iPhone 5s outgoing sound does not work. No sound on iPhone - what to do

In this article I will tell you why there is no sound on the iPhone when incoming call or receiving SMS. Let's figure out what settings need to be made to restore functionality to the phone.

This article is suitable for everyone iPhone models Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus on iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in this article.

Let's go from simple to complex.

There is no sound because... it's disabled

Despite the fact that the iPhone is a fairly reliable gadget, users sometimes experience that the melody suddenly disappears when receiving an incoming call or SMS.

Often the ringtone stops playing because the iPhone has been switched to silent mode. Of course, this explanation is quite simple, but in most cases it is the one that becomes correct, especially for new device owners.

To solve this problem, you need to check the volume switch on the left side of the iPhone. If this switch is set to silent mode, then you just need to move it. will play again.

When the volume switch is in the required position, but the melody still does not sound, your gadget may need a reboot. Performing a reboot will solve the software errors that caused the ringtone to disappear. To do this, press and hold at the same time Home buttons and power until the bullseye logo is displayed.


On iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, hold down the volume down and power buttons.


If the disappearance of sound is due to a software error, then after such a reboot it should appear again.

"Do not disturb" option activated

When the ringtone on your iPhone stops working, you need to check if the “Do Not Disturb” option is activated. By mistake, users often activate this mode without noticing it. When a crescent-shaped icon is displayed at the top of the screen, it means that the Do Not Disturb mode on the gadget is turned on. He turns everything off sound notifications.

This problem can be solved very simply, just follow these steps:

  • Swipe your finger across the screen from bottom to top.
  • Open “Control Center”.
  • Turn off the mode.

After this it should appear again sound signal.


Checking the sound settings

It is possible that problems with the ringtone occurred due to incorrect sound settings.

  • Open “Settings”.
  • There we select the “Sounds” menu.
  • Set the appropriate notification and ringtone volume.
  • Turn on “Change with buttons”.

This will allow you to adjust the volume of the melody using the volume buttons, which are located on the left side of the iPhone.


Headset mode started incorrectly

When the above methods do not help solve problems with no sound when SMS and incoming call, which means the problem is more complex. For example, your device may have been left in headset mode by mistake. You can check this in the Music application or using the “Control Center”, where you need to click on the “Devices” icon.


Then we try to connect and disconnect the headphones several times, carefully clean the Lightning connector with a toothpick and restart the iPhone.

Solving the problem using AssistiveTouch

One of the calls made should return your iPhone to full functionality. If this does not happen, then the problem is most likely technical plan.

Erase content and reset settings


This option should only be used in extreme situations. To delete all content on the gadget and reset settings, go to the “Settings” menu, select “General”, then “Reset” and “Erase content and settings”. We check that before resetting

If the sound on the iPhone does not work, then normal use of the smartphone is out of the question. You can't hear the call, the alarm doesn't sound in the morning, games and videos don't have audio, not to mention music playback.

The malfunction requires immediate elimination, but first you need to understand why the sound disappeared on the iPhone.
The causes of the problem can be divided into software and hardware. The user can handle the former on his own, but the latter most often require a trip to service center.

Software errors

Before you start fixing software errors or troubleshooting hardware problems, make sure the volume is set at an acceptable level. Pay attention to the current sound profile. Sound playback may be disabled in its settings.

If the sound stops intermittently, restart your iPhone. Try to remember when problems arose and what preceded them. Sometimes deleting the latter helps installed applications. If your phone has been jailbroken and tweaks have been installed, it is recommended to roll back the changes. An incorrect jail, installation of unofficial software - all this can lead to problems with iOS, including loss of sound. Help cope with software glitch Can reset settings: Open settings, “General” section. Go to the “Reset” subsection. Select "Reset all settings". Resetting the settings does not delete content, so you don’t have to do this backup copy.

If restoring to factory settings does not help, try erasing settings and content. After performing this operation, the phone will be “clean”, that is, all user data will be deleted from it. Therefore, creating a backup copy is prerequisite subsequent recovery of deleted information.

Instead of resetting the settings, you can reflash the device. Before performing the firmware, also do not forget to make a backup copy. If the reasons for the lack of sounds are software in nature, then the listed actions should eliminate them, returning the iPhone to normal operating condition.

Hardware problems

If the sound does not work on the new iPhone, and no software errors are noticed, then it is better to immediately contact a service center. Although some actions can be performed independently. Possible reasons malfunction: Mechanical damage or contamination of the speaker. A blow, fall, or strong shaking can damage the speaker. The solution is to replace the damaged component at a service center. Soldering chip responsible for audio playback. Even if the speaker is not damaged, a faulty chip will cause the sound will disappear. The solution is similar - professional repair. Moisture ingress. As a result of exposure to liquid, oxidation of microcircuits can occur, which will lead to various failures in iPhone work. If there is no sound only in the headphones, check the connector; it could also be clogged. The iPhone 7 does not have a separate input; headphones are connected via an adapter to the Lightning connector, so you should check that too. The connector can be carefully cleaned without going to a service center, but for other hardware problems it is recommended to contact professional help. If there is no sound on the camera when recording video, make sure that protective film or the case does not cover the working microphone. He is on back cover between the flash and the camera. If you cover it with a cover, the sound will not be recorded. If nothing prevents the microphone from working normally, contact a service center. Setting the alarm volume Many users have difficulty changing the alarm volume. It may work, but it will sound so quiet that it will not wake you up, but will be a background for sleep. From total iPhone volume The alarm clock does not depend on it, which is good. Otherwise, when turned on silent mode The alarm clock would also turn off. To set your alarm to sound at an acceptable volume level, open Settings and go to Sounds. Adjust the volume using the Ring & Reminder slider. The method works on all modern iPhones, be it 5S, 6 or 7 model.

Smartphones, no matter how reliable they may seem, can upset their user at any time. Sooner or later individual parts will fail and cause some discomfort.

On the Internet you can often come across complaints that the sound on the phone has completely disappeared. Before you start panicking, there are a few simple methods to try. The first is volume control. There are situations when, when connecting (or after disconnecting the headphones), the system forgets to switch the volume level. If after this the speaker does not make any sounds, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Often the sound disappears completely due to software errors. In order for the system to be rebuilt to necessary settings, you just need to reboot it. To do this, it will be enough to turn off and then start the device again. If even after such actions the situation does not change, then it is worth trying to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and the part with which problems arise.

If the external speaker works normally, but when switching to headphones no sound is received, then the cable of the corresponding connector has failed. IN in this case may be needed Repair iPhone 5 . You should not replace parts yourself. Because such actions can cause even more damage to the phone. In this case, it is better to contact specialists.

Sometimes a different situation is observed. It happens that sound can appear only after connecting headphones. Without them, the speaker will be silent. Most likely, this indicates that this particular part has failed. You can replace the speaker yourself. exists on the Internet great amount video clips that can help in this endeavor. It is worth noting that there is always a risk of confusion individual elements, which will lead to even bigger problems.

You should never rely on guesswork when repairing your phone. The cause of the failure must be accurately determined. The problem does not always lie in mechanical failure. Failures can also occur in individual programs. So, for example, if an error occurs in a separate player, it can play tracks (visually), but there will be no sound. In this case, you need to download several additional players. This will make sure that the problem is caused by the application.

There can be a huge number of reasons for a malfunction of the main speaker or headphone jack. You can endlessly guess. Any experiments can lead to additional breakdowns. Therefore, in order to save your time and money, it is better to immediately contact a service center, where they will accurately determine the causes of the problem within a short period of time. In addition, any services will be guaranteed.

If you're happy iPhone owner, you probably noticed that you use its functions every day. Now imagine for a second that the sound on your iPhone doesn’t work. Unpleasant and inconvenient, isn't it?

Such a disaster can happen at the most various reasons. It is the reasons for the loss of sound and their solutions that we will consider today.

By the way, the sound may disappear both in the phone itself and in the headphones. The problems are essentially similar, but at the same time, with technical side, completely different.

Turn up the volume

If this is your first time using a smartphone, you probably don’t yet know that the volume buttons are located on the end. Just click on top button, she is responsible for adding sound. This is the simplest option.

Photo: volume up and vibration buttons

It is also worth considering that the volume for standard speakers and headphones are configured separately. Also, headphones can only be configured when connected to the device. If not, then you adjust the volume of the phone

It often happens that the headphones have already been removed from the phone, but it still shows that they are connected. Try cleaning the nest carefully, this should solve the problem.

Photo: adjusting headphone volume

Reboot your device

If increasing the volume with the button does not help, then something is wrong. First of all, restart your phone, and then check the sound first from the original speakers, and then from the headphones.

Photo: phone on/off/reboot button

Headphone jack problem

If the sound on your iPhone only works through headphones, then there is a problem with the connector. Clean it, look inside. Be sure to check for availability mechanical damage.

The main signs that there are problems with the mini jack (3.5) connector (headphones must be turned off with the parameters listed below):

Sound control chip

Inside the iPhone there are only two chips that are responsible for sound. This:

  1. audio codec;

They can be damaged either when water gets inside the case or from a strong impact. In case of damage, you only need to replace it, there are no other solutions. By the way, if the above listed microcircuits do not work, then the sound during a call will not work.

Mechanical deformation

In case of mechanical damage to the phone, there is a high probability that either the speakers or sound control chips will fail. In both the first and second cases, it is better not to try to solve the problem yourself, since you most likely will not be able to disassemble the iPhone correctly the first time. Damage something, and repairs will cost several times more.

Moisture ingress

Moisture getting inside the phone is an unpleasant phenomenon. Both certain functions and the phone in general may fail. The same applies to sound.

As soon as the phone is removed from a damp environment, you must immediately perform the following simple steps:

  1. de-energize the device;
  2. remove remaining moisture.

The main problem is to cut off the power.

Photo: iPhone board after falling into the water

The point is that the owners Apple smartphones Dont Have direct access to the battery, therefore, in order to remove it, you will have to disassemble almost half of the phone. If you don't have disassembly skills Apple technology, then it’s better not to try, immediately take the phone to a service center. Do not turn it on under any circumstances!

What you should never do:

  • dry the phone on the radiator of the heating battery;
  • check the phone for functionality after drying it yourself;
  • place the device in a container with rice. This is a myth, rice will not help you at all.

Video: Sound problem

The protective mesh of the speaker is clogged

If the sound still works, but not correctly, or the sound quality has deteriorated significantly, it has become much worse to hear, you should make sure that the speakers are not blocked by anything. For example, a cheap case that is not made correctly may partially cover the speakers.

Photo: cleaning the grates iPhone speakers from dust

The cleanliness of the protective mesh also plays an important role in the sound quality. If you notice that the grate is very dirty, take a soft brush and lightly clean it.

This cleans both the speakers and the microphone. To check the functionality, we recommend recording your voice on a voice recorder and then listening to the recording. If the sound is clear, then everything is fine, but if not, if the recording is intermittent, then either you didn’t clean it well, or it’s time to take the phone to a service center. If you don't even hear a call, the speaker is most likely broken.

If the sound disappears for no reason, then the problem is software, and, most likely, it will be solved after a reboot. If problems with the speakers began after the smartphone fell into water or suffered mechanical damage, then you will have to take the device to the service center, the problem is 100% hardware.

Has your iPhone stopped playing sound for incoming calls or text messages? This problem not always related to technical malfunction and you can get rid of it programmatically. How to return the sounds of incoming calls and text messages on iPhone described in this manual.

Note: If your iPhone is stuck in headset mode, use the tips suggested in.

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access».

Step 2. Select a section AssistiveTouch.

Step 3: Toggle the switch AssistiveTouch V active position. A button responsible for working with the function will appear on the screen.

Step 4. Click on the AssistiveTouch button and in the window that opens, select “ Apparatus».

Step 5: Set the sound option to " On sound", after the button " Louder» Set the volume to maximum.

Step 6: Make about 30-40 calls on your iPhone.

One of the calls will have to return your iPhone full-fledged performance. If this does not happen, apparently there is a technical problem and, alas, you cannot do without a trip to the service center.

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