“Azimuth” - so as not to go astray. Valuable advice for every zodiac sign! Useful recommendations from astrologers to avoid going astray

A person who does not know how to follow a given course is doomed to walk in circles. This is explained not by his stupidity, but by the fact that a person’s left step is 0.1-0.4 cm longer than the right one, and, in his opinion, walking straight, the traveler increasingly deviates to the right, sooner or later returning to the starting point of his route . So he will wander around the perimeter of a circle with a diameter of 3.5 km, not approaching anywhere until he learns to maintain the given direction.

In Venice, on St. Mark, such an experiment was done. People were blindfolded, placed at a distance of 175 m in front of the cathedral and asked to walk to its 82 m wide façade. All who were subjected to this test avoided different sides from the straight line they did not reach the cathedral. So that.

By the way, such “circular” wanderings in nature happen quite often, giving rise to numerous mystical stories and stories about how someone once could not leave one enchanted place... There is even a saying about this - “the devil is twisting.” But it’s not the devil who twists, it’s the asymmetry of the lower extremities and the lack of basic “upright walking” skills that twist.

The easiest way to avoid running in circles is for those who have a compass. This is achieved as follows. When the direction of movement is determined using a map or an improvised plan of the area, you need to bring the horizontal compass closer to your eyes, align the northern end of the arrow with the zero mark on the scale by turning the compass around its axis and, rotating, set the sighting ring near the numbers on the scale indicating the course. Then, observing the area through the combined rear sight and front sight, notice some landmark in the direction of movement - a rock, a separate tree, etc.

In a homemade compass, where there is no sighting ring, a front sight and rear sight can be made by inserting two thin branches into the bark on opposite sides of the scale. In some cases, to make orientation easier, the missing degree scale can be replaced with a watch dial. To do this, the number “12” should be taken as 0°. Then every hour will be equal to 30°. In this case, six hours will correspond to the south, three to the east, nine to the west.

The distance to the landmark may vary and is dictated by terrain conditions. If the landmark is located within line of sight, then its distance can be increased to 2-3 km, and in exceptional cases, more. If you have to move in the wilderness or in conditions of limited visibility, then the distance to the landmark must be reduced to hundreds or even tens of meters.

It is believed that even in the most favorable conditions when moving blindly (that is, using only the compass), the error can reach 5°. This gives a deviation from the chosen direction of up to 1/10 of the distance traveled. This means that if a person has walked 1 km, the deviation can be 100 m. And then the taken landmark will have to be searched within a radius of 200 m (100 m in each direction from the landmark).

If you neglect reference to a landmark and continue moving only according to compass readings, then after 10 km the deviation can already be 1 km. And this is only with an “ideal” five-degree deviation from the given course! In practice, such errors, as a rule, are much more significant.

That is why in an emergency situation one should strive to choose landmarks that are visible from one another. In order to maintain the course more accurately, it is advisable to notice in the direction of movement two landmarks located in the same plane and distant from each other.

While moving, you need to constantly keep them in your field of vision, combining them like a rear sight and a front sight. In this case, the course line will be the most direct. If you have to overcome a section of closed terrain to reach a landmark, you can use the so-called azimuth anticipation technique, that is, deliberately deviate to the right or left from the given direction by 8-10° and, when reaching the landmark, turn to the right if the slope was chosen to the left, and vice versa - to the left , if the slope was right.

If the landscape is monotonous, if there are no landmarks along the way (for example, in the steppe, desert, on flat ice fields, etc.), you can maintain a given direction by following a chain of people walking, by following the imprints of their tracks, along a ski track, or by “marking” the path.

When a group moves, the movement is controlled by the person who opens the marching column and the person who closes it. The first one plots the path using a compass, the last one, again with the help of a compass, corrects it, since when moving behind it is easy to compare the course line with the line of the moving column, it is easy to notice even the most insignificant deviations and errors.

If the group is small, it is advisable to stretch it slightly in safe areas, increasing the intervals between people. For the same purpose, in small groups you can send a navigator ahead with a compass, correct his path, catch up with him and send him forward again to lay out the next section of the path.

When skiing, you can check the course using the resection method, controlling the direction along the path already traveled, that is, mentally continuing the straight line of the ski track left behind and checking it with the compass data. In the summer, for the same purpose, you can mark your route, leaving behind you pegs, branches and other noticeable landmarks driven into the ground, against which, looking back, you can check the course. This method is called “fixing” the path. There are other instrumental ways of maintaining a direction, described in detail in special tourism literature.

The task of the victims is complicated by the insurmountable obstacles encountered along the way - lakes, swamps, impassable rubble and thickets.

If the area is open, then on the opposite side of the obstacle a noticeable landmark standing on the course line is noticed. Now it is enough to reach it, bypassing the obstacle and, taking the azimuth to the next landmark, continue the path.

An obstacle encountered on the way through a closed area should be avoided “blindly”, using a compass. To do this, you need to take a course perpendicular to the previously chosen one and walk a certain distance, while counting your steps. When the distance traveled is sufficient to avoid the obstacle, you must return to your previous course.

Continuing to count steps, walk a distance approximately equal to the length of the obstacle, again make a 90° turn, but in the other direction, that is, towards the obstacle, and walk a distance equal to the previously calculated one. As a result, the person will again find himself on the route thread, but on the other side of the obstacle.

If a person misses and turns earlier than he should, he must, having encountered an obstacle, repeat the maneuver, that is, turn 90° or return back to the last turning point and continue the path. In order not to get lost in counting steps and turns, it is advisable to draw a small plan as you go, where to indicate the distance and turns.

It is much more difficult for victims of disaster without a compass. In this case, the accuracy of maintaining the course will not exceed several tens of degrees. But it makes sense to fight for them too.

If a person walks at random, without controlling his movement, he will inevitably deviate more and more from the given course and, gradually closing the circle, will end up on his own tracks. This is explained, as I already mentioned, by the asymmetry of a person’s lower extremities, simply put, by different leg lengths. Hence, the step size of the left and right legs is also different. Although it seems to a person that he is walking absolutely straight, in fact he often describes a smooth arc to the right, turning into a vicious circle.

Therefore, in the absence of a compass, having determined the cardinal directions by the sun or local signs, you need to pay attention to the direction of movement of the clouds or remember which way the wind blows, of course, if the weather is stable. A change in the direction of the wind or the movement of clouds in the sky signals that a person has lost his course.

To make it easier to follow the movement, the person walking behind must control the direction of the group, correcting the “yaw” in one direction or another. For the same purpose, all small obstacles encountered along the way - trees, bushes, rubble, etc. - must be bypassed alternately from the right and then from the left.

You can control the direction of your movement according to the sun, stars, and moon. In confirmation, I will cite a short dialogue from the book of the writer A. Sosunov.
“No, really, how do you stay on the right path? After all, there are no milestones or noticeable trees. And you don't use a compass!
- What about the sun? Remember, when you leave our taiga into the swamp, keep the sun between your right ear and nose until noon, and from lunch it should be strictly to the right. You’ll just guess.”

The easiest way to use a solar or lunar "compass" is to observe the angle between given course and the shadow cast by trees, bushes or the person himself. It should be remembered that the celestial bodies (except the North Star) shift by 15° every hour. From here you need to change your course by 15° every hour. If this is not done, then following the sun or moon can deviate 180° from the original route.

To determine the amount by which the course should be adjusted, you need to extend your arm straight in front of you and spread your large and index fingers. The distance between them will be exactly 15°.

If you stretch out your hand and raise thumb, then its width will be approximately 2°, and the raised little finger on an outstretched arm corresponds to approximately 1° in width. The fist of an outstretched arm will pull about 10°. (SEE PICTURE 1)

In some cases (in the desert, tundra, on ice) it is possible to maintain the direction along the sastrugi and dunes, or more precisely, along the angle between the chosen course and their plane. The dunes and sastrugi are swept by the wind and therefore have a repeatable shape, their rows are parallel to each other.

“Flag” trees growing in open spaces can provide the same assistance to victims. Their inclination in one direction or another, the configuration of the crown - on the one hand thick, lush, elongated, on the other very scanty, sometimes completely absent - are determined by the direction of the prevailing winds. Hence the appearance of “flag” trees - a constant value, repeating from tree to tree over tens of kilometers.

Tomorrow we will have an online seminar where we will talk about the “subtle” causes of excess weight. These reasons are at the level of emotions (astral), thoughts and beliefs (mental) and karma.

Let me remind you that the seminar is called“Find out the causes of excess weight on the astral, mental and karmic levels, and motivate yourself to be slim”

In addition to looking for reasons, at this seminar we will look a little ahead. Each participant will set their own goals - to get rid of excess weight and be slim. We will do a meditation in which you will find and strengthen your motivation to be slim.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to set goals correctly. Read this article before the seminar - you will need this knowledge during the lesson.

5 conditions for setting goals correctly:

1. Positive. State your goal positively.

Positively means that the wording should NOT contain denial or avoidance. For example:

  • “I’m losing weight” is a bad wording
  • “I’m slim, I feel good and light” - good

2. Definition. Imagine what the result will be and when you plan to achieve it

What will your world be like, what will you be like? Plan a time frame for when you will achieve your goal. The more specific this picture is, the more details it contains, the more vivid it is, the better.

If you set a goal to lose weight, write down for yourself the weight/volume you want to achieve and the approximate time frame. For example, “I weigh 55 kilograms by August 1st,” try to feel yourself in this state, look at the world around you from this state.

3. Responsibility. Take responsibility.

Losing excess weight is only your desire, your goal and your intention to change your life and the world around you. Now think about what depends on you on this path? What are you ready to do for the sake of your goal?

  • Wrong: “I want my husband to lose excess weight”, “I want my colleagues at work to stop drinking tea and cookies in the morning”
  • Right “I will make conscious food choices, eat with pleasure and become slim.”

4. The power of intention.Consider your options and likely obstacles.

What can you do to achieve your goal? What are your strengths? Surely you have qualities with the help of which you achieved success in life - patience, determination, diligence, and at least a strong intention.

Also think about what might hinder you, what your weak sides? How will you deal with obstacles?

For example, the goal is to lose 10 extra pounds.

  • What can be done? Learn to love and care for yourself, choose the nutrition that will be suitable for me.
  • Strengths - I can make a plan and act on it from A to Z until I achieve a result.
  • What can interfere? Old habits, negative emotions that I eat, the opinions of others.
  • How will you cope? Maintain awareness, meditate, study special techniques, strengthen your opinion and importance.

5. Truth. Check if the goal is true and if you have taken everything into account

Will you feel good and comfortable when you achieve it? Is there anything important to you that you might lose when achieving your goal?

For example, you can lose weight but ruin your health due to an unwise diet. Or lose weight, but at the same time become irritable and angry, because now nothing is possible, and you have to strictly limit yourself.

What will happen as a result:

After you “guide” your goal through these five points, you will begin to form a link between a goal and a path.

For example:


“I weigh 55 kilograms by August 1st. I am slim, I feel good and light. My legs don’t swell in the evening, shortness of breath has disappeared, I’m less tired and I want to walk more and more. I notice how with physical ease, ease appears in thoughts, decisions, attitudes towards certain things. external factors, which previously could have caused depression.”


  • “I will consciously choose food, eat with pleasure and become slim
  • I will learn self-love and self-care, choose the nutrition that will be suitable for me
  • I will change old habits and learn to cope in new ways. negative emotions- maintain awareness,
  • meditate, study special techniques
  • I will pay attention to my emotional state and health

With my example, it will be easier for you to work out your goal, but do not forget: this is just an example, and you will find additional items. I’m specifically writing all this in today’s article, because you will need it tomorrow at the online seminar. This way we will save more time for our practices.

Think about your goal for being thin along these five points. And come to tomorrow's seminar. I remind you:

  • The seminar is free for everyone!
  • Reiki initiation is not required to participate.
  • You only need to sign up once. If you have already filled out this form, you do not have to fill it out a second time.

Sign up for a free seminar with Veronica

It seems that if we set a goal and do not deviate from the plan, we will certainly reach the end point. But new tasks fall on our heads, and we don’t notice how we are drowning in routine affairs.

Evgeniy Kamashev, a certified project manager, tells how to navigate the flow of things and not forget about the final goal of the project.

Often, drowning in solving daily tasks, we do not achieve the goals that we set for ourselves a couple of days ago. And when managing a project that involves other people, the situation can be even more complicated.

After all, everyone has their own tasks and their own changes, which are superimposed on the tasks and changes in the project itself.

To help you stay on track, the following few tools will come in handy.

Be able to plan long-term and understand strategy

In one interpretation of the SMART criteria for goal setting, the letter A means Agreed, that is, “agreed.” This means that the goal set for the project must be consistent with the company's strategy if we are talking about a project within the company.

If we're talking about about personal projects, then the goal of the project must be consistent with your own strategy.

There is always goal after goal. It is important to know the answer to the question “why should we implement the project?” and always keep it in mind. When we understand why we need to achieve the project’s goals, we can accept optimal solutions inside it.

For example, you have a project whose goal is to bring a new product to the market. In terms of the company's strategy, it is important to launch this product in the fall, since competitors have announced the launch of a similar product in the winter.

If you are a project manager and for some reason do not know about its connection with the strategy and plans of competitors, then in the pursuit of quality you may delay delivery and not launch the product in the fall. If you understand why you are doing the project, then you can lower the quality bar a little in order to meet the deadline and make your contribution to the implementation of the company’s strategy.

Make sure everyone understands the strategy

Often only managers know the strategy, and other employees operate with tasks, not goals. The team working on the project can have either 5 or 105 people. It is important that all participants understand what they are doing and why.

After all, the project manager cannot do everything himself or control every participant. He delegates some decisions to others, especially when it comes to large-scale projects.

If participants understand the company’s strategy and know the answer to the question “why are we doing the project?”, they will be able to make optimal decisions. Otherwise, they only have tasks. People may not even think about how completing a task affects the entire project and all parties involved.

For example, you are testing one of the systems and at the same time you have given the same test environment to the customer. The customer reported system errors. Upon detailed analysis, it turned out that you tested the system security and set it too little time to check the expiration date of user rights.

Therefore, the customer was unable to perform a number of operations - his access token quickly expired.

If testers thought about the overall goal and, in particular, about what is happening in the project in this moment time, then most likely the approach would have changed, and no one would test on the same environment as the customer, while changing access rights.

Focusing on your tasks, but tied to the goals of the project, would influence how those tasks are best accomplished.

Make sure everyone knows their area of ​​responsibility

Simply knowing the goals is not enough; each team member must understand their role. Distribution of areas of responsibility within the project allows you to more effectively distribute available resources and avoid digging “several channels.”

When a person accepts responsibility for one or another part of the project, he accepts responsibility for the success of the project as a whole. How he works his part will determine how his colleagues will work and how the project will be implemented.

One of the tools that allows you to visualize the distribution of areas of responsibility is a RASCI diagram:

R - Responsible(responsible for ensuring that a given task is completed)

A - Approved(coordinates the results of the task)

S - Support(helps R complete the task)

C-Consulted(consults R and S)

I - Inform(informs about the results of the task)

This way, by looking at the diagram, you can clearly understand who is responsible for what areas/tasks, who is helping them, who needs to be informed, and who agrees on the results.

Be flexible - it is more important to change during the project than to follow a plan

Agile = flexible. And indeed, when a huge number changes that accompany the project, it is necessary to adapt to them. The plan that you developed when starting the project is your vector of movement towards achieving the goal.

But the plan is not static, everything changes. We need to quickly respond to changes and change the plan as we go. If you planned to cross the river on a bridge, you got to the river, but there was no bridge, you could simply fall into the water.

In my practice I had big project, lasting more than a year. Everything went perfectly - in accordance with the charter and project plan. Formally, it was impossible to make any claims against the manager, there was only one “but”.

Almost the entire top management, whose representatives were the main ones, has changed interested parties project.

The project was also important to the new top management, but the emphasis and priorities in its implementation were somewhat different.

And the manager moved in accordance with the old plan, which was no longer relevant and even harmful - the company’s money was spent on achieving results that were no longer important to the company.

Be able to set and check KPIs

KPIs are key performance indicators. But efficiency in a project can mean anything. It all depends on the goals and criteria for the success of the project, on the limitations that the team faces, and priorities. “Cheap”, “high quality” and “fast” cannot happen at the same time.

For some projects, quality is more important than timing and cost, and then the KPI may include the number of errors identified in the product, the percentage of product test coverage, and so on.

If cost is more important, then we track indicators such as the cost of work on the project (plan, actual, forecast), deviations from the planned cost, project margins, cost of resources.

If we talk about time, then we track the team’s productivity, control points project, deviations from schedule..

Most often in projects we track KPIs in all areas; the main thing is not to overdo it and select a few of the most important ones.

Tracking KPIs also requires resources that could be reallocated to more important project tasks.

We have only covered some of the guiding elements of project management. But by using these tools in practice, you can influence the success of projects.

Now you know the answer to the question - why are you doing the project? All team members share and know common goals and objectives and take responsibility for some part of the project.

And you clearly track the key milestones of your project, keep your finger on the pulse and can, if necessary, change the plan for achieving your goals.

To begin with, before buying a flashlight, decide on the main purpose of this device.

Types of lanterns

Depending on the main purpose, the following types of lanterns are distinguished:

  • A keychain flashlight is a stylish, compact, lightweight device. The keychain lamp is equipped with a ring for attaching to keys. These lanterns are suitable for occasional home use. Convenient to carry in your bag just in case.
  • The headlamp is worn on the head and has a fastening in the form of elastic straps or an elastic band with adjustable size, which ensures ease of use. Headlamps are used both at home and for professional purposes. An indispensable item for those who prefer an active and extreme lifestyle.
  • The hand torch is the largest and most commonly used group of torches. Compared to a headlamp, a handheld flashlight is less convenient to use, because it must be constantly held in your hand, but is more affordable.
  • The tactical flashlight has excellent technical characteristics, including a high luminescence range and the ability to quickly configure operating modes. A tactical flashlight is used together with a weapon to illuminate a target in hunting, fishing and in military affairs. This flashlight is also used to suddenly blind and disorient an enemy or animal. It has various (often several) methods of fastening.
  • A diving flashlight is a professional device, characterized by enhanced waterproofing, the ability to maintain tightness under high pressure and the presence of special fasteners. A diving flashlight is designed to illuminate objects at great depths. Use only for its intended purpose, as it can become very hot when used in air.
  • The car flashlight is a powerful LED waterproof device with a metal body. Car lights are indispensable both in the car and outdoors. This lantern will easily illuminate your picnic and help with difficult weather conditions on the road and will help out if your car breaks down at the most inopportune moment.
  • A flashlight lamp is a necessary and most convenient lighting device in the home and outdoors. This is an excellent source of additional targeted lighting that can be placed anywhere: hung on a tree, attached to the ceiling, placed on any surface in the house or outdoors.

Flashlight power supply

One of the most important characteristics of a flashlight is the power source. There are 2 main power sources: batteries and accumulators.

  • The flashlight is powered from batteries using regular (disposable) or rechargeable batteries. Disposable batteries are affordable, easy to use (no need to waste time on recharging), and have no self-discharge effect. Rechargeable batteries are reusable and can be recharged after use, although they are noticeably more expensive than disposable batteries. Battery power is beneficial and convenient when the flashlight is used occasionally (batteries can be stored for a long time) or on hikes where there are no other power sources. Battery-powered flashlights are lightweight and compact.
  • The flashlight is powered by batteries various types. They have proven themselves to be excellent lithium ion batteries, they are durable, charge quickly and hold a charge for a long time. Battery power is economical good battery will serve you for more than one year. True, rechargeable flashlights are slightly heavier than battery-powered flashlights and require recharging from the mains.
  • The flashlight is powered from the charging dynamo by mechanically recharging the battery. Such a device is located in the body of the flashlight, and recharging is done by rotating the folding handle (after charging, the handle is easily attached to the body of the device). In order for the flashlight to shine for half an hour, it is necessary, on average, to rotate the charging handle for 1 minute. Dynamo lights are often equipped with an output through which mobile phones can be charged. As a rule, such flashlights come with adapters for phones. different brands. If adapters are not available, you can purchase a universal USB charger. To charge mobile phone for 1-4 minutes of conversation, you need to rotate the flashlight handle for 2 minutes. A dynamo flashlight will be a great help in unexpected situations when there are no other power sources nearby. Plus, it's a great exercise for your hands.

Important points

We draw your attention to flashlight models with a built-in battery. It is more convenient to purchase such a wonderful flashlight with a battery and charger included than to buy everything separately. Another nuance that is worth paying attention to: flashlights with a built-in voltage stabilizer. The stabilizer will provide stable brightness and high-quality light even when the batteries are low and will effectively use battery power.

Lantern light sources

Various lamps (argon, halogen, xenon and others) or light-emitting diodes are used as a light source in flashlights. Most modern flashlights use LEDs as their light source.

  • LED lights have high power and a lifespan of 10 years or more. As a rule, they are equipped with such additional functions, like brightness control and special flashing modes. LEDs are shock-resistant and do not heat up during operation.
  • Flashlights with an HID light source are among the most efficient and compact. They are durable and vibration resistant. The service life of such a flashlight is, on average, 4000 hours. Flashlights with an HID light source produce a powerful beam of light that illuminates objects up to 2-3 kilometers away.
  • Lanterns with a light source in the form of an argon lamp emit light close to natural light. The service life of an argon flashlight is, on average, 1000-2000 hours.
  • Lanterns with a light source in the form of a halogen lamp are distinguished by high-quality color rendering, emphasizing warm tones. Halogen lights have high brightness and directed radiation. Lamp life is up to 2000-4000 hours.
  • Lanterns with a light source in the form of a krypton lamp provide clean, bright light that “pierces” fog or rain well. Krypton flashlights are resistant to temperature changes, which is important in field conditions. The average glow duration is 2000 hours.
  • Flashlights with a light source in the form of a xenon lamp provide bright white light, close to daylight, but have a fairly low efficiency. Xenon lamps can last from 1000 to 3000 hours.
  • Lanterns with a light source in the form of an incandescent lamp - cheap source light with a short service life. The average burning time is 1000 hours. Such lamps light up instantly when turned on, but are excessively bright, which negatively affects the retina.

Thus, if the flashlight is used for home purposes, you can purchase a flashlight with a light source in the form of a lamp (incandescent, argon, halogen, xenon, etc.). You will get the desired effect of natural lighting without overpaying for additional (not always used in everyday life) functions.

If the area of ​​application of the flashlight is fishing, hunting, tourism, professional tasks, choose an LED flashlight. Such important characteristics how versatility, power, shock resistance and durability justify the higher cost of an LED device.

Covering the lanterns

Regardless of the light source and power supply, as well as other technical characteristics, the flashlight must have an ergonomic shape and a non-slip, damage-resistant coating.

  • The titanium case is the most reliable and durable; it will protect the flashlight body from chips and cracks. Titanium housing is often used in professional flashlight models. In addition, this coating makes the device easy to care for; just wipe it lightly with a napkin.
  • The aluminum coating with anti-corrosion coating is also quite strong and durable, but it may be damaged if subjected to sharp impacts. Aluminum-coated flashlights have varying degrees of strength. Inexpensive aluminum coating quickly wears out, and anodized (resistant to aggressive environments) aluminum coating is strong and durable.
  • High quality plastic has similar properties, but is cheaper. The color range of plastic flashlights is the widest, you can choose a flashlight to suit your taste. Plus it's plastic good quality has a slight shockproof effect, it will “smooth out” the consequences of the flashlight falling.

Each flashlight coating has its own advantages. The main thing is that the material is of high quality and used carefully. The power and mode switch buttons should be easy to use, but protected from accidental pressing.

Waterproof and shockproof flashlights

Based on the degree of protection, flashlights are divided into waterproof and shockproof.

  • Tactical and diving flashlights are mostly waterproof. Due to a special waterproof coating, the body of this flashlight is resistant to water, and can be used in both rain and snow.
  • Flashlights designed for active use- sports, tourism and professional activity. As a rule, these are LED lights with a special durable coating that protects the body and screen from damage. Some professional flashlight models combine these two characteristics, which is reflected in the cost of the device.

If a flashlight is an important attribute in professional or sports life, then give preference to more expensive, but reliable and durable devices. IN home use These properties of the device are not mandatory and primary.

Warranty card

Flashlights are also divided into those that are sold with or without a warranty card. If specifications and the price are the same, give preference to a flashlight with a guarantee.


Whatever model of flashlight you choose, rest assured that it will definitely come in handy. In pitch darkness, even a lit match can save the situation, let alone a modern flashlight! In addition, this is a great gift for both adults and young explorers.

All people from time to time set out to change something in their lives. As a rule, grandiose plans are made at the end of the outgoing year, before the next birthday, or after some serious shock. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to keep the promises they make to themselves. Why is this happening? How to avoid this?

Brain inertia

Quit smoking, learn English, open your own business, play sports - these and many other goals are set by different people. And they don’t just formulate them, but firmly believe in the need for change and vow not to deviate from their plans. But after the sincere feeling that the time has come to take the first step, the thought comes: is it worth spending your time and energy on this, because you can live like this.

Experts say that human brain programmed to repeat, that is, it tends to perform the same actions. At the same time, gray matter has another property - plasticity, but in order for it to take effect, the brain requires six to ten months of work in a certain direction.

Most psychologists are confident that a person is able to change his life for the better. True, it is not as easy as it seems. The inertia of the brain prevents you from carrying out your plans. But creativity and the desire to learn something new help. Moreover, experts advise starting knowledge with yourself. That is, first of all, you should understand your needs and desires. This will help determine the right motives for implementing plans and remove obstacles.

Good start

Psychologists recommend making plans in writing. At the same time, it is important to detail the strategic goal, breaking it down into smaller tasks. Having a written action plan will help keep it up to date. right moment, as well as assess its prospects.

It is best to present the plan in the form of a table with the following columns: “Circumstances”, “Thoughts”, “Feelings”, “Problems”, “Solutions”. Thanks to this division, it will be possible to systematize all the difficulties that arise on the way to achieving the goal. When filling out the last column regarding solving pressing problems, it is advisable to look for new ways and look at the situation from an unusual angle, that is, challenge yourself.

Don't retreat

No matter what dream a person is trying to fulfill, it will be difficult for him to do it without believing in himself. It is self-confidence that makes it possible to bring the brain out of a state of fear.

As already mentioned, it is important to break down the process of keeping a promise made to oneself into concrete solutions. Every day you should write out your schedule, indicating a clear time frame. The implementation of the plan must be done daily. Once the changes become part Everyday life, they will become a habit.

At the very beginning of your journey, you should come to terms with the fact that completing the assigned tasks will require considerable effort, and the initial enthusiasm will quickly disappear. Sometimes it will seem that everything is not working out the way it should. In the most difficult moments, you should use your imagination and imagine a rosy future that depends on the implementation of the plan. It is very important to give yourself a firm word - to achieve what you want despite your own laziness and unfavorable external circumstances.

The decisions that a person has to make in the process of implementing his plans should not contradict his internal principles. This will protect him from negative emotions and stress. It is desirable that the intended plan be part of the path leading to self-development. In addition, when assessing the changes that have taken place, you need to be lenient with yourself, that is, you should not dwell on mistakes, it is better to treat failures philosophically and find the strength to move on.

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