Livejournal livejournal. Guide to creating a blog on LiveJournal (LJ)

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 zhezhezhechka (1) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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  • The whole truth about Russia Live Journal, M. Zadornov. Are you ready?. First time on the market! "The whole truth about Russia"!. Live Journal of Mikhail Zadornov, in which he writes about everything that seems important to him. About events in the country, in the world, about what is happening with...
  • The whole truth about Russia Live Journal Part 2, Zadornov M.. Live Journal of Mikhail Zadornov, in which he writes about everything that seems important to him. About events in the country, in the world, about what is happening to us. A book with illustrations, interesting and...
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Apparently it’s worth describing at least once what LiveJournal is for those who have never encountered it. Many who are not part of the LiveJournal community for a long time cannot understand what it is - LiveJournal? Why him? Who runs it and how does it all work? When someone asks me, I start to explain every time, but then I get confused, get carried away by the details and go off into other steppes. In my opinion, all these confusing explanations need to be somehow streamlined and laid out so that beginners have something to start with.

So, what is LiveJournal, aka LJ, aka LiveJournal, aka LJ?

LJ is a unique online community of people who love to think. These people think often and a lot. In the process of thinking about various life phenomena, they develop emotions, opinions, conclusions, ideas and much more. It is quite possible to put some of this endlessly and unceasingly born flow into words. Some of these words people don’t want to keep to themselves. Some of what they don't want to keep to themselves, they want to record somewhere where it will be stored. Also, for example, how a Mesozoic mosquito is stored in an amber drop for millions of years, and is stored until surprised scientists find it in Egypt and pick it out with thin needles in order to recreate exactly the same mosquito from the DNA preserved in its tissues in our time. the time to breed it is now in our time, so that new mosquitoes will re-arrange here what killed the old mosquito millions of years ago. Perhaps I’ll write about this on LiveJournal, but we’re a little distracted. However, we will consider this an illustration of those very thoughts recorded on paper. Go ahead.

So, we have some thoughts that, due to congenital sclerosis or due to the ambitious desire to capture our thoughts for centuries, we want to write down somewhere. Theoretically, our brilliant thoughts can be written down in a paper notebook and put in the nightstand. This option has its advantages and many people do it. But even these crazy people clearly understand that sooner or later mom will throw this diary in the trash, grandma will give it to grandpa to read, and dad might even use it to roll cigarettes. In addition, paper is short-lived. What is the point of keeping a diary if he is destined to die sooner or later? Have you seen many diaries kept by young ladies in the 19th century? Almost all of them disappeared in the mists of time.

Therefore, after the Internet was invented, after some time the unforgettable Brad Fitzpatrick thought: “Why not keep and store a diary on the Internet?” And he immediately registered the site and began programming the engine of this site. Just like that, a brilliant idea was born. He decided to call his website Live Journal and, accordingly, registered it at With this site, people could save their thoughts for a little longer than a year or two. For example, this entry was made in 2002 and slightly corrected in 2010. That is, it has been stored for 8 years, and the paper diaries of those times have become quite yellowed.

By the way, this is another advantage of an online diary - you can correct your entries. Moreover, this is done a little easier than scratching with a razor the phrase on paper “Mashka is such a fool!”, and then writing on top of it “I was a fool, but Masha is cool!”

And so a community appeared, consisting at first of just a few diaries, then of several dozen, then hundreds, then thousands. Today there are millions of diaries on LiveJournal, kept by people of all nationalities and religions.

Why do you ask the “Alive” diary in bewilderment?

Well, that's a reasonable question. Imagine that each of the millions of writers who run their own magazines every second shares their joys, sorrows, revelations and secret fantasies with the outside world. Moreover, the exchange of thoughts is really similar to a living organism. Each of us not only keeps his own journal, but also reads other people's journals. Isn't it a joy to see what your friend or neighbor wrote today or yesterday? Moreover, on LiveJournal you can not only look at a friend’s journal, but also spy on a stranger’s journal. Depending on the wishes of the owner of the diary, you may or may not be able to read his diary. If the owner allows (there is such an option in the settings) all strangers to read his diary, you can easily open his journal and not only read all his thoughts over the last 10 years, but also easily respond to any entry.

Let's say you went to the journal of your friend or classmate. And he, for example, on Monday morning already managed to write: “Eh, it would be nice to have beer today!” You answer him right in his journal and right under this entry: “You are an alcoholic, Vasily Apollinarievich!” Here, of course, he quits work and tells you under your answer everything that he thinks about you and about all your hobbies, including marijuana, higher mathematics, building anthills and writing hymns. Then you answer him, and he answers you again. This is how the conversation goes. Conversations go on for many pages and for many years. The comments on this post are also a conversation. If you scroll down this page - you'll see that it's been going on for eight years - there's a date and time next to each answer.

Replies to posts are called “comments” or, more simply, “comments”. Both the post itself and the comments on it are seen by everyone you allow - you, your friends, or even strangers who just dropped in for a glimpse. All of them can answer any of you at any time or simply on the sidelines - in their own or someone else's diary - write something about both of you.

In each entry and in each answer, you can insert not only text, but also links to sites, pictures, videos, music files and anything else you want. The diaries - or, otherwise, blogs - of popularly famous personalities, for example, Artemy Lebedev ( or Anton Nosik (, are dotted with thousands of comments from zhezhists of all stripes and options - from the most enthusiastic to angry - three-story. All this is quite common for LiveJournal.

If you don't like intrusive attention, you can keep your journal so that no one sees it. Even friends. Then it will be like your paper notebook, only on the Internet, so grandma won’t find it. At any time, you can make any entry open to everyone or your friends. “Friends” in LiveJournal are those users whom you have added to your friend list. That is, as soon as you said - this is my friend! - and clicked the appropriate button - this person can see your posts that you marked “Only friends can read.”

Of course, when you don’t know what to write in your diary, you can go through the diaries of your friends or just any open diaries and see what new and interesting things are happening in the world and in LiveJournal. It's very easy to do. Any friend of yours can go to your journal to find all the public entries there.

If this morning you wrote something like: “The world is still structured unfairly - a spider has a four-chambered heart, like a human, and there are not two legs, but eight! Why such injustice?” - your friend, if he has time and he likes you, most likely will not fail to answer you that it’s good that a person has only two legs, otherwise, how long would you have to cut your nails? Not only you, but also your friends would probably respond to this smartest comment. In the end, it would be an interesting scientific debate, completely recorded in your journal on one page, where it will be stored for as long as you want. At any time, you can delete any comment, an entire conversation (comment thread), your post with all the comments, or even your entire diary.

It would be a great pity if you turned out to be one of those fools who, in a fit of momentary outburst, deleted a journal with a thousand entries, and then cried bitterly that a huge period of their life with thoughts, emotions and ideas had sunk into oblivion. Now LiveJournal is designed in such a way that the journal is not deleted immediately, but remains in a secret place for another month or two. This saved a lot of diaries.

In LiveJournal it sometimes happens that groups of users unite into communities of interest. Such groups are called communities. For example, those who like to read books publish reviews in the Ru_Books community. Each community has its own separate magazine. In general, this is exactly the same diary, the only difference is that any member of the community can post entries in the community diary. That is, this is a diary of many people at once.

You can join any community. That is, join a club of interests and follow the publications that other club members put in the magazine. You will have the opportunity to publish your entries there, or simply read others’, without joining the club and remaining an outside observer. Culinary enthusiasts or car enthusiasts, cactus lovers and Chinchilla Girls groups, builders and businessmen - there are so many communities that it’s dizzying. Many Russian and foreign companies have their own communities on LiveJournal, into which they try to attract customers and fans.

For example, when this post was written, the most popular communities on LiveJournal were the “Ru_sex” and “Girls_on_diete” communities. Later, a wonderful community appeared, “I will give it away for free,” in which they publish advertisements about things that people want to get rid of for free. From there I received a wonderful computer desk, which served me faithfully for many years, after which I myself gave it to other users.

Of course, as the owner of the diary, you yourself can organize your own club of interests. Choose any topic and go ahead. For example, no one has yet created a Society for Fans of Inflating Airships. By the way, some users join LiveJournal only to participate in communities. They do not keep their own diaries and do not read the diaries of their friends.

Each LiveJournal user has a page with your profile (and face). There you can find information about yourself, your interests, photographs and much more. There you can also post rules for commenting on entries in your diary. For example, prohibit swearing in your diary or prohibit writing to those who believe that prohibiting swearing is snobbery.

You can often come across rules like “If you don’t like what I write, gather in columns and go to...”. Or “Only people from planet Earth are allowed to comment on my blog.” If you want to describe your interests, you can do it briefly, for example, “I like to think” or “dig,” or you can do it long and boringly (as I like to write). Then, simply by clicking on any “interest” with the mouse, you can easily check whether someone else likes to dig or whether you are the only one so smart.

To make things even more special, you can assign yourself an avatar. An avatar is not a movie, but a small little picture, 100 by 100 pixels, that personifies you or your spirit while you are hovering somewhere. From this picture you can sometimes tell a lot about the owner of the diary. Some people put their portrait there. But if you don’t need extra fame, any image that most closely matches your Ego will do. For example, a dog or a flower would do. Axe, rainbow or eye. The pictures are often very interesting. What will be on your avatar is up to you.

You are the author of your diary. You can design it according to your tastes. Paint, paint, disfigure or turn into a masterpiece. There are many ready-made options. The content of your diary can also be anything. Narrowly thematic or broadly public. Political, automotive, musical or mushroom. You can write at least one word a year, at least a thousand pages a minute. There are no restrictions. There are paid versions of the magazine with advanced features, but the free version is enough for the vast majority. In order not to forget or lose anyone, you can bookmark the magazines of friends or any interesting comrades from different countries and cities. And then open them with one click. That's how it all works.

By the way, you can meet especially interesting friends in real life, go to cafes, and maybe even restaurants. Dating “in real life” after correspondence on LiveJournal is a very common thing. The author of this entry knows many ZheZhysts personally. But, of course, you don’t have to meet anyone ever, limiting yourself to just posts or comments. There are numerous known friendships, cohabitations and marriages of people who met on LiveJournal. In the first years, when the magazine first appeared, we all went to the same places (in Moscow, the most famous meeting place was PND - Cafe "Pirogi" on Dmitrovka) and we knew each other by sight.

People write their own diaries, read others’, comment on all this every day, from year to year. The magazine is seething, seething and living its own life. This is indeed a very lively Magazine. Gossips and rumors circulate around it, someone deletes their magazines, someone comes to you in some unknown way and adds your magazine to their bookmarks. And you, having found an interesting person, add his magazine to your list of friends. And so on ad infinitum! People write their thoughts, post pictures, send links to interesting sites, discuss the latest news and philosophize about everything in the world.

All this is difficult to describe, but for greater clarity, you should just go to LiveJournal and read several entries and comments to them. Try writing something to any LiveJournal user. For example, me. Right below this entry at the very bottom there is a window into which you can paste a couple of words and click the “Save” button. Also, like in my magazine, in most magazines you can leave a comment without even being a registered user. If I and other users answer you, all this may seem extremely exciting and interesting to you. Or maybe not.

LJ should be perceived more as a part of life than as a part of the Internet. Journaling is both a very private and very public activity. To what extent one thing and to what extent another is up to the owner of his magazine to decide. Since 2002, LJ has become an integral part of the Runet (the Russian part of the Internet) and now there are almost no people left who still (as one commentator writes) widen their eyes in surprise at the word “LJ.” But even if everyone knows well what LiveJournal is and what it is eaten with, this entry will hang here as long as my magazine exists.

Welcome to LiveJournal!

Yours sincerely,
Mikhail Lyufanov,
aka LJ user Mycroft

On the night of June 3-4, 2010, there was a short-term glitch in the operation of, noticeable only to Russian-speaking users.

Bloggers pointed out the strange coincidence of the names of suicide bombers
The full namesake of Maryam Sharipova, who staged a terrorist attack in the capital’s metro, blew herself up in Tushino at a rock festival in 2003.

Bloggers warn
The Federal Medical and Biological Agency is preparing a program for closing blood transfusion departments at hospitals.

Bloggers will choose “National bestseller - 2009”
In 2009, the All-Russian literary award “National Bestseller” begins cooperation with the Internet resource

Olga Bakushinskaya

LiveJournal in Russia - more than LiveJournal

Five ways to become a famous blogger

The more a person reads you, the easier it is to create the illusion within yourself that you are not alone and someone needs you. I can understand people who have been busy for years with only one thing - acquiring readers in any way.

Eva Rapoport

LJ as a tool of social justice

What does it mean to be a thousandaire

An Internet blog that has many or very many readers is an independent media outlet independent of anyone, an instrument of social justice, and anything else (not excluding the possibility of earning a significant amount of money).

Arthur Welf

Live VKontakte

What will happen to LiveJournal if Pavel Durov takes over it?

In comments on, Pavel Durov offered to sell him LJ so that he could “revive the legendary resource.” I tried to imagine what LiveJournal would look like if its management was transferred to the founder of VKontakte.

Anton Nosik

LJ strikes back

Rumors about LiveJournal's death have not yet been confirmed

LiveJournal has been buried for a long time. Lately - with special pathos associated with the sharp growth of social networks, in particular Facebook. The founder of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, even offered to help the “dying” person. On LiveJournal and Facebook, the latest “funeral” of LiveJournal sparked an active discussion. Longtime LiveJournal resident Anton Nosik and Facebook apologist Arthur Welf spoke out on this issue. “Private correspondent” decided to figure out what is happening with social networks.

Sergey Taranov

Drugoi vs. Interfax

The victory of a blogger over a journalist in a single hydroelectric power station

So the long-awaited conflict of the modern era was born. Blogging and professional journalism, which previously existed parallel to each other, came face to face at one time and in one place - at the dismantling of the rubble of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. According to Interfax, the Russian “number one blogger” - drugoi, also the head of the multimedia blogging department of the SUP company Rustem Adagamov, survived from the scene of the events of the correspondent of the respected Interfax agency Dmitry Afonin.

Anton Merkurov

Blogger Mikhail Kovalev, unable to tolerate the regular appearance of uncensored language in blogger Artemy Lebedev’s diary, wrote a statement to the Russian prosecutor’s office, the purpose of which is to prohibit the use of invective language throughout the American portal The blogger cares about the moral health of Mr. Lebedev personally, as well as all his subscribers, and indeed all Internet users. The blogger cannot sleep peacefully and cannot understand that a blog is, in general, a kitchen. And Mr. Lebedev does not owe anything to anyone.

Svetlana Ivannikova: “You can achieve a lot in LiveJournal with one word”

What will change at LiveJournal Russia under the new leadership

Last week it became known that there had been personnel changes in the SUP company, which owns LiveJournal and Gazeta.Ru. Svetlana Ivannikova, who previously headed the marketing department, has been appointed the new head of LiveJournal Russia. Svetlana graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University several years ago and wrote a diploma on LJ, which was read by both teachers and students.

Alexey Yablokov: “I don’t have any special relationship with the Internet”

Alexey Yablokov gave an interview to Chaskor

The new chief editor of the magazine “Smena” about consumers and creators, a year and a half of idleness and the benefits of it, blogs and LJ glavred, the village “Paradise” and people who fell out of the business plan, universal values ​​and New Year’s garlands.

Cheap life - smart life

The practice of reasonable consumption in one experiment

Several friends decided to try to spend wisely for four weeks and write about it on LiveJournal. Their experience turned out to be so interesting that more than 700 readers are already following the community. Maybe this is what we all lack in a consumerist society?

Vasily Esmanov: “The only way to entertain yourself is to do something yourself”

On July 9, the ceremony of presenting the IX National Award “Media Manager of Russia - 2009”, one of the main domestic awards in the field of media business, took place. The winner of the award in the “New Media” category, by unanimous decision of the jury, was Vasily Esmanov, the 25-year-old creator of the youth web project Look At Me, “For the creation of the only media youth Internet in Russia.”

honestly "stolen" from

Instructions for creating a blog on LiveJournal

After my post about making money on a blog, I received a lot of letters with questions: “How to make your own blog?” In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but to satisfy all readers, I am publishing a guide to creating a blog on LiveJournal.

Registration in LiveJournal

I draw your attention to the fact that instructions and guides for managing and setting up blogs are in the Help and Faq sections of LJ. They contain a huge amount of information, but often not necessary to simply start using the service. So I'll tell you about the main actions that need to be completed creating a blog.

Before you create a blog on LiveJournal, you need to get an email address. The easiest way is to open a mailbox on any free email service - Yandex, Rambler, Google or In order not to remember passwords on various email services, I recommend that you immediately set them to forward to your main e-mail. This way you can have an unlimited number of mailboxes, working directly with one.

If there is a mailbox, you can start opening a blog. Let's go to There is a lot of different information about LiveJournal, but now we are interested in the inscription or button "Create an account". Click and you will be taken to the registration page. You need to fill in some fields on it.


Choose your name from Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

E-mail address.

There must be a real address here, because... it automatically receives confirmation of registration, as well as all messages that are related to LiveJournal. These include messages that a comment has been made on your blog or someone has added you to their friends list.


Enter your password and remember it. It is better to use both letters and numbers in your password.

Confirm the password.

Confirm your password by entering it again.


Here, in principle, you can enter any date. LiveJournal does not require you to enter your real age. And when registering a blog, you can completely or partially hide your birthday from prying eyes.

Verifying that you are human.

This item is standard protection against spammers who carry out automatic registrations using special programs. To check, enter the 2 specified English words. If it doesn’t work out the first time, it’s okay, next time a different one will be issued, usually more readable.

Site news.

By default, this field has a checkmark next to it with the text “ Yes, send me LiveJournal advertisements.” If you do not want to receive emails with LiveJournal news, uncheck the box.

After filling out the fields, click the button: "Create an account"

On this page we are asked to quickly create our profile. I recommend that you pay close attention to this, since in the future it will significantly affect the promotion of your blog. LiveJournal itself puts it this way: “Let others know who you are. Filling out all of these fields is completely optional, but the more you fill in, the better.” I’ll explain why - this page will subsequently be called your blog profile and will receive a unique address on the Internet, i.e. will be another blog post that is accessible to readers and search engines. Filling out the sections...

With margins “Name”, “Gender”, “Where you are” I think there will be no problems, especially since you have already filled them out and they are entered automatically. But if you want, you can change the name, because... Your nickname appears there by default.

Next comes the “What are you interested in?” section. Here you are asked to fill in the fields with your favorite musical artists, books, films, and also name your hobby. You can also list your other interests. Each interest can be represented either by a word or a phrase. Interests are separated by commas. Once you're done registering, in your profile view you'll see that interests shared by someone else have become hyperlinks. By following this link, you will find yourself on a page where other users who have the same interest are presented. Those interests that are unique will remain just text. Check their spelling carefully. Perhaps there was simply an error in them. For example: “players” and “players” will lead to different pages.

Next comes a large field “Tell us a little (or a lot if you want) about yourself:”. It allows you to post any information. More information - more content - better promotion in search engines.

In the next box on this page you are asked to select your account type - “Paid” or "Free". I think the free type will do in 99% of cases to start with, but it's up to you. All the benefits of the paid plan can be explored by clicking on the hyperlink located next to the account type.

After that, in the frame on the right, select the style of your account. Well, it's all up to your taste and color! then press the button: “Save and continue” Now you need to check your email in your email box, there will be a letter with a link there. To complete registration, follow the link. If everything is correct you will see the page:

The creation of the blog is basically complete. Now you have a blog named, where name is the name of your blog.

First blog entry.

If you are on the page above, then follow the link “Write in a journal”. If you just went to the blog from its main page, then click on the link “Post” (or “New Post”).

In the window that opens, enter the subject of the post. The topic of the post is very important, it should not only reflect the content of the post, but also include keywords.

There are two modes for entering text: visual editor and HTML. The first allows you to format text similar to what is done in the Word text editor, and the second allows you to enter text with tags. For novice users, in my opinion, it is better to use a visual editor.

Enter the body text of your message. In the visual editor mode, you can change the font size and color, insert and delete hyperlinks, tables, numbered or bulleted lists, highlight text fragments in italics or bold, underline, etc. The toolbar icons are very similar to those in Word.

The ability to cut under the cut is very important for LiveJournal users, both from the point of view of readers of his blog, and from the point of view of the blog’s ranking among search engines. This is more convenient for blog readers, because if the text of the message is long, then it will take up too much space in the friend’s feed, which is unlikely to please them. They will come to your page if they are interested in the topic, but if the topic is forced on them, they may not be happy.

And from the point of view of search engines, it is important to understand the following. In order for your resources to support each other, it is a good idea to have in each message several hyperlinks to those sites or individual Internet pages that you want to attract attention to or that you want to raise in the search results. However, if these links are not removed under the cut, then on the first page of the blog, which usually contains 20 posts, there will be twenty links of the same type. Such a large number may be perceived as spam by search engines and will likely result in de-indexing or downgrading. Therefore, fragments of pages that contain links of the same type must be removed under cat. There they will not look so reprehensible.

If there is a need to insert a link into the text in the visual editor mode, you should enter the text, then select it and, by clicking the “Insert/Edit Link” button, add a link to the desired resource in the pop-up window that appears. And if in the visual editor mode a copied piece of text that already contains a link is pasted, then this link is saved when pasted.

If you need to insert HTML tags, it is recommended that you first switch to HTML mode and add these tags there. Otherwise, they will be treated as regular text.

After entering, the message can already be sent to the blog, but to make full use of the blog’s capabilities, I recommend taking a closer look at all the fields located below the main text field: “Tags”, “Mood”, “Where are you now”, “Music”, “Comments”, “Hide”, “For adults”, “Recording available”.


Be sure to fill out the “Tags” field. These are the keywords. Firstly, users will be able to find your blog using them when they need to find materials on a specific topic. In addition, tags are usually indexed by search engines, and not just on your blog. They are collected on separate pages of LiveJournal and a considerable number of various Internet resources. All these resources are visited by spiders and have separate addresses on the Internet. As a result, you receive hyperlinks to your blog from a variety of addresses, What will help you promote your blog?. Try to include in your blog tags those words that you want to promote your blog.


This section allows you to make your post more emotionally charged. Fill in at your discretion.

"Where are you now"

Also more additional information for your friends about your location, it is optional to fill out.


Like the first section, for a more expressive post, indicate the musical composition you are currently listening to.


Depending on which option you choose will determine who you allow to comment on your posts, and whether you allow them at all. By default, comments are open to everyone unless you set otherwise when setting up your blog.


Allows you to hide comments - all or by certain parameters.

“For adults”

Here I think everything is clear. Censorship to limit access to “adult” materials.

“Recording available”

This field allows you to make the entry visible to everyone, or only to those who are added by the account owner to his friends list, or generally only to the journal owner. All. whose security level does not allow them to see the recording will not be able to see it and will not even be aware of its existence.

After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is click the button “Send to journalname”, a post will appear on your blog. This entry will have its own address on the Internet. This is, in fact, all that needs to be done in order to start blogging on the Internet.