Basic course in computer science. Methodological recommendations for studying the subject “Informatics and ICT” in the basic course of computer science

M o s k a Publishing house of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman


The textbook presented to the reader’s attention is written in accordance with the program of the discipline “Informatics”, which is taught to first-year students at the department of “Computer Systems and Networks” of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. Computer science as a subject is included in the natural science cycle of disciplines in Russian higher education and is a basic component of the federal state educational standard curricula training of certified specialists in the field of “Informatics and Computer Science”.

Currently, the teaching of computer science in secondary schools is carried out with varying degrees of detail in the study. separate sections. Along with the different qualifications of teachers and the heterogeneous equipment of computer science classrooms, this leads to the fact that first-year students at technical universities are differently prepared for studying at such a university, although almost all of them have personal computers at home. Of course, when writing the manual, this circumstance was taken into account, so each new topic is presented according to the principle “from simple to complex”, with detailed explanation basic concepts and numerous examples. At the same time, the author hopes that this work will not seem too simple to the sophisticated reader, and that he will find quite a lot of interesting information in it.

The introduction analyzes the subject of computer science and determines its place among other scientific disciplines.

The first chapter is devoted to consideration of the basic concept of computer science, namely information. It specifies its properties and studies various approaches to measuring the amount of information. Enter here

the concept of entropy and its connection with information is explored. Finally, a distinction is made between the terms “information” and “data”, which in everyday life we ​​are accustomed to consider as synonyms, and the Various types data.

The second chapter examines number systems, their relationships, and ways to convert numbers from one number system to another. The machine codes of numbers used to represent them and implement arithmetic operations in a computer are considered. Methods for placing numbers in the bit grid of a computer are given, as well as basic methods for performing arithmetic operations.

IN The third chapter examines the basic concepts of logical algebra. As examples of the use of this mathematical apparatus, logical elements that implement Boolean functions are considered, and also given functional diagrams some computer blocks.

IN at the end of each chapter there are test questions that are correct

And confident answers to which will allow the reader to be convinced that he has firmly grasped the main content of the relevant section. The author also hopes that this will be facilitated by the dictionary of basic terms given at the end of the textbook.

And automata theory - a mathematical apparatus with the help of which the functioning of the main blocks and the computer as a whole is described in a formalized form. Issues of presentation and processing of information will be considered in order to develop in the reader general concept about the functioning of a computer, methods and devices for machine storage of information, as well as systems whose functioning is based on the use of large information storages. Special attention will

devoted to problems of information transmission, as well as information networks, their types and functioning of computer networks.


The term “informatics” (informatique) arose in France in the late 60s of the twentieth century by merging two words: information (information) and automation (automatique) and implies computer processing of information. In the USA and in English-speaking countries, the term “computer science” was adopted somewhat earlier to denote the field of information activity using human-machine information processing systems. In our country, computer science was initially understood only as “a scientific discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as well as the patterns of all processes of scientific communication - from formal processes exchange of scientific information through direct oral and written communication of scientists and specialists to formal processes of exchange through scientific literature.” (Dictionary of Cybernetics, 1979).

In a sense, the predecessor of computer science can be considered cybernetics - the science of managing, obtaining, transforming and transmitting information in cybernetic systems, by which we mean systems of any nature: administrative, biological, social, technical, etc. We can accurately indicate the time of the emergence of a new scientific direction in modern understanding- in 1948, the book “Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine” by the American mathematician Norbert Wiener was published and immediately became a scientific bestseller. It talks about

the possibility of creating a general theory of control, and problems of control and communication for various systems are considered from a unified position.

Cybernetics is a word of Greek origin and can be translated as “the art of control.” However, this term in the scientific sense was first used in the first half of the 19th century by the French physicist Ampere, developing unified system classifications of all sciences. He designated as such a hypothetical science of managing people and society that did not yet exist, which, in his opinion, was bound to appear.

It should be noted that the development of cybernetics in our country was artificially slowed down during almost the entire 50s of the twentieth century. For example, the first edition of the mentioned book by Wiener in Russian appeared only in 1958, and in the philosophical dictionary of the 1959 edition, cybernetics was still defined as “bourgeois pseudoscience.” This slowed down development computer technology in the USSR, although it was in those same years that we implemented projects that were advanced at that time to create computers under the leadership of S.A. Lebedeva.

The emergence of cybernetics coincided with the construction of first-generation electronic digital computers, which made it possible to solve very complex computing problems. The universality of computer computing made it possible to hope for the discovery of universal control schemes, but this did not fully happen. Nevertheless, the knowledge gained from the cybernetic approach about various control systems and the general principles of their functioning, which were partially revealed, turned out to be very productive. The ideas of cybernetics turned out to be fruitful for biology, chemistry and many other sciences.

Largely thanks to cybernetics, structural linguistics arose with the division of the latter into mathematical and applied linguistics.

It is worth highlighting such a direction as technical cybernetics, which includes the theory of automatic control - the theoretical foundation of automation. Research and practical work in this direction made it possible to obtain the most important results, without which technical progress would be impossible in modern society. Today, cybernetics can be considered as applied computer science in the creation of various automatic and automated control systems, from the control of an autonomous object to powerful control systems for industries, teams of people, etc. Thus, the sources of modern computer science, first of all, are documentary science, which studies and optimizes documents and documentary systems, and cybernetics.

The formation of computer science coincided with the rapid development of computer technology, with the advent of increasingly powerful and sophisticated electronic computers, and then personal computers. A modern computer is a powerful tool for processing heterogeneous information, and information, in turn, is the main object of study in computer science. This explains the positive impact of the constant rapid improvement of computing tools on the pace of development of modern computer science and on its content. On the other hand, advances in computer science have a beneficial effect on progress in the field of computer technology.

Computer science in its most general form can be defined as the science of methods of processing information using computers for use in various fields of human activity. Information processing means its collection,

storage, retrieval, transformation, transmission and retrieval. To date, the following components have been identified in computer science.

Theoretical computer science, using mathematical methods, studies the structure and general properties of information and the flow of information processes. It includes such disciplines as mathematical logic, computational methods, modeling, theory of automata, theory of algorithms, theory of information and its coding and transmission, theory of formal grammars and languages, operations research, artificial intelligence. Last of specified sections works in computational linguistics, machine translation, pattern recognition, reasoning modeling, creation expert systems and is at the intersection with psychology, physiology, linguistics and other sciences.

Hardware and software tools for informatization make it possible to implement the theoretical achievements of computer science at the applied level. These include computing devices, computing systems, as well as data processing and transmission systems. The software includes system, network, universal and professionally oriented tools with application program packages.

Information technologies and systems within the framework of the classification under consideration are quite universal. They deal with analysis and optimization issues information flows in various systems, implementing the principles of structuring, storing and retrieving information. These include information reference, information retrieval systems, as well as global systems storage and retrieval of information, including the Internet.

Finally, we should mention social informatics, which relatively recently began to be separated into a separate section

computer science. She studies information resources as factors in the socio-economic and cultural development of the modern information society.

From a consideration of the content of computer science, it becomes clear that it represents a very broad field of scientific knowledge and is located at the intersection of several fundamental and applied disciplines. It is connected:

- with mathematics - through mathematical logic, discrete mathematics, theory of algorithms, mathematical modeling;

- with physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, radio engineering - through the development of computer hardware;

- with cybernetics - through information theory and control theory;

- with linguistics – through the theory of formal languages ​​and sign systems;

- with philosophy and psychology – through the theory of knowledge.

The important role of computer science lies in the fact that it is essentially the scientific foundation of the process of informatization of modern society. The need for it as an educational discipline lies in the social order for the training of specialists with a new worldview. It is based on understanding the role of information, knowledge of the latest and future information and computing technologies, systems and networks.

The proposed course will examine the main topics characterizing the content of computer science.

1. Basic concepts of information theory

1.1. The concept of information, its properties

Each of us comes across the word INFORMATION very often. Man lives among his own kind, the world around him is for us constant source various information that we receive when communicating with other people, with animals, from various instruments, objects, from books and newspapers, observing ongoing phenomena and processes, etc. In this case, perception is carried out using five known senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch; main in this process are the eyes - over 80% of information comes to a person through them.

What is information? After all, there are people we will never meet, countries we will never visit, books we will never read. And these are all potential sources of information. Consequently, information does not exist on its own, but becomes such for us only after we receive it.

The term information comes from Latin word informatio, which means information, message, information about someone or something. It can be said that information is information or knowledge that living beings or devices exchange in the process of their functioning. In this case, it is necessary to take into account an important aspect associated with receiving information: by perceiving it, we thereby learn something new about a specific subject area, in other words, we reduce the degree of incompleteness of our knowledge.

Information belongs to the original, undefined concepts of science. In the same way, for example, in planimetry such

basic concepts such as point, line and plane. Being a reflection of the processes of the real world, the essence of information is revealed in connection with the actions in which it takes a direct part: transmission, reception, storage, transformation, issuance. As part of our consideration, we will focus on the following formulation:

Information is information obtained about objects and phenomena that reduces the degree of incomplete knowledge about them.

With this approach, it is clear that very important are the ways of obtaining and processing diverse information that constantly accompanies our life. However, there are a number of properties that are inherent in any information, regardless of the methods of obtaining it.

And representations, that is, they are universal. What are these properties that make information such?

Suppose you read the sentence: “Twice two is four.” It is unlikely that there is information here for any of you, because this fact is

And you've known that for a long time. Therefore, the information should be new

A Now there is another saying: “Twice two is five.” And there is no information here, since this is not true. Therefore, the information should be reliable

If now a first-year reader began to get acquainted in detail with the rules for calculating pensions, he would remember almost nothing - this information is completely uninteresting for him, since he is unlikely to need it now and in the foreseeable future. Therefore, information must be timely.

The sentence: "Ich wurde in Potsdam geboren" for some of you also does not contain any information, since, without knowing German language, you won't understand what it's talking about. Therefore, the information must be understandable.

The fifth property of information is ideal, that is, one that one should strive for, but which cannot be achieved. Indeed, it is unlikely that any of us can learn everything about everything or even absolutely everything about something specific, but an inquisitive person always tries to find out as much as possible about the subject or phenomenon that interests him. Therefore, the information must be comprehensive or complete.

So, at the “everyday” level, we have identified five properties of information, namely: it must be new, reliable, timely, understandable and comprehensive. In fact, there are more of these properties; we present a list of them, which does not at all pretend to be complete.

Adequacy is a certain level of compliance of the image created on the basis of the information received with a real object or phenomenon.

Relevance is the degree to which information remains useful at the time of its use.

Sufficiency is the property of the received information to contain a minimal but sufficient set of indicators for its use.

Reliability is the property of information to reflect real objects or phenomena with a given accuracy.

Accessibility is the property of information to correspond to the level of its perception by the user.

Representativeness– a property of information associated with the correctness of its selection for a comprehensive reflection of the properties of an object or phenomenon.

Timeliness– the property of information to arrive at the time of its use.

Accuracy is the degree of closeness of the received information to the real state of an object or phenomenon.

Stability is the property of information to respond to changes in source data without reducing the required accuracy.

The listed properties of information require some clarification. Firstly, their set characterizes quality of information– a set of its consumer indicators that determine the possibility of effective use of information. Secondly, it is necessary to distinguish between such properties as adequacy, reliability, representativeness, accuracy and stability, relevance and timeliness, since the listed characteristics are determined both at the design stage and during the operation of information systems, that is, at different stages of use and processing of information. Thirdly, there is some terminological ambiguity associated with the inexhaustibility of the very concept of information, for example, instead of accessibility, the term clarity of information looks more accurate, since in the first case we can talk about the impossibility for some reason of obtaining the required information. Finally, fourthly, the proposed list of properties, as noted, is not complete; Thus, one can rightly assert that information, for example, should be useful and interesting, because if it seems so to a person, then he remembers it easier and more firmly.

1.2. Measuring information

We are accustomed to units of measurement of various quantities that we often encounter: kilometer, gram, hour, ruble, dollar, etc. How and in what units should knowledge be measured? After all, information is knowledge that...

Suppose the reader has two books in front of him, which obviously contain certain knowledge. Let the first book have three hundred pages, and the second – a hundred. Does this mean that a thicker book contains three times more for you? various information, than in the second? Hardly. For example, the first book is a collection of Russian folk tales, many of which are familiar to you from childhood, and the second book is a tutorial for playing the guitar that you want to master. It is clear that in this case, the second book contains much more information for you, that is, when measuring the latter, you cannot act straightforwardly, but must take into account various parameters, for example, content.

Information is transmitted in space and time from source to recipient in the form of a message, which can be understood as some form of its representation using certain signs. Such a message can be expressed using natural or artificial languages. The first are languages ​​of communication that arose naturally and are a combination of alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. The latter are specially created semiotic systems (semiotics is the science of the properties of signs and sign systems) and act as specialized sign systems for recording information.

From the point of view of semiotics, the information message is considered at three levels. At the syntactic level, the internal properties of messages are studied, namely the relationships that have developed between signs and reflect the structure of the existing sign system. (Syntactics is a section of semiotics that studies the syntax of sign systems). External properties are studied at the semantic and pragmatic levels. In the first case, the relationship between signs and the concepts they denote - objects, actions, qualities, etc. is analyzed. In other words, the role of the object of study at this stage is the semantic

the content of the information message, as well as its connection with the source of information. (Semantics is a branch of semiotics that studies the interpretation of statements of sign systems). In the second case, it is analyzed consumer the content of the message, that is, its connection with the recipient of the information. (Pragmatics is a section of semiotics that studies the perception of meaningful expressions of sign systems as a means of communication between the source and consumer of information).

In accordance with this, three directions are being formed for solving problems of presenting and transmitting information, as well as measuring its quantity. It should be noted that modern information theory deals mainly with problems at the syntactic level, abstracting from semantic content. In this case, the central concept is the “quantity of information,” which is understood as a measure of the frequency of using signs to form messages. We will also focus on this area, especially since it is much easier to formalize. However, first we present a classification of methods for measuring information (Figure 1.1) and give an overview of two other levels of consideration of external properties information messages in terms of measuring the amount of information contained in them.

According to these goals, the content of a school computer science course should reflect all aspects of the subject area of ​​science, in particular:

The worldview aspect associated with the formation of a systemic information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world, the role of information in management, and the general patterns of information processes;

The user aspect associated with the practical training of students in the use of new information technologies;

The algorithmic aspect associated with the development of procedural thinking in schoolchildren.

All these three aspects are reflected in this program in the following content lines:

5. New information technologies for information processing.

These lines are end-to-end in nature, i.e. are studied at all stages of the course (from 2nd to 11th grade). The course material is divided into three levels, taking into account the age of students and their preparation:

Level 1: elementary (propaedeutic) – grades 2-6;

Level 2: basic – grades 7-9;

Level 3: specialized – 10-11 grade.

The course is designed to be taught in the amount of 68 annual hours (2 weekly hours), which are introduced into the curriculum through the school component. Course content requires mandatory presence computer equipment.

The course program for grades 2-9 fully complies with the mandatory minimum educational content (level A), and in the senior grades it is planned to study in depth the profiles to prepare students for professional activity.

When compiling the program, the programs of the course “Informatics in Games and Problems” (Goryachev A.V., School 2100), the basic course “Informatics” by Semakin I., Shein T., as well as planning from textbooks edited by Professor N.V. Makarova were used . Tutorials These authors are recommended to be used when studying this course.

Initial (propaedeutic) level

1. Information. Information processes. Languages ​​for presenting information.

1) Information and its role in human life. Information processes. Methods of presenting information. Encoding information. Language for transmitting information. Types of information processes.

Students should know:

What role does information play in a person’s life?

The concept of “coding” information;

Types of information processes;

Give examples of different types of information;

Encode symbolic information using some alphabet;

Determine the type of information process occurring in a specific situation.

2. Information modeling.

1) Objects: characteristics, composition, comparison, classification. Information models of objects. Graphic information models. Multitudes. Intersection, union, nesting of sets.

Students should know:

The concepts of “essential feature”, “classification” and be able to explain them;

Some types graphic models: graphs, trees, sets;

Determine the essential features of the subject;

Describe the composition of the item (including in the form of a diagram);

Determine the characteristic by which the classification is carried out;

Classify items according to a given essential characteristic;

Define and describe simple cases relative position sets.

2) Basic concepts of logic. Statement. The truth and falsity of a statement. Logical operations of negation, conjunction, disjunction. Methods for solving logical problems (tabular, Euler circle method).

Students should know:

The concepts of “statement”, “true statement”, “false statement”;

The action of logical operators “it is not true that”, “and”, “or”;

Methods for solving logical problems (tabular, Euler circles);

Determine the truth and falsity of a statement;

Give examples of true and false statements;

Solve problems using the Euler table and circle method;

Build a winning strategy in Chain games.

3. Algorithmization and programming.

1) The concept of an algorithm. Algorithm executors. Executor command system. Linear, branching and cyclic algorithms. Auxiliary algorithms (procedures).

Students should know:

The concepts of “algorithm”, “algorithm executor”, “program”;

Types of algorithms;

Basic commands of the Turtle performer (LOGO language);

Determine the type of finished algorithm;

Find errors in the problem solving algorithm;

Determine the type of algorithmic structure needed to solve a simple problem;

Create an algorithm using the training executor's SKI.

2) Cell coordinates. Number axis negative numbers. Coordinate plane. Point coordinates. Algorithms using coordinates.

Students should know:

The concepts of “cell coordinates”, “point coordinates”;

The rule for determining and recording the coordinates of a cell on a chessboard, a point on a coordinate plane;

Determine the coordinates of given cells and points;

Mark cells, points with given coordinates;

Use commands training performers for working with coordinates.

2) Symmetrical figures. Axis of symmetry. Symmetrical points on the coordinate plane. Rules for constructing symmetrical figures. Labyrinths. Rule for exiting the maze.

Students should know:

The concepts of “symmetrical figure”, “axis of symmetry”;

Determine whether a figure is symmetrical;

Complete the figure to be symmetrical using this axis of symmetry;

Construct a figure symmetrical to a given one with respect to a given axis of symmetry;

Find a way out of the maze.

4. Computer as a means of information processing.

1) A brief history of computing. Composition of a personal computer. Mastering the computer keyboard. Presentation of information on a computer.

Students should know:

What kind of computer technology did people use before the advent of computers?

The name and purpose of the main parts of a personal computer;

Assignment of the main keys on the keyboard;

Method of presenting information on a computer;

Use a computer keyboard to operate on-screen menus and enter text information;

Use the mouse.

2) Information storage. Disks and files. File name, file types. File system. Disk tree. Actions with files in operating system shells.

Students should know:

Main types of media for storing information;

The concepts of “file”, “directory”, “folder”, “disk tree”;

Rules for writing file names (in MS-DOS);

Main types of file name extensions;

Determine the correctness of the file name and file type by its extension;

Find necessary files or folders on disk, launch or view them;

Create directories, copy, rename and delete files using shell programs (such as Norton Commander).

1) Processing text information on a computer. Text editors. Typing, editing, saving and printing text. Ten-finger blind writing method.

Students should know:

The purpose of a text editor and its scope of application;

Features of simple text editors: Mikron, Notepad;

The concepts of “text editing”, “text fragment”;

Type text in text editor using the ten-finger writing method;

Edit typed text;

Save text to disk;

Print text from a file on a printer.

2) Processing graphic information on the computer. Graphic editor. Constructing images using graphic editor tools. Creation of graphic models in GR.

Students should know:

The purpose of the graphic editor and its scope of application;

Possibilities of simple graphic editors: Artist, Paint;

The concepts of “toolbar”, “palette”;

Create a drawing in a graphics editor using basic tools;

Edit drawing;

Save the drawing to disk.

3) Transfer of information in computer networks. Email. Global network Internet. Hypertexts, following hyperlinks. Internet addressing.

Students should know:

Computer network capabilities;

The concepts of “electronic letter”, “electronic mail”, “hyperlink”;

Browser rules Internet Explorer;

Find the necessary pages on the Internet at a given address;

Use an Internet email account to send text files and letters with attachments (graphics files).

A basic level of

1. Information. Information processes. Languages ​​for presenting information.

1) Information and its types. Actions with information. Information processes. Language as a means of presenting information. Measuring information: content and alphabetical approaches. Units of information measurement.

Students should know:

What are information processes;

What types of storage media exist?

Functions of language as a way of presenting information; what are natural and formal languages;

How is the unit of measurement of information – the bit – determined in the alphabetical and meaningful approach;

What is a byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte;

In what units is the speed of information transfer measured?

Provide examples of information processes from the field of human activity, wildlife and technology;

Give examples of messages carrying 1 bit of information;

Measure the information volume of the text;

Recalculate the amount of information in different units.

2) Prehistory of computer science. History of numbers and number systems. Converting numbers from one number system to another. Binary arithmetic.

Students should know:

Major discoveries in the field of storage, transmission and processing of information;

What is a number system, what is the difference between positional and non-positional number systems;

Convert whole numbers from decimal system dead reckoning to other systems and vice versa;

Perform arithmetic operations on numbers in the binary number system.

2. Information modeling.

1) The concept of an object, an object model. Material and information models. System models. Forms of presentation of information models. Adequacy of the model. Verbal, graphical, tabular and mathematical models. Computer modelling.

Students should know:

The concepts of “model”, “information model”, “system”, “adequacy of the model”;

Forms of presentation of information models;

Give examples of material and information models;

Conduct system analysis object in order to build its information model;

In simple cases, formalize a “poorly formulated” problem and build a model for solving it;

Conduct a computer experiment on a simple model;

Navigate through table-organized information.

3. Algorithmization and programming.

1) Cybernetics - control models. Management processes. Feedback. Formal performer. The concept of an algorithm and its properties. Types of algorithms. Algorithms for working with quantities.

Students should know:

What is cybernetics, the subject and tasks of this science;

The essence of the cybernetic feedback control circuit;

What is a control algorithm;

What are the main properties of the algorithm;

Methods of writing algorithms: verbal, block diagram;

Types of algorithms;

When analyzing simple control situations, determine the mechanism of direct and feedback;

Use the language of flowcharts, understand descriptions of algorithms in a formal algorithmic language.

2) Programming languages high level: their classification, the concept of syntax and semantics. Introduction to the Pascal programming language.

Students should know:

Purpose of programming languages;

Rules for presenting data in the Pascal programming language;

Rules for writing basic operators: input, output, assignment, loop, branching;

Program recording rules;

Work in the Turbo Pascal environment;

Create simple programs for solving computational problems;

Program dialogue;

Debug and test the program.

4. Computer as a means of information processing.

1) History of the development of computers. Kinds modern computers. Personal computer architecture. Principles of organizing internal and external memory. Backbone-modular principle of computer construction. The concept of software control of a computer. Machine command language.

Students should know:

Computer safety rules;

The composition of the main computer devices, their purpose and information interaction;

Basic characteristics of the computer as a whole and its components;

Structure internal memory computer;

Types and properties of external memory devices;

The essence of software control of computer operation;

Turn the computer on and off;

Use a keyboard and mouse.

2) Elements of formal and mathematical logic. Logical principles of computer operation. Logical elements.

Students should know:

What is called a “statement”;

What are logical operations, how are they performed;

What is a “logical element”;

Determine the truth of statements;

Write logical expressions using the logical operations of inversion, conjunction, disjunction, implication;

Create a diagram based on a logical expression;

Construct a truth table for a logical expression or circuit.

3) Types of software. System software. Operating systems: organizing a dialogue with the user, file system, device management.

Students should know:

Purpose of the software and its composition;

Principles of organizing information on disks: what is a file, directory, file structure;

Types and capabilities of operating systems;

Find your way around the Windows’95 OS interface;

Perform basic operations with disks, folders, files: formatting, checking for errors, searching, copying, moving, deleting, renaming;

Work with service programs: archivers; antivirus programs.

5. Information technologies for information processing.

1) Texts in computer memory: character encoding, text files. Work with magnetic disks and printers. Text editors and principles of working with them.

Students should know:

Methods for representing symbolic information in computer memory;

Types of word processing programs and the purpose of word processors;

Basic operating modes of a word processor;

Type and edit text in the Word text editor;

Perform text formatting, apply design elements;

Save text on disk, load it from disk, print it.

2) Computer graphics: areas of application, technical means,image coding principles. Graphic editors and principles of working with them. Presentation editor.

Students should know:

Methods for representing images in computer memory; concept of pixel, raster, color encoding, video memory;

What are the areas of application of computer graphics?

Computer graphics processing tools;

Purpose of graphic editors and their capabilities;

Purpose of the main components of the graphic editor environment: working field, tool menu; graphic primitives, palettes, etc.;

Operating principles of the slide film (presentation) editor;

Construct simple images using graphic editors Paint, CorelDraw;

Save drawings on disk, load from disk, print;

Create a presentation using insertion of texts, pictures, built-in animation; demonstrate the finished presentation.

3) Databases: basic concepts, data types. Database management systems and principles of working with them. Viewing, editing, searching in the database. Database design.

Students should know:

What is a database, DBMS, information system;

What is a relational database, its elements (fields, records, keys); field types and formats;

The structure of commands for searching and sorting information in databases;

Open a ready-made Access DBMS database;

Organize information search in the database;

Edit the contents of database fields;

Sort database records;

Add and delete records in the database;

Design your own database.

4) Tabular calculations and spreadsheets. Principles of working with spreadsheets. Modeling and solving problems in spreadsheets.

Students should know:

What is a spreadsheet and table processor;

Basic information units of a spreadsheet: cells, rows, columns, blocks and methods for identifying them;

What types of data are entered into the spreadsheet; how a spreadsheet processor works with formulas;

Basic functions (mathematical, statistical) used when writing formulas in ET;

Graphic capabilities of the table processor;

Use Excel spreadsheet processor to solve simple problems;

Fill out the table with data and formulas;

Edit and format table cells;

Perform operations with ET fragments;

Receive diagrams using a spreadsheet processor.

5) Computer networks: types, structure, principles of operation, technical devices. Types of teleprocessing: email, teleconference, World Wide Web. Ethics of behavior on a computer network. Information security methods. Legal protection of programs and data.

Students should know:

What is a computer network, the difference between local and global networks;

Purpose of the main hardware and software for the functioning of networks: communication channels, modems, servers, protocols;

Purpose of the main types of global network services;

What is the Internet, what opportunities does the World Wide Web provide to the user;

Ethics of behavior on a computer network; methods for protecting your data;

Exchange information in the local computer class network;

Use the Internet Explorer browser to search for pages by their addresses;

Search for information in one of the search engines by key phrase;

Use postal Outlook program Express for sending and receiving letters.


1. Mathematical modeling and programming:

Mathematical modeling in spreadsheets;

Fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Visual Basic;

Design in Auto Cad environment;

Working in the Math Cad environment;

Image processing in the Photo Shop editor;

Basics of the hypertext markup language HTML.

2. Computer graphics and design:

Graphic information models;

Business graphics in spreadsheets;

Image processing in Corel Draw, Photo Shop editors;

Computer presentations;

Microsoft Publisher layout system;

Creation of three-dimensional images, work in 3D studio;

Website design, working with Front Page.

3. Computer office work, economics and accounting:

Text information processing technology, Word word processor;

Rules for preparing business papers, templates;

Maintaining databases in Access DBMS;

Performing calculations in ET Excel;

Scheduling events in Microsoft Outlook;

Maintaining accounting on a computer; 1c accounting;

Searching for information on the Internet, conducting business correspondence by email.

Thematic planning

in computer science for 2nd grade

Topic Clock1. Introductory lessons. 8 part 1) TB in the computer science classroom. Computer science, information. Types of information, information processes. 2) Reception and transmission of information. 3) Language for transmitting information. Encoding of information.2. Introduction to the computer. 10 part 1) A trip to the museum of computer technology (history of computers).

2) Portrait of a personal computer (PC device).

3) Mastering the computer keyboard. Working with the on-screen menu and cursor.

4) Computer and counting.

5) Computer and literacy.3. Objects. Classification. 14 part 1) Signs of objects.

2) Description, composition of items.

3) Comparison of objects.

4) Actions of objects.

5) Classification of objects.

6) Arranging items.4. Algorithmization.20 part 1) Sequence of events. Chains of actions. The concept of an algorithm, an executor.

2) Linear algorithms. Flowcharts. The algorithm executor is Robot.

3) Algorithms with questions.

4) Algorithms with repetitions.

5. Coordinates. 7 part 1) Coordinate grid.

2) Algorithms using coordinates.6. Symmetry, labyrinths.6 part1) Symmetry.

2) Labyrinths.6. Reserve, repetition. 3 hours. TOTAL: 68 hours.

Thematic planning

in computer science for 3rd grade

Topic: Clock1. Introductory lesson. Rules of conduct in the VT office. Interrelation and purpose of the main parts of the PC (repetition).

2 part 2. Objects. Models. Sorting and searching. 6 part 1) The concept of an object. Object models.

2) Arranging items. Dictionaries, catalogues.

3) Addresses and search.

4) Composition diagram.3. Sets. 10 part 1) The concept of a set, elements of a set.

2) Comparing sets, displaying sets.

3) Nesting of sets.

4) Intersection of sets.

5) Union of sets.

6) Quantifier words.4. Logic.14 part 1) The concepts of “truth”, “false”.

2) Denial.

3) Logical operations “and”, “or”.

4) Graphs, trees.

5) Combinatorics.

5. Algorithmization. 20 part 1) The concept of an algorithm, performer (repetition). Executor command system.

2) Linear algorithms. Working with the performer "Machinist".

3) Branching algorithms. Performer "Monk".

4) Cyclic algorithms.

5) Transfusion tasks. Performer "Perelivashka".

6) Algorithmic workshop. Work with the performer "Little Kangaroo" (step-by-step implementation, programs, procedures).6. Coordinates.8 h1) Cell coordinates (repetition).

2) Number axis, negative numbers.

3) Coordinate plane. Algorithms with coordinates.7. Patterns.5 part 1) Analogy.

2) Regularity.

3) Winning strategy.8. Repetition, reserve. 3 hours. TOTAL: 68 hours.

Thematic planning

in computer science for 5th grade


Information. Types of information. Languages, information coding.

1) Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.

1 part 2) Information. Methods of presenting information. Information objects in human life. Information models.

2 parts 3) Information processes. Dynamic models. 2 part 4) Languages ​​for presenting information. Information coding. 3 part 5) Computer – universal machine for information processing. PC composition, PC keyboard.

Disks and files.

1) Information storage. Disks and files. File name.

2) File system, disk tree.

3) Working with files in the Norton Commander shell.

Text processing

1) Editor programs. Text editor "Mikron". Cursor in "Mikron". Key assignment.

Part 2.2) Correcting errors in texts. Editing keys. 3 part 3) Rules for formatting texts. 2 parts 4) Mastering ten-finger method printing text. Working with keyboard simulators.

10 part 4) Copying to TR "Mikron". 2 part 5) Formatting paragraphs. 3 part 2) Text files at Micron. Reading and writing. 2 hours. 3) General work (business card, newspaper issue). 2 hours.

Transfer of information in computer networks

1) Email. Sending text files.

3 hours 2) Websites on the Internet: search by address, follow the link. 3 hours.

Processing graphic information in a graphics editor.

1) Basic tools of the GR "Artist".

2 parts 2) Copying elements of a drawing. 2 hours 3) Solving logical problems in GR.2 hours.

Multitudes. Logics.

1) Judgments, conclusions. Solving problems using the table method.

3 parts 2) Sets (repetition). Solving problems using the Euler circle method. 3 part 2) Solving various logical problems. 2 part.

5 hours TOTAL 68 hours

Thematic planning

in computer science for 6th grade


Introductory lesson. Safety precautions in the computer lab.

Algorithms, performers.

1) The concept of an algorithm. Algorithm executors.

1 part 2) Types of algorithms. Forms for recording algorithms. 3 hours.

Performer Turtle. Logo programming language.

1) Movement and rotation commands.

2 hours 2) Working with color and pen. 2 hours 3) Procedures. 4 hours 4) The “repeat” command. 2 hours 5) Construction of regular polygons. 3 parts 6) Circles and arcs. 3 parts 7 ) Procedures with parameters. 4 part 8) Working with forms. Elements of animation.4 part 9) Turtle's coordinate field. Moving along the coordinates pl-ti.3 part 10) Command to display on the screen.2 part 11) Calculation of the values ​​of arithmetic expressions.1 part 12 Command "let". Computational problems. 3 part 13) Command "zhidisok". Drawing up dialog programs. 4 parts 14) Logical expressions. 2 parts 15) Selection command. 5 parts 16) Recursive procedures. 3 parts.

Processing information using standard applications Windows.

1) Working with windows. Icons, Start menu.

3 hours 2) Calculations on a calculator. Text editor "Notepad". 3 parts. 3) Basic tools of the "Paint" GR. 4 parts. 4) Sending letters with attachments by e-mail. 2 parts.

Review review of the material of the academic year, reserve.

4 hours. TOTAL 68 hours

Thematic planning

in computer science for 7th grade


Man and information

1) Types of information. Information processes. Encoding information.

3 hours 2) Measuring information. 4 hours 3) History of computer science. 2 hours 4) Number systems. 6 hours 5) Information and cybernetics. Black boxes.2 hours.

Computer device

1) Personal computer architecture. TB when working with a computer.

Part 2 2) Principles of organizing internal and external memory. Part 2 3) Computer software. System software. Actions with files in Windows OS.

5 part 4) Working with service programs: data archiving, anti-virus protection.

Text information and computer

1) Coding of text information.

2 hours 2) Processing information in the Word text editor. 8 hours.

Graphic information and computer

1) Computer graphics: areas of application, technical means. Principles of image coding.

2 hours. 2) Working with GR Paint. 4 hours. 3) Power Point presentation editor. 6 hours.

Transfer of information in computer networks.

1) Hardware and software of computer networks.

2 parts 2) Searching for information on the Internet. Working with Internet Explorer. 3 parts 2) Email: mail servers, registration mailbox. Setting up and using the mail program. Ethics of computer communication.

4 part 4) Methods of information protection, anti-virus prevention. 2 hours

Review review of the material of the academic year, reserve.

5 hours. TOTAL 68 hours

Thematic planning

in computer science for 8th grade

(textbook: Computer Science, basic course, I. Semakin, etc.)

Models and tables

1) What is a model. Types of models. The concept of an information model, information structure. 1 part.

2 parts 2) Tabular models. Relational databases. 2 part 3) DBMS. Introduction to the Access DBMS.2 part 4) Organization of data search in the database using logical expressions.

4 hours 5) Sorting, deleting and adding records. 2 hours 6) Design and creation of a database. 3 hours.

Table calculations on a computer

1) What is a spreadsheet. Principles of operation of a table processor.

Part 2 2) Filling out and designing a table in Excel. Part 2 3) Working with formulas. Sorting data. 3 part 4) Graphical data processing. 3 part 5) Mathematical modeling and problem solving in ET. 4 part.

Information and management

1) Cybernetics - control models. Principles of feedback. Automated control systems.

2 parts 2) Management of the formal executor. The concept of an algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Types of algorithms. Training performers.

Introduction to Programming

1) Languages ​​and programming systems.

1 part 2) Algorithms for working with quantities. Types of quantities. Program structure in Turbo Pascal language.

3 part 3) Commands for assignment, input and output of data. Arithmetic expressions. Linear computational algorithms.

6 part 4) Algorithms with branching structure. Programming branches in Pascal.

7 part 5) Types of cycles. Programming cycles with counter.8 h.

Review review of the material of the academic year, reserve.

5 hours. TOTAL 68 hours

Thematic planning

in computer science for 9th grade

(textbook: Computer Science, basic course, I. Semakin, etc.)

Topic: Clock Introductory lesson. Safety precautions when working with a computer.

Introduction to Programming

1) About programming languages ​​and translators.

2) Data types in Pascal. Program structure and basic operators (repetition). 1 hour.

4 hours 3) Types of cycles. Programming cycles with conditions. 8 part 4) Arrays. Description, filling, display. 4 Part 4) Solving problems using arrays: replacing elements, searching for elements, counting the number of elements by condition, minimum (maximum) element.

8 part 5) Procedures and functions in Pascal. 6 part 5) Mathematical modeling and solving applied problems in Pascal.

Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Bases

1) Artificial intelligence systems.

1 part 2) Knowledge base. Logic programming language Prolog.4 hours.

How does a computer work?

1) Binary system Numbers and binary arithmetic.

4 parts 2) The structure of computer memory and the representation of numbers. 2 parts 3) Introduction to formal logic. Logical principles of computer operation.

7 part 3) Machine command language. 2 part 4) Design and operation of the processor. 2 part 5) History of computers. 1 part.

Review review of the material of the academic year, reserve.

5 hours. TOTAL 68 hours

School course program "INFORMATICS" grades 2-9

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Methodological recommendations for studying the subject “Informatics and ICT” in the basic course of computer science.

Studying computer science and information technology at basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

mastering the basic knowledge system, reflecting the contribution of computer science to the formation of the modern scientific picture of the world, the role of information processes as a necessary condition of life and evolution, the significance information bases management in biological, social and technical systems;

mastery of skills build, analyze and transform information models using information and communication technologies; analyze information processes occurring in systems of various natures, including when studying other school disciplines;

development educational interests, intellectual and creative abilities through the development and use of computer science methods and tools in other academic subjects (mathematics, physics, biology, history, literature, etc.);

upbringing necessary standards of behavior and activity in accordance with the requirements and capabilities of information civilization;

gaining experience building computer models, collective implementation of information projects.

The basic course of computer science is studied in grades 7 - 9.

The main objectives of the basic computer science course are:

Formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview;

Development of students' thinking;

Preparing students for practical work and continuing education.

Ways to solve the assigned problems are reflected in the content of the basic computer science course. The content of the basic computer science course is in full agreement with the concept of the draft standard and the mandatory minimum. The course can be divided into two global sections: information processes and information technologies. Each section includes 7 and 6 content and methodological lines, respectively.

1. Information and information processes (Information. Information objects of various types. Basic information processes: storage, transmission and processing of information. Perception, memorization and transformation of signals by living organisms. The role of information in people’s lives. The concept of the amount of information: various approaches. Units of measurement of quantity information);

2. Presentation of information (Language as a way of presenting information: natural and formal languages. Discrete form of information presentation. Computer representation of text information. Coding of graphic information (pixel, raster, color coding, video memory). Coding of audio information. Performance numerical information in various number systems. Computer representation of numerical information);

3. Computer as a universal information processing device (Main components of a computer and their functions (processor, input and output devices, RAM and long-term memory). Hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of a computer. Program principle computer operation. Software, its structure. Operating systems, their functions. Booting the computer. Data and programs. Files and file system. Team interaction between the user and the computer, graphical user interface (desktop, windows, dialog panels, menus);

4. Algorithms and executors (Algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Methods of recording algorithms: flowcharts. Possibility of automating human activities. Executors of algorithms (purpose, environment, operating mode, command system). Computer as a formal executor of algorithms (programs). Algorithmic designs: following, branching, repetition. Splitting a problem into subtasks, auxiliary algorithm. Algorithms for working with quantities: data types, input and output of data. Programming languages, their classification. Rules for presenting data. Rules for writing basic operators: input, output, assignment, branching, cycle. Rules for writing a program. Stages of program development: algorithmization-coding-debugging-testing. Subroutines: procedures and functions. Arrays (tables) as a way of presenting information. Processed objects: strings of characters, numbers, lists, trees, graphs.);

5. Formalization and modeling (Formalization of descriptions of real objects and processes, examples of modeling objects and processes, including computer ones. Computer-controlled models. Types of information models. Drawings. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. Diagrams, plans, maps. Table as a tool modeling. Cybernetic control model: control, feedback.);

6. Information technologies in society (Organization of information in an environment of collective use of information resources. Organization of group work on a document. Information resources of society, educational information resources. Ethics and law in the creation and use of information. Information security. Legal protection of information resources. Main stages of development information technology means.)

7. Fundamentals of logic (Basic concepts and operations of formal logic. Logical expressions and their transformation. Construction of truth tables of logical expressions. Basic logical elements of a computer.)

1. Processing of text information (Creation and simple editing of documents (inserting, deleting and replacing characters, working with text fragments). Numbering and orientation of pages. Page sizes, margins. Headers and footers. Spell checking. Creating documents using wizards and templates ( business card, report, abstract). Font options, paragraph options. Including lists, tables, charts, formulas, and graphical objects in a text document. Development and use of style: paragraphs, headings. Hypertext. Create bookmarks and links. Recording and highlighting changes. Text recognising. Computer dictionaries and text translation systems. Saving a document in various text formats. Print the document.);

2. Processing of graphic information (Raster and Vector graphics. Interface of graphic editors. Drawings and photographs. Graphic file formats.);

3. Multimedia technologies (Computer presentations. Presentation design and slide layouts. Sounds and video images. Composition and editing. Techniques for recording audio and video information. Use of simple animated graphic objects);

4. Processing of numerical information (Tabular calculations and spreadsheets (columns, rows, cells). Data types: numbers, formulas, text. Absolute and relative references. Built-in functions.)

5. Information storage (Tabular databases: basic concepts, data types, database management systems and principles of working with them. Entering and editing records. Information search conditions: logical values, operations, expressions. Searching, deleting and sorting data);

6. Communication technologies (The process of information transmission, source and receiver of information, signal, encoding and decoding, distortion of information during transmission, speed of information transfer. Local and global computer networks. Information resources and services of computer networks: The World Wide Web, file archives, interactive communication. E-mail as a means of communication, rules of correspondence, attachments to letters. Search for information. Computer encyclopedias and reference books: information in computer information sources. Computer and non-computer directories: search engines, queries. Archiving and unarchiving.).

From of this description It follows that the basic course introduces students to a number of studied disciplines that make up computer science: information theory, computer architecture, cybernetics, systems analysis, theory of algorithms, artificial intelligence, programming, and gives students basic knowledge in the field of modern information and communication technologies. Students gain practical skills in working with a specific type of computer.

Word " base"The course title has three meanings:

· provides basic knowledge and skills that allow the student to navigate the modern environment of computers and programs;

· knowledge and skills provide the basis for further education in this area. This education can be continued in high school in the form of a variety of specialized courses.

· the second level, which the course is aimed at, is usually called basic.

Edited by

S. V. Simonovich



higher technical educational institutions

Publishing program

300 best textbooks for higher education in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Moscow St. Petersburg Nizhny Novgorod Voronezh Rostov-on-Don Ekaterinburg Samara Novosibirsk Kyiv Kharkov Minsk2004

BBK 32.973.233ya7

UDC 681.3(075)


Department of CAD, Moscow State technical university them. N. E. Bauman

Kalin S.V., General Director of Open Technologies "98" CJSC

C37 Computer science. Basic course. 2nd edition/ Ed. S. V. Simonovich. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 640 p.: ill.

ISBN 5-94723-752-0

The textbook discusses the main categories of computer hardware and software. The basic principles for constructing computer system architectures are indicated. A methodological substantiation of the processes of interaction of information, data and methods is provided. Effective techniques for working with common software products are provided. The main means, techniques and methods of profaning are considered.

The book is intended for students of technical universities studying information technology within the discipline “Informatics”, for teaching staff, for students of military educational institutions, institutions of advanced training and for people studying computer technology on their own.

BBK 32.973.-233ya7

UDC 681.3(075)

The information contained in this book has been obtained from sources considered reliable by the publisher. However, due to possible human or technical errors, the publisher cannot guarantee absolute

accuracy and completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for possible errors associated with the use of the book.

© S. V. Simonovich, G. A. Evseev, V. I. Murakhovsky, S. I. Bobrovsky, 2003

ISBN 5-94723-752-0 © JSC Publishing House "Piter", 2004

Introduction 8 Chapter 1. Information and computer science 11

1.1. Information in the material world 11

1.2. Data 17

1.3. Files and file structure 31

1.4. Computer Science 34 Summing up 36

Questions for self-control 37

Chapter 2. Computer technology...... .. 38

2.1. History of the development of computer technology 38

2.2. Methods for classifying computers 42

2.3. Composition of the computer system 49

Summing up 60

Questions for self-control 61

Chapter 3. Personal computer design 62

3.1. Basic hardware configuration of a personal computer 62

3.2. Internal devices system unit 70

3.3. Systems located on motherboard 78

3.4. Personal computer peripherals 87

Practical lesson 94

Chapter 4. Functions of personal computer operating systems 99

4.1. Providing a user interface 99

4.2. Security automatic start. 100

4.3. Organization file system 101

4.4. File structure maintenance. 102

Chapter 5. Basics of working with the Windows XP operating system......116

Chapter 8. Computer networks, Internet, computer security... 195

Chapter 18. Automation tools for research work... 509

18.1. Computer as a tool for scientific work 509 18.2. Techniques for working with the Mathcad 513 system

Practical lesson 521

Chapter 19: Publishing Web Documents 537

19.1. Creating Web documents 537 19.2. Application HTML language 539

19.3. Working in the FrontPage editor 552 19.4. Publishing Web Documents 557

Practical lesson 558

Research paper 566

Chapter 2 0. Basics of programming....................... 568


The fundamental difference between computer science and other technical disciplines studied in higher education is that its subject matter is changing at an accelerated pace. Today, the number of computers in the world exceeds 500 million units, and each computing system is unique in its own way. It is very difficult to find two systems with the same hardware and software configurations, and therefore, to effectively operate computers, specialists require a fairly broad level of knowledge and practical skills.

At the same time, in quantitative terms, the rate of numerical growth of computer systems noticeably exceeds the rate of training of specialists capable of working effectively with them. At the same time, on average, the main technical parameters of hardware double once every one and a half years, software generations change once every two to three years, and the base of standards, interfaces and protocols changes once every five to seven years.

Thus, the cardinal difference between computer science and other technical disciplines is the fact that its subject area changes extremely dynamically. Everyone involved in teaching computer science in higher education is well aware of how often it is necessary to change the content of curricula, work programs, and educational and methodological documentation. It is not always possible to ensure that the material and technical base of the educational process corresponds to the current state of the subject area. And even a timely response to scientific and technical achievements does not always make it possible to ensure a graduate’s level of knowledge and skills adequate to the needs of the sphere of material production and the commercial market - processes in the field of information technology are so dynamic.

Nowadays computer science is faced with a paradoxical fact. Its main task is to overcome the universal crisis phenomenon called the “information boom” by introducing tools and methods that automate operations with data. However, even in its own subject area, computer science

Introduction 9

is experiencing such an information boom as no other area of ​​human activity knows. For example, the global range of publications directly related to computer science (not counting periodicals and electronic ones) amounts to about ten thousand volumes per year and is completely updated at least once every two years.

Analyzing the above features of computer science, the authors of this manual come to the conclusion that teaching computer science in the current conditions requires expanded interaction between the curricula of general technical and special disciplines and curriculum computer science course. The main principles arising from this approach include continuity and systematic education, as well as early professional guidance.

Continuity of education. Practical techniques for working with computer technology are reinforced not only during the study of computer science, but also throughout the entire period of study. They are used to conduct training sessions in a variety of disciplines.

Systematic education. In one methodical approach, based on the system task - means - methods -techniques, there is cross-interaction between the disciplines being studied. A specific discipline provides a complex task -methods, and computer science provides a complex means - techniques.

Early vocational guidance. In the system of higher technical education, there is a multi-level hierarchical system based on the fact that a student’s knowledge in general technical disciplines, as a rule, is translated into practical skills indirectly, that is, through special cycle disciplines based on general technical ones. Computer science is one of the few general technical disciplines that develops such practical skills that will be in demand directly and immediately, immediately after the young specialist enters his professional activity.

The structure and content of the manual are subject to this. In general, the book consists of twenty chapters containing fairly complete information about the current state of computer hardware and software.

Chapters 1, 2, 8,15 are theoretical and provide a unified methodological basis both for the study of computer science and for the interaction of various academic disciplines on the computer science platform.

Chapters 9-14, 16, 18 present a unified technological base for the interaction of computer science and other subject disciplines. The tools discussed here can be used in preparing homework, tests, coursework and dissertations, when processing the results of experiments, collecting initial information for independent research, when performing graphic works, mathematical modeling of physical and technical processes and in the mathematical substantiation of developed projects.

IN modern world Studying this subject at school is already a necessity, because computerization has already penetrated almost all spheres of human life. That is why knowing at least the basics of computer literacy will allow children to feel confident in our time.

You can study computer science online by going to our website, which contains almost all topics in computer science that make up school curriculum, in video format. Therefore, if you have enough time, a computer and access to the Internet, you can turn to video lessons and study the desired topic.

The discipline is based on the principles and methods of processing, storing and transmitting information using a computer and computer networks. One of the priority areas in modern teaching of computer science at school is the direction of “Global Internet”. This fact is determined by the popularization of Internet communications and the general informatization of society.

Computer Science Program

Computer science lessons in video format presented on our portal will help your child master the school course on this subject. In all schools, the study of the beginnings of computer science begins in the 5th grade, where it is explained how a computer works, how to use it, the child also gets acquainted with the most common computer programs. In the 5th grade computer science section you can find interesting video lessons on all these topics. 6th grade computer science introduces schoolchildren to the basics of programming, which contributes to the development of logical thinking in the child; this is also helped by the study of theoretical questions about forms of thinking. The study of programming, in particular in the Basic language, continues in the next class. On our website, all the nuances of these difficult issues, which are presented in video lessons on computer science for 7th grade, are explained in an accessible form. In the 8th grade, schoolchildren learn about concepts such as information models, study computer architecture, learn what algorithms are, and become familiar with their properties. You can also find all this on our portal in the 8th grade computer science section.

Next in computer science lessons begins detailed study computer graphics, computer animation, tools and technologies for processing numerical information, as well as three-dimensional modeling and information storage technologies, including databases. These complex topics may not be clear to a student the first time, which is why the site presents video lessons on computer science for grade 9 in a simple and visual form of presentation. With each grade, the course becomes more and more difficult: in computer science lessons of the 10th grade, schoolchildren will master the concepts of modeling living and inanimate nature, logical and mathematical models, as well as human information activities using computer technologies in it. In computer science lessons of the 11th grade, schoolchildren continue to study issues of human information activity, and also repeat and deepen their knowledge regarding the features of operating systems and software.

The GIA in computer science is an optional exam for 9th grade students. The exam consists of three parts: part A (involves choosing the correct answer), part B (involves a short answer to the question) and part C (involves a detailed solution). When taking an exam in this discipline, the student must indicate in which programming language he will perform task C. This part is performed using a computer. To successfully pass the State Examination in Computer Science, you need to prepare systematically and approach the process of studying the material seriously, using textbooks, lectures and notes, as well as test materials on all topics of the course, and solve diagnostic and training tests.

In the process of studying topics within the framework of a computer science program, not only the theoretical component is important, but also the practical component. Because information technologies and processes cannot be fully comprehended and understood by studying only theory - as a rule, skills are acquired in practice. Proper use of a computer can turn an incredibly complex task into a simple algorithm of actions and thereby simplify the existing task.

The elementary computer science course is designed to broaden the horizons of elementary school students, develop the thinking process and introduce basic concepts subject.

When teaching computer science in high school, the following goals should be achieved:

1. Acquiring skills in working with information and communication technologies.

2. Getting to know various types information and the ability to work with them using a PC.

3. Implementation and development of projects of varying complexity.

4. Obtaining fundamental theoretical knowledge.

5. Development of creative abilities.

The role of computer technology in human life is growing every day. And on this moment PCs are used in almost all areas of our everyday life. The 21st century is the era of global informatization of society, therefore the key to the successful professional activity of any person is computer literacy. Therefore, it is important that a student, studying computer science at school, fully master the basics of computer literacy.

You can study the material and repeat knowledge using our resource. Contained here a large number of materials that will help you study computer science online.