Yandex mail mail programs. Mail program settings

In fact, every person who has own computer and has its own email. You can’t go anywhere without it - you can’t register on the site, you can’t talk about work, and you can’t chat with friends. Therefore, there must be at least one shared mailbox. Which one - you choose yourself. But today we will show you Yandex.Mail - a mail system that is quite intuitive to set up.

Briefly tell you about Yandex.Mail - this is Yandex’s own mail service, located on their servers. Daily through this service more than 12 million letters pass through.

The advantages of Yandex.Mail are obvious - large volume mailbox(10 gigabytes upon registration, increase in volume by 1 gigabyte with active use of the interface), conveniently customizable interface using the user’s own design, as well as protecting the mailbox from spam and viruses using.

Let's move on to registration.

We indicate our first and last name (preferably real), as well as a login - a kind of identifier that will serve as an authorization name when accessing Yandex services - and a password - memorable, but at the same time quite reliable ( - every person who has any knowledge of in the Internet).

Next, the system will ask you to indicate the number mobile phone- this will be required if you forget your password. Also, the phone number is an additional login. Instead of a mobile phone number, you can specify a security question and its answer.

At the end of registration, you must enter a “captcha” - a set of characters necessary to protect against automatic registrations.

By the way, you can log in to your email via social media- for example, VKontakte, Mail.RU or .

A mobile phone can also act as a convenient additional login mailing address: *phone number*

While using mail, you will be able to select, group and sort letters.

Selecting with the topmost tick will select all letters, and by marking only one letter, the selected one will be highlighted.

Selected emails can be moved from folder to folder, labeled, marked as unread, deleted, forwarded, or marked as spam.

Above the list of letters on the left you can enable the option "group by topic", and then all letters will be automatically grouped into discussion threads.

Function "Letters by month" allows the user to read those letters that arrived in the mail at a certain point in time.

You can also choose your own mailbox design. This is done intuitively and easily: menu "Settings" - "All settings" - "Select appearance". Here you are invited to choose the most suitable look interface (two-panel (standard), three-panel (more convenient, but less functional) and compact/lightweight (the simplest and least interface-laden)) and topic.

You can also use Yandex mail by various protocols V mail programs oh like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail.

To start with the menu "Settings" - "All settings" - "Mail programs" mark the required protocols (IMAP or POP3) and save the changes.

IMAP protocol

incoming mail:

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 993.

outgoing mail:

  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

Access is provided through a Yandex login and password.

POP3 protocol includes the following settings:

incoming mail:

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 995.

outgoing mail:

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

Access is also carried out through your username and password on Yandex.Mail.

So, we have described the main tricks for setting up mail on Yandex. If you are still interested in some feature, ask your question in the comments and we will definitely answer it. Have a good day!

« Yandex » behind Lately has become so popular, especially among users from Russia, that questions related to it are increasingly appearing on the Internet. Some people can’t download the browser, others can’t register an account, and there are also those who have problems setting up mail on Android. "Yandex » in this case - just a godsend. It allows you to quickly configure, register and install everything.

About company

But first, let’s take a brief look at the Yandex company itself. It was founded in 2000. Has transnational status. Besides search engine owns Internet portals and services in a couple of other countries. It is considered the most developed in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Until May 2017, it was also popular in Ukraine.

The search engine is also not lagging behind. It is noticeably inferior to Google, but still remains fourth worldwide in terms of user activity.

In addition to search, Yandex has a lot of services and add-ons. The following remain popular: “Market”, “Traffic”, “Maps”. The largest services are: “Mail”, “Money” and “News”. How does Yandex. register? Mail", the use of this service, and what configuration errors look like, we will consider further.


This service is absolutely free. It was launched together with the company back in 2000. It quickly deals with spam on its own and can scan letters through the Dr.Web anti-virus filter. Translation of foreign letters is available in the system.

According to the company's estimates, 130 million letters pass through the service per day. 27 million people use email every month. On this moment the user sees the seventh version of the interface. There is also a smartphone app that can help users stay connected. We'll talk about it a little later.

The service interface is nice and customizable. Everyone can choose from a dozen different themes and color schemes.


It is best if the registration is Yandex. Mail" will be held on PC. This is much more convenient, and there is no fear that you will make mistakes when entering data, since you are using a large display. To register for this service you need:

  1. Go to the Yandex website.
  2. On the right top corner you will notice a small window where those who have already opened a mailbox usually enter their username and password.
  3. Above the text fields for entering personal data there will be a “Create a mailbox” button. Click on it and a new window will open. You can also use a direct link to the service, or registration through social networks.

So, before you start setting up Yandex. Mail" on Android, you need to create an account:

  • After clicking on the “create a mailbox” button, a small questionnaire will appear in front of you where you need to enter your personal data. Here you enter your first and last name and password. For safety, write down mobile number. This way you can easily recover forgotten data.
  • You will also have the opportunity to answer a security question. If you suddenly forgot your password or login, or your email was blocked for security reasons, you will need to answer it. Security Question you choose from the list. This could be the name of a pet, the name of the first teacher, the mother's maiden name, etc.

  • After all the data has been entered, you will confirm that you are not a bot and enter the characters indicated on the captcha.

Now you can start using by email.


To set up Yandex. Mail" on Android was a little simpler, it’s better to customize the mailbox for yourself right away. The system will prompt you to set a set of labels for letters. You can add special notes for business messages, friendly messages, etc. Add a name and color to these labels.

Next you will be asked to add personal data. Here you can indicate your full name, signature at the end of the letter and avatar. Then select a design theme. This can always be done in your account settings. Usually, the fifth step is to add a mobile phone for those who did not do this during registration.


To make the mailbox work on your smartphone, you can search for the Yandex. Mail". An Android smartphone has a Play Market, which now has all kinds of applications for the phone. Just enter the required software into the search and you will definitely find something similar.

This store also has official application"Yandex Mail". It will be quite simple to install. All you have to do is enter the username and password that you have already registered and use the software. At the moment, this is the most convenient and easiest way to use this particular service.

Built-in software

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use the Play Market, you can turn to built-in programs. It’s worth noting right away that not all smartphones have built-in email software. But if you find such an application, you can try the Yandex. Mail" on Android:

  • Let's go into this software. You will be offered two configuration protocols. POP3 will send emails to your smartphone, but they will only be copies. You will only be able to view them, and edits will only appear on your phone. IMAP is a useful protocol that will make it possible not only to view, but also to edit messages directly from the device.
  • Therefore, it is better to click on IMAP.
  • Enter your username and password above.
  • Since we are setting up Yandex. Mail", then enter in the server line. Often this data is already here.
  • Next, you need to select the security type SSL/TLS, after which the value in the port line will change from 143 to 993.
  • Then click “Next”. And in the new window we change the security again to SSL/TLS, after which the port from 587 will become 465.

That's it, consider the setup complete.

If for some reason your Android device does not receive notifications from Yandex. Mail", go to the program settings. Most likely, you have one of the modes installed there that blocks notifications. Also check the application itself in your device's settings. You may have notifications disabled for all software. This is usually done to save battery power.

Mail clients

And finally, if Yandex does not work on your Android smartphone. Mail", try using email clients. There are more than a dozen of them in the Play Market. There are high-quality and easy-to-use applications. They are usually installed if you need to collect letters from several addresses at once. Popular ones include myMail, OMail, ProfiMail Go and AquaMail.

If you want to receive mail using your email clients, enable POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To do this, go to the Settings of your Yandex mailbox, open the “Mail programs” section. Select the protocol you want to use by checking the box next to it. Save the result by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

Read more about the operation of the POP3 and IMAP protocols below.

Configuration via IMAP protocol

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not just download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

For settings mail client via IMAP protocol, provide the following information:

  • In chapter Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 993. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 143 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. You must specify your full mailbox address as your login.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

Configuration via POP3 protocol

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from the folders that you specify in Mailbox Settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer into the “Inbox” folder, after which they can be sorted into folders, if necessary, using filters configured in the mail service itself. program.

Keep in mind that many email programs, by default, delete messages from the server when downloading. In this case, all messages in your mailbox will be moved to the “Deleted Items” folder, from where they will be deleted after a week. To save letters in the mailbox, you can set the option in the mail program settings to save copies of letters on the server when downloading, if your program allows this. It is impossible to make this setting from our side.

When setting up an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

  • In chapter Incoming mail (POP3) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 995. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter Outgoing mail (SMTP) you must specify the server address, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server via ports 25 or 587

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. In case you are setting up access to a view box [email protected], the login is the first part of the address - login. If you use Yandex.Mail for domains, you need to specify the full mailbox address as your login.

Today we will tell you how to set up Yandex mail on a domain. There are of course pros and cons to using this service.

Pros: if you only send high-quality small mailings and communicate via email, then you will not have problems with blocking.

Cons: restrictions. The description is available at the link

Let's move on to the setup.

1. Register on Yandex ( Enter your details in the fields.

4. Enter the name of the domain on which you need mail and click on the “Add domain” button.

5. After adding a domain, you have two ways to confirm domain ownership and activate the mail service.

5.1. Confirmation using domain name delegation to the Yandex DNS server:
After specifying the data DNS addresses in the domain properties of the registrar, you just have to wait for the domain to be delegated and confirmed. When the domain is confirmed, you need to pay attention to the type A record so that the domain itself addresses the project IP address you need. No further action is required.

5.2. Confirmation on others DNS servers(the domain remains where it is delegated). Log in to the control panel DNS records your domain and enter the selected data from step 1 and step 2. You will have your data.

Create a CNAME record like:
yamail-c4a68026df1f CNAME
Create or change the MX record to:

@ MX 10

Subdomain name - @
Record type - MX
Data -
Priority - 10

6. After adding necessary records Click on the “Check Domain Ownership” button.

When the domain is confirmed, it will be signed green(The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex).
All your letters will be sent through the Yandex mail service. If your site uses the php mail() function, then be sure to use a mailbox with your domain name in the sender [email protected]. Where name is the name of your mailbox, and domain is the name of your domain.
A mailbox with this name must be created in the Yandex control panel so that there is feedback to the sender’s contact.
About php function mail() we talked, but what about SMTP settings, which is even listed in the title?
Setting up a site to work via SMTP is very simple; if the CMS or developed site supports this in the administrative panel, then all you have to do is enter the required data.

Login – your Yandex domain email address
Password – password for your domain mailbox on Yandex

To configure an email program using the IMAP protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail
mail server address -;
connection security - SSL;
port - 993.
Outgoing mail

connection security - SSL;
port - 465.
To configure an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail
mail server address -;
connection security - SSL;
port - 995.
Outgoing mail
mail server address -;
connection security - SSL;
port - 465.

Save or apply the entered data. Place a test order or contact feedback on your website. You may have other functions implemented for working with mail and you need to test their operation.
This completes the setup. Have a good day.

Users using any email services may not be able to access official pages clients, and use programs for quick access to the box.

Yandex mail is one of the popular postal services. The developers provided it functional solutions For comfortable work with letters. She has built-in protection, which will help prevent viruses from getting onto users’ computers, as well as advanced spam filtering algorithms.

You can interact with mail not only by going to the official website of the service, but also through special applications. They will allow you to view and work with your email directly on your personal computer.

Allowing the use of POP3 and IMAP

To allow the use of protocols, you need to go to Yandex and do some steps:

Mail program settings

If you use IMAP protocol, then the software will not just download letters to a PC, but will completely reflect the structure of the mailbox.

Required data for IMAP:

  • in order to configure incoming messages, you need to specify a synchronization server. Encryption must be carried out using the SSL method. If the client has no support of this type connection protection required specify port This will allow connections without SSL;
  • for outgoing messages you must enter synchronization server and encryption method. It also implies the use of SSL. If the software does not support it, then use port 25.

In turn, POP3 will allow you to display the structure that the user himself specifies when setting up the client. In this case, messages arriving by email will be downloaded exclusively to the “ Inbox" Ultimately, letters can be sorted into folders using the functionality of the software.

It is worth mentioning that in some cases the software may delete copies of letters when downloading and thereby move them to “ Deleted" In a few days they will be deleted from there without the possibility of recovery. In order to avoid such situations, you need to set “ Save copies of emails when downloading"(not all applications provide this function).

Required data for POP3:

  • For incoming messages, you need to specify a synchronization server and select an encryption type. Protection method SSL is used, but not all clients support it. If necessary specify the port 110 allows you to connect without SSL;
  • for outgoing, you must also specify the server and select the type of connection security. Protection implies usageSSL. If the software does not support it, specify port 525.

General settings

For the mail client to function, you will need to make settings for each protocol.

Inbox for POP3:

  • connection –;
  • port – 995.

Outgoing forPOP3:

  • connection –;
  • certificate – SSL;
  • port – 465.

If authentication is provided, you must enter your email login and password. For example " [email protected]", the login is the part up to the "@" symbol.

Inbox for IMAP:

  • connection –;
  • security certificate – SSL;
  • port – 993.

Outgoing forIMAP:

  • connection –;
  • security certificate – SSL;
  • port – 465.

Outlook Settings

Options for Outlook:

The Bat

Is the most functional software to work with by email:


Mozilla Thunderbird - free program for working with email. The main advantage is the functionality and flexibility of the interface.

The process looks like this:

  • launch the program, select the item “ Email»;
  • indicate the required data, click “ Continue»;
  • In the window that opens, click “ Manually»;
  • select the protocol type, enter the necessary parameters and click “ Ready».

Built-in Windows 8 and 10 client

Options standard means in Windows 8 and 10 it looks like this:

Settings on Android

It is also possible to configure the email client on a mobile phone. operating system Android: