Delaying or scheduling email messages. Delayed sending of emails How to set up delayed sending of emails in Yandex mail

There are situations in life when we need to send an email not immediately, but after some certain time. Some mail servers, for example Yandex, allow you to send a letter automatically. How exactly to do this?


  • Log in to your Yandex mailbox. To do this, enter in the address bar of your Internet browser. On the main page of the site on the left side there is mail, enter your username and password to log in to your mail.
  • A page with incoming letters will open in front of you. Just above the letters there is a “Write” button - click it.
  • Now write the letter itself. First, indicate the mailbox address of the person to whom you are sending this letter. Next, indicate the subject of the letter; it should reflect a summary of what you are writing. Finally, enter the text of the letter in the largest window. If you want to format your letter in a special way, click the “Format letter” button on the right. Clicking this button will open the text formatting panel. If you wish, you can check the text for spelling errors by clicking the “Check Spelling” button. If you need to attach any files to the email, click the “Attach Files” button, upload them from your computer and attach them to the email. You can also set one of the additional functions, for example, notification of receipt of a letter, SMS notification of the recipient of receipt of a letter, etc.
  • Now comes the fun part. When you have finished working with the letter itself, you need to send it. So that it is sent to the recipient automatically, i.e. not immediately after you wrote it, but after a certain time, below the text of the letter, find the inscription “Send today to...”. Check the box next to it to activate this function. Set the exact date and time of sending. By clicking on the icon with a question mark, you can read help for this function. Attention: sending a letter can be postponed for no more than one year from the current date. Once the entire process is complete, click on the “Submit” button.
  • You can delay delivery of an individual message or use rules to delay delivery of all messages by opening them in outbox folder within a certain time after pressing the " Send".

    Message delivery delay

    After pressing the button Send the message will remain in the folder Outgoing

    If you later need to send a message immediately, follow the steps below.

    Note: This feature only works if Outlook is running in interactive mode.

    You can delay the delivery of all messages by two hours by creating a rule.

      Open the tab File.

      Select an item Manage Rules and Alerts.

      Select a team Create a rule.

      In the dialog box Step 1: Choose a template in Group Start with an empty rule select an option Applying a rule to messages I send and press the button Further.

      On the list Further.


      On the list Step 1: Select actions check the box delay delivery by [date] min..

      In the dialog box, click the underlined word number

      Select the check boxes for any exceptions you want.

      In the dialog box Step 1: Set a rule name

      Check the box Enable rule.

      Click the button Ready.

    After pressing the button Send Outgoing for the specified time.

    Single message delivery delay

    After pressing the button Send the message will remain in the folder Outgoing before delivery time.

    Note: Service click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email in column Type

    Delay delivery of all messages

      On the menu Service click Rules and Alerts and press the button Create a rule.

      In field Step 1: Choose a template In chapter Start with an empty rule click Check messages after sending and then click the button Further.

      On the list Step 1. Select selection conditions check the boxes for the options you want and click the button Further.

      If no check boxes are selected, a confirmation dialog box will appear. If you press the button Yes, the created rule will be applied to all sent messages.

      On the list Step 1: Select actions check the box delay delivery by [number] minutes.

      In the dialog box Step 2: Change the rule description (click the underlined value) click the underlined word number and enter the length of time to delay messages before sending (in minutes).

      Dispatch may be delayed up to 120 minutes.

      Set the required exceptions.

      In the dialog box Step 1: Set a rule name Enter the name of the created rule.

      Check the box Enable rule.

      Click the button Ready.

    After pressing the button Send every message will be delayed in the folder Outgoing for the specified time.

    Note: If you are using a POP3 account, Outlook cannot be closed before the message is sent. To determine the type of account you are using, in the menu Service click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email in column Type Lists the account types in the active Outlook profile.

    I invite you to watch another useful video tutorial on the topic Email. We will analyze a new feature of the Yandex mail system, which is called “delayed sending of a letter.”

    In ordinary life, we somehow don’t think about the fact that some letters are best sent at a certain time. Imagine a situation where you are sending some document to your management and you don’t want this document to get lost in the pile of other emails.

    Usually, when the recipient comes to work and opens his mailbox, he sees a whole series of letters that have been “attacked” throughout the night and early morning. Even if your email is on this list, it may simply be accidentally deleted along with the advertisement, especially if you have a habit of sending emails without a subject line.

    It's a completely different matter if your email arrives at, say, 11 am. The addressee has already dealt with urgent matters, has freed up a little and therefore, most likely, will treat your letter more attentively and favorably.

    Let's find out how you can write a letter “right now” and send it “when necessary”.

    Video tutorial: Email, delayed sending of a letter

    Distance courses by Kashkanov. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Through this service, you can write a letter with a delay from 1 day to 100 years - not only to yourself, but also to a friend or even a stranger. You are free to attach a file up to 500 KB in size or a snapshot from a webcam to the news. By paying $7, you have the option to send a letter in paper form.

    To use the site, you will have to register on it. Future-mail also has a section with letters that their senders chose not to hide from the public eye.

    One of the simplest services of this kind. Write a message, indicate the recipient's name and email, as well as the delivery date, and then wait.

    The letter can be sent a maximum of 100 years in advance, but you should choose a shorter period: the site is based on pure enthusiasm, so it can cease to exist at any moment. However, the authors say that the costs of maintaining the service are minimal, so it is unlikely that it will close soon.

    The project from St. Petersburg was born quite recently and has a much nicer design than many other services. The site stands out in that letters on it can only be sent a year in advance. Despite this limitation, more than 270,000 people used the service in a few days.

    Sending a letter to yourself in the future or immediately means that from your e-mail address you send a letter to yourself at the same e-mail address. For example, from the email address Nadezda you send a letter to the same address Nadezda And you will receive this letter either immediately, or it will arrive in the future, more precisely, it will arrive in the planned year, month, day and hour.

    In the same way, you can send an e-mail to your relative, friend, acquaintance, colleague to their e-mail. This is convenient, for example, for the New Year holidays, when it is nice to receive congratulations, but you no longer want to send them yourself. Let the mail robot work.

    You can send yourself a letter from almost any mail: Yandex.Mail, (, Google mail (, Rambler.Mail, etc. But a simple question arises:

    Why write letters to yourself?

    There can be many options, I’ll give you 5 (five) of the most common ones, why sometimes it’s still worth doing this:

    1. Reminder letter

    Remind yourself of an event or something that needs to be done by opening your mail and seeing a reminder letter there. This type of reminder will suit some people.

    1. Checking the functionality of your mail

    As you know, letters should:

    • send from e-mail and
    • accepted by e-mail.

    If at least one of these basic functions of mail is broken, then we can assume that you do not have mail. A letter sent to yourself will help you check the operation of your mail (any of your mailboxes): whether letters are sent from there and whether they are received.

    From this site, users sometimes prefer comments rather than comments. And this is understandable, but it can be annoying when you write a long answer in a response letter, sometimes inserting explanatory links, and in the end you receive a message: the letter cannot be delivered because the recipient’s mail does not accept letters. In this case, when the mail for some reason does not accept letters, the user would have a chance to see my answer in the comments on the site, but he is waiting for a letter from me in his mail.

    1. Checking what the recipient of your letter will see in the letter

    You can check in what form the other person will receive the letter. The check will be as correct as possible provided that the other person (the recipient of the letter) uses mail of the same type (for example, the sender and recipient of the letter both use Yandex.mail).

    1. Sending files to yourself

    To send a file to yourself:

    • you need to write yourself a letter, for example, from the email address Nadezda,
    • in this letter,
    • send a letter to the same address Nadezda

    This is convenient if you sent the letter while at home, but opened it at work and read or saved the attached file. Or the letter was sent to yourself from a laptop, and then opened on a tablet, and the attached file can then be viewed and saved on the tablet. At the same time, you don’t need flash drives, you don’t need Clouds, however, you need the Internet. The method of transferring files may be a little outdated, but for some it is more familiar.

    1. Letter to your future self

    Why is such a letter needed?

    As I already mentioned, for near future a letter to yourself will be useful as a reminder of a certain event, for example, congratulating yourself on your birthday or a reminder that you need to congratulate someone else or do some other useful thing.

    For distant future a letter to yourself will probably be more interesting in order to check or compare plans, dreams, forecasts, events, etc. Then, upon reaching a certain age or event, having received your own letter, there will be something to remember, compare with past events, rejoice, think, and perhaps draw some conclusions for yourself.

    You can send a letter to the future not only to yourself, but also to another recipient, who is entered in the “To” field. For example, it could be a birthday greeting so that the recipient receives it on time, no matter what.

    How to send a letter to your future self

    6 in Fig. 1 - click on the clock located next to the “Send” button,

    7 in Fig. 1 - click on the “today” command. A calendar opens to select the appropriate date for sending a letter to yourself:

    Rice. 2. Set up the date, time of sending and notification of delivery in the letter to yourself

    1 in Fig. 2 - After clicking on the “today” button, a calendar will appear.

    2 in Fig. 2 - Using the calendar, by sequentially clicking on the small triangle, you can select the month, year to send a letter in the future. Then click on the number. This will set the date the letter was sent.

    3 - You can select the time to send the letter.

    4 - If you click “notify of receipt”, then after delivery (at the time it is delivered) you will receive a message stating that the letter has been received.

    5 in Fig. 2 - The “Remind” button is useful if there is a need to remind you that a response to the letter you sent has NOT been received. By clicking on the “Remind” option, you can configure exactly when to remind: if you do not receive a response within 1 hour to two weeks.

    When all the settings for receiving letters in the future have been made, click “Send”. The message “The letter was sent successfully” arrives.

    How to delete or edit a letter to your future self

    Rice. 3. The letter to yourself will be in your outbox until the scheduled date of sending.

    As can be seen in Fig. 3, the letter to yourself in the future will be stored in your mailbox, namely, in the “Outbox” folder.

    The advantage of this is that you can go to your Outbox at any time to edit or delete a letter to the future.

    Some disadvantage is that you need to monitor the status of your mail: due to spam, overflow or other reasons, the mail may and then the letter will never reach you in the future.

    Rice. 4. How to delete or edit a letter to your future self in Yandex.Mail

    To delete a letter to the future, you will need:

    1 in Fig. 4 - Go to Yandex.mail, to the “Outbox” folder,

    2 - check the box next to the letter to your future self that you decided to delete,

    3 in Fig. 4 - think and click “Delete”.

    The letter to my future self has been deleted.

    Where did the folders in Yandex.mail go?

    The question is not entirely on the topic of the article, but it is relevant for inexperienced Yandex users. There is a “secret” button in Yandex.Mail, thanks to which folders in Yandex “disappear”.

    Rice. 5 Secret button for hiding folders in Yandex.mail

    The situation “folders are missing in Yandex.Mail” occurs if button 1 in Fig. 1 was accidentally pressed. 5. Compare it with button 4 in Fig. 4. One click on this secret button minimizes (hides) folders in Yandex.Mail, another click returns the folders to their place.

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