More than mail. TimeWeb hosting review (Timeweb)

Login: [email protected](use previously received from the administrator) Password: ******** (use previously received from the administrator or get a new one) pop: (port: 110) smtp: (port: 25 ) Be sure to enable the SMTP authentication checkbox

Working with mail via WEB interface:

Launch your browser Internet Explorer. IN address bar dial:
Or open our website, follow the link FOR STAFF, follow the link Go to mail
After the page loads, enter your e-mail ([email protected] full email), and your password.
The interface functionality is quite standard.

To do this, in the “Service” menu, select “Accounts”. The Internet Accounts window will open.
Go to the “Mail” tab. There may be a postal service listed there that you already work with. It should not be changed. You have the opportunity to use several email services at the same time.
Now add a new mail service. To do this, click the “Add” button and select the “Mail...” item. The settings window will open postal service. In the “Your name” field, enter your name, for example Ivan Ivanovich. This is what the person who receives the letter from you will see. After entering the name, click the “Next” button.
In the window that appears, in the “Email Address” field, indicate the address to which you will receive your mail. For example: [email protected]. Click "Next".
Specify the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers.
In the POP3 server field, enter –
In field server - SMTP enter -
In the “Server for incoming messages” field, specify “POP3”. Click "Next".
Now you need to specify your account and password. In the “Account” field, enter the name of the mailbox to which you will receive mail. For example: [email protected]. In the “Password” field, enter your password that you received from the administrator. Click "Next".
You will be congratulated on successful creation new account. Click the “Done” button.
You still have the “Internet Accounts” window open. Select the account you just created and click “Properties”.
Select the “Servers” tab. Remove check the “Use” field secure check password (SPA)”, install check the “User Authentication” box. Click the “Settings” button and select “same as incoming mail server”. Click the “OK” button, and “OK” again.
Close the window.

    The program is ready to use.

Glitches in Outlook Express

Some oddities have been noticed when working with Outlook Express, expressed in the fact that for some unknown reason she may stop logging into the server normally and receiving mail. In this case, a window appears asking you to enter your login/password. No settings help with this.

The reason is still unclear, but a solution to the problem has been found. We need to create new account in Outlook Express identical to the old one, and make it the main one (i.e. default), and old account delete. After this everything starts working normally. If anyone figures out what the problem is, please let me know!

I worked in technical support for Timeweb hosting from May 2012 to October 2012. Users mostly sent almost identical questions. Although problems were resolved quickly, they often arose due to glitches on the hosting side. Many problems could be resolved without contacting hosting technical support.

I will tell you the solutions to some issues and highlight some aspects of the work of hosting.
For many user questions, there is, of course, a prepared phrase-question-clarification, which leads to specific solution Problems. After all, most clients write something like “The site is not working.” If you contact any technical support, describe immediately everything that is happening - the displayed error, after which it happened (sometimes sites stop working after technical work on servers).

22 questions for technical support TIMEWEB.RU>

1. Question about low speed site loading, poor site accessibility, packet loss
2. Question about the encoding on the site, gibberish, question marks instead of Russian letters
3. Question about transferring sites within (from account to account)
4. Transferring a site from another hosting

7. Site infection by viruses

12. DVR control panel

13. CRON does not start

15. The site is damaged, changed and no longer works correctly

16. Volume exceeded disk space on your account

Also, some basic questions are discussed on the TimeWeb WIKI website:

5. Technical domain transfer

You must carry out the technical transfer of the domain name yourself. To do this, you add a domain to your account through the "Manage Domains" section. Then go to the control panel of your domain registrar and change the ns records to ours:

Those. First of all, you should add a domain in the "Domain Management" section - place it on NS servers.

6. Question about email: Mail is not sent through the SITE

The site can use two methods of sending mail: PHP function mail() and SMTP authorization.

If mail is not sent by the php mail() function, try going to the account control panel, in the Site Management section. Find your site, link it from the folder, and then link it back. Usually after this the mail is sent again. If the problem persists, contact technical support indicating the frequency of the problem.

It is also possible that mail is not sent due to the email sending limit being exceeded: hosting has email restrictions:

a)using our SMTP server:

No more than 2000 letters per day.

No more than 50 simultaneous recipients.

b) with using mail Features:

no more than 1000 letters per hour.

On hosting, the number of emails sent per hour depends on the sending method. Limitations: no more than 1000 letters per hour when sent from the server using the mail function; There is a daily limit for sending letters via SMTP - 2000 letters (per 1 mailbox), no more than 50 recipients at a time.

7. Site infection by viruses

Your site could be infected in several ways:

namely through:

2) The attacker took possession of the access credentials for the Account Control Panel (ACP), FTP connection, SSH or administrative panel of your CMS, and posted malicious code in your files. This could happen for two reasons:

a) Virus software on the local computer.

Statistically, the cause of the problem must be sought in the vulnerability of the site’s scripts (the first case is the most common!).

In this case, you should audit the operation of your scripts, which can be used to infect your site. Also disable all third party modules/plugins/scripts/

Another standard, but less informative answer about viruses:

Viruses have nothing to do with this issue. The problem is that attackers are running malicious scripts from your account. The purpose of these scripts may be spam mailing, ddos attack and so on. Each of these actions by the antivirus, like viral activity not classified. However, this software can cause significant harm.

Launch malware carried out through the vulnerabilities of your sites, in in this case Vulnerability means the ability to force a website script to perform actions for which it was not designed. The antivirus is also unable to detect such a possibility.

You should, first of all, replace the access details for the control panel and administrative panel of the site with more reliable ones. Protect yourself from the possibility of third parties obtaining these details, update the CMS you use.


There can be several sources of problems of this kind, namely:

1) User code vulnerabilities:

An outdated version of the CMS and its modules, plugins, themes that contain security errors in the code;

Scripts written by yourself or copied from other sites and containing security errors.

2) The attacker has obtained access credentials to the Account Control Panel (ACP), FTP connection, SSH or the administrative panel of your CMS. This could happen for two reasons:

a) Viral software on your local computer;

b) Data transfer protocols without encryption.

Examples of protocols that use encryption: SSH, SFTP, HTTPS.

Statistically, the cause of the problem must be traced to the vulnerability of the site’s scripts.

If for any reason you cannot invite a third-party specialist, then we offer you the following procedure (does not guarantee complete solution problems):

1) Download all files from the server, scan them with an antivirus and download them back;

2) Update all passwords for the account control panel, FTP users, databases and administrative part of your sites;

3) Update your CMS and its add-ons.

Then you need to check if the problem occurs again.

If you have followed these steps and the problem still persists, you should contact a third-party security professional.

1) Use complex passwords, change them regularly and do not share them with third parties;

2) Use well-known and proven CMSs that are regularly updated, have technical support and guarantee the security of their scripts. The same applies to modules, plugins, themes and others. CMS extensions. Many free CMSs do not provide these guarantees;

3) Regularly save backup copies of your site and its data so that you can restore it some time ago if the hack cannot be detected immediately;

4) Use data transfer protocols that use encryption (for example, SSL) to transfer sensitive data.

On our part, we can provide you with logs of your account control panel, FTP connection and web server requests for the specified period.

Issues of analyzing the vulnerability of user code, unfortunately, are beyond the scope of the technical support we provide.

8. Running scripts via CRON via WGET

The script can be run via wget.

/usr/bin/wget -O - -q http:address to script

/usr/local/bin/php /home/u/username/public_html/uz_data_exc hange***

time wget -S /null/dev/

9. Problem with the site working on WordPress after switching to new address site

The problem is solved by changing the site address to a new one in WordPress based

General queries:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, "", " ");

10. PHP version 4 is necessary for correct processing of the site

You can process your scripts when PHP help 4 by simply using the .php4 script extension. If you want to configure the use of PHP4 for processing .php files, write in .htaccess:

AddType php4-script .php

11. dkim appeared in the hosting control panel. domain

When creating mailboxes on the domain, the subdomain was automatically created as technical solution for mailboxes on these domains, combining several methods of combating phishing and spam. The creation of such subdomains allows you to improve the quality of identification and classification of incoming mail messages.

12. P DVR control panel

You can connect via ssh using the Putty client, the login details match the details from the Timeweb account control panel, and they were also sent to you when registering your account. Server address

14. Working with custom code

Unfortunately, working with custom code is beyond the scope of support provided by You need to figure it out yourself, or contact a web programmer. We also recommend using advanced to edit files. text editor, for example, Notepad++, which allows you to correctly save files without adding code designed to work on Linux systems, ^M and other Windows service characters to the text.

This means that you have unoptimized queries that take a very long time to complete, resulting in high load rates.

18. Enabling memcache on Bitrix in Timeweb

If for stable operation Constant cache clearing is required, we can suggest you use Memcache for caching. When using memcache the cache will be stored in random access memory and many of the problems caused incorrect work caching will be eliminated. To enable memcache you need to add following lines to the dbconn.php file of your sites:

define("BX_CACHE_TYPE", "memcache");

define("BX_MEMCACHE_HOST", "");

19. Change DNS servers when moving from another hosting

Usually it takes 2 hours. However, it may take up to 48 hours for the changes to take effect. These data are approximate and are not guaranteed.

20. White page when displaying the site

There may be several reasons, one of them:

When accessing, we see a blank white page;

When accessing the page, the page code only displays:



The problem is that the site scripts do not produce any other data, so the page is empty.

The problem is in the operation of the site script logic and is not related to the server software settings.

You should enable script debugging mode and analyze the operation of scripts on the site. Also try disabling site modules/plugins and clearing the site cache. If this does not help, then you should contact the developers of the site, CMS and thematic documentation.

You can also try to restore your website files and databases from backup copy when no problem was observed. (Rollback button) - Select necessary Bases data or files, the date for which you want to restore the data, and click the rollback button.

21. Installation of CMS Bitrix Bitrix on regular servers Timeweb

The operation of CMS Bitrix on Year - Millennium tariffs is not guaranteed. The servers are configured so that some restrictions may interfere CMS work Bitrix.

The EternoB tariff, specially designed for this CMS, is suitable for operating this CMS. Servers are configured in the best possible way for stable operation of this system.

Timeweb – hosting for pragmatists. Therefore, if anyone is hesitating which hosting to choose for a website in order to meet both a modest budget and not go wrong with the quality of services, TimeWeb is definitely worth considering first. The provider is interesting because it tends to set tariffs that are loyal to users, while offering decent functionality.

Timeweb: hosting that cares about clients

Timeweb's numerous positions in leading positions is a logical consequence of the company's policy. The provider announces 4 to its clients basic tariff at a cost below the market average. At the same time, the level of service, range of services and opportunities for webmasters are provided by TimeWeb at a decent level.

Specifying a “decent level”, it is important to know that all timeweb tariffs (“Annual”, “Optimal”, “Hundred” and “Millennium”) allow you to count on:

  • obtaining a free SSL certificate;
  • domain as a gift (quantity and domain zone will depend on the selected service package);
  • 10 GB of space allocated for mail;
  • minimum 5 GB of space.

Which TimeWeb tariff to take: advantages, prices, differences

It is not enough to know, it is equally important to be able to understand the intricacies tariff plans. Fortunately, timeweb is a hosting that does not overload its users unnecessary information: out of 4 tariffs (costing 129, 189, 299, 449 for monthly payment), the average webmaster will most likely like either Optimo or Century.

In the first case, the “package” will include 10 Gb, in the second – 15. The number of sites and databases allowed for placement for the Optimo tariff is 10, for Century – 25. This is more than enough for the comfortable functioning of a small forum, business card website or even photo galleries.

If hosting requirements are more picky, then the best option– visit the timeweb website and analyze all 4 tariff plans available for virtual hosting. In the end, when you sign up for services for a year, timeweb gives 360-600 rubles in discounts, which in itself is worthy of consideration.

How to create a website on Timeweb?

A point that is worthy of the attention of novice webmasters is access to a website builder. Everything you need to access - registration in the system. After which the client is given access to the line of templates for website building. At the same time, it won’t take you too long to figure out how to create a website on TimeWeb: the control panel is intuitive, and there is a convenient FAQ for additional questions.

Another convenience provided by the hoster: registration of domain names and linking the site to an existing domain. Here, too, you don’t have to spend extra minutes sorting out what’s what: through the main menu of the designer there is an entrance to the “Domains” section - it contains instructions and detailed information. To save time and get acquainted with the system initially, the client can use the test version of the constructor. The period for providing test services is 30 days.

Quality of timeweb hosting services

Like any other provider, TimeWeb is a hosting that differentiates the capabilities of server loads in accordance with the tariff plan and the type of contract concluded. But this differentiation does not affect the quality of timeweb hosting services: for all shared hosting, the maximum permissible load is 50 sr. This is enough, say, to easily maintain a traffic of 2000-2200 unique visitors per day.

If the project is large, and traffic is expected to be 3000/day, it makes sense to consider a dedicated server. In this case, Timeweb offers 3 rental options, costing 8,900 – 19,600 rubles. Professional webmasters will definitely appreciate:

  • avg not lower than 240;
  • processors Intel Xeon for 4, 6 and 12 cores (configuration depends on the tariff plan);
  • disk system: 2 x 240Gb SSD;
  • unlimited number of sites, domains, databases and mail space.

Mail timeweb

Speaking of mail! Timeweb - definitely best hosting in Russia from those who are ready to offer a uniquely designed email interface. Firstly, TimeWeb webmail is protected from any external influences by both an antivirus and spam filter, and SSL encryption. Secondly, setting timeweb mail synchronized with absolutely all social networks and most instant messengers. And this allows you to import all important data in a few clicks.

Moreover, TimeWeb mail can be “expanded” from the standard 10 GB for all tariff plans to 50. Cost: for each GB – 9 rubles/month. Interesting in timeweb webmail and Personal Area: It is implemented in such a way that correspondence can be sorted according to as many criteria as possible. As for creating mailboxes, there will be no difficulties with them: a new email is created by specifying the domain, mailbox name and specified password.

Why is Timeweb hosting for pragmatists? Are there any disadvantages and additional advantages?

In addition to budget, functionality, convenience of the control panel and the presence of one of the best postal services in RuNet, Timeweb is famous for its stress resistance. Either virtual hosting or a dedicated server - the uptime of timeweb systems remains consistently at the average level of 99.98%. So uninterrupted operation is a kind of “trick” of this hoster. At the same time, the general tone that reviews on the Internet set about timeweb is more neutral than positive.

Why does this happen? Everything is standard: like many other providers, technical support TimeWeb is not perfect. But with all this, TimeWeb offers stability for modest money, compatibility with PHP 5.6, a convenient website builder with ready-made templates and test periods for almost each of its services. So the hoster is definitely not bad!

Video on this topic - review and feedback from the provider:

December 18, 2012 at 09:41

More than mail

  • Timeweb Blog

Hi all!

Email is one of the most important communication tools in modern world. We use it every day, exchanging photos, documents, ideas.

TIMEWEB has been an email provider for 6 years. During this time, our mail cluster changed its architecture several times, following the growth in the volume of processed data. According to a recent report, TIMEWEB is one of the largest email providers in Russia. Our mail cluster serves 200,000 mailboxes.

Now it's time for the evolution of the mail application. The previously used Squirrel and Roundcube interfaces are obsolete and require a completely new solution for further high-quality work.


A year and a half ago, we started developing our own webmail. We had many ideas that were not and could not be implemented in any of the current mail interfaces.

A year after the start, the first version was launched. After that, we began collecting user feedback, analyzing it and eliminating errors.

We pay great attention to design. Any product, especially one that you constantly work with, should not only be fast and functional, but also necessarily pleasant to use.

At the forefront of progress

We strive to make all the software we develop fast, functional, safe and, of course, beautiful. And webmail development was no exception - the struggle is for every millisecond, for every pixel!

Real chain letters

Many web clients collect threads only from incoming emails. We collect them from all letters: incoming, outgoing, forwarded. Having opened the chain, you will see all the letters in a folded state, except for the last letter, it will be opened.

If a chain contains many letters, they will be grouped into a special “accordion”.

Very interesting feature. Receiving a letter from stranger you can often see his avatar. This way you can quickly establish contact with the sender. Get closer!

A robot that searches for avatars in in social networks starts working as soon as the letter arrives Mailbox. In addition, you can set an avatar both on your mailbox (in this case, your recipients will see it) and on any of your contacts.

3 types of display

Previously, letters were displayed in a list and to view the letter you had to navigate. However, modern screens contain enough space to display both the list and the body of the message. For ease of use, we made 3 different types display:

  • in the style of regular webmails, when you see a list of letters and when you click on the letter, it opens;
  • in tabletop style mail clients, when the list comes from the top, and preview letters below;
  • for wide monitors (screen width from 1280 pixels) - the list of letters is displayed on the left, and the preview on the right.

Working with multiple mailboxes

We have developed a unique mechanism that will allow you to work with several mailboxes without unnecessary switching.

Quick reply

This feature, beloved by Gmail, is gradually moving even to desktop email clients. We considered that its presence is mandatory for a modern web interface.


We often exchange photos and other images. Previously, you had to open each picture in separate window. For our webmail we made a gallery of images. Viewing photos has now become much more convenient.

Keyboard control

We borrowed this feature from desktop email clients. It is convenient to switch between letters using arrows, reply or create a new message using a familiar combination.

Fast? Yes, very quickly!

Regular webmails work according to standard protocols interaction with mail servers and that's why they work slowly.

Our webmail is tightly integrated with the mail cluster at a low level, this architecture allows us to achieve amazing fast work. Currently, receiving a list of letters in a folder containing 100,000 letters takes 30 ms, and receiving a letter without an attachment takes 20 ms.

However, the numbers cannot convey how fast our mail really works. Register and try our development.

Server-side filters.

Filters are a very important tool, but none of the email clients allow you to create filters on the server. Typically, this functionality is transferred to the mail program, which, when launched, sorts letters into folders, thereby slowing down the entire system. In addition, to work with your mailbox on another computer, you will have to take your filters with you =)

We considered that this operation should be carried out on the server side. Besides, it doesn't matter whether you use webmail or by mail program, filters will always work.

Extremely safe

When we touched upon the issue of protecting our mail from spam and viruses, we did not hesitate to choose the best - Kaspersky Lab. Our users' mail is reliably protected from spam and viruses.

For greater safety, all work with by email occurs over a secure (SSL) communication channel.


We are very glad that progress does not stand still and we manage to be among the first to introduce new technologies in what we do. We will be happy if you like the product.

Hello friends :) While we are all actively celebrating the new year, I won’t burden you with a complicated article. And I will share clear and simple instructions for creating Yandex mail for a domain on Timeweb hosting.

For my blog, I initially created the following email: admin@site. I use it to send letters to the mailing list, and I use it for... feedback with readers and subscribers.

And since my main mailbox is also located on Yandex, plus they now have the opportunity to quickly , this is very convenient for me. On the other hand, there is a familiar interface, the ability to use Yandex.Disk...

Recently I needed to create another mailbox for a site on Timeweb. I’ll use his example to show you how to do this.

Connect and confirm the domain

So, so that we have mail with domain name, you need to complete several steps:

The first is to go to:, where we will have the opportunity to connect our domain:

Enter it in the appropriate field, click “connect” and get to the page with further instructions. Here I’ll add that you should already have an account on Yandex, that is, mail. In any case, you will need to log in to continue.

The second step is to confirm domain ownership. Everything is standard here. We upload an html file with the name and content suggested by Yandex to the root folder.

We can create it in a regular notepad or in notepad++, and save it in html format. Or we can do it right away on the hosting.

With the last option, go to file manager, to the root folder of our site (public.html). Click on the top tab “File” → “ New file" Let's name it and save it.

Then select it with the mouse and in the same “File” tab, select “Edit” - paste required fragment into the body and save it.

So, we created a file to confirm the domain and placed it in the root folder. Now we return to Yandex and click on the “Check domain ownership” button.

Setting up an MX record

If everything is done correctly, then we are taken to the next step - setting up an MX record. We need to change this entry on the hosting.

If you use old panel management (for me it is more convenient), then go to “DNS Settings”.

Here, in the “Setting up a domain/IP zone file” field, select our domain.

And below, where Timeweb mail is indicated by default, we select other MX servers and enter Yandex data.

Initially it will be like this:

Using a minus sign, we remove the second line, and in the first we indicate the following:

And save the settings. We return to the Yandex page again and click “Check MX records”.

Setting up mx recording on the new Timeweb control panel

If you are working on a new panel, then in the left side column select “Domains and subdomains”. Next we point the mouse at desired domain and we have the “Settings” icon.

See screenshot:

Click on it, a window appears where we switch to the MX servers tab:

Here we select Yandex mail, the mx record will be added automatically, we just have to save the settings.

Create a mailbox

So we are left with last step– creation of the mailbox itself. We indicate its name, come up with complex password and click “add”.

Our domain and mailbox are now displayed in the “My Domains” tab. Here we can enter it, add other mailboxes to the same domain, or disable it.

Yes, before the first entrance new mail Yandex will ask you to complete registration and provide the following information:

Click “Complete registration” and our mailbox is ready.

If you need to delete the mailbox and disable the domain

In the “My Domains” tab, click on the mailbox:

And select “delete”:

You can now disable the domain.

That's all the instructions. I also attach a visual video tutorial:

And if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova