For what period can you request call details? Private detective: Call printout, SMS details, IS THIS A MYTH or reality? Video: How to activate the “Account Details” service through your personal account

“Detailed Calls” how much in this word merged for the Russian heart, how much was “not understood” in it! How to understand what it is Call detailing - Call printout

The situation today (2017) with the so-called “call printout” is simple. This information APRIORI cannot cost three to five thousand rubles.
Think for yourself, if you can take information from any phone for several thousand rubles (1-5), for example, then why do our all-respected president, prime minister and other officials calmly talk on their cell phones and are not afraid. Yes, because information about any calls even knowing the phone number can’t be obtained so simply and easily = (cheap). Not to mention “printing out SMS text,” but that’s another story.
Many, having read on the Internet, where it is said that such detailing costs “300 rubles - 1000 -2000 rubles.” they think that private detectives promise to help and charge money that is “CRAZY” by your standards. THIS IS WRONG!
Any information has a price, and it cannot be “distributed” for “three kopecks”, like scammers and scammers! If, of course, you sell it (“air” and just throw it away), then you can promise such information for almost nothing, but of course it’s real, without giving anything in return for your payment, simply deceiving you.

Judging by the proven offers on the market, getting a printout of an SMS (SMS details) now costs approximately 150,000 rubles for one to three months of text.

Call details (call printout) from 40,000 rubles per month. Cheaper offers are 100% deception!!!

You can believe it yourself, pay for “call details” with electronic money, or with a CREDIT CARD directly on the website, and wait for the information to be sent to you, you will have to wait a long time!))))) Fraudsters can also use YOUR CREDIT CARD data to steal your money from your account in the bank! Even meeting a living person to transfer money does not guarantee positive result! YOU can be scammed, and you won’t see any money or printouts of phone numbers or account details. AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPORT TO THE POLICE, YOU HAVE BREAKED THE LAW YOURSELF!

Private detective: Call printout, SMS details, IS THIS A MYTH or reality?

(magazine article)

Today, many business people, fearing business espionage, prefer to resolve serious issues not by talking over cell phone, but exchanging SMS messages, believing that the confidentiality of correspondence is inviolable
However, as it turned out, the content mobile correspondence as accessible as a printout of personal telephone conversations.
We decided to conduct our own investigation and find out how realistic it is to get access to a printout of SMS messages from someone else’s phone.
Today, most cellular operators assure that SMS messages are stored on the working server for only a few hours and no one has access to them. However, there is another version. According to an employee of the Moscow detective agency, with whom we were able to contact, all SMS messages (even those deleted from the phone’s memory) are stored in the database mobile operator. This is necessary so that in the event of an impending terrorist act or the capture of a criminal, intelligence officers and law enforcement agencies By special request were able to obtain access to call detail information (SMS printouts).

We were able to find about 30 sites that provide services for obtaining information about printing SMS messages from someone else's phone. Moreover, the authors of such advertisements claim that they can get a printout of calls within 2-3 days necessary messages any telephones registered in Russia. Some even offer record time - 24 hours. Prices for such a service vary from 1000 to several hundred thousand rubles for one month of printing SMS messages. Customers are most often asked to pay for their order through some payment system, and you need to transfer the required amount to FRAUD DETECTIVES at the time of ordering, and not upon receiving the call details you need or SMS printout. But who will guarantee that the invoice details will be received and will not turn out to be “false”?

We decided to check how such a system works in practice and sent letters to several addresses asking for a printout of an SMS from one of the numbers. In response, we received letters, the essence of which boiled down to one thing: the request was formulated incorrectly, and a response to it was impossible. The money went down the drain.
Then we called the Internal Affairs Directorate, where employees of the special department explained to us that the information we wanted to receive was marked “secret”, but advised us not to believe the Internet, assuring us that through global network such information is very difficult to obtain.

How can you get access to someone else's account details or SMS messages? The mechanism for ordering details was explained to us by the same PRIVATE DETECTIVE. “Yes, everything is very simple,” he said, “it’s enough to directly contact the right PRIVATE DETECTIVE (the right one means working on the edge of the law).” The rest is clear - you order desired number, name the dates and pay the money. IN in this case this, of course, is no longer 50 thousand rubles for “printing SMS”, but at least 150 thousand for one month of printing or from 50 thousand for printing calls (from technical information). All private detectives work on the same principle: through their people. This may be a person among the “technicians” of the call center, who has direct access to the server, or among law enforcement officers who have the opportunity to submit the necessary request. With “your” technician, you can get information quickly enough, although it is dangerous - corporate service Security of cellular operators is vigilantly monitoring possible information leaks (recently in Moscow, one of the employees of the call center was prosecuted for such acts).

Is there an alternative to printing SMS? “Today, in order to receive one month of SMS printouts, you will have to shell out 150,000 rubles,” said a private detective, “and we recommend forgetting about orders via the Internet. There are 2-3 detective agency sites online that really help. The rest, unfortunately, is fraud and deception. An alternative to SMS printing is confident call detailing.

According to a detective agency employee, fundamental difference detailing calls and SMS printouts is not only about the price (detailing will cost less - from 50,000 rubles per month), but also about the features of the content. For example, based on the details, you can determine the location of the subscriber and the subscriber’s transition to roaming, and therefore “bring to the surface” all business trips. Plus, there are half-hour conversations at night, 101 calls (or the same SMS) to the same number during the day. 15 minutes is enough to look at the details and compare the time of conversations of one of the spouses.

Control the expenditure of funds on mobile phone is possible not only by checking additional connections. Track costs for cellular communication It is also possible using a detailed call list, which you can request from your mobile operator- MTS.

MTS call detailing is a list of all operations carried out on a mobile phone (calls, SMS messages and others, including detailed list calls indicating the subscriber's location within the cell) for certain period time. The MTS operator provides call detailing service free of charge.

How to view a printout of MTS subscriber calls?

At the MTS branch

MTS clients may request a list of details of their phone number in any branch of the company. However, such the method will work only to those subscribers who entered into an agreement with the operator on their own, since a printout of MTS calls is issued to the owners mobile number upon presentation of an identification document (passport).

If the client uses a SIM card issued to another person (spouse, relative), then, without a personal visit of this person to the office with a passport, he, unfortunately, will be denied the issuance of MTS call details.

In your personal account on the MTS website

Call details are also available via the Internet in the personal account of an MTS subscriber. To obtain it you need:

  • go to the official MTS website;
  • open personal account;
  • enter your phone number and password (if the client does not know the password, then you can request it from the system by clicking on the link “Receive password via SMS”);
  • enter captcha (word and/or numbers from the picture);
  • click “Login”;
  • a list will appear in the window that opens available operations, among which you need to select “Expense Control”, after which the “Internet Assistant” will open;
  • In the “Internet Assistant” menu, you should duplicate the “Cost Control” option, and then select “Call Detailing” from the new list of services.

To save your time, it is more convenient to create call details using criteria such as: period, delivery method and document format. All ordered data is saved in the subscriber's account. If you need to return to them again, just go to your personal account and open required document without re-requesting previously received information.

If you encounter any difficulties while working with the MTS website, you can always contact the support service for help by calling hotline or by direct contact number with the operator.

How to order call details for another MTS subscriber?

The need to request call details for another MTS client may arise, for example, if:

  • the number was registered to another person;
  • it is necessary to control the waste of your children;
  • you need to locate a missing person or find a stolen phone.

If the number is registered to another person, then a printout of your calls at the MTS branch can only be obtained in the presence of this person. However, in this situation there are also exceptions.

So, for example, if a child uses the phone, then the operator is unlikely to refuse to issue a call printout to his parents. They will only need to present their passport and documents for the child confirming the presence of family ties (birth certificate). Also, permission to request details of calls from other subscribers may be issued by court decision to representatives of law enforcement agencies.

In addition, you can get a printout of another subscriber's calls using the Internet assistant. To do this, it will be enough to have access to the Internet and a SIM card of the owner of the agreement. You will need it to receive a password, which you will need to enter to confirm your login. online account. Without a password, it is impossible to get online call details in your personal account.

Receiving details without contacting MTS

Today, there are companies that provide call details for any subscriber for a fee. It's up to you to decide whether to use their services or not.

However, when contacting such companies to obtain call details (especially if they were made by another person), you should remember that in the absence of special permission from the court, all attempts to obtain personal information information about a person are illegal and can lead to serious consequences, including criminal liability.

Have no idea what services MTS debits money from your account for? Do you think that you spend much more on communications than you could? To understand your expenses for cellular communications, you need to get access to a document in which information about all paid transactions performed on the number for a certain period will be translated. To get a report like this, you don’t have to waste time going to the office. It is enough to know how to make details on MTS and you will be able to adjust your communication costs.

MTS provides subscribers with very handy tool, which allows you to control and analyze your expenses. Receiving details allows you to view all charges on a number down to the minute and penny. Ordering a financial report will allow you to familiarize yourself with and, which are useless and only lead to additional costs. As part of this review, we will tell you how to make details on MTS. There are several free options and we will look at them all.

How to make details on MTS for free

MTS has made sure that any subscriber can receive account details for free, with a minimum of effort. Everyone can choose for themselves convenient way receiving a financial report.

You can make details on MTS:

Account details are provided free of charge, and the number of requests is unlimited. The report will contain information on expenses for all types of communication services. You can order a detailed balance sheet report, which includes general information about expenses and information with details on services provided from the moment the last regular invoice is issued until the receipt of an application for receiving a report. You can also get conversation details, which include detailed information about calls, SMS and traffic for any period over the last six months. In general, you will receive a document that includes a fairly impressive amount of information about expenses by number.

MTS provides the following report options:

  • Account status;
  • Cost control;
  • Monthly bill;
  • Invoice;
  • Prepayment invoice.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is quite complicated, but in practice everything is much simpler. Below we will describe in detail the process of obtaining a report, which will contain information about all communication expenses incurred over a certain period.

We order details in your MTS personal account

Speaking about how to make details on MTS, first of all you should pay attention to the Internet assistant. The MTS personal account allows you to perform many different operations with the number, including ordering details.

To get details, follow these steps:

  1. and open the “Account” section;
  2. Next, you will see five sections with detailed description their capabilities. Select the “Expense Control” section, which allows you to receive a report with information on payments and expenses (if you are interested in other information, select the appropriate section);
  3. Select what information you are interested in - expenses for the current month, expenses for past months or call details;
  4. Select the report delivery method (to your personal account or to email address);
  5. If you ordered the report by mail, you must indicate the document format suitable for you (XML, HTML, PDF, XLS);
  6. Check the specified information and confirm your decision by clicking on the “order” button.

If you need to make details for past months, use the appropriate section and indicate the month you are interested in. You can receive a report for a specific month or for several months at once. The time it takes for the report to arrive at the specified email address depends on the network load. You can receive details almost immediately, or wait several hours.

We order details in the “My MTS” application

It is also possible to make details on MTS through. In principle, even though the application has a section for ordering details, and the operator himself advises using the application, if you do not have access to a computer, to complete the operation you will still have to log into your personal account, albeit through your phone browser. That is, at a certain moment the My MTS application will prompt you to open the page in the browser and continue the steps to obtain details in mobile version personal account.

To make details on MTS in the “My MTS” application, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “My MTS” application;
  2. In the main menu, select the “Account” section;
  3. Click on the “Order details” button;
  4. Select the type of detailing you are interested in (detailed balance sheet report or detailing of conversations);
  5. If the first type of detailing is selected, it will open in the browser and your subsequent actions will not differ from those described earlier;
  6. If conversation detail is selected, then next action you will select the detail period and indicate the email address to which the report will be sent;
  7. After clicking on the “order” button, a notification will appear on the screen that the request has been sent.

As for waiting for details, here, again, everything depends on the network load. Usually the report arrives by email instantly, but delays are possible. A letter from PJSC " Mobile TeleSystems" The attachment will include PDF file with detail.

If the options described above for some reason do not suit you, then you can make details at the MTS office. The main thing is to take your passport with you, and the SIM card must be registered in your name. This option not the fastest and most convenient, so it’s wiser to use your personal account. Although, situations are different and sometimes contacting the office is the only solution.

Do you want to find out who your teenage child communicates with? free time? Or where does your friend spend her evenings? Or maybe you need to check your husband's phone? Then it's time to take advantage of our call detailing services. Today the cost is so low that it will allow each of you to get detailed transcript without “moving away from the place.” There are also ways to get information on conversations completely free of charge.

How to make call details for free

1. Just be left alone with the desired phone.

In order to avoid doubts and suspicions, you need to pick up the phone and check the call history, as well as received and sent SMS messages. This can be done if the person you are checking is near you and you have time to look through the phone without being noticed. Do not forget that such a test may end badly. For example, if the owner of the phone appears earlier than you expected, then get ready for a scandal. Or, some prudent people simply delete the entire history from the phone in advance and then it will no longer be possible for you to have such a banal and free way achieve the truth.

2. Get details for free through your mobile operator.

This option is possible if the number is registered to you. Today, absolutely any telecom operator provides call details in a way convenient for you. You can come to the office in person and present your identification document to freely receive the coveted report. Or, order a statement by number or it is also called account details via the Internet in your personal account. As you understand, for this you need to have direct access to the phone. Go to the website of the mobile operator and indicate the number from which you want to receive. To do this, enter your number on the website, an SMS with a login password will be sent to it. Next, by logging into your personal account, you indicate your email address, to which the conversation file will be sent. You can make it even easier by checking out your details right there online. It is downloaded directly to your personal account, where it can be read immediately. True, it is not stored for long - within 3 days.

There are NO alternatives to getting details for free! Doesn't exist in nature! Remark - unless you have a friend who works in cellular company, and again NO. No programs will show you other people's conversations, there are only viruses.

3. Leave a request to a competent company and entrust your order.

If you need to view made/received calls for any period of time, Megafon has created a special service - Call Details. It helps you find out where funds from your balance were spent. Let's take a closer look at this option: what it is, types of detail, etc.

Description of service

The service helps the subscriber view the statistics of funds debited from the balance of his number. It can display data for a specific period of time or an arbitrary one. Among them, information will be displayed about calls made, SMS messages sent, Internet traffic (outgoing/outgoing).

Paid option available free options. The service is compatible with all tariffs of the Megafon operator.

One-time detailing Megafon

As part of using this type of option, any subscriber can receive a summary of calls, incoming/outgoing SMS, and Internet traffic. It will display the dates exact time calls and messages made or received. You can see the numbers involved in these operations, how much money was withdrawn from the account for each action performed.


The price for using the option depends on the period:

  • Summary for the past 24 hours – 3 rubles.
  • Information for a week (7 days) – 21 rubles.
  • Monthly summary (from the date of order or the past 30 days) – 90 rubles.


This type of option can be connected in several ways:

You can order reporting only to an email address linked to your Megafon personal account.

Monthly details

If you connect this type details, the subscriber will be able to see a summary of all actions that occurred with the SIM card over the past 30 days. The user can order a printout to their home or any address, or request information by email.


The price for obtaining data for 30 days is 90 rubles.

To constantly receive information about monthly expenses you need to:

  • Call the call center at 0500 or 8 800 550–05–00.
  • Visit the nearest Megafon office with an identification document.

Monthly bill

When using this service, the subscriber will be able to receive details of the expense of funds from his number account for the last 30 days. It will display completed payments connected to the service number. To activate you can:

You can receive the summary in paper and electronic versions.

Last five debits from the account

In this case, we mean a summary of debits for the last five days. You can activate the service by entering the code *512# and pressing the call button. After a certain period of time, the user will receive an SMS with the necessary data.

No funds will be charged from your account for using the service; it is free.

How to do detailing for free - the most profitable way

Any subscriber can request details once a day completely free of charge. This is an excellent option if you need to get detailed information about debits from your account for a specific period. You can use this type of detailing:

The first request is free, for the rest there will be a fee. You can order a monthly bill or the last 5 debits, both services are free.

Interesting video about detail analysis in Excel tables

Detailing Megafon to someone else's number

It happens that a subscriber needs to find out the details of the account of another person, for example, a relative. You need to know his authorization data from his personal account. Then you can use any of the methods mentioned above.

Or, in his personal account, link your personal email and activate the “Monthly account” option, it is free. Then, every month, you can receive another user's summary to your email address.

Detailing Megafon in the old personal account - video

Questions from subscribers

Now, according to tradition, we will answer important issues from Megafon network users.

Is it possible to make SMS details on Megafon?

It depends on what is meant by this question. The summary will display the date, time, number of sending/receiving SMS messages. Unfortunately, it is impossible to decipher their text.Megafon does not provide such a service, but third party services scammers on the Internet.

How to detail Internet charges?

You must use one of the methods described above to order details for the required period. The summary will include this information among the data received.

Is it possible to order details without registering in your personal account?

You can use any other method: USSD request, call 0500, operator's office.

What should I do if I don’t receive call details?

If on email the ordered details do not arrive, you should check your Spam folder, the letter could have ended up in it, or perhaps you entered the email incorrectly. As a last resort, you need to contact the operator’s office, specialists will help solve this problem.