Here's how to write a message. How to write a message in World of Tanks (WoT)? Some rules for creating applications

Are there really not even napkin-paper tanks that existed only in plans?

So far we haven't found anything.

Sergey Borisovich, what do you personally think - are “walk-through” tanks a problem in World of Tanks or not?

No, this is not a problem with the game.

After introducing the expected HD graphics, will you introduce support for multi-core processors? After all, if not, then users with dual-core processors and low frequencies will not be able to play tanks.

World of Tanks has already implemented support for multi-core architectures, we have already talked about this many times.

Developers, will there be a difference in dynamics if in one case the tank stopped and drove off, and in another case it stopped for a moment, fired a shot and drove off?

No, there won't be any difference.

Why is there no Type 89 in the Japan branch? He would be ideal to start a branch of heavy tanks. And since this is Japan's first production tank, I would like to see it in the game.

We've saved it for now, but with the heavy tanks branch it's quite difficult, since there's a failure at the middle levels - there are no vehicles.

Recently, in a new patch for aircraft, a gorgeous map called the Eastern Front was introduced. Looks damn cool. Do you have any desire to make the same map for tanks?

There are differences in the maps for tanks and for aircraft. For example, on airplane maps they look coolest at long distances. Tank cards are for nearby ones. Based on this, direct borrowing is not possible. However, there will be cool maps in World of Tanks, but they will be somewhat different.

Sergey Borisovich, please tell me, are there currently among the active premium tanks candidates for repeating the fate of the forever deceased?

If there are such candidates, no one will say anything in advance.

Do guys from Minsk contribute to the creation of aircraft? Are there people who have gone completely from creating World of Tanks to creating airplanes?

The answer to both questions is “yes.”

Good evening. A question arose about the increased waiting time. It grew from thirty seconds to two minutes.

We are finding out the reasons, the issue will not be forgotten, we will sort it out.

Will the World of Tanks engine be changed to a more modern one?

What will come first - the Japanese or the new German tank destroyers?

High probability of getting Germans first. There will be sake later.

What about T18? It seems like they wanted to transfer him to the third level. When can we expect this, at 089?

I don't know, I don't know.

Dear developers, you recently said that 3.0 shaders, like in airplanes, will be introduced in World of Tanks. How will this innovation affect those players who play on calculators? Will you make shaders switchable and optimize the game for weak video cards and other components?

This is a rather punning question, but I’ll ask it anyway. It is known that if a shell penetrates a tank, there is a possibility of damaging the crew, since it (the crew occupies) a certain volume inside the tank. But since the Japanese are thinner, will this difference be taken into account?

This difference is very small and is not taken into account.

Was the map called "China Wall" created exclusively for the Chinese, or will all other players be able to fight on it too?

Someday they definitely will.

Is there any chance of seeing the Walker Bulldog M41 in World of Tanks?

Yes, there is a chance of seeing this car in the game.

If some premium tank's statistics drop, what do the developers do - shut it down or simply take it out of sale?

We hope, of course, within the limits of the possible.

Will the global game remain the prerogative of clans, or will even ordinary clanless players be able to take part in it?

At the moment we don’t have any good options, and the ones we have can become exploits for clans. As soon as we find a suitable option, we will inform you immediately.

Do the developers have an ideal value for the nations introduced into the game (including national teams, etc.)?

Yes, we have already talked about this. Eight nations is ideal.

Question about - will you redesign this program?

I can’t answer for sure, since we are not involved in this application.

In connection with the introduction of Japanese tanks, will the corresponding national voice acting in Japanese be added? I really want to listen.

This is quite likely.

At the moment, according to unofficial statistics, the victory percentage of tank 112 is very high. What do you think this is due to - its increased characteristics or simply the fact that players have not yet learned how to penetrate this machine? As, for example, the same thing happened with the Super Pershing, when almost everyone fired at its NLD.

We do not comment on unofficial information.

Will the feature with tokens on airplanes be extended until the release of the game?

We'll see a little later...

What percentage of players constantly lives on the official forum of the game? Do you have such information? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Approximately several hundred thousand, which is equal to one percent of all players.

Will World of Tanks carry out work to change the hangar? The same icons and other elements have not changed for three years.

Yes, we will change it.

At first, the developers nerfed the art due to the fact that there was a lot of it in random battles. Due to the nerf, the number of artefacts in the random pool decreased and a huge number of tank destroyers came out to hunt. It would be logical to assume that the next step of the developers would be to nerf the tank destroyer, and then nerf the TT.

We will not nerf tank destroyers. We will not limit the number of tank destroyers in battles.

Developers, maybe you will give players the opportunity to turn on the old statistics window for each player? So that everyone can decide what they like best.

We will not return old statistics.

Good evening developers. Two questions arose.

What do you think about the visual display of the camouflage net? It would be cool.

And the second question. If you visually display a heavy lining, then gameplay changes will be required in its operation, since the thickness of the tank’s armor increases in the place where it is installed. What do you think about this?

We have been thinking about visual display of the grid for a long time, but it is quite difficult to implement from a technical point of view.

But the lining is not an overlay, it is located inside, and therefore protects only from high-explosive shells.

After the World of Tanks 0.8.8 update, tanks on some maps began to glow with a dark, oily hue. Tell me, is this just a bug or a feature of the game?

This is simply a normal lighting effect.

Developers, is the imminent release due to the fact that competitors have already reached an agreement with Sony and are releasing their projects on this console?

We started negotiations with Microsoft two years ago, I think the answer is clear.

Do the developers have a list of equipment ready that will be introduced in?

And the second question - is the ninth level medium tank already ready, which will be included in the alternative, recently introduced branch of medium tanks of the USSR?

The list of equipment is ready.

ST USSR is not ready.

Will there be a feature to disable battle chat in the future? For example, so that you can turn off messages from allies or enemies.

No, such a feature is not planned.

Sergey Borisovich, please tell me which vehicle in World of Tanks has the most polygons?

And the second question - which tank did you have the most problems with when introducing it into the game?

As far as I remember - some kind of American ART-SAU.

We had the most problems with Object 704; we even had to go to Kubinka for measurements.

Many players already know that in the future you will introduce the ability to upgrade tank hulls. So, will this all be introduced at once or the same way as it happened with the reworking of maps for a new render - step by step?

Of course, in stages, since it is not possible to immediately, in one fell swoop, remake all the available equipment in the game.

Please tell me which levels are the most popular in World of Tanks? And do you set yourself the goal of making an even distribution of players across all levels?

Most tankers play at levels 5-6. This suits us quite well.

Why is it that if a tank catches fire, the crew does not urgently report this event, but prefers to list all the damage? It would be better if the fire was talked about first.

We will not change the order for the sake of checking whether there is a fire or not. Look at the damage panel.

Question about the fact that you removed the T-50-2. So you say that this tank played a completely different role in battle. In this case, it would be logical to remove the Churchill III, which also did not fight with tanks, but was used as an infantry support tank, which, as you may have noticed, we do not have in the game. Isn't it logical?

With the T-50-2 the situation was completely different, since this machine turned out to be completely different from itself.

Is it true that the appearance of the game will be transformed in the future to make it more beautiful?

Yes, we are preparing an improved version, but there will be no announcement yet.

Will more detailed models of destroyed tanks be introduced, with all game events in battle preserved? Let me explain. For example, on a T-34 I was hit ten times in the forehead, but after the tank was destroyed, its destroyed frame was static, that is, without traces of the battle that had just taken place. Will this be fixed?

Models of destroyed tanks will be more diverse, but I cannot guarantee that penetrations will be preserved, since this is quite difficult to implement technically.

That's all for me, tankers, see you when the developers have enough answers for the next release.

Happy fighting!

Communication is one of the main components of any online game. Millions of users fight in World of Tanks, and often during a battle you need to tell your allies some information, ask them for help, or simply ask a question. For these purposes, the game client provides a special game chat, but in addition to it, any owner of a game account in the “World of Tanks” can write messages in the topics of the official forum of the game, as well as communicate in a private conversation with another player in the “hangar”. How to write a message in World of Tanks to another player or team?

So, as you understand, any player has three ways of text communication with other users. To write a message in the game's in-game chat, after the countdown begins or during a battle, press the Enter button on the keyboard and start typing the text of the message. To send the message, press Enter again.

If you want the enemy team to see your message in addition to your allies, then click the “TAB” button: “Everyone” will appear to the left of the text input window.

To negotiate within a platoon, double-click TAB until “Platoon” appears.

How to write a message in WoT in a private channel? After logging into the client, you can communicate with any World of Tanks player. Would you like to start a correspondence with a friend? Click the first icon below, click on your friend’s nickname with the left mouse button and select “Create a private channel” in the context menu.

In the new window, enter the text and confirm sending the message with the Enter button.

If you want to write a message to a player who is not in the contact list, use the contact search in the same menu and create a private channel.

In addition, you can communicate with players on the World of Tanks forum, which is available at Open the forum address in your browser and click the “Login” button at the top. On the new page, enter the data from your game account: mailbox and password for World of Tanks. After logging in, select a topic and write your question or message to forum users in the quick reply window.

Remember that in the game chat and private channel there is no particular punishment for obscene language, but it is severely punished on the game forum. As a result, observe moral standards and principles, do not insult players, both on the forum and in battle. No one knows who is on the other side of the screen - an adult, a schoolchild, a student or a child. Have a good fight and have a nice conversation!

All requests received by the User Support Center are divided into categories depending on the problem encountered by the user. Let's take a brief look at how a person who contacts technical support should behave, depending on the reason.

1. Lost control over the game account

One of the most painful problems. Therefore, let's start with it.
As a rule, loss of control over an account involves hacking of the user's email. In this case, immediately contact technical support of the mail service you are registered with. Restoring control over mail is a vital thing in this case.

At the same time, you need to submit an application to the World of Tanks Project User Support Center. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for filing requests regarding unauthorized access to your account in the knowledge base. Please note that authorization is not required to submit a claim for loss of account control. You are only required to fill out the application form completely. After this, be patient and wait for the specialist’s response. Due to the complexity of the problem, applications in this category are considered within two weeks from the date of submission.

2. You made a payment, but the gold was not credited to your game account

If you deposited money through a payment terminal, then first of all you need to contact the organization that services it. You can find the phone number of this organization on the check that the terminal gave you.

Applications for payments made by other methods are submitted through the form on the World of Tanks project technical support website. You will need to log in, fill out the form and wait for a response from a specialist. You will probably be asked to provide payment information - provide it. The application review period is two days from the date of submission.
You can get additional information on financial issues in this topic.

3. You feel like there's something wrong with your gaming property.

This category includes problems related to the premium account, game gold, credits, experience, equipment, tanks, etc.
Before writing an application, we strongly recommend that you read this article. She can help you figure out for yourself what happened and, importantly, whether it happened at all. If you have read this material, but are still sure that something is wrong with your property, then write to support. The application is reviewed within two days from the date of submission.

4. You are having technical problems

Once logged in to the site, fill out the application form. This should be done in as much detail as possible, but avoiding obviously unnecessary details. If you have captured the problem in a screenshot, you can attach this screenshot to the application.
To help understand the situation, technical support may request you to provide a file called DxDiag. This file includes information about your computer, operating system, drivers, etc.

Attention! The DxDiag file does not collect any personal information and is needed by specialists only to find out which solutions to the problem will be optimal in your case. Instructions for obtaining the DxDiag file are located.

5. The rules of the game were violated against you, or you were a violator and want to appeal the punishment imposed by the project administration

We would like to warn you right away: the support service does not consider requests related to causing damage or destroying allies (team damage and team kill). An automatic system monitors this type of violation. Please note that restrictions imposed on your account by the automatic system cannot be appealed and applications for them will not be considered.

You can read the full list of actions prohibited for World of Tanks players in this topic on the game’s official forum.

An application for a violation of the rules or an appeal against a punishment can only be submitted in the first person. Thus, messages that the rules were violated in relation to your friend and your friend is asking to appeal the punishment will not be considered.

In addition, applications regarding conflicts within clans will not be considered. These are internal affairs in which the administration does not interfere in principle.
The period for consideration of an application for violation of the rules is two days. Applications for appeal are considered on an individual basis, the processing time depends on the complexity of the situation.
A complaint about a violation of the rules can be filed within seven days from the date of violation. Complaints about earlier events will not be considered.
6. Do you have general questions regarding the World of Tanks project?

Before asking support questions, we recommend reading the gaming forum. It is quite possible that the answer to your question has already been given in one of the topics.

If you did submit your application, it will be reviewed within two days.

Remember one more important rule. If you write support requests of the same type, each new request will be merged with the old one, and the review period will be counted from the moment the last one is submitted. Thus, by showing impatience you will only delay the process of solving the problem.

We wish you good luck on the virtual battlefields and a speedy resolution of all emerging difficulties!

Any game has problems, and it’s especially disappointing when they arise in such a popular and beloved strategy game as World of Tanks. Some of them can be solved on your own, but sometimes there is no other option but to contact the User Support Center. You can write to them around the clock - support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You need to write to technical support here

What problems most often arise?

Before you write anything, you need to determine what problems you have. All requests and messages received by technical support are initially processed according to urgency and complexity. Those that require an immediate solution are received by specialists within a few hours. If the issue is not urgent and the user can solve it independently without support, the answer may arrive within two weeks.

As a rule, all users experience difficulties of a similar nature. This:

  1. The user cannot log into the account because control over it has been completely lost.
  2. Payment failed. The payment was made, all payment confirmations are available, but the gold did not appear in the game.
  3. It seems to the player that something is wrong with his property - gold disappears, equipment changes, tanks disappear somewhere.
  4. Technical issues – the game stops launching or crashes at the most inopportune moment.
  5. When a player breaks the rules of the game, he receives a punishment, but wants to appeal it.
  6. Difficulties that arose due to the fault of other players.
  7. I would like to ask...

World of Tanks account won't start

Losing control over your account is the most common problem. It is most likely connected with the loss of control over mail. This could happen if your mailbox was hacked. Therefore, to solve this problem, you should:

  1. Restore mail.
  2. Change the password for your mailbox so that cases of your “soap” being stolen do not happen again.
  3. Change the password for your account in the simulator. The account should be linked to a mobile phone, then it will be much easier to restore your rights over the account.

In parallel with these actions, be sure to submit a request to the User Support Center, describing in detail what happened. To apply for loss of control over your account, you do not need authorization, you just need to fill out the application form. This problem is not urgent, so expect a response within two weeks.

Akhtung: gold is missing!

The next problem is also not uncommon. You made a payment, but the gold never arrived. Where could it have gone, and what should I do? First, check to see if 24 hours have passed since payment. Sometimes it takes a day for gold to be credited to your account.

If much more time has passed, then you need to notify the Support Center. It’s great if you have saved the receipt (when paying through the terminal), then you can contact the service organization and find out why the payment did not go through.

If the payment has gone through, but the gold has not been received into your account, you need to contact technical support. To do this, open the “financial issues” section, find “Failed payments” and fill in all the fields. After submitting the application, the issue should be resolved within two days.

World of Tanks game frame

What to do if tanks and experience disappear

If it seems to you that something happens to your tanks, experience, equipment or other game property, it disappears somewhere, or someone steals it, then you need to:

  1. Make sure that this is really so, and not what you think.
  2. Contact technical assistance.

Explain in detail why you have suspicions; it is advisable to have evidence of the loss on screenshots. The complaint will be considered within two days.

The game crashes, won't load, doesn't work

All of these issues are technical issues and should be addressed by submitting an application. Fill out the form by logging into the site. It’s great if you managed to take a screenshot or fix the problems in some other way. In any case, they should be described in detail.

To check whether the problem is really in the game and not in your computer, you need to check the drivers, operating system, and Internet connection. This information may also be required for the User Support Center. A special utility called WGCheck will help you get the necessary information.

Problems - write to the Technical Assistance Center

You are punished!

If you broke the rules of the game and were punished, most likely there will be no point in appealing the punishment. Any player must follow the rules and be prepared to take repressive action if they are violated.

If you were injured because another player violated the game, and you want to rehabilitate yourself, it makes sense to apply. The administration does not fundamentally consider problems that arise between users belonging to the same clan.

Important: if your complaint is described in the “Complain” section, the penalty will not be removed.

If your complaint is not described in the complaints section, then you can write about it within a week from the moment it arose.

These requests are considered indefinitely, since an individual approach is applied to each issue.

I would like to ask

Cases when a user just wants to ask something are not uncommon, but it is not always worth writing to technical support. First of all, use the forum, perhaps the answer lies on the surface. If working on the forum does not bear fruit, contact support. But remember that the answer will not come quickly.

Important: Do not write to technical support about the same issue several times. All requests are considered in turn, and identical questions from one person are combined into one, with the date of the last request assigned to him. This will send your question back to the very end of the queue.

The letter does not reach the post office

If you write by email [email protected], and in response you receive a message that the letter was not delivered, and all replies sent directly from your mailbox will be lost, which means you should write from another mailbox until the issue is resolved. But it’s better not to use mail, but to fill out an application on the service.