Yandex photos hosting my photos. Another unpleasant surprise from Yandex

Modern technologies allow us to create incredible miracles that would have been considered magic in the Middle Ages, and therefore no one will surprise you if they say that they can check any picture in the world for uniqueness. This article will discuss how to upload a picture to Yandex. Pictures”, and then successfully find similar images. This option is very helpful for people who collect photos with similar themes, but do not know where to find them.

How to upload a picture to the Yandex search engine

First, you need to figure out what exactly you want to do with the picture in Yandex, and there are only two options: upload the picture with the intention of finding more similar ones, for example, the same person on different sites; upload an image for “Wide display”, i.e. give your creation publicity.

If you want to choose the second option, then proceed to the next paragraph of the article. It will tell you in detail how to upload a picture to Yandex. Pictures" and participate with her in various competitions from Yandex.

But if you just want to find a picture on the vast expanses of the Internet, then the following information is for you. First of all, it’s worth saying that the uploaded image for search will not be distributed anywhere; smart people will just find similar features of your image with others that are already included in the database. If there is a similarity, then you will be provided with the entire list similar images, including links where these same images are published, so don’t be afraid to look for photos, for example, of your loved ones.

Instructions on how to upload a picture for search:

  1. Go to the main page of Yandex, after which there will be a “Pictures” button near the search field, click on it.
  2. There will be another one in front of you funny picture from “Yandex”, and at the top there is a text search field, but next to it there will be a camera icon, click on it.
  3. You will be offered two options for the development of events: you upload a photo from your computer or provide a direct link to the image, both options work effectively.
  4. Click the "Search" button and wait for the search result.

It is worth noting that in this way you can search for pictures in Google, Yahoo, and

Why is it worth uploading a photo to Yandex. Pictures?

It’s not for nothing that this item is called that, because it gives some creative impetus to photographers. Using the Yandex. Photos" some publishers find photographers on permanent basis. But how is this done? "Yandex. Photos" is not only a photo hosting site, but also a place where people post photos for public viewing, vote for the best and simply compete. The topics are very diverse, so if you want to learn a lot about the world of photography, this is the place for you. Next instructions will be for those who want, but do not know how to upload a picture to Yandex. Pictures are worth downloading High Quality, if you want to display them.


  1. Log in to your current Yandex email, then go to the Yandex. Photos" and find the "Upload" button.
  2. You will be presented wide choose options, among which you can assign a photo title, tag and much more


We hope that you now know how to upload a picture to Yandex. Pictures and can easily use this photo hosting site. It is worth noting that posting and searching for photos is free. If they try to take money from you for this, then they are scammers.

Yandex.Photos are moving
03/07/2018, 17:00
If you visited the service today, you know that we are preparing to move. On April 27, we will begin transferring the service content to Yandex.Disk, where your photos will be completely safe. You can edit them, create albums from them, and share them with other people. Links to pictures posted on Yandex.Photos will continue to work.

Yandex.Photos was launched in 2007, more than ten years ago. Since then, new services and technologies have appeared. Nowadays people share pictures mainly on social networks and prefer to store them in the cloud - it’s more convenient and simpler. For example, you can automatically upload pictures from a smartphone to Disk, but not to Photos. People gradually began to use the service less and less. Over the past six months, only five percent of those who have an account have visited Photos. One hundred times more pictures are now uploaded to Disk than to Photos. Therefore, we decided to transfer the entire photo archive to the cloud.

You can move your photos to Drive now, without waiting for April 27th. To do this, just click the “Move to Yandex.Disk” button. From this moment on, it will no longer be possible to add new pictures to Photos or edit old ones. The move will take some time. As soon as it is completed, we will notify you about it on Yandex.Photos.

Your pictures (as well as comments and views on them) will be stored on Yandex.Disk in a special folder that will not take up space in your cloud. Photos in this folder can be viewed and edited, but some Drive features are not available in it. Therefore, we gave you for free the same amount of space in the cloud as you had occupied in Photos. You can upload your pictures there from special folder or use this space for something else.

As for albums, they will immediately move to the albums folder, and all settings will be saved. For example, if the album was private, it will remain so on Yandex.Disk.

Surely some of you have participated in competitions or watched them as a spectator. From today they will be held in Yandex.Collections. There you can also find an archive of competitions and see Photos of the Day - including those from previous years. Your own photos that won competitions will also be waiting for you in Yandex.Collections.

For more information about what will happen to photos and albums after moving to Yandex.Disk, read the help
text from:

Someone will say: “Who needs this?” - and everything in the same spirit... and I will tell ME! and I'm not the only one!!! but they don’t care about our opinion!!!

yandex you're nuts??? Why break something that works! Works for years! After all, on this moment There is no alternative with such functionality! and instead of developing the product! By improving it, you throw out the best from it - THAT!, which distinguishes Yandex.Photos from other photo hosting sites, and turns it into something glamorous...

But now I have the most main question: Where to upload photos now??? So that it would be just as convenient to insert them into LiveJournal? In LJ itself?? But then I’ll quickly run out of space ;-) I don’t write... I share my photos...

Who thinks about this? Let's discuss in the comments!!! UPD - 03/09/2018 17:12 (Moscow time):

I upload photos to my blog through the Yandex Photos service. This is a convenient service that allows, for example, copying photos thirty at a time to in the right order. My page

I took 99.9% of the photos on the blog myself, if not, then I indicate the link where the photo was taken from. If this is a photo of Angelina Jolie, then I don’t point it out, then you will all guess that I didn’t take this photo myself.

I still have a couple of pages, but mostly the photos are here, Yandex keeps track of views for the album as a whole, and for each photo separately. In total, I have more than 9 million views over the entire period, but this figure doesn’t say much. More interesting statistics each individual photo. There is a section - popular with the user and popular over the week. Yandex takes into account views not only on the Yandex photo service, on the blog and in other places where the photo was copied.

Let's see which photos were popular. I see several ways of popularity. Some photos from the posts that went to the top for me, and from there they were looked at a lot on my blog and a lot of people looked at them in other places. There are photos that I posted in popular communities, there are photos that I inserted into comments to top bloggers.

In first place - 414,971 views. Hell of a photo - God sees everything, don’t overtake the traffic jam on the side of the road.

3. Well, here is Angelina Jolie, the only photo not of mine among the frequently viewed ones. 51455 views

4.41544 views. A cat walking along Krasny Prospekt and returning home safely through the window

5.37181 views - tattoo convention hell. Tattoo photos were stolen wherever possible. Therefore, when I once re-posted one photo from that series on the blog, it was sent to the “other” section, apparently as a malicious copy-paste. But I paid for the entrance myself and took all the photos myself (

There is also a popular this week section.

Here are the photos that I posted on the blog this week and old photos, which nevertheless are consistently and widely viewed every week. This is where I think about the need for copyright. Photos with bears, even in the form of magnets, are already being sold

10. Still cute Kai

11. A consistently popular photo every week is Yi Ji Han in the series Empress Ki, screenshot

12. Consistently every week since 2012 - a bride in the Vladivostok Yakhont hotel. I don't understand why

13. Bears still conferring

14.Navalny's cube

15. The reason for popularity here is clear

16.And here too

17. Sausage from megas - prices 2013

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This is the third article on the blog that my wife wrote. You can see the first two here: “” and “”. I hope that the information presented in it will be useful to you.

Today we will talk about photo hosting from the company Yandex (), which is not only one of the best and most popular on the Internet, but also free and with great capabilities in terms of photo editing.

Attention! The service is moving. All . The place there will be provided free of charge. Well, until the move is over, feel free to use it.

We can change any of our photographs beyond recognition:

  1. - increase resolution, lighten or completely correct color
  2. - impose various effects(make it black and white, make it look old, sepia, etc.)
  3. — add a frame (there are several variations of it)
  4. - , to turn
  5. - change brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness
  6. — change focus (make a certain area sharp and blur the rest)
  7. - add warmth to the photo or, conversely, add cold shades
  8. — add a spot of color (for example, make the photo black and white, and some part in color)
  9. — draw something on the photo by hand (you can choose the color, brush size, eraser)
  10. — print text (choose color and font)
  11. - remove red eyes
  12. — make some area in the photo lighter (or blurrier) than it actually is

We can also use various stickers on our photos. For example, as in the photo below, put glasses on a monkey:

What is EXIF ​​and why is it so interesting?

By moving the cursor to the very bottom of the photo, thumbnails of all images loaded into this photo album will be presented to our attention. By clicking on the two squares in the lower right corner, we can increase or decrease the viewing area.

We can also link this photo to a map (this was already mentioned just above), view a slideshow of this photo album, find out the number of views, check out the photo, add it to favorites, and save it to your disk.

However, any modern digital camera can remember (and record) a lot most interesting information according to one or another frame taken with its help. So EXIF ​​is what it is Additional Information about the photo.

Let's see what EXIF ​​can tell us about one of the images uploaded to free photo hosting from Yandex. To do this, click on the three dots at the very bottom, and then click on “Show EXIF”:

Here we are given information about which camera and lens it was made with. this photo, at what shutter speed, exposure value, shooting mode, aperture, focal length, ISO, flash, date and time of shooting, date of upload of this image to the photo service from Yandex.
We can also look at other photographs taken with this camera by clicking on “Pictures taken with this device.”

But there is one point: if you do not have the ability to view EXIF, then this image was either shot on a film camera or even scanned, so there is simply nowhere to get this data.

We get to this window:

We select the images for which we want to receive the code. Attention! In what order do you want to see the photos, for example, in your thread on the forum, in that order you select them. Very comfortably.

Then we select the size in which our pictures will be published somewhere. The “Select” button deselects all your selected photos at once. Then copy the code (BBCode) to paste into the forum. If desired, remove the line “photos in the album” and “more” from the code.

Favorite Authors Feed

On the main page of Yandex.Photo, where you can see all your albums, there is a menu on the left, under your login and data on the number of created albums and photos uploaded to it. What is so interesting about it that we can learn for ourselves?!

  1. Popular with me - here you can see the pictures that I typed greatest number views, that is, they are popular among guests who visit your page.
  2. I'm one of my favorite authors - here you can see who likes your work and who has added you to their friends.
  3. Favorite photo> - here you can admire all the photos that you have previously added to your favorites.
  4. Photos on the map - by selecting this menu item, we will see a map on which the marked photos will be located (more on this below).
  5. Photos of me are pictures that are marked that you are in them.
  6. Favorite authors

They will show you in your favorites last works those people whom you added as friends on Yandex.Photos. All their photos will be sorted by publication date, and you can view them either by author or by any of the feeds.

If you don’t like the work of a certain author, you can easily remove him from the “Favorite Authors” page.

Setting a marker on the map

We discussed above how to attach a photo to a place on the map. Now let's see how our images will look on the map. Click on the item "Photo on the map"(located under “Favorite Authors”, see screenshot above) on home page Yandex.Photo.

By clicking on any picture on the map, you will see a more accurate label on it.

If, for example, you notice that someone’s photo does not correspond to the mark on the map, or was taken in the wrong place, then you can help correct the error (maybe they will help you later). How to do it? Easily! Click on the “problem” photo and click on the message “This photo is located in the wrong place” that appears, after which you suggest a more correct location - click on the “Suggest binding” button.

To remove a photo from the map, go to edit it (see screenshot above). Select a photo on the map and click Remove this photo from the map.

Yandex.Photo settings

If you are not satisfied with your name on Yandex, or you want to set an avatar for yourself, then all this can be done in the settings of this photo hosting site, which, by the way, is free.

To get to the settings, you need to click on the gear at the very top.

Here you can configure much more:

  1. whether to notify you when photos are included in sections such as “Popular”, “New interesting photos” and “Photo of the day”
  2. should I notify you that you are someone's favorite author?
  3. whether to receive notifications that your images have been added to “Favorites”, that comments, tags, signatures, etc. have been added to them.
  4. indicate who has the right to comment on your pictures
  5. who can leave tags and signatures for your photos

You also have the right to prohibit the printing of your (copyright's) photographs and viewing the originals to anyone, and prohibit making corrections to the photo card. Well, here you can edit the list of favorite authors and the list of blocked users.

That seems to be all. Good luck conquering Yandex.Photo

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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As promised, I’m writing a post about how to use Yandex photos. The purpose of this particular post is to learn the best way receiving direct links to pictures in different sizes. As you remember, we need this to create a playlist.

In order to start using Yandex photos, you need to create an account on Yandex (most of you already have one. Because many of you registered on People, which is the same thing). You can read how to register (for those who still don’t have an account :-)).

Let's go to Yandex photos. Above - “Photos”:

Click "Upload photos:

" Terms of use service Yandex.Photos". It is better to read it carefully, and not immediately poke "I agree" :-))) There is a lot of useful information there. At one time, as a representative of the "fastest nation that reads in all possible languages", I quickly poked that I agree with everything.. Then it took me a long time to figure out that I’m not me and “the cow is not mine” :-)))
So let's read... :-) It is clear from the agreement that you can set certain settings for your albums. Some General settings It's better to ask right away. Poking, I agree. The photo upload window opens. But we won’t load anything for now, but go to “Settings” (in the right top corner under your nickname):

On the left side of the settings I don’t check any boxes, but on the right I do this:

It’s not at all necessary to put everything down like I did. But if you don’t plan, for example, to participate in Yandex competitions, then it’s better to check the box “Do not show my photos among the “fresh” and “best”. apply.. etc., etc.))) Also check the rest of the boxes at your own discretion. I put them because of an extremely negative experience.. It just annoys me when, for example, on a wonderful painting, someone puts their marks and signatures,” and then they send it all to me in the mail, which I have to sort through for hours (That’s why I I prefer to prohibit everything except “printing photos and displaying originals”))) i.e. in the first point on the right I don’t put a tick)))

In general, we looked through everything carefully, checked all the boxes and clicked the “Save” button:

Saved. It doesn’t take us anywhere, which is very unusual :-))) So we press the “My Photos” button ourselves:

The structure of Yandex photos is very convenient. You can create albums, they also contain albums, they already contain photos. For example, by creating an “ART” album, you can create albums within it based on the work of each artist. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about how everything will be sorted for you and then start creating albums and uploading photos. Of course, everything can be edited later and each photo can be transferred to a new album, but then the link to the picture will also change, and you will have to look for posts where you gave this link and change everything. Therefore, it is better to decide on the structure of your Yandex photos right away :-)
Those. create albums “wallpaper, clipart, animations, ART”...etc., and in them there are already albums “winter (wallpaper), nature (wallpaper), etc.”

For clarity, I will create an album “Clipart” and in it an album “Dogs”. Click “New Album” (you can do it another way, but I’ll describe one way, and you can experiment there yourself using the scientific method :-)):

In the window that opens, enter the album name, description, we can set a password, and click the “Add” button:

We are transferred to our albums, as you can see, a new album has been created, and we press the “New Album” button again:

We create the “Dogs” album in our just created “Clipart” album:

Albums have been created, click the "Upload photos" button:

The photo upload window will open. Click the "add photo" button (I usually use top button, but to whom it is more convenient):

In the window that opens, we find the folder with our photos on our computer and either select them all (if we plan to download them all), or press and hold Ctrl key Select the required photos individually and click the “open” button:

Our photos have opened, click the “Select all” button:

Now our photos are selected and windows have become active, where we can enter a title, tags and description. (title - I duplicate the name of the album, tags - like tags on LiRu). In general, we can do all this, or we can not :-):

Select the album into which the photos should be uploaded and click the “upload photo” button:

In the window that opens, select what we need (I, of course, choose “keep originals”):

The pictures are loaded, click “Go to view your albums”:

We'll stop here for now" general review" Yandex photos, and let’s talk exclusively about what we need for the playlist for this album. (I’ll write the rest of the “general” information in the next post)

So, select our album “Clipart”, in it - our album “Dogs”:

Click the "Get code" button:

A page with our album opened for us. Here we can select the codes of which pictures we need. Everyone, or just some specific ones. To get the code for all the pictures in the album, click “in the whole album”:

And to select some specific pictures, check the boxes next to these pictures:

Now look at the bottom of the page. We have a plate with codes. For the playlist we need direct links - i.e. this is the window:

For the album, we need three types of direct links (to an image of size 500-500, 100-100 and to the original).

A third of the work is done :-)
Now we need to get links to images 100-100 and to the original ones. To get a link to image 100-100, click here:

We repeat the procedure of copying links into notepad :-)

In the notepad we now have something like this:

Now we have all the types of links necessary for the playlist. We create a playlist using these links.

Well, a small nuance that will greatly simplify everything :-) Here I am posting all three links (500-500, 100-100, original) to one picture. As you can see, the links are almost identical and differ only in the endings (highlighted):

Accordingly, for a playlist you can take any one link, insert it into all 3 playlist items, and change the endings manually.

Let me clarify,
for the picture 100-100 is the end XS.jpg
500-500 - L.jpg
original - orig.jpg

Let's stop there for now :-)