Word stretch last line of paragraph. All the ways to remove the gap between words in Word

Large spaces between words in MS Word are a fairly common problem. There are several reasons why they occur, but they all boil down to incorrect text formatting or incorrect spelling.

On the one hand, it’s quite difficult to call too large spaces between words a problem; on the other hand, it hurts the eyes, and it simply doesn’t look nice, both when printed on a sheet of paper and in the program window. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of large spaces in Word.

Depending on the cause large indents Between owls, options for getting rid of them differ. About each of them in order.

This is probably the most common cause of too large spaces.

If your document is set to align text to the width of the page, the first and last letters each line will be on one vertical line. If there are few words in the last line of a paragraph, they are stretched to fill the width of the page. The distance between words in this case becomes quite large.

So, if this formatting (to fit the width of the page) is not necessary for your document, it needs to be removed. Simply align the text to the left by doing the following:

1. Select all the text or fragment whose formatting can be changed (use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+A” or button "Select all" in Group "Editing" on the control panel).

2. In a group "Paragraph" click “Align Left” or use the keys “Ctrl+L”.

3. The text will be aligned to the left, large spaces will disappear.

Using tabs instead of regular spaces

Another reason is tabs placed between words instead of spaces. IN in this case large indents occur not only in the last lines of paragraphs, but also in any other place in the text. To see if this is your case, do the following:

1. Select all the text and in the control panel in the group "Paragraph" Click the display non-printable characters button.

2. If in the text between the words, in addition to barely noticeable dots, there are also arrows, remove them. If the words are written together after this, put one space between them.

Advice: Remember that one dot between words and/or characters means there is only one space. This can be useful when checking any text, since there should not be any extra spaces.

4. If the text is large or there are simply a lot of tabs, you can remove all of them at once by performing a replacement.

Symbol “End of line”

Sometimes placing text across the width of the page is prerequisite, and in this case you simply cannot change the formatting. In such text, the last line of a paragraph may be stretched due to the fact that there is a symbol at the end of it “End of Paragraph”. To see it, you need to enable the display of non-printing characters by clicking on the corresponding button in the group "Paragraph".

The end of paragraph mark appears as a curved arrow, which can and should be removed. To do this, simply place the cursor at the end of the last line of the paragraph and press the key "Delete".

Extra spaces

This is the most obvious and most common reason for large gaps in the text. They are large in this case only because in some places there are more than one of them - two, three, several, this is not so important. This is a writing error, and in most cases Word emphasizes such spaces with a blue wavy line (however, if there are not two, but three or more spaces, the program no longer emphasizes them).

Note: Most often, you encounter extra spaces in texts copied or downloaded from the Internet. This often happens when copying and pasting text from one document to another.

In this case, after turning on the display of non-printable characters, in places where there are large spaces, you will see more than one black dot between words. If the text is small, you can easily remove extra spaces between words manually, however, if there are a lot of them, this can take a long time. We recommend using a method similar to removing tabs—search and then replace.

1. Select the text or fragment of text in which you found extra spaces.

2. In a group "Editing"(tab "Home") press the button "Replace".

3. In line "Find" put two spaces in the line "Replace"- one.

4. Click “Replace all”.

5. A window will appear in front of you with a notification about how many replacements the program has made. If there are more than two spaces between some owls, repeat this operation until you see the following dialog box:

Advice: If necessary, the number of spaces in the line "Find" can be increased.

6. Extra spaces will be deleted.


If your document allows (but has not yet installed) word wrapping, then you can reduce the spaces between words in Word as follows:

1. Select all text by pressing “Ctrl+A”.

2. Go to the tab "Layout" and in the group "Page settings" select item “Hyphenation”.

3. Set the parameter “Auto”.

4. Hyphens will appear at the end of lines, and large spaces between words will disappear.

That's all, now you know about all the reasons for the appearance of large indents, which means you can independently make the space smaller in Word. This will help give your text a proper, readable appearance that won't distract attention. long distance between some words. We wish you productive work and effective learning.

At the same time, the text formatting was set to “width”. That is, Word should have automatically filled in empty place, slightly stretching the text in this line.

But that did not happen. Apparently the text was not long enough to perform such a maneuver.

I spent about half an hour trying to find a way out of this situation. Tried it different ways and methods.

It was possible, of course, to stretch the text manually by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE after each word, but it also turned out ugly.

In the end, I started asking Uncle Google. He threw out a lot of pages unnecessary information. However, it is also necessary. However, I have already tried almost all the methods of stretching text described by the masters of working with Word. What else could be done to resolve the problem - Google could not suggest.

This morning I was preparing for an unprecedented battle with Vord. I intended to go through the entire manual. Microsoft user Word, go through some more Google times, Yandex, Bing, other search engines, and if all else fails, call Billy Gates.

After all, my patience is not limitless. And it cannot be that Ward does not have a solution to this problem. This is the 21st century! Just a couple more years and Word will be able to walking your dog yourself write down your thoughts!

But as soon as I sat down at the computer, I found a solution! Literally in a few minutes and I was very surprised why this didn’t occur to me right away. It was a shame that I wouldn’t have to call Bill Gates.

In general, I’m sharing the method. Maybe it will be useful to someone.

You need to select the text, right-click and select a font.

Then select the interval - sparse

True, this method has a small disadvantage. The font of the text you highlighted appears slightly different from the rest of the text. This is somewhat glaring.

If you are not critical, then this method is completely justified. And if you don’t want the text font to be different, then you can’t do without the treasured key combination CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR (this is provided that Word refuses to stretch the text automatically when you move a number to another line).

We learned how to create tables different ways. In this case, let's look at options for editing them, that is, modifying them - reducing or increasing the size of the table itself, rows or columns.

Resize table

Most often, tables with a small number of cells are not proportionally placed on the sheet. You can select the entire table and choose one of the alignment options (left, center, right), but this will only change its location on the sheet. To stretch or enlarge the entire table in Word you need to:

1. Move the mouse pointer to the border of the lower right cell. In this case, the pointer will change from a regular white arrow to a straight line with two arrows at its ends.

2. Next, click left button mouse and without releasing it. The mouse cursor will change again and will now appear as a black cross. As you will also notice, the table will automatically be highlighted.

3. Then move the mouse cursor down.

4. Your table column and row widths will change automatically.

Change columns in a table

After creating the table, in text editor Microsoft Word, all columns have the same width. You can change the width of individual columns manually or allow the system to automatically change the width of each column, depending on its content.

Each individual column can be changed (expanded or narrowed). To do this, just move the mouse cursor to the edge of the column being changed, and it will automatically take the form of two parallel lines with arrows. Hold down the right mouse button on the column border and move it to the right or left.

Column sizes can also be adjusted using the right column border on the ruler.

For more convenient use Use the ruler to press the button Alt" - then the widths of each column will be displayed on the ruler.

Change rows in a table

Rows in a table can be changed in the same way as changing columns: by dragging the edges of the row (only now you need the top or bottom border of the cell) or using the ruler (it's located on the left side of the screen).
There is also another way to change the row height.

1. Click on any cell in the table right click mice. In the appeared context menu select " Table Properties».

When you open a new workbook, all cells in it are of the default size. You have the ability to modify cells, insert and delete columns, rows and cells if necessary.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to change row heights and column widths, insert and delete rows and columns, wrap text in a cell, and merge cells.

Working with Rows, Columns, and Cells

By default, every row and every column of a new workbook has the same height And width. Excel allows you to change column widths and row heights in a variety of ways.

To change the column width:

If you see (#######) characters in a cell, the column is not wide enough to display the contents of the cell. Simply increase the column width to display the cell's contents.

To set an exact column width:

Select AutoFit Column Width from the Format command's drop-down list, and Excel will automatically adjust the width of each selected column to match the text you enter.

To change the line height:

To set the exact line height value:

Select AutoFit Row Height from the Format command's drop-down list, and Excel will automatically adjust the height of each selected row to match the text you enter.

To insert rows:

When you insert new rows, columns, or cells, you may see a button next to the inserted cells Paste options. This button allows you to choose how Excel should format them. By default, Excel formats inserted rows or columns the same as the cells in the row above the inserted one. To access more options, hover over the Paste Options button and click the drop-down arrow.

To insert columns:

By default, Excel formats inserted columns the same as the columns to the left of them. To access more options, hover over the Paste Options button and click the drop-down arrow.

When you insert rows or columns, be sure to select the row or column by clicking on the header, that is, all its cells are selected. If you select only a cell, then only one new cell will be inserted.

To remove rows:

To remove columns:

Wrapping text and merging cells

If a cell contains more text than can be displayed, you can select the Wrap text in cell option or merge the cell with its empty neighbors. Wrap text causes text to appear in a cell in multiple lines. Merge cells connects adjacent cells into one.

To install Text Wrap:

If you change your mind about wrapping text, simply click the Wrap Text command button again.

To merge cells using the Merge and Center command:

If you change your mind about merging cells, simply click on the Merge and Place in Center command again.

To access the merge options:

Click the drop-down arrow next to the “Merge and Center” command on the Home tab. A drop-down menu will appear.

  • Merge and place in the center: Merges the selected cells and places the text in the center.
  • Merge by lines: Merges each row of selected cells into larger cells. This command is useful when you combine the contents of many cells in rows but don't want to create one large cell.
  • Merge cells: Merges selected cells into one.
  • Unmerge cells: Undoes merging of selected cells.


  1. Open an existing Excel 2010 workbook.
  2. Resize the column.
  3. Change the line size to 46 pixels.
  4. Insert a column between columns A and B.
  5. Insert a line between lines 3 and 4.
  6. Delete a column or row.
  7. Try merging multiple cells.

If, while using the Word program, you encounter a problem such as long gaps between words, then this article will help you eliminate these inconveniences. In it we will talk not only about how to remove the gap between words in Word version 10, but also about the reasons for the appearance of such artifacts. We will analyze their nature in detail and indicate three ways to solve them. By the way, the methods below should work on other versions of the program, but perhaps with some nuances.


The first reason, and also the most common among users, is incorrect width alignment. Now we will analyze everything in detail and demonstrate how to remove the gap between words in Word in this case.

First let's talk about the nature of emergence. Large spaces may appear because the program does not display the contents of the document correctly. That is, the problem is in formatting. However, it is worth noting that the formatting problem directly depends on the user himself. But don’t be afraid, this nuance can be easily corrected. And there are two ways to solve it.

The first method may not work for everyone, but if you don't need the text to be justified, then align it to the left. This should fix the problem. But still this method doesn't always work. If it doesn’t work for you, then pay attention to the method below.

The second method is to manually replace large spaces with short ones. It's easy to do. You need to highlight the large space and press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR. This combination creates a short space.

"End of line"

So, we learned the first way to remove the gap between words in Word, and also found out the first reason - incorrect width alignment. But if this is not the reason, then the above method is unlikely to help you. Then perhaps your problem is related to the non-printing End of Line character. Let's figure out what to do in this case.

This same "End of Line" sign appears when you press SHIFT+ENTER. In this case, the program does not make a paragraph, but switches to another line, stretching the previous one across the entire width. Because of this, long gaps appear.

To fix this “problem”, you must initially enable the display of invisible characters. This is done by pressing the corresponding button in the program. You can see its location in the image below.

Turn on display, all invisible characters will appear in your text. We are only interested in one thing - a curved arrow pointing to the left (the same as on ENTER key). Now you need to remove it. Once you do this, the text will become normal.

So we figured out how to remove the gap between words in Word if you need text in width.

Non-printing Tab character

The problem may also lie in another non-printing character - the "Tab". This character is entered when you press the TAB key. Let's figure out how to remove the gap between words in Word when faced with this problem.

Just like last time, you will need to enable the display of invisible characters. Just now pay attention to the arrow symbol pointing to the right - this is the tab sign. This time you don't need to delete it, but replace it with a regular space. To do this, highlight the character and press SPACEBAR. By performing these manipulations with all tab characters, you will fix the problem.

This was the last reason and last method, how to remove large spaces between words in Word. But what if there are a lot of these symbols throughout the text? After all, few people want to remove them all manually. Now let's talk about this.

Quickly replace gaps between words

Everyone probably knows about the function in the Word program called “Replace”. This is what we will use. First, open its window. This is done on top panel or by pressing CTRL+H. The window we need will appear in front of you with two fields for entering text: “Find” and “Replace”. As you might guess, you need to place a tab character in the “Find” field. To do this, turn on the display of invisible characters in Word and copy the tab character and paste them into the “Find” field. And in the second field, enter a simple SPACE.

Once you have made all the preparations, feel free to click “Replace All”. After this, all unnecessary characters in the document will be replaced, and you will no longer see a large space between words.

The article presented all the ways to remove the gap between words in Word. However, they are not interconnected in any way, so if you decide to fix this problem, use all three methods, one of them will help in any way.

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