Why does the router have a USB input? Connecting a network drive

Almost every manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers already has many models with USB connectors. There are routers with multiple connectors and USB 3.0. I think that USB ports soon they will be available even on the cheapest, budget models.

U Asus, almost every model already has 1 or 2 USB connectors. We will now try to find out why USB is needed on the router and what can be connected there. Let's talk specifically about Asus routers. I myself have an Asus RT-N18U router with two USBs. Let’s use his example to figure it out.

What can you connect to the USB port on an Asus router?

We are already accustomed to the fact that you can connect anything to the USB connector on a computer: a flash drive, HDD, keyboard, mouse, etc. So, on a router, USB is needed for approximately the same tasks. It is clear that you do not need to connect a keyboard or mouse to the router. Here's a flash drive external hard a disk, printer, or USB 3G modem can be connected to the router without problems. This is exactly what the USB connector is for. This applies to all manufacturers, not just Asus.

1 USB modems– Almost everything Asus routers, which have at least one USB, support the connection of 3G/4G modems. Everything is clear here, the router receives the Internet from the modem and distributes it to your devices. If you do not have the opportunity to connect to cable Internet, this is very convenient. I already wrote separate instructions By .

2 Flash drives and external hard disks – Everything is very simple here. We connect the drive to the router, and all connected devices can access the files located on the flash drive or disk. In addition, the router can not only organize access to files, but also organize DLNA media server, Or iTunes Server. And the AiDisk function can organize access to files from the Internet.

Besides, USB connection-drives for Asus routers are needed for the manager to work Downloads Master. The router itself can download torrents, or files using regular direct links directly to the drive. In addition, he knows how to do it on a schedule.

And the application Time Machine allows you to configure backup for Apple computers.

3 Printers and scanners- connect the printer to the USB connector, configure the Print Server, and send documents for printing from any device connected to the router.

Perhaps there is another way to use the USB port in the Asus router. I have listed all the methods that are already initially implemented in the router’s firmware, and setting them up does not require dancing with a tambourine. For each function, the router has a special utility.

To find out if you can configure the functions that I wrote about above on your router, go to the router settings and go to the tab USB application. There will be a list of applications that I wrote about above.

I once saw a question asking whether it was possible to use a USB hub with an Asus router. A company representative replied that stable work When connecting multiple devices to one USB connector, this is not guaranteed. I don't think it will work at all. Most likely, in the control panel you will be able to select from a list the device that will work. It's a pity, I don't have a USB hub, so I can't check it.

The presence of USB on the router is undoubtedly a big plus. A lot of possibilities open up. For example, I connected a 3G modem to one Asus RT-N18U connector, through which the router receives the Internet, and connected a flash drive to the second USB 3.0 connector. And I often use file uploading via Download Master. I configured the router to download files at night, I set the task to download files or movies, and the router itself downloads them to the flash drive at night. So as not to load the already not very fast 3G Internet during the day. And thanks public access to files on a flash drive, they can be accessed from a computer, and even a TV. There is no need to disconnect the flash drive from the router.

Why does the router have a USB port?

    Probably so that you can connect it to a computer via a USB socket. Personally, for several years I had a USB modem that was connected via a USB socket. Then I changed the provider, whose Internet had to be connected to the network card socket. And it was a discovery for me that it turned out that I did not have a network card on my computer. Of course, they installed it for me later.

    Hence the conclusion: a USB socket can be useful for those who do not have a network card on their computer or it suddenly burns out.

    A router or router is a device for connecting connections wired communication called Ethernet. Nowadays, USB ports on routers are not often found, mainly on expensive models. The USB port of a router is designed to perform the following functions: Connecting a device for storing data from an FTP server, from Ethernet and local. networks. You can also connect a printer to simulate a network connection.

    The purpose of the USB port may vary depending on the router model.

    For example, in Fritz!Box routers, this connector can be used to connect external drives (flash drives, USB drives), printers for further use via the network.

    And, for example, in ADSL routers from TP-Link, this connector is used to connect a computer to the network via USB cable, while drivers are installed on the computer, and a new one appears in the system LAN card, which is physically located in the router itself.

    Many routers support external 3G USB modems. These are the ones that are commonly used mobile operators. So you insert this modem there, instead Ethernet cable, and then everything is as usual.

    Implementation technology usb ports in routers is just beginning to develop. With time functions of this port There will be more in the router, but today we can highlight the following:

    • connecting storage devices to create an FTP server accessible from the Internet and local network;
    • connecting a printer to simulate it as a network printer.

    It is also possible to write firmware for the router yourself, which can significantly expand the capabilities of its USB port.

    A USB port is most often found in more expensive routers.

    At home, simple routers without any ports are enough. After all, their main function is to transfer the Internet from cable to wi-fi.

    A USB port in a router will be an excellent assistant in the office.

    You can connect a printer through it and it will work as a network printer.

    You can also connect a USB drive to save data.

    As I understand it, manufacturing companies now have a lot of competition and often they simply complement their devices unnecessary functions to attract buyers and increase value.

    For example, it’s difficult to find now regular TV(without multimedia, Internet access, etc.). Although many people use it only to watch programs.

Purpose of the router

A router, or router, is a network switching device that is a full-fledged network node that allows you to connect networks built on different network technologies. For example, a router can provide a wired local connection Ethernet networks with a fiber optic communication channel and at the same time with a wireless Wi-Fi network. The router analyzes the flow of material coming to it, represented by separate small portions of messages (packets), each of which has its own service information, including the source address and destination address of this packet, and based on this analysis, as well as network congestion and some other reasons, the router decides , to which of its own ports to transmit this packet next.

In household applications, routers perform more narrow functions, providing a local network connection to the Internet, as well as ensuring the interaction of a wired and wireless local network as a single whole. Such routers are relatively inexpensive and are designed for creating small home local networks using Ethernet and Wi-Fi standards. In most cases, such devices have from 4 to 8 ports and, depending on the router model, an antenna for creating wireless network Wi-Fi 802.11 of one or another specification (b, g, a, n and others). In the near future, more expensive models will increasingly include USB ports. Let's see what functions manufacturers provide for such ports.

Functions of router USB ports

The router’s USB port serves to perform the following main functions:

  • Connecting storage devices to create an FTP server accessible from the Internet and local network.
  • Connecting a printer to simulate it as network printer.
  • FTP creation-servers

    Connecting storage devices (flash drives, external USB drives) to the router allows you to make memory resources available of this device on the local network for all users, and when carrying out the appropriate options, also from the Internet. With all this, from the local network, memory is perceived by the computer as a certain resource network environment, or as a local FTP server, and from the Internet - as a regular FTP server. In the router settings it is possible to limit access rights to this server, for example, using login and password authorization. With all this, some users will only be able to view the content, some will be able to change this content, and also upload information from the Internet to the server, and some will not have access to the content at all. Therefore, you can upload information to a flash drive or HDD, connected to the router, which will then become accessible from the Internet both to you and to the user who knows your IP address or Domain name FTP server. But to provide access to the FTP server from the Internet, the router must have a real static or dynamic IP address. You can also receive information that will be downloaded from the Internet to the connected memory device.

    In addition, some manufacturers, together with their own devices, supply special software installed on computers connected to this router. With help similar programs When downloading data from the Internet, the user can specify a flash drive or hard drive connected to such a router as the destination device. Therefore, even if the user’s computer is turned off, the router will continue to download this file Further. This is especially true when downloading a huge amount of data when low speed Internet connections.

    Creating a Network Printer

    The second function of USB ports is the function of connecting a USB printer to create a network printer accessible from the local network. Thus, information sent from the computer to the printer passes through the router, which controls the upcoming printing of documents. With all this, you also need to install the drivers and printing utilities that the manufacturer supplies for this router model. As you can see, we are essentially dealing with an imitation network functions printer, since printing is controlled directly not by the user’s computer itself, but by the router. Often, in this case, it is not possible to set fine options for printing, but only those provided by the router driver, or even just print the document. But with the rapid development of the functionality of USB ports, it is possible to expect relatively multifunctional capabilities for printing documents on printers connected via the router’s USB port.

    Other USB Features-router ports

    The functionality of router USB ports is limited only by software, which their company supplies for them. Therefore, if you are able to independently write firmware for the router that can provide additional functionality for the USB port, you can significantly expand the range of capabilities of this network device. For example, connect an ordinary USB video camera and turn it into a network one. This will allow you to connect at any time from a local network or the Internet and view the image that this camera will generate. It is also possible to connect an IP USB phone for discussions via the Internet in the absence of a computer and its software, a Bluetooth adapter for exchanging data with Bluetooth devices, a WiMax modem (for example, Yota) for connecting to a WiMax network, or Or connect a flash player and make network streaming radio. But writing firmware with such functionality may be quite a difficult task.

    As mentioned above, the development of introducing USB ports into routers is just developing, so let’s see what the manufacturers of these devices and just amateur enthusiasts who write their own firmware for these network devices will prepare for us, some of which have long been possible to find in the open spaces Internet.

    Source material:

  • tradetelecom.ru - general information about routers. Mention of the functions of USB ports.
  • ru.asus.com is an example of a router that supports the functions described above.
  • Some routers have additional function, such as the presence of USB ports for sharing printers and external storage devices, including routers Asus, Cisco, D-Link, Edimax, HP, MikroTik, Tenda, and ZyXEL.

    If you need a connection external devices, such as HDD, printer, web-camera, but you need to look for routers that support these functions, but, as a rule, their presence leads to a decent increase in the price of the device.

    USB Port - It can be used for different purposes. Firstly, you can connect a 3G/4G modem here and distribute the Internet from it. The port can also be used to connect external storage and, for example, download torrents there.

    Functions of router USB ports

    The router's USB port serves to perform the following basic functions:

    • creating an FTP server
    • printer connection
    • connecting a web camera
    • 3G/4G modem connection

    Creating an FTP Server

    Connecting flash drives or external USB drives to the router allows you to make them accessible on the local network and even from the Internet. In a local network, memory is seen as a resource in the network environment, or as a local FTP server, and from the Internet - as a simple FTP server. In the router settings, you can set a restriction on logging into the server, for example, using login and password authorization. To access the FTP server from the Internet, the router must have a real one. You will also be able to receive information that will be downloaded from the Internet to a connected memory device, for example, download and distribute torrents.

    Thus, even if the computer is turned off, the router will continue to download this file. This is especially true when downloading a large amount of data when low speed Internet connections.

    Regarding connecting an external HDD

    The fact is that there are different routers, and they can output different currents. It may not be enough to run some hard drives powered only by USB. You can use HDDs with external power supplies, or reinforced USB hubs, also with power supplies.

    Creating a Network Printer

    Another function of the USB port is to create a network printer accessible from the local network. Thus, information sent from the computer to the printer passes through the router, which controls the further printing of documents. Printing is controlled directly not by the user’s computer itself, but by the router.

    Of course, I would like to share the printer and connect an external disk, but in practice everything is not so simple. Not every router works correctly with printers, sometimes there is not enough power, sometimes the printer takes on a life of its own, etc.

    The main reason for problems is when the router, although it has a USB port, does not support HUB on USB port. Router manufacturers often provide a list of compatible equipment, but it is incomplete and quickly becomes outdated. For example, the DIR-320 and the DCP-7010R MFP, or the HP LaserJet M1005MFP (in printer mode), work without problems and are configured in a couple of minutes.

    Printers are GDI, when it works only due to Windows drivers, and come with support for some version of the PCL or Postscript language, with a processor and its own software. The latter will work with routers in 90% of cases. The first ones may not work at all, but sometimes updating the firmware of the printer helps them, then they start printing through the router. Printers have the function of loading firmware into Keenetic routers and some Asus.

    Other functions of router USB ports

    The functionality of router USB ports is limited only by the software that their manufacturer supplies for them. Alternative firmwares, such as those that allow you, for example, to connect a USB camera and turn it into a network camera. This will allow her to view everything she sees from a local network or the Internet. You can also connect an IP USB phone to make conversations over the Internet, a Bluetooth adapter for exchanging data with Bluetooth devices, a WiMax modem (for example, Yota) to connect to a WiMax network, or connect a flash player and create a network streaming radio .

    USB Router , aka USB router is a device designed to share a broadband Internet connection between several computers. First of all USB router intended for use with cable services, in which the modem does not have an Ethernet connection. You can also use USB router for mobile broadband devices. The most common set-ups that use USB router , Where home user receives broadband service from a cable company. In this situation, they access the Internet through the main fiber optic cable rather than a standard telephone line.

    USB router requires a cable modem, which links and carries data between the computer and the fiber optic cable, often filtering the data from the cable TV signal. In most cases, the cable modem will have an Ethernet port. It can be connected directly to the computer or router, which can then provide Internet access to several computers. In most cases this will involve wireless connections.

    In some cases, however, a cable modem will only offer a USB connection. This will only work if the user wants to connect one computer and is only satisfied with a wired connection. If the user wants to use multiple machines, or if they need to have wireless connection, a USB modem will not be enough.

    Solution USB router . It's just a router that connects to the cable modem via USB rather than Ethernet. Once the program is installed, it works exactly the same as a standard router. The disadvantage is that smaller number firms produce USB routers ,that is, less price competition.

    There may also be situations where the broadband provider supplies USB modem ,even when the service is standard telephone line. This setup has become somewhat outdated. Even USB modem - This is the standard option, the broadband provider usually offers an Ethernet router for an additional fee.

    Term USB modem can also be used for a device that connects a computer to the Internet with the ability to communicate with other computers on a wireless network. This is often known as an ad-hoc connection. They are much less flexible than a traditional router setup, since it requires that main computer was turned on and connected to the Internet all the time. If the main computer turns off, then other machines cannot access the Internet.

    Some routers with USB connector can be connected to broadband mobile communications and can then use this connection from multiple machines. This can be useful if, for example, two people are traveling together and would like to share one mobile broadband connection on their laptops. In practice, relatively low connection speeds and monthly limits on mobile broadband means that sharing connections are generally not desirable.


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