Budget planning instructions. Typical problems when working in budget planning

The Electronic Budget (EB) system functions to create and store reporting documents, maintain accounting, generate and post documentation for government customers and perform some other functions. Read more about the system, as well as how to create a procurement plan in the Electronic Budget, in our material below.

Who creates procurement plans in the electronic budget

The subjects of the electronic budget system are:

  • bodies of state power and local self-government;
  • budgetary institutions;
  • other legal entities that receive budget funds;
  • management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds;
  • other participants in the budget process;
  • customers under Law No. 223-FZ.

Who is involved in the formation of the procurement plan in the electronic budget:

  • government customers acting on behalf of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal State Budgetary Institutions, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, whose property belongs to the Russian Federation;
  • federal state autonomous institutions whose property belongs to the state;
  • Federal State Budgetary Institutions, Federal State Autonomous Institutions, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, which conduct procurement within the framework of the powers of the state customer transferred to them from federal authorities and state corporations.

This is stated in clause 6 of the Rules for placing procurement plans in the Unified Information System, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168).

The following customers publish a procurement plan through the EIS interface or through regional or municipal information systems:

  • government customers acting on behalf of an entity or municipal entity;
  • budgetary institutions created by a subject or municipal entity);
  • State unitary enterprises whose property belongs to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • MUPs;
  • autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • budgetary, autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, state unitary enterprises whose property belongs to the constituent entities, municipal unitary enterprises that conduct procurement within the framework of the delegated powers of customers to conclude contracts on behalf of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 173n, all government customers are required to create data for maintaining a register of government contracts first in the electronic system and only then transfer them to the Federal Treasury.

How to create a procurement plan for 2019 in an electronic budget step by step

Let's look at the formation of a procurement plan in an electronic budget step by step. To go to the desired section, in the main window, select the “Menu” tab, the “Procurement Management” section and the “Purchase Proposal (AU/BU)” subsection. You will be taken to the subsection “AU/BU procurement plans”. Go to the tab corresponding to the budget cycle with which you will work, then to the “Execution” tab.

Open the procurement plan form and click the “Create new document” button. You need to fill out the following tabs:

  • Total information;
  • positions of the government procurement plan;
  • special government procurement;
  • final data on BCC;
  • summary information on CWR;
  • justification;
  • approval sheet.

Create a procurement plan in the budget planning subsystem of the Electronic Budget. To do this, log into your personal account on the website budget.gov.ru. First create a purchase proposal and then formulate a plan. Read how to create and agree on a procurement plan in the Electronic Budget.

Some tabs will be filled in automatically, but some will have to be filled in manually. For example, the system itself will indicate the number, status, version of the plan, as well as the date of creation. But the planning period must be selected. The tab with the state customer’s data is filled in automatically by the program; the information is taken from the register of organizations. You can only correct the address, phone number, email, OKPO and OKTMO.

You also need to attach documents. For example, a list of changes made to a plan published earlier, or a scanned copy of the plan. To do this, click on one of three buttons: “Add attachment”, “Create a link”, “Make a scanned copy of the document and attach as an attachment”.

How to make changes to the procurement plan in the electronic budget 2019

To change the position of a posted procurement plan, you need to go to the list form of procurement plan positions and find the desired position. To search, you can use the inclusion identifier (in the procurement plan), the date and time of placement in the UIS, etc.

After selecting the item, click on the “Make changes to the approved version” button. The system will generate a new version of the plan item with the “Draft” status. In this case, the earlier version will become invalid. Next, select the required procurement plan item and click on the “Open document for editing” button. In the form that opens, make changes on the “Basic Information”, “Amount of Financial Support”, “Procurement Justification” and “Approval Sheet” tabs. It is important to reflect the rationale for making changes. Select a value from the lookup:

  • “Change based on the results of the public discussion of the procurement decision”;
  • “Other” – if any circumstances arose that were impossible to foresee at the date of approval of the plan.

After filling out the fields, click on the “Save changes and close window” button. Next, the changed position must be agreed upon.

Attached files

  • Instructions for making changes to the procurement plan and schedule plan.pdf
  • User Workstation Installation and Configuration Guide.doc
  • GRBS User Guide for creating a plan in the Electronic Budget.docx
  • PBS User Guide for creating a plan in the Electronic Budget.docx
All state and municipal institutions are required to connect to the Electronic Budget portal. The procedure for connecting institutions financed from the federal budget to the Electronic Budget system is regulated in Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 21-03-04/74624. Regional and municipal executive authorities are switching to compiling budget estimates in the Electronic Budget system from 2018 in accordance with the Russian Federation Regulations of June 30, 2015 N 658. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, by Order No. 168n, regulated a new procedure for drawing up, approving and maintaining budget estimates. At the federal level, innovations have been in effect since 2017, at the regional and local levels they have been introduced since January 1, 2018.

The seminar is intended for chief accountants, heads of planning and economic departments, contract managers of federal executive authorities, GRBS and their subordinate institutions, federal budgetary, autonomous and government institutions, managers and specialists of tender and legal departments.

The purpose of the seminar is to explain to participants in the budget process the procedure for working in the Electronic Budget system. Provide comments on new regulatory documents.


  • Features of posting information on the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation budget.gov.ru by the chief administrators of federal budget funds, as well as the financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2016 No. 243n. All-Russian, federal and regional Lists of state and municipal services and works: changes in the procedure for the formation of state and municipal tasks. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Treasury dated December 12, 2017 No. 21-03-04/82833/07-04-05/14-948. Formation of state (municipal) tasks for 2018 and the planning period 2019-2020.
  • Procurement management in the “Electronic Budget” system (for customers) formation of procurement plans and procurement schedules. The procedure for working in the Unified Information System for public procurement. General issues regarding the organization of control: subjects of control (federal/regional/municipal, as well as their connection to the control body, determination of the control body for the organization (customer, authorized body), placement of objects of control before undergoing control. Timing of control. Changes to the Control Rules in accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2017 No. 315 and dated March 20, 2017 No. 443. Use of the UZ EB LC or EIS LC in the formation of PP and PGZ by different types of customers. Formation of PP and PGZ by branches. Possibility of deleting a posted PP or PGZ. Possibility deleting lines from the posted PP and PGZ. Formation of IKZ (indication of zero OKPD, zero KVR, serial number of the line in the PP, PGZ), including when changing the PP, PGZ, when creating an application containing information constituting a state secret. Formation of a notice of procurement without specifying the line of the PPZ: as standard functionality and as a temporary measure - a “workaround” if there are problems when forming (changing) the PPZ.
  • Exercising treasury control under Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ: subjects of control, objects of control, timing and procedure for control.
  • Features of planning the limits of budget obligations in 2018 for the acceptance and fulfillment of budget obligations to ensure the performance of the functions of institutions. Formation and approval of the institution’s budget estimates in accordance with the General Requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n. Features of attributing expenses to sections of the budget estimate. Filling out justifications (calculations) of planned estimates. The procedure for making changes to the budget estimate. Planned changes to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n.
  • Spending budget funds in 2018: limitations and opportunities. Budgetary allocations, limits of budgetary obligations: distribution (finishing), increase, redistribution. Remains: need, features of use, return. Conclusion of contracts in 2018: acceptance of budgetary (monetary) obligations, advance payment.
  • Formation of budget (accounting) reporting for the first half of 2018 in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the Electronic Budget system. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 16, 2016 No. 209n “On introducing amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in order to improve budget (accounting) accounting and reporting.” Interaction of users with the Federal Treasury authorities in case of questions arising when working in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the Electronic Budget system.
  • The procedure for the formation, presentation, summary and consolidation of budget (accounting) reporting in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the “Electronic Budget” system. Setting up a directory for approving reporting forms. Import reports. Manual entry of information. Carrying out control and approval. Acceptance of reporting from lower organizations. Creation of summary reports, export and sending to a higher organization.
  • Prospects for the development of legislation on budget accounting in 2018-2020. Provisions of accounting policies, recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia on the formation of the cost of services provided. The main mistakes that arise when reforming the balance sheet. The procedure for compiling and submitting quarterly reports for 2018: general requirements for reporting. Answers to listener questions and practical recommendations.
  • Methodological issues in the formation and maintenance of the FCD plan in institutions. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2017 No. 227n “On amendments to the Requirements for the financial and economic activity plan of a state (municipal) institution. Procedure for filling out the plan. The procedure for filling out financial condition indicators. The procedure for filling out indicators for receipts and payments. The procedure for making changes to the FHD Plan and the Information. How can a budgetary and autonomous institution reflect planned indicators in accounting? How to take into account planned assignments for income and expenses. How to take into account the implementation of the income plan. How to implement the FHD Expenditure Plan. How to make a commitment. How to transfer obligations at the beginning of the year. Practical issues of cost distribution and cost formation.
  • Formation of Information on transactions with target funds in the “Electronic Budget” system. Comments on changes to Order No. 72n and changes to Order No. 81n. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Treasury dated December 12, 2017 No. 21-03-04/82833/07-04-05/14-948. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2017 No. 227n “On amendments to the Requirements for the financial and economic activity plan of a state (municipal) institution.
  • Discussion of problematic issues of participants.
In-person participation at the address: Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 2/5/4, House of Metallurgists, 5th floor, conference room.

Setting up an automated workplace of the Electronic Budget occurs in several stages; they are not complicated, but require care. We do everything according to the instructions for setting up an electronic budget. Short and to the point...

Electronic budget setting up a workplace

Root certificate electronic budget

Create a key folder in My Documents to store downloaded certificates in this folder:

On the website http://roskazna.ru/gis/udostoveryayushhij-centr/kornevye-sertifikaty/ in the GIS menu -> Certification Authority -> Root certificates, you need to download “ Root certificate (qualified)" (see figure), or if you received a flash drive with certificates, copy them from the Certificates folder.

Certificate Continent TLS VPN

The second certificate that needs to be downloaded is the Continent TLS VPN certificate, but I couldn’t find it on the new roskazna website, so I’m putting a link from my website. Download the Continent TLS VPN certificate to the key folder; we will need it later when we configure the Continent TLS client program.

Install the downloaded Root certificate (qualified) for working with the electronic budget.

In the START menu -> All programs -> CRYPTO-PRO -> launch the Certificates program.

Go to Certificates as shown in the figure below:

Go to the menu Action - All tasks - Import, the Certificate Import Wizard window will appear - Next - Review - Find the downloaded Root certificate (qualified) in our case it is located in My Documents in the key folder

If everything was done correctly, the root certificate of the Federal Treasury CA will appear in the certificates folder.

Installation of "Continent TLS Client" for working with electronic budget

Continent_tls_client_1.0.920.0 can be found on the Internet.

Unpack the downloaded archive, go to the CD folder and run ContinentTLSSetup.exe

From the item, click on Continent TLS Client KC2 and start the installation.

We accept the terms

Leave the destination folder as default

In the configurator launch window, check the box next to Launch configurator after installation is complete.

During installation, the Service Settings window will appear:

Address - indicate lk.budget.gov.ru

Certificate - select the second certificate downloaded earlier in the key folder.

Click OK and complete the installation, Done.

When asked to reboot the operating system, we answer No.

Installing the electronic signature tool “Jinn-Client”

You can download the Jinn-Client program on the Internet.

Go to the Jinn-client - CD folder, run setup.exe

Click from the Jinn-Client list, the program installation starts

We ignore the error, click Continue, Next, accept the agreement and click Next.

Enter the issued license key

Install the program as default, click Next

We complete the installation, answer the question about rebooting the operating system No

Installing a module for working with electronic signatures “Cubesign”

If you need an archive with the program, write in the comments.

Run the installation file cubesign.msi

Setting up the Mozilla Firefox browser to work with the Electronic Budget.

1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Settings".

2. Go to the “Advanced” section to the “Network” tab

3. In the “Connection” settings section, click the “Configure…” button.

4. In the connection parameters window that opens, set the value

"Manually setting up a proxy service."

5. Set the values ​​of the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.

6. Click the “OK” button.

7. In the “Settings” window, click the “Ok” button.

Login to your personal account of the Electronic Budget

A window will open asking you to select a certificate for logging into your Electronic Budget personal account.

We select a certificate to enter the Personal Account of the Electronic Budget, if there is a password for the closed part of the certificate, write it down and click OK, then the Personal Account of the Electronic Budget will open.


When trying to log into the personal account of the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, an error message appears:

This page cannot be displayed

Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols in the “Advanced settings” section and try connecting to the web page https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru again. If you cannot resolve the error, contact your website administrator.


It is necessary to check the workplace settings according to the document.

The instructions do not mention several nuances:

  1. You need to install CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and check its operation on the demo page.
  2. It is necessary to disable filtering of the SSL/TLS protocol in the antivirus settings; in other words, for the site you are looking for, you should make an exception for checking a secure connection. It may be called differently in different antiviruses. For example, you need to go to Kaspersky Free “Settings>Advanced>Network>Do not check secure connections” .

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User's guide for working with the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" for generating an expense report form, a source of financial...

User's guide for working with the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" for generating a report form on expenses, the source of financial support for which is a subsidy (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers) and their coordination for the main managers of federal budget funds

Version 2017.01

List of terms and abbreviations

Budget classification of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

State integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic budget"

Full Name

Federal executive body

1 Starting the System

To start working with the System, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

- launch the Internet browser "Internet Explorer" by double-clicking the left mouse button on its shortcut on the desktop or click on the "Start" button and in the menu that opens, select the item corresponding to the Internet browser "Internet Explorer";

- enter the address in the address bar of your Internet browser: http://budget.gov.ru/lk;

Figure 1. Unified portal of the budget system

On the page of the Unified Budget System Portal, you must click on the button “Go to the Budget Planning subsystem” (Figure 1);

Note. If the transition to the "Budget Planning" subsystem has not been made, you must enter the address in the address bar of your Internet browser: https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru/http/BudgetPlan/.

Figure 2. “Login with certificate” button

In the window that opens, click on the “Login with certificate” button (Figure 2).

After selecting the authentication method “Login by certificate”, the System automatically requests the electronic signature verification key certificate and the certificate PIN code, then the user-owner of the certificate is searched for, and the main System window opens.

Figure 3. Login button

After choosing a login, you must click on the “Login” button (Figure 3).

Note. If different users use the same certificate for authorization (for example, one authorized person has different roles), the System will prompt you to select a specific user.

Figure 4. System main window

As a result, the main System window will open (Figure 4).

2 Generating agreement report templates

Agreement report templates are generated in the template registry.

Figure 5. Go to the register of agreement templates

To go to the template registry you need (Figure 5):

- select the "Menu" tab (1);

- select the subsection "Directories" (3);

- open the “Template Registry” item (4).

Figure 6. Template Registry tab

As a result, the “Template Registry” tab will open, in which you need to go to the “Report Templates” tab (Figure 6).

Figure 7. Function buttons

To work with the register of agreement templates, the System implements the following functional buttons (Figure 7):

- "Add" - adding a report template;

- “Print document template” - generation of a printed form of a report template on the user’s workstation with a *.pdf extension;

- "Agree" - approval of the report template;

- "Edit" - editing the report template;

- "Delete" - deleting a report template.

Figure 8. Report template columns

Information about report templates is presented in the following columns of the table (Figure 8):

- "federal executive authority";

- "Status";

- “Name of the person approving/approving”;

- "Template number";

- "Date of creation";

- "Date of change";

- "Agreement type";

- "Template name".

Figure 9. List sorting

If you need to display hidden columns, click on the button (1) and select the item from the drop-down list (2) and check the box next to the columns that need to be displayed (3) (Figure 9).

Figure 10. Search by value in columns

To quickly search for records, the System has implemented search fields by column values ​​(Figure 10).

2.1 Create an agreement report template

Figure 11. "Add" button

To generate a template for agreement reports, you need to click on the “Add” button in the template register (Figure 11).

Figure 12. Window "Report template entry form"

As a result, the “Report Template Input Form” window will open, containing tabs (Figure 12):

- "Basic information";

- "Header part";

- "Reporting sections";

- "Signatures".

In the "Basic Information" tab, in the "Requires approval" field, you must check the box if the agreement report template requires approval.

The "Template number" field is filled in automatically and is not available for editing. The template number is in the format PPP-TT-NNN, where PPP is the Chapter code in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation from the directory "Chapters on BC", TT is the type of agreement, NNN is the serial number of the template.

The "Date of creation" field is filled in automatically and is not available for editing.

The "Agreement Type" fields are filled in by selecting a value from the drop-down list.

The "Template name" field is filled in manually by the user.

The "Template numbering option" field is filled in by selecting a value from the drop-down list.

Figure 13. “Add TAG” button

The "External number mask" field is filled in manually or by clicking on the "Add TAG" button (Figure 13).

Figure 14. Insert button

As a result, the “Select Tag” window will open, in which you need to select a tag with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Select” button (Figure 14).

The "Form code, by:" field is filled in by selecting a value from the drop-down list.

The "Form code, number" field is filled in manually using the keyboard.

Important! The fields "Agreement Type", "Template Name" and "Template Numbering Option" are required.

To save the entered data, you must click on the “Save” button (Figure 15).

Figure 16. New line

As a result, a new line will be displayed in the register of agreement templates (Figure 16).

To fill out the “Header”, “Reporting Sections” and “Signatures” tabs, you need to open the added line by double-clicking the left mouse button.

2.1.1 Filling out the "Header" tab

Figure 17. "Add Title Row" button

To generate a line, in the “Header” tab, click on the “Add title line” button (Figure 17).

Figure 18. "Edit Object" window

As a result, the “Editing Object” window will open (Figure 18).

The "Part number" field is filled in automatically and is not available for editing.

Important! The fields "Line number" and "Line name" are required.

To save the entered data, click on the “Save” button (Figure 19).

Figure 20. "Header" tab

As a result, a line will be added to the “Header” tab (Figure 20).

Figure 21. Moving a row "Up" and "Down" in order

To move the title line “Up” and “Down” in order, you need to select the line and click on the corresponding button or (Figure 21). The lines will be displayed in the printed report form in the specified order.

Next, you need to go to the “Reporting Sections” tab.

2.1.2 Filling out the "Reporting Sections" tab

Figure 22. “Reporting Sections” tab

The "Report Name" field is filled in manually using the keyboard (Figure 22).

Figure 23. "Add" button

To add a section, click on the “Add” button (Figure 23).

Figure 24. "Edit Object" window

As a result, the “Editing Object” window will open (Figure 24).

The "Sequence number" field is filled in automatically and is not available for editing.

The "Name" field is filled in manually using the keyboard.

Important! The "Name" field is required.

Figure 25. Adding a column

To add a column, click on the “Add Column” button and select the appropriate item (Figure 25).

Figure 26. Line in the "Edit Object" window

As a result, a line will be added in the “Edit Object” window in which the “Column Name” and “Width” fields are filled in manually from the keyboard (Figure 26).

Figure 27. Moving a column "Up" and "Down" in order

To move the column “Up” and “Down” in order, you need to select the row and click on the corresponding button or (Figure 27). The lines will be displayed in the printed report form in the specified order.

To save the entered data, click on the “Save” button (Figure 28).

Figure 29. Preview button

To preview and send the report template for printing, click on the “Preview” button (Figure 29).

Figure 30. View window

The “View” window that opens will display the data from the fields of the report template section (Figure 30).

Figure 31. Closing the Preview window

To close the View window, click on the close window icon (Figure 31).

Figure 32. Close button

To close the “Editing Object” window, click on the “Close” button (Figure 32).

Figure 33. Line in the "Reporting Sections" tab

As a result, a line will be added to the “Reporting Sections” tab (Figure 33).

Next, you need to go to the “Signatures” tab.

2.1.3 Filling out the "Signatures" tab

Figure 34. "Add line" button

To add a line, click on the “Add line” button (Figure 34).

Figure 35. "Edit Object" window

As a result, the “Editing Object” window will open (Figure 35).

The "Line number" field is filled in manually using the keyboard.

The "Line part number" field is filled in automatically and is not available for editing.

The "Line name" and "Line content" fields are filled in manually using the keyboard.

Important! The fields "Line number" and "Line content" are required.

Adding a tag is carried out similarly to the description above.

To save the entered data, click on the “Save” button (Figure 36).

Figure 37. Line in the "Signatures" tab

As a result, a line will be added to the “Signatures” tab (Figure 37).

Figure 38. Moving the row "Up" and "Down" in order

To move the title line “Up” or “Down” in order, you need to select the line and click on the corresponding button or (Figure 38). The lines will be displayed in the printed report form in the specified order.

To save the entered data and close the “Report Template Input Form” window, click on the “Save” button (Figure 39).

2.2 Creation of a printed form of a template for agreement reports

Figure 40. Button "Print document template"

To view the printable form of the agreement report template, you must select the corresponding entry with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Print document template” button (Figure 40).

As a result, a printed form of the agreement report template with a *.pdf extension will be downloaded to the user’s workstation.

3 Placing a resolution on the report under the agreement by the organization that provided the subsidy

The affixing of a resolution to the report under the agreement by the organization that provided the subsidy is carried out in the register of reports on the implementation of expenses, the source of financial support of which is subsidies (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers).

Figure 41. Go to the register of reports on subsidy expenses

To go to the register of reports on subsidy expenses you need (Figure 41):

- select the "Menu" tab (1);

- select the “Agreements” section (2);

- select the subsection “Register of reports on subsidy expenses” (3).

Figure 42. Tab "Register of reports on expenditures, the source of financial support for which are subsidies (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers)"

As a result, the tab “Register of reports on the implementation of expenses, the source of financial support of which are subsidies (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers)” will open, in which you need to go to the tab corresponding to the budget cycle with which the work will be carried out (Figure 42).

Figure 43. Function buttons

To work with the register of reports on the implementation of expenses, the source of financial support for which are subsidies (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers), the following functional buttons are implemented in the System (Figure 43):

- "Refresh" - refreshing the page;

- "Version":

- [View version]- viewing the version of the agreement report;

- "Seal":

- [Print Register]- generation of a printed form of the register of reports on expenses, the source of financial support of which are subsidies (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers) to the user’s workstation with the extension *.xls;

- [Print Document]- generation of a printed form of the agreement report on the user’s workstation with the extension *.pdf or *.doc;

- “Create a resolution” - formation of a resolution (“Agreed” or “Not agreed”);

- “Report confirmation” - creation of an approval sheet, approval (if necessary) and approval of the imposed resolution;

- “Document signatures” - viewing electronic signatures;

- "Resolution history" - view the history of resolutions.

Figure 44. “Create resolution” button

To create a resolution, you need to select the corresponding line with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Create resolution” button (Figure 44).

Note. If the agreement report was not previously brought to the “Approved” status of the Recipient, then it is not displayed for the user of the federal executive authorities.

Figure 45. Solution window

As a result, the approval decision window will open (Figure 45).

The fields “Date, time of receipt for approval” and “Name of GRBS, position, full name” are filled in automatically.

In the "Distribution of budget allocations" field, you must select the value "Agreed" or "Not agreed" from the drop-down list by clicking on the button.

Important! The field "Distribution of budget allocations" is required.

The "Text of the approval decision" field is filled in manually.

Important! The "Text of the decision on approval" field is required if the value "Not approved" is selected in the "Decision" field.

The field “Name, position, structural unit of the author of the resolution” is filled in automatically.

After filling in the fields, you must click on the “Save” button (Figure 46).

3.1 Formation of an approval sheet

Figure 47. "Report Confirmation" button

To generate an approval sheet, you must click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 47).

Figure 48. Approval sheet

In the “Approval Sheet” window that opens, you need to add approvers and approvers by clicking on the “Add” button in the corresponding blocks (Figure 48).

Figure 49. Select button

In the “Select Users” window that opens, you must select the corresponding entry with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Select” button (Figure 49).

Important! It is possible to select several approvers and one approver from the list. There can only be one approver. The approval sheet cannot be saved if an approver is not selected.

Figure 50. Saving the approval sheet

After selecting the approvers and approvers, you must click on the “Save” button (Figure 50).

As a result, the document status will take the value “Under approval”.

Before the approval process begins, the author of the approval sheet can edit the list of approvers and approvers.

Important! Removing a previously selected approving or approving person is possible only with the subsequent replacement of the approving or approving person.

Figure 51. "Edit" button

To change the approving person, you must click on the “Edit” button (Figure 51).

Figure 52. "Delete" button

After this, you need to click on the “Delete” button (Figure 52).

Figure 54. "Add" button

After this, to add a new approving person, you must click on the “Add” button (Figure 54).

To save the changes you have made, you must click on the “Save” button (Figure 56).

Editing a previously selected approver is carried out in the same way as described above.

After generating the approval sheet, those included in the list of approvers and approvers sequentially approve the document in accordance with paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 of this user manual.

3.2 Negotiation

Figure 57. "Report Confirmation" button

To approve a document, the approver needs to select the corresponding line with one click of the left button and click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 57).

If necessary, the approving person can appoint another person responsible for the approval as described in paragraph 3.1 of this user manual.

Figure 58. "Agreed" button

In the “Approval Sheet” window that opens, you must click on the “Agreed” button (Figure 58).

In the “Editing Object” window, if necessary, fill in the “Comment” field and click on the “Save” button (Figure 59).

After this, the document will change to the “Approved” status.

To refuse approval of a document, the approver must select the corresponding line with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 57).

Figure 60. Button "Not agreed"

In the “Approval Sheet” window that opens, you must click on the “Not approved” button (Figure 60).

In the "Editing Object" window, you must fill in the "Comment" field and click on the "Save" button (Figure 61).

Important! The "Comment" field is required.

After this, the document will change to the “Not Approved” status.

3.3 Statement

Figure 62. “Report Confirmation” button

To approve the agreed document, the approver must select the corresponding line with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 62).

If necessary, the approver can appoint another person responsible for approval as described in paragraph 3.1 of this user manual.

Figure 63 "Approved" button

In the “Approval Sheet” window that opens, you must click on the “Approved” button (Figure 63).

After this, the document will change to the "Approved" status.

To refuse approval of a document, the approver must select the corresponding line with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 62).

Figure 64. "Not approved" button

In the “Approval Sheet” window that opens, you must click on the “Not approved” button (Figure 64).

After this, the document will change to the "Not Approved" status.

Editing and reconciliation

Figure 65. “Report Confirmation” button

To eliminate comments and resend the document for approval, you need to select the inconsistent line with one click of the left mouse button and click on the “Report Confirmation” button (Figure 65).

Figure 67. Button "Approval history"

To view the approval history, in the “Approval Sheet” window, click on the “Approval History” button (Figure 67).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Russian Ministry of Finance

www.minfin.ru, 04/18/2017

User's guide for working with the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" for generating a report form on expenses, the source of financial support for which is a subsidy (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers) and their coordination for the main managers of federal budget funds

Document's name: User's guide for working with the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" for generating a report form on expenses, the source of financial support for which is a subsidy (budgetary investments, interbudgetary transfers) and their coordination for the main managers of federal budget funds
Receiving authority: Ministry of Finance of Russia
Status: Active
Published: The document was not published
Acceptance date: 07 April 2017
Start date: 07 April 2017

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