Why is a computer better than a laptop? Desktop computer or laptop? What's better? What is better for those who like to work at a desk?

As you already understood from the title, there will now be another duel. But a battle between a desktop computer and a laptop cannot be a full-fledged duel, since, in principle, despite their functional similarity, these devices are from slightly different areas of application, each of which has its own specifics.

But, unfortunately, some do not see this rather clear line and have finally “buried” for themselves the option of assembling or purchasing a system unit. It is to such people who blindly surrendered to the “power of the laptop” that this article is dedicated. Separately, one of the “wonders of the world” will be touched upon - gaming laptop, and some paradoxical nuances associated with his choice. At the end there will be results that should prove that desktop is alive and will live.

Performance. We pay more - we get less

Let's start with the internals. Here the desktop and only it will be the clear leader. In terms of price/performance ratio, it confidently stands out from its portable, but more expensive opponent.

If we take into account desktop processors And mobile models, then again, we get greater performance for a lower price desktop systems. The same i5 – 3570 K, in 3DMark processor tests slightly outperforms the Intel Core i7-3615QM, but as you understand, prices are clearly not in favor of the i7-3615QM.

The same can be said about video cards. In laptops that are positioned as replacements home PC, video cards are installed that can only morally support modern demanding games and applications. And there can be no talk of a comfortable game.

Of course, this is all compensated for by the much lower TDP of the components. laptop, but in my opinion this is not a valid excuse when it comes to performance.

Here we are slowly approaching a very interesting and relevant topic.

The eighth “wonder of the world” or gaming laptop. Features of choice

Very often I come across requests to choose a laptop on which any application can fly, and fps is off the charts in all games without exception, but the budget is a rather modest amount. Most people understand perfectly well that this is impossible. But they still try to choose a laptop as a gaming system or for working in applications that require system resources.

But one can also be surprised when it comes to clearly immodest budgets. Let's look at a fairly productive Asus laptop N76VM, the average configuration of which is equipped with an Intel Core i7-3610QM processor similar to the one discussed above. The price of the issue (laptop) is $1300-1400, a lot, don’t you agree?

But I want you to pay attention to the video card. This device has a “mighty” GT630M, even if out of gloating I chose the GT630M package rather than the 650M, but this would not have radically changed the situation. So, the GT630M is equipped with a memory bus width of 128 bits, even with GDDR5 memory. Video memory It operates at 800 MHz, and the performance of this video card is comparable to the desktop model HD 6570. These words should be followed by a solid portion of “snorting” from avid gamers. Now answer the question: would you put an HD 6570 in a desktop system for $1400? Of course not! With that kind of budget, you can install an HD 7950 or 7970 and then jump for joy and gulp down the rainbow of blazing gaming performance.

And here cases for Samsung s7 edge everyone needs.

Want a truly gaming laptop? – Alienware M18x for $3500, with two 7970M video cards, at your service.
And for those who don’t have extra “thousands of dollars” but want to play everything at once, I suggest looking towards desktop systems and not even looking back at laptops.

But not everything is as terrible as it may seem; above we talked about maximum performance in the most demanding games. But games are also different, so for a modest amount you can pick up a good parody of a gaming laptop that can run a lot of games at one time or another. For example, now the “processor” combination looks solid and cheap AMD A10+ HD 7670M video card.” Also, you can choose a slightly more “fun”, but expensive option for Intel i5/i7 + GT650M. But the basic concept remains the same - the laptop is not for gaming.

Simple advantages and disadvantages of desktop and laptop

Despite such an aggressive approach towards laptops, it is stupid to once again state the fact that this device has a lot of advantages. Everyone understands perfectly well that compact laptops in most cases are much more convenient (in terms of portability) than a separate monitor and a system unit with a bunch of wires that takes up a lot of space. Undoubtedly, portability also adds to the heat, and some users, having realized only these two factors, are ready to rush out to buy a laptop. This may be reasonable for some, but obviously not for many.

One of the advanced advantages of a desktop, which stems from its size, is ease of use. Whatever one may say, it is much more convenient to work with a separate full-size and, for example, ergonomic keyboard, the position of which can be conveniently adjusted to suit you, than with a laptop keyboard with offset buttons and without an additional number pad (often). Also, very often there is a noticeable minimization of the buttons themselves and a decrease in the distance between them, which also clearly reduces convenience.

That is, we can safely include the main advantages that can be clearly “felt” in laptops: portability And compactness, and on desktops this is undoubtedly ease of use.

Despite the fact that for some the factor of convenience will be doubtful, in contrast, for people who, due to their “duty of duty,” do not have to carry a computer with them, this will be very doubtful.

Upgrade, overheating and other distinctive features of a laptop and desktop PC

Now, we'll talk a little about the remaining features of desktops and laptops. Of course, it’s impossible to cover all the nuances, but at least the basics.

Laptop and desktop upgrade

Notebooks also have problems with upgrading. Basically, here it ends with replacing/adding a hard drive and random access memory. Replacing a processor or graphics subsystem is much more problematic, if not impossible. This leads to problems with repairing laptops, which is more difficult to do at home than with a desktop PC.

Laptop overheating

Famous overheating problem in laptops, partially remains to this day, especially in high-end models. Developers are constantly on the brink, because they need to place the same components in a small laptop case as in the system unit, but so that they do not overheat. For performance models, cooling pads are recommended, which clearly do not add convenience.

Desktop and laptop monitor

On a desktop computer, the monitor is a separate substance, which, again, can be easily replaced. But the main advantage here is the diagonal. Often, laptops are limited in this. A 20” diagonal for a laptop is simply “mega”. In the desktop version, you can easily purchase a 27” monitor and enjoy life.

But that’s not all. Only expensive laptops with high-quality displays are suitable for working with graphics. For most laptop models in the cheap and mid-price range, image quality and color reproduction, by professional standards, leave much to be desired. Therefore, only desktop monitors are suitable here, which will be larger, cheaper and of better quality.

Conclusions. What should you choose?

IN in this case everyone must make their own choice, as in everything in life.

A laptop is a good portable assistant anywhere and anytime. But only for those who really need this portability. A laptop, often, must be either medium or low level performance (in a reasonable concept). From portable device surfing the Internet, working in office applications, watching movies and other similar non-resource-intensive activities is required, in correct understanding. There is no need to try to make a laptop a universal device for all tasks.

If you want a gaming laptop, then the options for the development of events were indicated above. But before you pick up a parody of a gaming laptop, think about a desktop.

Most of the arguments regarding the unreasonableness of laptops relate to gaming and parodies of mobile high-performance systems. If, for you, versatility in tasks lies in the same access to the Internet, office applications and multimedia, but at the same time it is desirable to sometimes take the device with you, then an inexpensive laptop will be an excellent choice for you.

A heavy and bulky desktop is inferior to a laptop only in portability and compactness, but otherwise there are nothing but advantages. Greater productivity, ease of use for less money cannot but be arguments when choosing.

Of course, the performance of laptops will increase, and the price will fall, but desktops will not “sleep”, also increasing productivity and the rate of price decline. Therefore, for those who need everything and even more from the system in terms of performance, they have used and will use desktop PCs in the future.

So, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons; when choosing, you need to start only from your needs and the tasks set for the system.

Everything that has been said in this article cannot take into account the specifics of each individual case. Therefore, I would be very glad to hear reasons why this or that choice was best for you. I would be grateful for such additions, as well as clarification of nuances and analysis of controversial issues.Thank you for your attention!

What is better to use for leisure? Gaming laptop or desktop computer? Surely there are adherents of one or another option. Even specific conditions can influence choice. It’s no secret that a laptop requires almost no space, much less permanent space. This may well be the decisive argument in your choice. On the other hand, ordinary computers also have their significant advantages. Let's see what you can do if you have some money to buy a gaming system. Let's compare the gaming desktop PC.

Computer selection criteria

In order to have something to build on, it is necessary to develop some selection criteria. In order not to compare the square with the fluffy, and the yellow with the wooden, we will decide on a certain configuration of the gaming system, which, on the one hand, will allow you to quite comfortably play almost any games, if not at maximum, then at settings close to them, and on the other hand, will not be deterred by the price.

Let's take as a basis, for example, Lenovo laptop Legion Y720-15 in the middle configuration. What we have? Intel processor Core i7 7700HQ, 8 GB memory, 1000 GB HDD and video card GeForce GTX 1060 with 6 GB GDDR5 video memory. Without SSD and operating system it costs approximately 90,000 rubles. It is by no means an exorbitant configuration, so to speak, an average level with the potential for an upgrade. With such characteristics, this is one of the cheapest models.

And one more limitation. You can find a lot of gaming PCs in online stores. Many people offer their own self-assembled systems. It’s still not possible to embrace the immensity, and I’m not very interested in scolding or praising this or that seller. Therefore, I will make my choice from the list of the same manufacturers who also offer gaming laptop models, i.e. ASUS, MSI, Lenovo and others.

It is quite possible that such branded systems may cost more than systems assembled by large, medium and very small domestic computer assemblers. But today we don’t have a review of models, but an attempt to find out what is better – a gaming laptop or a stationary one gaming computer. It is necessary to determine what are the pros and cons of each option.


So, our task is to select ready-made system units with similar configurations, ideally within the cost of the selected laptop. Let's see what the manufacturers offer us, and whether they offer them at all.

Asus G11CD-RU004T

The video card is the same - GeForce GTX 1060, 6 GB.

For approximately 74,000 rubles. we will get:

  • Intel Core i5 6400.
  • 12 GB RAM.

At the same time, in included Windows 10 OS, plus keyboard and rodent. The last two accessories, I suspect, are more for show, because even the appearance somehow does not fit with a serious tool for virtual battles. However, since it’s included in the kit, don’t refuse.

If you add about 8 thousand rubles, you can get the RU007T configuration with an I7-6700 processor. Everything else is the same.

Several things confuse me. Initially budget motherboard on the H110 chipset. The number of drives is limited to four. In principle, there can be no SLI or Crossfire (although there is far from always) and no overclocking either. And there are only two places for memory modules. The upgrade will have to be carried out only by replacing some RAM sticks with others.

MSI Nightblade X2B-273

At the same cost, the configuration will be as follows:

  • Intel Core i5 6400.
  • 8 GB RAM.
  • 1 TB hard drive + 128 GB SSD.

At the same time, the motherboard is slightly better than Asus’s - on the B150 chipset. The power supply is 350 Watt, which is probably quite enough for this configuration.

There is a pre-installed Windows 10 OS. You will have to take care of the weapons, in this case the keyboard and mouse, yourself.

MSI Nightblade 3 VR7RD-029

The following configuration is estimated at approximately 90,000 rubles:

  • Intel Core i5 7400.
  • 16 GB RAM.
  • 1 TB hard drive + 128 GB SSD.
  • GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB.

Compared to the laptop chosen for reference, at the same price we lose here only in the processor, but we have more memory, an SSD and a more powerful video card. The chipset is Intel B150, there are only 2 slots for installing memory, but the initial volume of 16 GB is more than enough for most applications in the foreseeable future.

Advantages and disadvantages of each option

Even a quick glance makes it clear (let me remind you, we only looked at “branded” computers) that it is quite possible to pick up a gaming PC with characteristics similar to those of a laptop, but at a lower price. And for the same amount, the capabilities of the system unit will be even “tastier.”

It would seem like a direct benefit, what can you think? Unfortunately, the reality is somewhat more complicated. So in this case, a lower price in the price list does not mean such an unconditional benefit. Or does it still mean it?

After all, a successful purchase, especially when it comes to computer equipment, is not only what we get here and now. It is also important how it will work in the near future and how expensive it will be to maintain satisfactory performance, given the ever-increasing demands on computer hardware. It's no secret that new games require more powerful processors, more powerful video cards, and take up a lot of RAM space.

Gaming laptop

Taking all this into account, let’s estimate what advantages a gaming laptop has and what disadvantages it has.


  • Compact, at least compared to a desktop computer.
  • Does not require much space, has a minimum of wires.
  • When purchasing, you immediately receive the entire set, including the screen and keyboard. Turn it on, install your favorite game - and go!
  • The battery, which in a powerful computer is not so much a means for battery life how much is the built-in source uninterruptible power supply. If the voltage in the home power supply turns off at the wrong time, it will not interrupt the gameplay.


  • Compactness. It can cause cooling problems, especially if really powerful hardware is installed. Regular cleaning of dust is mandatory, and given the design features of a particular laptop model, not everyone will be able to cope with this task. The solution is to contact a service center or a computer friend you know.
  • Compactness again, but now in terms of screen size limitations. In the vast majority of cases it is 15-17 inches. As a last resort 18. You can, of course, use external monitor, but then why a laptop?
  • And for the third time compactness. The density of the layout and design features do not allow for a serious upgrade. Increase the amount of memory, install a more capacious hard drive or SSD (maybe even a couple) - that’s actually all. As a last resort, you can replace the display matrix, for example, by installing a brighter and more pleasing IPS instead of a faded TN one. The main components, such as a processor, video card, motherboard, set of ports, cannot be replaced - you have to live with what was originally.
  • Well, for the last time about compactness. Frequent dragging from place to place may well lead to the laptop accidentally falling, which can lead to serious restoration work and associated costs.
  • Poor maintainability. Considering that most components are soldered to system board, leaving any of them means turning to specialists. The option “the video camera burned out - well, God bless it, I’ll go buy a new one, I wanted to change it anyway” in this case “won’t work.”

Gaming desktop computer

What are the advantages of this option?

  • Size (don't get me wrong). The large case makes it easier to cope with cooling, and with any components, even the hottest ones. At the same time, it is not difficult to replace a fan that is annoying with its howling with a quieter one, or even install a water cooling system. In general, the variability of approaches to reducing the temperature inside the case makes it possible to increase operating comfort without compromising the quality of cooling. But try replacing the cooler in your laptop with another one.
  • Wider possibilities for configuring the system unit. If we're talking about about assembling a computer to order, or in general you do it yourself, then you can assemble a system exclusively for your needs and guided by your own ideas about what configuration is needed.
  • Wide range of modernization possibilities. You can upgrade everything, from installing another memory stick to replacing a boring case with a more impressive one.
  • The repair may be simpler. It is often more profitable to replace a failed part rather than repair it. Moreover, it is quite possible to do everything with your own hands, and not rely on craftsmen and not waste a lot of time.
  • If you are no longer satisfied with the original set of ports, you can always install a controller that will expand your connection options various devices, replace the motherboard.
  • Overclocking For some, these are sacred words, and in the case of a gaming computer, the opportunity to get a little more from the processor, video card, memory, improving performance, the number of FPS in games, warms the soul, and at the same time the computer components. True, this is a small problem, because cooling was written a little higher.
  • There are no restrictions on the size of the monitor, as it is purchased separately. Or several monitors, it’s who can afford what. With a display of 24 inches or more, you can look down on 17-inch laptops.

Of course, it also has its weaknesses.

  • Unlike a laptop, a desktop PC needs its own place of residence. You won’t be able to sit comfortably in a chair or on a sofa. Although, if you use a TV as a display (imagine how many inches it can have!), and a game controller in your hands, then mobility improves.
  • For the amount you have to pay for a gaming computer, you only get the system unit. Perhaps a mouse and/or keyboard will be a bonus. The monitor and speakers will have to be taken care of separately. If there is none of this, then we add their cost, which as a result may exceed the cost of a comparable laptop. Some consolation may be, firstly, that you already have a monitor, and, secondly, the opportunity to purchase any monitor, even that size.
  • Naturally, there is no built-in battery. If the home electrical network is not characterized by stable characteristics, then at least a weak UPS is highly desirable.
  • More wires. Even wireless keyboard-mouse sets are not very helpful. One network cable, like in a laptop, is not enough.
  • Electricity consumption is higher. It often turns out that the components used in laptops are more energy efficient than those that are included in stationary system units. True, this efficiency can be achieved with slightly worse characteristics.

Conclusion. Gaming laptop or desktop computer?

So which is better? Both options have strengths and weaknesses. When choosing what to focus on, you need to carefully weigh everything, how significant the disadvantages are, and which of the advantages take priority. Only you can choose the best option yourself.

I looked at branded systems today. It is quite logical that you also have to pay a certain amount for a big name. On sale you can find many ready-made system units offered by domestic companies. Or order its assembly according to your own configuration. And it is quite possible to cope with this task yourself, which will allow you to save money and get the system of your dreams.

In the end, what is more important, mobility (and serious gaming laptops are not as light as we would like) or potentially unlimited possibilities, if not right now, then later, thanks to an upgrade? We should not forget about “everyday affairs”, which could well include, for example, a drink accidentally spilled on the keyboard in the heat of a virtual battle.

Whether you knock over the glass yourself, or whether it’s hit by your cat, who needed your attention at the most inopportune moment, doesn’t matter. The consequences are more important. Liquid getting into a laptop can lead to very disastrous results, followed by expensive repairs. In the case of a regular computer, in the worst case, you will only have to part with the keyboard. The costs may be disproportionate.

What to do if the computer no longer works in the newest video game? Replacing a processor, installing a new video card, or installing a second one is a task, frankly speaking, that does not require special knowledge and skills. What to do with the laptop in this case? That's right, either we'll play another time, or we'll open the price list of an online store and look at the characteristics of which new laptop models are suitable.

You'll have to decide whether you need an all-in-one device to chase monsters through dungeons and read on the Internet interesting articles(and leave comments). In principle, it’s convenient, but you’ll have to come to terms with the prospect of buying a new laptop in a couple of years, especially if you prefer modern games that happily consume more and more hardware resources.

Or equip yourself a place at home with a computer that is easy to keep up to date, and for the Internet, social networks and work with documents, for travel, purchase a small elegant ultrabook.

Personally, I find the second option much more attractive. And you?

In the age of widespread computerization, purchasing new computer equipment is extremely important. Here many buyers have an important question: What to choose: desktop computer or laptop? Undoubtedly, both have advantages, so first of all, you should decide on the priority purpose of the purchase and understand the main characteristics and differences between the types.

Portability and size

Of course, the laptop attracts interest primarily due to its mobility and portability. With it, unlike a desktop computer, there are no restrictions on movement, and you can take it on trips. But the laptop also has a number of other advantages; let’s look at each of them in more detail. First of all, a laptop allows you to have it anywhere, at your fingertips. full-fledged computer. Charge built-in battery will allow you to work for some time away from power sources. The second main quality is wireless capability Internet connections.

Space saving

Spatial space saving also plays an important role; the size of a laptop is equal to the size of a desktop computer monitor. Weight not exceeding 4 kg. There are also lighter models, weighing no more than 1.5 kg, but their main disadvantage is low power and a small range of components. Let us remind you that the weight of a desktop computer is several times greater than the heaviest laptop model.

Repair and improvement

In terms of possible upgrades, there is undoubtedly a greater advantage home computer. The internal components of the laptop require connection to a permanent set. This means that there is no improvement in the performance and functionality of the laptop due to the addition or replacement of components. Desktop computer it is easier to replace some parts, which makes it possible to increase power. A similar upgrade of laptop parts requires a professional approach and is more difficult to perform.

If a number of breakdowns occur, it is often impossible to repair a laptop. Many built-in parts are difficult to replace, and when production ceases, it also happens that the necessary parts are almost impossible to buy, and their price is high. In such a situation, you will probably have to purchase new computer. It is worth noting that not all parts of a desktop computer can be replaced and there are some limitations.

Cost and service life

The price range for both types of equipment is quite large and flexible. The price depends on the power, the set of components, and many other characteristics. But the undeniable fact is that if you buy a laptop to save money, you will incur losses. It will always cost more than a computer, despite the fact that the productivity of a hospital may be several times greater. Here it will be important to determine whether the buyer needs a laptop or can really get by with a desktop computer.

The lifespan of a home computer is significantly more laptop. This is justified by the fact that they are not subject to movement indoors, they are not carried with you when traveling, and in general, with careless attitude towards technology, dangerous situations in the case of a laptop arise more often. Accidental impacts and shaking in vehicles can significantly shorten its service life.

What is the purpose of a computer?

For many buyers, purchasing a computer is a significant expense, so after purchasing it is worth thinking about its intended use. First of all, you need an Internet connection, because today it has become an integral part of every modern person.

Better suited for watching videos desktop computer yuter. Although many laptops of the current generation have a wide screen, the power of their video cards often does not allow them to support high quality Pictures. Problems may also arise with playing formats; not all laptops today “can” play the Blu-ray format. But DVD roms can be quite high quality.

When equipment is planned to be used for games, the hospital has undoubted priority. After all, most laptops are unsuitable for this due to their low power and not very powerful video card. Also, a laptop computer is not very suitable for storing information, such as photographs, libraries or video libraries due to its small volume hard drive. You will face the problem of repurchase removable drives, or you will have to make do with the small built-in volume available for storage.

Let us remember that each of the described types has both its advantages and disadvantages. They differ in many technical characteristics and when choosing one, you should especially analyze its purpose. If there is no particular need to take your computer with you or move it indoors, it is more advisable to purchase a productive desktop computer. But it is always up to the buyer to decide.

Every user sooner or later faces the question: laptop or computer which is better? It is not possible to answer this unequivocally; it is more a question of personal preferences or the owner’s lifestyle. However, know the main disadvantages and advantages of each type smart technology just necessary in order to do right choice. So, laptop or computer, which is better?

Consider the advantages of a desktop computer

What motivates those people who say that a desktop computer better than a laptop? The most important advantage of "big brother" computer technology– power. The microprocessor, not squeezed into strict limits on energy consumption and heat generation, shows its real capabilities. A more efficient cooling system in this case will give a good increase in performance, because a desktop computer can be easily overclocked. All this applies to the sound and video cards to the same extent as central processor. Additional speed is provided by faster and more spacious “cache memory”. Better implemented Turbo Boost and other advantageous features - 3D transistors, controllers PCI-E slots and support for new memory standards.

The second reason why a desktop computer is better than a laptop is the ease of upgrading or “upgrading.” There is enough space in the system unit for almost everything that the user wants to install there. The most advanced system units can easily accommodate a tandem of two video cards, a silent and bulky cooling system, several hard drives, and a relatively large amount of RAM. Also, if any component fails, the user is often able to replace it himself without contacting a service center.

Disadvantages of a desktop computer relative to a laptop

The disadvantages of a desktop computer are also significant. Low mobility does not allow you to carry it with you in a bag. Even moving to another corner of the room will take certain time. Higher energy consumption in comparison and, as a consequence, heat generation is also a disadvantage. And lastly, even for 5 minutes of battery life you will have to pay a tidy sum, since uninterruptible power supplies are not cheap these days.

All of the above disadvantages are not inherent in the younger brother of the desktop computer. Let's first consider the advantages to understand why exactly a laptop is better than a desktop computer.

Thanks to the built-in battery, the battery life of most models is close to three hours, and some even last up to seven hours without recharging. This is facilitated by the high energy efficiency of each component device.

High mobility is guaranteed by the dimensions and autonomous power supply. Thanks to this, you can take your laptop with you on vacation or on a business trip. Small dimensions and weight are the main reason for purchasing a laptop computer.

In addition, when you buy a laptop, it includes almost all the devices that are necessary to use it. On board there is a monitor, keyboard, speakers, camera, touchpad, CD/DVD drive, Wi-Fi and VGA connector. Depending on the configuration, the user can also receive a card reader, Bluetooth and other necessary devices.

The main disadvantage is the low power of computing capabilities. This does not mean that the laptop will cope with its direct responsibilities worse. Both types of these devices are absolutely identical in their functions, only laptop performs all operations more slowly. For computer games and it is much less suitable for complex graphics than its bulky brother. The same situation is observed with the speed of RAM and permanent memory.

Difficulty with repairs and modernization can also be called a minus. After all, if there is a need to replace a hard drive or video card, the user will most likely have to contact a service center for this.

The viewing angle of monitors on laptops is quite small, making it not very convenient for families to watch movies on it.

Due to the small size of the cooling system, which negatively affects its efficiency, the laptop often gets very hot, and sometimes turns off because of this in the middle of work. The relatively high cost also does not speak in its favor.

Considering all the pros and cons of each type of computer, it is impossible to make a clear choice. People are all different, some cannot imagine themselves without computer games, others use a computer only to access the Internet. Therefore, the best solution to this issue would be for the user to have both a laptop and a desktop computer - this is ideal, of course. If such no possibility, then you need to take into account that for watching videos and regular Internet work, a simple laptop will be enough, but for avid gamers, a desktop computer is more suitable.

you just need to buy things like computers with a specialist in this matter

  • #211

    I bought a used one and regretted it, after a week it didn’t turn on, and then they told me the hard drive was jammed

  • #210

    Nowadays you can buy a used gaming laptop for 20k for a low price, so you can get a laptop for your first computer, since it will cope with all tasks!

  • #209

    my parents want to buy me a computer and I want a laptop! How can you argue to convince them?

  • #208

    when there is no need for heavy applications and programs, then you definitely need to choose a laptop. For 30 thousand you can buy a normal device, it will handle everything, but of course not for games

  • #207

    All this technology has already damaged my eyes and I’m only 21 years old. We stare at monitors all day long, nothing good will happen

  • #206

    A better computer and a laptop and a tablet and also a smartphone such as Samsung S9+

  • #205

    It's best to have both

  • #204

    And I think it’s more convenient to take a laptop with you, but not a computer

  • #203

    a computer is power, it is overclocking, it is TECHNOLOGY! everything else is toys - all sorts of laptops, tablets and especially smartphones

  • #202

    The computer has its own charm, those who love computers will understand what we’re talking about...

  • #201

    Damn, I’m so unaccustomed to working on a laptop that even if I have one, I still hunker down at my old table with the computer on which I typed abstracts when I was in school. I am addicted to the hum of the coolers in the system unit and the clicking of the hard drive)))))))

  • #200

    I used a PC myself. It’s not very convenient. For example, I want to sit on the couch and play a game, but I can’t sit at a workstation with a PC. Guys, in 2018, the fact that laptops are weaker than PCs is complete nonsense. There are laptops (not uncommon) for the price of a PC system unit, for example, 80 thousand, a laptop for this 80k will be more powerful than a PC because for this 80k you will need to buy an additional monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, etc.
    Whoever wants what, it’s his business, he wants a PC, let him take a PC, but a normal laptop for games will cost at least 60 thousand. So I would advise you to take a laptop. I switched to a gaming laptop myself (acer predator) and everything is fine.

  • #199

    If you're not a gambler, that's enough good iPad, if of course there are grannies

  • #198

    I'm about to buy a computer and now I'm thinking about buying it assembled or tinkering with it to assemble the parts myself?

  • #197

    Everything has been working for me for 7 years. The only thing is that the battery does not hold a charge at all, it literally lasts for 3 minutes. Otherwise the laptop is quite functional. I have a Toshiba

  • #196

    Laptops of older builds were excellent devices! Now laptops don’t hesitate for so long, the first battery dies, then the hard drive, then the video card

  • #195

    I had a laptop from Lenovo, it broke a year ago, it served for 7 years, I’m very happy and I wanted to buy a PC, not super powerful, but an average one, alas, I was unlucky and bought a laptop, eh...

  • #194

    A laptop is certainly more convenient, but it will always be inferior in terms of power! But I still like PC better!

  • #193

    Smartphones are good for the Internet today). For social issues and other tasks too. If you want a larger screen, buy a tablet or smartphone model with a larger screen size.

  • #192

    laptop is 100% better! or even a tablet if you only use the Internet. For work or games, take a PC

  • #191

    I want a laptop because I’ve been sitting at a computer for 10 years. So many times I wanted to get up and go somewhere and have the computer nearby, but no, sit still and that’s it. Inconvenient

  • #190

    Well, what kind of nonsense about games, RAM and storage? The volume of RAM, as well as its frequency (if we take into account the minimum of desktop computers where memory is driven), the speed and capacity of ssd drives are completely identical in laptops and desktops! Processors lag behind by only 15-20%, and video cards are now behind by about 5 -10% in laptops, which is just a minor difference. The only question is the price. Laptops are also much more versatile. If you can simply connect a laptop to a huge monitor and enjoy movies and games on big screen, then it is impossible to make a desktop computer mobile.

  • #189

    And for the game of the Sims series, a laptop is suitable

  • #188

    Of course the laptop is better! but it will soon become useless. I’m sitting here writing my thesis and half the Internet is working through the backside, what’s going on?

  • #187

    When I switched to a laptop after working on a PC for 7 years, I just couldn’t believe how much simpler life could be....

  • #186

    Each computer has its own pros and cons. You need to weigh everything and buy 100% equipment for yourself. Not a laptop is better than a computer, not the other way around, just to each his own and that’s it.

  • #185

    I think a laptop is better because you can carry it with you

  • #184

    you can use a laptop and store all the photos and everything else on a removable disk. It’s not wise to buy a computer for this reason (to put it mildly)

  • #183

    I'm on the computer. I have photos for 5 suitcases, not to mention the rest. But I’m an older woman and my computer too, I need my computer either repaired or replaced. Here I am at a crossroads.

  • #182

    The computer is more reliable and the replaceability of parts, as everyone understands, is important. The laptop is mobile and compact - this is perhaps all its advantages. But when the video card in my laptop burned out and they gave me an invoice for a replacement, I just went and bought a new laptop, adding 10 thousand to the amount announced for repairs. It’s tough when something integrated in the laptop (that is, not removable) breaks - then it’s easier to buy a new laptop. It’s easier with a computer - there ANY part in the system unit can be replaced if necessary, NO problems with this

  • #181

    A laptop is better even if there is some kind of gambling addict hanging around behind it, but the problem here is the price. normal gaming laptop weaving! similar system unit one thousand forty

  • #180

    I think a laptop is better than a computer

  • #179

    I bought a laptop, before that I had a computer for 5 years. I’m incredibly happy. And why didn’t I buy a laptop before)

  • #178

    You must understand that the more mobile a device is, the more expensive it is than others (relatively speaking). That is, you can buy an iPhone X for some reason, or assemble a fucking computer yourself. It’s better, of course, to have a pissed off meisu phone (like mobile device) and a system specialist (like a PC, naturally). This is my opinion, draw your own conclusions.

  • #177

    Buy a laptop, install bluestacks and enjoy

  • #176

    Of course, it’s better to assemble a computer purely for yourself and not worry about it. but not everyone needs a gaming PC, then of course there is no option to buy a laptop even

  • #175

    When purchasing a ready-made laptop, it is of average quality, while a PC is of lower quality. It’s better to buy parts for a PC and assembly - even better, I have PC assembly and sweet work. I have a laptop from a friend Dell, he bought a 2011, 2017 the hard drive died (the hard drive is in the trash) and the heating is increasing, the fix reduces the heating (the cooling tube with the radiator needs to be changed). I bought my old PC a long time ago, but it still works great and the information speed began to decrease by 30-35%.

  • #174

    Laptops need to be handled correctly, then they will work for 10 years. 90% of our people don’t know the basics of proper operation, so they break down in a year or two

  • #173

    it will break faster. I also had a laptop for gaming, so it burned out in 1.5 years and the system unit has been working for the 5th year

  • #172

    You can also play on a laptop if your power allows it. Why not? A laptop is more convenient than a system unit

  • #171

    Playing games on a laptop is nonsense. Why invent a bike when there is a system unit? A laptop is also a cool thing, but it has the wrong purpose at all

  • #170

    This is not always the case! For a gamer, a laptop is also a treasured purchase, but a PC is twice as cheap with the same power

  • #169

    For me, all these terms are a dark forest. I just know that there are laptops and computers. In my opinion, a laptop is certainly better. Just look at how much smaller it is than a PC and the answer will become obvious what to buy

  • #168

    I recently purchased a gaming laptop from MSI, and I will say that I will never switch to a desktop computer again, especially with Intel’s current policy of “new processor - new motherboard” - such a choice no longer seems too rash. Work and play on such a laptop it’s a pleasure, in all games 60+ fps at high/ultra settings in fullhd, if you don’t indulge in anti-aliasing and shadows, you can get 80-100 fps, in online shooters fps goes over 200, and all this with a matrix on 120 hertz.

  • #167

    A laptop is better than a computer if you need mobility, but in everything else it will certainly be inferior

  • #166

    The laptop is definitely better, for me, of course. My requirements are small, the main thing is silence, ease of moving around the apartment.

  • #165

    IMHO - the laptop is better in all respects! mobility, compactness, silence. Another thing is that the laptop costs more, but then who is capable of what financially. PC is already a thing of the past

  • #164

    Laptops are more convenient, this is undeniable, but PCs are much more powerful and cheaper. depends on the needs of the buyer, but laptops are certainly better, in my opinion))

  • #163

    a laptop is cooler than a computer because it’s smaller and quieter and you can easily take it with you everywhere

  • #162

    I used to think that my cool PC was everything! Laptops weren’t really appearing at that time. But then when I purchased my first laptop, I realized that my PC was just some kind of coffin. Now only a laptop and a tablet outside the home

  • #161

    Should I buy a laptop or computer? I agree with many who said that it makes sense to buy a computer only for games. If you don’t play games, you can buy an average-performance laptop and that will be MORE THAN enough for your needs!

  • #160

    PC or laptop? I think for games only PC without options! If you just need a computer, then a laptop or even a tablet is better, but a tablet is expensive compared to a laptop by 70%. for 25 grand you can get a more or less normal system unit, but only with your own assembly! NOT READY to buy from a store, but to assemble it yourself and for yourself, taking into account your budget!!!

  • #159

    What is better for gaming: a laptop or a computer? probably a computer right? which one is needed? I was told my budget of 25 thousand is enough?

  • #158

    desktop computer or laptop? I think that if you don’t play games, then it’s 100% sure this is a laptop - small and relatively productive, this solution is ideal in my opinion

  • #157

    When you think that it is better to buy a laptop or PC, then ask yourself the question - why do I even need a computer? So ask yourself and then make your choice! Personally, I’m for the laptop, since the PC is already a thing of the past!

  • #156

    Tell a woman who doesn’t understand anything about computers: what is better to buy a laptop or a computer? For what? I want to learn how to use the Internet - this is the main task, and in general I want to get acquainted with computers as such. I'm 62

  • #155

    It is incorrect to compare the same thing only in a different wrapper! Both the computer and the laptop are the same thing, just the first one for games and work. and the second for mobility and entertainment

  • #154

    Some people confuse noise from a cooler with noise from a hard drive in a laptop. If it really is a cooler, then you first need to open and clean the laptop; if the cooler itself is noisy, then it needs to be replaced. If the disk squeaks, it is also better to replace it. he's about to get fucked

  • #153

    You can replace the cooler in your laptop and the buzzing will stop. They did this to me and I couldn’t hear it at all!

  • #152

    depending on what kind of laptop! mine is so buzzing that you can’t even hear my brother’s system blog!! We’ve already cleaned everything, it doesn’t help, it’s jet-like... it’s about to take off)))

  • #151

    A laptop is still better, more convenient and doesn’t buzz at night - and this, by the way, is not an unimportant argument in favor of a laptop!

  • #150

    My laptop has been serving me for 4 years and I am very happy with it! before that there was a table with a computer - it was very inconvenient to work with it, it was not mobile and at night the noise disturbed the whole family! so I'm for laptops!!

  • #149

    That's it! That for each specific consumer you need to select only the right equipment for him, in particular this applies to laptops and computers!

  • #148

    Buy a PC if you are a gamer and need power! But these fucking Mac beeches won’t do a damn thing, and laptops in general are weak!

  • #147

    Poppy beech is best! and the operating room will be more convenient, there will be fewer glitches and productivity will be really high!

  • #146

    Mostly they only buy it for games! Previously, they bought it for schoolchildren, but now schoolchildren want to have Apple and not these suitcases... time passes and everything changes, including priorities in computer technology.

  • #145

    I don’t understand who still buys these computers. It’s high time to switch to Mac beeches - it’s both convenient and fast

  • #144

    No one will advise you on a computer until you tell me what your purposes are. It’s one thing to just surf the Internet, another for graphics and games - different computers are needed depending on the filling

  • #143

    So I still don’t understand what kind of computer I want to buy. Maybe you can plant something. I don't know what to do.

  • #142

    Do you know how long this supercomputer will consume electricity? you'll pay for utilities a couple of times and sell it

  • #141

    I want a supercomputer! so that it is more powerful than any top one at least 10 times! I really want it so bad! Maybe someday I’ll collect one! z.y. I don’t hold laptops for computers anymore, toys

  • #140

    Well, a tablet and a laptop are still very different things! The tablet is a toy, but the laptop is a full-fledged computer, whether for work or play.

  • #139

    My laptop broke so I haven’t bought a new one for over a year now! The smartphone is quite a substitute. at the same time there is a computer (regular)

  • #138

    Not everyone has the opportunity to buy as many as 3 devices, especially since they are actually unnecessary! Why let a housewife have a laptop, a computer and a tablet??

  • #137

    Take everything: a computer, a laptop and a tablet! There is a device for every need! This is exactly what I have!!!

  • #136

    It’s more convenient, it’s more convenient, but a tablet will be about twice as expensive))) I wouldn’t take a netbook, they are very low in performance. They work very slowly!

  • #135

    A netbook is a good option for the Internet and movies, but for the money it’s better to get a tablet. It can cope with these tasks no worse, but at the same time it is much more convenient to use. IMHO

  • #134

    who thinks about the netbook? It is only required to access the Internet and possibly watch movies. for 12t.r. I want to take

  • #133

    You always need to understand that there is a golden mean! For example, a computer for a hundred dollars is of no use to a housewife, do you all agree? She doesn't seem very comfortable with the systems guy either)) It turns out compact laptop A thousand over 20 is just right!

  • #132

    For games, of course, a computer! Just use an internet laptop, buy it and you’re done! Why overpay for something you don't need?

  • #131

    Not only is it not liftable, it is also not very reliable. Laptops break down faster than the same suitcase computers!

  • #130

    Well, no one would actually say that. There are all sorts of laptops too, and you can assemble them for a buck! In general, I don’t seem to see the point in a very productive laptop. He won't be lifting, damn it!!

  • #129

    They are currently assembling my computer, the cost of the kit (system unit) is 200 grand! No laptop can beat my computer! No one!!! What's better then.....???

  • #128

    no one is better or worse, it’s the same thing! It’s just that a laptop is the younger brother of a computer, so that you can carry it with you, that’s all.

  • #127

    Can you hear examples of non-top laptops and powerful ones? Now, no matter what equipment you take, there are about a dozen famous brands and some unknown “cheap” items. And why should I buy them?

  • #126

    Top is when you overpay 30% of the cost for the brand! You need to take a powerful device and not a top-end one! These cost about 40 pieces, on average))

  • #125

    As for me, if you buy a laptop, then you need to buy a top-end one, it’s just that in a couple of years it will still be “in the saddle”, but a laptop for 15x will be blown away! It’s easier with a computer - there you can upgrade any part if necessary, which is what I do!

  • #124

    I think I can do it with a bang! A laptop worth 25 rubles will even be suitable for your tasks! Over 50 this is already a gaming laptop! Why do you need it and at an overpayment?

  • #123

    I don’t care about games, but I want the computer to work very quickly - Internet, movies, programs! Do you think that if I take the laptop by the bag, it will cope with my requirements?

  • #122

    Whatever the goals of technology, so is the technology. It is clear that there is no point in buying a laptop for games or a system unit for the Internet))) - truisms)))

  • #121

    It depends on what level the laptop is, if it’s a top-end one, it will give time to the average system builder!

  • #120

    It's better to buy a laptop

  • #119

    Outdated information. Laptops are cheaper and more powerful than similarly priced system units. If you don't believe me, go to the store!

  • #118

    It seems to me that the computer is worse in that each of the spare parts is separate and needs to be repaired for different amounts, but the laptop is sent in for repair and everything will be repaired there for all the spare parts for the same amount of money

  • #117

    In terms of power and performance, of course the computer beats the laptop. and so, it’s better to have both at your disposal, for all occasions there should be your own type of computer

  • #116

    laptop or computer what to buy? If you're going to play, it's definitely better to choose a computer! If you're just surfing the Internet, then a tablet will suffice. if Internet + photos, videos, something for work but NO GAMES - take a laptop!!!

  • #115

    Yes, but I myself earned half a year for my computer and my interest for only 17 thousand. However, there is more than enough capacity for my needs. I use the laptop only as a TV in the kitchen.

  • #114

    There is nothing better than my prefabricated computer! I only have one processor costs 122 thousand rubles!! my father gave it to me for my birthday!! There is also a powerful laptop, but you can’t compare it with a computer! he is a turtle compared to him!

  • #113

    A laptop is not intended for gaming unless it is a gaming laptop, but this one costs about a hundred and in my opinion it’s stupid to buy it!

  • #112

    I don’t understand what games can be played on a laptop that is already 4 years old!? You can't play much on a modern laptop, but here's this guy...

  • #111

    They bought me a laptop when I was 12 years old, now I’m 16 and the laptop works great! It's outdated, but no matter, I even play games there sometimes.

  • #110

    It is better to buy a computer for children. The laptop will quickly break, or spill something, or burn out from overheating. It is difficult to explain to a child that the computer is heating up and because of this it needs to be used correctly.

  • #109

    My husband and I want to give our grandson a gift for the New Year. And we can’t decide whether it’s better to buy a personal computer or a laptop. Grandson is 12 years old. Tell.

  • #108

    For laptops with cooling, not everything is always smooth; the design can be so stupid that it heats up and heats up and then burns out after a couple of years. But my system unit is already 9 years old and works like a clock!!

  • #107

    Well, yes, it makes sense to buy a heavy, powerful laptop that you can’t take with you anywhere, when you can buy a stationary one and not bother.

  • #106

    I think that an i7 laptop will be very expensive and heavy. I already had a heavy laptop - it’s very inconvenient!

  • #105

    My computer has an i7 processor, now let's take a laptop with the same performance and we find out that it will be 30 grand more expensive! The answer is obvious - a computer is better!!!

  • #104

    Manufacturers computer industry They're not idiots either. They found the ideal option - to create 3 types of devices. Computer for work. A laptop for work and mobility. Tablet for convenience and entertainment. Therefore, figuring out which is better: a computer or a laptop seems stupid!

  • #103

    I like my computer better. A more fundamental device, but I’m generally silent about power capabilities! Laptops are designed for medium tasks, and I work with editors! I can't live without a computer! :-)

  • #102

    The computer is 100% better than anything else! Tablets are not even listed here! The power of a computer is its main and fundamental factor. you can't argue with!

  • #101

    Yeah, this is the last century! My older brother played it as a child, and he is now 35 years old! P.S. laptop better computer and why? because with it you can move freely and this is the most important +++

  • #100

    The only thing better than a computer and laptop is the Sega-MEGA drive 2!!! Provided that it is original))) This is where the real power and immense happiness of the owner are...

  • #99

    Neither a computer is better than a laptop! They are essentially the same thing, except for the size and power. What is this computer, what is that computer.

  • #98

    Why do people need such powerful, and most importantly, large and heavy laptops? Play games or something. IMHO - for games it is more logical to buy a computer for 50 thousand than a laptop for 120, I don’t even doubt that!

  • #97

    My laptop is more powerful than any of your desktop computers, it weighs 4 kg. So: it’s better to spend money and buy a powerful laptop for 120 thousand, rather than buy a computer for 50 + a laptop for 30. IMHO

  • #96

    I have a laptop at home and a laptop on the street and even in the gym. I bought the tablet a couple of times. They stole it once, destroyed it the second time, and of course it stopped turning on. The laptop is everything to me!

  • #95

    Well, yes, I agree. Only a computer at home, a laptop outside. Or even a tablet, if you can access the Internet so easily.

  • #94

    A laptop has only one advantage over a computer - mobility. In other positions it is noticeably lower. You need a powerful modern computer + a mediocre laptop for mobility (if you need it for work, for example)

  • #93

    When a person needs a laptop for work, he can never replace it with a tablet. The tablet is too weak in performance, you can’t access any program on it. Only a laptop is suitable!

  • #92

    With the purchase of a tablet, the need for a laptop, and even more so a desktop computer, disappeared somewhere. I don’t know whether this is good or not, but it’s a fact that I noticed :-)

  • #91

    My computer is better than any laptop! All games run at maximum speed. I tried it on my brother's laptop, but at medium settings it barely works. Draw conclusions about what is better and what is worse

  • #90

    I think a computer for 30 thousand rubles may not be bad, but for a laptop 25 thousand, I would say the lowest limit. Good laptop in my understanding, it cannot cost less than 40 thousand. IMHO

  • #89

    Go and buy an assembled computer, about 30 pieces are needed for a more or less normal assembly + go and buy a laptop from 25 pieces + buy a tablet from 20 pieces!!! forget about what is better or worse, you will simply have everything!!!

  • #88

    The computer is not at all convenient for me. With a laptop you can move around the entire apartment and this is its main advantage! The computer is stationary and this is its only drawback!

  • #87

    depending on what criterion you use to compare a laptop with a computer. There are laptops that will beat the average build of a computer in all respects. however, there are also computers that can outshine several laptops combined

  • #86

    Some are also designed for “heavier” toys. When I see a laptop weighing 7 kg in a computer hardware store. worth 120 thousand rubles - I have no doubt about it.

  • #85

    I already have a gaming PC, and I would like to buy the same laptop, but now I realized that there is no need to do this, it’s better to buy a laptop for office work, etc. In general, laptops were never created for games, perhaps for Dota , CS and such type of games it is suitable, but for games like The Witcher, GTA 5 and the like they are simply NOT INTENDED!

  • #84

    I've never had a laptop. It’s like I’m on the computer all the time. I don’t even know, sometimes you think about taking a computer with you to the kitchen now, but it’s not possible. But these thoughts disappeared with the advent of the tablet. The laptop turns out to be the “weak link” in this situation.

  • #83

    My computer has served me faithfully for 5 years! During this time I changed 2 laptops. So think about what is better: laptops or computers)))

  • #82

    I can't go anywhere without my expensive laptop! I don’t carry it with me anymore, because... tablets are being replaced. But at home it’s always and everywhere just a laptop. I don’t know if it’s better or worse than laptops, but in my opinion, a laptop is very convenient!

  • #81

    Hello. My computer, which is two years old, boots faster than a new laptop that I bought just a week ago. It’s clear who has the faster performance, but you can take a laptop with you everywhere and it’s more interesting for me!

  • #80

    A computer is a hundred pounds better than a laptop! Performance is the main criterion and in this respect the laptop is completely outperformed by computers!!!

  • #79

    The question of what is better should be considered in a certain plane - performance, reliability, convenience, and so on. Of course, a computer also has its advantages relative to laptops and vice versa. In general, both are needed!

  • #78

    I don’t understand how a computer laptop could be better? I always have my laptop at hand, but the computer just stands in the corner on the table and that’s it - with it I’m tied to one place. The computer is good for work when you can sit down and sit.

  • #77

    Without a doubt, a computer is better than a laptop, as it is much more productive. However, if you compare enough powerful laptop, then it is no worse than a computer, and another plus is that it is more mobile!

  • #76

    At one time I worked as a salesman in the computer department and often heard the following question: “what is better, a laptop or a computer for the home” (something like this was asked). Especially women ask this when they buy for their children. You need to understand one thing - for each person you need to select exactly what he needs!

  • #75

    The solution is not to drink any liquids while near the laptop! Exit? Although I myself constantly put tea next to my laptop and have been without incident for 5 years.

  • #74

    The big drawback of laptops is the unprotected keyboard. Just spill juice or coffee on it once and hello...

  • #73

    Why isn't it real? My dad never had a computer and doesn’t now. Doesn't fit mine. I’m at the computer in the evening, and he’s at the book. That's it!

  • #72

    Are there really people who have never had their own computer? How is it possible to live like this? It's not really that simple))

  • #71

    I only had a tablet, no computer or laptop. Of course, I sat behind them more than once, but it wasn’t personal.

  • #70

    I have a computer, I also have a tablet, but I don’t have a laptop and never have had one. As I understand it, the laptop is something between a computer and a tablet. But I think there is nothing better than a computer and they won’t come up with it!

  • #69

    A laptop has one single advantage compared to a PC - it is compact and the ability to take it with you anywhere. In other respects, he loses, but this is not a little of the main thing.

  • #68

    and some actually buy Apple laptops for 200 kasari... people really have nowhere to put their money... it’s better to give it to an orphanage than to pay for a laptop.

  • #67

    Yes, and such a laptop costs about 100 thousand, it’s easier to assemble the computer yourself and you’ll save four times the money, but essentially the same thing (in terms of characteristics). Laptops are also needed, purely for mobility, but for games and normal work only a computer!

  • #66

    a computer is 100% better than a laptop, how can you compare a Lada and a BMW? laptops now may be catching up with some computer builds in terms of power, but it’s still not the same!!!

  • #65

    I didn’t even know that we have so many abnormal people on planet earth. When you go to a cafe, there’s a crazy person there, when you come to work, there’s half the office full of these crazy people.

  • #64

    There is no need to compare, a computer is better than a laptop - modernity and power are the main advantages! I'm only for the computer, even sitting at it is much cooler and more enjoyable, but laptops are nothing, the computer rules and will always rule, normal people They only use a computer and do not use laptops)))

  • #63

    You need to not throw away your old computer, otherwise in 50 years it will be sold as a rarity. By the way, I don’t understand laptops at all.

  • #62

    I have a laptop, but I do everything on it, and games go there, and you can be bored everywhere with you, either in a cafe, then to the toilet, even in the car, in general, everywhere, but the PC needs to be disconnected every now and then, so the world needs laptops

  • #61

    In 50 years we won't have computers, only what a modern tablet turns into. There will be computers, but only in enterprises and so on, but in everyday life they will disappear!

  • #60

    The computer rules and will always rule!!! Normal people work only at a computer, powerful, modern and buzzing!!! Laptops are rubbish, and the tablet is just a toy...

  • #59

    about 8-10 years ago I only needed a stationary computer, it was quite enough for all purposes. then I realized that it turns out the laptop has obvious advantages(you don’t need to sit with him, on the contrary, he follows you everywhere). Then it turned out that the tablet is just some kind of fairy tale - it’s small, you can always go online, etc. that is, you can complete the comment like this: you need to have all 3 “cars”, each for its own case!

  • #58

    It’s almost the same with us, only with my mother it’s different - she has everything, a computer and a couple of laptops and a dozen tablets. Full equipment as they say...

  • #57

    And in our family it’s like this: my father only perceives his computer (he’s already 11 years old). I only use a laptop; there were tablets, but they broke quickly (they stupidly stopped buying them for me). Bratelnik only sits on the tablet, because... we can say that due to his age he hasn’t reached the peak of popularity of desktop PCs, and I don’t give him a laptop. Mom bypasses all technology in principle; she even still has a Nokia phone with a black and white screen. That is how we live. How are you doing with this?

  • #56

    I turn on the computer only to play (rarely, but sometimes hottsa). I usually carry a laptop around at home and a tablet outside the house. For every need - your own unit!!

  • #55

    If you work on a computer and surf the Internet and like to watch movies with photos, then a laptop will be the ideal solution - it’s better than the rest!!!

  • #54

    Sveta, but no one is proving the opposite to you - it is clear that the laptop is mobile and this is its main advantage relative to a completely non-mobile computer. A computer at home, a laptop for work and a tablet for relaxation - that’s how I do it.

  • #53

    I can’t go anywhere without a laptop, what is this? Will you order graffiti programs to be loaded onto the tablet? A laptop is not better than a computer, but in its own way it is indispensable)

  • #52

    If they inflated the topic about laptops, they won’t produce them. Maybe they won’t, but that’s for the best - why are they needed at all? They break down every now and then, the batteries don’t last long, you spill tea - go buy a new one, etc.

  • #51

    Laptops will stop selling only when tablets become as powerful as laptops, and for now this definitely doesn’t threaten us!

  • #50

    I propose to create an anonymous club of laptop lovers. Otherwise, in fact, they will soon stop producing them and disappear from sale. If you think about it, each of the 3 has its own advantages. A PC has obvious advantages, a laptop too, but let’s not forget about a tablet...

  • #49

    the eternal confrontation between the PC and the laptop will never end... no, it will end someday, but only when laptops completely cease to be in demand, but that won’t happen either! because a tablet cannot replace a person’s laptop (yet). After all, what is a laptop for the most part? This is a workhorse. They all carry it around with them for the sake of work, mostly and only :-)

  • #48

    And if the laptop is expensive and with good processor it will easily give a head start to the average computer! I don’t know if this castling is worth your time and effort...

  • #47

    For me, a computer is better, but a laptop is for simple work

  • #46

    and how cool it is to collect it! I have already finished assembling my second computer, and I sold the first one that I assembled when I was only 14 years old!! now new on i7

  • #45

    I will never switch from a desktop computer to a laptop! Laptops generally infuriate me, to be honest. A computer is a completely different matter, it hums and puffs, it’s nice to just sit at it))

  • #44

    if only on the Internet, then of course the system unit is an extra cabinet in the interior of your apartment. but when a person works at a computer, performs some tasks not related to the Internet, then the tablet goes into the firebox, at least a laptop is needed,

  • #43

    Yes Yes Yes!!! I have a tablet and nothing else, it’s fine, it’s fine for the Internet. Why are these bulky computers even needed at home if you only surf the Internet))

  • #42

    The answer to the question in the article is obvious. Those who work with programs and play games need a computer or at least a powerful laptop (but a computer is better because a powerful laptop costs about a hundred). If you are not interested in games and heavy programs, then you can get by with a simple laptop (10-15 thousand). And lastly, if you only use the Internet and don’t need anything else, then just buy yourself a tablet (convenient and easy) IMHO

  • #41

    How Maxim, as if by chance, noticed that he had apple tablet, funny... Everything in the house needs to be a computer, a laptop and a tablet, as they say, for all occasions...

  • #40

    on a computer and you can play, by the way, you can also play on a laptop, but somehow it doesn’t give the same feeling, I only play on a computer, but I practically don’t use a laptop after buying an Apple tablet

  • #39

    At first I had a computer, then I bought a laptop, I began to wean myself off the computer and turned it on very rarely. When I bought my first tablet, I threw my laptop into the far corner, but I still use the computer, I can’t do without it, for work and whatnot...

  • #38

    when you don’t need high performance, then a laptop would be an ideal option, or even buy a tablet, but this is only for those who purely surf the Internet

  • #37

    there’s nothing to even think about, of course a desktop computer is better than a laptop!!! power, reliability, monitor size, durability, etc., I’m all for the system guy!!!

  • #36

    At first it also bothered me to do something on a laptop; a regular keyboard is of course more convenient and familiar. In short, after a couple of years I just got used to it. It’s stupid to buy nettops for now, you need to wait, over time they will start to get cheaper - then we’ll buy))))))

  • #35

    Of course you need a beech. But after using the usual keyboard, I don’t feel comfortable working on it; performance drops. It takes me a long time to get used to it. Nettop... I don't know. Anastasia, I looked at the nettops. The minimum discount price is 25 thousand. The parameters are so-so, I need more powerful ones.

  • #34

    I have everything - a desktop computer for games, a laptop for work and a tablet to be always online where I need it. I also think that when the laptop breaks, I don’t know yet whether I will buy a new laptop.

  • #33

    And I wouldn’t like laptops to “become a thing of the past,” but apparently this is inevitable. A few years ago, you would come to a cafe with free Wi-Fi, there would be a lot of people sitting there with laptops, but now there’s no one at all, everyone has tablets, so pay attention to this when you’re at MacDuck or somewhere else..

  • #32

    Of course you would like to have a nettop, but they really cost too much. laptops will die out 100%, let's wait 10 years and it will be so. laptops will replace tablets, nettops will replace desktop computers - this is the future of computer technology IMHO

  • #31

    Nettops are in the future a replacement for current computers, I think that this is exactly what will happen in about 10-15 years. But now a nettop is clearly inferior to a desktop computer, the basis for this is that it is still very overpriced, and of course they are an order of magnitude better and more profitable than computers, with the exception of performance.

  • #30

    What about nettops? Our neighboring office was recently fully staffed by Depo Computers.

  • #29

    Let's wait 10-15 years and the tablet will be more powerful than today's desktop computers, I imagine you sit on a tablet and play Call of Duty...

  • #28

    What are you guys? really? It is still possible to place a hospital and a laptop next to each other, but the tablet was not standing nearby at all!!!

  • #27

    I used to play with toys on the laptop too, but then I got tired of it and the laptop itself, now I only use a tablet, I’ve never had a big computer

  • #26

    I have everything, even not one but two computers. I collect them myself and collect them powerfully because I like to play games a lot. from the point of view of games, a computer is 100 times better than a laptop and 1000 times better than a tablet!!!

  • #25

    I have a stationary computer, by the way, it is 12 years old and to the credit of the manufacturers of those years, I must say that in 12 years of work I only repaired the video card. All other components work (all original, even coolers). I've been using laptops for years. But these representatives of technical progress break down for me after about 2-3 years. Here you can talk a lot about the + and - of various types of computer equipment, but for me a stationary device is several orders of magnitude higher than a laptop (quality, power, durability). Modern laptops have 2 obvious weak links in terms of durability - cooling and hard drive. When manufacturers start installing a more advanced cooling system and SSD hard drives in laptops, which don’t care about shaking and shock, then laptops in my eyes will be equal to a desktop computer, but for now...

  • #24

    In such a question, there is no exact answer as to who is more comfortable with what - based on his needs.

  • #23

    But on the contrary, I have never had a desktop computer, I don’t understand how it can be better than a laptop? The hospital is tied to one place, you sit behind it as if sewn, and you can carry your laptop anywhere - it’s more convenient!

  • #22

    I have had hospitals in my house for more than 10 years, and I bought my first laptop about 6 years ago and immediately felt the advantages compared to a home computer. There is one characteristic in which laptops are inferior - power, so when this problem is solved, I will be all in for laptops!, but for now the “hulk” of a system unit, monitor and keyboard wins IMHO.

  • #21

    Question - which is better: a laptop or a desktop computer? The answer is that it’s best when you have both a laptop and a desktop computer at home!!!

  • #20

    No, I know about video cameras, my father has one and he takes care of it. I am for a computer if they create a laptop with the same power as a computer. then I’ll stick to the laptop, but for now the hospital wins thanks to productivity alone!

  • #19

    How progress has started over the last 20-25 years. At the age of 35, I saw the appearance of the first VCRs in Russia, I didn’t have time to look around how everyone had gadgets, and even many people didn’t know about VCRs, they didn’t know what it was in principle, it’s incredible...

  • #18

    Let's wait a little and the tablets will be powerful enough to completely replace the computer and especially laptops, which by the way have already begun to become history. I used to work as a sales consultant in the computer department, I know the whole kitchen, laptops are selling twice as bad as a year ago.

  • #17

    in my opinion, a laptop is better, you can easily take it with you, but a system unit is not suitable here at all. And also better tablet, but they are still low-power and will not fit everything

  • #16

    Yes, I will never trade my system unit for a tablet! I assembled it myself, constantly upgrading it, and I have a laptop and a tablet, each piece of equipment has its own purpose, it would be better to have everything!!

  • #15

    Soon laptops will probably be slowly replaced by tablets and will eventually become history, but desktop computers will always be there!!

  • #14

    In this matter, everything is simple - each according to his needs, each needs a computer for its own purposes. As for me, a laptop is better, more convenient and mobile.

  • #13

    I don’t compare laptops and personal PCs at all; these are products for different needs.

  • #12

    And I took the simple route, so as not to worry about such questions, I bought a laptop + for an old but working stationary PC, and also recently a tablet. As they say – “the box is full”

  • #11

    If you play games, then a desktop PC is definitely the way to go; if for work, then a laptop is more suitable. I often play with toys, they just don’t work on my laptop, so I have both a PC and a laptop.

  • #10

    My computer broke about a month ago, the new one... decent characteristics I didn’t have enough money, I had to take a laptop. In principle, I’ve already gotten used to it and like it even better in some ways. So you can get used to everything.

  • #9

    No, just a computer!!! I even like the noise of the fans when you sit at the computer, or the way the video monitor hums when you play. A laptop is also good, but not the same.

  • #8

    I am for a laptop, convenient and practical, always at hand. When tablets become more powerful, I will switch to them.

  • #7

    It is correctly written in the sense that people are all different and each has their own needs. What is better PC or laptop? Yes, it depends on the person, and on what he needs from the computer, and that’s all.

  • #6

    My laptop broke after a year, and my grandfather (desktop PC) has been working like clockwork for 12 years now, so think about what’s better...

  • #5

    I’m also for the computer, laptops are weak, no, of course there are powerful ones, but their prices are sky-high. In general, everything depends on the needs of the individual person.

  • #4

    A personal computer is of course better, it is better in everything, a laptop is only suitable for working outside the home, otherwise it is of no use.

  • #3

    Why is a laptop for schoolchildren? Among them there are also very worthy devices.

  • #2

    A laptop is for schoolchildren, only a hospital can be a real device, I’m generally silent about tablets))

  • #1

    So the question is: Laptop or computer, which is better? I wondered before, I found the only correct solution, now I have a desktop computer, two laptops and one tablet.

  • Good day to all. Lately the blog has been publishing mostly step by step instructions, but today I want to take a break and not bother you with endless screenshots of “how to do it and where to click.” Let's take a break and think about the topic: which is better, a computer or a laptop?

    Of course, it’s impossible to simply answer such a “holivar” question. And there’s no need for this, although it still makes sense to evaluate what advantages each device has in order to understand what you specifically need.

    Everything was simple before. There were computers, there were laptops. Computers were usually much cheaper and much more powerful than their mobile brothers... just a couple of years ago I did not think that laptops would gain such popularity.

    Our world is changing, so now it is difficult to say: what is a computer and what is a laptop? I will try to consider devices that are as close as possible to the computers and laptops we are used to. In conclusion, for each I will try to recommend for what tasks this or that device is suitable

    To understand what is more interesting to us, I decided to highlight similar devices. Of course, I could be wrong and if you have something to say, correct me, but my vision of the current situation in the computer market is this:

    Desktop computer

    Classic laptop

    Transformable tablet

    It is important to understand that I am only considering computers with x86 processors that work perfectly in the usual way. Windows environment. I consider it inappropriate to compare Android and other devices here, since these devices, despite all their efforts, are not yet capable of fully replacing a laptop or computer. Who knows, maybe they are the future... but we are still living in the present!

    Desktop computer

    This is the same old man everyone is familiar with. It was with such a computer that I began my acquaintance a long time ago, now I don’t even remember when it all started. What do I want to say about him? A familiar system unit (which many, and probably even most, call a processor), a Monitor (also known as “TV” for everyone) and a keyboard and mouse.

    Its main advantages are the possibility of modernization, and also due to its size good ventilation. Regular desktop PCs are less susceptible to overheating than their compact laptop brothers. Another huge plus is high maintainability (although technology is developing so quickly that sometimes it is not always possible to find a replacement component for a computer purchased half a year ago).

    If there is good ventilation in a spacious case, then it is logical that more powerful and power-hungry components can be placed here, because the issue of heat transfer is not as acute as in the case of a laptop. In general, if you have a computer at home and you don’t need it except at home, it will definitely be cheaper and more efficient to take it!

    What is a Monoblock? This is a familiar monitor to us, in which a system unit has been “placed” (as a rule, laptop components are used. They heat up less, take up less space...) And I don’t even know what to call it: is it a monitor with a computer built into it, or even something else? laptop screwed to the back of the monitor. But if a laptop is primarily about mobility and the name itself reminds us of a book, then we will assume that the Monoblock is a familiar computer.

    The only advantage that I see is that it will take up less space, which, given their cost, is a very dubious pleasure. With its form factor, the advantages of a desktop computer are completely destroyed, and the problems of laptop hardware and cramped layout are added.

    We’ve finished talking about computers, now let’s move on to laptops, otherwise we won’t be able to answer the question. Which is better: a computer or a laptop?

    Classic laptop

    A laptop familiar to many, it is likely that you perceive it as your main computer and work tool. IN currently Laptops have gained popularity due to lower prices and increased performance. If earlier we talked about gaming laptop as something inaccessible and insanely expensive, now this is no longer the case.

    Modern laptops have sufficient performance, and some can even show performance similar to a regular desktop laptop (although the price will be noticeably higher than a regular PC) and a quite adequate price tag. But there are also disadvantages: due to the fact that space is limited, there are problems with overheating (and many people like to lie around with a laptop on the bed, covering all the ventilation holes), it is almost impossible to upgrade (improve), and often laptop screens are not amazing in terms of clarity and color reproduction. However, they are mobile, you can take them with you and work on the road, but it is expensive to constantly carry it with you... after all, it is bulky and a little heavy.

    An ultrabook is a logical continuation of laptops, but they have one feature. Ultrabooks use energy-efficient components and usually long-lasting batteries. The main task of an ultrabook is to always be at hand. That's why they are always thin, light, cold and hold a charge well.

    Ultrabook is perfect for those who constantly have to work on the road. Such an assistant will be simply irreplaceable (For example, my MSI X340 easily fits into a folder for papers and does not weigh it down)

    Transformable tablet

    The most fashionable and, in my opinion, absolutely useless combination. A hybrid of a tablet and a laptop (the keyboard is attached). There is no particular pleasure when using it as a tablet, and as a laptop it is also not particularly pleasant to use.

    It has absorbed all the shortcomings of a laptop and tablet, although I think it will be a promising direction in the future, but in its current form I don’t see the point, and the price tag is sky-high.

    About 5 years ago there was a netbook boom. ASUS Company presented its mini laptop, and other manufacturers did not stand aside and picked up the fashion. A netbook usually has a 10-inch screen, a weak processor and a capacious hard drive coupled with a powerful battery.

    At the moment they are reaching their end, almost completely replaced by tablets. You can’t do much work on such a screen, the weak processor also makes itself felt... so I think that they have a place in history, although for some this may be the case a good option, given their relative cheapness.

    I am of the opinion (and I recommend it to you) that a regular desktop computer is the ideal solution for the home. Although the monoblock is technologically advanced, it does not have any special advantages over a regular PC. So if there is no need to carry a computer from corner to corner, then you shouldn’t even think about it: definitely a PC. The cramped layout affected the heating, but you can take it with you. Relevant if you are a student and renting housing. There will be no problems if you move. If possible, take an ultrabook. It is light, comfortable, and I consider everything else unnecessary. And there is no best, the best is what suits you

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