Lesson on the topic of mail, senior group. Lesson notes for the senior group

A game lesson in the senior group for children with special needs on the lexical topic “Mail”.

"Who's knocking on my door?"


Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Mail”.

Strengthen children's ability to form names of professions and verbs using prefixes.

Strengthen the ability to select verbs to nouns, use masculine and feminine possessive pronouns “my - mine - mine - mine” in speech, and coordinate them with nouns.

Practice agreeing numerals with masculine, feminine and neuter nouns.

Improve the ability to use grammatical categories: nouns in the nominative, genitive and accusative cases of singular and plural.

Practice the correct use of the prepositions NA - S, IN - FROM, U, UNDER.

Improve the syllabic structure of words.

Develop visual and auditory memory, attention, thinking.

Develop a culture of speech: do not shout, do not interrupt, do not repeat a friend’s answer.

Material : paintings from the “Mail” series, objects and pictures with their images in singular and plural: letter, postcard, parcel, mailbox, newspaper, magazine, name cards: name of object, place, gender, clothing, actions, tools, benefits.

Dictionary :

Nouns: mail, postman, letter, envelope, stamp, telegram, parcel, address, postcard, newspaper, magazine, parcel post, stamp, index, addressee, sender, delivery, bag, box.

Verbs: send, dispatch, receive, pack, stamp, disassemble, spread, deliver, write out, congratulate, correspond, fill out.

Adjectives: postal, urgent, valuable, registered, congratulatory, heavy, light.

Adverbs: fast, slow, high, low.

Pronouns:mine, yours, ours.

X Lesson od:

The organizational moment is the reading of the beginning of the poem “Mail” by S. Marshak.

Log. - Who is knocking on my door with a thick bag on his belt....?

D. - This is the postman.

Log. - Where does the postman work? (At the post office) (place sign)

A game “What does a postman need to work?”

Log. - What does a postman need to work? (signs of clothing and tools)

D. - The postman needs: a bag, mail, uniform, etc.

Log. - What is the postman wearing?

Children: - The postman wears a blue suit and a blue cap on his head.

Log. - Who needs a bag, a box, letters, mail? (to the postman)

Game “What’s in the postman’s bag?”

Log. - What's in the postman's bag?

D. - Letter, postcard, magazine, parcel, newspaper, etc.

Log. - We are few wizards: there was one, but there will be many.

Log.- Here is one postcard, and here are postcards, many postcards.

D. - Here is one letter, and here are letters, many letters.

There is one newspaper - newspapers, many newspapers. There is one magazine - magazines, many magazines.

Game "Fun Counting"

Log. - You have pictures on your tables. Name what is shown on them.

D. - Postal supplies.

Count and say how many there are.

D. - In the picture I have five newspapers, six postcards, eight envelopes, seven letters, etc.

Reflection: - What did you think? (Postage supplies)

Game "Greedy" ( My - my - mine, ours)

my? ( My journal, box, envelope)

Log. - What postal items can you talk about?my? (My newspaper, my package)

Log. - What postal items can you talk about?my?(my letter)

Physical education minute “Mailbox”.

I stand on the bench, rhythmic steps in place

I can barely get the box out. Raise your arms up, stand on your toes and stretch

Opening the drawer From the “shelf” position of the arms, spread the arms up and down

Blue, shiny. Alternately raising arms to the sides

Fall out of the box Put your arms down, shaking your hands

The letters are real. Sit down

Game “Who can find the most words?” (sign of action)

Log. - What does the postman do?

D. - Takes out letters and postcards from the mailbox.

Delivers and sorts mail into boxes.

Packs mail and sends packages. Etc.

A game “Let’s play with the word “write”

(consolidating the ability to form prefixed verbs)

Log. - The man (what is he doing?) is writing a letter.

What did you do? Wrote a letter.

What did you do? on wrote, re wrote, You wrote, under wrote, etc.

Log. - Are the words similar? What is the same about them? (Part - wrote)

Log. - And these words are distinguished by prefixes: you-, under-, on-, over-.

Game “Tell me where, where, where?”

Log. - Where does the postman work? (At the post office.)

Where do people leave letters? (to mailbox)

Where do the letters come from? (From the box).

What does the postman wear when delivering letters? (In the bag).

Who has the letters? (at the postman). Etc.


Who works at the post office?

What does the word “mail” mean?

What word did you play with? How did you get new words?

Which game did you like best and why?

Summary of direct educational activities for the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Introducing children to the professions of adults - mail. Excursion to the post office"

Bazanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna teacher of the first qualification category MBDOU Syavsky kindergarten "Bell". Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunsky district, village. Syava


In the developed NOD, a conversation is held with children on the topic “Mail”, the children go on an excursion to the post office. In this case, children:

- get acquainted with the professions of postal workers and their work activities;

Get acquainted with the correct formatting of a letter for sending (address, zip code, brand);

Get acquainted with the types of letters and types of cargo sent by mail (parcel, parcel post).

For the lesson, traditional means of development are used, as well as a computer presentation, since various animations are easily learned by preschoolers. To be more effective, the presentation is built taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers; it includes entertaining questions, animated pictures, and games.

So the main idea is:

In a harmonious combination of modern technologies with traditional means of development;

Alternating between demonstrations of theoretical material and conversations with children.

This approach, in my opinion, allows us to maintain the integrity of preschool education and helps achieve our goals.

Relevance: insufficient awareness of children about the work of postal workers.

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the work of postal workers, to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity, to tell children how to properly prepare a letter for sending.


- Expand children's knowledge about the professions of adults, the need and social significance of the work of adults.

Introduce children to the profession of postal workers, their work activities, and assistant objects.


- Expand and clarify the subject vocabulary on the topic “Professions. Postal workers (mail, postman, operator, telegraph operator, registered letter, regular letter, valuable letter, parcel post, parcel).

Stimulate and promote speech development.

Develop memory, imagination, thinking (comparison, analysis, generalization).

Develop the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, express your opinion.

Learn to answer questions asked.

Develop gross and fine motor skills of the fingers.


To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, in the profession of postman.

Develop skills of cultural behavior in public places.

- To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

Educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development.

Use of modern educational technologies: Project activities (within the framework of the project “Introducing children to the professions of adults”, health-saving technologies (physical education lesson “What does the postman bring?”, gluing stamps - the development of fine motor skills), Game technologies (Game “Believe it or not”), ICT technologies (computer presentation).

Equipment: envelopes, letters, stamps.

Preliminary joint activities:

Literature study: S.Ya. Marshak “Mail”, A. Shibaeva “Mailbox”;

Selection of illustrations on the topic;

The teacher purchases envelopes and stamps according to the number of children in the group.

It is suggested that you ask your parents for the street name, house and apartment number and sign the envelopes in advance.

Children prepare cards in advance to congratulate their loved ones (February 23, March 8).

Progress of direct educational activities:

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle and tell me what profession I want to tell you about today.

He brought us a telegram:

“I’m coming, wait, mom!”

He brought my grandfather a pension, although he was not Santa Claus at all.

He's been on his feet since dawn, Who is he?

( Postman")

Educator: That's right, today we will get acquainted with the work of a postman, as well as with other postal workers. Their work is very necessary and very difficult. S. I Marshak spoke about the postman:

Honor and glory to postmen,

Tired, dusty.

Glory to honest postmen

With a thick shoulder bag!

Educator: offers the game “Believe it or not” :

    Do you believe that there are countries in the world in which there is no postman profession?(No)

    Do you believe that sparrows used to help postmen deliver letters?(No, pigeons. People have long noticed the amazing ability of pigeons to quickly and accurately find their way from any point to their native nest. A trained bird will return home, even if it is taken a considerable distance).

    Do you believe there were mail dogs?(dogs delivered important orders and reports through the thick of hostilities during the war)

Educator: Guys, remember when we prepared greeting cards? I suggest you send your congratulations by mail. To ensure that letters reach their recipients unharmed, they are wrapped in envelopes.

The teacher hands out envelopes, the children look at them.

Envelopes must be signed indicating the address and surname of the person who should receive it. Your envelopes have already been signed. If this is not done, then the letters will never reach their recipients. Why do you think an unsigned letter will not reach the recipient?

Children:They say their guesses.

Educator: If you want to send a letter, you need to put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address and be sure to put a stamp on it. Do your envelopes have an address and a stamp on them?

Children:They note the absence of a brand and answer the question.

Educator:(handing out stamps to the children). Stamps - these are small rectangular pieces of paper with carved edges, on one side they have a picture, on the other - an adhesive base.
Let's put our letters in envelopes, seal them and put a stamp in the upper right corner.

Children: complete the task

Educator: Nand you can send not only letters, but also postcards, parcels, parcels, and subscribe to entertaining children's newspapers and magazines.

Physical education lesson “What does the postman bring?”

What did the postman bring us?

He walks with a thick bag:

(children marching)

Translation, magazine, newspaper,

There are two cassettes in the parcel.

( turn the body to the right, left, arms to the sides )

And a letter from Aunt Valya

So that they await her arrival ( jumping on two legs, arms up ).

Educator: Guys, ahDo you know the difference between a parcel post and a parcel? Do you know what kind of letters there might be?

Children: No

Educator: Let's go to the post office and find out the answers to our questions there.

With the prepared letters, the teacher and the children go to the post office.

Excursion progress

Educator . Now let's talk about those people who work at the post office. This is why we came here. We already know that the postman delivers letters to the right addresses. But there are other workers at the post office. An operator works here - she receives parcels; telegraph operator - he transmits telegrams, sorter - sorts letters, newspapers, magazines.

Educator. Guys, did you like the post office employees?

Children. Yes, we liked it!

Educator. Let's ask the postal employees what kind of letters there might be.

Children. They ask.

Postal worker explains. The letter can be registered, ordinary, valuable. A registered letter is registered correspondence, that is, you can track the path of a letter using the number assigned to it, but a regular letter is not registered. Each point along the route of a registered letter is recorded and marked, but it is not possible to find out where a simple letter is currently located. The likelihood that a registered letter will be lost is much lower than that of a regular letter.

Sending a registered letter takes longer because it goes through an operator. At the same time, to send a simple letter, it is dropped into a mailbox for receiving correspondence. Since registered mail has advantages over regular mail, its cost is higher.

Receiving these letters is also different: the postman simply drops the letter into the box, but to receive a registered letter the postman brings a notification. Based on this notification, a registered letter is received at the post office upon presentation of this notification and an identity document. When sending a registered letter, you can be absolutely sure that it will reach the addressee and fall into his hands personally. And when sending a regular letter, there are no guarantees of receipt.
Valuable letteras ordered, but they also confirm what’s inside by drawing up an inventory of the attachment. These are letters with a declared value, which the post office undertakes to reimburse in case of loss.

Educator. Thank you. Now we will never confuse a valuable letter with a registered or simple letter! Guys, what other questions did we have?

Children. What is a parcel post and how does it differ from a parcel?

Postal worker tells the children that a parcel is a small load with the largest possible weight of 2 kg. Most often these are things for which a registered letter is too small and a parcel is too large. Previously, paper materials were sent this way - securities, photographs, books. Now the parcel post is used to send both paper and some other things. For example, clothes or cosmetics. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible weight limit of your future parcel.

A parcel is a medium or large-sized cargo that can accommodate large items weighing up to 10 kilograms. It is prohibited to include letters or money, food products that quickly spoil, or firearms in the parcel. The package also has quite strong packaging, usually a thick box that is securely sealed.

Children are shown how parcels are packed and what kind of attachments can be sent in them.

Educator. And now I suggest you send the letters we prepared. Where are we going to put the letter?

Children: To the mailbox.

Children drop off letters and thank the postal workers.

Target: introduction to the profession of a postman.


Foster respect for the work of adults;

Strengthen children’s ideas about the benefits and significance of the work of a postman;

Expand your vocabulary on the topic “Mail” using the words: mail, postman, newspaper, magazine, postcard, parcel, parcel, letter, telegram, address, index; action words: spread, drop, receive;

Improve dialogic speech, visual perception, attention, and the ability to solve riddles.

Preliminary work: excursion to the post office with parents, reading the work of S. Marshak “Mail”.

Progress of the lesson

Children, guess the riddle:

He delivers it home

A heap of letters, telegrams,

And in blue envelopes -

News from friends, family.

Tell me, guys, where does the postman work? (At the post office.) That's right, at the post office. Which of you went to the post office? (Children's answers) What did you see there? What did you buy? (Magazine, newspaper, postcard, envelope, etc.) I have created an exhibition of your photographs about how you and your parents went to the post office, let’s look at them.

The postman begins his working day early in the morning - he sorts out the received mail. Children look at illustrations depicting the work of a postman.

What does the postman wear when delivering mail? (in the bag).

What does he carry in his bag? (Newspapers, magazines, letters, postcards.)

How does the postman know exactly where he should deliver the mail? (Children's answers.) Of course, every letter, newspaper or magazine contains the index, address and surname of the recipient. Now, the postman has found the right address, what will he do next? (Children's answers.) Yes, he puts the mail in the mailbox, which shows the apartment number. Look at the different types of envelopes there are. Let's see where you need to write the address, where you need to send the letter, and where - where the letter came from. The post office code is also indicated on the envelope so that the letter reaches the addressee faster.

Now I will tell you riddles:

A piece of paper in the morning

They bring it to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news.

On the side there is a stamp and a picture,

In round stamps

Chest and back.

Sealed with glue firmly,

And they sent it to me urgently.

I won't regret it:

I’ll receive it and post it up in no time.


I'm blue

I hang it on the wall.

And many greetings

Kept in me.


Without wings, but flies, Without tongue, but speaks.


And now we will play the game “I Know All Professions.” There are cards on the tables with various objects depicted on them. You need to select only those that relate to the profession of a postman.

Now we will rest. Physical exercise “What did the postman bring us?”:

What did the postman bring us? He walks with a thick bag (children march in a circle with their knees raised high). Translation, magazine, newspaper (bend the fingers on the left hand). There are two cassettes in the parcel (squat). And a letter from Aunt Galya (jumping on the spot). So that they await her arrival (they spread their arms to the sides).

Tell me, guys, how do they deliver mail to cities? (Children's answers.) That's right, on special mail planes, trains, cars and even ships. Now I will show you four pictures, and you will try to collect them from memory. Let's split into two teams. One team assembles a plane and a steamship, the other - a train and a car. Well done, everyone did it!

- Guys, do you hear someone knocking on the door? (A boy comes in dressed as a postman.) Grisha recites a poem:

“Who is knocking on my door?..”

They know these lines,

Of course, people are all -

Adults and children.

This is a good postman,

What the parcel carries.

He also carries letters,

And the magazine "Murzilka".

Lots of good news

And a postcard to mom,

Telegram about guests,

And a TV program...

Look, guys, what did the postman bring us? (A parcel.) A real parcel, the address is indicated on it, let's take a look! The postal workers sent us this package, let's open it. There are so many envelopes and letters in it. Let’s read it: “Hello, children! We are sending you envelopes. We really want you to learn how to write letters to your friends and family and how to sign envelopes correctly. We wish you success!”

You and I will definitely learn, really, guys! Let's say thank you to the postman. Hand out envelopes to children.

Organization: GBOU School No. 1368, structural unit No. 2 (kindergarten No. 2589)

Location: Moscow

Program content:
Expand children's understanding of the profession of a postman.
Continue to develop children’s ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners, to observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game.
Develop game dialogue, game interaction. Activate and expand your vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: parcel, parcel, telegram, postage stamp.

Preliminary work:
- reading the works of S. Marshak “Mail”, “Military Post”, guessing riddles;
- conversation about the work of a postman, postal operator, post office manager;
- making invitations for parents to the Autumn Festival to be sent by mail.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: telegram forms, postal register, parcel notices, envelopes, greeting cards, newspapers, magazines, stamps.
Postman bag, postman cap, mailbox.

Progress of the game:

“Guys, today we will play an interesting game. But first listen to the poem:

Walks with a leather bag and a pile of newspapers

And letters and postcards, you name it!

And in the rain and in the cold in any weather

The postmen are rushing to deliver to the people:

To whom - notices and TV programs,

To whom - transfers, to whom - telegrams.

Can you guess what game we will play? (mail).
- Which of you was at the post office?
- Let's remember what we saw there (mailbox, display cases with envelopes, stamps, postcards, etc.)
- Who can tell me why people come to the post office? (Send a letter, telegram, parcel, parcel post, subscribe to newspapers, magazines)

Guys, let's think about when we come to the post office to send a letter, what we must do first. (buy a postal envelope and stick a postage stamp on it, write on the envelope the address of the person to whom we want to send the letter).
- Right! After all, even if we live in the same city, we still all have different streets and houses. To prevent the letter from getting lost, you must indicate the correct address. What next to do with the letter? (put it in the mailbox).

And if we need to send a parcel or parcel, we must first fill out a notice in which, just like on the envelope, we must indicate the address of the person to whom we are sending the parcel and our home address. Then you need to contact a postal worker who will weigh the parcel and put it in a box or wrap it in paper. And he will definitely put the post office stamp on it.

Working at the post office is interesting and very responsible. After all, you need to carefully ensure that all letters, parcels, newspapers reach the right address.

The postman comes to work early in the morning, sorts letters and postcards, puts them in bags and delivers them to their addresses. There are not simple letters, but registered ones, which are very important. Such letters must be recorded by number in a special mail register.

Postal operators handle the dispatch and delivery of parcels. You can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers from them, and then the postman will bring them straight to your home. To do this, you need to fill out a special form indicating your address. Both letters and parcels must be stamped by the post office.

The most important person at the post office is the post office manager. This is a very responsible job. After all, a lot of letters, newspapers, parcels, magazines pass through the post office every day.

Now let's look at what we have to start the game: the postman's bag, it is large and roomy; stamps from our post office; parcel notices, envelopes, postage stamps, telegram forms. Here is our branch's mailbox. And this is a mail register in which the postman will write down the most important letters.

Before we start our game, we need to assign roles. How many of you want to be a postman? What about the operator in the parcel department? And who will sell envelopes, stamps, and issue subscriptions to magazines? And let's decide who will be in charge?

Choice of roles. The children take their places.

The post office is opening.

Progress of the game.
A child postman sorts letters, magazines, newspapers; Registers some letters in a journal, puts a stamp on letters and postcards. After that, he puts everything in a mail bag and goes to deliver it to the addresses. (for the kids who are “at home” at this time).

Another postal worker sells envelopes and stamps. In the parcel department, the operator issues and packs parcels and parcels, and also issues parcels and parcels to visitors upon notification.

Postal visitors buy envelopes, put stamps on them and place letters in the envelopes. Then they drop the letters into the mailbox; send and receive parcels. The game continues until the last visitor.

Summing up the game:
1. Did you like the game?
2. Did you like our postmen? Were the operators polite? Did you like receiving letters and parcels? (yes or no, why).
3. Did the child himself like being in the role of a postman?

Agree, it’s nice to receive letters from friends, parcels, interesting magazines. Mail is very necessary and important.

1. Vinogradova N.A., Pozdnyakova N.V. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. M. IRIS PRESS, 2008.
2. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. Mosaic Synthesis, M., 2009.
3. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008.

Nadezhda Rodina
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group "Mail"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group« Mail» .


Introduce children to the profession of workers mail, with their work activities, with objects - assistants.

Expand and clarify children's vocabulary on the topic ( mail, postman, telegraph operator, letter, parcel post, parcel, etc.)

Stimulate and facilitate speech development.

- Develop memory, imagination, thinking.

Develop the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, express your opinion.

Learn to answer questions asked.

- Develop common, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Foster respect and interest in the work of adults and the profession postman.

To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I want to start with a riddle. Having guessed it, you will find out who we will talk about today.

He brought us a telegram:

“I’m coming. Wait, Mom."

I brought my grandfather a pension,

At least not Santa Claus.

He's been on his feet since dawn.

Who is this? (Postman)

That's right, that's postman.

Where does he work? postman? (on mail)

What's in his bag? (He has a lot of letters, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Where is he in a hurry? postman? (He delivers letters, newspapers, magazines, etc. to houses)

Have you always been postmen?

Imagine that one day all means of communication on earth will disappear. They don't bring you any more letters, trains and ships have stopped. Senders themselves have to carry letters to the recipients.

Who is called the sender? (The one who wrote the letter.)

Who is the addressee? (This is who the letter is intended for)

Just like in the Stone Age. Then information was transmitted through the smoke of fires, signal drums and trumpets.

Messengers were also sent with oral messages. He memorized "letter" from the words of the sender, and then retold it to the addressee.

Why is it called a messenger?

In the old days, every ruler had people who knew well the roads not only of their own, but also of other states. It was impossible to trust such an important message as the news of an enemy attack to a person who did not even really know where to take it. Such people were called messengers.

Why? (They brought news good or bad)

They were sent not only by land, but also by sea.

Also, messengers had to be strong and courageous people.

Why? (They had to be ready to fight with a wild beast and a dashing man.)

They also must be devoted to their owner, as they often had to carry secret news.

There was a system for delivering hasty messengers. All roads were constructed postal stations, on which stood 300-400 horses. The messenger, having arrived at the station, abandons the tired horse and takes a fresh one. Horse messengers carried letters day and night, covering long distances.

Most often, rich people used the services of messengers.

Why? (They could have paid the messenger.)

What used to write letters on?

Princes and noble people usually wrote letters on birch bark.

What is birch bark? (A fragment of birch bark, written on by a man.)

Also used for delivering letters carrier pigeons.

The messengers had special insignia.

For what? (So ​​that they can be recognized from afar.)

They were given special signs, a kind of identification, which were hung around their necks and over their shoulders with yellow ribbons.

Later they began to appear postal carriages. About your approach postman blew the horn loudly.

Finger gymnastics


What did he bring to us? postman? (Clench and unclench their fists)

He walks around with a thick bag. (They walk their fingers on the table)

Translation, magazine, newspaper, (Bend fingers)

There are two cassettes in a parcel

And a letter from Aunt Valya

So that they await her arrival.

Everything changed with the advent of railways, shipping and the airplane.

What difference did it make? (Increased speed postal items, it became possible to install postal communications between the most distant countries.)

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry,

A carriage is flying among the fields!

Dust swirls from all sides,

The trumpet is cheerful postman!

The horn sparkles like fire -

Blow it louder postman.

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry,

Fly the carriage among the fields!

Do not rush! Give everything away -

Carry letters home

And letters and packages,

Parcels and newspapers.

Tell me the species mail?

1. Air (airmail, pigeon)

And before the advent of the airplane, an ejection was used mail. It was a small plane that was catapulted from the deck of a ship within certain limits from the shore in the direction of the ship's movement towards land.

3. Mail trains.

4. Ship's.

5. Urban.

6. Abroad.

7. Special or urgent mail.

8. Polar mail.

In the north there is a dog mail.

Why dog? (Since there is a lot of snow there and no equipment will pass, dogs harnessed to sleighs are used.

9. Electronic mail.

What postman brings it to our houses? (.)

1. Letters.

What's in the letter? (in envelope)

What is an envelope? (A paper bag in which a letter or a document to be sent is enclosed.)

What's on each envelope?

A) mailing address

B) postcode

D) print

Another test WWII brought postmen. Before by mail The task was to ensure uninterrupted communication between the front and the rear. With the sharply increased volume of correspondence, there was a shortage of envelopes and postcards. It was in this situation that the famous “soldier’s triangle” was born. Every month, up to 70 million letters were delivered to the active army. Postal the wagons were attached to the most urgent military trains. Mail transported by planes, cars, ships - in all possible ways. Letters - triangles came to the fighters thanks to a well-established organization postal services and, of course, thanks to the field postmen who, in search of the addressee, went to the front line at the risk of their lives.

What's happened Postage Stamp? (This is a payment sign postal and some other fees.)

That is, if there is no stamp on the envelope, then it will not reach the addressee.

What are people who collect stamps called? (Philatelists)

2. Postcards.

Since it is very inconvenient to use an envelope, they came up with postcards.

Why is it inconvenient? (A lot of time wasted choosing paper, folding it, putting it in an envelope, sealing it, sticking a stamp, etc.)

3. Parcel (small postal sent in special packaging)

4. Magazines and newspapers.

For little money mail Various printed publications are available.

5. Package (packed item sent to someone via mail)

6. Telegram (message sent by phone)

What is the name of the person who sends and receives telegrams? (telegraph operator)

7. Translation

What do we need to do to send a letter, a postcard? ((Lower in Mailbox, located in many places.)

What if I want to send a parcel? (Go to mail.)

In fact postal there are many specialties. Each district of the city, village, has its own branch mail- special premises in which employees work mail.

There are people who accept parcels and letters from people's hands; there are people collecting letters from mailboxes; there are people who bring all parcels and letters to the main page mail -« main post office» ; there are people spreading postal items, etc.. d.

2. Summing up.

What they used to call postman?

How did you exchange information before?

Name the species mail?

What postman brings it to our houses?

People of what professions work for mail?

Well done! Guys, you completed all the tasks.

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