Paragraph indentations in word. Highlight paragraphs with the same formatting

Everyone who has been using this program for a long time knows how to make paragraphs in Word, but those who sit down at the computer for the first time to type text may experience some difficulties. Here we will tell and show how to set and remove paragraph indents.

The paragraph in handwritten and typewritten tests is used to divide a narrative into logical parts. The text in a paragraph is united by a certain idea, thought. At the same time, too large paragraphs make it difficult to perceive the text and understand the main idea of ​​its content.

Separating one paragraph from the next is done in different ways. There are texts where paragraphs are distinguished not by the traditional indentation of the first line, but by increasing the line spacing between them. This method can be seen more often in foreign publications and on the Internet.

If we try to submit a text formatted in this way to a teacher for checking, then, most likely, this work will be returned to us due to incorrect formatting. This is because our domestic GOST requires that paragraphs be indented by indenting the first line by four to five points.

When typing on a typewriter, paragraph indentation is made by simply pressing the spacebar five times. With computer typing, not everything is so simple. If you make paragraph indents using the spacebar, then when the document is printed, these indents will most likely be unequal (at random).

How to make a paragraph?

The text editor has a special function that allows you to customize paragraphs. In the "Home" tab Word menu There is a “Paragraph” section, by entering which you can configure all paragraph parameters. In this window, you can configure the indents of the first line or the entire text, and line spacing. By setting paragraph parameters at the beginning of your work, you can forget about them.
Clicking here will open the required window.

If we are just about to type text, we need to enter this window and click on “indent”, “first line” and indicate the indent value in centimeters (usually 1.25-1.27 cm). In this case, it is important to ensure that the intervals “before” and “after” are equal to zero. Now, each time we press the “Enter” key, we start new paragraph with precisely defined parameters.

In this window you can set paragraph parameters

If the text of the document has already been typed and you only need to change the paragraph parameters, then first select the desired text and perform the same steps described above.

How to remove paragraphs?

And this is not a problem, you just need to select the text or the required fragment and make the settings in the “Paragraph” window: in the “indent” block of this window you need to set all zeros, and indicate “no” opposite the “first line”.

Thus, dividing text into paragraphs in the Word application is very simple, even easier than on a typewriter. Before starting work, it is enough to set the necessary parameters in the “Paragraph” window.

Short video about it

When you type content in new documents, Word applies default formatting to font and paragraphs. You can customize the paragraph formatting as in standard template Normal, which is used to create new documents in most situations, as well as in any other templates and documents created on their basis. We will show you the procedure in both cases.

Changing paragraph formatting in the standard “Normal” template

To change paragraph formatting in the current document and in all documents that will be created from the Normal template, create new file Word or open an existing one.

  • If you create a new file, the Normal template styles will be applied to any content you enter.
  • If you open an existing document and want to set a different style for a paragraph, place the cursor in the paragraph whose formatting you want to change.

Open the tab home(Home) and in the lower right corner of the section Paragraph(Paragraph) click button Paragraph options(Paragraph Settings).

In the dialog box Paragraph(Paragraph) select which settings you want to change. Please note that the settings are located on two tabs: Indents and Spacing(Indents and Spacing) and Position on page(Line and Page Breaks). When you're done with the settings, click Default(Set As Default).

A dialog box appears asking whether you want to change the default formatting only for the current document or for all documents based on the Normal template. To ensure that the new formatting settings are applied in all documents created, select an option All documents based on the Normal template(All documents based on the Normal.dotm template) and click OK.

Paragraphs that have the same style applied as the paragraph you selected will have their formatting changed.

Changing paragraph formatting in an existing document (and in its original template)

You can quickly change the formatting of all paragraphs that have the same style applied in an existing document. Open the document and on the tab home(Home) press button Styles(Styles).

The panel of the same name will appear. Find the style you want to change in the list and hover your mouse over it. Click the down arrow and select from the drop-down list Change(Modify).

In the dialog box Changing the style(Modify Style) configure the desired formatting options. To open Extra options, press the button Format(Format).

To apply formatting changes to all new documents based on the current template, select the option In new documents using this template(New documents based on this template). This way, the formatting settings will be saved in the current template and will be used the next time you create a document based on this template.

If you are printing a report, writing a coursework or dissertation, or typing any other text in Word, then creating paragraphs is one of the mandatory points that must be followed to correct formatting document. Moreover, paragraphs in Word make text easier to read.

In this article we will look at how make a red line in Word so that your text complies with the design rules that are established for the document.

Make sure your document is opened in "Page layout". In this case, the corresponding icon will be highlighted at the bottom of the window.

If you have selected a different mode, click on "Page Layout".

A ruler should appear on the left and top of the document. If it is not displayed on the sheet, go to the "View" tab and in the "Show" group, check the "Ruler" box.

Now pay attention to the top line, we will be interested in it. On it you will see one marker on the right side and three markers on the left side. We need the ones on the left.

By moving the bottom marker, you will indent all the text in the paragraph. Middle Marker – will create an indent for text throughout the entire paragraph except the first line. But the top marker is exactly what you need to make a paragraph in Word.

So, in order to make paragraphs in a document, select all the text, press the key combination “Ctrl+A”, and move the top marker to the desired distance on the ruler. The ruler division value is 0.25 cm, so the distance for a paragraph can be set quite accurately.

If you have not yet typed text in a document, then immediately set the marker on the ruler to the required distance. Now when typing, when you finish typing in one paragraph, press “Enter” and move on to the next paragraph, the indent for the first line will appear automatically.

You can add a paragraph in Word in another way. To do this, select all the text, go to the “Home” tab and in the “Paragraph” group, click on the small black arrow in the lower right corner.

The following dialog box will open. In it, on the tab "Indents and Spacing", in the “first line” field, select “Indent” from the drop-down list. Next, in the “to:” field, indicate the required distance for indents. Click OK.

In order to make a continuous paragraph in Word, open the dialog shown above. In it, go to the tab "Page Position" and check the box "don't break the paragraph". Click OK.

Now, if a paragraph is located at the end of the page, Word will either move one line up, placing it on this page, automatically changing the spacing, or move the entire paragraph to the beginning of a new page.

I think now you definitely won’t have any questions about how you can make a paragraph in Word.

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Paragraph indentation in Word, in all its versions, always causes a problem. In many styles it is simply not there, and paragraphs are separated from each other only by increased spacing.

Maybe it’s more beautiful or just fashionable, but it’s not entirely correct. In any case, if you are preparing any serious document (report, abstract, coursework or business letter), you need to adhere to the classic style (paragraph indentation before the first line, alignment on both sides, standard line spacing).

How to do it? Let's look at Word example 2016.

Changing line spacing is not a problem: the button to set it is in the group Paragraph on the tab home, to the right of the alignment buttons.

But what about paragraph indentation? After all, there are no suitable tools for working with paragraphs on the main panel. More precisely, it is on the panel, in top line two buttons - Increase indent And Decrease indent.

True, it turns out that these buttons are responsible for a completely different job: thanks to these buttons, you can move the entire paragraph deeper into the document, moving it away from the left border, or vice versa - move it to the left margin.

So for correct installation“red line”, and other page parameters, we will need to get acquainted with the expanded paragraph settings menu - it will open if you click on the tiny arrow in the right corner of the group Paragraph.

In the dialog box that opens Paragraph change the following points:

Alignment- meaning Width,
First line- meaning Indentation,
Line spacing - meaning Single,
- Point - put a tick here.

OK it's all over Now. Now our text is completely accepted human species. But there is one problem: as soon as we move to another paragraph, all the changes we have made will be lost. Not to mention that in the new document, Word will again do everything its own way.

In fact, this problem can be solved simply - you just need to make changes not to the paragraph, but to the style with which you are working (for example, the Normal style) - in this case, all documents will automatically be formatted as required.

Create your own style in Word

To do this, follow these steps:

Click right click click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the group Styles. In the window that appears, click the button Create a style.

A window will open Creating a style.

In field Name enter the name of our style, for example My style.
In field Style choose Paragraph.
In chapter Formatting select the font we need and its size.

Put a tick Add to style collection.

To be able to use the style in all documents, select In new documents using this template.

Click on the button Format in the lower right corner and select Paragraph.

The familiar dialog box will open Paragraph, in which you need to perform all the same actions.

Alignment- meaning Width,
First line- meaning Indentation,
Line spacing- meaning Single,
- Paragraph Don't add spacing between paragraphs of the same style- put a tick here.

Click OK.

Click again OK in the window Creating a style. The style we created is ready to go.

Visual perception is an important component when working with any kind of information, including text. Visual memory “works” more efficiently when there is a clearly structured text in front of your eyes.

The most common and popular text editor– MS Word. Exactly this application is used by the lion's share of users when it is necessary to prepare any Text Document. One of the essential attributes of formatted text is indentation. Properly placed paragraphs will help not only improve visual perception of information, but also highlight semantic blocks for better understanding contents of the document.

How to make a paragraph in Word: ruler and its markers

One of the MS Word editor tools that is actively used when creating paragraph indents is the ruler. This attribute is located above and to the left of the main document field. If you don't see the "Ruler", check:

  • Is the Page Layout mode set? If not, turn it on.
  • Is the "Ruler" option enabled? To do this, go to the “View” tab and in the “Show” section, check the box next to the “Ruler” field.

As for the attribute itself, it is represented by 4 markers. 3 of them are located on the left side, 1 on the right.

  • Bottom left marker - will indent the entire text (or a fragment of it) without highlighting the first line.
  • Middle marker – will indent (shift to the right) the entire block except the first line of text.
  • The top marker is for creating a paragraph in the text. Will create an indent exclusively for the first line - red line.
  • The lower right marker is intended for setting the amount of indentation to the right (distance to the right margin).

When starting to edit text, decide what type of indentation you need and what its value will be. Next, proceed to formatting.

How to make a paragraph in Word: paragraph indentation on the left side

There are several ways to create this indentation.


  • Place the mouse cursor in the fragment in which you want to select the red line or select the entire text (Ctrl + A).
  • By moving the bottom marker, set the required indent size.

MS Word Menu

  • Select part of the text that requires indentation, or the entire document.
  • Go to the document menu: “Page Layout” – “Paragraph” and click the icon in the corner with the arrow.
  • Set the desired parameters for the left margin (the distance is measured from the set left margin).
  • Click “Ok”.

How to make a paragraph in Word: paragraph indentation on the right side

In addition to the traditional left indentation, when formatting text, you may need to indent the right side.

  • Select the document (press Ctrl keys+ A) or part thereof.
  • Go to the “Paragraph” section of the “Page Layout” tab and click the arrow icon in the square (in the lower right corner).
  • Set the required number of cm in the “Indent to the right” field.

Another way to set the right indent is to refer to the lower right marker on the “Ruler” and place it in the desired place. By simultaneously setting the right and left indents, you can achieve the desired location of a piece of text (in the center, shifted to the left or right).

How to make a paragraph in Word: red line

To highlight the next logical block of your document, it is rational to use the “red line”. This term implies the formation of an indentation (or protrusion) exclusively for the first line of a semantic fragment.

  • If the user is working with the “Ruler”, you need to turn to the top marker and move it to the left to create a protrusion or to the right to create a paragraph.
  • Or go to the “Page Layout” tab and in the “Paragraph” block click on the arrow icon. In the “Red Line” field, set the type of indentation (indentation or paragraph) and its value.

How to make a paragraph in Word: mirror indents

This option is especially in demand when printing a document in the “Book” format.

  • Select text or a fragment of it.
  • Go to “Page Layout” – “Paragraph” – “arrow icon”.
  • In the formatting window, set the values ​​for indents (left and right) and check the “Mirror margins” box.
  • The left and right padding options will change to “Inside” and “Outside” padding.
  • Press the “Ok” key to apply the specified changes to the text.

If you want your text to be interesting and understandable, create a correctly formatted and competent document.