Meet the Corvette Personal Computer. Personal computers in the USSR

Yes! You heard right! There were also computers in the USSR, and quite a few models. I’ll start this review with my first computer “PK-01 LVIV”

"PK-01 LVIV"

Operating manual "LVOV"
-Processor: KR580VM80A
-Speed: 500 thousand op./sec
-Memory: RAM - 48 KB, ROM - 16 KB
-In ROM BASIC interpreter
-Character-graphic display based on a household color TV, the number of characters displayed on the screen is 32 × 24, dots 256 × 256, the number of image colors is 4. Video memory capacity is 16 KB.
-External memory: household cassette recorder
-Keyboard: 79 keys
-Power consumption: 35W
Please note - the amount of memory then was calculated not in megabytes, but in kilobytes! And these kilobytes were enough, at that time, for almost everything.

It was a little weaker than “Lvov”, but had one very big advantage - an adapter was supplied with “Mikrosha” for connecting a PC to any TV via antenna input. At that time, even a b/w monitor was in short supply. When purchasing my first b/w monitor, I had to wait in line for 2(!) days.

Screenshots from the Mikroshi games
-Microprocessor: KR580VM80A clock frequency 1.77 MHz, speed - 300 thousand op/s
-Memory: RAM - 32 KB, ROM - 2 KB
-Output device: antenna input via modulator block (supplied)
-Display mode: monochrome, 25 lines of 64 characters, the character generator contains pseudographic characters, which allows you to simulate graphic mode 128 × 50 dots
-Keyboard: 68 keys
* External memory: household cassette recorder, read/write speed - 1200 bps
* Ports: “Interface 1”, “Interface 2”, “Internal interface”
* Power: external power supply 220V (in the school version - 42V), output - +5V, −5V, +12V, power consumption - no more than 20 W
*Dimensions: system unit- 390 × 230 × 55 mm, power supply - 160 × 100 × 100 mm, modulator - 100 × 30 × 40 mm

BK is a family of Soviet 16-bit home and educational computers.
Mass-produced since January 1985. In 1990 retail price on BC 0010-01 in the network of Elektronika brand stores was 650 rubles, which was 2-3 times higher than an engineer’s salary.
The display used was a household black-and-white or color TV or, less commonly, special monitor, external memory served as a household cassette recorder.
The following models were produced under the BK brand: 1.1 BK-0010; BK-0010.01; BK-0010Sh and BK-0010.01Sh; 1.4 BK-0011; BK-0011M
BK-0010-Processor: K1801VM1 with a clock frequency of 3 MHz
-RAM: 32 KB, of which 16 KB are allocated for programs and data, and another 16 KB for video memory
-Keyboard: film, 92 keys; controller K1801VP1-014
-Video: text mode, black and white 512 × 256 pixels, 4-color 256 × 256 pixels; controller K1801VP1-037
-Programming language - Focal language interpreter in ROM
-The power supply was placed in a separate case for protection against interference
-The standard data storage device was a cassette recorder with a control function tape mechanism, or without it
-Parallel 16-bit programmable I/O port allowed connection to printer and other peripheral devices
Printers for BC existed, but they rarely went on sale and were in great short supply.
BK-0011- Appeared in 1990. Differences from BK-0010:
-larger volume random access memory- 128 KB, page organization memory, two pages of memory could be displayed alternately on the screen, which ensured instant redrawing of the screen
-the processor began to operate at a frequency of 4 MHz
-On-screen palettes appeared
-the disk drive controller became part of the standard package

Agat is the first Soviet serial universal 8-bit personal computer, developed in 1981-1983. Produced from 1984 to 1990. Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant (as well as Volzhsky and Zagorsky plants).
-Processor: 8-bit SM630R, operated at a clock frequency of 1 MHz, declared performance - 500 thousand op./s, address space - 64 kb.
-Memory: RAM - technical minimum - 32 kb (Agat-7 without modules additional memory), 96 kb (Agat-7 with two additional memory modules) - standard configuration, 128 kb (Agat-9 without additional memory modules) - standard configuration, 256 kb (Agat-9 with additional memory module). The modular architecture of the computer made it possible to expand memory by installing additional modules up to almost a megabyte.
-Keyboard: 74 keys (original from the Agat computer, later the MS-7004 keyboard was included)
-Monitor: MC6105 (monochrome), “Electronics 32VTTS 101/201/202” (color), monitor based on the TV “Yunost-404” (color).
-External storage device: NGMD ES-5088 (140 Kb), ES-5323 (840 Kb); NML (household cassette recorder)
-Dimensions of the system unit: 500 × 351 × 195 mm
-Weight of the system unit: 9 kg

Corvette is an 8-bit personal computer. Developed by employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow state university. Serially produced since 1988 at the Baku Production Association "Radio Engineering", at the Moscow Experimental Computing Center ELEX GKVTI and at the ENLIN cooperative, at the Kamensk-Uralsky PA "October"
Initially, the computer was intended to automate the control of an installation for remote measurement of low-temperature plasma parameters using laser spectroscopy methods, as well as for processing the received information and theoretical calculations, maintaining a data archive and a number of other needs. Development began at the end of 1985.
PC "Corvette" was accepted by the Ministry of Education USSR as a basis for teaching computer science at school. Based on the Corvette PC, a training complex was produced computer technology(KUVT), which included workplace teacher (PK8020, equipped with NGMD) and up to 15 student workplaces (PK8010), connected in local network. However, mass production The PC was fraught with a number of difficulties, which is why the computer was “late” and did not receive the expected wide distribution.
-Processor: KR580VM80A at a clock frequency of 2.5 MHz, speed 625 thousand op./s.
-Memory: RAM - 64 KB, ROM - 8-24 KB, GZU - 48 (3 layers x 16k) x 1 page / 192 (3 layers x 16k) x 4 pages, ACZU - 1 KB (16x64)
-Output device: monitor or TV, text mode 16 lines of 64 characters, graphics mode 512 × 256, 16 colors (text and graphics are displayed in parallel)
- Sound generator
-Keyboard: 80 keys
-External interfaces: Centronics standard parallel port for connecting a printer (usually Epson FX800); serial port - RS-232C and “current loop”, it is possible to connect a mouse, up to two analog joysticks, connection to a local network; connector for connection external modules; connector for diagnostic equipment
- External memory: household cassette recorder(2400 bps)
Corvette computers could be connected to a local network, with up to 16 machines on the network.
ZX Spectrum

First ZX Spectrum appeared in USSR in the late 1980s and quickly gained popularity due to its color, musical capabilities and, most importantly, the abundance of games. They most likely came to the USSR from Poland, according to at least, the first games and documentation came with notes in Polish.

The standard ZX Spectrum 48 had 16 KB of ROM (subsequent models and clones could have more), into which the very successful (for computers of this class) “Oxford” dialect of the BASIC language, the so-called Sinclair BASIC, was flashed. This same ROM program provided basic I/O and user interface. There was no BIOS as such; system procedures (for example, printing to the screen) could be used from machine code only by calling them via absolute addresses. In this regard, the computer architects adopted a policy not to change the ROM program, even to correct errors (of which there were many). In addition, the matter was complicated by the fact that the ROM code was developed by a third party, Nine Tiles Ltd. However, many “clones” had modified firmware - in particular, with a Russified keyboard. There were even options with on-the-fly switchable (so-called “shadow”) ROM. The location is like this " operating system» and programming language in permanent memory provided a computer reboot in less than a second.

Screenshots from ZX Spectrum games
The keyboard deserves a separate description. Characteristic feature The ZX Spectrum had multifunctionality for each key (despite the fact that there are only 40 keys in the standard version). Each key had up to five values, selectable from one of the cursor modes. These modes were: L - for input lowercase letters; C - for input capital letters; K - to enter basic keywords BASIC; E - to enter additional keywords and operators; and G - for entering pseudo-graphics, control characters and user-defined characters. The mode was displayed directly in the cursor familiarity area and was switched both automatically and with the help of controls Caps keys Shift and Symbol Shift. For example, at the beginning of typing, BASIC is waiting for a command, so the cursor is in K mode. Pressing the “G” key once in this mode will automatically enter the GO TO statement. After this, the cursor will switch to L mode and allow you to type a number, a variable name, or a mathematical expression (including using E mode). The arrangement of language operators by keys and cursor modes was thought out in such a way that it was difficult to enter a syntactically incorrect expression. Despite the apparent complexity, with some skill it was possible to type programs very quickly. Later models (those with 128 KB of memory or more) allowed, as an alternative, to type language commands by letter (in advanced mode only).

Not only former state-owned enterprises were engaged in assembling simple home (household) computers in search of orders in new market conditions. Small specialized cooperatives focused specifically on these products were also opened. There is no point in listing all the models and variants of the Spectrum that were produced. I will name only the most uncommon ones: “Delta”, “Moscow”, “Pentagon”, “Dubna”, “Profi”, “Composite”, “Scorpio”, “Hobbit”, “Nafanya”

PC "DELTA" based on ZX Spectrum
Soviet children play computer games

Spectrum World (games, emulators, etc.)
Russian clones

Personal Computer
"PK-01 LVIV"

computer "PK-01 LVIV"

  • Processor: KR580VM80A

  • Speed: 500 thousand op./sec

  • Memory: RAM - 48 KB, ROM - 16 KB

  • BASIC interpreter in ROM

  • Character-graphic display based on a household color TV, the number of characters displayed on the screen is 32 × 24, dots 256 × 256, the number of image colors is 4. Video memory capacity is 16 KB

  • External memory: household cassette recorder

  • Keyboard: 79 keys

  • Power consumption: 35 W

Computer memory in those days was measured in kilobytes. These kilobytes were enough for everything.

Computer "Mikrosha"

Mikrosha slightly weaker than "Lvov", but had one very big advantage - the Mikrosha included an adapter for connecting a PC to any TV via an antenna input. At that time, even a b/w monitor was in short supply.

Computer "Mikrosha"

  • Microprocessor: KR580VM80A at a clock frequency of 1.77 MHz, speed - 300 thousand op/s

  • Memory: RAM - 32 KB, ROM - 2 KB

  • Output device: antenna input via modulator block (supplied)

  • Display mode: monochrome, 25 lines of 64 characters, character generator contains pseudographic characters, which allows you to simulate a 128 × 50 pixel graphics mode

  • Keyboard: 68 keys

  • External memory: household cassette recorder, read/write speed - 1200 bps

  • Ports: “Interface 1”, “Interface 2”, “Internal interface”

  • Power: external power supply 220V (in the school version - 42V), output - +5V, −5V, +12V, power consumption - no more than 20 W

  • Dimensions: system unit - 390 × 230 × 55 mm, power supply - 160 × 100 × 100 mm, modulator - 100 × 30 × 40 mm

Soviet computers"BC"

BK is a family of Soviet 16-bit computers.
Mass-produced since January 1985. In 1990, the retail price for BC 0010-01 in the Elektronika brand store chain was 650 rubles, which was 2-3 times higher than an engineer’s salary.

A household black-and-white or color TV or, less commonly, a special monitor was used as a display; a household cassette recorder served as the external memory.

The following models were released under the BK brand: 1.1 BK-0010; BK-0010.01; BK-0010Sh and BK-0010.01Sh; 1.4 BK-0011; BK-0011M

Computer BK-0010

  • Processor: K1801VM1 with a clock frequency of 3 MHz

  • RAM: 32 KB, of which 16 KB are allocated for programs and data, and another 16 KB for video memory

  • Keyboard: film, 92 keys; controller K1801VP1-014

  • Video: text mode, black and white 512 × 256 pixels, 4-color 256 × 256 pixels; controller K1801VP1-037

  • Programming language - Focal language interpreter in ROM

  • The power supply was placed in a separate housing to protect against interference

  • The standard data storage device was a cassette recorder with or without a tape drive control function.

  • Parallel 16-bit programmable I/O port allowed connection of printer and other peripheral devices

Personal computer BK-0011 - Appeared in 1990.

Main differences from BK-0010:

  • larger amount of RAM - 128 KB, page-based memory organization, two memory pages could be displayed alternately on the screen, which ensured instant redrawing of the screen

  • The processor began to operate at a frequency of 4 MHz

  • screen palettes appeared

  • The disk drive controller has become part of the standard package

Personal computer "Agat"

The Agat personal computer is the first serial 8-bit personal computer in the USSR, developed in 1981-1983. Produced from 1984 to 1990. Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant (as well as Volzhsky and Zagorsky plants).

personal computer AGAT

Personal computer "Agat":

  • Processor: 8-bit SM630R, clocked at 1 MHz, declared performance - 500 thousand op/s, address space - 64 kb.

  • Memory: RAM - technical minimum - 32 kb (Agat-7 without additional memory modules), 96 kb (Agat-7 with two additional memory modules) - standard equipment, 128 kb (Agat-9 without additional memory modules) - standard equipment, 256 kb (Agat-9 with additional memory module). The modular architecture of the computer made it possible to expand memory by installing additional modules up to almost a megabyte.

  • Keyboard: 74 keys (original from the Agat computer, later the MS-7004 keyboard was included in the kit)

  • Monitor: MC6105 (monochrome), “Electronics 32VTTS 101/201/202” (color), monitor based on the TV “Yunost-404” (color).

  • External storage device: NGMD EC-5088 (140 KB), EC-5323 (840 KB); NML (household cassette recorder)

  • Overall dimensions of the system unit: 500 × 351 × 195 mm

  • System unit weight: 9 kg

Computer "Corvette"

Personal computer Corvette- 8-bit personal computer. Developed by employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University. Serially produced since 1988 at the Baku Production Association "Radio Engineering", at the Moscow Experimental Computing Center ELEX GKVTI and at the ENLIN cooperative, at the Kamensk-Uralsky PA "October"

Initially, the Corvette computer was intended to automate the control of an installation for remote measurement of low-temperature plasma parameters using laser spectroscopy methods, as well as for processing the received information and theoretical calculations, maintaining a data archive and a number of other needs. Development began at the end of 1985.
The Corvette PC was accepted by the USSR Ministry of Education as the basis for teaching computer science at school. Based on the Corvette PC, a complex of educational computer equipment (KUVT) was produced, which included a teacher’s workstation (PK8020, equipped with a float-mounted disk drive) and up to 15 student workstations (PK8010), connected to a local network. However, mass production of PCs was fraught with a number of difficulties, which is why the computer was “late” and did not receive the expected wide distribution.

  • Processor: KR580VM80A at a clock frequency of 2.5 MHz, speed 625 thousand op./s.

  • Memory: RAM - 64 KB, ROM - 8-24 KB, GZU - 48 (3 layers x 16k) x 1 page / 192 (3 layers x 16k) x 4 pages, ACZU - 1 KB (16x64)

  • Output device: monitor or TV, text mode 16 lines of 64 characters, graphics mode 512 × 256, 16 colors (text and graphics are displayed in parallel)

  • Sound generator

  • Keyboard: 80 keys

  • External interfaces: Centronics standard parallel port for connecting a printer (usually Epson FX800); serial port - RS-232C and “current loop”, it is possible to connect a mouse, up to two analog joysticks, connection to a local network; connector for connecting external modules; connector for diagnostic equipment

  • External memory: household cassette recorder (2400 bps)

Corvette computers could be connected to a local network, with up to 16 machines on the network.

ZX Spectrum computer

First ZX Spectrum appeared in USSR in the late 1980s and quickly gained popularity due to its color, musical capabilities and, most importantly, the abundance of games. They most likely came to the USSR from Poland, at least the first games and documentation came with notes in Polish.

Standard ZX Spectrum 48 had 16 KB of ROM (subsequent models and clones could have more), into which the very successful (for computers of this class) “Oxford” dialect of the BASIC language, the so-called Sinclair BASIC, was flashed. This same ROM program provided basic I/O and user interface. There was no BIOS as such; system procedures (for example, printing to the screen) could be used from machine code only by calling them at absolute addresses. In this regard, the computer architects adopted a policy not to change the ROM program, even to correct errors (of which there were many). In addition, the matter was complicated by the fact that the ROM code was developed by a third party, Nine Tiles Ltd. However, many “clones” had modified “firmware” - in particular, with a Russified keyboard. There were even options with on-the-fly switchable (so-called “shadow”) ROM. The location of such an “operating system” and programming language in permanent memory ensured that the computer rebooted in less than a second.

Keyboard PC Spectrum deserves a separate description. A characteristic feature of the ZX Spectrum was the versatility of each key (despite the fact that there are only 40 keys in the standard version). Each key had up to five values, selectable from one of the cursor modes. These modes were: L - for entering lowercase letters; C - for entering capital letters; K - to enter basic BASIC keywords; E - to enter additional keywords and operators; and G are for entering pseudographics, control characters, and user-defined characters. The mode was displayed directly in the cursor familiarity and was switched both automatically and using the Caps Shift and Symbol Shift control keys. For example, at the beginning of typing, BASIC is waiting for a command, so the cursor is in K mode. Pressing the “G” key once in this mode will automatically enter the GO TO statement. After this, the cursor will switch to L mode and allow you to type a number, a variable name, or a mathematical expression (including using E mode). The arrangement of language operators by keys and cursor modes was thought out in such a way that it was difficult to enter a syntactically incorrect expression. Despite the apparent complexity, with some skill it was possible to type programs very quickly. Later models (those with 128 KB of memory or more) allowed, as an alternative, to type language commands by letter (in advanced mode only).
Not only former state-owned enterprises were engaged in assembling simple home (household) computers in search of orders in new market conditions. Small specialized cooperatives focused specifically on these products were also opened. There is no point in listing all the models and variants of the Spectrum that were produced. I will name only the most uncommon ones: “Delta”, “Moscow”, “Pentagon”, “Dubna”, “Profi”, “Composite”, “Scorpio”, “Hobbit”, “Nafanya”

Personal ComputerZX Spectrum

Personal Computer "DELTA" based on ZX Spectrum Door locks -

"Meet: Personal computer Corvette" is a very rare book from 1989. It looks very shabby, because more than 20 years have passed, but the book still has a soft cover. Authors of the book: S.A. Akhmanov, I.G. Persiansev, A.T. Rakhimov, N N. Roy, A. V. Skurikhin. Reviewers: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. A. Vedenov and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. G. Kushnirenko with a foreword by Academician E. P. Velikhov. As you can see, the list of people who participated in the creation of the book, is very extensive and looks serious.

Indeed, as a guide for working with the Corvette PC in general and for learning the BASIC language in particular, this book is 100% suitable. It is written in a very simple and accessible language. By the way, the material is given much easier than in the book by Gevorkyan and Semenov - “Basic is easy.” If there examples are given in the form of programs for calculations transistor amplifier or the sine of angles, then here the examples are more realistic. For example, calculating how much food relatives eat per month (as an example of working with arrays).

Or very good example working conditions when Corvette guesses the animal you wished for by asking you questions to which you must answer “Yes” or “No”. That is, this is actually a “Stickers” game, in which the players stick pieces of paper with the names of animals on their foreheads and they must guess “their” animal by asking leading questions. Only in in this case you are playing with a computer. The program also has the ability to self-learn, so if you fail, you will be asked to enter additional data regarding the hidden animal. Who knows, maybe the creators of the book also had a hand in creating Akinator, who can guess any character in a maximum of 20 questions (but in reality much faster), because the algorithm is identical, although much simplified.

Unfortunately I couldn't find it anywhere electronic version of this book. My paper one has fallen apart so much that it is now quite difficult to read. However, this is not surprising, given the poor gluing of the pages. Therefore, I scanned some part of the book and converted it into pdf format. The remaining part will come later, since the process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. In the meantime, you can download “Meet the Corvette Personal Computer” in pdf.
Enjoy reading.

Hello, habra-people. The other day I was rummaging through my closet looking for a Dremel when I suddenly discovered his. It was half disassembled, the body was partially broken, and the nameplate on the body said that this car came from my school...

I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos - I was on vacation with a good digital camera, so I had to shoot with an old Olympus point-and-shoot camera.

So, before us is the great and terrible Corvette PK-8010, produced in 1989. Its heart is the KR580VM80A, a complete hardware clone of the no less great and terrible i8080A (note, not the i8080 itself - because only the K580IK80, which was produced in a planar case, can be considered its full clone).

“Corvette” was developed in the second half of the 80s (the beginning of development - the end of 1985) by employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University: Sergei Akhmanov, Nikolai Roy and Alexander Skurikhin, and was originally intended to automate the control of an installation for remote measurement of low-temperature plasma parameters using methods laser spectroscopy, as well as for processing the received information and theoretical calculations, maintaining a data archive, and similar purposes. Subsequently, however, it was decided to equip all educational institutions in the country with this machine to teach the basics of computer literacy - and the machine went into circulation in 1988.

Unfortunately, the Corvette itself was very late - almost a decade and a half, and the powers that be at that time did not understand at all how to spend quite tangible money on a computer, the production of which required such difficulties as, for example, production PCB abroad (this is indirectly indicated by a nameplate with the date of production of the board in English - for example, on my copy), or purchasing an expensive one there element base, the production of which was mastered in Sovka only by 1988 (before that, for example, all ROMs in Corvettes were of Hungarian or Polish production).

Two variations of Corvettes were sent to schools - PC 8010 and PC 8020. They were not particularly different in appearance, minus the fact that 8010 was “ workstation“for students - he carried ROMs with a BASIC interpreter, and, in most cases, a Lisp compiler, and on teacher machines there was a larger range of software. Up to 16 machines could be connected to a network via a serial port, and I don’t even want to imagine what that looked like.

I came into my hands with a car that used to be on the balance sheet at my school - I have no idea how it ended up in my possession, because I reliably remember that I didn’t carry anything like that home. Perhaps I need to thank my brother, who went to the same school. The specific copy of the “Corvette” that I am demonstrating here is in a rather deplorable state (the body is broken, and only the keyboard block is present from it, i.e. top part; the keyboard itself is missing several keys (space, one function), and one is damaged; the motherboard is soldered and re-soldered, on the back side there are a lot of jumpers with which someone for some reason replaced a bunch of missing valves; perhaps one of the ROM chips is damaged), however, I hope that even with this condition of the case I will be able to start it. But more on that later, but for now a few photos:

BIS serial interface KR580VV51; The picture shows the grass on the PCB with its release date: June 6, 1988, i.e. The board was hanging around for almost a year before the finished machine was assembled.

KR580VV55A, full clone of Intel 8255A, programmable interface for peripherals

RAM blocks

M2764AFI, ROM memory blocks. Cleaning - by UV treatment

Parallel port and the already mentioned KR580VV55A serving it

Connectors on the rear panel - video outputs and a serial port for connecting to a local network

General view of the keyboard

Number key block

Unfortunately, that's all for now. I'm smoking mana, collecting power supplies for this miracle, and gradually restoring the PCB. As soon as I start it, or burn it completely, I will definitely report this fault or failure to the habra community. I would be extremely grateful if someone from my native Tver could help me find the original case in good condition and the missing buttons on the keyboard. Domo arigato and stay tuned.