Fill the background in Photoshop. How to fill an object with color in Photoshop

Good day everyone, dear readers of my blog. How are you? Are you ready for work and defense? Great. We have learned, but what if you need to paint over some area? Are we really going to puff ourselves up to carefully paint over the area with a brush, trying not to touch the borders? Of course not.

One very interesting tool will help us completely paint over an object in one click. Just today I will tell you how to make a fill in Photoshop using the tool of the same name.

What exactly does the fill tool do in Photoshop? Yes, it's quite simple. He paints the area you want. But here we need to take into account various factors. In general, am I telling you some kind of naked theory? Let's look at a specific example.

So, let's go!

Simple fill

In general, since the circle inside was completely white, and the background outside was also completely white, then the entire area would be filled until it encountered an obstacle, for example the third and fourth circles.

Now take another color of any color and fill the area where the circle intersects. Only this area of ​​intersection is painted over. But why? After all, we drew 2 different circles? Yes, because we drew them on one layer, so they are considered a single whole. Now, if two circles were drawn on two layers, then it would be a different matter. One of the circles (on the active layer) would be completely painted over. But it’s better to read about layers.

I just noticed that I have these two circles with a filled red area in the center, they look like an eye with a red pupil))).

Painting with a pattern

By default, the tool paints with the color specified in the main color of the palette. But you can also paint over areas with a pattern. Let's try.


Many instruments have such a property as tolerance. And everywhere this tolerance works approximately the same.

The smaller the tolerance, the smaller the color range of the painted area. Those. if tolerance 0 and you want to paint with white on a blue-blue background, then only the shade that you clicked on initially will be filled, and of course all the exact same shades do not deviate one gram from the norm. And if the tolerance is maximum ( 255 ), then the fill will paint over the entire canvas without exception.

Let's look at an example, and then you can experiment for yourself. Let's take a square as a basis, which changes its color smoothly from yellow to white. Let's try to set different tolerance values ​​and paint them black.

As you can see, the greater the access, the more he uses the range of colors that he considers native and the more colors and shades he paints. I hope you get the gist. Got it? If not, then ask. I will answer.

By the way

Finally, I want to tell you about one more point. It is not necessary to fill any drawing with color. You can simply fill the area.

To do this, select some area (I chose ) and draw a selection on a white background.

Now I pick up the fill again and choose any color. The selection hasn't gone away, and that's great. Then fill in what is inside the selection outline in a way already known to us. Hop! And you're done. Here's a little trick.

Well, although these are not all the properties, they will be quite enough for you. If you want to study Photoshop more thoroughly and in detail, and also “swim” in it like a fish in water, then I highly recommend that you check out this video course. I haven't seen anything better yet. If I had it before, then learning this graphic editor would have been much easier for me. Overall I highly recommend it.

Well, I’m finishing our lesson for today, dear friends. I hope that the article was useful to you and I strongly recommend subscribing to my blog updates, then you will not miss the release of new and useful articles, as well as various news and competitions.

Good luck with your studies. The main thing is not to philander). See you in the next lessons. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

One of the most common things you'll do with a new layer is fill it with color. Whether you've hidden the original background of your image or added an interesting effect to the borders of your design—for example, you can spice them up even more by adding a solid-colored background—Photoshop offers a few different ways to tackle this task:

Fill or brush?

I already have an article on this topic including.

Neutral layers can also be used to add subtle structures such as light noise, and then adapt them later. Converts the gray level to a smart object and adds a little noise through a smart filter. Now you can fix all components of the structure at any time.

Lens flares and lighting effects

Blind spots are best seen in "hard light" mixed mode.

The lighting effects under Filters → Failsafe Filters → Lighting Effects can also be controlled using neutral levels. Alternatively, both filters can also be used as a smart filter.

Fill an existing layer with color. After you create a new layer, select the menu command "Editing - Fill". In the dropdown list "Use" When the Fill dialog box appears, select a color, and then click OK. You can also fill with a foreground color by pressing Alt+Backspace.

Masks can be used to hide areas of an image and release them without actually removing pixels, as is the case with an eraser. You can add a mask in several ways.

When a mask is active, you can work with black and white on that mask. Areas of the layer that appear white on the mask are visible, black masked areas are invisible. Gray tones create a level of transparency. The mask also appears in the Properties panel. Here you can further edit the mask, for example the edge of the mask can be blurred or the mask can be flipped.

Create a fill layer. If you're not sure what color you want to use, choose the New Fill Layer menu command and choose Color. Give the layer a name in the dialog box that appears and click OK. Photoshop will display the Color Picker dialog box so you can select the fill color you want. If you decide to change the color, double-click on the thumbnail and the dialog box will re-open so you can select a new color or grab one from the image itself. Fill layers are created with their own masks, and therefore, if necessary, it will be very easy to hide part of the layer.

Creating a layer fill is a very commonly used technique in Photoshop. It is used both when creating a new layer, and during various editing of one of the current layers. Despite the obviousness of the method, novice users may experience certain difficulties with its implementation. In addition, in different situations, the filling procedure may have its own characteristics and variations.

Types of fills in Photoshop
In the standard package, various types of fills can be used in Photoshop:
  • solid uniform color;
  • gradient;
  • pattern.
In addition, you can always expand the variety of fills by adding your own fill types.

Performing a fill

  1. To perform a simple color fill, select the area that will be filled with color, activate the Paint Bucket Tool in the main toolbar, select the main color and left-click inside the selected area. As a result of this action, it will be filled with the selected primary color.
  2. To perform a gradient fill, also select the area to be filled in the image. After that, activate the Gradient Tool in the toolbar, select one of the preset sets of gradient fills to use. If necessary, fine-tune the parameters of the selected set. Specify the shape and mode of the gradient, and then specify the direction of the gradient vector inside the selected area. To do this, place the cursor at the starting point, hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor in the selected direction and release the left button. As a result of this action, the selected area will be filled with a gradient fill in accordance with the preliminary settings you have made.
  3. If you need to fill with a pattern from the main menu, go to the following path “Layers” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern” (“Layer” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern”). Click the "Ok" button in the window that appears. As a result of this action, the selected area will be filled with the last pattern fill you created. If you have not created such a fill yet, then you first need to do the following.
    Create a new document. It is desirable that in this case its image has a square shape with the same height and width values. This will ensure that later, when using them as patterns, the original images will be uniformly filled. Create your intended pattern or copy it onto images from other sources. Select an area of ​​the image using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. From the main menu, go to “Edit-Define Pattern”. In the window that opens, assign a name to the new pattern and click the “Ok” button. The fill pattern is created and ready to use.
These are basic techniques for performing filling, which in various modifications and variations are used in tasks of varying complexity in Photoshop. In practice, you will master them very quickly and use them to improve your digital image processing skills.

Photoshop provides two fill tools: Paint Bucket(Fill) and Gradient(Gradient). These tools are designed to perform three types of fills:

  • uniform - coloring the fill area with one color;
  • template - filling the fill area with a mosaic pattern made up of elements of the selected template;
  • gradient - filling with a smooth transition of color (gradient), according to a given rule.

Paint Bucket(“Fill; Bucket”) () - Clicking this tool causes a uniform area to be filled with a solid foreground color, or a predefined pattern (i.e., uniform and pattern fill). All parameters of this tool are set in the options bar.

Change the fill and stroke of existing shapes

In less than 6 steps we can create a nice effect and you can use it as a background for your web projects. You can mix techniques for different metal effects models. For different document sizes, you may need to change the filter input values.

Textbook Details and Resources

Estimated completion time: 5-10 minutes.

Filling part of the background layer

Select the Gradient Tool from the Tools panel and create a 5 point gradient similar to. Then, fill the background horizontally. Gradient fills are a quick way to add some variety to empty backgrounds and solid colors. Adding a gradient fill to a background is as simple as dragging your cursor over the canvas. To apply a gradient to just part of the image, first select an area using one of the selection tools. If you want to add a gradient to your text, use a gradient fill layer and a clipping mask.

Rice. 147. Options panel for the Paint Bucket tool

Fill(Fill) - in this drop-down list you can select the type of fill: foreground color (Foreground) and template (Pattern). If this particular filling method is selected (Pattern), then the following parameter becomes active: Pattern. In this menu, you can select a template that is offered by default by Photoshop, or one you created yourself. This pattern can be set using the menu command Edit>Define Pattern(Edit>Define Pattern).

Use a clipping mask to apply a gradient fill to the text. Use the Gradient tool located in the Tools panel. Select the Gradient Tool from the Tools panel. Select a gradient style using the Options Bar.

Drag your cursor onto the canvas. Drag your cursor onto the canvas to indicate which direction you want the gradient to appear. A short arrow expands the gradient, and a long arrow tightens the gradient. No matter how long the arrow is, the gradient will span the entire canvas.

Apply a gradient fill to a selected area

The gradient fill appears when you lift the mouse button. Release the mouse button and the gradient will be applied to the layer. Drag the cursor over the selected area. Drag the cursor to the selection area. Release the mouse button to apply a gradient fill to the selected area. The area outside your selection does not change.

Rice. 148. Fill with a pattern (Pattern)

Rice. 149. Fill with foreground color (Foreground)

Among other things, you can set the color mixing mode for this tool (Mode), opacity level (Opacity) etc.

Gradient("Gradient") (). Fills the selected area with a smooth transition of colors, which is usually called a gradient. A smooth transition of colors is generated automatically by the editor; you only need to set the extreme (key) colors. These colors are set as the foreground color and background color.

Select the font size and style you want in the Options Bar. Add a new layer for the gradient fill layer. Insert a new layer above the "Text" layer in the Layer panel. Select the Gradient Tool from the Tools panel and create any gradient fill you want using the Options Bar.

Fill an entire area or a selection using the Fill tool

Apply a clipping mask to create a gradient text. Select Create Clipping Mask from the Layer menu. The gradient is tied to the shape of the text, resulting in a gradient filling the letters for your design. The fastest way to zoom in and out with one keystroke.

To set a gradient fill, press the left mouse button, placing the pointer in the place where the beginning of the gradient will be and, without releasing it, drag it in the direction of the gradient. The starting point of the line determines the position of the main color. The end point of the line is, accordingly, the position of the background color.

Unlike the fill tool Paint Bucket, this tool fills the entire drawing, regardless of the parameter value Tolerance. If you need to fill a specific area of ​​the image with a gradient, then first create a selection of this area and apply the tool inside this area. If there are multiple selected areas, dragging the tool across all areas creates a continuous fill for all those areas.

Great color selection with color wheel. The settings are located on the General tab. Works great with large images when you need to work closely. A quick way to fit an image to the screen and then quickly move to another area at the previous zoom factor.

Pan and zoom simultaneously across all documents

Works with almost every drawing tool. The fastest way to quickly move something and then return to the previous tool. The best way to compare or work on images simultaneously.

Full-screen viewing of files from a mini-bridge

It didn't work by only selecting the text layer.

Rice. 150. Here we used the Gradient tool, dragging it from the top left to the bottom right

To successfully use the tool Gradient, you need to master its parameters panel. It is very similar to similar panels for other fill tools.

A quick way to switch between lowercase and uppercase letters. A useful way to do equalizing spacing between characters. If you select a word, a line, or an entire paragraph, you will change the tracking. Quickly change the distance between selected lines.

A simple way to use one text layer, but have different positions for the text. A great way to fill color in a selection or change the color of text and vector shape layers. Instead of canceling the dialog box and returning to it, try resetting and save time and effort.

Rice. 151. Options bar for the Gradient tool

However, the original parameters of this tool are those that set the appearance and style of the gradient.

Rice. 152. Gradient view (view box) - the selected color gradient type is displayed here. If you click on the gradient view field itself, the gradient view editing window will open (Gradient Editor)

Changing fill opacity and opacity

Number keys, Number key offset. This will change the opacity and fill of the selected layer, and it will change the opacity and fill of the tool if you select the drawing tool. This is a quick way to invert the visible parts of a layer if you invert the colors of the layer mask.

Switch to precision cursors for drawing tools

A quick way to switch between the selected color. A great way to clean up a mask after saving it from selection. Will be back to normal again. You can quickly show the original contents of a layer using this keyboard shortcut. Using this option again will enable the mask.

Rice. 153. Gradient Editor Window

Here you can, by changing various parameters, create your own original gradient in Photoshop. Or you can simply modify an existing one.

You can set one of five types (styles) of gradient: linear, radial, angular, reflected and rhombic.

Merge all visible layers into a new layer

Bonus keyboard

Anyone who works creatively tries, makes frequent corrections and adjustments, and rejects solutions, perhaps every other day. To be effective, despite the sudden process, you must destroy as few pixels as permanently as possible. Corrections can be made so quickly and easily. This principle is called non-destructive or hassle-free work and is the basis of a professional work process.

Rice. 154. Possible gradient styles

What is the gradient for? Using this tool in Photoshop, you can create a shadow effect that simulates the volume of a figure. In addition, gradients are widely used in conjunction with masks to create, for example, a smooth transition from one pattern to another.

Distinctive features of fill types

The classification of non-destructive methods is the level of adjustment or filling.

With a level of customization, you can make adjustments to the image and still change or turn off those corrections even after that. Setting levels for the following settings.

The following options are available for completion. Via “Level → New Adjustment Level” Via the “new fill level or adjustment level” icon at the bottom of the level control panel.

Through "Corrections". . Once you've added an adjustment level, you can make the appropriate adjustments in the Properties panel. In the Layers panel, edits appear as a separate layer and affect all underlying layers. To ensure that the customization level only affects the base level, you must create a section mask.

Rice. 155. This collage was created using a quick mask. The transparent area of ​​the mask is precisely defined using a gradient

The most popular graphics editor is Photoshop. It has in its arsenal a large number of different functions and modes, thereby providing endless resources. The program often uses the fill function.

Automatically add cross-sectional corrections

Click the small arrow in the top right corner of the Corrections panel. You can also automatically add a mask.

The smart object facilitates various fields of image processing and at the same time helps in non-destructive work. A smart object serves as a container element for a single layer or group of layers. You can scale an object as often as you like without losing quality. You can see whether a layer is a Smart Object in the layer's icon.

Then choose one of the following options.

To apply color in the graphic editor, there are two functions - "Gradient" And "Fill".

These functions can be found in Photoshop by clicking on “Bucket with a drop”. If you need to select one of the fills, you need to right-click on the icon. After this, a window will appear in which the tools for applying color are located.

Smart Object Instances

Right-click the layer control panel selection and select Convert to Smart Object.

Inside the file, you can see all the levels and make settings as usual. Smart objects can also be inserted multiple times.

For example, create a button for your website. Once you are satisfied with the button design, you can summarize all the "button levels" in a smart object. Then create copies of the button and place it in the layout. Now you want to change the button later.

"Fill" Perfect for applying color to an image, as well as for adding patterns or geometric shapes. Thus, this device can be used when painting backgrounds, objects, as well as when applying intricate drawings or abstractions.

Replace the contents of smart objects

Changes affect all buttons. In the next dialog box, you select the saved file.

With linked smart objects, layouts and collages can be managed modularly. Different designers can work on different areas of a project at the same time, and the workflow is also greatly simplified and speeded up for the individual designer.

Video: Nested Smart Objects and Smart Filters

However, the downside of filters is that you are constantly changing the layer's pixels. Only softening tools and lens blur are not supported. Once you've applied the filter, you'll see a new entry in the Layers palette.

The filter can be turned on and off at any time and can be edited using the automatically added mask.

"Gradient" used when it is necessary to fill with two or more colors, and these colors smoothly transition from one to another. Thanks to this tool, the border between colors becomes invisible. Gradient is also used to emphasize color transitions and outline borders.

Fill parameters can be easily adjusted, which makes it possible to select the desired mode when filling an image or objects on it.

Filling a selected area in Photoshop

The mixing mode can be adjusted in the level control panel head. The Interlace, Soft Light, Hard Light, High Light, and Linear blend modes have the property of making 50% of the gray pixels invisible. Lighter pixels highlight the planes below, dark pixels darken the planes below.

Thus, 50% gray levels are optimal for drawing light and shadow on an individual level. To fill the plane with a medium gray tone, there are always different ways. In the next dialog box, one of the above mixing modes must be selected as the mode.

Then check the box below to fill the layer with a neutral color. . With this technique you can easily draw light and shadow for the underlying layer.

Making the fill

When working with color in Photoshop, it is important to take into account the type of fill used. To achieve the desired result, you need to choose the right fill and optimally adjust its settings.

Using the tool "Fill", you need to adjust the following parameters:

1. Fill source- this is a function with the help of which the filling modes of the main area are regulated (for example, an even coating of color or ornament);

2. To find a suitable pattern to apply to the picture, you need to use the parameter Pattern.

3. Fill mode- allows you to customize the color application mode.

4. Opacity- this parameter regulates the level of transparency of the fill;

5. Tolerance- sets the proximity mode of the colors to be applied; using a tool "Adjacent Pixels" you can fill close gaps included in Tolerance;

6. Antialiasing- forms a half-shaded edge between filled and unfilled spaces;

7. All layers- applies color to all layers in the palette.

To set up and use the tool "Gradient" in Photoshop, you need:

Determine the area that needs filling and select it;

Take a tool "Gradient";

Choose the right color to paint the background, and also decide on the main color;

Place the cursor inside the selected area;

Using the left mouse button, draw a straight line; the degree of color transition will depend on the length of the line - the longer it is, the less visible the color transition is.

On the toolbar at the top of the screen you can set the required fill mode. So, you can adjust the transparency level, blending method, style, and fill area.

When working with color tools, using different types of fills, you can achieve an original result and a very high-quality picture.

Filling is used in almost every professional image processing, regardless of the questions and goals. At the same time, we suggest using the Photoshop editor when working with images.

  1. For a single-color fill with the main or background color, select a color in the palette in Photoshop Color(Color) or Swatches(Swatches) or click on the corresponding status box in the palette History(History) to create, source of information for the tool History Brush(Healing brush).

    To create a repeating pattern, you don’t need to do anything special - just choose a ready-made suitable sample. If you want to create your own tile sample, use the tool Rectangular Marquee(Rectangular area) select some area of ​​the layer (no shading!), select the command Edit> Define Pattern(Edit > Define Pattern) as shown in Fig. 11.3, enter a name and use the command Deselect(Deselect) or press the key combination Ctrl+D.

Rice. 11.3. Select an area to use as a repeating pattern

Rice. 11.5 . The result of filling a layer with a pattern

If you don't like the fill color you chose, run the command Edit>Undo(Edit > Undo) so that this color does not mix with the next one selected and does not affect the mode you set.

To fill a layer with an effect, double-click the layer name, then in the dialog box Layer Style(Layer Style) check the option Color Overlay(Color Overlay) Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) or Pattern Overlay(Pattern overlay). Adjust other characteristics. You can apply one, two, or all three types of effects to the same layer. Overlay.


Using the settings memory tools in Photoshop, it is very easy to save a pattern, for example, shown in Fig. 11.6, for later use. For more information on settings, see Chapter 21, Using the Preset Manager Dialog Box. However, to be on the safe side, try to save the files you used to create the patterns in case the settings are accidentally deleted.

Rice. 11.6. An image created by duplicating a pattern, reducing the copy's opacity to 43% and applying a blending mode Multiply

To create a pattern, not only the command is intended Fill(Pour). You can also use the tools Pattern Stamp(Pattern stamp), which is described in the chapter 6, "Using the Pattern Stamp Tool" section, or Paint Bucket(Bucket of paint).