Android “speed dial” and hidden features - create a shortcut for a contact. The mental characteristics of the target audience are not taken into account

Article from Anna Sebova, engaged in embroidery and programming. She combines both in her blog, simultaneously telling us about various interesting features.

I have a blog “Madame Storozhenko” about needlework. It is very young, and I often access it from my mobile, thinking about what to write about, how to improve it. However, store it in open tabs browser on a mobile phone is not very convenient, bookmarks in mobile browser They don't suit me either. Therefore, I decided to pin a link icon (shortcut) to the blog on my desktop mobile phone.

Making a website icon is simple: in the mobile settings you need to select “ Add to main screen “. But the created icon did not remind me of my site at all, but caused bewilderment. Only by clicking on the label or reading the signature did I understand what it was all about. You understand, this is inconvenient.

Then I found easy way make the icon (or label, whichever is more convenient for you) more recognizable. It's very simple, you just need to do a couple of steps.

Act one

Take original image site logo (or favicon) and trim it to standard for different devices sizes. In my case, the logo and favicon are the same image.
I chose the following sizes convenient for mobile and tablets:

- For iOS two files: apple-touch-icon.png And apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png– size 57 by 57 pixels:

- For Windows Phone file windows-icon-70-70.png:

Android picks up one of the pictures and does not require additional images or links.

Act two

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon" href = "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon.png"/ >

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes = "57x57" href = "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"/ >

< meta name = "msapplication-square70x70logo" content = "/mobile-icons/windows-icon-70-70.png"/ >

Display a link to the site on the desktop of your mobile phone. To do this, open the desired site in your browser:

Then open the browser menu (click on the three vertical dots in the right top corner browser) and select the item highlighted in the screenshot:

The following window will appear:

Select “ Add“.

Then minimize the browser window and... voila! A website with a beautiful and recognizable icon is located on the desktop, and is also accessible with one touch.

It couldn't be more convenient.

P.S. An article from Anna Sebova about how to cure.

Icon, pictogram, badge, symbol, image - whatever they call these elements GUI. Why are they needed at all, how to use them correctly and what you need to know so as not to confuse the user.
It was with icon design that the life of our studio began in 2005. Therefore, we are happy to share with you all the knowledge accumulated over all these years.

Why did a person even come up with the idea of ​​using icons instead of words?

This question concerns not only interfaces. IN Everyday life Icons surround us everywhere: they follow us on the road in the form of road signs, meet us at the entrance to the store, and even sit on the labels of our clothes.
Even special T-shirts have already been invented for tourists, which help them find mutual language with natives in any country. All you have to do is point your finger at the desired icon.

Why do we love icons so much?

Because they have a number of advantages:

  • They are conspicuous;
  • They transmit information quickly;
  • They are memorable;
  • They save space;
  • They are understandable in any language.

Interface icons have a number of other advantages:

  • They are more pleasing to the eye than the canvases of text that could be in their place. The smaller the screen becomes, the more words I want to replace it with special icons.
  • They can give your app a visual identity.

But the main thing that any icon should have is CLARITY.
If the user does not understand the meaning of the icon, he will either avoid it or become confused.

With ice cream - not allowed, with a cigarette - not allowed, with a unicorn - okay

To solve the problem with icon clarity, you can go in several ways:

1. Explain new icon text, give hints, teach the user to use it correctly

This way you create a new user experience. A person, just as he learns the alphabet, must also learn interface icons. To follow this path, you need to be confident in your product and in the willingness of users to learn in order to use it.
Let's take Instagram as an example.
The box icon was unclear; few people understood that it could be used to send private messages.

Today the icon for sending private messages has been changed to a clearer one.

Therefore, let's consider the 2nd option.

2. Strive for clarity, create icons that are as clear to the user as possible
And exactly how to do this and not make a mistake in choosing will be discussed further.

Why are interface icons not always clear to users?
Let's understand the reasons.

10 mistakes in interface icon design

1. Inaccurate icon design

First, let's do a little test.

This is precisely an example of an icon that cannot be interpreted unambiguously, which means it can cause confusion among the user.

An old article about icon design mistakes cited the curious example of creating a data filter icon in the shape of a funnel.

The client's response was: "I'm not entirely sure why you drew the filter icon as a martini glass!" 🙂

To avoid double interpretation, the designer must clearly convey the image, the meaning of which can be easily grasped. Don't make the user think.

2. Ambiguity of association

Unlike the first reason, in this case the image itself is usually conveyed correctly, but it is not clear to the user why this particular icon was used and what it means.
Look again at the example of the old Instagram private message icon. The image is quite perceptible - a box is depicted. But what do you associate the box with? Save? Inbox? Add new file? The association is too subtle, the user needs to think, which means the image was chosen poorly.

Here's another one clear example how confused I was by the interface.

As it turned out later, when you hover the cursor over the icon, a hint pops up.

In this case, the image of a trash can would be much clearer to the user.
In addition, here the interface allows you to place the words “Delete account”, in which case using text instead of an icon would seem justified.
Here is another example when there is a dissonance between the meaning of an icon and its image:

I never would have thought that this icon could be used to delete a folder

On the one hand, the icons in the interface should match the style and look holistic and harmonious, so that it doesn’t turn out like this:

But on the other hand, the icons should be easily distinguishable from each other.
When 2 very similar icons are responsible for different functions, confusion arises.

Here's another example:

4. Previous user experience is not taken into account

Do you remember how in Viber, when you sent a message, there was an icon with an arrow next to it?

Many new users were confused, thinking that the arrow meant “Send a message”. Why? Because many new users came to Viber from Skype and other instant messengers, where the arrow meant sending a message and was located in the same place.

The arrow in the Viber interface meant sending geolocation data. No wonder why all my friends at that time knew where I was;)
Now the Viber interface looks different:

Therefore, when creating an interface, carefully study the interfaces of your main competitors so as not to confuse or retrain users.
Creating a new user experience is difficult path and often unjustified.

5. The mental characteristics of the target audience are not taken into account

Some icons may be interpreted differently in different countries.
Just as gestures are perceived differently in different countries, icons can also be understood differently.

If you are creating universal application, targeting many countries, then use more universal icons.

Although, admittedly, there are not so many of them. Now among them we can name the image printer(seal), Houses(return to home page), magnifying glasses(search) and almost everything. Icon representing hamburger menu, may soon also become universal. However, some tests show that users are more accustomed to seeing a button labeled “Menu” than 3 horizontal bars.

If your application is focused on target audience specific country, take into account its peculiarities of perception.
For example, for residents of the United States, an icon with a supermarket cart will be more familiar ( shopping cart) to indicate purchase ( ).

For UK residents user interface it’s more common to see a basket ( basket) or bag ( bag).

6. Wrong message

Icon design can influence user behavior.
So, when choosing an icon for the “Add item to cart” action, you should focus not only on mental perception, but also on the subtext that they carry.
The supermarket cart means that the user can at any time either put an item in the cart or change his mind and put it out. Those. in this case, you do not put pressure on the future buyer and gently persuade him to buy.
A package or bag has a much greater impact on the user’s consciousness, urging him to make a purchase rather than putting the product in the cart. We are used to putting things in our bag after paying for them at the checkout, i.e. This icon more persistently calls for a purchase.

Both icons can be used and work both as a plus and as a minus. You can add an item to your cart and forget about it, or you can leave the site without deciding to put the item in your bag. Consider the specifics of your product and choose the right message.

7. Outdated images

Here you need to be extremely careful. Icons age, just like people.

Will the new generation understand this icon if they have never held a floppy disk in their hands?

On the one hand, replacing many popular icons will soon become a necessity.
But on the other hand, generations change much more slowly than our understanding of any subject changes.
Let's take an image of a phone for example.

The first icon is still relevant and understandable even to new generations, because its shape is easily recognizable.
If you position the smartphone icon, you can confuse the user. A smartphone is associated not only with the call function, but also with a bunch of other features.

Take a closer look at the icon that Twitter uses to create a new tweet. The icon was shaped like a quill pen to convey the message “Click here and you can write.”

Many icons whose images are outdated will not lose their relevance for a long time, therefore, assess the risks when changing the image of a long-familiar icon to a newer one.
We haven’t listened to music from cassettes for a long time, we don’t use an old-style microphone or a TV with horns, but these images are much more understandable to the user than if we depict instead the black rectangles of a smartphone, which can now replace all these objects.

8. Overloaded design

Don't forget that the interface icon should be clear not only in its large size, but also in miniature.
That is why extra elements will create dirt in the interface and cause confusion among the user.
Compare for yourself:

This problem is less pressing now than it was before the advent of flat and clean design trends. Flat icons much easier to perceive than complex 3D objects. and this is one of the reasons why they are so popular. However, in the hands of a skilled designer, a three-dimensional icon can be made recognizable in any size.

9. Use of text or lack thereof

Should I use text in icons or not? Explain the meaning of the icons or leave it to the user? There is no clear answer to these questions.
Sometimes you need to convey such a complex concept that you can’t do it without some text or a hint.
At the same time, if we abandon icons altogether and use only text, we will not be able to quickly focus our eyes on the desired button.
If it is possible to add text that does not overload the interface, then it is better to add it.
But as for the text in the design of the icon itself, it is better to avoid using it, because... in the very small size icon, it will be unreadable, and the design will look overloaded.

10. Icon scaling

When raster icons are enlarged or reduced, they become fuzzy and blurry, which is why many designers prefer to create vector icons, so that later you don’t waste time on drawing small details manually, but simply enlarge or reduce the image.
But this approach is also wrong.
Here is an example of what a reduced icon looks like (in the red circle) and one hand-drawn by the designer in a smaller size (in the green circle).

Therefore, always ask the designer to draw elements manually when creating new dimensions.


Why did we highlight these 10 errors and leave the rest, no less important, without attention? Because these errors affect CLARITY icons cause confusion, confuse users and can affect conversion.
As you can see from the examples, just one incorrectly selected icon can force the user to delete their account, refuse to make a purchase, or refuse to use an inconvenient application.
So, choose the right icons and better trust it

I think many people know about the possibility of adding a site icon to the desktop mobile device. This is convenient and the reasons may be different (no mobile application, providing the same information, or you want to immediately open a specific page of the site, etc.). The manifest file is responsible for some properties of how the site will be displayed and how the icon will look after adding.

Manifesto for the site is a simple JSON file that allows you to configure the following things:
1. What icon will the user have after he adds your site to his desktop?
2. How will your site be launched (with address bar, without it or in full screen mode)
3. Splash screen
4. Color theme
5. Screen orientation
6. Initial url
and much more

More details

To show how manifest affects the display of the site, I created a simple test web application that returns the region name by code.

First, let's record the state of affairs before adding the manifest file.

After the user has added an icon, it will look like this (on Android 5.0)
The browser pulled the name from the tilte tag. So, if you don’t have a manifest file, then at least the title should be normal. But the icon in the form of the letter “G” appeared on its own (it is not clear why exactly G).
And the site itself will look like this

There’s nothing special here, except that we can remove the address bar to make the application look like a native one.

Meet manifest.json!

An example manifest can be found at this link. Let's briefly go through the parameters:
name– the name that will be displayed under the icon, and generally wherever your “application” will be displayed
short_name– will be used in cases where there is not enough space to display the full name
icons– set of icons different sizes
start_url– defines the url that opens when the icon is clicked (can be used to capture users who open the site through the desktop icon by adding a parameter, for example, ?src=homescreen to the url)
display– is responsible for how your site will be displayed (with an address bar without it, etc.)
background_color– sets the color of the page before it loads. Until the page has loaded, the user sees a white empty field in front of him. To somehow brighten up his gray everyday life, you can change this color. For example, set the background color of the site.

Generate and conquer.

Of course, you can write the entire manifesto with pens, but this is boring, time-consuming and you can make mistakes. There have already been many craftsmen who have automated this process. Below short review tools for automatic manifest generation. - all you need to do is fill in the fields (there are short description each parameter, so the process is quite easy), the generator will do the rest for you. - at least the direct purpose of this site is to generate icons, and not a manifest. He still creates it and, unlike the previous one, you will already have icons (for iOS and Android) and a manifest. True, the manifest will have to be corrected (change the name and other settings). - This tool is designed to validate your manifest.


So we drew the icons and made the manifesto. Next, you need to tell the browser about the manifest by adding the following to the head tag:

All. Let's see what happened

Left to. On the right after (the icon turned out to be unimpressive, I’ll be happy to change it if you send me a better one). It is already noticeable here that Android used the name from the short_name field, since name apparently does not fit.

Download the application:

Here are the most pleasant changes. Firstly, instead of a white screen, you see something like a splash screen, which is itself created by the system from the icon, full name and color specified in the manifest (perhaps this only happens on android 5.0 above). Secondly, this splash screen fades out smoothly, which is visually beautiful.

The site itself:

Here, too, everything became concise. Without the browser UI, the site looks much better and is more similar to native app.

I have not listed all the properties that can be specified in the manifest file. WITH full list can be found

But not everyone wondered if there were any hidden possibilities and how much more convenient the Android OS can be when all the hidden features are known.

The secrets of the mobile OS will significantly expand your understanding of the functionality and methods of system management. Below is the most interesting feature, which is of greatest benefit to beginners.

Secret. Access to contacts in a telephone directory or e-book.

To avoid searching for the contact you use the most.


1. Long press on free space desktop, call up the context menu (depending on the version of Android, either at the bottom of the screen or immediately above your finger), in which we select “Add shortcut” (add shortcut - it often happens that in a non-original version this phrase in English).

IN in this case a shortcut will be created that, when pressed, will call the subscriber you need. Using this scheme, you can install shortcuts on the Android desktop for the subscribers you need that you often dial.

If you need to often write an SMS message for a specific subscriber, then you need to select “Contact” or write an SMS when setting up a shortcut.

Now you have mastered one of the secrets of the Android OS and are able to mobile dial the subscribers you need. Standard method adding numbers to favorites and using 10 quick call numbers is well known and is not of much interest to users of Android devices, so to access the keyboard you need to tap the screen three more times. And in this case, on the main screen, immediately after unlocking, you will need numbers and applications.

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From time to time I get the desire to start running my own own blog or a podcast, but the lack of free time to regularly support this project, the reluctance to write a blog updated once a year or so, and sometimes simple laziness, this natural brake on progress, characteristic of 99% of the world's population, keeps me from doing this all the time. During one of these creative surges that visited me last summer, I wrote a significant part of the article, the final version of which I offer today for reading to the respected community of the blind Android users. The reason for the publication was the question about working with the stock contact manager in Samsung smartphones, raised in the "Blinddroid" mailing list. This article, it seems to me, can more than cover the needs of even the most demanding user. Whether my blog will continue to live is a big question, but I dare to hope that the material will be useful and in demand, and you, dear users, will definitely visit this page. And so, let's get to the heart of the matter.

How can you answer a call as conveniently as possible, quickly call the right person from your contact list, or call back a person whose call you missed? Almost every user asks similar questions. touch devices. This is evidenced by great amount topics on forums, and, although not so huge, there is still quite an impressive number of applications in PlayMarket that implement similar functionality. However, very often, we rush to install anything and everything on our phones without really exploring the capabilities of the built-in phone software. So today I bring to your attention a review of some additional functions, which could potentially make our lives easier and allow us to make calls faster.

Before we begin, let's agree on a few things. Firstly, my experimental sample will be Samsung Galaxy s5, so this article is 100% suitable only for owners of this model and its modifications. however, you will find much of what we will talk about in other Samsung devices that have received an update to Android 4.4 and higher. Moreover, since we are talking about functions that are quite typical and rather familiar from old push-button phones and desirable rather than revolutionary, it is quite possible that similar functions will be found on smartphones from other manufacturers, and in popular third-party dialers. Therefore, if you do not own a Samsung device, do not rush to close this page. Perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself.

Secondly, since sometimes I will need to access the settings, let's agree that we have selected the view of displaying settings in tabs, and not in a grid, as is done by default. To switch the way settings are displayed, in the settings window, press and hold the left touch key. In the menu that opens, select “view”, and in the dialog that appears, check the “view by tabs” option.

So, let's get started. To save time, we will not talk about what is already more or less obvious, for example, the presence of a search bar in the Contacts application and the possibility of using favorites or groups for more convenient sorting of contacts, but we will immediately move on to things that are from the first not always noticeable.

Answer and end calls using hardware buttons

One of the first problems, especially for a blind user, is answering and ending a call. The standard procedure, although accessible, is not always convenient. Therefore, it makes sense to simplify this process. Some devices provide this feature right out of the box. It is located in the section " special abilities", which is located on the "device" tab. And then everything is simple: we find the item "Answer and end a call", enter it and activate the checkboxes we need. In addition to answering and ending a call using hardware keys, it is also possible to perform these actions by swiping your hand over device and using voice commands. I haven’t tried waving my hand, maybe it’s convenient, but answering with my voice, in my opinion, is some kind of idiocy, and besides, I haven’t been able to determine what command can be used to force him to answer the call. If you have the spirit of an experimenter dormant in you, then you can try: perhaps you will be more successful. Feel free to write about your results in the comments.

Deviation incoming call The power key is unfortunately not provided. You can only end an already active call. Pressing the power button during an incoming call only mutes the melody, which is also sometimes useful.

In smartphones from other manufacturers, the ability to conveniently answer a call using the factory software is either absent or implemented differently. Ending a call with the power key can theoretically be done on any device, and some manufacturers do this successfully, but there is no way to answer the call, because hardware room Home key have only Samsung smartphones. But in some Lenovo models for example, there is a “Smart Answer” function, which allows you to answer a call by simply holding the phone to your ear.

We call in one motion.

Remember how simple everything was on old push-button phones: you select the desired contact, an entry in the call log, or even an SMS message from the right person, you press the call button and that’s happiness. Now everything is different: you select a contact - it opens business card, select an entry in the log - the history of calls and messages with this subscriber opens. The favorite call button remains only in the “phone” application, which you use much less often than contacts. However, it's not all bad. To the left of every contact, call history entry, or conversation in the Messages app, there's graphic element, with which you can quickly start a call or write a message. In order to make a call, you need to double-tap on this icon and, without lifting your finger from the screen after the second touch, swipe to the right. To create a message, you need to do the same, but swipe left. A similar algorithm works on smartphones from a number of other manufacturers.

As for Samsung devices, there are three pieces of news for TalkBack users, and, oddly enough, two of them are good. Let's start, however, with the bad, or at least neutral. When you hit the TalkBack icon it says "Double tap to listen to more" details about contact." I don’t know what the manufacturer thinks should be clear from this message, but personally it’s clear to me that a novice user who doesn’t have the opportunity to see the shape of this control would hardly even think of swiping over this icon with his finger. The good news outweighs the bad. Firstly, you can use this functionality not only by finding the desired contact using “exploring by touch”, but also with ordinary swipe gestures. In this case, gestures are performed almost anywhere on the screen. Don’t just start the call gesture close to the left edge of the screen, where the corresponding graphic icons are located, because there is a possibility that the focus of availability will move from the selected contact to the contact icon that is under your finger at the moment you perform the gesture. As a result, you will call the wrong person. -secondly, you can double-tap with a swipe to the side not only on contact icons, but also directly on the name, which is much more convenient for a blind user.

We repeat the last call.

We all used push-button phones to quickly repeat the last outgoing call double click to the call key. In the Sansung phone app, this feature has not gone away; I would even say it has expanded somewhat. If you press the call button in an empty dialer window, the number is automatically inserted into the edit field last call. However, it is important to remember that this will not be the number of the last outgoing call, but of any call that was last. For example, if you have missed calls, then when you press the call button, the number of the person who last called you will be inserted into the dialing field.

Taking out the labels frequent contacts main screen.

There are 2 ways to display a contact's shortcut on the home screen. The first one adds a contact shortcut to the home screen, i.e. when activated, the contact's business card will open, and you will have access to all actions with the contact, as if you had opened it directly in the application. This method may be relevant if a contact has several numbers and there is a need to call different ones all the time. The second allows you to add a shortcut widget to the home screen, thus calling a pre-selected contact number. This method is relevant for contacts with one number or if you call one of the contact numbers more often than others.

Let's consider the first method. To add a contact card shortcut to the main screen, select the desired contact and open it with a double tap. In the contact information window, enter the menu using the “Other options” button at the top of the screen or by long pressing the left touch button at the bottom. In the menu that opens, select "Add a shortcut to the home screen." The shortcut will be created on the Home screen page that was active before opening the Contacts app. If there is no free space on this page, then the shortcut will be created on the first available free space on any page. If all pages of the main screen are busy, a new page, on which your label will appear. The logic here is the same as when placing application shortcuts, so it should not cause any difficulties.

To add a shortcut widget, go to the home screen page where you want to place it. Now bring up the home screen settings window. To do this, double tap and hold on empty space or press and hold the left touch key. Next, go to "Widgets". Here, press and hold the left touch button again and select “Search for widgets” in the menu that opens. In the window that opens, write the word "Fast". The desired widget will appear at the top of the screen. Double-tap and hold on it, wait until the main screen appears and drag the widget to the desired location. After you release your finger, a dialog with a choice will open desired contact. After selecting the desired contact and number, your widget is ready to use. In the same way, you can create widgets for SMS. I myself don’t really like the clutter of contacts on the main screen, but you might like this option.

Speed ​​dial

To begin with, I suggest you make a small and, at first glance, seemingly unnecessary excursion into the history of the speed dial function. Let's mentally take you back 8-10 years ago, when the world was dominated by push-button phones, and let's try to remember how the speed dial function was arranged on them. I will not claim that everything written below applies to absolutely all phones of that time, but in general the picture was something like this: for assigning a speed dial number, 9, and sometimes 8 out of 10, were usually available number keys apparatus. The specified number was called by holding the desired button within a few seconds. It is, of course, possible to remember which button is assigned to which number, but there was no pressing need for this, at least, the overwhelming number of mobile phone users did not have it.

With the widespread use of touch devices in the world, the scenarios for using the phone and the methods of interacting with it have undergone serious changes. Joysticks and buttons, which were the de facto standard for a long time, are becoming a thing of the past, and speed dial, which almost no one used even with buttons for some reason remains. Moreover, in Samsung, instead of the usual 8 or 9 cells, as many as 999 become available. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Like many other features in Samsung apps, speed dialing is extremely simple and functional. To use it, just enter any number combination from 1 to 999 in the dialer window, holding your finger on the last digit. If the entered combination is already assigned a speed dial number, then when you hold the call starts automatically. If the speed dial number has not yet been assigned to the combination, the application will prompt you to select the desired number from the contact list. You can view already assigned numbers, delete existing assignments, and also make new ones in the corresponding dialog, which is called up from context menu phone application by activating the corresponding item. The dialogue is extremely ascetic. Cells are divided into 100 pieces per page. The page itself is a scrollable list that takes up most of the screen. Above the list is a navigation bar. There are buttons on the left and right to go to the previous and next page, and in the middle there is information about which range of cells is displayed in this moment. To the right of each cell the contact assigned to it is displayed, and button to the right"Delete". If the cell is free, then to the right of it there is a single button “Add contact”.

Everything in this picture at first glance looks just fine, but a reasonable question arises: what is the best way to select cells for contacts in order to somehow remember this later? Naturally, in this matter you are limited only by your imagination. For example, I see 2 here different cases. If you need to call several main numbers using speed dialing, then everything is extremely simple: the range from 1 to 9 will suit you, and how you distribute the numbers you need is up to you. The order can be arbitrary, alphabetical, or take the risk of ranking your friends and relatives by importance to you. The second case is more complicated. Often you have to call the same numbers, but there are 10 or more of these numbers. In this case, some of the considered options turn out to be impossible in principle, while others bring the task of remembering the correspondence of cells and numbers closer in complexity to remembering these numbers themselves. Here two more or less logical options suggest themselves: either fix required numbers behind the cells corresponding to the last three digits of these same numbers, or use the correspondence of the first two or three letters of the surname to the numbers on which these letters would be located on numeric keypad phone. Obviously, by implementing support for speed dialing for 999 cells, Samsung is hinting at exactly this option for using this feature. In addition, another most valuable, in my opinion, function hints at this. Let's talk about this in the next section.

Additional features of Search by contacts in the dialer window.

When you start typing something in the phone application, almost immediately at the top of the screen, just above the edit field, hints taken from contacts and speed dialing begin to appear. For a blind user, this fact is not obvious, but the functionality itself is quite accessible. If the combination of numbers you entered is interpreted unambiguously by the phone, then the only possible contact and its number will appear in the prompt. When you click on the prompt, the corresponding number will be copied to the dialer window, and when you click on the call button, a call will begin. From the menu called up by long pressing the left touch button, you can send a message and perform some other manipulations. If the phone has found several matches, then the most priority one is displayed, and a button with the number of matches found appears a little to the right. When you click on it, a window opens with all search results.

This type of search is carried out in speed dialing, contacts, as well as in the call log and messages, if you have events there from numbers that are not in your contacts. Searching in contacts is carried out both by matching numbers in numbers and by alphabetical matches. However, it is important to remember that priority is given to speed dialing. So, for example, if you have contacts Ivan Ivanov and Ivan Ivanovsky, while Ivan Ivanovsky is assigned to speed dial in cell 42, then when you enter 42, Ivan Ivanovsky will be shown in the dialer window, while without using speed dial in first place would turn out to be Ivan Ivanov.

If you remember the last 3-4 digits of the number of the person you want to call, then simply enter them. In this case, the search match will almost always be one hundred percent. To make a call, all you have to do is click on the prompt at the top of the screen and the call button.