Making money on Facebook is simple and profitable. How to make money from likes on VKontakte

They earn money in different ways, and the amounts depend on some factors, for example, a person’s popularity on a particular social network, that is, whether he has a large number of friends and subscribers, the topic and the quality of information.

Let's highlight two large groups:

  1. earnings directly from the social network itself;
  2. earnings using special sites and services.

In the second - for completing any user tasks, and you don’t even need to go to your profile on the social network, all that is important is its linking to your profile in the service.

Earning money from likes is one of the types of earnings using special service sites. It involves receiving money for “like”, “like” or “class” marks. That is, we complete a task in the service marked “like” and for this we receive points or points that can either be used to get likes for ourselves, or exchanged for money and withdrawn to our e-wallet and turned into treasured banknotes.

16 top services for making money from likes on the Internet

Today there are many services on the Internet that allow you to get money for likes. Each of them has its own characteristics and principles of operation, and is also adapted for making money on certain social networks. Let's look at how to make money from likes on the most popular services. This is not a rating, but simply a selection without sorting.




So, you can make money on likes. And not only is it possible, but there is also a choice of services that provide this opportunity. The user can only choose the most suitable one and start completing tasks.

Basically, promotion services are aimed at ensuring that users earn money on the Internet, which can then be paid to other performers as payment for completing their tasks, that is, spend them on promoting their account or community on the social network.

Services benefit when users use points earned from likes for promotion, which they contribute in every possible way. Withdrawing money is not so profitable for them, but it is necessary to attract users.

Also, almost all services provide the opportunity to withdraw earned funds, which makes it possible to earn money from likes. But you shouldn't expect any high income. The maximum that this money will be enough for is to pay for some inexpensive services on the Internet, but sometimes the money in an electronic wallet comes in handy.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money on Facebook.

  • How much can you earn: from 50 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: none.
  • Is it worth earning: It’s better to earn money on VKontakte.

Features of Facebook for earning money

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. The total number of users has long exceeded 1 billion. At the same time, in Russia and the CIS countries it is far from being so popular.

That is why Facebook is not suitable for working with the Russian-speaking segment of the audience. The number of users is small, no one is in the mood to buy anything, and therefore pay dearly for .

Let's figure out how you can make money on Facebook, whether it's worth it and what you can use the social network for.

Facebook target audience

To understand how ways to make money on Facebook differ from other social networks, let's look at the target audience of this network. The profile of the average user looks like this:

  • Male/female from 25 to 44 years old.
  • Higher education.
  • Resident of a capital or large city.
  • Works in a good company, businessman or.
  • Active life position.
  • Interested in politics, IT technologies, business and various areas of culture.
  • He comes to the social network in order to establish business contacts.

Should be considered:

  • The level of costs here is higher than on VKontakte;
  • Facebook plays more to strengthen its reputation than to stimulate sales.

We've sorted out the portrait of the target audience. Now let's move on to ways to make money on Facebook.

How to make money on Facebook: 5 ways

I have prepared for you 5 ways to earn money that are relevant for Facebook.

Earnings from activity

Likes, reposts, joining a group, comments - all this is the easiest and most relevant way for any social network to earn money without investment. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Registration in the service.
  2. Filling out your profile.
  3. Perform simple tasks.
  4. Receiving the money.

Service for making money on Facebook - SMMok. Payment for the above actions is minimal: up to 3 - 4 kopecks for likes, reposts and joining the group. You can pay from 1 ruble for a comment. You won't earn much, but you still give free likes every day. Why not try to monetize it a little and earn some real dollars.

Earning money on Facebook from advertising

I combined earnings on my page and in the group, since the scheme of work is approximately the same:

  1. Creating a page/group.
  2. Attracting a large number of users.
  3. Monetization through advertising or .

Sounds pretty simple. But in order to attract at least a large audience, you will have to try. And depending on the topic of the community, materials and monetization method, you can receive either 100 rubles for advertising or 10,000, with the same number of users.

Everything you need to remember when making money on a group and personal page on Facebook:

This is what they pay for in SMM. And not just for posting funny pictures and attracting subscribers who will be deleted in a week.

Earning money on Facebook in online stores

Attracting additional traffic

Getting additional traffic is a great option for those who want to expand their main way of earning money. It could be:

  1. Own blog/website.

All you have to do is repost your materials to your Facebook page. But this is a way to additionally attract users when other social networks have already been mastered. As I said above, if you don’t already use VKontakte, then it’s better to start with it first.

These are all current ways to make money on Facebook. Of course, many of them are available on other social networks, and more often than not, they will bring in more money there.

You shouldn't engage in Facebook. This social network is not well suited for such a business. The Russian-speaking audience is not interested in information products, so Vkontakte is most suitable for this niche.

Who is suitable for making money on Facebook?

Ways to make money on Facebook differ in their audience. You will have to focus on new directions that are interesting to other people.

Facebook is great for reaching a foreign audience. Outside the CIS, Facebook is the first social network. And if you can work with foreign countries, then this is definitely a great opportunity.

That is, making money on Facebook is suitable for those who know languages ​​and want to work with foreign audiences. It is advisable to know English, but any other language of the EU countries will do.

How much can you earn on Facebook?

Now, as always, let’s briefly look at the earnings figures:

  • Likes, reposts and joining a group - up to 50 rubles per day.
  • Earnings from communities - from 1,000 rubles per month.
  • SMM promotion - from 3 to 15 thousand rubles per month for maintaining a group and creating high-quality materials. Up to 1.5 thousand for simple filling with copied materials.
  • Creating your own online store - from 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Attracting additional traffic - there is no specific figure.

How to use Facebook to make money

It is best to use Facebook not so much to earn money, but to increase your own opportunities. That is, you do not earn money in the usual sense, you attract clients, improve your own brand, and promote yourself as a specialist. There are three options on how to do this.

Creating groups to attract clients

Creating thematic communities is the easiest way to attract customers. Simple from the point of view of the fact that it is understandable to everyone. The algorithm of actions is transparent:

  1. You create a community.
  2. Fill it with quality content. Funny pictures and quotes are completely unnecessary.
  3. Colleagues and clients come, participate in discussions, repost, and like.
  4. Orders appear.

But running groups on Facebook has its own characteristics. Most people have had a smart feed for a long time, so they will have to compete for impressions in the news. It is very difficult for small communities to do this without spending on promotion. Therefore, this method of attracting customers and improving your reputation is relevant if you have money.


Making contacts for business is called networking. Your task on Facebook is to communicate in thematic communities of specialists without offering your services. That is, the algorithm of actions is approximately the following:

  1. Join communities in your specialty and related fields.
  2. Participate in discussions.
  3. Help, advise, share your own experience.
  4. Do you recommend specific specialists or materials?

A trivial example:

You, but you know how to run groups on social networks. The discussion is about the question “What posts to come up with for group N.” You either recommend ideas for posts or send a link to materials on the topic. If this is a business owner, also advise him of great specialists in personal messages.

If your advice helped, then they may turn to you as a specialist, or send a client who needs some services. This is a great way to promote your services. In addition, it helps to develop your own brand.

Promoting your own brand on Facebook

We have approached the general direction - developing our own brand. Analysis of the target audience showed that people on Facebook are not looking for some product or service. They are looking for partners, employees and trying to talk about their business. Selling something directly will not work, but declaring yourself that you are a specialist will do the trick.

It is beneficial for Russian users to use Facebook in this area. Networking, creating thematic communities, publishing materials and that’s it - clients will find you themselves.

Is it worth making money on Facebook?

If your target audience is not on Facebook, then it is better not to even try to make money on this social network. Simply because the Russian-speaking segment of the audience has already chosen VKontakte and Instagram. And with the same amount of effort invested, these two social networks will produce greater returns, not Facebook.

Facebook is a fairly profitable platform for monetizing a foreign audience. Plus, this is one of the , so you can promote your page and community there for show. That is, as one of the additional sources of profit, but not the main one.


Don't look at Facebook as a way to make money. For each direction that I wrote in the article, there is a more profitable alternative - Vkontakte. Facebook is only suitable for those who want to promote their personal brand to a target audience, but this does not contribute to direct income.

Anna Sudak

# Online business

In this article we will figure out how to make money on Facebook without and with investments. We will also consider options for monetizing your accounts to make a profit in the long term.

Ways to make money on Facebook

As it turns out, monetizing your own account brings profit, but not as much as you would like. We will try to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. Let's look at what ways of making money we can use to make a solid profit.

  1. Likes and reposts. Today there are a lot of platforms that bring together advertisers who are willing to pay you for liking their pages, reposting their posts, or joining groups.
  2. Business pages. By creating several business pages, you will open up a lot of possibilities: countless subscribers, free and paid promotion tools, target audience and sales. All this is your income.
  3. Thematic group. A labor-intensive process, but with good potential. By promoting one interest group, you can get several sources of income at once.
  4. Online store. It is possible to organize your own store and not spend a penny. Beneficial for beginners and startups.
  5. Traffic. If you have your own website, Facebook will be a great channel to attract new traffic to it and increase sales.
  6. MLM. All social networks have long been occupied by MLMers. Facebook was no exception. Moreover, selling on it turned out to be profitable, easy and comfortable. And all thanks to expanded functionality and promotion opportunities.

Basics of making money on Facebook, step by step instructions

To begin with, we will look at the simplest, but most labor-intensive way to make money on the Internet without investment. It is suitable for those who have just begun to master the network.

How much can you earn on Facebook?

To everyone who is wondering whether it is possible to earn real dollars on Facebook, we hasten to inform you that yes, you can. How many? Depends on you and your efforts. For example, let's take these numbers: you have three accounts with 10,000 followers.

An advertiser is ready to rent your page for one ad for 300 rubles per day. It is not advisable to place more than two advertisements on a page, as losses will be higher than profits. So, two advertisements = 600 rubles per day.

3 pages for 600 rubles is 1800 rubles per day. Well, now we multiply 1,800 rubles by 30 days and get 54,000 rubles per month. And that's just advertising. Of course, the numbers are arbitrary, since the cost of advertising varies. It's up to you to come to an agreement. And the pages must be well promoted, but this will take a lot of time (for free promotion) or financial investments.

How to make money from a Facebook business page

Business on Facebook is a great opportunity not only to increase sales and earn more money, but also to improve your image. Now we will look at the important points that need to be taken into account when creating a business page and consider ways to promote it.

Things to Consider When Creating a Facebook Business Page

We will not consider the entire registration process in detail, since on Facebook each step is accompanied by tips, but we would like to draw your attention to the “Choose a category” item.

The main thing here is to choose the right page type. Its functionality depends on this. Of course, you can change the category at any time and as many times as necessary, but every change is a loss of statistical data.

  • Local company. Suitable for owners of one retail outlet located at a specific address. This type of page is like a pin on the map, indicating your location to customers. With its help, you can attract buyers near you.
  • Company, organization or institution. By choosing this page type, you can create an online store and accept orders from your customers via messenger.
  • Brand or product. Suitable for owners of a monobrand. An excellent tool for PR and promoting a new product to the market.

In terms of settings, you decide what to leave and what to turn off. For our part, we recommend that you allow clients to write you messages, leave reviews, and tag themselves in your photos (if you plan to regularly hold public events).

So, we have created a page, now we need to promote it, otherwise sales through Facebook will not bring you the expected income. How to do it?

  1. Communicate with your audience. Your page should not look like a “Buy” billboard. It should provide value to your readers. Make 80% of your content useful and only 20% promotional.
  2. Advertise your services in the feed using paid advertising.
  3. Visit your competitors' pages and be active. No, don't spam or badmouth others. Have your say. Share your impressions. Active people on social networks do not go unnoticed.
  4. Provide a link to your business page in your personal profile. Do it unobtrusively.
  5. If you have your own website or blog, place a social media button on it and share fresh content with your subscribers.
  6. Ask clients to write reviews. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to do this. Be open.
  7. Use contextual advertising. This is, of course, expensive, but it gives an instant effect. Although you should be prepared for the fact that people who come in this way are not targeted (the majority), so some of them will sooner or later unsubscribe from you.

The best option is the integrated use of paid and free promotion. But in what proportions, you need to test, since the audience is different.

Earning money from instant articles on Facebook

Before monetizing Instant Articles (Facebook Audience Network), let’s understand what it is.

In short, it is a tool that allows you to instantly deliver content to the consumer using mobile applications. It was created to solve the problem of slow loading of posts on Facebook. As a result, it became an additional source of income for many businessmen.

Simply put, Instant Articles are an effective CPA network where webmasters receive money for placing advertisements in content. The main difference is that there is no need to think about banners, location and other little things, because Facebook has taken care of everything in advance. Now we’ll tell you how to get traffic and make money from it.

  1. To monetize Instant Articles, you need a business (FAN) page. How to create it, read above.
  2. Register with Instantarticles.
  3. If you have several pages, select one, check the box that you agree to the terms and conditions and click on the green button.
  4. We customize the page and link it to your site. To do this, go to the business page, find the “Publishing Tools” button. In the window that appears, click “Settings”, “Tools”, “Connect site” in sequence.
  5. In the black frame you will see the HTML code that you need to place on your site in the tag .
  6. Change the style of your articles. To do this, on the fan page, click “Settings”, “Styles”. Select and save the one that suits you.
  7. Go to WordPress Dashboard.
  8. Download the Instant Articles for WP plugin.
  9. Click “Create ID application”. Follow the setup instructions.
  10. After you register a new ID, you need to create a new application by clicking on “Create ID application” again. In the window that appears, enter all the data required by the system and click “Register now.”
  11. Next you will see a panel, copy the “App ID” and “App Secret” into a text file (you will need them a little later) and click the “Show” button.
  12. Now click “Settings”, “General”, “Add Platform”, “Website”, enter the URL in the appropriate field. Click "Save Changes".
  13. Return to the Instant Articles plugin.
  14. Log in to the application using the saved “App ID” and “App Secret”.
  15. Click on “Login with Facebook”.
  16. After this, pages will open in front of you that you can manage using this application.
  17. Click “Select” on the page to post instant articles.
  18. Go to “Open Advanced Settings now” and click on the article style you previously edited (step 6).
  19. Click on "Audience Network".
  20. Check the option “Publish articles containing warnings”.
  21. To monetize traffic, use the Quick Adsense plugin.
  22. To earn money you need to register with Facebook Audience.
  23. Go to Publishing Tools, Instant Articles Configuration, Audience Network.
  24. Click "Submit".
  25. Next, look for “Panel” and click on the button.
  26. Open “Facebook Audience Dashboard”, “Placements”, “Get Code”.
  27. Copy "Placement ID".
  28. Go to "Instant Article Plugin".
  29. Place "Placement ID" in "Audience Network Placement ID".
  30. We are waiting for approval from the administration and starting to receive the first money.

Earning money from Facebook groups

Making money on Facebook is pleasant and easy. And right now we will describe to you eight ways to make money from your group.

  1. Group for resale. All you need to do is create a community on a popular and trending topic, for example: furniture, beauty, health, recipes, business, marketing and more. You create a group, design it, make it “live”, attract targeted subscribers, and then sell it.
  2. File sharing services. You create a fan page for a popular series, upload new episodes to file hosting services. You post books, fan fiction, applications related to the series and earn income. Let's calculate how much you can earn this way: you have 10,000 subscribers who will follow the link and watch the video. Of these, 3,000 people will download it. On average, file hosting services pay $5–10 per 1000 views. Per day, just with video, you will have 15–30 dollars of net income.
  3. Paid advertising. If your group is popular, you can rent out your page for advertising. But you shouldn't abuse it. Otherwise, subscribers will leave you for other similar communities where there is less advertising.
  4. Partnership programs . Post affiliate links in your group. The main thing is that the theme of the affiliate program coincides with the theme of the page.
  5. Application development. It could be a game, something useful. Something that will give subscribers a good mood and make their lives easier. You can do this yourself (if you know how), or hire a freelancer to do it for you.
  6. Advertising in native applications and games. If you have created your own product, place advertising in it and earn additional income.
  7. Information product. With the help of groups you can sell your skills. For example, if you do cross stitch, you can create a tutorial and teach it to anyone who wants to do it. For money, of course. This type of activity will bring you a solid income, and in the future it can become the main source of income.
  8. Get a job at Facebook. To do this, you need to know English at a high level and be able to do something. You can find out about vacancies on the official website of the social network.

Earning money from likes on Facebook

For those who do not want to spend their time creating a page, promoting it and developing an online business, there is an easier, but less profitable way to earn money - performing simple tasks for money on social networking account promotion services.

Who will pay? Young entrepreneurs who want to promote their page. What will they pay for?

  • Likes;
  • Reposts;
  • Joining groups.

Now let’s figure out how to make money from likes on Facebook. For this you need:

  1. Register for special services;
  2. Enter payment details for withdrawal of money;
  3. Select a task;
  4. Execute it;
  5. Send a report to the customer;
  6. Get rewarded.

And here is a list of services on which you can make money right now.

The Internet is a virtual world where every inhabitant of the Earth lives from 3 to 24 hours a day. If there is a society and many social networks and communication on the Internet, then why not make money on Facebook, in the virtual space as well as in reality.

One year of serious work and your income will reach 90-100 thousand rubles. If you work for a foreign audience, your wallet will be replenished with dollars. Where to begin:

  1. First of all, determine for yourself whether you are ready to spend 3-12 hours a day promoting your earnings for the first 1-2 months. Time is the main resource.
  2. Use a search engine to find a dictionary of computer terms and jargon. Most ordinary users are not familiar with the slang of computer scientists and programmers. Find out what it's called and what it's called.
  3. If you want to choose your own way to make money on Facebook, look for offers that do not require investment. Pay attention to the rest when you understand the system of operation of sites and offers, and many affiliate programs will not confuse your thoughts.
  4. Most earning offers require you to have your own account and several groups. Groups should be interesting and aimed at a specific target audience. The theme should interest guests and attract more and more people. It is important to monitor this and update the information at least once a week.
  5. If you want to promote your product on Facebook, choose those products that are in greatest demand among the audience. People are interested in products that are advertised on TV and instantly solve their problems as advertised.
  6. If your group is advanced enough and your page is promoted, then advertisers will find you and offer you profitable cooperation.
  7. Creating an electronic wallet and mail is a prerequisite for working on the Internet.
  8. Patience and work will lead you to a stable high income. In a year, perhaps you will earn so much that you can afford travel and an interesting lifestyle without wasting time sitting in the office.

Is it possible and how to make money on Facebook without investments? You can see here:

Basic ways to make money on Facebook

How to make money from likes

Until recently, side income was offered to those who like to watch videos and photos. You won't earn much by liking them. But, for those who just like to browse Facebook, this type of income is a prize for the time spent. The cost of one like is about 30 kopecks.

Now you can earn from 10 cents to $5 from likes. To do this, you need to go through Facebook, for example, to the website, log in and follow the instructions. You will receive 10 cents per like if you have 100 people as friends. WITH Accordingly, $5 – if you have 5 thousand friends. Earnings are real, withdrawal of funds to Webmoney, minimum – $5.

Earning money on your page

You can make money on your page if the page is sufficiently promoted and has a thousand or more subscribers. You can target an audience selected based on the following principle:

  • geographical location;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • interests.

Most often they choose the USA, Canada, Spain. It is not necessary to know English. Select the phrases you need and order their translation. The rest can be translated on Google.

By creating several pages dedicated to different topics, you will gather a large audience. The page should be “live” and interesting. It should be clear that your soul and thoughts hover in it. A “dry” page does not attract attention.

You can create a business page and not focus on your personality. In this case, you will earn about 13-16 thousand and will not stand out from other users.

Another way is to create your own unique brand. This method is successfully used by bright personalities, famous, public people and those who want to realize their ideas. In this case, earnings will be tens of times higher.

It is important to fill the page with interesting news, recipes, tips, pictures, and so on in order to attract visitors and increase the number of friends and subscribers. Against this background, you can promote and sell your products, advertising, games and applications.

For example, if you have 12 thousand subscribers, then placing one advertisement per day will bring you an income of 250-400 rubles from the advertiser. If they buy two places from you every day for a month, then your earnings will be about 18-20 thousand in 30 days. In reality, income is usually about 6 thousand rubles. Some of the advertising sites are Lookery, Google Adsense, Userplane.

Sales generate more income compared to advertising. On your Facebook page you can sell information products through affiliate programs. To do this, you need to find an interesting affiliate program (you can use Adkombo – a sales affiliate)., like other large wholesale and retail trading platforms, offers a wide range of affiliate programs.

Subscribers can be purchased on various forums. Each one will cost 3 – 5 rubles. Make sure these people actually exist.

How to make money using the site

Affiliate programs for information products

Partnership is a profitable way to earn money. The most important thing is to choose a product that interests a wide audience. In some cases, the manufacturer chooses to pay a percentage per view, but more often - per sale. Be patient - someone will definitely buy it.

If you yourself want to choose a site that provides an affiliate program for promoting an information product according to your taste, then is suitable for you, where affiliate programs, methods of interaction, payment terms and transfers of income interest are described in detail. You can find lists of affiliate programs on the Internet and check the conditions of each.

Sales of information products – website e-pay.Club, Qwerty pay and others. It is important to choose the right product. For example, in e-pay.Club the quality of everyone is traced. Don't just grab the new one right away. The administration will notify you by message to your personal account if the product does not pass the test.

Group on the social network Facebook as a source of additional income

Creating a group and promoting it requires time, effort and knowledge of the needs of the audience. If everything is in order with this, then, having gained more than 10 thousand subscribers, you can count on receiving tangible profits in several areas:

  • advertising placement;
  • sale of goods;
  • sale of services;
  • sale of information products;
  • placement of referral links. Attracting referrals is considered passive income if you simply post links. You can add interesting text if this is provided for in the contract and you are able to write an attractive rather than repulsive advertisement;
  • promote the products of your own online store;
  • advertise your business, services and products;
  • develop your own information product and successfully promote it yourself;
  • post links to your website, online store;
  • sell the ability to download movies, games, applications from your file;
  • many more ideas will come to you after you take the first step.

Features of organizing work on the Internet

  1. Achieving high earnings takes time. The more work you put into the first 1-2 months. The faster you will reach a stable income.
  2. In order for Facebook to make money, you need to work the same way as at any other job - organize your working day/night.
  3. Open a plastic card, online wallets. It is most profitable to withdraw funds from wallets to their own cards, but when withdrawing money from an ATM, interest is charged. Choose the most profitable option. How to choose a payment system for an online store - read.
  4. There is no need to calm down when you see your first dollar. Continue working with the same forces.
  5. It is possible to make money on Facebook, as well as on other social networks. The process is interesting and attractive, the disadvantage of such income is that it remains, nevertheless, additional. In addition to working at the computer, you will also have to go to work. How long you will combine two types of activities depends only on your desire, abilities, and skills.
  6. It's never too late to learn. If the Internet is a new activity for you, spend time and study - at home on the computer or in special courses.
  7. Fear and laziness are your enemies. Don't be afraid to start. The most difficult thing is to organize yourself. Schedule your entire day minute by minute and strictly adhere to the schedule. You are your own boss and subordinate. Your earnings depend only on you.

– read the step-by-step instructions in the article at the link. Business ideas for making money on the social network Facebook are discussed in detail in this video:

Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I would like to tell you how to make money on Facebook in various ways. Why Facebook and not VK? Yes, because in Russia and the CIS countries they are just mastering it, so here you can take your place in the sun faster than in VK. In addition, FB has some of its own monetization features that VK does not yet have. In general, let's figure it out.

Own page

The main and best way to make money on Facebook is to have your own page with subscribers. And the more subscribers you have, the greater the amount you can replenish your financial well-being. I myself make money this way, and I wrote about this in my article on. But let's take a closer look at what's good about having your own fan page.

Partnership programs

The principle here is the same as when running your own website. You post an affiliate link with a description and the more subscribers you have, the more people will see your link, follow it and take the desired action.

But if you have a specialized topic, then a large number of people is not necessary. Here you will already have targeted visits.

  • Admitad
  • Actionpay
  • AD1

Video advertising

There are special services that offer to place some kind of video advertising on your page, and for this advertising you will be awarded additional money. Here are a couple of such services:


The only disadvantage of such services is the rare appearance of advertising videos. So video advertising should be considered only as additional income. Although recently a video from Sberbank was uploaded there, for which they paid 40 kopecks per view. From this ad I managed to earn almost 1000 rubles in a couple of days.

Publishing other people's links

Little-promoted groups can order you to publish their post on your page. This way they gain additional traffic and additional subscribers. Of course, I want to say right away that pages with up to 100,000 subscribers will be of little interest to anyone, but pages that have a million subscribers in their arsenal charge at least 4,000-5,000 rubles for publishing one other person’s post. Not bad, right? There is something to strive for.

In addition, there are special services in which you register and can receive money for publishing other people’s posts with a link to a third-party site. Here the income comes purely from the number of people who went to someone else’s site on your page, and how many of them clicked on the advertisement. But I would not recommend this method. It’s better to create your own content site and not depend on anyone.

One of these services is Contentmoney. You post someone else’s post in your group and receive 75 percent of your Adsense earnings from that post. But there is a condition: You must have at least 50,000 subscribers.

Direct advertising

The more subscribers you have, the more often you will be contacted about direct advertising. That is, you agree in advance on the price, time, etc. Then you insert an advertising post on your page at the right time.

Connect your content site

The most profitable option is to connect your own content site to your Facebook page, which is what I actually do and from which I get the lion’s share (90%) of my income on Facebook.

The essence of this type of earnings is that you create a special website with articles, and then post a link to these articles in your group (page). People (your followers) see this link, read the title and click on it. This is how traffic flows to your site. And the more subscribers you have, the more interesting your news is and the more publications you make, the more traffic goes to your site. For well-known sites such as or, the lion's share of traffic comes through social networks.

And then everything goes according to the principle of earning money on a regular website (contextual advertising, teasers, affiliate programs, services, etc.). In addition, there is another awesome type of earnings that Facebook itself came up with. This type is called instant articles. They were created specifically to avoid the long transition from Facebook to the website, but to immediately upload the article to Facebook.

Such advertising only works in the official mobile application for Android or IOS. Maybe you have noticed that if you look at some posts on Facebook through the application, then by clicking on the post, you are not taken to a separate site, but remain reading the article in the application itself? These are instant articles. They “suck” an article from a content site, but the site itself does not open.

They place their own advertising, which generates quite a good income, even more than from Adsense. True, installing instant articles is quite tedious. It will take seven sweats as long as you install and configure it correctly. Well, this is only for the first time). But I assure you - it's worth it! Look at the screenshot (click to enlarge)

But keep in mind that in order to achieve normal income, you must only have living subscribers who voluntarily joined you. There is no need to drive fans away using promotion services. Maybe only up to the first 1000. But in general, if you have 50,000 acquired fans, then your income will be zero. I talked about my position x in more detail here.


You've probably heard this word and even know what it means. Essentially this is buying cheap traffic that will bring us income. And the point is that the income from arbitration exceeds the costs. The only condition is that you must have your own fan page and your own content site. But don't worry. In this case, you may not invest anything in the development of the group. Let at least you have one subscriber there.

Advertising Manager

Here we need tests, tests and more tests. You can’t just take it, add advertising, and the money will roll in on its own. Everything is much more complicated here. You need to find a “Viral Post” and adjust it for different parameters, such as gender, age, country. For example, first put women 18-30 from Russia on one ad, then women and 31-4 from Russia, then Women 18-35 from Israel.

And then you see how much one visitor costs you. We remove the most expensive ones, leave the cheap ones and promote them to the maximum.

Of course, this all sounds sweet, but in reality this process is very complex. My friend, investing 700 rubles daily, earned at least 2000 rubles from arbitration, and even 1300 rubles in net profit. And if there are several such announcements, it will be just great.

Buying posts in someone else's group

Many fan pages offer to post your articles on their Facebook feed. If you manage to find a really worthwhile post and post it in a good group, then you can get a good profit.

I remember that at the beginning of my activity on Facebook I made money several times this way. The group itself was weak (only 1000 subscribers). I paid 1000 rubles for posting my post, I received 25 dollars from this post purely from Adsense (1500 rubles), and this is not counting more than 500 subscribers. And if I had already connected instant articles back then, I would have received much more.


This method is the simplest and can also bring quite a good profit. Moreover, you do not need to have a website or a fan page, and you do not need to make any financial investments. We only need your time. Leading one group takes on average 2-4 hours a day. And for such management you can receive 3000-12000 rubles. And at the same time, no one forbids you to take on several groups for administration.

Payment depends on various factors:

  • Employment
    • Search for “viral” articles
    • Site content
    • Page content (links from the site, pictures, videos)
    • Moderation (cleaning up bad comments or bad posts)
    • Full administration (all tasks)
  • Number of posts published per day
  • Percentage of copyright, rewrite and copy-paste. Copy-paste is the complete copying of articles from other sources. It pays the least, but it also takes little time. Copywriting is the most time-consuming activity, but it also pays the most.

If you don’t want to bother creating your own group, then this is it!

Sale page

If you suddenly get tired of maintaining your fan page on Facebook or you just want to make this your main source of income, you can simply sell it. Of course, for a couple of years the page could be sold for very good money (4-5 rubles for each subscriber on it), but even today you can make a lot of money from it.

Many people are too lazy to develop a page from scratch and they look for people from whom they can buy a page. There is no exact price per page, as many factors play a role here:

  • Number of subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more valuable each of them will be.
  • Geotargeting. Naturally, an important factor is the countries from which your subscribers come. Well, each country has its own price for advertising. The cheapest advertising is in the Caucasus countries, in Kazakhstan. Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states are average in terms of prices. Europe and America have the most expensive advertisers, and it is advisable to try to recruit people from there. True, they are also more expensive in terms of set.

But on average, if you have a fan page with 50,000 subscribers, then you can sell it for 80-120 thousand rubles. I know that there are people who make money only from this.

Small earnings on Facebook without investment

This type of financial activity is usually suitable for either beginners or schoolchildren. There are many services that pay for targeted actions on the social network Facebook, for example:

  • Likes and reposts
  • Subscriptions and joining