Long ping response time. The concept of ping on the Internet, what it depends on

What is ping?

Before scrupulously calculating what ping is considered good, it is necessary to understand the very meaning of the concept “ping”. Ping (from the English ping) is the reaction time of an Internet connection: namely, how quickly the client computer, having sent a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What does ping depend on?

The ping value depends on many parameters. First of all, it depends on the number of “intermediaries” in the server-client chain, the number of which is proportional to the geographical distance of the server from the client computer.

Another parameter that determines ping is the connection type: connection to network equipment fiber optic provider is preferable to ADSL or 3G channels.

Which ping is better: high or low?

Of course, the lower the ping, the better. After all, Internet speed ping is a delay in the signal between the server and the computer: high ping values ​​can be manifested by “freezing” of network applications, etc.

What should the Internet ping be?

The general rule is: the lower the ping (i.e., the faster the server responds to the client’s request), the better. However, it is impossible to say unambiguously which ping is normal and which is maximum and demanding. The fact is that this parameter is not regulated, and accordingly it is difficult to single out any specific values, since they are not standardized.

In addition, the agreement with the provider only specifies maximum speed data transfer (we recommend that you read the article), however, the minimum threshold is not established or specified. Thus, de jure there is no “nominal” or “minimum” ping value.

However, the following gradation of ping values ​​was obtained using an empirical method:

  • - up to 40 ms - ideal value. This reaction time allows you to comfortably use streaming services (Twitch, live broadcasts on Youtube, etc.), enjoy all popular multiplayer games and access web pages without delays;
  • - 40 - 110 ms is considered normal. Ping allows you to comfortably use Internet resources and is generally acceptable for online games;
  • - 110 - 210 ms - ping is too high for multiplayer games, especially for genres in which reaction speed is important (shooters, racing simulators, etc.). To access sites from text information This ping remains normal, but media services will be slow.

A persistent ping value above 300 ms on any server can be considered a symptom of serious problems network connection. This reaction time can be classified as extremely low.

To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping, which sends a request ICMP protocol to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result received in response from this device.

That is, the ping command helps to identify the period of time required to transfer certain data from one device to another.

How less time delay, the faster the connection between two nodes occurs.

What is ping

Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one network device will be delivered to another device on the network and returned back.

The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open an Internet page.

There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first one. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the access speed of certain network devices. It can be used as the main means of determining the return period of packets along the route of interest.

Ping should be used with any Internet node, including to monitor the quality of the connection to terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the physical connection (break, cable damage, failure network card etc.) and software (for example, blocking everything network traffic) levels.

Pinging is when you send a certain number of data packets from one device to another device, as in local network, and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packets, it is possible to obtain information on the quality of the connection.

If there are no responses received from the device being tested, it means there are connection problems. Packets that do not come back are called “losses”. The greater the number of lost packets, the worse it is. If all sent packets are lost, this means either there is no network connection or the pinged device is unavailable.

Ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable connection between nodes.

Video: checking ping

Verification methods

To check the connection using ping, you can either run ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

Via command line

To check ping via cmd you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  • Open the command line in one of three ways:


An alternative option for checking ping to an online server is to use online services. These online services allow you to check availability information resource and user waiting time.

Let's look at the most common of them:

How to check ping to a router

The fastest and easiest way to Windows checks ping to the router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its IP address. It is usually applied to the router body with reverse side. Most often the router has the following IP address

In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

If the router's IP address is (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “C”, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

This result indicates that the IP address is accessible and responses to ICMP requests are being received. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its availability from workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the router settings through its web interface.

If the router's IP address is unavailable and there is no response from the device, then the result of the ping command is as follows:

Photo: result of executing the ping command

In such a situation, you need to check what IP address is set in the settings network card, try changing the port in the router and, as a last resort, reset the router settings to factory settings.

Usually we talk about ping when the time between operations on a local network or the Internet increases, or when there is no response from the recipient. For example, quite often you need to check your ping in relation to search engines. Comfort during online games often depends on ping.

It is wise to check your ping before playing game server. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable work online.

Every modern child A person who lives on video games, and an adult too, has probably come across the concept of “ping” more than once. It is also an integral part of the computer networks established by the master. Next, let's look in more detail at what this concept This means how to reduce ping in order to optimize gameplay or network performance.

What is ping and how to check it

Ping is the time period during which one information packet is transmitted from the client to the server and returned. Associating this process With real life, we can say that ping is like the time spent moving from home to the store and on the way back. The store is the server, and the person is the client. The unit of measurement is millisecond (ms).

To determine the Windows OS ping, just enter the command line by entering cmd command in the “Run” menu, which is called by the key combination “WIN” + “R”, or search bar Start menu.

Then, you need to enter the “ping” command and, separated by a space, indicate the address of the remote machine/site to which the connection will be checked.

As you can see in the screenshot, the basic information allows you to see the average value and determine if there are sharp changes in it due to a poor connection.

How to reduce ping - current methods

There are a number of basic actions during which the user may have the idea that they should reduce the ping value regarding the connection to a particular server/site. Of course, this is necessary when we're talking about about playing online video games, where it greatly influences how the player’s battle turns out. This may also be required when setting up a solid computer network, where you simply cannot do without a high-quality connection.

If it is excessively high or constantly “jumps” relative to any direction of the client connection to the server, then the problem may be the following:

  • Poor internet connection. It can be corrected as follows: the method of connecting to the network changes (the modem changes to direct cable connection or another), the provider changes, if the low-quality connection is its defect, the tariff is updated to increase bandwidth channel allocated to the client.
  • Outdated network card driver. Everything is quite simple - you need to update it by downloading necessary files from the manufacturer’s website or any other thematic resource.
  • Viruses, startup list, loaders. All of the above can have a negative impact on the speed of the network. Naturally, the system needs to be cleaned of viruses, the startup list must be adjusted, leaving only what is necessary, and bootloaders must be disabled during the game or any other actions related to connecting to a specific server. The latter especially applies to torrent clients, which, when downloading, can “clog” the entire Internet channel allocated to the user.

You can also make certain changes system registry, but you should do this with caution, remembering that the consequences of actions performed with the registry are sometimes quite difficult to correct.

By launching the registry with the “regedit” command, entered in the same paragraphs as for command line, you need to do the following:

Non-existing parameters can be created, but, again, we remind you that it is better to entrust such changes to a specialist who feels confident when setting up system registry configurations. All these actions will help reduce, but be careful.

How to reduce ping on a modem

People who use 3G modems to connect to the Internet are a separate category of users. The problem with working with such equipment is that they pick up the signal from mobile towers various operators, but this signal itself can be blocked by anything. All actions to improve the performance of a 3G modem and reduce ping require increasing the power of the device itself.

Experienced players and specialists working with such devices recommend the following methods of signal amplification:

Each of these actions will positively affect the speed of the Internet and significantly reduce the ping. You can check the connection level through the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) application, which, after downloading and launching, will detect the connected modem (maybe not the first time), and then display the signal quality value in dbm units. Dynamic reading of information in real time with a delay of 5-30 seconds will allow you to determine best place for placing the modem.

How to reduce ping in games

Finally, we have come to the most important stage, since the decrease in online games worries users the most, because a poor Internet connection and other defects affect their success during battles. Let's look at making the necessary settings using the example of two very popular games: World Of Tanks and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to reduce ping in CS GO

When playing CS GO, you can change the ping using all the means described above, as well as by intelligently making changes to the launch parameters. To do this, you need to enter the game library of the STEAM platform and select CS GO from it. Further actions shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, click “Set launch parameters” and enter the values ​​shown in the screenshot in the line that appears.

Also, to start the competitive mode, it is recommended that the player set the game to the optimal ping so that it does not select servers for him that exceed a certain level, if this is, of course, possible. To do this, in the “Settings” – “Game Options” menu, you need to set the slider to the minimum value.

How to reduce ping in World Of Tanks

The peculiarity of World Of Tanks is that the game is played on large quantities servers, each of which is located regionally in different locations. Below is the geographical location main servers from the Russian game cluster.

You can control it by installing a special game modification or software, such as WOT Pinger.

Using this software, you can track the most optimal servers for the game and use them exclusively.

Thus, we can conclude that ping has a significant impact on the performance of certain servers/sites. To reduce it, you can use any of the methods suggested above. You can also contact specialists who will make necessary settings into the system and specific applications, significantly speeding up your computer/laptop. It is recommended to order the same setting from the provider, where the user can be advised which high-speed Internet access tariff will be much more profitable for him.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you actively use the Internet, and especially if you play online games, then you have undoubtedly heard about such a thing as ping.

Sometimes problems arise with it when it is too high, and the question arises of how to lower the ping. Sometimes for this they even change the Internet provider, reinstall the system and perform other difficult actions.

However, many have heard this word only occasionally and have no idea what it is. So I'll start at the beginning with what ping is, why it's so important, and how you can test it. Well, in conclusion I will mention something that can affect its reduction. I hope it will be interesting.

In general, the word “ping” has two similar interpretations. In everyday life ping is called checking the quality of the Internet channel to see how fast signals travel through it. If it’s fast, it means the channel is good, which is especially critical for those who play online games in which events unfold a little faster than in chess.

You've probably heard about a game like Counter Strike - an online shooter (first-person shooter), when you play via the network with a group of players like you and each of you controls the actions of your character via the Internet. What does ping have to do with it, you ask? But at the same time.

Let's say that you have spotted your enemy and pressed the shoot button. What happens? Signal from game program installed on your computer goes via the Internet to the server ( special computer, which can be located anywhere on the network) where the game is running. But the Internet is not an abstract thing, but physical devices through which the signal you send will go. AND signal speed along this path can be completely different.

Very often in everyday life it is the response speed that is meant when talking about ping. Those. how fast is the signal from your computer will pass through the network to another computer (or server), and then returns back to you. If the ping is very large (it is usually measured in milliseconds), then your game will ungodly lag, slow down and become dull. And you will be ready to smash your mouse and keyboard on the monitor screen.

How could it be otherwise if you don’t have time to do anything with such monstrous delays in transmitting your actions and receiving a response to them. While your shot signal goes to the server and comes back, you may already be shot (and more than once).

Low ping can drive an avid player into a frenzy, and to a simple user Internet connection, it will not be very pleasant to wait a long time for pages to open in the browser. But still, the issues of checking and reducing ping (increasing response speed) are primarily of concern to online players.

How to check ping?

Just above I said that the word “ping” has two interpretations. I explained one of them (everyday) a little higher. But the second is based on the fact that there is such a ping program (on all operating systems who know how to work with the Internet), which allows you to send a test package to any Internet node that has an IP address (a computer on the network, a server, a router, etc.) and measure the time it takes for it to return back.

Exactly this time is called ping(delay or lag). The test package is light in weight and is sent using a special service protocol. Due to the latter circumstance, not in all cases high ping (big time delays between sending and receiving) will indicate a bad Internet channel, because problems with signal transmission can only arise through this service channel, and everything will work on the main channel with a bang.

But in most cases you can put an equal sign between high ping And bad channel(not suitable for online games). It is impossible to play an online shooter (or any other non-turn-based strategy game) if the ping is 300 milliseconds (a third of a second). But if it is 15-20 ms, then everything is just fine and you won’t even need to know what it is, much less how it is measured. Interest in pinging arises mainly when problems and serious lags appear.

So, to check ping, you don’t need to download or install anything additional. If you are, then the current average (or maximum) ping value (and often fps - rendering speed in frames per second) will most likely be displayed somewhere in the interface of your game.

If you haven’t found it or you are interested in the response speed without application to gaming fun, then here too special problems No. As I already mentioned, all operating systems have built-in ping programs. Due to the fact that I am not familiar with Linux, I will explain using the example of Windows.

What needs to be done in Windows to check ping? It's not enough to be banal:

There is also online services for, which will often also check ping (the time it takes for the test signal to travel from your computer to their server). But still, the method described above is the most reliable in terms of measurement accuracy.

In addition to measuring the travel time of a test signal, this program (ping) is often used to ping server or router. In this case, the fact of receiving a response will be important in itself, and not the time it took to send and receive it. Pinguya different devices Networks can often localize a breakdown in a chain of devices (this is exactly what I do at work). In general, it’s a useful thing :)

How to reduce (lower) ping?

If your ping value is very critical, and it is unfortunately very high (such that it creates problems with online games or even when working in a browser), then you naturally begin to wonder if it is possible to lower it somehow. In principle, it is possible, but it is not always possible to reduce ping with simple manipulations.

What can determine response time?:

  1. From your Internet Service Provider.
    1. What is important here is not even the width of the channel, but its quality. You can get a ping of 300 ms on a 100 megabit channel (), or you can get 4 ms on a 10 megabit channel. If carried out, then a six-lane gravel road will be a priori slower than a two-lane, but asphalt road.
    2. However, channel width still matters. A narrow channel may cause poor response time because... lags can occur due to banal congestion of the channel (packets simply cannot get through). This can be compared to traffic jams on a road that is well paved but too narrow to handle the existing traffic.
  2. From the game server. It may not have a high-quality or too narrow Internet connection, which is why many people experience slowdowns and lags in their games.
  3. From the location of the game server. It may simply be too far from you, and the signal passing through many dozens of intermediate nodes slows down and may even be partially lost.
  4. From the signal passing from your computer’s network card to the file of the game you are running. There can be a lot of reasons affecting ping - from viruses to broken operating system settings.

Actually, from all of the above comes advice that can help you lower your ping to an acceptable value, when it will no longer affect the comfortable use of your computer on the network.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello friends! Today I’ll tell you how to reduce ping! Those people who play online games constantly ask how to check the ping and how to reduce it. In this article I will tell you in detail what ping is and how to reduce it.

Ping is the time it takes for information to be sent to the server and returned back. That is, I’m from Odessa and go to the Kiev site, this is the ping time until the information reaches Kyiv and returns back. Typically the ping time depends on your ISP than better speed Internet, the lower the ping will be. By the way, I recently wrote an article about, where I described all the tariffs and benefits. You can watch a video about this.

When you wander around the Internet, you don’t notice the difference between 20 ping and 150. But people who play online games can immediately pay attention to this. Because online games load the Internet a lot and its speed must be good, then the ping will be good. By the way, you can read here. This is all clear, let's see how to make the ping less.

How to reduce ping

In order to reduce ping we need to dig into the registry. To do this, go to Start > Run and enter the regedit command there, after which we will go to the registry, and then we will follow the branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile after double-clicking on NetworkThrottlingIndex there will be “a” ( hexadecimal system calculus), and we need to select ffffffff and click OK.

After which we restart the computer and we already know how to reduce the ping. I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the ping will decrease. But if you notice a slowdown in programs or your computer starts to slow down, then change everything. Or read the article

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