Programming languages. Introduction to programming presentation for a lesson in computer science and ICT on the topic What is programming presentation

A programming language is a formal sign system designed for recording computer programs. Programming language defined

Programming languages ​​are a formal sign system designed for
recording computer programs. The programming language defines
a set of lexical, syntactic and semantic rules that determine appearance
programs and actions that the performer (usually a computer) will perform under it

Programming is the art of creating software products that are written in a programming language. Programming language

Programming is the art of creating software products,
which are written in a programming language. Language
programming is a formal sign system that
is intended for writing programs that are understandable for the performer (in
in our consideration, this is a computer).

Programming language - a notation system for describing algorithms and data structures, a certain artificial form

Programming language - a notation system for describing algorithms
and data structures, a certain artificial formal system by means of which one can
express algorithms. A programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic and
semantic rules that specify the appearance of the program and the actions that the performer performs
(computer) under her control.

Since the creation of the first programmable machines, more than two and a half thousand programming languages ​​have been created. Every year their number

Since the creation of the first programmable machines, more than two
half a thousand programming languages. Every year their number is replenished with new ones.
Some languages ​​are spoken only by a small number of their own
developers, others become known to millions of people. Professional
Programmers usually use several programming languages ​​in their work.


what kinds of languages ​​are there?

Programming languages ​​can be conditionally
divided into 4 types, these are:
1. Fully functional;
2. According to certain characteristics;
3. Not fully functional;
4. Esoteric.

Naturally, in every
there are subsections, but
We won’t delve into them too much
we will.
Main and main
development language in
fully functional
is - C#, Pascal,
C++, Delphi, Java and
JavaScript, as well as PHP and


This is one of the most
known languages ​​by
computer development
applications. Pascal
is a base for others
languages. When did I become
be interested
programming, then
the first question was -
what language
study programming?
Pascal was on my list
languages ​​being studied, and I don't
wrong. For me studying
Pascal was not difficult to
there is also a large
number of materials per
learning a development language
Pascal programs


This language is used
for creating
provision. On him
a big one is being built
number of axes (OS -
operating system).
Developed in C#
drivers, and others
application programs.


PHP is very convenient
when creating websites.
If you look at the code
pages, then you can
notice in what language
the site is registered.
Thanks to the wide
PHP gives functionality
ample opportunities
for web programming and
site structures.


The main advantage of this
language is independent of
OS and hardware. In Java
language are constructed as usual
programs, games, as well as DBMS,
I told you about the most
common languages ​​now
you have an idea about everyone
of them. The main choice remains with
you - which one to study. On
on the Internet you will find
a lot of useful and
variety of material
language learning
programming given
many devoted themselves to the topic
sites. Good luck with your research and selection.

How to learn a programming language?

If you want to learn how to create computer
programs, mobile applications, websites, games or
any other software you,
Actually, you need to learn how to program.
Programs are written in programming languages
which give the program the opportunity to work -
be executed by a computer, smartphone or
other computing device.

Part 1

Choosing a programming language

Decide what you want
Interesting. Of course you can
start learning any language
programming (hereinafter referred to as PL).
True, some language significantly
easier to master others... Somehow
no matter what, you need to decide
what you will learn the language for
programming. This will allow
you decide what exactly
you need to teach, and it will just become
a good starting point. Does web development warm your soul? List
PL that will be useful to you
significantly different from the list
Language required for writing
computer programs.
Mobile development is a dream
your childhood? This is already the third
list. What you will teach
depends on what you want
Start with a simpler language. What
no matter what you decide for yourself, but
it's worth starting with relatively
simple high level languages.
Such languages ​​are especially good for
beginners, as they allow
master the basic principles and
understand the general logic
programming. Most often in
in this context they remember
Python and Ruby. These are two object-oriented programming languages ​​with completely
clear syntax,
used predominantly
to create web applications.
"Object-oriented language"
the idea of ​​everything is based on
in the form of “objects” connecting
inside the data and their methods
processing and subsequent
manipulation of objects. Such PL
are, in particular, C++, Java,
Objective-C and PHP.

Read basic level tutorials for several languages. If you still haven't decided what to study, read the tutorials

Read basic level tutorials for several
YAP. If you still haven't decided what to study, read
tutorials for several languages. If something hooks you -
try to understand that language a little better. This task is simple,
since various kinds of introductory level training materials
You can find more than enough languages ​​on the Internet: Python -
a wonderful language for beginners, which, however, has
quite powerful potential if you learn to use it.
Area of ​​use: web applications and games.
Java is used... oh, it’s easier to say where this language is not used!
Almost everything, from games to ATM software, is Java.
HTML is not a language, but a markup language, but for any web developer
simply necessary.
C is one of the oldest languages ​​that has not lost its relevance to this day.
day. C is not only a powerful tool in itself, but also
basis for more modern languages: C++, C# and Objective-C.

Part 2 Starting small

Part 2
Let's start small
Learn the basic principles of language. Here, of course, everything depends on the language you choose, but there are
PL also has general points that are important only for writing useful programs. The sooner
If you master all these concepts and learn how to put them into practice, the better for you and
your programming skills. So here are just a few of the above
“moments”: Variables – changing data can be stored and called in a variable.
Variables can be manipulated, variables have types (to put it very simply - numbers,
symbols, etc.), which determine the type of data stored in the variable.
Variable names are usually set so that the person reading the source code
could get an idea of ​​what is stored in a variable - this will make it easier to understand the logic
program operation.
Conditional constructions (they are also conditional expressions) are an action that is performed in
case if the expression or construction is true or false. Most common
The form of such expressions can be called the “If-Then” construction. If the expression
true (for example, if x = 5), then action No. 1 will occur, and if false (x != 5), then action
Functions - in different programming languages ​​they are called differently: in some places they are procedures,
somewhere - methods, somewhere - called units. In essence, functions are mini-programs that are part of a larger program. The function can be called multiple times,
which allows the programmer to create complex programs.
Data entry is a fairly broadly interpreted concept that is present in almost every language.
Its essence is the processing of data entered by the user and its storage. The way they will be collected
data depends on the program and the methods of data entry available to the user (keyboard,
from a file and so on). The concept of data input is closely related to the concept of data output - that is,
how the data will be returned to the user (displayed on the screen, written to
file and so on).

Install all necessary software.

Many languages ​​need compilers - programs,
translating program code into understandable ones
computer instructions. However, there is also a different type of language
(like Python), in which programs are executed immediately, and
compiling them is not required. Some languages ​​have this
called IDE (Integrated Development Environment,
integrated development environment), which includes
code editor, compiler/interpreter and debugger
(debugger). This gives the programmer the opportunity to work
over the program, figuratively speaking, according to the principle of one
window. The IDE may also include visual representations
hierarchies of objects and directories.
There are also online code editors. These programs
highlight the syntax of the program code several times
otherwise, and also offer the developer access to a number of
useful and simple tools.

Part 3 We write our first program

Master basic concepts
one at a time. First
program written in
any language is
classic "Hello World". She
very simple, its whole essence is
display the text "Hello,
World" (or its variation). From
this program people
language learners must learn
syntax of the simplest working
programs, as well as a way
displaying data on the screen.
By changing the text, you can see
how are they processed
simple data program.
Learn from debriefing
online examples. Online for
you can find hundreds of any language,
thousands of program examples,
programs and just pieces
code. Explore different
aspects of your chosen language
based on these examples.
Creating your own
programs, rely on
These are the fragments of knowledge.

Learn the syntax of the language. What
is the syntax in context
YAP? Writing method
programs in a special way,
understandable to compilers.
Each language has its own
syntax rules though,
Of course, there are also common
elements. Studying
language syntax is one of
studying the language. Often
people even think that
namely learning syntax
will make them programmers. IN
reality, of course, everything is not
so - syntax is the basis,
Experiment! What
exactly how? Bring in
changes to examples
programs and check
the results obtained.
This approach is much faster
will allow you to understand what gives
results, what not, what
if you were studying
book. Don't be afraid to mess up
or “break” the program,
because error correction
is one of the key
stages in the development process
BY. And then, from the first
times to write a working one
program... well, it's almost

Start working with the debugger. Software errors
(bugs) are something you will definitely encounter,
taking up programming. There will be mistakes everywhere
get ready. They may be relatively harmless
harmless or, alas, critical, not giving
the program to compile. Debugging process
program is one of the key stages
software development, we repeat. Get used to correction
errors as early as possible. Experimenting with
programs, you will certainly break something, and this
Fine. The ability to fix a program is one of the most
valuable skills for a programmer.

Don't forget to comment the code. Almost all Japanese
allow you to add comments to the program code –
text that is not processed by the compiler. By using
comments you can add to the program simple
and clear descriptions of what this or that does
function (and not only function). Comments
will be useful not only for you (sometimes you can also
own code get confused), but also to other people,
with whom you will work on

Part 4 We program regularly

Give your programs
daily. For what, to
goals. Installing complex
master the language
but still achievable goals,
programming, will leave
you will learn to solve
a lot of time. So many.
problems, find
Even Python, relatively
decisions, fight
simple language whose syntax is
difficulties. For example,
can be mastered in a day or two,
imagine a simple
requires anyone who
program - let's say
intends to master it in
calculator and then
perfection, hundreds and thousands
think about how you like her
hours of work.
write. Apply on
Programming is a skill and
practice everything you already have
because the one who wants
master this skill in
perfection, must
practice regularly.
Try to program
every day, even if
an hour before bed, if not
another possibility.

Exchange experiences and read other people's
programs. Around each YaP gathered
huge community. If you join
to the relevant community, then very much
you will help yourself, as you will gain access to more
than quality teaching material.
Reading other people's code can inspire you, maybe
give you strength and help you better understand those
programming features that you use
before this they were stalled. Forums and online communities dedicated to programming in
language of your choice - here's what to look for in
first of all. Just don't need it all the time
ask questions, participate in the community
fully - these are, after all, places where people
cooperate with each other rather than carry out
free training courses. In other words,
don’t be shy to ask for help, but don’t just sit there,
fold your arms!
Having gained more or less decent experience,
take part in hackathons or other
similar events - competitions, where
you need to have time to write a special program in
allotted time. Such events
exciting and useful.
Have fun. Do what you don't know how to do yet
do. Learn ways to solve problems and
then use them in your own way. Try not to
rejoice that “the program works and
okay" - do your best to
the program worked flawlessly!

Part 5 Expanding your horizons

Sign up for
courses. Universities,
colleges and
educational centers (and
not only) conduct courses and
seminars on
programming that
could be great
option for beginners.
Judge for yourself where else
beginners will be able to live
talk to mothers
by specialists?

Read thematic
books. How will you receive
access to books is a matter
yours, the point is that
any language is possible
find hundreds of different books
degree of usefulness.
Of course your knowledge
shouldn't be strictly
bookish, that's a fact.
However, even in books
has its own benefits.

Learn logic and
mathematics. Programming
It is largely tied to
basic arithmetic, but also
more difficult moments may
come in handy, especially in those
cases when you are engaged
algorithms or write
complex program. However,
most likely, unless you
you will bury yourself in complex
areas, complex mathematics
you won't need it, but
you will need logic, in particular
- computer, because with its
with help you can do better
understand how to solve problems,
arising during work
on complex programs.

Never stop
Learn another language. Certainly,
program. Eat
mastering even one language will be
popular theory "10 thousand
only a plus for you, but many
watches”, which states that the craftsmanship
programmers are not
arrives after 10,000 hours,
stop there
spent on this or that
and learn several languages. Will
occupation. Exact amount
it's good if the second or third
hours as a point of achievement
The language you choose will be
skill is a question, of course,
complement the first one - then you can
controversial, but overall theory
will create even more
true - skill is the essence
complex and interesting
the result of the labor put in and
programs. Of course, teach
time spent. Not
something new is needed only when
give up and one day you
you have already mastered the old one

you will become an expert.
decent level. Everything is there
chances are you have a second language
learn faster than the first one, but this
quite understandable, since many
programming concepts
more than common
widely, especially
"related" languages.

Part 6 Applying the acquired skills

Get a university degree
education. This item
is not mandatory, however
years of study can reveal something
new (or may not be opened) and
introduce you to the necessary
people (also not a fact). Yet again -
this step is not necessary, there are many
successful programmers who
no higher education diploma
Collect a portfolio. Creating
programs and developing as
specialist, definitely
save the best samples
your works separately - in
portfolio. It is the portfolio that you
will show it to recruiters and
interviewers as
examples of what you're looking for
able. Those projects that you
performed independently and
on your own initiative, you can
add to portfolio without
thoughts, but those over
which you worked as
employee of one or another
company, only with permission
relevant persons.

freelancer. Programmers
(especially those that
specialize in
mobile applications)
now in great demand. Execute
a couple of projects like
freelancer is also for
portfolio is useful for
wallet, and for experience.
Design your own
product. Will it be paid or
no - it's up to you. At the end
in the end, it’s not at all necessary
work for someone to
make money programming
money! If you can write
programs and sell them, then
It's almost a done deal! Main
– don’t forget to provide
user support after
program release.Model
distribution) popular in
in the case of small programs and
utilities In this case
the developer doesn't do anything
earns financially
plan, but gets a reputation
and a recognizable name among colleagues
around the shop.

Do you want to create games? Learn Python, C# and Java. Of the three, C# gives the best performance, Python is the simplest, and Java will run on all operating systems.

Do you want to create games? Learn Python, C#
and Java. Of these three, C# gives
best performance, Python
the simplest, and Java will run on everyone
OS without any problems.

Study the source code of programs. For what,
think for yourself, reinvent the wheel,
when can I pick up a finished bike and
just improve it? Main -
understand what exactly you are
you program.

Learning something new
it will be useful
yourself it
implement then
make changes,
try to guess
results and how
get closer to
I understand the point.
interfaces and
current versions of the language.

materials are yours
Friends. There is nothing
the bad thing is that you
forgot something or not
remembered. Everything
its time, not
worry. Main
- know. Where
Good practice
there will be training for others
- this will allow you not to
just understand better
material, but also
look at him from

Where to work?

The most popular area of ​​work is development
and creation of software used
in text editors, accounting programs,
games, databases and even systems
video surveillance. In demand today
and specialists adapting ready-made programs
(in particular 1C: Accounting) for features
specific enterprise. Won't be left without work
and web developers. The first step in your career
may become a trainee programmer position.
It is necessary to know high-level languages, preferably
have good theoretical training.


Trainee, assistant
30-40,000 rub.
80-90,000 rub.

Lead programmer 110,000 rub.

Lead coder
110,000 rub.

Where to study?

Whatever university you choose, you will be able to study to be a programmer
difficult. You'll have to take some serious math
preparation, study algorithmic languages
and programming, methods and means of protecting computer
You will have to “make friends” with a number of special disciplines,
including: structures and algorithms for data processing,
functional, logical and object-oriented
programming. You will have to spend a lot of time
directly at the computer.

How much mathematics does a programmer need? know math?

Depends on what you call mathematics. Skill
adding numbers is also mathematics, and such knowledge
highly desirable. And, for example, without understanding that
what exactly Perelman proved is quite possible
program. Any attempts to draw a line
who needs to know mathematics to become
programmer are obviously doomed to failure. One
we can say for sure - the ability to operate
abstract concepts (one of the main ones for
mathematics) undoubtedly helps programmers in
their work.

As in any business, it all depends on the problem being solved.

words from a Yandex programmer
When I participated in the development of the recommendation and
reputation systems, mathematics was very necessary.
I had to invent and develop
algorithms using integral and
differential calculus, find extremes,
build regressions, introduce metrics to determine
proximity in multidimensional space. And all for the sake of
some extra hundredths in RMSE
recommendation engine.

In recent years I have been developing
high-performance backends running in
24/7 mode, serving millions of online users, maintaining hundreds of thousands of regular
connections. Now I have enough knowledge of the basics
theory of algorithms, algorithmic complexity,
now the main thing is reliable, supported,
extensible, fast code.

And I wouldn’t say that because the work is less “mathematical,” I get less pleasure and recognition from it. In any case, the programmer, in

And I wouldn't say it's because
less "mathematical"
the work i get from her
less pleasure and
In any case, programmer,
however, like an ordinary person,
must know and love

History of programming languages

One of the most revolutionary ideas that led to
creation of automatic digital computing
machines, was expressed in the 20s of the 19th century by Charles
Baby's idea about pre-recording the order
machine actions for subsequent automatic
implementation of calculations - program. And although
the recording of the program used by Babyj on
punch cards, invented to control such
machines by the French inventor Joseph Marie
Jacquard, technically has nothing to do with
modern techniques for storing programs on a PC,
the principle here is essentially the same.

From this moment the history of programming begins.

From this moment the story begins

Ada Levellace, a contemporary of Babidge, is called the world's first programmer. She theoretically developed some techniques for managing the afterbirth.

Ada Levlace, a contemporary of Bebidj,
called the first in the world
programmer. She theoretically
developed some techniques
sequence control
calculations that are used in
programming now. By her
one of the most important
designs of almost any
modern programming language
– cycle.

A revolutionary moment in the history of programming languages
was the emergence of a system for encoding machine instructions with
using special characters as suggested by John
The coding system he proposed inspired one of his
employee Grace Murray Hopper. When working on a computer
"Mark-1" she and her group had to face many
problems and everything they came up with was a first. IN
In particular, they came up with subroutines. One more thing
fundamental concept of programming technique for the first time
Hopper and her team introduced “debugging.”
In the late 40s, J. Mauchly created a system called
"Short Code", which was a primitive language
high level programming. There is a programmer in it
wrote down the problem to be solved in the form of mathematical formulas, and
then, using a special table, he translated the symbol into
symbol, converted these formulas into two-letter codes. IN
later a special computer program converted
these codes into binary machine code. System developed
J. Mauchly, considered one of the first primitive

Already in 1951, Hopper created the world's first compiler and she also introduced this term. The Hopper compiler performed the function of combining

Already in 1951, Hopper created the world's first compiler and
She also introduced this term itself. Compiler Hopper
carried out the function of uniting teams and during
broadcasts carried out the organization of subroutines,
computer memory allocation, command conversion
high level (at that time pseudocode) into machine
teams. "Routines are in the library
(computer), and when you select material from
libraries - it's called compilation" - that's how it is
explained the origin of the term she introduced.

In 1954, a group led by G.
Hopper developed a system
including a programming language and
compiler, which later
called Math-Matic. After
successful completion of the creation work
Math-Matic Hopper and her group began
for developing a new language and
a compiler that would allow
users to program on
a language close to regular English.
In 1958, the Flow-Matic compiler appeared.
The Flow-Matic compiler was the first
language for processing tasks
commercial data.
Developments in this direction have led to
creation of the Cobol language (COBOL – Common
Business Oriented Language). He was
created in 1960. In this language
compared to Fortran and Algol,
mathematical tools are less developed,
but the means are well developed
word processing, output organization
data in the form of the required document.
It was intended as the main language for
mass data processing in the areas
management and business.

The mid-50s are characterized by rapid progress
in the field of programming. The role of programming in
machine commands began to decrease. Languages ​​began to appear
programming of a new type, acting as
an intermediary between machines and programmers. First and
one of the most common was Fortran (FORTRAN, from
FORmula TRANslator – formula translator), developed by
by a group of IBM programmers in 1954 (first version).
This language was focused on scientific and technical calculations
mathematical in nature and is a classical language
programming when solving mathematical and
engineering problems.
For the first high-level programming languages
the subject orientation of languages ​​was a characteristic feature.
Algol occupies a special place among programming languages.
the first version of which appeared in 1958. One of
Algol was developed by the “father” of Fortran, John Backus.
The name ALGOrithmic Language emphasizes that
the fact that it is intended for recording algorithms.
Thanks to its clear logical structure, Algol has become a standard
a means of recording algorithms in scientific and technical

In the mid-60s, Thomas Kurtz and John Kameny
(Staff at Dartmouth Mathematics Department
college) created a specialized language
programming, which consisted of simple words
in English. The new language was called “universal”
Beginner All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or BASIC for short.
The year of birth of the new language can be considered 1964. Today
universal language BASIC (which has many versions)
gained great popularity and received widespread
distribution among PC users of various
categories all over the world. To a large extent this
contributed to the fact that BASIC began to be used as
built-in language of personal computers, wide
the distribution of which began in the late 70s.
However, BASIC is an unstructured language, and therefore it is poorly
Suitable for teaching quality programming.
To be fair, it should be noted that the latter
versions of BASIC for PC (for example, QBasic) have become more
structural and in its visual capabilities
getting closer to languages ​​like Pascal.

Developers focused languages ​​on different classes
tasks, to one degree or another tied them to a specific
PC architecture, implemented personal tastes and ideas. In the 60s
Over the years, attempts have been made to overcome this
"discordance" by creating a universal language
programming. The first child of this direction
became PL/1 (Programm Language One), developed by the company
IBM in 1967. This language claimed to be able to
solve any problems: computing, word processing,
accumulation and retrieval of information. However, he turned out to be
too complex, a translator from it is not enough
optimal and contained a number of undetected errors.
However, the line towards the universalization of languages ​​was
supported. Old languages ​​have been modernized into
universal options: ALGOL-68 (1968), Fortran-77.
It was assumed that such languages ​​would develop and
improve, they will begin to crowd out all the others.
However, none of these attempts were successful.

The LISP language appeared in 1965. The main thing in it is
the concept of recursively defined functions. Because the
it has been proven that any algorithm can be described using
some set of recursive functions, then LISP is essentially
is a universal language. With it, the PC can
simulate fairly complex processes, in particular -
intellectual activity of people.
Prolog was developed in France in 1972 to solve problems
"artificial intelligence". Prolog allows you to formally
form to describe various statements, logic of reasoning and
forces the PC to give answers to the questions asked.
A significant event in the history of programming languages
was the creation of the Pascal language in 1971. Its author is
Swiss scientist Niklaus Wirth. Wirth named him after
the great French mathematician and religious philosopher XVII
century Blaise Pascal, who invented the first summing
device, which is why the new language was assigned its
Name. This language was originally developed as an educational language
structured programming, and, indeed, now he
is one of the main languages ​​of instruction
programming in schools and universities.

In 1975, two events became milestones in the history of programming - Bill Gates and Paul Allen announced themselves by developing their version of BASIC, and Vir

In 1975, two events became
milestones in history
programming – Bill Gates and
Paul Allen announced himself,
having developed his own version of BASIC, and
Wirth and Jensen released
classic description of the Pascal language
User Manual and Report".

No less impressive, including financial, luck
achieved by Philip Kahn, a Frenchman who developed in 1983
Turbo Pascal system. The essence of his idea was
combining successive processing steps
programs – compilation, link editing, debugging
and error diagnosis - in a single interface. TurboPascal is not only a language and a translator from it, but also
operating shell that allows the user
Convenient to work in Pascal. This language has gone beyond
educational purpose and became a language
professional programming with universal
possibilities. Due to these advantages, Pascal became
source of many modern languages
programming. Since then several versions have appeared
Turbo Pascal, the last one is the seventh.
Borland/Inprise has completed the TurboPascal product line and moved on to produce a visual system
development for Windows - Delphi.

Left a big imprint on modern programming
C language (first version - 1972), which is a very
popular among software system developers
software (including operating systems). This language
was created as an instrumental language for development
operating systems, translators, databases and others
system and application programs. Xi combines both features
high-level language and machine-oriented language,
allowing the programmer to access all machine resources, which is not
provide languages ​​such as BASIC and Pascal.
The period from the late 60s to the early 80s is characterized by
rapid growth in the number of different programming languages,
accompanying the software crisis. In January
1975 The Pentagon decided to restore order to the chaos of broadcasters
and established a committee which was charged with developing one
universal language. The winner was announced in May 1979
– a group of scientists led by Jean Ikhbia. Conquering language
christened Ada, after Augusta Ada Levellace. This language
intended for creation and long-term (multi-year)
maintenance of large software systems, allows
possibility of parallel processing, process control in
real time.

For many years, software was built on the basis of operational and procedural languages ​​such as Fortran, BASIC, Pascal, Hell

For many years software
provision was built on the basis
operating and procedural
languages ​​such as Fortran, BASIC,
Pascal, Ada, C. As evolution progresses
programming languages ​​received
widespread and others,
fundamentally different approaches to
creating programs.

11 Programming Languages ​​You Should Learn in 2016

1. Java 2. JavaScript 3. C# 4. PHP 5. C++ 6. Python 7. Ruby

1. Java
2. JavaScript
3. C#
5. C++

Language programming is a formal sign system designed to describe algorithms in a form that is user-friendly for a computer user (for example, a computer). a formal sign system, designed to describe algorithms in a form that is user-friendly for a computer user (for example, a computer). Language programming means a set of lexical and syntactic rules that are used when developing a computer program. It allows the program to accurately determine how the computer will react, how data will be stored and transmitted, and how data will be processed under different circumstances.

How many MPs are there? Since the creation of the first computers, humanity has developed more than 2500 years of programming. There are only a small number of distributors of these languages, but others become familiar to millions of people. Professional programs may include more than a dozen different programs in your work.

Compiling Languages ​​Language programming is divided into two classes: compiling and interpreting. The program on the compiling language, with the help of special compiler programs, is recreated by typing instructions for a given type of processor (machine code) and then is written to a compact file (files with the extension com, exe), which can be launched on the computer. Iconannya yak okrema program. In other words, the compiler transfers the program from a high-level language to a low-level language, meaning the processor. The program on the compiling language, with the help of special compiler programs, is recreated by typing instructions for a given type of processor (machine code) and then is written to a compact file (files with the extension com, exe), which can be launched on the computer. Iconannya yak okrema program. In other words, the compiler transfers the program from a high-level language to a low-level language, meaning the processor.

Interpretive language Since the program is written in an interpretive language, the interpreter directly translates the text without first translating it. In this case, the program is lost in the output language and cannot be launched without an interpreter. If the program is written in interpretive language, then the interpreter directly translates the text without first translating it. In this case, the program is lost in the output language and cannot be launched without an interpreter. We can say that a computer processor is an interpreter of machine code. We can say that a computer processor is an interpreter of machine code.

*** In short, the compiler transfers the program to the machine image and the entire resulting program, and the interpreter transfers it to the machine at the time of execution of the program. Briefly speaking, the compiler transfers the program to the machine shell and the entire program, and the interpreter transfers it to the host shell at the time of execution of the program.

What is rhubarb in your programming? you can see the current level of MP: * machine; * machine-op i entovni (assemblers); * machine-independent (high-level language). Machine movies and machine-or and data processors are of low level, which will require the insertion of other details during the data processing process. Languages ​​of high level have natural languages, vikory and deeds, words of common language and common mathematical symbols. This language is more useful for people.

High-level languages ​​* procedural (algorithmic) (Basic, Pascal, etc.), which are used for an unambiguous description of algorithms; * logical (Prolog, Lisp and others), which are oriented not towards the development of the algorithm for a specific task, but towards a systematic and formal description of the problem so that the solution follows from the folded description; * object-oriented (Object Pascal, C++, Visual Basic and others), which are based on the concept of an object, which contains data and actions above us. An object-oriented program, having completed any task, essentially describes a part of the world that is related to that task.

BASIC (BASIC abbreviated from English. Beginner "s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code universal code of symbolic instructions for mail atkivts; English basic basic, basic) with a family of high-quality programming. attention to programming and a wide range of activities in a variety of dialects. BASIC (BASIC, abbreviated from English. Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, universal code of symbolic instructions for mail attackers; English basic, basic, basic) with and a family of high cores nevikh mov programming. The outbreak of fragmentation in Mov was intended for the beginning of the program and took away a wide variety of different dialects.

COBOL (COBOL, COmmon Business Oriented Language), a third-generation language program (first version in 1959), originally intended for the development of business applications. The developer of the first unified Kobola standard was Grace Hopper (Grandma Kobola). One of the goals of the development of the language was to bring the construction as close as possible to the English language. COBOL is wonderful, for your time, for working with data structures and files, which has bothered you for a long time in business, employment, in the USA.

Ada MP was created as a result of a project adopted by the US Department of Defense with the goal of developing a unified programming for on-board control systems for military objects (ships, aircraft, tanks, missiles, shells, etc.).

Fortran was first implemented in high-level language programming. Created between 1954 and 1957. The name Fortran is an abbreviation for FORmula TRANslator, that is, formula translation. Fortran is widely used in science and engineering calculations. One of the advantages of modern Fortran is the large number of programs and libraries of subprograms written in it.

Simula 67 (Simula 67) first object-or ientovna MP. It was disintegrated at the end of the 60s and 20th century. This language in the significant world was ahead of its time, the current ones (programs of the 60s) appeared not ready to accept the value of the Simula 67 language, and they did not face competition with other language programs (before that, using my Fortran).

Java is an object-orientation software, split up by Sun Microsystems in 1991 and officially released in 1995. Many of us call the language Java by analogy with its geographical name. From the very beginning, the new MP was called JaGo (James Gosling) and was developed for consumer electronics, but later was renamed to Java and began to be developed for writing add-ons and server software.

Algol 68 (English Algol 68 in English algorithmic algorithmic and English language language), improved from (Algol-68). Algol reaches high-level languages ​​and allows you to easily transfer algebraic formulas from program commands.

Delphi - MP, formerly known as Object Pascal, was split up by Borland and partially implemented in their Borland Delphi package, from which it adopted its current name in 2003. In essence, it is a successor to the Pascal language with object-oriented extensions. From the beginning, the language is set to enable the installation of Microsoft Windows add-ons.

C (English C) is a standardized procedural MT, divided into the beginning of the 1970s as a development of the language library programming. It was created for use in the UNIX operating system (OS). Since then, it has been sorted into many other operating systems and has become one of the most popular MPs. Value it for its effectiveness; This is the most popular language for creating software. Despite the fact that it was not open to newcomers, it is actively being promoted to start programming. Subsequently, the syntax of the language C became the basis for many other languages.

C# (visible as c-sharp) MP, which consists of object-oriented and aspect-oriented concepts. Development of software for Microsoft.NET platforms. C# comes with seven C-like syntax, of which the syntax is closest to C++ and Java. Having adopted a lot from its predecessors C++, Delphi, Modula and Smalltalk.

Сі++ (English: C++) is a compilation MP of extragal significance. In the 1990s, this language became one of the most widely spread programs of foreign significance. With the creation of Si++, we tried to save the confusion with my Si. The language was launched on the cob of the 1980s rocks, when the Bell Laboratories spivorist Bjorn Stroustrup came up with a number of upgrades to the language for power consumption. The name Si++ is similar to Si. Сі++ (English: C++) is a compilation MP of extragal significance. In the 1990s, this language became one of the most widely spread programs of foreign significance. With the creation of Si++, we tried to save the confusion with my Si. The language was launched on the cob of the 1980s rocks, when the Bell Laboratories spivorist Bjorn Stroustrup came up with a number of upgrades to the language for power consumption. The name Si++ is similar to Si.

Perl is a language of programming. Author - Larry Walt. The word Perl itself is an abbreviation that stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language (from which it was originally called PEARL, but then the letter A was lost). The mascot of the language Perl is a camel, no need to garne, prote duzhe vitrivala svorіnya, zdatne vikonuvati heavy robot. The main feature of this language is its rich ability to work with text. Perl is a stable, future-proof language programming platform. It is used for a wide variety of projects in the public and private sectors and is widely used to complement small-scale programs for all needs. Perl is a language of programming. Author - Larry Walt. The word Perl itself is an abbreviation that stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language (from which it was originally called PEARL, but then the letter A was lost). The mascot of the language Perl is a camel, no need to garne, prote duzhe vitrivala svorіnya, zdatne vikonuvati heavy robot. The main feature of this language is its rich ability to work with text. Perl is a stable, future-proof language programming platform. It is used for a wide variety of projects in the public and private sectors and is widely used to complement small-scale programs for all needs.

*** Basic, having progressed from Visual Basic, Basic, having progressed from Visual Basic, Cobol may not be victorious and practically having adopted its foundation, we can say that it died the same way as Simula-67 and Algol. Cobol may not be victorious and practically having applied its foundation, we can say that it died just like Simula-67 and Algol. Ada was previously victorious from a roboticist, now replaced by my S. Ada was previously vikorized from a roboticist, now replaced by my C. Fortran was the first widespread mine of a high level, and also may also have died. Fortran, having become the first universal language of the high region, immediately died as well. Java is my favorite product. Java is my favorite product.

Programming language A programming language is a formal sign system designed for writing programs. A program usually represents some algorithm in a form understandable to the implementer (for example, a computer). A programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic, and semantic rules used to compose a computer program. It allows the programmer to determine exactly what events the computer will react to, how data will be stored and transmitted, and what actions should be performed on this data under various circumstances.

Programming language Function: a programming language is intended for writing computer programs that are used to transmit instructions to a computer for performing a particular computing process and organizing the control of individual devices. Objective: A programming language differs from natural languages ​​in that it is designed to transmit commands and data from a person to a computer, while natural languages ​​are used for communication between people. In principle, we can generalize the definition of “programming languages” as a way of transmitting commands, orders, clear guidance for action; whereas human languages ​​also serve to exchange information. Execution: A programming language can use special constructs to define and manipulate data structures and control the computation process.

Compiled and interpreted languages ​​A program in a compiled language is converted (compiled) into a set of instructions for a given processor type (machine code) using a special compiler program and then written into an executable file that can be executed as a separate program. In other words, the compiler translates a program from a high-level language to a low-level language that the processor can understand. The interpreter directly performs (interprets) its text without prior translation. In this case, the program remains in the original language and cannot be launched without an interpreter. We can say that the computer processor is an interpreter of machine code.

High-level programming language A high-level programming language is a programming language designed to be fast and easy to use by the programmer. The main feature of high-level languages ​​is abstraction, that is, the introduction of semantic constructs that briefly describe such data structures and operations on them, the descriptions of which in machine code (or other low-level programming language) are very long and difficult to understand.

Cons: does not allow you to create simple and accurate instructions for the equipment used. Programs written in high-level languages ​​are easier for the programmer to understand, but are less efficient than their counterparts created using low-level languages.

The first high-level programming language is considered to be the computer language Plankalkül, developed by the German engineer Konrad Zuse back in the period. However, the widespread use of high-level languages ​​began with the advent of Fortran and the creation of a compiler for this language (1957)

Classes of programming languages ​​Functional Imperative Stack Procedural Vector programming Aspect-oriented Declarative Dynamic Educational Interface descriptions Prototypical Object-oriented Reflective Logic programming Parallel programming Scenario (script) Esoteric

Functional In functional programming languages, the main building block is the mathematical concept of function. The first functional language designed was Lisp. A variant of this language is widely used in the AutoCAD computer-aided design system and is called AutoLISP

Imperative Procedural (imperative) programming is a reflection of the architecture of traditional computers, which was proposed by von Neumann in the 40s. The theoretical model of procedural programming is an algorithmic system called a Turing machine.

A program in a procedural programming language consists of a sequence of operators (instructions) that specify the procedure for solving a problem. The main one is the assignment operator, which is used to change the contents of memory areas. The concept of memory as a store of values ​​whose contents can be updated by program statements is fundamental to imperative programming

Program execution comes down to the sequential execution of statements in order to transform the initial state of memory, that is, the values ​​of the source data, into the final state, that is, into results. Thus, from the programmer's point of view, there is a program and memory, with the former sequentially updating the contents of the latter.

Stack language A stack-oriented programming language is a programming language that uses the machine stack model to pass parameters. Several languages ​​fit this description, most notably Forth and PostScript, as well as many assembly languages ​​(using this model at the low level of Java, C#). When using a stack as the main channel for passing parameters between words, language elements naturally form phrases (sequential chaining). This property brings these languages ​​closer to natural languages.

Structured Programming Structured programming involves precisely defined control structures, program blocks, no unconditional jump (GOTO) instructions, self-contained subroutines, support for recursion and local variables. The essence of this approach is the ability to split a program into its component elements.

Declarative programming language Declarative programming languages ​​are high-level programming languages ​​in which the programmer does not specify a step-by-step algorithm for solving a problem ("how" to solve the problem), but in some way describes "what" is required to be obtained as a result. The mechanism for processing pattern matching of declarative statements is already implemented in the language design. A typical example of such languages ​​are logic programming languages ​​(languages ​​based on a system of rules).

Dynamic programming languages ​​A dynamic language allows you to define data types and perform parsing and compilation on the fly, directly at runtime. Dynamic languages ​​are more suitable for rapid application development.

Interface Description Language IDL, or Interface Description Language or Interface Definition Language, is a specification language for describing interfaces, syntactically similar to C++. CORBA IDL Developed by OMG to describe the interfaces of distributed objects, method names and types of argument variables. Created within the framework of the generalized CORBA architecture. COM IDL A Microsoft development similar to CORBA IDL, created to describe interfaces between COM modules. In general, it can be considered a subset of CORBA IDL.

Features Inheritance. Creating a new class of objects by adding new elements (methods). At the moment, OO languages ​​allow you to perform multiple inheritance, that is, combine the capabilities of several other classes in one class. Inheritance Encapsulation. Hiding implementation details, which (if used correctly) allows you to make changes to parts of the program painlessly for its other parts, which significantly simplifies maintenance and modification of the software. Encapsulation Polymorphism. With polymorphism, some parts (methods) of the parent class are replaced by new ones that implement actions specific to a given descendant. Thus, the class interface remains the same, but the implementation of methods with the same name and set of parameters differs. Closely related to the concept of “Polymorphism” is the concept of “Late Binding”. Polymorphism Typing. Allows you to eliminate many errors at the time of compilation; operations are performed only on objects of the appropriate type. Typing
Prototype Programming Prototype programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which there is no concept of a class, and reuse (inheritance) is accomplished by cloning an existing instance of a prototype object.
Logic programming Logic programming is a programming paradigm, as well as a section of discrete mathematics that studies the methods and capabilities of this paradigm, based on the derivation of new facts from given facts according to given logical rules. Logic programming is based on the theory of mathematical logic. The most famous logic programming language is Prolog.

Scripting language Scripting language (English scripting language, in Russian-language literature the name scripting language is accepted) is a programming language designed to write “scripts,” sequences of operations that a user can perform on a computer. Simple scripting languages ​​used to be often called batch languages ​​or job control languages. Scripts are usually interpreted rather than compiled (although scripts are often compiled each time before they are run).

Esoteric programming languages ​​Esoteric programming languages ​​are a type of programming languages ​​not intended for practical use. An example of computer humor. Esoteric languages ​​are invented for entertainment, often they parody "real" ones or are absurd embodiments of "serious" programming concepts.

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Programming Development of computer control programs to solve various problems Programmers Users System Software: OS, utilities Application Editors, spreadsheet processors, games, training programs Programming language Fixed notation system for describing algorithms and data structures Universal Pascal, BASIC, SI, Fortran Oriented HTML

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Arithmetic expressions in the QB language are written according to certain rules: An arithmetic expression is written on one line; Special arithmetic symbols are used and the following procedure is followed: Parentheses () Exponentiation ^ (23→2^3) Division / and multiplication * (2:3 → 2/3) Addition + Subtraction - Decimals are written using a decimal point (1.5→1.5 or 0.03→.03); You cannot omit the multiplication sign (6ab→6*a*b); The number of open parentheses must be equal to the number of closed parentheses. Arithmetic notation Notation in qBasic language

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PRINT operator The PRINT (?) operator allows you to: Display text information enclosed in quotation marks on the monitor screen; For example: ? “Hello” Calculate the values ​​of arithmetic expressions; For example: ? 5*4-5.6^2 Display variable values ​​on the monitor screen. For example: DAY$=“Monday” ? DAY$ Instead of the word PRINT, you can type ?. PRINT in translation means to print. END – end of the program.

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Problem solving Calculate the values ​​of the expression (a+b)(2a+1)(b-1) For a=12, b=7 and a=-31, b=8. Program. A=12 B=7 PRINT (A+B)*(2*A+1)*(B-1) A= - 31 B=8 PRINT (A+B)*(2*A+1)*(B -1) END

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A variable is an area of ​​computer memory where a certain value is stored. Main characteristics of a variable: Name; Meaning; Type (numeric, string) Each variable has its own name: The variable name is written using Latin letters or letters and numbers; The variable name can have up to 40 characters. For example: F, A5, SCHOOL8, SCHOOL8$, BC6A7$ Variable names variable values ​​type of variables Numeric variables Character variable A8 dog4 Sad$ 15 -20.8 milk

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A numeric variable is a variable that stores a number. A string (character) variable is a variable that stores a word or phrase. A dollar sign $ is placed at the end of the string variable name. The value of a character variable is written in quotes. The operation of transferring new data to a variable is called an assignment and is indicated by the = sign. The contents are stored in a variable until a new value is added to this variable. For example: A=10 - numeric variable A is assigned a value equal to 10 B$="MAMA" - symbolic variable B$ is assigned the value "MOM" When the program is executed : The variable name does not change; The value of a variable can change several times; If the value of the variable is not specified, then it is considered equal to zero.

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INPUT Statement The INPUT statement enters variable values ​​from the keyboard into computer memory. INPUT “hint”; The variable name INPUT translated from English means insert, enter. When encountering an INPUT statement, the program pauses; A question mark appears on the screen?, after which you need to type the value of the variable included in the INPUT statement on the keyboard and press the Enter key. The INPUT statement can be used to assign values ​​to both numeric and string variables. For example: INPUT S INPUT “S=“; S INPUT “enter the value S=“; S CLS operator clears monitor screen

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Branching algorithm IF condition THEN branch yes ELSE branch no if then otherwise If the condition is true, then the statement or group of statements written after the word THEN is executed; If the condition is false, then the statement or group of statements written after the word ELSE is executed, then the computer proceeds to execute the next line of the program; If the ELSE word is missing, then the next line of the program is executed. For example: IF x>0 THEN y = x^2 +2 ELSE y = x -6 Conditional statement IF…THEN…ELSE

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The condition is written as a string of relations: A>B – greater than C=Z – greater than or equal to S1 AND C

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Task Compose a program according to the given block diagram beginning Input x Output Y end Program CLS INPUT “X=“;X IF X>0 THEN Y=X^3 ELSE Y=X^2 ? “Y=“;Y

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BASIC CONCEPTS Computer programming is the process of creating programs to control the operation of a computer. A program is a sequence of actions (commands) that a computer must perform in order to solve an information processing problem.

BASIC CONCEPTS A programming language is a fixed system of notations and rules for describing programs. Today there are hundreds of programming languages. They can be divided into three main types: Machine languages ​​Low level languages ​​High level languages

MACHINE LANGUAGE (LANGUAGE OF MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS) Machine language (MLK) is the control code for a specific machine operation (command), which determines where to get the source data and where to place the results of the operation. 00101000 00000010 11000000 11000100 11011000 Command address Operation code 1st address 2nd address 3rd address Source data and commands were presented in the form of binary code Example: (Add two numbers and enter the result in the 3rd address)

LOW LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE A low-level programming language is a programming language whose command structure is determined by the format of machine language commands and data, as well as the computer architecture. Example: (Add two numbers and put the result in the 3rd address) ADD a, b, c

A striking representative of a low-level programming language is the Assembly language, which was developed in the 50s of the last century and allows you to write programs using special machine code notations - mnemonics. Assembly language is widely used in programs where high performance is required. Assemblers are targeted at specific types of processors. Since different types of computers had different processor instruction systems, they also had different assemblers. Therefore, Assembly is a machine-oriented language. Such programs cannot be transferred for execution to other types of computers.

HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE A high-level programming language is a programming language whose tools allow a task to be described in a visual, easily understandable form. Each high-level language is defined by a notation and a set of rules that define the syntax. Roughly speaking, this is a set of words (dictionary) and rules for composing sentences.


High-level programming languages ​​free the user from programming in machine codes. However, the computer does not understand such a program; only machine language is available to it. Therefore, to translate (translate) programs from a high-level language into machine codes, special programs are used - translators.

TRANSLATOR Translator is a program that converts (translates) program text into machine command language (“0” and “1”). Program in a high-level language translator Program in a machine command language

produces command-by-command and execution of the original program converts the entire program into machine language and then executes

WHY ARE SO MANY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES? You can often use several different programming languages ​​to solve the same problem. To make a choice, of course, you can be guided by the principle: whichever I know, that’s what I write on. But there are several other criteria: 1. Speed ​​of task completion. 2. The amount of memory occupied by the executing code. 3. Length (for example, in lines) of the source text. 4. Ease of programming.

BASIC The most democratic language in the world. When creating programs in this language, a mandatory preliminary description of its elements, including variable types, is not required. And here we are not far from anarchy. It is better not to abuse these freedoms. Otherwise, errors are possible, the search for which when debugging programs is not the most nerve-wracking activity. We will learn the Pascal programming language!