Beeline option “My Abroad”. Profitable calls to other countries

People travel abroad for one reason or another. So, some of them are going to have a good vacation, some are on business trips, and some are just visiting someone. While in another country, people want to continue using their mobile phone, in particular their old number. But at the same time, there is no desire to communicate at a standard tariff in roaming, because this can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, operators took care of providing various services for communication in roaming and for calls to other countries. In particular, the Beeline "International" tariff is one of them.

So all such services in Beeline are connected automatically after you activate the card. And you can immediately make calls to the numbers you need. In order to save on such calls, it is important to understand all the nuances of roaming tariffs. This way, you won't have to deal with various unpleasant surprises.

Roaming in the Beeline "International" tariff

Today, this operator has several tariffs for making international calls at the lowest price, namely the Beeline “International”, “Planet Zero” tariff, etc. In particular
To find out the exact cost of calls, it is recommended to contact the operator by dialing the number 0611 .

Connecting international roaming from Beeline

If for one reason or another you need to go abroad, and at the same time you do not want to lose mobile communications with your friends, then you should think in advance about connecting to special roaming services from Beeline. The operator even gave you the choice of the best tariff for yourself.

How much will it cost to call other countries?

Mobile operator Beeline announced tariffs for calls to foreign countries:

  • Call Canada, United States of America, Vietnam, South Korea and India you can for only 5 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of a call to European countries and Turkey will be 15 rubles per minute;
  • One minute for calls to other countries will cost 50 rubles.

It is worth noting that tariffs for calls to CIS countries are not indicated here. This can be explained by the fact that you will call to the CIS countries at the rates provided for by your tariff plan, or if you are connected additional option, reducing the cost of calls.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the “My Abroad” service is very beneficial for those who make regular calls abroad. After all, for a relatively low monthly subscription fee you can make affordable calls to any country.

OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) creates new line tariff options, which will offer subscribers more favorable terms of communication and allow them to save on communications.

The company notes that when large quantities offers it is not always easy to choose the most profitable one. Therefore, VimpelCom has updated its line of tariff options, making it “truly convenient and transparent.”

For calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia - the “My Beeline” option (former name: “Zero on Beeline Russia”)

The offer is intended for those who talk a lot with other subscribers of the Beeline network. For a daily fixed fee, the client receives a package of 100 minutes per day for calls to Beeline network subscribers not only in his region, but throughout the country. Daily payment for using the option for the first 60 days it will be 3 rubles per day, the cost from the 61st day varies depending on the region. Connecting the option is free.

For calls to any numbers in other cities of Russia - the “My Intercity” option

By enabling this option, the client will be able to stop thinking about which operator’s subscriber and which city he is calling. The cost of calls to any mobile numbers in other cities is 2.5 rubles per minute, SMS - 1.5 rubles per message. The subscription fee is 1 ruble per day. The connection cost is 25 rubles.

For calls when traveling around Russia - the “My Country” option

The offer is suitable for those who often travel around the country and do not want to limit themselves in communication. By activating the option, the subscriber receives a discount on both calls and SMS to any numbers in Russia. The cost of outgoing calls is 2.5 rubles per minute, incoming calls are 2.5 rubles for the entire conversation, and SMS is 1.5 rubles per message. The connection cost is 25 rubles, there is no subscription fee.

For calls to other countries - the option “My calls to other countries”

The proposal will allow you to communicate more via mobile phone with family and friends in other countries. The cost of calls to the CIS is 5 rubles per minute (except for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova), to Europe, the USA, Canada, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova - 10 rubles per minute, to other countries - 25 rubles per minute. An SMS to any country will cost 2.5 rubles per message. Subscription fee is 1 ruble per day, connection cost is 25 rubles.

For active SMS communication - the “My SMS” option

By activating this option, the subscriber gets the opportunity to send 100 SMS per day to any local numbers for 3 rubles per day (in Moscow for 5 rubles per day). The connection cost is 25 rubles.

For active Internet users - Highway options

Offers from this family make it possible to choose the appropriate solution based on the needs and characteristics of using mobile Internet access.

Options of the new line are available for connection to prepaid payment system clients in all regions.

The new unique tariff plan “International” is a real godsend for those who often have to call abroad. List of countries to which you can make calls by favorable rates so wide that there are simply no analogues on the cellular and mobile communications market this proposal. In terms of its capabilities and benefits of calls abroad, the “International” tariff plan is second only to Skype.

There is no subscription fee for using the tariff; only an initial contribution to the number balance in the amount of 500 rubles is required. When purchasing, you have the opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful and easy-to-remember number.

Tariffing of local and long-distance calls

The principle of the tariff for international calls is based on the fact that the second and subsequent minutes of communication cost almost half the first minute. Thus, outgoing calls to Beeline subscribers in the Moscow region are charged 3 rubles. for 1 minute and 1.55 rubles. for subsequent calls to fixed line numbers and other operators are charged 3.00/2.00 rubles. respectively for the 1st and every subsequent minutes of the conversation. When calling to fixed-line and cellular telephone numbers in Russia, a fee of 3.5 rubles is provided for the 1st minute. and 2.5 rub. for the next minutes of conversation. It is worth noting the benefits of communicating with subscribers tariff plan“International”, tariffication is 1.55 rubles/1st minute and 0.55 rubles/subsequent minutes.

Cheap international calls

The tariff plan for international calls from Beeline is attractive because it allows you to make profitable international calls in a number of countries for quite favorable price. So calls to most of Europe are charged at 7 rubles/minute, while calls to France are 5.0 rubles/1st minute. and at 4.0 rubles/subsequent minutes, calls to Turkish numbers look even more attractive fixed line- 1.99 rub./min. Calls to Asian countries range from 2.3-6.5 per 1 minute of conversation. When purchasing an “International” tariff plan, you should thoroughly study the cost of calls abroad, since the tariffs for calls even to neighboring countries can differ significantly.

Cheap calls to China

Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that China is the world's largest importer of cheap goods, so many often have to call this country. Direct retail deliveries are becoming increasingly popular, as they become more convenient with the opportunity to personally discuss all the nuances of purchase and shipment. The “International” tariff plan provides this opportunity due to the fact that the 1st minute of conversation will cost only 1 rub., and starting from the 2nd - 0.75 rub./min. The tariff plan is very profitable for calls specifically to China, since the cost of communication is even lower than with Beeline subscribers in the home region.

The International TP provides for the possibility of optimizing roaming services, as well as using mobile internet at a rate of 12.5 rubles/MB of transmitted and received data.

If you travel frequently or are on business trips abroad, then you should get a good mobile operator with a favorable roaming tariff. The “Best Tariff” service from Beeline will help you save your money for more important expenses abroad.


The “Most profitable roaming” service includes a package of 10 minutes for 100 rubles, SMS messages for 10 rubles and 40 MB of Internet traffic for 200 rubles for use abroad. According to Beeline, this is the most favorable tariff for this moment.

Connection this service does not require it, because while in roaming, it automatically connects when making a call or other actions via the mobile network. Having assessed many reviews and comments, a large number of users were dissatisfied with this function. After all, not everyone needs the same mobile Internet in roaming, but only calls are enough.

We can say with confidence that the “Best Tariff” service really beneficial, but for those who communicates a lot abroad, and not 1-2 minutes a day. Below you will find the cost of using the service depending on your location.

Cost in CIS countries

Conversations rounded up up to a minute, which can save package costs and be profitable. The number of SMS sent is not limited, and the traffic should be enough for Internet messengers and upload a couple of high-quality photos.

Cost in Europe and popular countries

Cost in other countries

Here are the prices for the service “The Most profitable roaming» for other countries where this service is available.

Incoming calls

25 rub. in a minute

Outgoing calls to Russia, within the host country and other international roaming countries

100 rub. in a minute

Outgoing SMS

19 rub.

1 MB (except China*)

90 rub.

What is the price where the service is not available

For all countries in which the “Most profitable roaming” service is not available, uniform tariffs are established, and you can familiarize yourself with the list of countries

Beeline roaming abroad- Very convenient function for those who travel outside the country. After connecting to it, Beeline subscribers while traveling can talk to their loved ones and friends who remain in Russia at favorable rates from their phone number, that is, without changing the SIM card. Moreover, when the subscriber leaves the territory of Russia, the service is activated automatically.

Tariffs for international roaming Beeline

Mobile operator Beeline offers different variants roaming abroad, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the most favorable tariff for them. So, what opportunities does Beeline roaming provide us with?

Planet zero

25 rubles are charged for connection, and further subscriber service for free.

  • subscription fee – 60 rubles/day;
  • incoming calls – 20 minutes a day free of charge (further 10 rubles/min);
  • outgoing calls – 20 rub/min;
  • SMS message – 7 rubles.

To plug: *110*331#

Disable: *110*330#

My planet

You need to pay 25 rubles for connection, subscription service is free.

  • incoming calls 15 rub/min;
  • outgoing calls 25 rub/min;
  • SMS message – 9 rubles.

To plug: *110*0071#

Disable: *110*0070#

Roaming lightly

At the moment, this service is not available for connection, but continues to operate for those subscribers who connected to it earlier.

International communications

A useful service for those who often make calls abroad from their home country.

To plug: *110*131# or call back the number 067409131

Disable: *110*130#

How to make profitable calls abroad

Connecting to International Communications roaming is most relevant for those who constantly call foreign regions from their city of residence. And it will allow you to do this on more favorable terms. There is no need to pay anything for connection and further subscription services. In this case, postpayment is provided.

To connect, you need to call the number 067409131 or type the command *110*131#

To disable, type the command *110*130#

For calls in countries where roaming services are not available, it is important that the balance exceeds 600 rubles, therefore, while in such countries, it is recommended to constantly monitor the balance of your account. If there is less money in the account than 300 rubles, then the services mobile operator will be unavailable. Fortunately, there are only a few such countries, and the rest offer online roaming services.

Internet in Beeline roaming abroad

Beeline company cares about the convenience of its subscribers, therefore it offers profitable terms:

  • package 40 MB - 200 rub;
  • 5 RUR/MB – after the traffic expires.

Details can be found by calling 8 800 700-0611 or by calling short number 0611.

Beeline roaming in Turkey and Egypt

The most frequently visited foreign holiday destinations for our compatriots are Turkish and Egyptian resorts. Therefore, when going on vacation to Turkey or Egypt, you should get acquainted with the tariffs for roaming services in these countries.

  • Incoming calls – 69 RUR/min;
  • Calls to Russia – 69 rubles/min;
  • Local calls (within Egypt) – 69 RUR/min;
  • Calls to other countries – 129 rubles/min;
  • SMS message – 19 rub.

Using the roaming service, subscribers cellular network Beeline will be able to pay for calls and Internet access as profitably as possible while traveling around the world. Let's look at all the main conditions, features and advantages of international roaming, which is available on tariffs with both postpaid and prepaid payment systems.

Tariffs and services for roaming abroad Beeline

  • Everything for 1800 + roaming

Subscribers who want to use reliable mobile communications and the Internet while traveling abroad will appreciate how competitive Beeline roaming tariffs are abroad.

To make phone calls, the “20 minutes per day” package is valid. Its cost is 200 rubles. The connection occurs automatically at the time of the first outgoing or incoming call.

The cost of sending one SMS message is 20 rubles.

For uninterrupted access to global network A package with 40 megabytes is provided daily for 200 rubles. It automatically connects the first time you access the Internet and is valid throughout the day. Thus, the subscriber will be able to freely use email, social media, messenger applications, as well as geographic map services.

ATTENTION: After the package of minutes is exhausted, calls will be charged at 10 rubles per minute of conversation. The cost of one megabyte outside the package will be 5 rubles.

When traveling in the CIS countries, the following tariffs for Beeline roaming abroad apply:

  • Package of 10 minutes per day - 100 rubles;
  • 40 MB package per day - 200 rubles;
  • Each outgoing SMS message costs 20 rubles.
  • 1 minute of telephone communication after the package is exhausted - 10 rubles;
  • 1 megabyte of Internet traffic after the package is exhausted - 5 rubles.

Everything for 1800 + roaming

One of the most popular tariff plans for those who are interested in free roaming Beeline abroad is “All for 1800 + roaming”.

Within of this tariff with a monthly cost of 1800 rubles, the subscriber is provided with:

  • 15 gigabytes of Internet in the Russian Federation and popular countries of the world;
  • 3000 minutes for calls to the Russian Federation;
  • 3000 SMS messages from the Russian Federation.

IMPORTANT: The cost of outgoing calls to the USA, Europe, Canada, China, Vietnam and Turkey is 50 rubles per minute. To CIS countries - 30 rubles per minute.

Connection cost

This tariff plan is free of charge. The subscription fee is 1800 rubles per month. For the first month of use, it is written off in full, and starting from the second - 60 rubles every day.

How to connect

New clients are given the opportunity to switch to the Beeline network while maintaining their previous number. To do this, you just need to leave your request on the operator’s website.

Existing clients can use any of the available methods:

  • log in to the operator’s website and select the “All for 1800 + roaming” tariff plan;
  • use a similar function of the mobile application;
  • call 0674002017 (it’s free throughout Russia).

Terms of service

Within the tariff plan, the subscriber is provided with 15 GB of high-speed Internet, which can be used in Russia and 93 countries around the world. The data transfer rate is 128 Kbps. At full use packet traffic, the “Auto speed renewal” service is automatically activated. At the same time, the cost of each 5 GB of Internet used in the future will be 150 rubles.

In order to obtain information about the balance of package minutes and Internet traffic, you should dial the combination *102# on your smartphone keyboard.

ATTENTION: Switching to the “All for 1800 + roaming” tariff plan is free if more than one month has passed since the previous tariff change. In all other cases, the cost is 100 rubles. An important condition for the transition is the presence on the balance of a sum of money equal to or exceeding the amount of the first month's subscription fee.

Service The most profitable roaming from Beeline

Subscribers who want to use Beeline roaming abroad in 2018 on the most favorable and attractive terms are recommended to activate the “The most profitable roaming from Beeline” service.

IMPORTANT: Payment is charged exclusively on days of using the services.

As part of the service, the subscriber is provided with:

  • 20 minutes for outgoing phone calls- 200 rubles per day;
  • 40 MB of Internet traffic - 200 rubles per day.
  • SMS messages cost 20 rubles each.

In the CIS countries it is provided for telephone conversations package 10 minutes per day for 100 rubles. The remaining services and their costs are identical.

Connection cost

Persons interested in how to activate roaming on Beeline abroad should know that activation of this service is not paid for by the subscriber.

How to connect

The service “The most profitable roaming from Beeline” does not require connection. In international roaming, mobile communication and Internet access services begin to work automatically.

Terms of service

  • Calls are billed on a per-minute basis, starting from the first second;
  • Payment for a mobile Internet package in international roaming is charged only after a GPRS connection is established;
  • Megabytes that have not been used are not carried over to the next day;
  • Payment for a package of minutes is charged after sending or receiving a call;
  • Unused package minutes are not carried over to the next day.

Unlimited Internet in Beeline Roaming abroad

Subscribers of the Beeline cellular network can use the Internet while roaming abroad without restrictions. In this case, the first 100 MB per day are provided for sleep maximum speed. Traffic over 100 MB is provided at a speed of 128 Kbps.

HELP: To enable this option, dial telephone keypad combination *110*20171#. If the need for further use of it disappears, you need to disable it yourself using the command *110*20170#.

The daily fee for using the option is 350 rubles.

How to profitably call from home to other countries

To significantly save money when making phone calls from your home region to other countries in the world, the service is intended "International Communications".

On tariff plans with a prepaid payment system, it is provided automatically and does not require separate connection. There is no subscription fee.

The cost of one minute of call depends on the selected country:

  • 35 rubles - United States of America, Canada and Europe;
  • 40 rubles - Jamaica, Bahamas, Antilles, British Virgin Islands, Belize, Bermuda, Mexico, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Dominican Republic;
  • 50 rubles - Brazil, South and North Korea, Ecuador, Philippines, Cambodia, Maldives, China and other countries.

ATTENTION: For subscribers using tariff fees with a postpaid payment system, upon connection you must pay a guarantee fee of 600 rubles. It will be returned to subscriber balance after paying six bills.

How to make profitable calls from home to the USA and Europe

Service "My Abroad"- This great choice those Beeline subscribers who make phone calls to Europe and the USA at the most favorable cost.

IN in this case The following conditions apply:

  • connection fee - 30 rubles;
  • daily subscription fee - 1 ruble;
  • the cost of 1 minute of call to numbers in the USA, Canada, India, Vietnam and South Korea is 5 rubles;
  • the cost of 1 minute of call to all European countries and Turkey is 15 rubles;
  • the cost of 1 minute of call to numbers in other countries (except for the CIS) is 50 rubles.

HELP: You can activate the service in two ways - visit Personal Area or call 06740003.

How to check your balance in Beeline Roaming

Subscribers using Beeline roaming abroad can check their balance using simple commands:

  • for tariff plans with a prepaid payment system: *102# ;
  • for postpaid tariffs: *102# and also *110*321#.

HELP: If the USSD command format is not supported in affiliate network, it is recommended to use the “My Beeline” section on the official website of the mobile operator to check your balance.

How to set a ban on working while roaming abroad

For those who do not want to use roaming capabilities while staying abroad, there is a service “Ban on online roaming”. It is provided without a subscription or connection fee.

To activate this option, you need to call 0674 09 33 1. And to turn it off you should use the number 0674 09 33 0.

IMPORTANT: The ban on roaming abroad is available to all subscribers using tariff plans with a prepaid payment system.

Beeline company offers its subscribers the most favorable conditions for using international roaming. Maximum opportunities for a reasonable price. The main thing is to choose the optimal service after familiarizing yourself with the conditions and features of each of them.


For those who have relatives abroad, but previously could not contact them, today this is real. Beeline has prepared a profitable offer for its clients. By using the “My Abroad” option, you can save your budget significantly. You can talk for a long time without thinking about expenses!

What is the “My Abroad” service?

It's no secret that when you think about making a call abroad, you immediately begin to calculate how much it will cost. Without knowing about this option, you might think that you will have to pay a large amount money. Today, this “My Abroad” service, thanks to the precise design of tariffs, makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of calls.

This service is created in such a way that when calling abroad, no more than 50 rubles will be debited from the account per 1 minute, depending on where the interlocutor lives. This option can only be activated in the home region. If you are traveling abroad or leaving home region, you will not be able to use the “My Abroad” service.

How much will the “My Abroad” service cost:

30 rubles will be charged for connection;

The subscription fee will cost 1 ruble per day.

Depending on where you will call, the price per minute will be different (from 5 to 50 rubles per minute of conversation).

For those clients whose relatives and friends live in the CIS, the best option for communication there will be a “Welcome to EVERYTHING” service. You can also choose one of the “ALL” tariffs, but they all work by default. If your relatives live in Ukraine and they are Kyivstar clients, then for conversations it is advisable to select the “Calls to Ukraine” option.

How the service works

Easily connect my abroad to Beeline to all clients. Connection is available both with prepayment and after a certain period. If a client wants to use a prepaid tariff, then he must make sure that he has the required amount of money in his account (connection + 31 rubles for 1 day). For postpaid tariffs, you must have 600 rubles in your account. and you need to activate the “International connection” option.

The “My Abroad” offer cannot be connected simultaneously with some Beeline options. The tariff will be calculated depending on the conditions, and options such as “My calls to other countries”, “ ” will be disabled at the same time.

Methods for connecting and disabling this service

Since there is no specific restriction on the use of the option, and there is a subscription fee for it, it is advisable for the client to constantly monitor the costs of communication abroad. The most advantageous time to activate the “My Abroad” option is when there is a need for foreign communications. And if there is no longer a need for this, then it is better to disable the option.

The easiest way is to use commands to manage this service:

To activate this service, you can dial 06740003 and wait until the option connects;

To deactivate the “My Abroad” service, you must also use the short number -06742000.

These days, a large number of people travel abroad for one reason or another. So, some of them are going to have a good vacation, some are on business trips, and some are just visiting someone. While in another country, people want to continue using their mobile phone, in particular their old number. But at the same time, there is no desire to communicate at a standard tariff in roaming, because this can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, operators have taken care of providing various services for communication in roaming and for calls to other countries. In particular, the Beeline "International" tariff is one of them.

So all such services in Beeline are connected automatically after you activate the card. And you can immediately make calls to the numbers you need. In order to save on such calls, it is important to understand all the nuances of roaming tariffs. This way, you won't have to deal with various unpleasant surprises.

Roaming in the Beeline "International" tariff

Today, this operator has several tariffs for making international calls at the lowest price, namely the Beeline “International”, “Planet Zero” tariff, etc. In particular
To find out the exact cost of calls, it is recommended to contact the operator by dialing the number 0611 .

Connecting international roaming from Beeline

If for one reason or another you need to go abroad, and at the same time you do not want to lose mobile communication with your friends, then you should think in advance about connecting to special roaming services from Beeline. The operator even gave you the choice of the best tariff for yourself.

How much will it cost to call other countries?

Mobile operator Beeline announced tariffs for calls to foreign countries:

  • You can call Canada, the United States of America, Vietnam, South Korea and India for only 5 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of a call to European countries and Turkey will be 15 rubles per minute;
  • One minute for calls to other countries will cost 50 rubles.

It is worth noting that tariffs for calls to CIS countries are not indicated here. This can be explained by the fact that you will call to the CIS countries at the rates provided by your tariff plan, or if an additional option is activated that reduces the cost of calls.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the “My Abroad” service is very beneficial for those who make regular calls abroad. After all, for a relatively low monthly subscription fee you can make affordable calls to any country.

Just recently, the word roaming caused tremors among subscribers. Tariffs for communications outside the region where the number was connected were carried out at extortionate rates. Providers set the price for their services independently, so subscribers tried not to use their SIM card abroad. For this purpose, guest tariffs and tourist packages of cellular communication services were purchased. The situation began to change for the better after the intervention of the Russian government. Now operators offer quite reasonable prices, and also introduce various plug-in options that help minimize communication costs outside the country. You can consider the situation using the example of a yellow-striped provider. It's no secret that Beeline "International Roaming" is a flexible tariff system that allows you to communicate profitably abroad.

Services market overview

International roaming Beeline

Beeline operates abroad in more than 120 popular countries. It is quite natural that the receiving party makes international calls through its towers. That's why price policy depends not only on Russian providers; accordingly, reducing the cost of communication to zero is unlikely to be possible when users are abroad. Beeline roaming abroad is available for prepaid and postpaid tariffs, however, in the second case, a number of restrictions apply.

In particular, you can activate postpaid roaming if the following conditions are met:

  • The number must be active. Lock personal account at the initiative of the provider, imposes a ban on calls abroad and the use voice communication outside the country.
  • The subscriber must not have unpaid bills. You can obtain information about existing debts by sending the command *110*04#.
  • The user needs to pay a guarantee fee of 1,500 rubles.

You can enable roaming on postpaid by sending a USSD request *110*131#.

Important! Activation of the service is free, the option ends automatically when the subscriber returns to the connection region.

Beeline when roaming abroad is connected according to a different principle. There is only one restriction: the user’s personal account must have at least 600 rubles. Interestingly, calls to other countries will stop functioning when the balance approaches the threshold of 300 rubles.

How to connect international roaming on prepaid plans? This can be done in three ways:

  1. Contact technical support 0611. Here you need to wait for the operator’s response and indicate your desire to enable profitable calls to other countries. The option will be activated at the time of request, but the service will only apply to international calls when abroad.
  2. SIM card menu. This tool is installed automatically when you connect to a tariff plan. You can enable international roaming in the “My Beeline” section.
  3. "Personal Area". Here you can familiarize yourself in detail with the terms of provision of international communication services and activate the available options.


Today, Beeline tariffs work with three options that provide favorable conditions for voice communications when traveling abroad. It looks like this:

  • "My planet". The service can be activated after sending the command *110*0071#. After activation, the cost of incoming/outgoing calls while traveling will be 25 rubles. There is no subscription fee for using the service. How to disable? For these purposes, the USSD request *110*0070# is used.
  • "Planet Zero" The option has been archived, so connecting to it is impossible. However, subscribers who previously connected the service can use it without restrictions. There is also a general tariff of 25 rubles for all types of calls. The option can be disabled after sending the command *110*330#.
  • "The most profitable roaming." This is a basic offer of new tariffs that does not require connection. Call tariffs automatically change when the subscriber travels abroad and returns to the previous level when returning to their hometown.

Important! The “Most profitable roaming” option includes packages of minutes, SMS and traffic, which are activated when accessing these services. The package is provided for one day; the remaining limit is not carried over to the next day.

Additional features

It is believed that it is impossible to disable international roaming. The provider believes that it offers subscribers favorable conditions that cannot be refused. The motivation is as follows: the service is turned off automatically when returning to your home region. However, the conditions of the “Most profitable roaming” option do not attract everyone. For example, after answering a call lasting 30 seconds, the user will pay the cost of the entire package - 200 rubles. You can refuse such a “profitable” offer like this.

OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) is creating a new line of tariff options that will offer subscribers more favorable communication conditions and allow them to save on communications.

The company notes that with a large number of offers, it is not always easy to choose the most profitable one. Therefore, VimpelCom has updated its line of tariff options, making it “truly convenient and transparent.”

For calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia - the “My Beeline” option (former name: “Zero on Beeline Russia”)

The offer is intended for those who talk a lot with other subscribers of the Beeline network. For a daily fixed fee, the client receives a package of 100 minutes per day for calls to Beeline network subscribers not only in his region, but throughout the country. The daily payment for using the option for the first 60 days will be 3 rubles per day, the cost from the 61st day varies depending on the region. Connecting the option is free.

For calls to any numbers in other cities of Russia - the “My Intercity” option

By enabling this option, the client will be able to stop thinking about which operator’s subscriber and which city he is calling. The cost of calls to any mobile numbers in other cities is 2.5 rubles per minute, SMS - 1.5 rubles per message. The subscription fee is 1 ruble per day. The connection cost is 25 rubles.

For calls when traveling around Russia - the “My Country” option

The offer is suitable for those who often travel around the country and do not want to limit themselves in communication. By activating the option, the subscriber receives a discount on both calls and SMS to any numbers in Russia. The cost of outgoing calls is 2.5 rubles per minute, incoming calls are 2.5 rubles for the entire conversation, and SMS is 1.5 rubles per message. The connection cost is 25 rubles, there is no subscription fee.

For calls to other countries - the option “My calls to other countries”

The proposal will allow you to communicate more via mobile phone with family and friends in other countries. The cost of calls to the CIS is 5 rubles per minute (except for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova), to Europe, the USA, Canada, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova - 10 rubles per minute, to other countries - 25 rubles per minute. An SMS to any country will cost 2.5 rubles per message. The subscription fee is 1 ruble per day, the connection cost is 25 rubles.

For active SMS communication - the “My SMS” option

By activating this option, the subscriber gets the opportunity to send 100 SMS per day to any local numbers for 3 rubles per day (in Moscow for 5 rubles per day). The connection cost is 25 rubles.

For active Internet users - Highway options

Offers from this family make it possible to choose the appropriate solution based on the needs and characteristics of using mobile Internet access.

Options of the new line are available for connection to prepaid payment system clients in all regions.