Adobe Dreamweaver free download. New version of the program

Let's start with good first what throws it new design interface, and now DW is quite similar to most advanced editors.

Unlike the old version, where there was only one interface option, and that, to put it mildly, was not so hot, in the new version we are asked to choose one of 4 preset interface color schemes. The choice of color scheme is provided when you first launch a new version, in the “What's New” screen. Subsequently color scheme can be changed in the program settings

Edit > Preferences > Interface

In addition, there are two “code themes” to choose from; to put it simply, these are code highlighting and background. And then the complete mess begins. Firstly, there are only two of them, unlike DW 2015, and secondly, they are both terrible. And the problem is not even what colors are used, but the fact that not all the number of illuminated elements has been reduced by at least 5 times. As a result, the code, especially php, now just looks like a wall of text.

But there is also a positive point, and if we can’t do anything about the number of illuminated elements, fortunately we can fight with the colors themselves, and now it’s better than before.

Unlike older versions of ule, colors were stored in color.xml; in the new version, they were transferred to themes. You can't create new themes, but changing old ones is easy. The theme itself consists of two files.

Topics located in
Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017\www\extensions\default\DarkTheme\
Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017\www\extensions\default\LightTheme\ accordingly.

So one of the pleasant surprises is that themes from Brackets are suitable for DW 2017. So it won’t be difficult to pump yourself up and choose more suitable ones. For example from this site

Note: if the template does not have a main.less file, then it’s not a problem, you can take the .css file (most often the name of the theme.css) and re-save it into the less form with the name main (main.less)

In addition to the interface change, DW 2017 has other new features. So, for example, now we have two input methods

One of them rewrites the text, the other adds. It is useless to write which one is responsible for what, because it is different every time.

The code hints have also been corrected, and now gas stations finally work quite correctly in PHP. There are also two options for auto-closing tags for, one at the moment you finish entering the opening tag (after entering “>”), the other, as before, at the moment you start entering the closing tag (after entering “

Edit > Preferences > Code Hints

Another somewhat pleasant change is the fix for the “Apply Source Formatting” function, which, by the way, is one of my favorites. The main advantage is that now it works when editing js and php files. But even here there are no jambs.

Firstly, this is formatting. For example, as for me this format For php functions very, very strange

Class hello ( public static function getWolrd() ( return true; ) )

Secondly, the “Apply Source Formatting” function itself is pulled in the wrong direction. Some kind of Anti-formatting is obtained.

These are just some of the changes, you can read the full list of innovations, such as Emmet or additional cursors and a lot more.

As a result, the update turned out to be a C grade. On some forums and boards they wrote that so many imperfections and dampness of the new version were due to the rush to show new versions of the projects at the exhibition in San Diego. But in my opinion, releasing such a crude version for a paid and by no means cheap product is not acceptable.

If you cannot stand all these shortcomings and bugs and want to return the old version, then you can do this in the following way.

That's all I wanted to write about the Dreamweaver 2017 update. Good luck with your coding.

The Adobe Dreamweaver software product was created for the development and launch of professional-level websites. Hi-tech developments implemented in Adobe Dreamweaver significantly facilitate most routine operations, performing them automatically. Websites as well as online applications created in this program comply with all industry standards. Working with Adobe Dreamweaver, you get the entire set of functions and programs you need. Full support for the CSS format is complemented by the ability to quickly view the layout in different browsers. This solution greatly simplifies the work of creating a design. A very convenient web page code editor speeds up the writing of a website, while possible errors in the code are immediately indicated. Adobe system Dreamweaver can work with a variety of technologies and fully supports JavaScript, ASP, XML, Adobe ColdFusion and PHP. There is an official add-on that allows you to create Ajax applications. Now you don't need to look for specialized products to get information from RSS, work with databases or create various visual effects at the program level.

In addition to being an excellent environment for developing web projects, Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to test and refine them literally on the fly. Built-in multi-screen viewing allows you to test your sites by rendering in HTML5. The updated service works faster and is specifically designed for testing resources opened from tablets or smartphones. The rubber layout system will appeal to designers. After all, you can import CSS3 layouts, transferring the resource to fundamentally new level quality. The built-in testing system will allow you to adjust your rubber layout to any browser or screen resolution without lengthy debugging and writing hundreds of lines of code.

Special mention should be made of the jQuery Mobile module in the Adobe Dreamweaver product. This program will allow you to create mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. The development module is perfectly complemented by Adobe PhoneGap Build, which allows you to build a project and test it on an emulator of various mobile devices. Improved algorithms for working with FTP will save you time when uploading your projects. Use multi-threading for fast loading several different websites or other content at once.

Quite recently, a new product for creating websites from Adobe was introduced - Dreamweaver CC. The main innovation was the “improved CSS designer”, which uses a new color palette and various functions, which made it possible to speed up the processes of visual control and search, which led to a significant reduction in editing time. Also worth noting are interactive highlighting and Live View. You can now create dynamic layouts in visual mode. The updated Dreamweaver CC interface has become easier to understand and master, and workflows are more convenient and faster. Context menus allow you to easily apply settings, which increases the efficiency of the development process. This version of the editor supports the most modern platforms, such as PHP 5.4, HTML5, jQuery and jQuery Mobile, as well as content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal. So click download Adobe Dreamweaver CC for free and start using it right now powerful editor website creation.

In June 2015, Adobe showed its new product Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015, which, like other products from this company, can connect to the Adobe Stock store to search for images. The editor makes it possible to create websites that dynamically adapt to different sizes screen, using native bootstrap integration. A new code editor interface and settings, real-time code validation with static source code analysis, and Emmet-enabled autocompletion make coding faster and easier in Dreamweaver. Time-saving new feature for quickly extracting web-optimized images from documents Adobe Photoshop in PSD format. For the first time, the DOM panel was developed and implemented for easy navigation and editing of HTML page elements. Used real-time color and image previews in Code view and more. All these innovations, coupled with the Russian-language program interface, make website creation fast and convenient. Get this tool It's as easy as shelling pears - click download Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 for free and start creating web applications.

November 2016 was marked by the release of the new Dreamweaver CC 2017, which included many changes and innovations. A new code editor that lets you create code even faster with a new, more flexible coding engine. Code hints help new users learn HTML and CSS. New working environment for developers with improved performance and an optimized interface, it speeds up downloading and opening files and makes working with projects easier. Dreamweaver now supports major CSS preprocessing tools such as SASS, Less, and SCSS. New feature " Quick Edit» allows you to open the built-in CSS editor when working with HTML file and quickly make the necessary changes. Adobe listens to its users and the Dreamweaver interface has been optimized based on thousands of comments. To make the code easier to read and edit, you can select one of four contrast levels, from light to dark. To save time, a real-time preview in the browser and a “Quick Help” function were implemented, displaying help documentation for the web platform with a description CSS properties. You can download Dreamweaver 2017 for free on our website.

Do you need a smaller version that can be run from any media?

Portable Adobe version Dreamweaver - does not require installation, you can use it on any device, run the project immediately from a flash drive, external hard drive or other media. The Russian-language interface helps you quickly get used to the program.

Check out the new features in latest version Dreamweaver CC.


Dreamweaver version 19.0.1 includes support for Bootstrap 4.2.1 and fixes issues found in previous versions of Dreamweaver. Installing this update is recommended for all users.

Designing Responsive Websites Using Bootstrap. For a description of the issues that are fixed in this version of Dreamweaver, see Issues that are fixed in Dreamweaver CC.

The October 2018 release of Dreamweaver CC (version 19.0) introduces exciting new features for web designers and developers. This article provides information about new features and links to additional resources.

JavaScript Restructuring

JavaScript restructuring gives web developers the ability to intelligently rename functions and variables in a domain-specific manner. You can convert an anonymous expression or function block into an arrow expression with one click. Create Get/Set functions for the selected identifier in the class/construct context. You can now retrieve the expression as a variable in the current scope, and you can select a piece of code and create a Try/Catch block for it.

You can rearrange code in documents such as HTML, PHP and JavaScript. Can choose Refactor in the menu that appears when you click right click mouse in the code workspace in Dreamweaver. Some of the useful performance improvements in the restructuring feature are: Rename, Extract to variable, Extract to function, Transfer to Try Catch, Move to Condition, Convert to arrow function, and Create getter methods/setter methods.

ECMAScript 6 support

ECMAScript 6 is the sixth edition of the ECMA-262 standard, which includes major changes and improvements to the ECMAScript specification. ECMAScript is a scripting language specification standardized by ECMA international.

Dreamweaver now supports ECMAScript 6 syntax. Web developers can now work with the latest JavaScript updates while taking advantage of ECMAScript 6 features.

Dreamweaver also supports analysis ECMAScript code as well as ESLint by default as JavaScript analysis tool.

For more information, see Linting code analysis.

New integration with CEF

Web designers and web developers will need latest features for web development when enhancing websites by creating HTML tags or CSS properties. To view results for the latest features, Dreamweaver developers had to use real-time preview instead of interactive preview.

Dreamweaver is now integrated with the new version of the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). With the new CEF framework, Live View now displays pages designed with CSS Grid layouts. Additionally, you can see the improved CSS grid layout with this change.

Security improvements

Dreamweaver now includes some security improvements to support most web hosting providers.

OpenSSH and OpenSSL Dreamweaver is now integrated with the new version of OpenSSH (version 7.6), providing reliable SFTP connections to multiple hosting servers. OpenSSL has been updated from version 1.0.2 K to version 1.0.2o.

LibCURL - Dreamweaver is now integrated with the new version of Lib Curl (updated from version 7.38 to version 7.60), providing a secure connection to users.

Lesson 1: Getting started with Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

Target : Familiarize yourself with Dreamweaver when creating a web page, as well as the program’s workspace.


  • Explore the work area.
  • Learn to create a new page using CSS content.
  • Learn to save a document.
  • Learn to change page title and text headings.
  • Learn to insert text from an external document.
  • Learn to add foreground and background images.
  • Learn to create, change and select CSS styles.
  • Learn to work with Code and Code and Design display modes.

Before you start studying,.

In the process of completing all laboratory work, you will create a full-fledged website for a travel company.

The structure of web pages is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Structure of the final website

As a result of this laboratory work, you should end up with a web page like this (Figure 1.1):

Figure 1.1 - Web page preview

Using the Welcome screen

The Welcome screen window provides fast access to pages you've recently worked with, helps you easily create different types pages and provides direct access to some key topics, where you can find answers to your questions. The Welcome screen appears the first time you start the program or if no other documents are open.

Let's use the Welcome screen to learn how to open a document.

1. To open a new blank page, click on the option HTML in column Create New(Create) (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 - Welcome screen window

2. A new one will open before you HTML document (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 - New HTML window

Selecting a CSS Layout

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 has 32 CSS layout files, each with a different design. In this task we will select one file and modify it.

  1. Execute File => New(File => Create) .
  2. Select Column Blank Page (Empty page) in the dialog box New Document(Create Document) .
  3. Select HTML in column Page Type(Page Type) .
  4. Select 2 columns fixed, left sidebar, header and footer(2 columns fixed width, side margin left, header and footer) in column Layout(Layout) .
  5. Leave the other options set to their default settings and click the button Create(Create).
  6. Select File => Save(File => Save).
  7. Save As(Save As) go to folder lab1. Enter "Umbria.html" and click on the button Save.

Selecting a document display mode

We will perform most web design operations in the window Design, but remember that by the window Document There are four display modes (Figure 1.4):

  • Design(Design) - presents the page in a browser-like context;
  • Code(Code) - displays source pages;
  • Code and Design(Code and Design) - combines and display mode Design and display mode Code. Click the button Split(split) to display this display mode.
  • Live(Live View) - presents the page in a browser operating in real time.

Figure 1.4 - Display modes

The display modes are related to each other. Any changes made in one of them can be immediately seen in the others.

Changing the page title

The page title appears in the browser title bar. Page titles are one of the key elements used by search engines to index websites.

  1. Select the "Untitled Document" text placeholder in the field Title(Name) toolbars Document(Figure 1.5).
  2. Type in "Umbria Hill Town Tours" and click Enter.

Figure 1.5 - Document toolbar

Changing Headers

Title placeholders in Dreamweaver are easy to change.

1. Double-click the placeholder text Title to select it. Then enter “Travel Umbria with us” (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6 - Changing the title placeholder

2. Hover over the beginning of the placeholder text MainContent(Main content) and highlight the entire phrase.
3. With the text selected, type “You're having fun. We are working." (Figure 1.7)

Figure 1.7 - Changing the content placeholder

4. Select File => Save(File => Save).

Inserting text

Plain text can be changed as easily as headings.

1. Place the cursor in front of in plain text placeholder and select the rest of the text to select the second header placeholder and all paragraphs.
2. Press the key Delete to remove what you selected.
3. Browse to file Text. txt located in a folder Lessons/lab1/Text.txt.

4. Copy the text to the clipboard.
5. Paste the copied text under the heading “You're having fun. We are working." (Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.8 - Inserting text

The text will automatically be formatted as paragraphs.

6. In the same way, enter “Umbria Hill Town Tours” in the field Footer.
7. Create the end of the line by clicking Shift+ Enter, then enter "Our Contacts".

Inserting Images

1. Select all content in the sidebar including the placeholder title Sidebar1 Content and the next two paragraphs.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click

and press Delete in the tag selector located at the bottom of the Document window to remove the tag

(Figure 1.9).

Figure 1.9 - Tag selector

4. If the panel Insert(Insert) is invisible, make it visible by selecting Window => Insert(Window => Insert). Execute Insert => Common => Images(Insert => General => Image) (Figure 1.10).

Figure 1.10 - Insert panel

5. Go to the files located in the folder Lessons/lab1/ and select sculpted-garden.jpg and click OK (Figure 1.11).

Figure 1.11 - Inserting the image sculpted-garden.jpg

6. Place your cursor at the beginning of the body paragraph that begins with “Come and Enjoy” and select Images on the panel Insert.
7. Select an image italian-hill-town.jpg and press OK.
8. Enter "italian-hill-town" as additional text. Click OK(Figure 1.12).
9. If the Properties panel is not visible, select Window => Properties.
10. With the image you just inserted selected, activate fltrt in the popup menu Class panels Properties.

The class fltrt is an abbreviation for float right, respectively fltlft - float left.

11. Select File => Save.

Figure 1.12 - Inserting the image italian-hill-town.jpg

Selecting and changing styles CSS

Modern web pages use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for styling and layout. A web page is often compared to a chair with three legs, with HTML, CSS and JavaScript being the components of its structure. HTML is the content, the material that you enter in the Design display mode. CSS is appearance and a layout with specific elements, colors and backgrounds. JavaScript adds interactive functionality. In this exercise, you will change the background color of an existing page, add graphics to the background, and configure several text attributes. All these actions are performed through the use of the panel CSSStyles(CSS styles).

CSS can be used to change the style properties of any HTML tag, such as the .

1. Select Window => CSS Styles (Window => CSS Styles). The panel will open CSS Styles.
2. If necessary, click the button All on the panel CSS Styles to change the current mode Current.

All mode displays all CSS styles associated with the current page. You must have the document open in the document viewer to see any styles in the panel CSS Styles.

3. Open the entry