up to 1.5 MW.

Units of measurement of electrical energy are designated and fixed in the International System of Units.

Using household electrical appliances at home forces users to count electricity and know the units in which it is measured.

Electricity unit of measurement


The voltage (U) in the network is measured in volts (V).

IN single-phase network, which is usually used to supply electricity to private consumers with a voltage of 220V.

In a three-phase network the voltage is 380V. 1 kilovolt (kV) is equal to 1000V.

Voltage 220 and 380V is equivalent to voltage designation as 0.22 and 0.4 kV.

Current strength

The consumed load produced by household appliances, equipment and other consumers is called current strength (I) and is measured in amperes (A).


Resistance (R) no less important indicator and demonstrates the amount of resistance of materials to the passage of electric current. In everyday life, measuring resistance indicates integrity electrical appliances, measured in (Ohm). For measurements of great importance resistance, for example, when measuring the integrity of an electric motor, use a megger; 1 Ohm is equal to 0.000001 megaOhm (mOhm).

1 kiloohm (kOhm) is equal to 1000 Ohm.

The resistance of the human body ranges from 2 to 10 kOhm.

The resistivity of the conductor is used to evaluate the resistance of materials for their subsequent use in the manufacture of electrical products; it depends on the cross-sectional area and length of the conductor.


Power is the amount of electrical energy consumed by a particular household appliance for a certain unit of time is measured in watts (W) and kiloW (kW) - 1000 W; on an industrial scale, units of measurement such as megawatt - 1 million are used.


Watts and gigawatts (gW) – 1 billion watts.

How is electricity measured on the meter?

To determine the amount of electricity consumed , Electric active energy meters are used to record it. There are also reactive energy meters in industry.

To determine how electricity consumption in an apartment is measured, 1 kW*hour is used. For reactive energy meters, integrated reactive power is measured as 1 kVar*hour. It should be noted that when recording the energy consumed, the meter must be written correctly, the power multiplied by the time.

1.1. Units of energy measurement used in the energy sector

  • Joule – J – SI unit, and derivatives – kJ, MJ, GJ
  • Calorie - cal - non-systemic unit, and derivatives kcal, Mcal, Gcal
  • kWh is an off-system unit that is usually (but not always!) used to measure the amount of electricity.
  • ton of steam is a specific value that corresponds to the amount of thermal energy required to produce steam from 1 ton of water. It does not have the status of a unit of measurement, however, it is practically used in the energy sector.

Energy units are used to measure the total amount of energy (thermal or electrical). In this case, the value can indicate generated, consumed, transmitted or lost energy (over a certain period of time).

1.2. Examples of correct use of energy units

  • Annual demand for thermal energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply.
  • Required amount of thermal energy to heat ... m3 of water from ... to ... °C
  • Thermal energy in ... thousand m3 of natural gas (in the form of calorific value).
  • Annual demand for electricity to power the boiler room's electrical receivers.
  • Annual boiler room steam production program.

1.3. Conversion between energy units

1 GJ = 0.23885 Gcal = 3600 million kWh = 0.4432 t (steam)

1 Gcal = 4.1868 GJ = 15072 million kWh = 1.8555 t (steam)

1 million kWh = 1/3600 GJ = 1/15072 Gcal = 1/8123 t (steam)

1 t (steam) = 2.256 GJ = 0.5389 Gcal = 8123 million kWh

Note: When calculating 1 ton of steam, the enthalpy of the source water and water vapor at the saturation line at t=100 °C was taken

2. Power units

2.1 Power units used in the energy sector

  • Watt – W – unit of power in the SI system, derivatives – kW, MW, GW
  • Calories per hour - cal/h - an off-system unit of power, usually in the energy sector derived values ​​are used - kcal/h, Mcal/h, Gcal/h;
  • Tonnes of steam per hour - t/h - a specific value corresponding to the power required to produce steam from 1 ton of water per hour.

2.2. Examples of correct use of power units

  • Boiler design power
  • Heat losses of the building
  • Maximum consumption of thermal energy for heating hot water
  • Engine power
  • Average daily power of thermal energy consumers

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