Meaning of the word clouds of flowers. The meaning of the word "cloud"

Galvidaite Ekaterina

Project Manager:

Galvidene Valentina Aleksandrovna


Municipal educational institution "Novoladozhskaya secondary school No. 2" Novaya Ladoga

In this research work on the Russian language "The Mystery of the Word "Cloud" I consider the word “Cloud” in dictionaries, its synonyms and antonyms, phraseological units of the word “cloud”, the use of the word “cloud” in proverbs, signs and riddles, in the works of writers and artists.

The presented research project (work) on the Russian language on the topic “The Mystery of the Word “Cloud”” examines the lexical meaning of the word “Cloud”, its word-formation nest, as well as the spelling of the word “cloud” in different languages.

Relevant in research work on the Russian language about the mystery of the word “Cloud” is the consideration of the use of this word for storing information in the computer world.

Main content
1. Lexicographic page

1.1. The word "Cloud" in the dictionary of V.I. Dalia.
1.2. The word "Cloud" in the dictionary by T.F. Efremova.
1.3. The word “Cloud” in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova.
1.4. The word “Cloud” in the dictionary of D.N. Ushakova.
1.5. Synonyms and antonyms for the word "Cloud"
1.6. The word "Cloud" in the computer world...
2. Etymological page
2.1. Etymology of the word "Cloud"
2.2. The word "Cloud" in different languages.
3. Phraseological page
3.1. Phraseologisms with the word “Cloud”
3.2. Proverbs with the word "Cloud"
3.3. Signs from the clouds.
3.4. Riddles about clouds.
4. Word formation page
4.1. Derivative nest of the word “Cloud”
4.2. Morphemic analysis of the word “Cloud”
5. Literary page.
6. Art page.



This research project on the Russian language “The Mystery of the Word “Cloud”” is focused on a comprehensive description of the word “cloud”.

While working on the project, we master the skills of linguistic analysis, learn to extract and process information from various lexicographic and other sources, and most importantly, get acquainted with the history of Russian culture.

Objective of the project: using dictionaries, popular science literature and other sources, collect a variety of information about the history, meaning, and use of the word cloud in the Russian language, folklore and literature.

Project objectives:

  1. Analyze variants of the word cloud in the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language;
  2. Study the use of the word cloud in Russian phraseological units, proverbs and sayings;
  3. Analyze the word-formation nest with the original word cloud;
  4. Consider the compatibility features of the word cloud;
  5. Describe the features of the use of the word cloud in folklore, fiction and painting.

Intended product of the project: mini-dictionary with a comprehensive, versatile description of the word cloud + presentation for the teacher.

1. Lexicographic page

Let's look at the word cloud in different explanatory dictionaries: V.I. Dalia, D.N. Ushakova, T.F. Efremova, S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova.

The word "Cloud" in the dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.I. Dahl

CLOUD, cloudy, etc. see clothe.

Envelopment, envelopment cf. duration the shell will be finished. shell m. shell, shell f. valid by value verb

Shell, shell cf. old eastern cloud m. cloud avg. fog in the heights, vapors thickened in the layers of the world (atmosphere), covering the sky, heavenly darkness. Cloud, gray, whitish, light; cloud, thunderous, or dark, exhausted.

Locust cloud, cloud; cloud of dust, cloud of people, multitude. Cloud, cloud covering the sky, fog; abbreviation darkness surrounding.

An abyss, an abyss, visible-invisible, or uncountable multitude. The tornado began as a white cloud. The sky is covered with clouds. As if he suddenly fell from a cloud. The heavens are dressed with clouds, surrounded by rainbows. Above the standing forest, below the walking cloud, a horse gallops.

The word "Cloud" in the dictionary by T.F. Efremova

New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory word-formation: Cloud cf.

1) a) Condensed water vapor in the form of a mass of dense fog, accumulated high in the air.
b) transfer A homogeneous, shapeless, usually light mass of something, resembling ~.
2) transfer Something that darkens life, brings grief, anxiety.
3) a) A solid mass, clubs of small volatile particles of something. in the air.
b) The smell spreading in the air.

The word “Cloud” in the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova

Cloud, -a, -ov, cf.
1. Light gray clouds, wavy layers in the sky, a cluster of water droplets and ice crystals condensed in the atmosphere. Clouds are floating across the sky. The wind drives the clouds. Cumulus clouds. Thunderstorm, rain cloud. Up to the clouds (translated: very high). Come down from the clouds (translated: from dreams to turn to reality; ironic). to fall or fall from the clouds (translated: about the unexpected appearance of someone; colloquial).

2. transfer, what. A solid mass of something. small volatile particles. Cloud of smoke, steam.
decrease cloud, -a, plural -a, -ov, cf.
adj. cloudy, -aya, -oe (to 1 value). O. layer.

The word “Cloud” in the Russian language dictionary D.N. Ushakova

Cloud, plural clouds, clouds, cf.
1. A cluster of water vapor condensed in the atmosphere, hanging high in the air against the sky. Cumulus clouds, cirrus clouds. "White, round clouds rushed high and quietly above us." Turgenev. "The swan rushes into the clouds." Krylov.

2. transfer A thick mass, clouds of small volatile particles (dust, steam, smoke, etc.) covering the air. Clouds of dust. “The cooks are working in a dark and cramped kitchen in clouds of smoke.” Chekhov.

3. transfer A vague, barely noticeable expression of some kind. states, moods (sadness, sadness, etc.; book). "A cloud passed over her face." L. Tolstoy. “A cloud of bewilderment and distrust hung on my face.” Goncharov. “A cloud ran through our mutual relations: we felt that in essence Antos despised us.” Korolenko.

From the clouds (fall, etc.) - about the unexpected appearance of someone or something.
“- I haven’t written two words for three years! And it suddenly burst out as if from the clouds.” Griboyedov. Under the clouds or up to the clouds - very high. “The palm trees grow up to the clouds.” Lermontov. to be in the clouds or to be carried away into the clouds (etc.) - transl. to be far from everyday, real life.

Synonyms and antonyms for the word "Cloud"

Cloud - synonyms:

  • Balchina
  • lambs
  • Aquarius
  • globule
  • cumulus
  • nephela
  • nimbus
  • shell
  • padymok
  • fog
  • Khmara

Cloud - antonyms:
There were no antonyms for this word.
But there is an antonym for the adjective: - cloudy - cloudless.

The word "Cloud" in the computer world...

In the modern computer world, a virtual environment is called, which allows you to store and work with data.

This is a collection of servers connected to the World Wide Web, where you can save your files and, in some cases, install applications. The new meaning of the word cloud is not in the Russian language dictionaries listed above.

Thus, we see that the word cloud became primary only in explanatory dictionaries of a later period. In the dictionaries of S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova, T.F. Efremova – the word has two meanings: vapors and light gray puffs, wavy layers in the sky, and D.N. Ushakov adds one more meaning: a vague, barely noticeable expression of some state or mood.

In the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.I. For Dahl, this word was not primary, there is a link: see clothe. But V.I. Dahl gives a large number of words associated with meanings: fog in the heights, vapor, cloud of dust, cloud of people.

2. Etymological page

Etymology of the word "Cloud"

New words are born, old ones, which have become unnecessary, die off. Sometimes they leave a trace in some expression that has acquired a completely different meaning in our time. Sometimes words change their previous meaning and turn into new words.

The science that studies the origin of a word and its relationship to related words is called etymology(from Greek true + thought)

Let's open the etymological dictionary of the Russian language Vasmera Max. The dictionary entry looks like this:
pl. clouds. Borrowing from Tslav.: see oboloko, drag.

Thus , the word cloud is borrowed from the Church Slavonic language, and the words oboloko, voloku, and therefore the modern shell, drag, pillowcase, envelop are related to the word cloud.

The word "Cloud" in different languages

  • English – cloud
  • Spanish – nube
  • German – Wolke
  • French – nuage, ombre
  • Belarusian - ablachyna, voblaka
  • Ukrainian – khmara
  • Japanese - kumo

3. Phraseological page

Phraseologisms with the word “Cloud”

There are few stable expressions in the Russian language with the word cloud. They all have a similar meaning, namely to dream.

Take off into the clouds- to dream, to be carried away in dreams, to soar in the empyrean, to fantasize, to daydream, to count the stars, to build castles in the air.

Be in the clouds- soar in the clouds - soar in the clouds, dream, be in the clouds, dream, build castles in the air, be carried away into the clouds, soar between heaven and earth.

Head in the clouds- outdated who Dream fruitlessly, be impractical, escape reality. This means that a person or group of persons (X) lives in dreams, illusions, in isolation from reality. Spoken with disapproval. book X is in the clouds.

Proverbs with the word "Cloud"

There are quite a lot of proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles related to the word cloud not only in Russian, but also in other languages.

  1. Without a cloud there is no rain. (Armenian)
  2. Wealth and nobility obtained through ill-gotten means disappear like a cloud. (Japanese)
  3. Wind in the clouds - waves on the river. (China)
  4. There are clouds in the sky, thoughts in the brow. (Russian)
  5. A small cloud sticks to a big one. (Russian)
  6. The devil followed the clouds, but was cut short. (Russian)

Signs from the clouds

  1. Red clouds before sunrise - towards the wind; clouds - for rain; red clouds at sunset - towards the wind.
  2. The sun sets in a cloud - another rainy day.
  3. West wind under low clouds - it's time to sow eggs.
  4. On Epiphany at noon, blue clouds mean harvest.

Riddles about clouds

  • The White Mountain is lighter than a feather.
  • The sky is a blue river, islands in it….(clouds)
  • The white sheet covered the entire ground.
  • White cotton wool floated somewhere.

4. Word formation page

Interesting observations can be made by examining the word against the background of similar words.

Word-forming nest- these are all words with the same root, arranged taking into account the sequence of their formation.

Let us present a fragment of a word-formation nest with the original word cloud (according to the “Word-formation dictionary of the Russian language” by A.N. Tikhonov)
small-o-o "cloudy, 1 See small, I
JSC "blankness"
because of the black
cloud-o-me"r See measure
small-o-o"black", 2 See small, I
little cloudiness
o"blak is outdated.

From the original word cloud, using prefixes and suffixes, you can form 6 nouns, 10 adjectives, 2 adverbs.

Morphemic analysis of the word “Cloud”

Wrap, drag, pillowcase, envelop, envelop. It can be assumed that the prefix ob, having connected with the root volok(h)-, disappeared, and the root cloud- remained.

4. Literary page

In literature, both writers and poets often use the word cloud in their works to describe the sky.

A cloud can be soft, it can be fluffy, it can be heavy, it can be light.

And if you give a cloud human qualities, then the cloud can be cheerful, gloomy, sad, gloomy, sad, joyful.

the cloud can be white, milky, gray, ashy.

1. Meaning " accumulation of water vapor condensed in the atmosphere»:
1) White, round clouds rushed high and quietly above us.
I.S. Turgenev.
2) The swan rushes into the clouds. I.A. Krylov
3) Thin, light clouds floated across the evening sky. Kir Bulychev.

2. Meaning " thick mass, clouds of small volatile particles (dust, steam, smoke, etc.) covering the air»
1) Cooks are working in a dark and cramped kitchen in clouds of smoke. A.P. Chekhov.
2) Skiers and skiers in multi-colored suits with and without numbers rolled down the mountain, fell, raising clouds of snow dust, fought, threw snowballs. S.G. Rozanov.

3. Meaning " a vague, barely noticeable expression of some state, mood»
1) A cloud passed over her face. L.N. Tolstoy.
2) A cloud of bewilderment and distrust hung on his face. I.A. Goncharov.
3) A cloud passed over our mutual relations: we felt that in essence Antos despised us. V.G. Korolenko.

When inspiration comes, I also write poetry. Having rummaged through my poetry notebooks, I found my children’s poem very usefully:

"Up there in the clouds"

I wonder what's above us?
Just a sky with clouds?
No it is not true. Prove?
How can I tell you everything?..
What did I see there?
Endless fields
Cheese sea,
Candy Mountains,
Colored kittens,
Green ducklings
Chocolate lambs
Fluffy chickens

waffle houses,
There were even elephants there
The size of puppies!
And I walked in the sky
And I saw beetles
Various colors:
Both blue and red.
And there were bears there
And toads are their neighbors.
And everyone lived in flowers!
What a wonderful life
There in the clouds!

(Galvidaite K., 11 years old)

5. Art page

Clouds in the painting by A. Kuindzhi

The thick glaze, in the middle of which is a huge ball of cloud, looks joyful and clean. Filling the painting with quiet and calm depth represents the artist’s state of mind.

Clouds in the painting by I. Levitan

There are sunny clouds in the blue sky and nearby domes of temples - everything in the picture is imbued with serenity and tranquility.

Clouds in the painting by N. Krymov

The whole sky is covered not just with clouds, but with clouds, and a strong wind is blowing. A thunderstorm is approaching. The clouds resemble the funnel of a hurricane.

Galvidaite E.O.

V.A. Oseeva "Dinka"


Cloud... What first comes to mind when we hear this word? " A light, light clot of small water drops, fog enveloping the fields», « clouds of small flying particles».

Meaning of the word " cloud“As a “reflection of a person’s inner state”, writers are more often used when describing the hero’s sadness, thoughtfulness, and sadness. And artists use the image of a cloud to convey a person’s psychological state: anxiety, dreams, reflections. Of course, landscape painters depicted clouds in their canvases at any time of the year.

It turns out that the word “ cloud"There are many related words that are not the same root in modern language. But reflecting on the meanings of the words: pillowcase, drag, clothe, bring, shell - we see how much there is in common both in the spelling of the words and in their meaning with the word “cloud”.


Condensed water vapor in the form of a mass of dense fog, accumulated high in the air.

Ott. A homogeneous, shapeless - usually light - mass of something that looks like a cloud.

Ott. trans. What darkens life brings grief or anxiety.

A solid mass, clouds of small volatile particles of something in the air.

The smell of something spreading in the air.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CLOUD is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CLOUD in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a,m." -a, -ov, cf. 1. Light gray clouds, wavy layers in the sky, a cluster of water droplets and ice condensed in the atmosphere...
  • CLOUD in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    about "cloud, clouds", about "clouds, cloud" in, about "cloud, clouds", about "cloud, clouds", about "blakom, clouds" in, about "clouds", ...
  • CLOUD in the Dictionary of epithets:
    About distance from the earth, about position in space. Bottomless, fast, high, sluggish, vagrant (popular poet.), frozen, light-winged (obsolete poet.), flying, slow, ...
  • CLOUD in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    "…- V …
  • CLOUD in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cloud, fog. See a lot, fog, cloud || dark water in...
  • CLOUD in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    lambs, globule, nephele, nimbus, cloud, fog, cloud, ...
  • CLOUD in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1) a) Condensed water vapor in the form of a mass of dense fog, accumulated high in the air. b) transfer Homogeneous, shapeless, usually...
  • CLOUD in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    `cloud, -a, pl. -`a, -`ov; but: Large (Small) Magellan Cloud...
  • CLOUD in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cloud, -a, plural -a, -ov; but: Large (Small) Magellanic Cloud...
  • CLOUD in the Spelling Dictionary:
    `cloud, -a, pl. -`a, -`ov; but: large (small) Magellanic cloud...
  • CLOUD in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    a continuous mass of some small volatile particles O. smoke, steam. a cloud of light gray puffs, wavy layers in the sky, a cluster of atmospheres condensed into...
  • CLOUD in Dahl's Dictionary:
    cloudy, etc. see clothe...
  • CLOUD in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    clouds, plural clouds, clouds, cf. 1. A cluster of water vapor condensed in the atmosphere, hanging high in the air against the sky. Cumulus clouds, …
  • CLOUD in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    cloud avg. 1) a) Condensed water vapor in the form of a mass of dense fog, accumulated high in the air. b) transfer Homogeneous, shapeless,...
  • CLOUD in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1. Condensed water vapor in the form of a mass of dense fog, accumulated high in the air. Ott. trans. Homogeneous, shapeless, usually light...
  • PETROZAVODSK MIRACLE (INVESTIGATION OF THE PHENOMENON) in the Directory of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    a still unexplained atmospheric and ground incident, which has already become a classic example of an anomalous phenomenon. What happened in Petrozavodsk at four...
    (Exodus 13:21). When the Jews began their wanderings in the desert, God himself walked before them during the day in a pillar of cloud, and at night...
  • TABERNACLE in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (Exodus 25:9) - actually means a movable tent, a portable tent, a tabernacle. In this sense the word is used in Numbers 24:5, Job...
  • CLOUDS, PILLAR OF CLOUD in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (Exodus 13:21). When the Israelites left Egypt with the permission of Pharaoh and entered the Arabian desert, the Lord walked before them during the day...
  • NUMBER 9
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Numbers. Chapter 9 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 …
  • NUMBER 10 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Numbers. Chapter 10 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 …
  • ISKH 40 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Exodus. Chapter 40 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 …
  • COSMOGONY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek kosmogonia, from kosmos - world, Universe and gone, goneia - birth), a field of science in which the origin and development of ...

■ Sky, air, elusiveness, rain, or celestial condition (such as a picture of an angel or saint standing on a cloud). Cloud light means theophany.

Two fundamental aspects:

Similarity with fog - a symbol of the intermediate world between the world of forms and the unformed;

Association with the “Heavenly Waters” – the kingdom of ancient Neptune.

In the first case, the cloud is a symbol of form as a manifestation and appearance, changeable and hiding from the eyes the unchanging quality of the highest truth (37). In the second, a close connection is revealed with the symbolism of fertility and everything that is destined to bear fruit.

In natural religions it is widely regarded as the bearer of rain and fertility. In order for the water contained in them to spill out, they had to be touched, for example, with a “thunder wedge” (Perun).

Male fertility, physical and spiritual.

In addition to carrying the symbolism of abundance as harbingers of rain, clouds also symbolize Divine Revelation and the very presence of God.

Living "under a cloud is a shame."



Mediators between earth and sky, spirit and matter, sleep and reality, clouds symbolize nebula, a vague idea of ​​something, as well as melancholy and sadness.

According to Bachelard, the cloud can be interpreted as a symbol of the messenger (3).

In fairy tales, the expression dissolve in the clouds means: disappear, turn into pure energy.


Clouds that appear in dreams are part of the collective unconscious and express everything fluid, changing, and a sense of uncertainty.

Draft materials

North Am. Indians

Symbolizes fertility.


For the Greeks, clouds are Apollo's flocks.


Clouds are the war horses of the Valkyries.


The ancient Mexican deity was called "Cloud Serpent" (???Ixcoatl).


In early Christianity, the cloud was synonymous with the prophet, since prophecies serve as an occult source of fertility, heavenly in origin??? (46).

Clouds are a natural curtain of the blue sky, and therefore a symbol of the invisible God covering Heaven.

The Lord spoke from the cloud on Mount Sinai.

A hand reaching out from a cloud is the most common symbol of revealed divine omnipotence.

In the West, it is a symbol of cover (envelopment, vestment), for example, the top of the mountain on which God lives.

Clouds enveloped the risen Christ in the Acts of the Apostles (1:9).

In the pictures they form the heavenly throne of God, “coming on a cloud with power and great glory” (Mark 21:27).

Jehovah, in the form of a “pillar of cloud,” led the Israelites through the desert (Ex. 13:21).

A symbol of the incomprehensibility of Allah, according to the Koran, he speaks from the clouds.

A symbol of happiness (especially pink ones), ascension to heaven.

“Cloud Nine” is a mystical symbol of happiness.

Clouds (yun) were given much attention, especially the "five-colored" clouds, which serve as a symbol of happiness and peace. As stated, they arose from the unification of the primordial principles of yin and yang in the far west.

In fine art they are depicted in the shape of a spiral or realistically as cumulus clouds.

Clouds in the form of mountains or very distant mountains mean separation and nostalgia.

Fertility Dragon of the Clouds, blessing of rain, good deeds, visible breath, vitality.

Clouds releasing revitalizing rain are compassion, because... protect and cover all living things.

The symbolism of fertility and consonance with the mountain (masculine principle), on which clouds gather to rain down, gave rise to the image of playing with clouds and rain in an erotic novel. The expression as a whole symbolizes sexual intercourse, with clouds signifying the fusion of male and female principles (copulation), and rain signifying the culmination of sexual intercourse.

The woman's curly hair was described as "fragrant clouds."

The stunning bra was called a misty cloud. (???)


A mountain of clouds in the shape of a tower with lines of falling rain and lightning snakes. Hopi prayer symbol for rain. Talpk (???). Arizona

cloud- About distance from the earth, about position in space. Bottomless, fast, sluggish, vagrant (pop.-), frozen, light-winged (obsolete poet.), flying, slow, motionless, low, floating, midday (obsolete poet.), flying (pop.-poet.) , fluid, walking (popular poet). About color. Slate blue, crimson, crimson-pink, crimson-gray, crimson, beige, whitish, white-sided, white-maned, white-breasted, white-skinned, white-foamed, snow-white, pale, pale pink, dirty, dirty gray, smoky, smoky red, smoky, glowing (obsolete poet), golden (obsolete poet), golden, yellow-white, lilac-smoky, lilac, crimson, haze, milky-white, milky, cloudy-white, opal, fawn, ash, ash- gray, mother-of-pearl, crimson, purple, multi-colored, pinkish-smoky, pink, ruddy, light-abundant, lead, gray, silver-white, silvery, silver, gray, gray, blue, lilac, snow-like, snow-like, snow-white, steel, dark, dark gray, black-blue, clear, amber, bright. About size, shape, outline; about the degree of density, thickness. Lamb, wadded, whipped, twisted, wavy, wavy, fibrous, elongated, huge, thick, liquid, serpentine, unsteady, ragged, shaggy, round, lace, kullatoe (colloquial), curly, curly, lumpy, heaped, small, shaggy, swollen, small, oval, huge, flat, dense, bizarre, oblong, transparent, bubbly, plump, downy, fluffy, fluffy, blurry, sparse (plural), loose, through, layered, columnar, thick, thin, plump, heavy, cottony, lentil-shaped, silky. About impression, psychological perception. Serene, cheerful, menacing, sad, pitiful, ominous, evil, capricious, affectionate, gloomy, frowning, frowning, tender, dumb, friendly, indifferent, joyful, sleeping, bashful, stern, sad, gloomy, gloomy, cold. Black, busty, steep-sided, winged, mute, motley, skinny. Thunderstorm, rain, rain (obsolete), cumulus, cirrus, stratus, snow, dry, etc.


About distance from the earth, about position in space. Bottomless, fast, high, sluggish, vagrant (pop. - poet.), frozen, light-winged (obsolete poet.), flying, slow, motionless, low, floating, midday (obsolete poet.), flying (pop. - poet.), fluid, walking (popular poet). About color. Slate blue, crimson, crimson-pink, crimson-gray, crimson, beige, whitish, white-sided, white-maned, white-breasted, white, white-boiled, white-foamed, snow-white, pale, pale pink, dirty, dirty gray, smoky, smoky red, smoky, yellow, glow (obsolete poet), golden (obsolete poet), golden, golden, yellow-white, red, lilac-smoky, lilac, crimson, haze, milky-white, milky, cloudy-white, opal, fawn, ash, ash-gray, mother-of-pearl, crimson, purple, multi-colored, pinkish-smoky, pink, ruddy, light, light-abundant, lead, gray, silver-white, silvery, silver, gray, dove, blue, lilac, snow-like, snow-like, snow-white, steel, dark, dark gray, black-blue, clean, amber, bright. About size, shape, outline; about the degree of density, thickness. Lamb, large, wadded, whipped, twisted, wavy, wavy, fibrous, elongated, huge, thick, liquid, snakey, unsteady, ragged, shaggy, round, lacy, kudlatoe (colloquially), curly, curly, lumpy, heaped, light, small, shaggy, swollen, small, oval, huge, flat, dense, bizarre, oblong, transparent, bubbly, plump, downy, fluffy, lush, blurry, sparse (plural), loose, through, layered, columnar, thick, thin, corpulent, heavy, cottony, lentil-shaped, silky. About impression, psychological perception. Serene, cheerful, menacing, sad, pitiful, ominous, evil, capricious, affectionate, gloomy, frowning, frowning, tender, dumb, friendly, indifferent, joyful, sleeping, bashful, stern, sad, gloomy, gloomy, cold. Black, busty, steep-sided, winged, mute, motley, skinny. Thunderstorm, rain, rain (obsolete), cumulus, cirrus, stratus, snow, dry, etc.

Means Heaven, air, elusiveness, rain, or a celestial state, as when an angel or other being is depicted standing on a cloud, or the hand of God arises from a cloud. The cloud of light signifies theophany. Living under a cloud is a shame. Among the American Indians, the cloud symbolizes fertility. For the Chinese, the cloud is fertility, the Dragon of the Clouds, the blessing of rain, good deeds, visible breath, vitality. that release the life-giving rain are compassion, as they protect and cover all living things. For Christians, the cloud is the invisible God, covering Heaven; clouds cover God, like Mount Sinai or a pillar of cloud. The hand or hands emerging from the cloud represent God's omnipotence. For the Greeks, clouds are Apollo's flocks. Among the Scandinavians, clouds served as war horses for the Valkyries.

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Clouds— - eur. ananim. (clouds) foreshadowed rain when they rose from the Mediterranean Sea (1 Kings 18:44; Luke 12:54). Often clouds are a symbol of troops or large crowds in Scripture........
Historical Dictionary

Clouds- a system of water vapor condensation products suspended in the atmosphere - water droplets or ice crystals or their form of cloud formations, 10 genera of O. are distinguished: cirrus......
Encyclopedia of technology

CLOUDS— CLOUDS are accumulations of visible air masses of various shapes and colors; mass of condensed water vapor in the form of water droplets (water clouds), crystals........
Ecological dictionary