BlueScreenView: how to use to determine the cause of BSOD. General recommendations for eliminating BSOD errors for beginners Download the stop blue screen program

PC users have a strong fear that unites everyone - BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), a critical error that leads to a system crash without saving data. It is difficult for the average user to decipher information about a failure if, after displaying technical information, the computer immediately reboots. Therefore, let's look at how to use BlueScreenView, an application that saves and decrypts information about OS failures.

Creating a Dump File

In operating systems Windows 7, 8, 10, a RAM dump is saved automatically. But we will edit the file creation settings and optimize them for BlueScreenView.

Let's go through the following points:

  1. Open “This PC” – “System Properties”.

  2. Click Advanced System Settings.

  3. In the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” block.
  4. In the window that appears, uncheck the “Replace existing dump file” checkbox and select “Small memory dump (256 KB)” in the “Write debugging information” field.

Reference! A small memory dump contains the necessary information to analyze the error and does not take up much disk space. It is not recommended to replace an existing dump file, because... There are several errors, but only one is recorded.

Memory dump analysis

First of all, launch BlueScreenView. The application automatically scans the storage folder for all memory dumps.

To extract the necessary information you need:

  1. Select the required .dmp file from the list, look at the list of drivers and components that were loaded during the last OS startup.

  2. Double-click on the field highlighted in red.
  3. Read technical information about the error.

  4. By right-clicking on the memory dump field, you can import the data into a file for subsequent sending to a specialist or support service. It is also possible to search for a solution to a problem directly from the application.

As a result, we can say that using BlueScreenView is a complete pleasure. This is a small and functional utility that will free you from the need to watch for BSOD errors with a sheet of paper in your hands.

For those interested, a video is provided on how to use BlueScreenView.

If you are an active Windows user, then you have probably encountered the problem of a sudden appearance of a blue screen with some strange white letters. As a rule, after restarting the computer, everything works again as before. But the uneasy feeling still remains.

In this article I will tell you what this blue screen means, how dangerous it is, how to find out what is the reason for its appearance, how it can be eliminated, and also introduce you to the Bluescreenview program and tell you how to use it.

And before we start solving problems, we need a little theory.

What is a blue screen

A message on a blue screen or BSOD (English: “blue screen of death”) is a protective function of the computer. It performs suspension in case of critical conditions that can harm the PC. To diagnose the error, you must read the message.

Imagine that a person suddenly saw something terrible and fainted from it. Why? Because the protective function of his body worked. After all, from fear, his blood vessels could burst, his heart muscles could rupture, and mental trauma could arise for the rest of his life. Therefore, the body decided not to overexert itself and lie a little unconscious until this terrible thing was over. That is, this is a defensive reaction.

When a computer experiences a shock, that is, a global error that cannot be solved, and in which further work may be risky for its components, a protective function is triggered. The computer pauses, finally displaying a message on the blue screen. It is in this message that there is a description of the terrible thing that your computer saw, which made it faint.

Blue screen or BSOD (English: “blue screen of death”)

Our task is to find out what the reason is.

Do not rush to reinstall Windows when a blue screen appears; this may not solve the problem, since the problem may be physical and lie in internal or external components.

By the way…

  1. Right-click on "My Computer" (or "Computer" or whatever you have...) and select "Properties".
  2. Select Advanced and click the Options button.
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic reboot.”

To prevent the computer from rebooting

After these steps, when the blue tap appears, the computer will not restart. After reading the message, you can restart it yourself by clicking on the restart button.

Bluescreenview: how to use and how to diagnose the cause of a blue screen

Bluescreenview is a program that helps you diagnose blue screen messages and understand why it appears. The program is tiny and does not require installation on your computer.

Bluescreenview is a program that displays dump files (which are generated every time a blue screen appears). For each dump, you can view a table with complete event information, which will be useful for the user or PC repairman to diagnose the problem.

The main question that arises when working with Bluescreenview is: how to use it? An inexperienced user will not understand everything right away. To speed up your understanding, I even selected the Russian version especially for you, which you can download from the link below.

So now I will show you how to use Bluescreenview.

Immediately after launching the program, we see two windows: the top one displays all the dump files that were created after the blue screens appeared; and in the bottom - device drivers, among which those that caused the error are marked in red.

Select one of the dump files in the upper window, and in the lower window, double-click on the driver marked in red (there may be several of them). In the window that appears, you can see complete information about this software and finally find out which device caused the error.

For example, in the screenshot below, you can see how I thus identified a problem in my sound card, a problem in which caused a blue screen several times.

Finding the device that is causing the error

If you don’t want to figure it out and use Bluescreenview yourself, then you can create a dump report file and send it to someone you know. To do this, right-click on the dump file and select “HTML report: selected element”.

Create an HTML bug report

Please also note that in the menu that appears when you right-click, there are also items for Google. Perhaps this will help you solve the problem.

Blue screen: causes and solution

So now you know how to use Bluescreenview. and you yourself or with the help of a specialist found out which part of the computer you have a problem with. The next question is: why did this happen and how to solve it?

Here's what it could be:

  • If a blue screen appears during heavy operations, for example, games and programs with high requirements, then the problem most likely lies in the overheating of some parts. Solution: upgrade your computer or abandon these programs and games.
  • If a blue screen appears spontaneously, without visible events, and when using Bluescreenview the same driver constantly appears, then the reason may be in this driver. Perhaps it is from an unreliable supplier. Solution: Install the correct driver or discard the driver and device.
  • If the cause of the blue screen is the same software, then perhaps it contains a virus or is damaged. Solution: Reinstalling the driver, reinstalling the system, or cleaning up viruses may help restore the system. How to do it inWindowsXP, and inWindows 7 – .
  • But still, the most common cause of a blue screen is a physical malfunction, damage to a particular device that is serviced by the driver that causes the error. The solution is obvious: repair or replace the device.

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Quote: rier

I launched it and nothing happens. How to enable scanning?

Despite the fact that the question is 2 years old, it is still relevant for lucky SES owners, and the BlueScreenView utility can help them.
Briefly about the main:
We say BSOD (not the official name), we mean SES, STOP code, crash dump, memory dump.

Occurs when there is a threat of OS crash, i.e., the developer protects the OS from “playful hands”.
Usually, SES pops up if there are problems with hardware or hardware drivers. Programs are often not capable of SES, because fail without affecting the operation of the OS, and those that work at the kernel (driver) level may present a surprise.
If it's time critical day: OS receives STOP code, stops communication, displays for 1 second Bill Gates Blue Square, goes to reboot, and automatically creates a memory dump.
To enjoy this wonderful picture: => RMB Computer or W+Break => Advanced System Settings=> Tab => Options... field System failure- remove the label Perform automatic reboot, and also, remove the label Replace existing dump file(may be useful for recurring errors). Ibid. Writing Debug Information there is a choice: Kernel memory dump or Small memory dump indicating the appropriate ways to save dumps.

But if you haven’t become the happy owner of an SES, it doesn’t matter, we will create it, because you need to know the enemy by sight.

=> W+R => regedit => Enter =>
For PS/2 keyboard: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters
For USB keyboard: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\kbdhid\Parameters
Create a new 32bit DWORD value called CrashOnCtrlScroll, with a value of 1.
Restart your PC.

now this happiness in your hands: holding right CTRL key press twice Scroll Lock, you will receive , we are interested within 1 And 2 .
What does it mean in translation:

An issue has been detected and the OS has been disabled to prevent damage to the PC.
User manually created a crash dump.
If you see a stop screen for the first time, restart your PC.
When repeating:
Check to see if any new hardware or software is installed correctly.
If a new installation, contact the device or software manufacturer for Windows updates.
If problems continue, disable/uninstall any newly installed devices or software.
Disable BIOS memory options - caching/shadowing.
If you need Safe Mode to remove/disable components, restart your PC => F8 => Advanced startup options => Safe Mode.
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x000000E2 (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
Data collection for emergency reset...
Initializing disk for emergency reset...
Start of physical memory reset.
Flushing physical memory to disk: 100
Reset physical memory.
For additional assistance, contact the admin/tech support team.

Error 0x000000E2 indicates that the user deliberately initiated a crash dump using the kernel debugger or using the keyboard.
Launch BlueScreenView, look..., if it doesn’t see it, help through Settings = Additional options...

Due to pirated copies of Windows, many users are facing Bluescreen crash on their PC. Most often, the bug causes a Blue Screen to appear, which appears after launching games or programs. After the reboot, the user receives a notification window with the problem signature: “Problem event name: BlueScreen. Language code: 1049". Additional information is also indicated: OS version (for example - 6.1 7601.2 1.0 256.1) and BCCode (can be different 116, 124, 50, 19, d1, f4, a and others).

Example of critical stop error BlueScreen 1049

What is this BlueScreen crash 1049?

There are many reasons why Bluescreen stop errors appear. The code itself (1049) indicates that the driver was unable to respond to the system request in a timely manner. Among the main reasons for the failure, the following can be identified:

  1. The corresponding driver has problems;
  2. Problems with overheating of computer hardware (motherboard or video card);
  3. Unsuccessful attempts to overclock the video card;
  4. Problems with computer RAM and other malfunctions.

What to do about problem 1049?

  1. In most cases, the main cause of failures is “broken” video card drivers. You can check all video controllers in the Task Manager and look for a broken driver (with a yellow icon). Right-click on it and delete. After uninstallation, run the Registry Cleanup Wizard (I use third-party utilities - CCleaner). After cleaning, click on the problematic controller and select “Update drivers”.

    An example of removing problematic drivers from Windows

  2. Windows Installer works very poorly, so it is better to download drivers from the official developer resource or use the disk with all the configurations that comes with it. I use a comprehensive check and update of all drivers using the utility DriverPack Solution. True, many additional and advertising installations have appeared in it recently. But DPS does its job well.

    Updating Windows Drivers via DriverPack Solution

  3. If you were unable to complete the installation, or the update did not help you, then you can roll back the system to a restore point where no failures were observed.
  4. You can also check the functionality by starting Windows in clean boot. After a clean launch, launch the required game or application and check. You should know that there will be no application or game icons. They must be called from the installation folder or the Start menu. Video instruction.
  5. If you overclocked any of the PC hardware, cancel everything.
  6. For cases with game failures, it is advisable to update the video card drivers to

Many users have encountered an unpleasant operating system error called BSoD or Blue Screen of Death. When it occurs, your monitor displays incomplete technical information about the failure and you need to restart your PC to resume operation. If the error happened once, then perhaps you should not worry, but if the screen of death appears regularly, then you should understand what the reason is and the free BlueScreenView program will help you with this.

When a BSoD occurs, the system records what happened by saving a dump with all the necessary information, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to access the contents of the dump using standard means. So BlueScreenViewer can open such dumps and also provides the data stored in it in a convenient tabular form. Thus, the user has the opportunity to analyze the causes of the failure, and then try to eliminate them themselves, or entrust this work to a specialist.

The product will sort everything out for you and display the following information: a list of all dumps (that were created after the blue screen of death) with their names, the date and exact time of the failure, the saved BSoD image, detailed information about drivers and components (name, description, version etc.) highlighting those that could lead to an error. All this will allow you to more carefully study the system message and understand which direction you need to follow in order to get rid of failures.

If you are a PC repair specialist and a client provides you with a dmp dump, then using the import tool it is possible to open it. All columns in the application can be configured as you wish, moreover, you can search by the contents of the dump, and if you encounter an incomprehensible error code, this software will provide access to searching for it in Google. If necessary, you can save information into text documents in popular formats csv, htm, html, txt, xml and then use it without an application.

The utility supports command line operation and is very undemanding of system resources. To deal with the Blue Screen of Death once and for all, you should download BlueScreenView. The program is small in size, and versions for 32 and 64 bit OS will be best compatible with the corresponding systems; the presence of the Russian language will not allow the user to get confused in the functionality. To use the application without installation, you need to use its Portable version, so no changes will be made to your operating system.