Bios does not recognize the bootable USB flash drive on the laptop. Data error message

It happens that the BIOS does not see the bootable USB flash drive. This can happen on any personal computer with absolutely any operating system, be it Windows XP, G7 or G8. What to do if BIOS This is a very popular question among all users. In addition, any owner has encountered such a problem at least once in his life. personal computer or laptop. Some people in such a situation immediately contact service centers. And some even go to the store where they bought the flash drive, indignant and complaining that it doesn’t work.

Of course, it may also be that the whole issue is really a faulty device. But sometimes BOIS does not see the flash drive for a number of other reasons. And even if everything was fine before, the problems that have arisen now can be caused by various malfunctions that simply “accumulated” in the system. Or the flash drive may not have enough power for your system unit. Or... Below are the most popular reasons why problems arise with identifying flash drives and other USB devices, as well as ways to solve these problems.

Why doesn't BIOS recognize removable media?

When you connect a device via a USB port, it automatic detection, and Device Manager reports that new media is connected. In some cases, it also asks you to install drivers or updates. But sometimes the BIOS does not see the bootable USB flash drive or cannot synchronize its operation. What to do in this case? There are several of the most probable causes occurrence and solutions to this problem.

USB controller: setup

BIOS is part operating system, which is where problems with a flash drive lie in most cases. Where exactly is the problem? The most obvious reason why the BIOS - USB controller is not working correctly or is simply disabled. How to deal with the problem? Turn it on! To do this, in the Award BIOS section, find the Integrated Peripherals subsection, and then go to the second menu item - Advinced (where there will be advanced BIOS settings). Then we find the USB Configuration category, go into it, press Enter and pay attention to the inscription that appears opposite USB settings. Disabled and Enabled may light up there. If the controller is in a disabled state, then you need to turn it on using the pointer buttons. To save the changed settings, be sure to press F10.

If the controller is connected, but the BIOS does not see the flash drive, you can try it on another port of the system unit. This one may be faulty or incorrectly configured, which is preventing it from functioning.

Sometimes none of the ports can detect the flash drive. In this case, the USB controller itself makes sense. This problem especially often occurs after a reinstallation or rollback of the operating system, when some of the necessary data may be lost or the settings are reset to “default”. Therefore, re-downloading all latest versions drivers can solve the problem with the flash drive.

Compatibility issues

The vast majority of modern peripheral devices only support USB versions 2.0., which, of course, will not be recognized on computers whose interface is configured for 1.1. IN in this case To solve the problem, you just need to install supporting software, which, as a rule, always comes with the device - on the same disk with drivers or separately. Sometimes required applications can be downloaded from the official websites of USB drive manufacturers.

System file INFCACHE.1 - the root of all evil

If you have tried all the above methods, but the problem has not disappeared, then you can try another, but more drastic method. Just remove it from your computer system file INFCACHE.1. You can find it in the root WINDOWS directory, on hard drive C or wherever your operating system is installed. The full path to this file looks like this: WINDOWS:system32DriveStore. You can also find it through a search or using If after deleting this file the problem disappeared, then all the problems were related to cache memory corruption. At next switch on computer file INFCACHE.1 will be restored by itself.

Is it still a matter of BIOS?

Instructions for setting up this part of the system software will help cope with problems with a flash drive in some cases. For example, if, as mentioned above, the problem is a disabled USB controller. Correct setting BIOS is a simple matter, but important. Almost any user can cope with this, even with little experience working with a personal computer.

So, in order to get into the parameters, you need to press the F2 key (in some cases DELETE) at the moment when it loads BIOS system. Next you need to go to the Advanced tab, where you can manage advanced features, select the Integrated Peripherals section and press Enter. By performing these simple manipulations, you can see if the controller is working, as well as other means that affect the functioning of the ports and the automatic detection of connected USB devices.

BIOS does not see other devices connected via the port

If the computer cannot detect not only the flash drive, but also other external media and devices connected via USB (for example, a printer, speakers, camera or phone), then this case requires special and radical measures.

Remove the casing (protective side plates) from the computer. As a rule, they are either bolted to the case or fastened with “latches”, then we connect a flash drive or other device directly to the USB port on the motherboard. In most cases, this may be enough for the BIOS to see the device. But if this does not happen, then you can try installing the appropriate driver package for correct operation and eliminating incompatibility problems. If this doesn’t help, there is still a way out!

Other reasons why the BIOS does not see a flash drive and other USB devices

It often happens that many different devices are connected to the computer, requiring large quantity energy. For example, a scanner or a powerful sound system. And just these two connected devices may be enough to cause a power shortage when connecting even such an economical medium as a flash drive. What can we say about trying to connect a camera to the computer in order to reset or view photos on big screen. In this case, the BIOS does not see the flash drive (or other device) due to too low level electricity that can be spent on this port. In other words, the device may need more power than the USB connector can provide. As a result, it simply does not have enough power to turn on and function.

In order to eliminate this problem, you need to find out the USB controller of your personal computer. You can clarify this in the "Device Manager" on the "Properties" tab in the "Power" column. USB 2.0 devices typically require 500 mA, while newer 3.0 devices consume 900 mA. Based on this, it can be assumed that sometimes, in order to connect a device, you first need to disconnect one or even several previously connected but unused devices. this moment devices. If you charge your phone or player from a computer, and the flash drive is not detected at the same time, then you should try disconnecting the charging cord for a while. In 90% of cases, this will be enough for the BIOS to see the connected device.

Or maybe the flash drive is to blame?

Have you tried everything but nothing helps? Then there is a possibility that the problem is in the device itself. You can read reviews about your flash drive. BIOS may not be the reason why it is not detected if you come across a device with a factory defect, for example. It's also possible that this model requires some special manipulations or the presence of a USB-HUB for correct operation. There can be many options, so you should explore everything existing methods defining the problem.


If you identify a problem due to which the BIOS does not see the flash drive, and its solution is unsuccessful, then, of course, you should contact service center. But before that, simply disable the power management function of the USB controller from the operating system. To do this, go to the “Device Manager”, find the “Universal Serial Bus Controllers” tab, select the “USB Root Hub” subsection and double click Call up the “Power Management” window, uncheck the corresponding box and click “OK” to save changes made. And we repeat this procedure for each USB hub. Perhaps this is what will save you from going to the service center.

Today I will tell you how to enable booting from a flash drive in BIOS various manufacturers. No matter what version you have, the order of body movements will be as follows:

1. We insert our bootable USB flash drive into the USB connector of your computer. I recommend inserting it into a port located directly on the motherboard, i.e. from the back of the system unit.

2. Turn on the computer and press the key Delete(or F2) to get into the BIOS. Depending on the manufacturer and BIOS version, other keys (Esc, F1, Tab) may be used, so you need to carefully read the prompts on the screen.

In Bios, we can only navigate between tabs using the keyboard.
Below I will describe in detail this process using the example of the most used BIOS versions.

Attention! Remember that if you install the operating system from a flash drive or CD and select the boot device in the BIOS, and not in the boot menu, then after the first automatic reboot Windows you need to enter the BIOS again and return to boot from hard drive. If this is not done, autoboot from a flash drive or CD will work again, and Windows will begin the first stage of the procedure again installations.

Settings Award Bios to boot from a flash drive

Award Bios:

First, let's check if the USB controller is enabled. Let's go to “Integrated Peripherals”. Use the arrow on the keyboard to move down to the “USB Controller” item. Press the “Enter” key and select “Enable” in the window that appears (also using “Enter”). Opposite “USB Controller 2.0” there should also be “Enable”.

Exit this tab by pressing “Esc”.

Then we go to “Advanced BIOS Features” – “Hard” Disk Boot Priority.”Now in my example the hard drive comes first, but the flash drive should be there.

We stand on the line with the name of our flash drive (Patriot Memory) and raise it to the very top using the “+” key on the keyboard.

We leave here by pressing “Esc”.

Settings AMI Bios to boot from a flash drive

If, after entering Bios, you see such a screen, it means you have AMI Bios:

First, let's check if the USB controller is enabled. Go to the “Advanced” – “USB Configuration” tab.

Opposite the items “USB Function” and “USB 2.0 Controller” should be “Enabled”.

If this is not the case, go to this line and press the “Enter” key. From the list that appears, select “Enabled” (also using “Enter”).
Then exit this tab by pressing “Esc”.

Let's go to the tab “Boot” – “ Hard Disk Drives.”

Now my hard drive is in first place, but I need to put a flash drive here. We go to the first line, press “Enter” and in the window that appears, select our Patriot Memory flash drive.

It should be like this:

We leave here via “Esc”.

Select “Boot Device Priority”. Here first boot device There must be a flash drive.

Press Esc.

Then we exit the Bios, saving all the settings made. To do this, go to “Exit” – “Exit & Save Changes” – “OK”.

Setting up Phoenix-Award Bios to boot from a flash drive

If, after entering Bios, you see such a screen, it means you have Phoenix-Award BIOS :

First, let's check if the USB controller is enabled. Go to the “Peripherals” tab – opposite the “USB Controller” and “USB 2.0 Controller” items there should be “Enabled”.

Then go to the “Advanced” tab and opposite “First Boot Device” set “USB-HDD”.

After that, exit the Bios, saving the changes. To do this, go to “Exit” – “Save & Exit Setup” – press the “Y” – “Enter” key

That's practically everything you need to know in order to boot from a flash drive. In my article, I described the process of setting up the BIOS of the most popular versions: Award And AMI. The third example presents Phoenix-Award Bios, which is much less common.
In different BIOS versions The described procedure may vary slightly. But the main thing is that you understand the principle of setting itself.

By the way, I would also like to add: in order to choose which device to boot your computer from, it is not necessary to change the settings in the BIOS. You can immediately call up a special menu after turning on the computer to select boot devices (this can be done by pressing the F8, F10, F11, F12 or Esc key). In order not to guess with the keys, look carefully at the monitor immediately after turning it on. We need to have time to see an inscription like this: “Press Esc to selest boot device.” In my case, it was necessary to press “Esc”.

How is it happening? It's very simple friends! On laptops Samsung latest models, several new options have appeared in the BIOS (“Fast BIOS Mode" And " Secure Boot"), which are directly related to the ability to boot a laptop from a flash drive or disk. Samsung suddenly decided to protect the boot of the new operating system Windows systems 8 from some virus or from the laptop owners themselves, it’s whatever you like. Naturally, many users immediately had questions.

One of my friends wanted to boot a Samsung laptop from bootable flash drive containing the program Reserve copy Acronis to do Windows backup 8, but it didn’t work out for him. Another one decided and also got stuck at the very beginning, he just couldn’t find his flash drive anywhere, neither in the BIOS, nor in the boot menu of the laptop. After he tried five flash drives, he flew to me with bulging eyes and said that his new laptop could not be booted from either the disk or the flash drive. In short, I had to figure it all out, and if you also found yourself in the same situation, read our article.

Booting a Samsung laptop from a flash drive

If you suddenly want boot samsung laptop from flash drive, then you will try to enter boot menu laptop using the F10 key when loading and select your connected flash drive there, but nothing will work for you, since first of all you need to enter minor changes in the laptop BIOS settings.
We turn on the laptop and immediately press F2 when loading, enter the BIOS, go to the Advanced section and set the “Fast BIOS Mode” parameter to Disabled.

Then go to the Boot section, we are interested in the “Secure Boot” option,

We also set it to the “Disabled” position and press “Enter”

A warning appears about the possibility of booting the laptop with an error.

We agree, press “Enter". Below appears additional parameter"OS Mode Selection",

We put it in the “CMS OS” or “UEFI and Legacy OS” position

And press “Enter”. Again a warning appears about the possibility of booting the laptop with an error, “Enter”.

We save the changes we made in the BIOS and press “F10” on the keyboard. To the question “Save the changes made and reboot?” press “Enter”. Yes.

The laptop reboots, press F10 and go to the boot menu, select the flash drive, boot occurs Samsung laptop from a flash drive.

If you cannot get into the laptop boot menu, then you need to change the boot device priority directly in the BIOS. We enter the BIOS, go to the Boot section, then the Boot device Priority option,

Our flash drive should be here, set it as the first boot device, then press F10 (save the changed settings) and reboot. After rebooting, your laptop will boot from the flash drive.

Do you know what is the most common question among users who first decided to install Windows from a flash drive?

People constantly ask why Bios doesn’t see the bootable USB flash drive. To which I usually answer, is it bootable? 😛

In this short note, I would like to dwell on the main issues that you need to go through if you have a similar problem...

1. Is the bootable USB flash drive written correctly?

The most common thing is that the flash drive is written incorrectly.

Most often, users simply copy files from a disk to a flash drive... And, by the way, some say that it works for them. It’s possible, but you shouldn’t do this, especially since this option won’t work for most...

It's best to take advantage special program to burn a bootable USB flash drive. We have already gone through the most popular utilities in detail.

Personally, I like to use the program most of all: it can even write Windows 7, even Windows 8 onto a USB flash drive or external hard disk. In addition, for example, the recommended utility “Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Toll” allows you to write an image only to an 8 GB flash drive (according to at least I have this), but UltraISO will easily record an image on 4 GB!

To burn a flash drive, take 4 steps:

3) The settings window should appear. There are several important points to note here:

In the Disk Drive column, select exactly the flash drive on which you want to write the image;

Select the recording method in the column USB option HDD (without any pluses, dots, etc.);

Hide Boot Partition - select the no tab.

After that, click on the recording function.

4) Important! When recording, all data on the flash drive will be deleted! Which, by the way, is what the program will warn you about.

After the message about successful recording of the bootable USB flash drive, you can begin setting up the BIOS.

2. Is the BIOS configured correctly, is there a function to support a bootable flash drive?

If the flash drive is written correctly (for example, as described just above in the previous step), most likely you simply configured the Bios incorrectly. Moreover, in some BIOS versions there are several boot options: USB-CD-Rom, USB FDD, USB HDD, etc.

1) First, restart your computer (laptop) and go into Bios: you can press the F2 or DEL button (look carefully at the welcome screen, you can always see a button to enter the settings there).

2) Go to the download section. IN different versions In BIOS it may have a slightly different name, but the word “BOOT” is always there. What interests us most is the loading priority: i.e. queue.

Just below the screenshot shows my download section on an Acer laptop.

What matters here is what comes first loading from the hard drive, which means the queue simply won’t reach the second line of the USB HDD. You need to make sure that the second line of the USB HDD becomes the first: on the right side of the menu there are buttons that can be used to easily move the lines and build the download queue the way you need.

ACER laptop. Setting up the boot partition - BOOT.

After the settings, it should look like the screenshot below. By the way, if you insert a flash drive before turning on the computer, and after turning it on, go into Bios, then you will see opposite the USB HDD line - the name of the flash drive and you can easily figure out which line you need to move to the first place!

When you exit Bios, do not forget to save all the settings you made. Typically this option is called "Save and Exit".

By the way, after a reboot, if the flash drive is inserted into the USB, the OS installation will start. If this doesn’t happen, your OS image is probably not of high quality, and even if you burn it to disk, you still won’t be able to start the installation...

Important! If your BIOS version does not have an option USB selection- then most likely it does not support booting from flash drives. There are two options here: the first is to try (this operation is often called firmware); second - .

Perhaps the flash drive is simply damaged and therefore the PC does not see it. Before throwing away a non-working flash drive, I recommend that you read it, maybe it will serve you faithfully...

Installing Windows 7 is a simple and streamlined process, but it is far from ideal. Therefore, situations may arise when the installation wizard simply does not see certain devices computer, preventing the user from normally completing the started procedure. And if you have such difficulties, read the contents.

Windows 7 installation does not see USB mouse and keyboard (we solve the problem with BIOS settings)

If your Windows 7 installation does not see a mouse or other input device, the first thing to do is check USB ports into which these peripheral devices are inserted.

Blue ports (USB3.0) can not supported master, and therefore you should at least during installation move the equipment to the ports gray (USB 2.0 ).

In most cases the problem will be resolved. Otherwise, do the following in order: actions inBIOS(later in the article, these actions will be described step by step):

  • Disable(Intel) "xHCI Mode » in the tab « Advanced » ;
  • Try a different item value "USB Legacy Support" ;
  • Reset BIOS.
It is not necessary to do all three steps at once.
Check the functionality of your mouse and keyboard after each step, starting from the first.
First you need to go into the BIOS. More details on how to login BIOS on various devices (desktop computers or at different brands laptops) you can look in this article: how to enter the BIOS. Restart your computer and on the logo motherboard sign in « Setup Menu » by pressing the key F1 (F2, F12, Delete- depending on BIOS). Now let's get started:

Step 1 – disable (Intel) xHCI Mode

You can find this option in the tab « Advanced » on the menu BIOS.

  1. Let's go to « Advanced » , navigating with arrows on the keyboard;
  2. Change the mode to « Disabled » in point « xHCI Mode » ;

Figure 1. Set xHCI Mode to Disabled.
  1. Save settings by going to the tab « Exit » and selecting " Exit Saving Changes »;
  2. We check the mouse and keyboard and try to install the OS again.
The first action helps in the vast majority of cases. Move on to the next heading if:
  • Line « xHCI Mode » absent;
  • Execution of item « Action 1» did not give any result.

Step 2 – switch USB Legacy Support mode

Unlike described above, the option « USB Legacy Support" available for editing on the vast majority of systems.

It is also located mainly in the tab « Advanced » . We need to change the mode of this function to the opposite ( "Enabled" on « "Disabled" or vice versa).

Figure 2. Changing the USB Legacy Support value.
Do not forget save changes in the tab « Exit » by selecting the option " Exit Saving Changes ", the computer will restart automatically.

We check our devices by running the Windows installation again. If the peripheral still doesn't work, you should try reset motherboard settings.

Step 3 – reset the BIOS (if the previous steps do not help)

To return the BIOS to factory settings, you must:

  1. Go to tab « Exit » (usually follows Boot);
  2. Select the item " Load Setup (Optimal) Defaults » → confirm the action by pressing « Yes " The computer will restart.
These steps are likely to help solve your problem with USB mouse yu and keyboard. Otherwise, you should check the peripherals for hardware failures on another computer. Also try connecting other devices.

Solving a problem when using a PS/2 keyboard and mouse

Failures in these devices occur quite rarely and are mainly associated with BIOS and hardware failures. Before you do the following Necessarily Turn off the computer's power. This precaution is due to the fact that the ports PS/2 It is highly recommended not to touch it while the system is running. If you are using standard PS/2 periphery, you should:

  • Check and clean the keyboard and mouse connector/port from various types pollution;
  • Try similar USB equipment;
  • Swap the mouse and keyboard connectors;
  • Update Motherboard BIOS boards up to the latest version.
If all of the above doesn't help, try using another copy Windows 7. Lack of support PS/2 devices may be due to the fact that a particular assembly does not, in fact, contain outdated drivers for these devices (may be cut from the final image).

The computer does not see the bootable USB flash drive and/or other USB devices when installing Windows 7

The solution to this problem is quite simple in most cases. And before you start delving into this chapter, you need to do the following: If the installationWindowsdoes not seeUSBdevicesat all, please contact . It provides some general steps to resolve the most common problems.

Windows 7 Setup Wizard does not see the hard drive (SSD) or asks for drivers

Before you begin performing actions that affect the software, you need to make sure that the drives are working and the computer settings are correct. Note. Next actions are also relevant forSSD. If in the window for selecting a disk to install absent the desired “hard drive” (hard drive), try first:

  • Check HDD/SSD cables and mounts;
  • Disable extra drives, leaving only the one on which the OS will be installed;
  • Switch mode « SATA Mode » With « AHCI » on « IDE » (any other available);
Let's take a closer lookthirdparagraph. To do this you need:
  1. Turn off computer;
  2. Enter BIOS (or « Setup Menu » ), by pressing the button F1 (F2, F12, Delete) immediately after turning on the computer at the stage when the logo of your motherboard manufacturer is displayed on the screen;
  3. Using the arrows, find the item in the menu « Configure SATA as » or « SATA Configuration / Mode » (depending on your BIOS);
  4. Change mode « AHCI » on « IDE » or « RAID » ;

Figure 3. Set the value IDE for the Configure SATA as line.
  1. Save settings by selecting the item « Exit Saving Changes » in the tab « Exit » . The computer will restart with the changed configuration.
Now you can try the installation again. Continue to the next chapter if:
  • The OS installation still does not see your HDD or SSD;
  • Mode « SATA Mode » has already been posted on « IDE » .

Manual installation of HDD or SSD drivers

It is recommended that you move on to this chapter after fully reading the previous one. This will help eliminate unnecessary actions.
In most cases, installation image already contains software for many storage controllers (SATA drivers). However, if the board model of your computer/laptop is quite recent (or, conversely, old), drivers may simply be missing.

Therefore, we need to “specify” them ourselves at the selection stage system disk. Next instructions will describe this process in more detail. Let's get started.

STEP 1 – Finding the required software.
Download drivers from the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or motherboard. First of all, we focus on files that include one or more examples of words: INF, SATA, RAID, RST.

STEP 2 – unpack and reset to media with the OS image.
Unzip the downloaded file into separate folder→ copy it to any place on installation flash drive.
note that the drivers we need must not contain executable ". exe" files. Will only fit unpacked(such drivers usually include the following folders: amd, x64 , as well as many . inf files).
STEP 3 – specify the required software in the disk selection window.
Insert the flash drive into the computer → we reach the disk selection stage for installation. Here you need to find a button(or "Review" ) and click on it.

An explorer will open in which you need to specify the required driver .
Figure 4. Select the desired folder with driver.
HDD(SSD) will be detected if the appropriate drivers are selected. Now you can continue the process by selecting the appeared SSD drive.

The drivers are installed and the drive is displayed. However, the wizard does not see or does not allow you to select the desired section

In this case try remove markup HDD/SSD directly in the window disk selection. Attention! The following actions lead to formatting drive and, consequently, to complete loss of data. Make sure everything is yours important files saved on a separate disk.To do this you need:

  1. Press the button "Disk Setup" at the disk selection stage;
  2. "Delete" all available partitions to begin installation on unallocated space
  3. Check the integrity of the OS image on the installation disk;
  4. Re-write the image to another disk at the minimum speed;
  5. Use flash drive(preferably USB version 2.0) instead of a CD;
  6. Make sure the drive is working: check the connection, power supply contacts, functionality of the motor and drive.
  7. The above steps will help solve your problem. Otherwise resetBIOS and try a different OS image/build.

    Also, in extremely rare cases, reinstalling the driver for DVD drive. Detailed information can be found in the “” chapter, and drivers for the drive can be found on the manufacturer’s website.


    If none of the above methods help, try looking for the problem in the computer components (on your own or with the help of a specialist).