Zyxel keenetic ultra ii connection. Setting up Zyxel Keenetic in repeater mode (amplifier)

Having signed a contract with a provider and purchased the appropriate equipment for organizing a wireless home network in order to access the Internet, the user is faced with the need to adjust electronic devices.

Of course, you can use the services of specialists, but, as popular wisdom says, if you want it done well, then do it yourself. The following guide will help you implement this statement, the main thing is to show a little care and take some personal time.

But if there is a subsequent need to carry out such operations, thanks to experience, the time required to enter parameters into the device’s web configurator will be required significantly less. At the same time, you can save it on waiting for the arrival of the master.

Preliminary activities

Careful preparation at the beginning allows you to successfully achieve your final goal. By consistently performing all stages of the procedure, from connecting the device to adjusting it, even a complete “teapot” is guaranteed not to create significant difficulties in setting up the ZyXEL Keenetic II Internet center.


At the first stage, you should remove the device from the box with all the elements offered for it. Then proceed to the connection procedure, and to do this follow these steps:

Preparatory work with the computer

Now you need to make sure that the network card settings are correct. This procedure is also simple when you have a step-by-step algorithm of actions before your eyes.

The following few steps are required:

Now you should proceed to entering parameters into the router’s web configurator in order to establish a connection with the World Wide Web.

Login to the web configurator

The modem setup process is carried out in a browser window, so you can enter all the necessary parameters using a PC or mobile device on any platform.

To enter the web interface, you must complete these steps:

  • Click “Enter”;
  • Next, click “Web Configurator”;
  • If the firmware advises you to change the authorization parameters at this stage, then it is better to agree and enter your own original name and code (it is recommended that if you have a printer, then immediately print them out or manually write them down in a personal notebook, since even an old piece of paper remembers information better than the most good human memory);
  • After completing all the steps, the main menu of the device will appear on the display, providing access to its settings.

What to do when you fail to log in?

If the entered code did not allow you to enter the web interface, it means that it was already changed earlier by a previous user or in the store, by some curious buyer who managed to tinker with the equipment settings.

The problem can be solved using a standard rollback technique; as a result, the factory password and login will be in effect again.

To reset parameters to factory state, follow these steps:

Procedure for entering network parameters

After completing the above steps, the main office is displayed on the monitor, in which all manipulations with the network settings are carried out.

However, before you start entering parameters, you need to write down the access protocol used, for example, PPPoE, L2TP, etc., from the signed contract with the communication provider. You also need to clarify whether the MAC addresses are fixed by the supplier. What IPs are used, for example, dynamic IP or permanent path.

Is it also necessary to register the IP and name of the VPN server? That is, find out all the parameters that need to be entered into the interface. If the user does not have the contract in hand, then when the client calls, the provider provides all information by phone, the technical support number of which is indicated on the company’s official resource.

In the web interface you need to do the following:

Wi-Fi setup

Solving the question of how to set up a secure wireless Wi-Fi access point will not take much time.

The developers have made life as easy as possible for owners of second-generation ZyXEL Keenetic devices and have ensured that immediately after the first launch the device creates the most reliable Wi-Fi network using the WPA2 standard.

In this case, a channel is automatically selected that is optimally suited to the current environment.

Therefore, usually there is no need to change anything in the web configurator. To enter the broadcast network, you only need to know the name and code, and as mentioned above, they are written in the documents in the user’s hands.

Those who wish to change the set parameters can easily do this by logging into the device interface.

The sequence of steps, using the Keenetic Lite model interface as an example, is as follows:

Setting up to watch digital television

For Keenetic 2 Internet centers, the developers have implemented convenient IPTV adjustment, but only in the latest firmware modifications.

The firmware has a built-in “TVport” function so that you can specify a separate port dedicated to the set-top box. If the equipment software has not been updated for a long time, then it should be updated before starting the setup procedure.

To find out the current software modification, you need to open the “System Monitor” tab. After that, go to the “System” section. Next, in the “System Information” section, look at the firmware version.

Then you can upgrade the firmware through the web configurator. The default settings allow you to immediately watch interactive television in these routers. Therefore, the user is not even required to delve into the web configurator.

Operation of the Keenetic access point via an ADSL modem

When using an ADSL modem to access the global network, which does not have a Wi-Fi broadcast function, the second generation Keenetic device will help create a Wi-Fi line.

The ADSL modem is connected to the Internet provider, and the device from ZyXEL just needs to be connected to the modem by wire and set to wireless access point mode in the web configurator.

Thus, Keenetic will transmit the bridge. The figure below shows a diagram of the operation of the equipment. In this mode, the device operates as a repeater.

To set up the repeater, you need to complete the following steps:

Port forwarding

If you want to access the interface of your home equipment through the World Wide Web, you can forward ports in the ZyXEL Keenetic 2 web configurator or, as professionals call it “Network Address Translation (NAT).”

Steps to follow:

Recently I was faced with a problem: “In the kitchen there is not Wi-Fi everywhere...” The rest of the apartment has it, in the huge courtyard the network is excellent, but Wi-Fi does not reach the kitchen window sill just ten meters from the router. Annoying? This is not the right word, especially when you have a little connection with IT, and your family considers any problem a sign of your professional failure;)

Yes, yes, I know about repeaters or Wi-Fi signal repeaters, specially made to expand the coverage area. However, the faithful Zyxel Keenetic 4G had been gathering dust in the bins for many years, and I wanted to “not multiply entities unnecessarily.”

The Internet was a little disappointing with stories about the impossibility of setting up and horror stories about instability, but it was simply necessary to try;).

In practice, setting up any Zyxel Keenetic in repeater mode turned out to be extremely simple, and all the difficulties are associated only with not entirely successful field names in the interface of the router itself.

So step by step:

  1. We fix the Wi-Fi network channel on the main router connected to the Internet.
  2. We configure the repetition of the Wi-Fi network on the Zyxel Keenetic (future repeater).
  3. We configure the network IP range on Zyxel Keenetic, which will be a repeater.
  4. We configure relaying of DHCP addresses on Zyxel Keenetic, which will be a repeater.
  5. We set the network name to Zyxel Keenetic, which will be the repeater.

We fix the Wi-Fi network channel on the main router

Unfortunately, Zyxel Keenetic will not be able to expand the network coverage area if your main router connected to the Internet selects the Wi-Fi network channel automatically. The fact is that if the channel is full of interference (other networks), in the automatic selection mode the main router can change it. Unfortunately, the repeater will lose the network, and the entire expansion of Wi-Fi coverage will go down the drain.

The solution is simple. We go into the interface of the main router and force the channel number to be set.

N.B.: Since there may be a different number of Wi-Fi networks of your neighbors on different channels, I recommend downloading some kind of network analyzer. A Google search for “Wi-Fi network monitor” will give you dozens of options. For example, “InSSIDer” or “WiFiLyzer” for Windows, “AirRadar” for MacOS and so on.

The principle of fixing a channel is the same on any router: we look for the Wi-Fi network settings section and in the “channel” field, instead of “automatically” we indicate the channel number, which will always be used.

In this particular case, channel seven turned out to be free. My main router is the Zyxel Keenetic Giga II, so the screenshot below shows exactly its interface (don’t be surprised at the similarity with the Zyxel Keenetic 4G that is being configured later, sorry, that’s what happened):

Setting up Wi-Fi network repetition on Zyxel Keenetic

We go to the web interface of our Zyxel Keenetic, which is configured as a repeater to expand the coverage of the Wi-Fi network.

Click on the second icon in the bottom row. In the section that appears - “Internet” - select the “Wi-Fi” tab:

  1. Check the box “Enable Wi-Fi client”
  2. In the “Network name” field, indicate the name of the expandable Wi-Fi network, that is, the one distributed by your main router.
  3. Below we select the protection mode (encryption algorithm) used by the main network
  4. Even lower in the “Network key” field, enter the password of your main Wi-Fi network
  5. In the “Channel” field, select the previously recorded channel
  6. Check the box “Obtain address via DHCP”
  7. I recommend entering a couple of DNS servers, although you can leave the fields empty (the extension did not work for me without them, but this depends on the settings of the main router).
  8. Finally, check the box “Use to access the Internet”
  9. Click the “Apply” button

We configure the IP range on Zyxel Keenetic, which will be a repeater

Zyxel Keenetic does not allow you to use the same network (ip addresses) on the main router and repeater. Sorry, but that's not a problem...

Click on the third icon in the bottom row. In the section that appears - “Home Network” - select the second tab - “IP Settings”:

Select a different range of IP addresses on the Wi-Fi repeater (Zyxel Keenetic)

In my case, the network on the main router uses the “” range, therefore, as you can see in the screenshot above, the “” subnet was used on the repeater:

  1. The “IP address” of the repeater is selected -, and the “Apply” button is clicked just below.
  2. You have logged into the web interface of the repeater (Zyxel Keenetic 4G) at its new address.
  3. The “Enabled” checkbox for “DHCP Server” is checked. Other settings are left as they are.
  4. Clicked the Apply button in the DHCP Server section.
It would seem that setting up a different range of addresses distributed to devices (DHCP) on the repeater is a recipe for disaster: devices, for example, a laptop and a computer, will not “see” each other. However, in the next step we will solve this problem.

At the same time, points 3 and 4 are needed in case the connection between the routers disappears and we need to go to the repeater to change the settings.

Setting up relay of DHCP addresses on Zyxel Keenetic, which will be a repeater

Now we need to provide a single pool of issued addresses for devices connecting to Wi-Fi both through the main router and through our Zyxel Keenetic, which acts as a repeater. We use DHCP relay for this.

In the open section - “Home Network” - select the third tab - “DHCP Relay”:

  1. We find the “WiFiMaster0/WiFiStation0” interface in the table - this is the Wi-Fi connection between the repeater and the main router. In the last column, select the “WAN” role.
  2. We find the “Home” interface - these are the settings for the entire network on the repeater. In the last column, select the “LAN” role.
  3. Click the “Apply” button.
Now, even when connecting through a repeater, devices will receive network addresses from the main router.

We configure the network name to Zyxel Keenetic, which will be the repeater

Now we need to configure the same network name and password on our Zyxel Keenetic acting as a repeater as on the main router.

Click on the fourth icon in the bottom row. In the section that appears - “Wi-Fi Network” - select the first tab - “Access Point”:

  1. Make sure that the “Enable access point” checkbox is checked.
  2. Enter the name of our expandable Wi-Fi network in the “Network name (SSID)” field.
  3. We select the same “Network protection” value that is used on our main router.
  4. Enter the same network password in the “Network key” field
  5. Click the “Apply” button

N.B.: You may have to turn Wi-Fi off and on again on your devices or reboot Zyxel Keenetic to experience all the benefits of expanding the Wi-Fi network coverage area.

Almost every modern Wi-Fi router can operate in repeater mode. Routers from Zyxel are no exception. All Zyxel Keenetic routers can be used to expand the coverage area of ​​an existing network. You just need to make some settings. Thanks to Alexey, who in the comments to this article told me what and how, I figured it out, tested it, and now I’ll tell you how to set up the “Amplifier” operating mode on Zyxel devices.

The article is suitable for all devices starting with NDMS V2.05 firmware. In any case, if during the setup process you see that you do not have the opportunity to select the desired operating mode, you can.

A little theory:

What is repeater mode? This is when a router enhances an existing Wi-Fi network. It’s better to tell with an example: you already have one Wi-Fi router installed. It doesn't matter which one. It could be Zyxel, Tp-Link, Asus, D-Link, etc. But the wireless network coverage may not be throughout the entire house or apartment. Simply put, due to a weak router, you don’t have Wi-Fi in all rooms. Or it catches, but not consistently. There are special devices called repeaters (repeaters). They take the Internet via Wi-Fi from the first router and transmit it further. That is, they amplify the signal. The exact same function is available in Zyxel routers. It's called "Amplifier".

Our Zyxel Keenetic router will connect to an existing network and strengthen it. At the same time, there will be one Wi-Fi network (with one name), throughout the house and, of course, with one password. Devices will automatically switch from one router to another (where the network is stronger). You won't even notice it. But the range of your Wi-Fi network will increase significantly.

The question is very often asked: “is there Internet via cable, in repeater mode?” I checked that the Internet via cable works on the Zyxel Keenetic Start.

I will show the setup process using the example of an Asus router; it will be our main router. And, which we recently, will be with us as a repeater. As I wrote above, I tested everything, no problems arose.

Your main router must be configured; it must distribute the Internet via a Wi-Fi network. There is no need to make any special settings on the main router.

Setting up Zyxel as a repeater. Operating mode – “Amplifier”

First, you need to change the operating mode of our Zyxel to “Amplifier”. This can be done in the router control panel. And only if you have a Keenetic Lite III model, then you need to change the operating mode using a special switch on the back of the device. Select the "Amplifier" mode and skip the mode selection in the control panel. If you don’t have Keenetic Lite III, then things go like this:

In the settings go to the tab System(bottom). And select the tab at the top Mode. Place the switch next to the mode Amplifier - Wi-Fi zone expansion, and press the button Apply.

A window will appear asking you to reboot the router. Click the button "Now".

On the settings page of the main router, look for a section where you can view all connected devices. Something like "Customer List". On my old Asus it looks like this:

Our “repeater” will be in the list of devices. For some reason his IP address was even active for me. I clicked on it and immediately got into the settings of my Zyxel Keenetic Start. If you don’t know what IP you need, you can use the random method :)

There you can see all the necessary information: operating mode, IP addresses, list of clients, Wi-Fi network status, etc. The menu in the “Amplifier” mode will be stripped down compared to the standard “Internet Center” mode.

How to return the Zyxel Keenetic router to standard operating mode?

If you want to use your router in normal mode, for normal Wi-Fi distribution when connecting to the Internet via cable, then we just need to change the operating mode to the main one. This can be done from the settings, as I showed above. Just open a tab System(bottom) then tab at the top Mode, select the mode Internet Center - main mode and reboot the router.

Or, you can use a method that works 100% -.

After this, the settings page will be available at .


Everything is set up very simply, once you figure it out. And everything really works stably. My Zyxel router cloned the network of the main Asus router without any problems and strengthened it. The range of the network turned out to be very large. By the way, it is very important to install the repeater correctly, in the right place. To get as much benefit from it as possible. The main thing is that there is a stable signal from the main router.

And what is very convenient is that the network remains alone, and devices automatically switch between routers. Well, all connected devices are on the same network. Which is very important, for example, for watching movies via DLNA, or setting up a local network.

Share your experience in the comments. And if you can’t configure something, then ask questions. Good luck!

So, let's start the review of Zyxel Keenetic Ultra with the appearance, like the entire Zyxel Keenetic II line, the router is black, the upper part is decorated with wavy protrusions, and you can’t help but notice a large button with dual functionality:

Short press of the button- Launches the quick connection feature (WPS).
Press for more than 3 seconds- Turns the wireless network on or off.
At the back there are three rotating antennas, which, unlike the younger models of the Keenetic II family, are non-removable. There is also a power switch, a reset button hole and a small universal button, the purpose of which can be changed, 4 connectors for connecting local network devices and one network connector for connecting the Internet. On the right side there are two USB 2.0 sockets, to which you can connect flash drives, disks, printers, and other external devices.

The front panel is strewn with indicators, let's figure out what each of them means

Indicator - Status
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Ultra is turned off.
Flashes rarely
The router is loading. If the indicator blinks for more than two minutes, the Internet center may be faulty.
Flashes quickly
Firmware update.
The Internet center is turned on and functioning normally.

Indicators 0-4 Connection to network connectors
Does not burn
The cable is not connected to the corresponding connector of the Internet center, or the network connection is not established.
Lights up or flashes
The network connection has been established and information is being transferred.

Indicator - Wireless network Wi-Fi
There are two of them, each corresponding to its own frequency 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz

Does not burn
The Wi-Fi network in the corresponding frequency range is turned off.
Wi-Fi network is turned on.
Flashes quickly
Data is being transmitted over the wireless network.
Flashes, rarely
A quick wireless connection setup session using WPS technology has been launched.

Indicator - Internet
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Ultra did not receive IP parameters from the provider to connect to the Internet or did not pass authorization.
The IP settings for connecting to the Internet are set.

Indicator - USB connections.

Does not burn

The router did not detect compatible equipment connected to the “USB” connectors, or the USB device is not ready for use. Some USB devices take up to 30 seconds to get ready for use.


USB device is connected.


Preparing to safely remove a USB drive. Unplug the drive only after the indicator stops blinking

Filling and technical characteristics of the router.

Router ZyXEL Keenetic Ultra
Wi-Fi standards IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4/5 GHz)
Chipset/controller Mediatek/Ralink RT6856 (700 MHz) + RT5392 + RT3593;
Realtek RTL8367RB
Memory RAM 256 MB/ROM 16 MB
Antennas 3 x non-removable omnidirectional 3 dBi;
2x2:2 (2.4 GHz);
3x3:3 (5 GHz)
Safety 64/128-bit WEP/WPA/WPA2, 802.1x, 802.1Q, WPS
Wi-Fi speed 802.11n (2.4 GHz): up to 300 Mbps,
802.11n (5 GHz): up to 450 Mbps
Interfaces 5 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s LAN/WAN,
2 x USB 2.0
Hardware buttons Power, Wi-Fi + WPS off, factory reset, FN button
Dimensions (WxLxH) 186x120x39 mm
Weight 310 g
Nutrition PSU AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 0.8 A;
DC 12 V, 2 A

Setting up ZyXEL Keenetic Ultra

In order to set up the router, you need to connect it to your computer/laptop using an Ethernet cable and connect the Internet cable to the Internet port. Don't forget to connect power to the Zyxel Keenetic Ultra and press the power button on the case. In the computer/laptop settings, set automatic retrieval of network settings . After this, open any browser (IE, Chrome, Opera), the web interface of the router will open, if this does not happen, enter in the address bar or my.keenetik.net A web interface window will open offering a choice - go to the web interface or run quick setup. I suggest starting with a quick setup.

The first step will be setting up the Internet; the router supports various types of VPN connections (PPTP and L2TP), PPPoE, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q, IPv4/IPv6. In order to properly configure the Internet, I recommend contacting your provider. After the global network is configured, Zyxel Keenetic Ulta will offer to update its firmware, agree and click " Update".

After installing the updates and rebooting the router (this will take no more than 5 minutes), you will see a window stating that the Internet Center components are updated and you can proceed to the next step, click " Further".

The first thing you will see after this is the ability to set a password for the web interface; I recommend using a complex password consisting of at least 6 characters with numbers, large and small letters, and special ones. signs (!@#$), just don’t forget it later, otherwise you will have to press the Reset button and return the router settings to factory settings and then configure everything again.

After entering the password, you must log in (enter your login and password), login - admin password-<тот который вы только что установили>. After this, you will be taken to the web interface of the router, where you will see System Monitor, it shows information about the system, the status of the router, and network interfaces.

Zyxel Keenetic Ultra firmware update.

Video review of the Zyxel firmware update.

In each new version of the router firmware, old bugs are eliminated, and sometimes features are added or improved. Therefore, I recommend occasionally updating the Zyxel Keenetic Ultra firmware. This can be done quite simply; on the router’s web interface, select the “ button at the bottom of the menu” System"then tab" Components". Select the necessary components (better, I think, all that you use) and click the button " Update".

Attention!!! To update components, you must be connected to the Internet.

Setting up a Wi-Fi network on Zyxel Keenetic Ultra.

Let's move on to setting up the Wi-Fi network. To do this, select a Wi-Fi network in the menu below.

Several tabs will appear at the top:

2.4 GHz access point- Wi-Fi is configured at a frequency of 2.4 GHz

5 GHz access point- Wi-Fi can be configured at 5 GHz

Guest network- used to set up a Wi-Fi network without access to a local network, only for the Internet. Typically, a Guest network is used in an office so that non-employees of the enterprise can connect to the Internet without access to the local network.

Access list- allows you to create two lists “Black” and “White”. In the "White List" mode, network access will be limited only to devices on this list, and blocked for all others; in the "Black List" mode, network access will be blocked to all devices from the specified list.

Let's return to setting up the Wi-Fi network, as you can see in the settings the values ​​​​are already indicated in the fields Network name (SSID) And Network key, these are the values ​​​​that were specified by the manufacturer, which can be found on the router sticker. And if you are not confused by the name of the Wi-Fi network and password, you can leave these values ​​or you can change them to others (I recommend leaving the remaining fields at default).

One more point, since the device uses two frequency bands, each of them is configured separately, with different Wi-Fi network names (usually the 5GHz band is added to the network name -5G). Let me remind you in order to use all the advantages of the 5GHz frequency , it is necessary that the device from which you are connecting supports operation with this frequency, otherwise you will not get the network to 5 GHz.

How to find out who is connected to the Zyxel Keenetic Ultra router.

In order to see who is connected to the router, you need to go to the menu " home network", in the devices tab you will see all devices connected to the router.

Setting up a torrent on Zyxel Keenetic Ultra.

In the router interface, go to the "tab" BitTorrent client" and put a tick - " Turn on", below indicate the directory for storing files (USB storage device). Don't forget to click " Apply" at the end.

Now you can download the torrent file on your computer/laptop; it will weigh several KB. Enter the address in the browser my.keenetik.net:8090- you will be taken to the web interface of the program for working with torrents, by clicking on the button in the form of a folder, add the downloaded torrent file.

After a few seconds, the file will begin downloading.

In order to control the operation of the torrent file, use the web interface with the address my.keenetik.net:8090. Let me remind you that the download speed is reduced by the manufacturer to 5 MB/s to ensure stable operation of the main functions of the Internet center.

Using DLNA in Zyxel Keenetic Ultra.

The router can act as a DLNA server for distributing multimedia files (movies, music, images) to the local network. In order to use the DLNA function, you need to connect a USB device with data, go to the router's web interface and go to the "menu" Applications", select tab " DLNA Server", check the box " Turn on" and indicate the directory where the necessary multimedia files are located, press the button " Apply".

Now on a TV that supports the DLNA function you will see the contents of the specified directory.

Enabling the swap file in Zyxel Keenetic Ultra.

For faster operation of the device, you can add virtual memory from a connected external hard drive (external hard drive, a USB flash drive will not work in these cases). To do this, go to the menu " Applications", tab " Swap file", check the box " Use swap file"Select the connected external hard drive and specify the size of the paging file, the manufacturer recommends specifying 256 MB; this size will be indicated.

Connecting the ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II router to a computer

The next step is to connect the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II to a Laptop or Personal Computer (PC). To do this, you need to connect the cable provided by the provider to the “INTERNET” port of the router (this is the cable that goes to the apartment, house, office, etc. from outside). Connect the cable that came with the router to one end of the router’s “HOME NETWORK” port, and connect the other end to a laptop or PC. And yes, don't forget to connect the power cable.

If you encounter network problems while connecting, go here to resolve the problem:

Authorization of the ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II router

So, we have connected the router, now you need to access its web interface through any browser (be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, open the browser and enter the router address in the address bar: my.keenetic.net or and press the button " Enter" on keyboard.

After, the router prompts us to perform a quick setup, select the interface language - “Russian” and click Web Configurator.

After this, the router can display a window for setting a password on the web interface. Here, if you wish, you can set a password or not. If you set a password, write it down somewhere.

Also, ZYXEL routers operate in different modes, so it’s a good idea to check whether the mode is selected. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " System" and go to the tab " Mode". If you are setting up the Internet by entering your login and password, leave it in " Internet Center - main mode".

Setting up the ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II router

Now you need to configure the router. First of all, let's secure the wireless network by setting a password for wi-fi. Then you will need to find out what type of connection is used to access the Internet, is it PPTP, L2TP or PPPOE. You can find out by calling your provider (this is the organization with which you entered into an agreement to provide Internet services). So, let's start setting up the router.

Setting a password for wi-fi

The ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II router is dual-band, which means that the router supports 2 operating frequencies for wireless connections, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. 5 GHz allows for higher throughput, but has a shorter range than 2.4 GHz; 2.4 GHz is more susceptible to interference. 5 GHz is not supported by all devices. You can select both, and depending on the circumstances, change the wireless connection on the devices.
I offer video instructions for setting a password for wi-fi on a router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at setting up a Wi-Fi password on a router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II in two frequencies.
1. On the Web interface, click on the shortcut " Wi-Fi network"go to network settings" 2.4 GHz access point".
2. Enable hotspot", then in the field " Network name (SSID)“Come up with and indicate a name for the wireless network; this name will be displayed in the future when you connect to the network. I advise you to indicate the frequency used in the name of the network, for example: “imya seti 2.4”.
3. "Network protection" - WPA2-PSK.
4. Network key
5. "Channel width" - "20 MHz".
6. Click " Apply".

7. Click the tab " 5 GHz access point".
8. Check to see if the checkbox next to " Enable hotspot", then in the field " Network name (SSID)"come up with and indicate the name of the wireless network. I advise you to indicate the frequency used in the name of the network, for example: "imya seti 5".
9. "Network protection" - WPA2-PSK.
10. Now you need to set a password for the wireless network. In field " Network key"We come up with and enter a password.
11. "Channel width" - "20/40/80 MHz".
12. Click " Apply".

Setting up PPTP

PPTP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Omni II router.

PPTP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II.
1. Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. Turn on" And "".
4. IN " DescriptionType (protocol)"choose" PPTP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Username"), password (in line " PasswordServer address
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. Apply".

Setting up PPTP with a static IP address

PPTP with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPTP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address").
6. Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

L2TP setup

I offer video instructions for setting up the connection type L2TP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Omni II router.

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at the connection setup L2TP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" L2TP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address"). All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up L2TP with a static IP address

Let's look at the connection setup L2TP with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II. Typically, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff to individuals.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" L2TP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address").
6. Since the connection uses a static IP address, select " Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE

I offer video instructions for setting up the connection type PPPOE on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Omni II router.

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at the connection setup PPPOE on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPPOE", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE with a static IP address

Let's look at the connection setup PPPOE with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Ultra II. Typically, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff to individuals.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPPOE", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password").
6. Since the connection uses a static IP address, select " Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Updating firmware and components

I offer video instructions for updating the firmware on the router Keenetic Air using the Keenetic Omni II router as an example.

I hope the article was as helpful as possible.
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