Yandex disk for collaboration. How to open access to Yandex disk

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service owned by Yandex that allows users to store their data on servers in the cloud and transfer it to other users on the Internet. The advantages of using Yandex disk are obvious:

1) Everything you post on this service will be available from anywhere (where there is Internet) and from any device (laptop, tablet, smartphone);

2) Files and folders on Yandex disk can be easily transferred to another user;

3) Security of data storage. The risk of irretrievable loss of information if a hard drive/USB flash drive fails is very high. If you store files on a remote server, if the operating system is rearranged or the disk fails, your data will not disappear;

3) Cloud storage will add free space to your physical disk. In the future, cloud storage can be increased.

How to connect a Yandex drive to a network drive on Windows 7.

Using Yandex disk through a web page is quite inconvenient... you need to constantly visit the site, get used to the web interface, it is much easier to connect the Yandex disk to a network drive and use it just like a regular hard drive or flash drive. To do this, on Windows 7, go to Computer and find the button at the top " Connect a network drive", press it.

In the connection window in the " Folder"write down thatthere would be a check mark " Restore on login". Click the " button Ready".

The connection window will open.

After a few seconds, a window will appear asking you to enter your login and password, enter your login and password to connect to the Yandex disk.

You will have a Yandex disk network drive, now you can use it like a regular flash drive - delete, create files and folders.

How to connect a Yandex drive to a network drive on Windows 8/Windows 8.1

Connecting a Yandex network drive to a network drive on Windows 8/Windows 8.1 is not particularly different from Windows 7. But to avoid problems with creating a Yandex network drive, I will describe how to do this on this operating system.

The first thing you need to do is go to “This PC” in Windows 8.1, this can be done by right-clicking on “ Start" and select " Conductor"or use keyboard shortcut + . After that, on the top panel select "Computer" - "Map network drive".

Then in the field" Folder"enter Click the button "Ready".

Good day everyone! Today we are talking about a very convenient service that I have been using in my work for a long time - Yandex Disk. What kind of “beast” is this? - you might ask. I will talk about this in detail in the article below. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will figure it out and look for answers! In the meantime, let's get acquainted with one of the most convenient file storages from the developers of the popular Russian search engine Yandex.

1. Yandex Disk: what is it

Yandex.Disk is a popular cloud storage that allows users to store various information (photos, videos, audio, texts and other files) in the so-called “cloud”, i.e. on a server on the network. Data stored on Yandex.Disk can be shared with other users, as well as accessed from various devices - other computers, tablets and smartphones. The basic version of Yandex.Disk is completely free and available to everyone. I remember that in 2012, registration was by invitation only, and I used an alternative service - Dropbox. But now I have completely switched to Yandex Disk Cloud. After all, free, and even accessible from everywhere, 10 GB is never superfluous.

2. Yandex Disk: how to use - step-by-step instructions

So, I convinced you, and you decided to install Yandex Disk on your computer. Now let’s take a closer look at how to use Yandex Cloud (also called Yandex.Disk, since it is a cloud data storage).

2.1. How to create Yandex Disk (registration in Yandex Cloud)

In order to start using Yandex.Disk, you need register and create a mailbox from Yandex(if you already have one, go straight to the second point).

4. Installing Yandex.Disk on a smartphone. Free apps are available for iOS and Android, so you can easily download them from the App Store and Google Play. The application for iOS does not have a very high rating, there are some shortcomings, all of which can be seen in the reviews.

2.3. Yandex Disk: how much free space?

Immediately after registering and installing Yandex.Disk, you can access 10 free GB of space in the Cloud. This is quite enough for a start; it lasted me about six months. What to do if there is not enough space?

  • Additional free 10 GB for inviting friends. You can get 512 MB of free cloud space for each friend you invite. Go here - and you will see your referral link, which you need to copy and send to your friends. After each user registers using your link, you will receive additional disk space, and the invited friend will receive an additional 1 GB.

  • Additional up to 250 GB as a gift from Yandex partners. Various promotions are regularly held that will allow you to get additional gigabytes of free space. You can track current promotions on this page.

And of course, as you can expect from Yandex, additional space can be purchased. However, the pleasure does not come cheap:

If you need a lot of space in the Cloud, but don’t want to pay, you can create several mailboxes and create Yandex.Disk for each of them.

2.3. Login to Yandex Disk

Registration has been completed, the available space has been sorted out, the question arises - ?

You can view downloaded files in several ways:

1. Open the Yandex.Disk folder shortcut on the Desktop, if you did not delete it after installation.

2. Open Yandex.Disk in the My Computer folder.

3. Click on the Yandex.Disk icon in the taskbar, located in the far right corner of the screen.

4. Log in to your Yandex mail through any browser and at the top there will be a link to the Cloud:

6. Go to the Yandex main page while logged in to your email. In the upper right corner there will be a link to Yandex.Disk:

2.4. How to upload files to Yandex Disk - 7 easy ways

Let us now consider the most important point, because of which we took all these actions -. Again, there are several ways to do this:

1. Via context menu. Select the file that needs to be uploaded to the Cloud, right-click on it and select the item: “Yandex.Disk: Copy public link”:

2. Copy the file to the Yandex.Disk folder(I wrote above how to enter it). By default, this folder is synchronized automatically, so when you copy there, all files will be immediately added to your Disk.

3. Upload files via mobile app iOS or Android. I can consider this method in a separate article, if you leave such a wish in the comments.

4. Upload a file to the Cloud via browser. To do this, simply drag and drop the selected files into a browser window with Yandex.Disk open:

5. Copying other people's files. If someone shared with you a link to a file that is stored on Yandex.Disk, you can easily save it to your Cloud. To do this, you need to follow the sent link like*** and click on the “Save to Yandex.Disk” button on the right.

. You can upload photos from various social networks to Yandex Disk in almost one click. To do this, go to it through a browser, select “Photos from networks” in the left column and log in to the desired social network. At the time of writing, uploading photos from VK, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, FB, Mail and Google+ is relevant.

. If you install the browser extension, you will be able to save photos to your Yandex.Disk directly from the sites you visit and immediately share the link with friends.

They also often ask - how to upload a folder to Yandex Disk. The principle is the same as stated above in the files section. But there is one more additional benefit - the folder can be assigned to Shared access. This way, other users to whom you grant access rights will be able to view and download files in this folder, as well as upload their own files there.

How to upload a video to Yandex Disk?– is also a very popular question from Cloud users. This is due to the fact that video files are usually large, and many people worry that they simply won’t “fit” and cannot be stored there. This is not true, video files, just like photos, can be uploaded and stored on Yandex.Disk.

2.5. Yandex Disk: how to transfer files to another user

You can also remove access to the file by clicking the mouse and switching it to the OFF position.

If for some reason you need to remove Yandex.Disk from your computer, then you should do the same as with a regular application - use standard operating system tools.

Let's move on: Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features

In the window that appears, select Yandex.Disk (usually it is the last one in the list) and click the “Delete” button. The downloaded files will remain in your account; only the application will be deleted from your computer.

You can access your Disk from any device connected to the Internet. To do this, type in the address bar of your browser, enter your username and password on Yandex and click the Sign Out button. If you are a Vicorist or have previously used two-factor authentication for authorization needs, generated by the Yandex.Key program.

Yandex.Disk is only available to customers who have an account on Yandex. If you log in to Yandex and use your social media profile or phone number, change your account type to . For whom on the page press the message Create a login.

Porada. To get quick access to Yandex.Disk, add the Drive page to your bookmarks or make it your home page in your browser.

Note. If you have accessed the Internet from someone else’s device and do not want the browser to remember your login and password, select the Foreign computer option on the authorization page. The session will end as soon as you close the browser, or 2 years after you finish working with Disk.

I can't log into Disk

Go to another cloud account

If you have access to several cloud accounts on Yandex, you can navigate between them without entering your login and password:

You can choose a cloud record on Disk, Mail, Passport, and other Yandex services that support this capability. The selected account entry is important: with it you will be authorized on services, as long as there is no interruption.

You can add no more than 15 object records to the list. To select an account from the list, select it and follow the instructions Login. You know the current account in the list, and you will automatically switch to the current one.

To select a number of accounts from the list, go to the instructions Dodati koristuvacha, click on the icon at the top left corner and click on the right-hand icon under the account you want to receive.

Login from Disk

Open the cloud recording menu in the upper right corner of the screen and click the Login button.

If you forgot to sign out of Disk on someone else's device, open it at the block History of input and device press the message Sign in on all devices.

Respect. For further access to Yandex services, you will need to re-enter your login and password on your device.

How can I change my password or confirm the power supply?

To change your password on Yandex, open the cloud account menu in the upper right corner of the screen, press the button Account management and in the blog Passwords and authorization press message Change password.

On the page that opens, indicate your current password and two new ones to confirm the correctness of the entry. Enter the characters from the picture and click the Save button.

Respect. After changing your password, all sessions logged in with your login on other computers will be automatically completed.

You can change the power supply control or the confirmation to a new one on the page by clicking on the message control not powered at the block Passwords and authorization.

Enchant all files from Disk

In the Yandex.Disk program

    See all files and folders in the program window.

    Select from the context menu Make a copy on your computer.

The files will be downloaded to the system folder “Vantagion”.

These pages of Yandex.Disk

To access a number of files via a browser:

    See them.

    On the top panel click Entertain.

Files are attracted to the archive.

It is not possible to lock multiple folders - you can only lock folders one at a time. Alternatively, you can move all folders and files down to one folder and select it.

Move all files to another storage location

For help with a public message

    On the first account, move all files and folders to one folder.

    From another account, open this public message and press the button Save on Yandex.Disk.

For help with the sleeping folder

When working in a team, it is necessary to have reliable communications. As soon as we started working on falbar, this issue became very tough. After all, before appearing in the feed, each article goes through the stage of selection, development of demo and code, writing of the main article, editing and moderation. At each stage, it is necessary to exchange materials, transfer something for verification, and add something. Previously, we used the “file sharing” Skype, but the transfer speed of even small files is very low and the presence of a person on the other side of the monitor is required to press the confirmation button. To get away from the need to catch each other online, we switched to Documents from VKontakte - and the speed is good, and you can upload files at any time. Filled it up, attached it to a message and dropped it – they’ll pick it up at the other end at any moment. However, the social network did not please with its reliability and periodic failures associated with the inability to upload files to the server turned our attention to Yandex Disk.

We have been using mail since time immemorial; over time, it became possible to attach larger and larger files to messages, but downloading them is not always convenient, you have to archive them once again, but Disk turned out to be extremely useful.

To set up Yandex Disk for team work, you first need to create mail on Yandex, if you don’t already have one. Next, follow the link - Yandex Disk. You will immediately see an offer to download Yandex Disk to your computer, but more on that later, so close it and see a set of standard folders. I already have more of them.

So, we need to create a shared folder, for me it is called “Shared Documents” and is marked with an icon with people. To do this, click on the desired folder and at the bottom left of it we see a checkbox - check it! A menu appears on the right side of the panel.

Click on “share”. In the window that appears we see a list of our addresses. We choose the rights and invite. The specified recipients will see this folder in their Yandex Drive.

Now about the application. Yandex Disk can be installed on your computer and it will be visible as a regular folder, i.e. You won’t need to open a browser to work – we just copy the necessary files there and that’s it. One thing is, if you upload large volumes there, the folder grows greatly; in fact, it turns out that you store the same information twice on your hard drive (in the work folder and the Yandex Disk folder on the system drive by default).

For example, your friend uploaded 20 gigs of video to Yandex Disk - look here. You turn on the computer and are slightly perplexed: the Internet is slow, the system disk is colored red and requires more space - this is the result of Yandex Disk. After the system booted, it began synchronizing data between a folder on your computer and online storage. Actually, because of this, I abandoned the application, but I enjoy using the site. By the way, after deleting Yandex Disk, you will be asked a number of questions “why are you abandoning the application”, among them the first one is storing data on the hard drive. So it may be fixed in the future.

P.S.: There is also a mobile application, but in my opinion it is very, very spyware: all the photos taken by your phone will be automatically uploaded to Yandex Disk - sometimes it’s a shame, isn’t it?

Yandex.Disk is a popular cloud storage from a Russian provider. How you can use the service from different devices is in this article.

This method is versatile. You can access your files from any device and from anywhere - as long as you have access to the Internet and a browser to open the interface itself. So to use this method:

Application for macOS

If you own a Mac computer, you can use the official client of the cloud service. This method is somewhat more convenient than the previous one, since the Yandex.Disk folder is integrated into Finder and you can work with your files as if they were on your computer.

To download the client:

Note! You can also install the client for macOS using the Mac App Store.

Windows application

If you own a computer with Windows, then you can use the official client for this operating system.

Ready! You have successfully logged into Yandex.Disk. You can start working with your files.

Video - How to use Yandex.Disk storage