Chat room. What is chat? Text chat: how to use

Gone are the days when people gathered together on a bench in a public garden or went for a walk to the skating rink. Nowadays people are looking for acquaintances not even at a disco or a school ball. Internet technologies are becoming increasingly popular, and with them electronic types of dating and communication. While we're not advocating virtual communication over real-life communication, it's worth noting that social media and chat rooms do have some benefits. In this article we will try to consider the very concept of the word “chat”. Let's find out what a private chat is and get acquainted with the security measures that you need to follow even on the Internet. Could something really threaten you when you are at home on a warm sofa near your laptop? This article will answer all the above questions.

Simply put, chat is the ability to exchange text messages in real time. It differs from email in that you can immediately see the phrase that your interlocutor wrote to you. Text chat can involve communication even between a large number of users. Typically used to exchange short, quick phrases. Such chats can be built into a website on a certain topic (for example, about fishing) and serve for the exchange of experiences and news. However, chats can also be closed. To access such a chat, you need to obtain special rights or an invitation from users. All these restrictions are set by the site creator or administrators (moderators). Chat differs from forums in that, as a rule, it does not have a specific topic and is most often used for simple “chatter”.

Chats for online dating

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, communication via the Internet has become very popular today. Instead of looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend at some event, today it is common for young people to meet people via the Internet. There are even special dating sites that have such chats. Especially without hesitation, a person can ask any question about the interests, life and past of other participants in the conversation. For more personal conversations, you can use confidential chat rooms between two or three people. To do this, you can invite such an interlocutor to “go out” to another room (private chat). However, despite the huge number of supposed "+", such chats can be fraught with considerable dangers.

Hidden dangers of online communication

The main disadvantage of communicating on the Internet is the inability to check the information received to you. You cannot see your interlocutor, which means you cannot check whether he is truly sincere with you. You do not have the opportunity to see his facial expression, so all sorts of emoticons may not at all convey the emotions that your interlocutor truly experiences. But this is not the worst thing.

What is chat? Though you think you're talking to a woman, you may actually be having a nice conversation with a man. A child who accesses such sites can easily become prey for scammers, homosexuals and pedophiles. Since it is often impossible to verify a person's identity, never arrange to meet such people in person. Don’t be led into euphoria by the stories your friends and acquaintances tell you about the “coolness” of such acquaintances. It doesn't happen once at a time. Practice shows that there are sadder cases.

Rules for chatting

To avoid falling into the hands of attackers or scammers, never distribute confidential information about yourself or your loved ones online. No matter how nice the person you are talking to may seem, do not talk about things like your home address, phone number, when you are at home, etc. Because scammers and thieves can easily take advantage of such information. What is chat? It is primarily a resource for chatter. So use it for its intended purpose to find out specific information that interests you.

How to start chatting

  1. To start communicating, use the search to find a topic that interests you.
  2. Register (this is required in almost any chat). To do this, you will need a login and, most likely, a password. A login, or nickname, is a kind of Internet nickname used in order not to reveal your real name. You can also come up with any password (usually consisting of numbers, signs and symbols of the Latin keyboard layout) so as not to forget it.
  3. Recently, in order to reduce the number of registered accounts, in addition to a login and password, registration on any email server is required. As a rule, you can register only one chat login per email account. If you do not have an email account on Google, Yandex, Rambler, Mail, Yahoo, etc. sites, then you will have to create one.
  4. Enter all the necessary data, for example, your gender and age (you can specify any) and pass the robot test (enter the characters from the picture so that the system knows that you are a real person.

Here, in fact, are all the actions that need to be performed in order to understand what chat is and learn how to communicate in it. On those sites or social networks where you already have an account, there is, of course, no need to register separately in the chat. Of course, registration rules may vary. You may have to enter additional information somewhere. You are responsible for what data you place about yourself on the Internet. Remember, the information you post on social networks and chats is constantly duplicated, so if you delete previously uploaded information, you cannot be sure that it will completely disappear.

Commands used in chats

It is better to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the service to fully use the chat. Skype chat commands, for example, can be found on the program's official website. Here are some of them (enter without quotes):

Command ":/find text" - this command will find the first mention of the specified text in the chat;

The command "/get creator" - shows the nickname of the user who created this chat;

Command "/kickban" - eliminates the annoying user from the chat (he will no longer be able to connect to the chat).

Find more detailed Skype chat commands, as well as other advanced features, on the official website. If you need to find out the commands for a specific chat, you can also do this on the corresponding website or try working commands at random, using instructions from other Internet resources.

Wide selection of chats that interest you

Today, the Internet has grown to enormous proportions, so you can find a chat on a topic that interests you, be it a dating chat or something else. You will have to pay for access to some VIP chats, and also enter your data in the fields: “gender”, “age” and others. However, most often it is not difficult to find a free chat without registration. If you are interested in questions about diseases, cooking, the lives of stars or caring for children, then feel free to use search engines. Nowadays, you can find a women's chat room where you can talk with mothers of babies and exchange experiences in raising children. In addition, you can get practical recommendations on how to cook borscht more deliciously, or find out where it’s cheaper in Moscow to buy a ticket to a show. Be it a women's chat or a men's chat - each of them will serve a specific purpose. It will be wonderful to talk to men about “male topics”, while they will not even suspect that a woman is talking to them.

In addition to regular text chats, you can now find many voice and video chats on the Internet. The principle of communication in them is the same, with the difference that the interlocutors can see or hear each other. This, of course, brings communication closer to the real thing.

Don't lose your head

So, like any useful human invention, chat can be used both for its intended purpose and to harm itself. Any perverted use of a thing leads to disastrous consequences, as in the case of using a laptop to hammer nails. We hope that you find the tips and principles written in this article useful and applicable.

It is difficult to say who came up with the Internet registration system. One gets the impression that she has always been there. Everywhere you go, you are required to enter a login and password, which are becoming more and more difficult to organize every year: beautiful logins that suit you are usually taken; passwords do not seem complex enough to the registration system; and even when everything seems fine, you need to spend a solid forty minutes to enter the correct captcha, which is a real abracadabra of numbers and letters of different registers.

Why does this happen? It's also difficult to say. Most forums, blogs and social networks do not tolerate anonymity due to their internal structure, which tends to preserve information over time. But even this hardly explains the incredible mountain of difficulties faced by a person who decides to become a regular user of a particular resource. Let’s say that registration is all right: it may have its advantages in the form of the opportunity to receive a virtual gift or a funny compliment on your profile. But what to do with moderation, which is often quite unfair? How to deal with ill-wishers who follow you and leave obscene comments on the same profile? Why do you need to think every time, after a long absence from the site, about what you see in the picture - a storefront or the window of a private house, in order to get to the page that belongs to you?

Video chat with a random interlocutor without registration – an innovative form of Internet communication. It differs from all of the above in its anonymity (logins and passwords are not needed to log into the system), freedom (no message moderation), variability (you can communicate in both text and video mode) and the pleasant unpredictability of life (you never know... who will be your next interlocutor).

Random video chat without registration – a great opportunity to practice communicating with the opposite sex. Complete anonymity will provide an easy escape route if the conversation suddenly doesn’t go well. A web chat with a random interlocutor without registration will also be useful for those who just want to chat at their leisure. The virtual dating platform operates 24 hours a day and accommodates a huge number of users of different ages, speaking different languages ​​of the world, having different interests, including intimate ones. When entering a video chat, a random interlocutor without registrationwill not worry about what users think about him: he will pursue his personal interests in communication and, if he turns out to be gay, he will in no way hide it.

Video chat with a random user without registration is full of surprises. The internal liberation of the site allows each person to be himself, which means he brings him closer to finding friends and loved ones who think on the same wavelength.

Video chat via camera

Video chatting via a webcam greatly simplifies the task. If you are a guy and are in search of your soulmate, you will naturally not enter into a discussion with guys, but will look for your one and only. The same with girls: if they are looking for a gentleman, female persons are unlikely to arouse their interest and desire to continue the conversation.

In January 2018, some sites added a “Start Chat” button in Yandex search results. What is it and how to add it to your website, we will talk in this article.

The appearance of this button in the search is a joint experiment between JivoSite and Yandex. You've probably already seen how it works:

  • enter a search query into Yandex;
  • a button is visible in the snippet of the main page of some sites;
  • Clicking the button opens a chat.
Everything you write will be included in the JivoSite online consultant.

Online store managers often do not understand that you are writing to them directly from the search. They also have no information about the search query you came with.

How to add a "Start Chat" button to your website

Some users of the JivoSite platform were selected for testing. If you also want to create such a button for your site, here is the procedure:

  1. Register and install JivoSite online consultant. After setting up in your personal account, you will receive an html code that you need to add to all pages of your site. This can be done by analogy with.
  2. Pay for a subscription to the service. Yes, Yandex chats are available only in the paid version of the online consultant. At the time of writing, it costs a little more than 7,000 rubles per year.

3. Write to JivoSite technical support with the words “We want to take part in the Yandex experiment.” There are already plenty of such requests there; you can copy any of them and write the domain of your site. They respond to requests within 24 hours.

After this, you will be included in the list of those interested and the information will be transferred to Yandex. If everything goes well, your site will have the long-awaited button.

And now about the results

According to feedback from our colleagues, the number of targeted requests has NOT CHANGED, contrary to expectations. That's it, and there are reasons for it.

The inscription on the button "Start Chat" ambiguous. Why start a chat if a person came to buy? The online consultant is a purely commercial thing (judging by the price of an annual subscription). It would be nice to write “Ask a question” or “Get a consultation.” Without knowing the prices and other characteristics of the offer (there was no transition to the site), there is nothing to ask.

The chat button will increase the click-through rate of the Yandex snippet of your home page, in theory. But if you use other online consultants, this is an additional cost.


Now, if Yandex checked for the presence of contact numbers from the Yandex Directory in popular instant messengers such as Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp and displayed links with icons - that would be great. Especially in the wake of the growing popularity of instant messengers.


Some people hate online consultants, others use them in all their projects. But the fact remains that more often they work. Especially in commercial topics. Here's an example:

Online consultant in construction topics.

There will be a separate article about online consultants. We'll tell you how to set them up and install them on your website.

That's all. Increase the conversion of your websites and make a profit.