Yandex.Metrica - what kind of beast and how to tame it. Step-by-step setup instructions

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about a new visible visit counter (with an informer), which over time may be able to somewhat shake the ultra-reliable position of the most popular one on this moment in RuNet. I mean the informer that Metrica recently published.

When I created my first website, I really wanted to put a counter on it from . I typed such a query into a search engine, looked through many resources, but it turned out to be just a myth, although many did not fail to make sufficient progress on this popular request. I remember that it was through him that I first came to Devaki’s blog. Very useful resource By the way, I advise you to visit.

Yandex counter - myth or reality?

But still promotion this request at that time, because such a thing did not exist in nature. Many passed him off as him. Well, starting in the fall of 2009, it was possible, almost without a twinge of conscience, to display a web analytics tool called Yandex Metrica, which, in general, was just that.

But still it was somewhat different from the popular LiveInternet, which, in addition to being quite powerful tools web analytics (probably not even analytics, but still statistics) had an informer visible to site visitors, where it would be possible, if desired, to configure the display of traffic data in any form convenient for the webmaster.

This is exactly the kind of informer that Metrica lacked so that it could absolutely be called a counter. But this was relevant only until recently, and now we can talk about it publicly, because this system acquired a visible part that allows you to display information about the traffic of this resource on the site pages.

When setting up the informer, you can choose one of these three options for displaying it on the site, as well as configure color scheme and what exactly should be displayed in it. For a start, I think it's good. I am especially impressed by the second option, which displays site traffic by day of the week in the form of a step chart - very original.

By the way, you can configure it so that when you click on the informer, a drop-down window appears with statistics for the previous week:

In general, Metrica attracts with its clarity, beauty and other web two-zero (WEb 2.0), especially against the backdrop of LiveInternet, which in terms of the presentation of information and the clarity of its presentation is still a bit of the past, although, of course, the information it provides is very important in some cases is unique.

Let's hope that, finally, LI will have a worthy competitor in the person of Metrica and its visible hit counter, because competition is always good for the end user, i.e. for you and me, dear webmasters.

By the way, this system can be called a web analytics tool, because it has the ability to set goals and track certain events (for example, going to a certain page, registering, following certain links, etc.).

In RuNet, the most popular tool for web analytics is still Google Analytics, which is quite sophisticated and seriously surpasses Yandex Metrica in capabilities.

But the question is that in RuNet at the moment web analytics is in its infancy, unlike the bourgeois web (which, according to some data, is about 5 years ahead of the development of our SEO), where similar systems have become one of the most popular tools for website promotion.

In RuNet, Google Analytics is considered the coolest, but in the burzhunet it is used only by novice optimizers. They quite often use professional paid software to analyze the progress of projects. Well, we are lagging behind the bourgeoisie and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, Metrica’s web analytics capabilities will be sufficient for us in most cases.

In addition, the brainchild of the RuNet mirror has such unique tools as Webvisor, a map of links or clicks:

Well, now let's move on from singing the praises of Yandex and its new counter (something in Lately I’m promoting their services too much) directly to how to get all this beauty on your website.

How to register and set up Yandex informer

Let me remind you that if you make money on your website by displaying ads from advertising network Yandex (YAN), then along with the context block code, the Metrica code will also be loaded. Those. Consider that you are already registered in this system, and in order to make sure of this, you can click on the corresponding link on the statistics page of your advertising platform in YAN:

Let me also remind you that if ads from YAN are not displayed on all pages of your resource, then the Yandex counter statistics will be underestimated. In this case, you will need to register and add your site to Metrica (registration actually involves receiving), and then receive and install the code on your site.

But we are more interested in the “Counter Code” tab, where, in fact, you can customize the appearance and get the code. By the way, if you have a YAN context running, then you will only need to get the code for the informer, because Your counter will be loaded automatically along with contextual ads.

In general, until 2009, Metrica was available only to those who used Direct on their website, which is why there is now such a strong relationship between these two services. , is reverse side advertising network YAN - advertisers advertise in Direct, and in affiliate network they are posted by webmasters. Well, this is to roughly approximate.

So, to activate the display of the informer, you will need to check the box of the same name. All settings for the appearance and functionality of the visible counter are hidden behind the “Configure informer” item.

As a result, an additional area will open where you can select one of three types of Yandex counter and fine-tune its appearance and the information displayed in it:

The first option will display all three possible traffic indicators at once (from top to bottom): the number of impressions of pages of the site under study for the current day, the number of visits and the number of unique visitors. In general, just everything you need.

The second option displays a color graph of attendance by day of the week and one of the three parameters described above. Which one will be displayed on the counter will depend on which field you check in: Views, Visits or Visitors.

The third option will simply display one of your chosen indicators of traffic to your resource.

I think that there is no need to talk about how you can adjust the color scheme, because everything is already clear. You need to select one of two display options and text color, and also receive more information when you click on the counter with the left mouse button (option “Advanced” - see the screenshot at the beginning of the article).

After you create your masterpiece, scroll down the window and click on the “Save” button. Now you need to copy the informer code and, if necessary, the counter code, which will be located in the lower area.

Please note that the counter code will be enclosed in opening and closing tags like:

and the informer - in tags:

Looking ahead a little, I will say that once you install the informer code on your website, you are unlikely to see anything on it, because you will still need to activate its display. This is done on the “Accesses” tab:

You need to check the box “Show informer data":

At first I thought that it would take time, after which the numbers themselves would appear in the informer. Ah, no. This checkbox is necessary and you can’t do without it.

What is the best way to install a Yandex counter on a website?

You can of course copy and paste them together. Everything will work, but it would still be better to insert the Metrica counter code into the template of your site before the closing /body tag, because in this case the frozen script will not slow down the loading of the pages of your resource.

Although lately we have been offered an asynchronous version by default, which does not affect the page loading speed in any way:

But you can install the informer in any place convenient for you, just as I described it in articles about:

I think that by using the materials above, you will be able to cope with this overwhelming task without any problems.

Yes, if you want visitors to your resource to be able to view the detailed data of your counter, you will need to go to the “Access” tab in its settings and check the “ Public access to statistics”, after which you will be provided with a link leading to a page with a statistic open to everyone:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello, friends. Do you already have a blog, are you filling it with content and want to know how many people read you? Then it’s time to install a Yandex Metrics counter on your website, and below I’ll show you how to do it. Go!

Installing Yandex Metrica

Go to the page Click the “Add counter” button.

On the next page, enter the name of the counter and the site domain and click “Create”. Then go to the “Counter Code” tab.

I recommend checking the following boxes:

  • Webvisor - allows you to monitor user behavior. Useful feature!
  • Asynchronous code - the counter will not reduce the site loading speed. We put;
  • In one line - it will reduce the size, but make the code unreadable. Not for everyone;
  • Informer - usually placed in the footer. Shows statistics to all visitors to your site. I don't bet.

On the "Webvisor" tab:

  • Recording pages when viewed by a visitor - disabled (Necessary for online stores);
  • Writing pages by robot - disabled;
  • Loading pages into the player is not important (I am doing it on behalf of an anonymous user).

We'll look at goals and filters later, for now the main thing is to understand how to install Yandex Metrica.

After the above settings, click the “Save” button on the right and return to the “Counter Code” tab. Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button and paste this code into the footer of our blog. If you don't know how, read on.

Where to insert the Metrica code?

I'll show you 2 ways to add code.


For me this is the easiest way. In the root of your site, go to the theme folder, most often located at “/wp-content/themes/theme_name” and find the “footer.php” file there. Open it and paste the counter code before the closing tag and don’t forget to save.

Through WordPress admin

Second the method will work, if you do not have access to FTP, we will install the counter through the WordPress admin panel. To do this, go to the admin panel in the section “ Appearance— Editor”, find the file “foter.php” (May be called “Footment”) in the list on the right and add the counter code to the end before the tag.

Now a new one has appeared on the page with your counters, someone’s first. Go to it and analyze all the statistics of your blog.

In the next lesson I will show you how to install a Google Analytics counter. With this I say goodbye. Good luck!

If you have already created your website and it is open for indexing by search engines, then soon you will want to receive information about traffic statistics, traffic sources, etc. To do this, you will need to install a traffic counter on all pages of the resource. Let's try to figure out how and where to install such counters.

Yandex.Metrica Creation

To create a Yandex.Metrica counter, follow the link while logged in to your account and click the “Add counter” button:

Then you need to fill in the fields “Counter Name” and “Site Address”, select the time zone, accept the conditions user agreement and click “Create counter”:

After this, you will immediately be taken to the counter settings panel, where you can select certain parameters for its operation, for example, enable a web viewer, track a hash (for ajax sites) or install a widget:

As shown in the screenshot, the counter code with all its settings is presented in the field at the very bottom. Now all that remains is to copy the code and place it on the site.


It is best to install counters on all pages of a resource, so you need to place the code in a common template.

In general it will look something like this:

In this case, the informer does not have to be placed together with the main counter code; for example, it can be placed in the footer of the page, before the closing tag:

Google Analytics Creation

Creating a counter begins with registering a new one Google account Analytics. To do this, follow the link and click “Registration”.

Then click “Get Tracking ID” and accept the user agreement:

Immediately after this, you will be taken to a page with a new counter, the code of which must also be placed on all pages of the site.

ABOUT detailed settings Google Analytics counter can be read.


The installed counter looks something like this:

Installing counters in various CMS Bitrix

To install counters in Bitrix, you just need to open the general template and paste the code.

To do this, being on any page (provided that one template is used for all pages), you need to expand the administrative panel (or, in other words, the Development Panel), select the “Site Template” tab, the “In Control Panel” subtab and click “Edit” sample":

Then insert the necessary counters according to the examples given above:


There shouldn’t be any problems when installing counters on WordPress either.

Just select the “Appearance → Editor” tab in the administration panel, open the header.php file for editing (signed as “Header”) and insert counters:


There is a special field for adding a Google Analytics counter to OpenCart.

You need to go to the “System → Settings” section, select the “Change” action opposite your store, then select the “Server” tab:

At the bottom of the page, paste the counter code into the “ Google Code Analytics" and save:

The installation of the Yandex.Metrica counter and any others can be done in a general template, according to the examples given above. To do this, you will have to connect to the site via FTP and find the template files. Typically, the path is something like this: /catalog/view/theme/your_theme/template/common files footer.tpl or header.tpl


As with all the systems described above, counters are placed directly in the template files. But if you use FTP access If it’s not very convenient, or you’re afraid of doing something wrong, you can place counters directly in the admin panel.

To do this, you will need to create an HTML module (tab “Extensions → Module Manager”, click “Create” and select “HTML code”) and configure it.

So, let's create a new module:

  • Let's give it a name
  • Insert the counter code
  • Hiding the header display
  • Choosing a position
  • Link to all pages
  • We rejoice!
  • If you are using a framework, then most likely it already provides the ability to place counters on all pages (you will have to look carefully in the settings).

    Other counters

    All other counters, for example Mail.Ru Rating, LiveInternet, etc., are recommended to be inserted before the closing tag. First of all, this is necessary so that the code does not interfere with the page loading. If you still want to place the code somewhere else, then you can use asynchronous loading(the “async” attribute for the tag). This will allow the counter to load simultaneously with the html page.

    If you have problems creating, configuring or installing meters, you can order these services.

    Visitor counters can be found on almost any website, and if they are not visible visually, this does not mean that they do not exist. A real webmaster and optimizer must know how many people visit his resource, what queries they follow, etc. Some even put counters in a prominent place to show off to other users (webmasters). From this article you will learn how to add a visit counter to your website, as well as how to select a counter.

    1. Who needs a counter on the site and why?

    An ordinary user who is far from creating websites has no idea what is considered high traffic and what is small. This means there is no point in boasting about your attendance to such users. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand that the counter is necessary primarily for the webmaster. And it is needed in order to track overall traffic, as well as monitor detailed statistics: what material on the site is most interesting, what is the average time spent on the site, what search queries attracted users, etc.

    2. Which counter to choose

    First, you need to decide which counter to install on your website. I’ll say right away that the choice is really worthwhile free counters not great. I would definitely recommend adding a counter from to your website. This counter has great statistical abilities. For example, it allows you to track search queries (more precisely, it allowed, because now transitions from the PS have begun to be hashed), entry/exit points, the number of page views, transitions from sites, search engines etc.

    Also good counters are and As a result, I propose installing four counters on the site:

    You can also install Google Analytics (but I usually don’t install it).

    Now I’ll tell you about the main thing: how to install a counter on a website.

    3. Installation of the counter on the site 3.1. Counter from

    Form for adding a site to the system:

    I think that it is not worth explaining how to fill out the form when adding a site, since everything is obvious here. The only thing I want to say: in the last paragraph “participation in ratings” do not forget to select a category (if, of course, you plan to participate in overall rating). Next you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to check the correctness of the entered data. If everything is correct, then click on the register button.

    Once on the next page, click on “get html code of the counter”. You will be taken to the counter selection page:

    I like the second type of counters, which show the number of views in 24 hours, the number of visitors in 24 hours and the number of visitors today. After selecting a counter, click on it and you will be taken to the color selection page.

    After this, at the bottom of the page you need to select the type of counter.

    I always select the very first option: “in the form of one picture” (it is the default). Next, at the very bottom of the page there will be a button “get the html code of the counter”, click on it and it will open in front of you new page with code.

    The LiveInternet counter code looks something like this:

    The resulting code must be inserted in the place of your html page where you want the counter to be. I advise you to place it at the very bottom of the page so as not to slow down the page loading.

    I also advise you to close the counters in the tag and add the attribute to the a tag so as not to transfer link juice.

    3.2. Counter from

    First you need to register in Rambler: After that, log in and go to the “add site” page.

    Then follow the instructions. IN general meaning approximately the same as in the first case. Here you will have to fill out a little more fields than on LiveInternet. At the very end you will be asked to select the type of counter:

    After this, you get the counter code and, just like in the first case, insert it in the place on the site where you want it to be displayed.

    The code will look something like this:

    Rambler has become very capricious when it comes to resource moderation. Only white sites are accepted here. If the site is gray, it will be rejected.

    3.3. Counter from

    To add a site to Yandex Metrica, you must be authorized on Yandex. After this, go to the page and click “add counter” at the top.

    After this, you will need to fill in the appropriate fields and place the code on the site in the same way. Usually I make the metric counter invisible on the site.

    After you add counters to the site, in a couple of days you can already start analyzing site statistics.

    3.4. Counter from

    To add a site to TOP Mail, you need to register with After this, go to the page and enter data to add a site.

    This meter has similar options for viewing a meter with LI. Those. almost the same points. In this regard, of course, Yandex Metrica is much more interesting.

    The email counter is good primarily because its rating is visited by many users. From this rating there will be transitions to your site if it has quite a lot of traffic.

    4. How to make the hit counter beautiful

    As a bonus, I'll talk about how to make the counter more beautiful. To do this, you will need to write the following code in your CSS style sheet:

    #cnt a img ( opacity :0.3 ; -moz-opacity :0.3 ; filter :alpha (opacity=40 ); -khtml-opacity : 0.3 ; ) #cnt a :hover img ( opacity :1.0 ; -moz-opacity :1.0 ; filter :alpha (opacity=100 ); -khtml-opacity : 1 ; )

    And in the place where you need to insert the meter codes, write the following:

    Meter codes

    After this, you will have counters like on this site, i.e. They are darkened, and when hovered they become bright.

    Why is this important for every website owner to know?

    Entrepreneurs often complain about poor performance from their websites. A typical situation looks like this. You ordered a website, then paid for its promotion. Usually this is contextual advertising, SEO promotion or advertising on social networks. But you are not satisfied with the results - there are few calls and requests from the site, sales do not cover the costs of online promotion.

    Time passes, and such a client turns to our agency for help. We begin our work with a marketing audit of the site. It allows you to understand the reasons for poor returns from the site and advertising. In 80% of cases, we cannot fully analyze the site. The reason is that the Yandex.Metrica counter is not installed on the clients’ website or is configured incorrectly.

    • How can you understand in a minute whether a counter is installed on the site or not?
    • How to check whether Yandex.Metrica is configured correctly or not?
    • If the counter is not installed, how can I install it correctly so that it can then be used for a full analysis of the site and advertising?

    We have prepared a detailed and understandable instructional article for all these questions, which we ourselves use in our work.

    Checking the installation of the Yandex Metrica counter

    Before starting work, check whether the Yandex.Metrica counter is installed on your website.

  • To do this, open your website in the Chrome browser. Hover your mouse over a place free of active elements, right-click, and select “View page code.”
  • In the tab that appears, find the Yandex.Metrica counter code.
  • Press Ctrl+F (for Mac, Cmd+F).

    In the window that appears, enter “Yandex.Metrika”.

    If the code is installed on the site, then a search on the page will show that information has been found. Then you will need to check how correctly it is installed and configured.

    If the code is not installed on your site, then nothing will be found. And you will need to install it.

    How to install the Yandex.Metrica counter correctly

    For this you will need Yandex mail. If you don't have one, then get one. Log in to your Yandex mail. In the upper right corner, click on your email address and select “Metrica” from the drop-down menu.

    You are taken to the Yandex.Metrica service interface

    Click on the “Add counter” button

  • Enter a site name. I recommend indicating the name of your company.
  • Enter the website address. For example, If you have a website in the Russian Federation zone, then moisite.rf.
  • Check the “I accept the terms” checkbox.
  • It is also important to check the “Notify me about problems with the site” checkbox. If Yandex mail is not your main one, then indicate your main mail, which you check regularly, separated by a comma. Then, if problems suddenly arise and your site does not work, you will quickly know about it.
  • If you do not regularly check your email, I also recommend checking the box “By SMS message, sending time is Moscow.”
  • If the checkbox cannot be checked, i.e. the field is inactive and you see the message “Your profile does not contain a phone number,” then you need to link your phone number to your email. Click on “Number Settings”.

    In the new window, enter the phone number to which you want to receive SMS when your site is down, and click the “add” button.

    6. Time zone

    It is important to set the time zone in which your site operates. If it is Moscow, then we leave it unchanged.

    7. After that, click on the “Create” button in the top left.

    If you did everything correctly, then in the updated window you will see the meter number and you need to go to the section on the left - “Counter code”.

    Counter code

    In this section it is important:

    • Check the box “Webvisor, scroll map, form analytics.”
    • Click on the “Copy to Clipboard” button.
    • Click the “Save” button.

    After that, create a document in any text editor and save the code from the clipboard in it. For example, create a Word document, and in it using the “Ctrl + V” command or in the “Edit - Paste” menu. As a result, your counter code will be in a separate file.

    Send this file to the specialist who is working on your site, and ask him to put the code on all pages of the site, preferably closer to the top of the page.

    After installing the code, it is important to check if it works correctly.

    Go to the main page of Yandex.Metrica (, and if the code is installed correctly, then next to the site name you will see a green icon, if incorrectly - red.

    Setting up the Yandex.Metrica counter

    After installing the code, we proceed to the correct configuration. Very often, many sites have Yandex.Metrica codes, but they are not configured correctly and therefore do not collect enough data to analyze the site.

    1. Set up “Webvisor”

    Webvisor is a Yandex.Metrica feature that records the actions of site visitors, like a hidden video camera. You can play back a recording of a user's visit and see what he did on your site - where he clicked, what he read, etc.

    Click on the gear icon on the menu on the left and get to the counter settings section.

    There we go to the “Webvisor” section.

      The site contains interactive elements that change depending on user actions and it is important for you to monitor them. For example, an online store with a shopping cart function. Then you will need to record not only the user’s actions, but also the content of the pages of your site, which changes depending on the user’s actions.

    In these cases, it is necessary to reconfigure the “Webvisor” function as follows:

    1. Click on the “From Browser” item.

    2. In the field, enter the addresses of the pages on which we want to record actions as a separate request. I recommend adding here all the pages of your site for which you need to record content. If you want all pages of the site to be recorded, then, rather than listing each of them in a list, use a regular expression.

    For example:

    regexp:.* - record all pages of the domain

    regexp:* - then Yandex.Metrica will record the contents of pages like:,

    2. Set up a filter for your own site visits

    To collect data on the actions of only potential clients on the site, you need to exclude visits from your own employees, site specialists, etc. from the statistics. This is especially true for sites with low traffic.

    There are two main ways to exclude your own visits from web analysis:

  • If your employees are in the same office and use the Internet from the same Internet provider, then you need to set up a static IP address for the organization. Then set up a filter so that all visits from this IP address are not taken into account in Yandex.Metrica statistics.
  • If your employees are located in different offices, or you access the site from different devices (from home, from the office, from a smartphone), then you can create a link to the site with special tags (utm tags). Then ask all employees to save the link in their browsers as bookmarks and access the site only through it. Then in Yandex.Metrica set up a filter based on these tags.
  • How to set up a visit filter in Yandex.Metrica

    Method No. 1

  • Go to the “Filters” section in the menu on the left.
  • Add a filter.
  • Filter type: exclude traffic.
  • Field: IP address (if we set up a visit filter using method No. 1)
  • Condition: equal.
  • Value: enter the organization's IP address.
  • And then in the filter we indicate:

    Field: URL pages

    Condition: contains

    If you use both methods, you can make two filters at once. Set up one filter, then click “Add Filter” and set up a second one.

    3. Setting goals

    Users on the site perform various actions. Some of these actions bring them closer to a purchase. For example, for a small business this could be the following:

    • Completing an order form after the product is placed in the cart (for online stores)
    • Filling out the forms “Order a call back”, “Calculation of a home heating project”, “Sign up for a free consultation”, etc.
    • Download price list
    • Call the phone number listed on the website

    Such actions are usually called “targeted” because they bring the user closer to the main goal of a commercial site - converting visitors into customers. The exception is news and entertainment portals, whose main goal is to involve the user in consuming content.

    In website web analytics, it is important to set up tracking of target actions. There is a tool for this called “Goals”.

    Setting up tracking of “form filling” actions

    In the counter settings (gear icon) go to the “Goals” section and click “Add goal”.

    In the pop-up window, name the target in the “Name” field. For example, for a lawyer’s website, if we need to track the actions of filling out the form, “Sign up for a free consultation,” then we indicate “Free consultation.”

    Condition: “Page Visit”

    This means that the goal will be achieved when the user fills out the “Free Consultation” form and visits a specific page. This is usually called a thank you page.

    If a user on your site performs a target action, and after that the thank you page does not load, but, for example, a pop-up window appears, then I recommend that you create a thank you page and configure it so that it loads after completing the target actions. This will greatly simplify your goal setting at the initial stage of mastering web analytics.

    How to Make a Thank You Page

    It is created based on the design of existing website pages. The main thing is to observe the main points:

  • Short title in the URL. You can use the following words: “ok”, “thanks”, etc. to easily set up Goals.
  • Phone number to call if suddenly the client does not want to wait and decides to call you.
  • Thank you text. You can also write the approximate response time.
  • Set up the loading of the thank you page in the next separate tab. This will allow the user to return to your site and continue working with it.
  • We continue setting the goal.

    Condition: url: contains

    Those. We told Yandex.Metrica to track all user actions that lead them to the thank you page at a URL that ends with “/ok.html.” And let her call such actions as “Free consultation”.

    If you have several different forms on your site, then to simplify setup, I recommend the following procedure:

  • Set up the loading of the thank you page after filling out any form on your website.
  • In the name of the goal, indicate “filling out the form.”
  • In the settings, specify as indicated in the example above (Condition: url: contains URL: /ok.html).
  • Once you learn how to analyze a site yourself, you can then set goals for each form on your site.

    Setting up tracking of site visitors' actions with an online consultant

    If you have an online consultant installed on your website and you periodically receive customer requests using it, then it is also important to track these user actions and set goals for them in Yandex.Metrica.

    Let's look at how to do this using the Jivosite online consultant as an example.

  • Go to the goal settings section → add a goal.
  • And fill in the pop-up window as shown in the picture:

    Title: we write the name of the online consultant and the action that the site visitor performed - in this case, “Chat requested by client.” This event occurs after a site visitor sends the first message in the online consultant independently (not in response to an active invitation).

    Condition: JavaScript event.

    Target ID: Jivo_Chat_requested

    And click “Add target”.

    If you did everything correctly, your goal will appear in the list.

    And in the same way, we set up goals for other types of user actions with an online consultant on your website.

    The site visitor accepted the active invitation of the online consultant by writing a message in response:

    Title: Jivosite Client accepted active invitation

    Target ID: Jivo_Proactive_invitation_accepted

    A website visitor sent an offline message.

    This means that the visitor sent you a message through the “online consultant” service when the operator was not online.

    Title: Jivosite Client sent offline message

    Target ID: Jivo_Offline_message_sent

    After setting up your goals, you will have this picture in Yandex.Metrica. Please note that if you clicked “Save”, the targets will have digital identifiers (marked in red).

    Tracking calls from users on the site

    There are different ways to track calls from a website. All of them differ in varying degrees of data accuracy, cost and complexity of implementation.

    The simplest is to ask calling clients “How did they hear about us,” but it is also the most unreliable, especially if employees answer the calls. The most reliable way is to use call tracking services.

    To understand which method to use, I recommend installing a separate phone number on the site and setting up forwarding from it to the main number of the sales department.

    1 month of use is enough to calculate the exact number of calls from the site. If there are so many of them that you consider it important to track them more accurately, then proceed to selecting a “call tracking” service.

