Notepad for reading files. Installing and launching programs

The standard Windows OS package includes the simplest text editor NOTEBAD (NOTEPAD). He has minimal means input and editing of texts, but it is precisely because of the minimality of these means that it is preferred in many cases.

The program is launched using the commands Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad .

Program window NOTEBOOK has a work area and a small menu bar. There is a cursor in the work area - a blinking vertical bar. The cursor determines the location where the new character entered will appear. Lowercase letters are entered using the alphanumeric keys. To enter capital letters when pressing the alphabetic key, you must hold down the key.

If you need to enter many capital letters in a row, it is convenient to press the key. Go to new line carried out by pressing the key. Using the command Edit/Word Wrap can be set automatic transition to a new line when the right border of the window is reached. Then pressing a key will end one paragraph and start a new one. The distance from the left edge is set using the key. Tabulation is also used in cases where it is necessary to arrange text in the form of a table: the key is used to align the columns.

Editing (editing) text is making changes to a document.

NOTEBOOK only works in insert mode. This means that the character you enter expands the previously entered characters.

The character to the left of the cursor is deleted with the key, and the character to the right of the cursor is deleted with the key. You can control cursor movement with the following keys:

  • – moves the cursor to the beginning current line
  • – moves the cursor to the end of the current line
  • -[→] – forward one word
  • -[←] – back a word
  • - – to the beginning of the document
  • - – to the end of the document
  • – screen page up
  • – one screen page down

The cursor can also be positioned at the desired location by clicking the mouse.

Another opportunity fast travel by text - use the command Search/Find . In the dialog box that opens, enter the input line Sample you need to enter the word or phrase you want to find and press the button Find next. The searched word will be highlighted.

NOTEBOOK allows you to work with blocks of text. First, a fragment of text must be selected by dragging the mouse (moving the mouse while holding down the left button) or using a key combination and cursor arrows. The selected fragment is deleted using the key. Copying or moving a fragment can be done using a buffer Windows Exchange:

-[X] – delete a fragment to the buffer -[C] – copy a fragment to the buffer -[V] – paste a fragment from the buffer

These are the “hot” keys for commands from the menu Edit .

Program NOTEBOOK allows you to work with only one document. But you can run it twice and copy blocks of text between two documents opened in different windows.

In a programme NOTEBOOK The same order of saving information is used as in all Windows OS applications. Data is saved as a file. The file must receive a name, address and extension. The file address (folder) is selected by the user. If it does not specify a folder, then the folder that is used by default in this program is used. The name is chosen by the user. The extension usually does not need to be specified: the application “knows” what type the file is and will automatically substitute the required extension. NOTEBOOK assigns the extension .txt to files. If the application can save data in several formats, then you need to specify the type of file to be saved.

If the document is being saved for the first time and does not yet have a name, then you need to give the command File/Save As . In the dialog box that opens, select a folder, file type, and enter a name. Then you need to click on the Save button. If the document already has a name and was previously saved, then you can give the command File/Save . The file will be saved under the same name and will overwrite previous file. If you need to save a copy of the file under a new name, then you need to give the command File/Save As and set a new name in the dialog box.

I have already told you (more than once) about various good text editors for Windows, but today I want to introduce you to another, very simple and lightweight notepad. AkelPad.

Personally, I liked him as multi-window mode work, and the ability to replace Windows notepad. It is to replace it completely, and not just open it by association with text documents.

If you are not a programmer or a webmaster, but a mere mortal computer user, then you will like AkelPad for its convenient, lightweight and fast work with text files.

I won’t be smart today... simple program- simple description. Here is the direct link from the official website to download AkelPad...

Installation is simple and without any pitfalls in the form of advertising modules, etc. ...

As I said above, AkelPad is embedded in the very brain of the system, replacing the usual Windows notepad

Don’t worry, when uninstalled, AkelPad will faithfully collect all its notes and leave the system, while the previous built-in notepad will return to its place...

When you launch AkelPad for the first time, the usual working window of the system notepad will appear in front of you, but you should set the multi-window mode...

...and you will begin to notice the differences between this text editor and Windows Notepad...

I hope that there is no need to explain how convenient it is to work with several open tabs in a notepad at once? It’s not for nothing that tabs are already used in absolutely all browsers, as well as in many computer programs… even V Windows Explorer we implemented them with you, remember?

To open new tab just create a new text document...

And to close a tab, click on it with the RIGHT mouse button and...

By the way, the appearance of the tabs can be slightly changed through “View”...

Another difference from the system notepad is the presence of a decent number of settings, which will appeal to advanced computer users...

AkelPad also supports a whole bunch of combinations hotkeys . You can find a complete list of them by going to the program’s “Help” and “Manual”...

(this is not the entire list - it is much longer)

It should be noted that this notepad supports working with plugins, which can be downloaded from the official website of the program. There is even a plugin for what I previously described system clipboard improver Clipboard.

Welcome to my blog!

If you use a computer more or less actively, you have probably encountered the need to edit some text files, write a quick note or perform some other operations with pieces of text. And if you are a webmaster, then you will especially appreciate the wretchedness of the built-in notepad. Either there is no highlighting of HTML / CSS syntaxes, then there are problems with encodings, or something else. Therefore, I want to tell you about an excellent replacement for the standard Windows notepad called Notepad++. Notepad++ is free, in Russian, very functional and always launches quickly.

To begin with, I suggest downloading and installing Notepad++, and then we’ll proceed to the review, its main settings and features.

Go to the official website, click on the download button on the left or the link of the same name in the menu.

Note: despite the fact that the site is in English, the Russian language is already built into the program itself. So no need to worry ;)

We run the downloaded file, in my case it is npp.6.8.8.Installer.exe. If User Account Control is indignant, then click Yes. At the very first step, choose a language. As you can see, the great and mighty is immediately offered.

I won’t describe the further steps in detail, just click Next until the installation is complete. I will note one point for webmasters: during the installation process, you can optionally choose to install Notepad++ as the default html code viewer for the IE browser. To do this, check the box As default html viewer.

You may object, who in their right mind would do web development in IE?) That’s right, no one will. Basically, IE is used by layout designers to check the correct display of the site.

Ok, installation complete!

Overview of main features and settings

Here is a list of the main features:

  • Multi-window interface;
  • Syntax highlighting for most programming languages, syntax folding;
  • Autosave;
  • Russian language is already included;
  • Quick launch and operation, opens large files without problems;
  • Auto-completion of functions and hints for function parameters;
  • Easy zooming in and out of text;
  • Powerful search/replace.
  • And many other possibilities...

Multi-window interface

Notepad++ has a multi-window interface, allowing you to open files in different tabs within the same window. And it's much more convenient than a bunch open windows a simple notepad, For example.

Tabs with a red floppy disk icon mean that the file has been modified or not saved at all (new 1, new 2, new 3, etc.).

To open a new tab, you can double-click on the empty space to the right of the last one open tab or press Ctrl+N. To close the current tab, press Ctrl+W.

Autosave unsaved tabs (!)

And I’ll share it right away cool feature notepad, which appeared to him some time ago. If you have created a bunch of unsaved tabs with valuable notes of various kinds, then when you close the program (accidentally or intentionally), all these tabs are automatically saved and restored again when you open them!

This is one of my favorite features of Notepad++, it's honestly so convenient. And when there are too many tabs, I sit down and sort through all the tabs at once, scattering notes, pieces of code, texts, webinar notes in other places, for example, in Evernote, etc.

Notepad++ syntax highlighting

Without a doubt, syntax highlighting various languages programming and collapsing functions will be useful for webmasters, layout designers, and programmers. Especially when you need to tweak a few lines of code. Highlighting is already built-in for most known languages ​​and they are recognized by file extensions.

Screenshot for enabling CSS syntax highlighting:

What do I mean by syntax folding? Open any php(html, css...) file and click on the minus box to the left of the function. In my case it's if...else. It will collapse into one line. You can expand it in exactly the same way. This helps save work space by collapsing unnecessary ones into this moment designs.

And finally...

7 things you will need when working in Notepad++

1. Wrap lines if the text is too long

On the View menu, check Line Break. So anyone long text will fit into the visible part of the window and horizontal stripe scrollbar will disappear.

2. Different file encodings

All problems with encodings in opened files can be resolved through the Encodings menu. If gibberish is displayed or you need to save the file in a different encoding (from win1251 to utf8 or vice versa), then this is here. For example, to save a file from CP1251 to UTF8, select Convert to UTF-8 without BOM and save.

3. Repeated undo of actions

If you want to undo the last 2-3-5-10-20 text operations that you have done, this can be done using the green arrows on the toolbar or the hotkeys Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y. That is, for 10 consecutive undoes, press Ctrl+Z and then press Z 9 more times, while continuing to hold Ctrl. If you slightly missed and made more rollbacks than necessary, it’s not a problem. For such cases, there is Ctrl+Y. This combination works in the opposite direction from Ctrl+Z.

4. Go to the desired line using Ctrl+G

If open large file on many lines, then by pressing Ctrl+G you can go to the selected line. Webmasters will appreciate this when they find in Firebug the exact place where they need to make changes to CSS file, For example. Firebug shows you the exact line, and then Ctrl+G quickly jumps straight to the line you're looking for to make the final changes.

5. Massively remove or add indents to the text on the left

If you copied text from somewhere into Notepad and now need to align the text to the left edge of Notepad++, then this can be easily done using the Shift+Tab combination. Select all the text or just the fragment you need - and then press Shift+Tab until the text is evenly aligned to the left. If you need to add indents on the left, then we do almost the same thing - select required fragment, but just press Tab as many times as you need indentations.

6. Search for selected text on Google

If you highlight an unfamiliar word or any piece of text in Notepad++ and press Alt+F2, the default browser will launch and Google will open with search query equal to the selected text fragment. It's faster than copying a word, opening a browser, then opening Google, pasting the word... well, you get my point)

7. Duplicate any line

If you want to duplicate a line, then instead standard method- select a line, copy it, paste it - you can do it differently and faster. Place the cursor on the line you want to duplicate and press Ctrl+D. The duplicate will appear immediately below the original line.

This is not all the capabilities of Notepad++, of course. The purpose of the article was the first acquaintance with the “notepad on steroids” for those who have not yet worked with it or have heard it out of the corner of their ear, but have not yet had time to try it. I myself use it all the time and will gradually talk about certain nuances of working with it, for example, it has a Plugin Manager, through which you can expand it with separate plugins functionality Notepad++.

Did you like Notepad++? How do you use it? What settings and features do you like best?

Note 1

Since $1985, the set of standard programs of the Windows operating system has included a simple text editor Notebook(NotePad), which has minimal tools for entering and editing texts, but sometimes the minimality of these tools is its advantage.

To run the program you need to run the commands Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad. The composition of the program window is minimal: a work area and a small menu bar.

Figure 1. Notepad window

The program's capabilities are quite limited. You can enter text in capitals and lowercase letters, set automatic transition to a new line when the right border of the window is reached ( Edit - Word Wrap), set the indent from the left edge (key Tab), also using tabulation to format the text in the form of a table, search the text (Search - Find). Notepad only supports insert mode (the character you enter expands the previously entered characters). Files created in Notepad have the extension .txt.

Menu item File

Menu item File contains several subparagraphs:

  • Create– using this function creates new file programs, and, basically, the last one remains open this file.
  • Open– allows you to open files with the extension .txt, opens other text files with a changed encoding (various characters are displayed instead of the content).
  • Save– used to save a file for the first time or changes made into the already created one.
  • Save as…– used to change the document saving folder.
  • Page settings…– Allows you to customize paper size, orientation, page margins, and header and footer. Contains a document page view window.
  • Seal…– contains standard settings printing the document.
  • Exit– closing the program.

Figure 2.

Menu item Edit

Figure 4.

Menu item Format

  • Word wrapping– turns on the mode of placing text within the program window frames that goes beyond these frames.
  • Font…– allows you to select the font type from the proposed ones, its style and size. It is also possible to use additional fonts that are downloaded to your computer. It is necessary to take into account that when changing the font, all the text in the document will change, because Certain parts of text in Notepad are not formatted.

Figure 5.

Menu item View

Contains only one sub-item that allows you to enable or disable the status bar in the document.

Figure 6.

Program Notebook supports the possibility different ways(via a menu or a key combination, i.e. “hot keys”) to execute the same command is an element of a flexible interface, and the ability to receive a tooltip is an element of a user-friendly interface.

Other program features

By using Notepad You can also create and edit web pages using HTML.

By default, Notepad creates, opens, and saves documents with the extension .txt, but you can use it to open files with the extensions .ini, .inf, .log. To open files of other types, use the command File – Open – File type field – All files – required file.

Notepad allows you to work with texts in ANSI and Unicode encodings, as well as convert from one format to another. To do this, when saving the document, you need to select the required encoding in the appropriate field.

Note 2

A special feature of the program is also that if you change the font of one document before closing, then the next time the Notepad program will use the last font that was used in it.

Alternatives to Notepad

An alternative to Notepad is the MS-DOS text editor (, which can be called from command line with the "edit" command. Among the many free more functional programs, which can replace standard program Notepad, text editors Bred, AkelPad, PSPad, Notepad++.

The new document in Notepad is called Nameless.

The excellent Windows operating system has provided everything for the user's work. It has everything you need. Let's take a closer look at one of the built-in programs, an insignificant, but very interesting and useful one, called " Text pad" It would seem, what is such a seemingly useless program for? A “text notepad” on a computer is just what you need to write down your thoughts or small theses and stories, and the notepad can also be used to copy links or change code various programs. It is simply irreplaceable for writing down, for example, a phone number or a note, especially when there is neither pen nor paper at hand, and the matter is urgent.


What is "Text Notepad"? “Notepad”, or “Notepad” (its official name) is the most common text editor that is included in the operating system package Windows systems(from the very first Windows 1.0 and NT to Windows 8). In earlier operating systems, it was possible to write (work) in this program only up to 64 kilobytes, and therefore more advanced programs were constantly being developed, whose capabilities were less limited. These restrictions have now been lifted, and this editor has become more convenient and practical to use. Also in this program you can comprehend the code HTML language, which allows you to create websites for the Internet and much more.


What does the program consist of? What can she do? The menu bar includes five main items: “File”, “Edit”, “Format”, “View”, “Help”. Each item performs its own function.

1. The “File” item includes several subsections:

  • "Create" (CTRL+N) - this function opens up a completely new empty file. This function is very important, especially if the previous file is corrupted or you want to start working in the editor again.
  • "Open" (CTRL+O) is the most natural way open the desired file on your computer. By clicking on this sub-item, select the location of the file and click “Open”.
  • “Save” (CTRL+S) - everything is clear here. When clicked, the button will save the result of the work in a text editor.
  • “Save as” - here you can select the file name and path to save by selecting a folder and clicking “Save”. You can also change the file encoding to ANSI and Unicode when saving.
  • “Page settings” - this sub-item contains parameters for printing - paper sizes, margins, etc.
  • “Print” (CTRL+P) - when you click this button, a window will open in which various options will be indicated - number of copies, page range. After clicking “Print” the document will be printed on the printer.
  • "Exit" - closes the program. Also carried out using a cross in the right top corner. Don't worry about accidental pressing"Exit" button by writing great amount information, the program will automatically ask whether to save this file if this has not been done previously.

2. “Edit” contains the following:

  • "Cancel" (CTRL+Z) - this function cancels last action and returns the document to the state before this action was performed.
  • "Cut" (CTRL+X) - the item cuts out a piece of text, placing it in
  • “Copy” (CTRL+C) - and this item copies the selected part of the text, which is also placed on the clipboard.
  • "Paste" (CTRL+V) - the function is designed to place a piece of text from the clipboard to the part where the cursor is located.
  • "Delete" (Del) - deletes the selected part of the text. If you want to return a fragment, just click “Cancel”, provided that no other actions were performed in the editor other than deleting the text.
  • “Find” (CTRL+F) - using this function you can find the required place in the text by phrase or word, and also select the search direction (from the cursor to the top or bottom of the text). By clicking the “Find” button, the searched text will be highlighted.
  • "Replace" (CTRL+H) - this function replaces the words you are looking for in the text. When clicked, a window opens. By entering in the “What:” paragraph the right word, in the “With:” section we write what word to replace with. If a word is repeated constantly in the text, just click the “Replace All” button.
  • “Go” (CTRL+G) - this subsection moves the cursor to the required line of the document.
  • “Select All” (CTRL+A) - this combination makes it possible to select text in the entire document.
  • "Time and date" (F5) - inserts the present date at the cursor location.

3. “Format” includes only two functions:

  • "Word wrapping" - this operation allows you to wrap words from lines automatically, the length of the line becomes limited to the visible part of the screen. This function is made for convenience - now you do not need to constantly scroll the worksheet horizontally while trying to read the text.
  • “Font” - by selecting this sub-item, you can set its style and appearance. If you are not satisfied with the proposed fonts, then you can select the “Show additional fonts” section and find a new, more interesting and attractive one. By clicking the “Ok” button, the font will be changed to the one you selected.

4. “View” includes only one function - “Status Bar”.

5. The Help menu will show you the version of the editor and also answer frequently asked questions.

Where to find and how to open

How to open Text Notepad? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are two options. Which one is simpler - decide for yourself; as they say, the markers are different depending on the taste and color. This task is not difficult, and even those who are just starting to get acquainted with a computer and have not yet learned all the basics in this matter can cope with it.

Option 1

For the first option, you need to know where the "Text Pad" is located. Click the “Start” button, which is located in the lower left corner, then select “All Programs”, after which a list of different folders and frequently used computer programs will open. IN this list you need to find the “Standard” folder. It is in it that Notepad is located - a text editor.

Option 2

Is there some more easier way, completely different from the first one. To get started, click on empty space on the desktop right click mouse, after which a small menu will open, select “Create” from the list, and another small list will open, in it select the line “ Text Document" and set a name for the new document. That's it, you can work in notepad. Now you are probably asking: “How can I open this file using Text Notepad?” It couldn't be easier! Just right-click on it and in the list that appears, find the line “Open with Notepad (or notepad).”


The main difference between the first option and the second is that in the first case we first write down the entire necessary information, and then we create a file and save it there, and in the second case, on the contrary, it is first created blank document, which is then replenished with our records.


Notepad++ - very interesting program, but its true purpose is to work with HTML code. Unlike the classic Windows editor, Notepad++ can deal with several files at once, and at the same time. It does not conflict with the file encoding, and in case of any error, it highlights it in red.


NFOPad - another one great program. It independently determines Internet links and addresses emails, what is standard built in operating system"Text notepad" does not work. This program also supports the NFO format.


At first glance, this editor is no different from the standard one, but this is not so, it has a preview function of the file being opened. And the most important advantage of this program is that in the absence required function You can simply write it yourself and paste it into the editor, which a regular “Text Notepad” naturally cannot do. This feature is very useful for those who are familiar with the basics of programming